06-18-2010 Navy Shoreline

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VOL. 11 NO. 9 June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Fourth of July, the all-American holiday Navy style By Eric Sesit NWS Public Affairs

U.S. Navy photo

After a delicious meal of burgers and hot dogs, what better way to work off those calories than to engage in a sumo-wrestling match. Burgers, hot dogs, lemonade, home-made ice cream, and a cool dip on a hot summer day. Follow it up with watermelon and a spectacular fireworks show and you have the makings for an all-American Fourth of July.

As in years past, Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Charleston will hold its annual Freedom Fest, July 2nd at Marrington Plantation onboard NWS Charleston, just off of Red Bank Road. What orginally began as a simple July 4th picnic many years ago, has morphed into one of the best celebrations in the area. According to MWR spokesman David Holt, this year’s Freedom Fest has something for everyone. “Besides the traditional Fourth of July foods, we’ll have exciting games and activities for the entire family. “In addition to the inflatable jump castles and slides, we’ll have sumo suit wrestling, jousting tournaments and, new for this year, is the hot air balloon rides.” The balloon rides will be available depending on weather conditions. Riders can expect to board the gondola and be lifted about 30 - 50 feet above the ground. “The balloon will be tethered to the ground, so you won’t float off and miss the fireworks show,” Holt said. The highlight of any Fourth of July celebration is the fireworks and this year will be no exception with the fireworks display beginning at approximately 9:00 p.m. There is plenty of free parking inside the plantation and the gates open at 5:00 p.m. Admission is free and attendees should bring their lawn chairs and blankets as well as some insect repellent. If you miss the fireworks at Marrington Plantation, you can still enjoy all the upcoming holiday weekend has to offer by heading over to Short Stay, the Navy’s Recreational facility on Lake Moultrie. Although it’s a good bet that the campground and cabins will be full, you and your family can enjoy an evening of Karaoke July 2 from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. On

U.S. Navy photo

Bring the entire family for one of the best shows in town, Freedom Fest, July 2 at Marringon Plantation. Saturday, July 3, there will be a street dance from 7:00 11:00 p.m. as well as a fireworks display at approximately 9:00 p.m. And on Sunday, there will be a free showing of Alice in Wonderland beginning at dark. There is an admission fee to enter Short Stay: $1.00 per person, 50 cents for children six - 13, and free for kids five and younger.


Next issue street date

Friday, July 9

Submission deadline

Friday, July 2

New firearms policy See page 6

Joint Chief visits SPAWAR See page 8

Eye on Security See page 12

Page 2

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Naval Weapons Station Charleston

Mission To enable warfighter readiness by providing Installation management and Infrastructure support to all Low Country Warriors and their families.

Keeping Low Country Warriors On Course

Commanding Officer CDR Gary D. Martin Acting Executive Officer LT Steve Janicki Command Master Chief CMDCM (SW/SS) Billy Cady

About the Shoreline The Navy Charleston Shoreline is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content and any supplement is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of NWS Charleston. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, NWS Charleston or Diggle Publishing Company, of the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in the Navy Charleston Shoreline shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

Deadlines Deadline for all routine copy is close of business the Friday before publication. The Shoreline reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

Editorial Content Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Navy Charleston Shoreline can be reached at (843) 764-4094 or by fax at (843) 7647307 or write the Navy Charleston Shoreline, 2316 Red Bank Road, Bldg. 84, Goose Creek, SC 29445 or email: eric.sesit.ctr@navy.mil. All news releases should be sent to this address.

Public Affairs Officer Scott Bassett Assistant Public Affairs Officer MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson Shoreline Editor Eric Sesit

Publisher The Navy Charleston Shoreline is published and distributed by Diggle Publishing Company, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy and under exclusive written contract with the U.S. Navy. Diggle Publishing Company’s mailing address is P.O. Box 2016, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464. Estimated readership is over 10,000.

Advertising Advertisements are solicited by the publisher and inquiries regarding advertisements should be sent to: Diggle Publishing Company Tel: (843) 972-2356 • Fax: (843)856-0358 Email: Chuck@CharlestonMilitary.com Classified ads may be placed and the current issue may be viewed online by visiting www.CharlestonMilitary.com

What’s the rush? Every morning it’s as if the Daytona speedway has come to Goose Creek. I’m always amazed at how fast some people will drive in order to get to work on time. I’m not naïve enough to believe it’s because so many of you actually enjoy coming to work every morning. I can understand the rush to get out of Dodge at the end of the day, but 7:00 a.m. is no time to run the Indy 500. Actually, I’m surprised we don’t have more accidents around here than we do. A few hotspots I have noticed that cause trouble are the merge from two lanes to one on Redbank Rd. The folks in the left lane hang tight, barely keeping enough room between bumpers to slide a piece of paper through in order to not let the folks in the right lane merge. And the folks in the right lane, well they have two choices; slow down and merge left

when the coast is clear, or stomp on the gas and try to beat everyone off the light to get ahead of them. And unless your driving a Porsche, like someone I know who works here, you’re not going to beat the line of cars already in the left lane. This is an accident waiting to happen. One of the nice things about living in this area is that people are considerate of other drivers…when they want to be. Use a little patience and allow people to merge when they need to. Another hot spot is the entrance to the base at the end of Redbank Road. The object of the gate is to provide security. It is not a pit stop where you can drive up at 50 miles per hour and slam on breaks, scaring the bejeebies out of the Security force on duty. In order to curb speeders at the gate, we’ve installed two signals that tell you exactly how fast you are going as you approach the gate. The speed limit is 15 miles per hour. I know that seems slow, but the gates are busy with construction traffic, turnarounds, routine deliveries and people just trying to get to work. We will be monitoring these areas closely. Be warned. Slow down! We are well into summer now in case you haven’t noticed the sweat rolling off your brow. It’s hot and it’s humid and it is only going to get hotter during the next few months. Not everyone is fortunate enough to work in an air conditioned building

all day, and some of us have to be out in the heat. A typical Lowcountry weather forecast that you will hear from now until September is hazy, hot and humid with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms. I’m not going to offer my opinions on global warming, but I will offer this piece of advice. Take it easy! Drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest and watch your coworkers for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. If you’re new to this area, take time to get acclimated to the heat before going out and running five miles. Exercise in the mornings or late evenings when it’s cooler and start off slow. Listen to your body. If you don’t, you’ll probably end up in the emergency room with an IV drip in your arm to get you rehydrated. One final thought: Bravo Zulu to everyone who did not go out drinking and driving during the first two weeks of the 101 Deadly Days of Summer. NWS had zero alcohol related incidents. There will always be people out there who think they can beat the system. To them I say you are endangering yourselves and your families as well as every other person on the road with you. You will get caught, probably sooner than later. Don’t be a statistic and please, don’t make me or anyone else one. Take Care, CDR Gary Martin

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 3

You’re not alone — suicide prevention awareness The overwhelming sensation of being trapped with no way out, hopelessness and depression may consume a Sailor’s life. These emotions may trigger anger, bitter suppressed thoughts, excessive use of alcohol and can even cause people to distance themselves from loved ones, friends, companions and even work. These are just a few warnings signs to look for... a red flashing light that may be that person’s last. Naval Weapons Station Charleston continually reaches out a helping hand making it known to young Sailors that during times of need, someone is there to help. “Suicide prevention is everybody’s responsibility. Suicide doesn’t discriminate and it affects people of any age, rank, race, or gender,” said Becky Bowers, Fleet and Family Support Center, life skills coordinator. “When a person takes their own life, everybody suffers—family members, command, friends, and the community.” According to Navy Personnel Command, 13 active-duty personnel and three reserve personnel have committed suicide since January 2010, four active-duty members in May alone. Navy statistics shows little change in suicides from 2001 to 2009. However, numbers show that in 2009, 46 Sailors took their own life as compared to 2005 when there were 37. Although the Navy’s suicide death toll pales in comparison to the 33,300 suicides (Center for Disease Control) committed nationally, suicide prevention and awareness is even more important as service members face long and stressful deployments. If a shipmate is showing signs of depression or suicide, reach out to them. Let them know that someone cares and inform them that there is help available—ACT (Ask, Care, and Treat). There are many avenues to get Sailors the help they need: command Chaplains, Fleet and Family Support Center counselors, corpsmen and the suicide hotline. “Every threat of suicide or actual suicidal ideation is taken seriously. Anyone who encounters someone contemplating suicide has a great deal of resources at their disposal to assist them in providing the appropriate level of care,” said Chief Religious Program Specialist Stephen Walz.

By MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson NWS Public Affairs “People are our most important asset. It’s crucial for everyone in the chain of command to take time, not only to educate them, but to respond to individuals who may be ready to take their own lives,” Walz continued. The key to success in suicide prevention is to be proactive and educate all-hands. Recognize the warning signs, understand the risks involved, know what resources are available to help a troubled person and never ignore any threats that indicate suicide. “We have all seen the Navy training videos on suicide and most people forget the information as soon as the video stops,” said NWS Charleston Executive Officer Lt. Steven Janicki. “With an issue so important everyone needs to remember that they can be the last line of defense in the battle to save someone’s life, they just need to speak up.” Myth: “Getting help will make me to lose my clearance.” Truth: Less than 2% of revoked or denied clearances are for psychological problems. In the vast majority of situations, getting counseling or treatment is an indicator of the good reliability and judgment required for clearances. Failure to seek help and allowing problems to get worse and start to impact performance, conduct and finances, is more likely to lead to clearance loss. With changes in April 2008, marital, family, or grief counseling (not related to violence by the applicant and unless the treatment was court-ordered) and any counseling for post-combat deployment concerns are not required to be reported on the security clearance form SF 86. While other counseling or psychological treatment is reported by the applicant on the SF 86 form and leads to an extra step in the clearance process, this very rarely results in denial or revocation of clearance. Myth: “Sailors who talk about suicide won’t really do it.” Truth: Almost everyone who commits or attempts suicide has given some clue or warning. Do not ignore suicide threats. Statements like “you’ll be sorry when I’m dead,” “I

can’t see any way out,” — no matter how casually or jokingly said may indicate serious suicidal feelings.

New systems make military moves more efficient and user friendly By Donna Miles, American Forces Press Service With the busiest season for permanent-change-of-station moves under way, officials at U.S. Transportation Command are encouraging servicemembers to take advantage of new systems designed to make the process more convenient and efficient. Transcom launched the new Personally Procured Move, or PPM system to better compensate servicemembers who personally move their household goods on military orders, said Dolly Davidson, a change management outreach specialist at Transcom. PPM replaced the “Do It Yourself,” or DITY, move system. Under PPM, servicemembers can receive up to 95 percent of what it would cost the government to move their goods using a commercial carrier. They can hire a commercial mover if they choose, move some or all of their goods themselves, and pocket any savings they receive. While converting to PPM, Transcom also introduced a

new system, the Defense Personal Property System, to process and manage household moves. DPS is a computerized management system for moving the household goods of military members and DoD civilians, Davidson explained. DPS automates pre-move counseling, scheduling, tracking, invoicing and claims-filing for household goods shipments, eliminating the need for servicemembers to schedule their household goods moves face-to-face, she said. “In DTS, you can go in 24/7, you can counsel yourself, you can put in your shipment and move arrangements, and everything else is done automatically,” she said. “You can do it from your laptop, from your work station, even your living room couch. And you can track your shipments online, too.” Unlike the legacy paper-based system it replaces, DPS is equipped to process moves servicemembers make themselves – which constitute the vast majority of moves.

DPS is a big money-saver for the government, not only reducing PCS processing costs, but also generating lower cost estimates from many moving companies, said Roland Amos, chief of the DPS functional and requirements branch at Transcom. That’s a big factor for the military, which spends about $2 billion a year for more than 550,000 household moves, Transcom reported. Now, Davidson added, with the legacy system expected to remain operational until December along with DPS, her mission is to encourage servicemembers to choose DPS to process their moves. Transcom officials encourage servicemembers to register their household-move experiences through a new online customer service survey found at www.move.mil. The results will be used to help the command select the best-performing moving companies for future military moves, Davidson said.

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Navy Charleston Shoreline

Low Monthly Payments for Military Personnel! Motorcycle instructions update Although the Navy Traffic Safety Instruction, OPNAVINST 5100.12H does not require a brightly colored upper garment to be worn while operating a motorcycle, the Commander, Navy Region Southeast (CNRSE) does. Brightly colored upper garments shall be worn during the day for all motorcycle riders entering a CNRSE base and reflective vests for all riders entering at night. This has been vetted through the unions and includes civilians, dependents and retirees. These requirements are now being enforced for all CNRSE installations, including Naval Weapons Station Charleston.

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June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010


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Advancement exams Navy-wide advancement exams are approaching. The time to prepare is now. The dates are: E-6 September 2, 2010 E-5 September 9, 2010 E-4 September 16, 2010

IA support NWS Charleston Fleet and Family Support Center and Morale Welfare Recreation invite IA/GSA of deployed families to screen the much talked about movie, “Toy Story 3”. The movie will be shown a the Citadel IMAX 3D theater, Saturday, June 19 from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. The event is free and will include your ticket, 3D glasses, soda, popcorn, candy and bus transportation. There are a limited number of tickets available and pre-registration is required. Contact Wendy Martin at 764-7402.

Ready to quit smoking? The Readiness/Wellness component of Naval Health Clinic Charleston has moved to the Naval Hospital, 3600 Rivers Ave., 3rd floor. Tobacco cessation courses will be offered monthly on Thursdays. The early class runs from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. The late class runs from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Call 743-7097 for information and registration. For quitting assistance online, go to Freedom from Smoking at www.lungusa.org, a service of the American Lung Association; and www.ucanquit2.org, a DoD resource developed specifically for active duty members.

Purchase Card program policy The Purchase Card program is intended to streamline small purchase methods, minimize paperwork, elimnate Imprest funds (petty cash), streamline payment processes, and simplify the administrative effort associated with traditional and emergent purchase of supplies and services and is to be used to purchase supplies and services for offical government business. Every Purchase Card holder must be familiar with NAVSUPINST 4200.99. If you have any questions as to how to use your government purchase card, see your command’s Purchase Card program manager.

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June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 5

Active Duty Military & Families

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Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer R. Hudson

Congratulations to MM3 Michael Bon, IT2(SW/AW) Eugene Smith and ET1(SS) Bradley Tracy on being selected as NWS Charleston’s Blue Jacket of the Quarter, Sailor of the Quarter and Senior Sailor of the Quarter, repectively, for the 1st quarter of 2010.


Photo by Eric Sesit

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The Charleston Chamber of Commerce Military Relations Committee, escorted by 841st Transportation Battalion Commanding Officer Lt.Col. Ines White, visited TC Dock June 11, to observe equipment being prepped and loaded for shipment overseas.

Page 6

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

New firearms policy released The Navy announced a policy change regarding personal firearms to consolidate and clarify the requirements for those who own these weapons. The NAVADMIN detailing the new policy is available at www.persnet.navy.mil/NR/rdonlyres/BCB24 012-BC52-4E88-B20FA509B1C744B7/0/NAV10196.txt. The change to OPNAVINST 5530.14E came after a review of existing policy indicated that there were inconsistencies in the way personal firearm regulations were enacted across the fleet, according to Rear Adm. Arthur J. Johnson, Commander, Naval Safety Center. However, he emphasized that the policy change should not make life more difficult for those who choose to own weapons. “This policy is more of a clarification than a change,” said Johnson. “It’s not meant to make

By April Phillips, Navy Safety Center Public Affairs owning a personal firearm more concealed weapons are never restrictive for Sailors. Instead, it allowed on Navy installations, aligns policy across the enterprise regardless of local law. While the policy change coso Sailors know what’s expected of locates and clarifies firearms polithem if they do own a firearm.” One highlight of the new policy cy, Johnson said there’s one thing is the ability for all Sailors to store that hasn’t changed. their personal firearms in base “The decision to own a personhousing or armories (when space is al firearm carries with it personal available), so long as they receive responsibility,” said Johnson. “If prior written approval from the you do own a weapon, you must installation commanding officer. understand the basic rules of gun Weapons must be stored in a safety and make sure you follow locked container, a locked gun those rules at all times.” The primary rules of gun safety rack, or secured with approved trigger locks to keep the weapon are: Treat every weapon as if it were loaded; never point a weapon from firing. Weapons are still prohibited in at anything you don’t intend to other on-base locations, such as shoot; and, keep your finger off the Photo by MCCS Rob Winkler bachelor enlisted or bachelor offi- trigger until you’re ready to fire. Policy changes regarding personal firearms are designed to Johnson adds two other rules let Sailors know what is expected of them if they do own a cer quarters, work centers, and that are important to remember. vehicles. firearm. One highlight is that Sailors may store their personal “Keep weapons out of untrained firearms in base housing or armories when space is available, The policy also clarifies that Sailors must comply with all feder- or underage hands, and remember provided they receive prior written approval from the installaal, state, and local laws, and that that guns and alcohol don’t mix.” tion commanding officer.

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June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline


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Page 8

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen visits SSC Atlantic By SPAWAR Public Affairs

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), visited Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center (SSC) Atlantic June 3. The admiral spoke to SSC Atlantic employees in the main engineering center, thanking them — and the entire center team via video teleconference — for its various contributions to warfighter readiness. The admiral also visited the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) integration facility to congratulate the MRAP All Terrain Vehicle (MATV) integration team for the recent milestone of completing the 5,000th M-ATV installation. “The reputation you have is superb,” Mullen told a group of more than 600 SSC Atlantic employees assembled in the atrium of the main engineering center on the Charleston campus. “You are delivering critical capabilities to the fleet, to Marines, and to joint customers. I just wanted to come here to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. I believe you are no different – from the standpoint of your dedication, patriotism and support to our nation – from those who wear the uniform,” the admiral added. The admiral toured the SSC Atlantic M-ATV integration facility where command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) equipment is installed in the M-ATVs. These vehicles are then shipped to Afghanistan to aid the soldiers and Marines on their daily patrols. SSC Atlantic is responsible for the prototyping, testing, integration, installation and quality

assurance of all advanced C4I equipment on the M-ATVs. “I came here with one singular thought in mind, and that is to express my gratitude for what you do,” the admiral told the MRAP and M-ATV C4I integrators. “Every time I have made a trip in theater, a soldier has come to me and said, ‘keep the MRAPS and MATVs coming. They save our lives. Tell them back home thank you,’ You have made an incredible difference to those in the fight, and to their families. We can always depend on people like you to meet the challenge, whatever it is, so I thank you,” Mullen said. The M-ATV answers an urgent and compelling requirement to protect warfighters with a highly survivable, offroad capable vehicle. The M-ATV mission is for small unit combat operations in highly restricted rural, mountainous and urban environments that include mounted patrols, reconnaissance, security, convoy protection and communications. As chairman of the JCS, Mullen is the highest-ranking officer in the U.S. armed forces and the president’s principal military advisor. As such, he presides over all meetings and coordinates the efforts of the JCS. He also advises the secretary of defense, the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. SSC Atlantic has integrated nearly 16,000 MRAP vehicles and over 5,000 M-ATVs. More than 8,000 M-ATVs – he next generation of MRAPs – have been authorized.


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U.S. Navy photo

Adm. Mullen speaks to SSC Atlantic employees, thanking them for their contributions to warfighter readiness. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff addressed the employees in the main engineering center on the Charleston campus June 3.

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June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 9

Admiral Mullen lauds civilian efforts during MRAP factory tour

Photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad McNeeley

Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thanks factory workers who make mineresistant, ambush-protected vehicles and other types of military vehicles in Charleston, June 3.

See What’s

By Army Sgt. 1st Class Michael J. Carden Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of MRAPs in the past three years. Staff Navy Adm. Mike Mullen cited “Every single one of these save the significance of mine-resistant, lives,” Mullen said, referring to the ambush-protected vehicles in combat, MRAP vehicles they outfit with praising the life-saving efforts of civil- radios, tracking and counter bomb sysian scientists and engineers who’ve tems. “I came here with one single integrated such capabilities into thought in mind, and that’s to express today’s military. “You’ve saved an enormous num- my gratitude for what you’ve accomber of lives,” Mullen told some 500 plished here,” the admiral said. “You employees – the majority of whom are are the final outfitters for this capabildefense civilians — at the Space and ity, and you have continuously Naval Warfare Systems Center improved day by day over the last sevAtlantic headquarters and MRAP inte- eral years.” gration facility here, “You realized that Mullen acknowledged the civilian we needed to generate MRAPs at a efforts in MRAP development, calling remarkable pace [and] continually the workforce here decisive in the adjusted” to meet mission require- Defense Departments efforts to give ments.” warfighters the best tools possible. “You’re part of the leading edge of Mullen visited the facility June 3 for the first time and helped the Naval technology,” he said. “You’ve made a command here celebrate its recent huge difference, [and] I couldn’t be accomplishment of fielding 5,000 all- more proud of being associated with every one of you.” terrain versions of the MRAP. Mullen said deployed troops almost The command achieved the milestone May 28. The Defense always express their gratitude for such Department has fielded spent more capabilities when he visits with them than $26 billion, fielding some 22,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Troops on the


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ground recognize the need and appreciate the added protection they have with the vehicles, he said. “There isn’t a trip I’ve taken into [Iraq and Afghanistan] where some young soldier or Marine won’t say to me, ‘keep those MRAPs coming. They save our lives,’” Mullen said. “[MRAPs] saved countless lives, and believe me, there’s not anyone on the ground over there who understands the threat that doesn’t know that’s exactly the case.” Mullen also lauded the civilian workforce here for doing their part in service to the nation. They may not wear military uniforms or deploy to war, but their contributions to improving national security is noteworthy in its own way, he said. “You’re as patriotic and dedicated with focusing on achieving our mission in national defense as any of us who wear the uniform,” he said. “You are no different, in my perspective, in terms of your dedication, you patriotism in support of our country and our mission than anybody in uniform.”


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Page 10

Navy Charleston Shoreline • ••



June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010


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June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 11

Youth baseball camp The MWR Youth Sports staff is pleased to offer an exciting new program, Youth Baseball Camp! The camp will be held July 19 - 23 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Locklear Park. Kids ages four - 14 will improve their baseball skills and learn the fundamentals of the game in a fun, non-competitive environment. The cost is $15 per person, which includes a camp t-shirt and ball cap. Participants must supply their own baseball glove. The deadline to register is July 5. Call Youth Sports Coordinator, Robert Veronee at 764-4134 for more information.

Freedom Fest Celebration- Friday, July 2 Round up your friends and family and come on out to Marrington Plantation on Friday, July 2 as MWR presents our annual Independence Day Celebration, Freedom Fest 2010! The event is open to everyone and is sure to offer lots of fun for every member of the family! Come early and enjoy great festival food like burgers, hotdogs, cotton candy and sno-cones. While you’re there, try your hand at some exciting carnival games, including jousting tournaments and sumo suit wrestling. Younger kids will enjoy the giant inflatable playground, featuring a giant slide and jump castle. The featured attraction for this year’s event is the hot air balloon rides. Wind conditions permitting, patrons will be invited to enjoy the exhilaration of floating gracefully above the ground in a tethered hot air balloon! Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and get settled in because at nightfall, you’ll be treated to one of the most exciting fireworks displays in town! Gates open at 5:00 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, call the Liberty Office at 764-7002.

Family fun night at the pool

Kids’ night at the pool

Bring the whole family to the New Wave Aquatic Center on Friday, June 18 for an evening of family fun with swimming, pool games, and lots more! Family Fun Night at the pool is from 8:30 10:00 pm. The cost is $5 per family of 4. Call 764-7033 for more information.

Parents, drop your children (ages (five - 12) off at the pool on Wednesday, June 23 and we’ll entertain them with swimming and exciting pool activites from 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. while you relax and enjoy time to yourselves. No pre-registration is required. The cost is $5 per child. For details, call Rose Wright at 764-7033.

Youth soccer registration MWR Youth soccer registration begins July 1 and runs through August 6 at the NWS Teen Center. Boys and girls (ages four - 14) are eligible. The cost is $40 for one child and $35 for each additional child. Registration includes soccer shorts and jersey. The season is scheduled to run from mid-September through November. Games are played at the Menriv Soccer Field, behind the WPNSTA Gymnasium. Parent Association for Youth Sports (PAYS) certification is required before registration. Dependents of active duty and retired military, DoD and retired DoD civilians and contractors are eligible. Call Youth Sports Coordinator, Robert Veronee at 764-4134 for more information.

Page 12

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Mobile Inspection Team member Officer Stevie Robinson takes down information during a random vehicle inspection.

Boat Patrolman Ken Burt stands alert as he listens to dispatch over the radio while patroling the Cooper river.

Photos by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

MM3 Ashley Tuttle from NNPTC receives new base decals for her vehicle from Shelia Middleton at Pass and ID.

MA2 Mary Kate Jackson gets her ID checked by Officer Michael Nelson before allowing her access to the base.

You see them everywhere. Our security forces stand the watch 24 hours a day, seven days a week, safeguarding our base and our safety. The force is comprised of contracted security guards who maintain gate security and conduct vehicle inspections, and the patrolmen, active duty and civilians, who patrol our streets and conduct traffic stops. Together, they comprise a team that secures the safety of more than 17,000 acres and more than four and a half miles of river front.

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 13

Boat Patrolman Larry House patrols more than four and half miles of river ensuring boaters do not enter restricted waters.

EM3 Craig Freeman fingerprints a customer in order to renew their security clearance.

MA1(SW) William Carmer makes an entry into a log book at the armory while issuing weapons to the on-coming watch.

Muster, instruction and inspection. Security officers receive a briefing of the days events prior to relieving the watch.

Page 14

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Photo courtesy MWR

Naomi Farnsworth, Kailend Smalls and Samuel Silvamdina were all lucky winners of bicycle helmets in a drawing held at the WPNSTA Library. The contest was in recognition of Bicycle Safety Month.

Library’s summer reading program The WPNSTA Library’s summer reading program is for kids, ages five - 12, and is designed to encourage kids to continue the enjoyment of reading throughout the summer. This year’s theme is, “Voyage to Book Island.” The first 25 participants who read 10 books and turn in a completed book list by July 13 will be invited to the “Voyage to Book Island” party which will be held Friday, July 16 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the library. Registration for the program runs from June 2-16. Call 764-7900 for more information. Free summer movies at Cinema One Your kids can stay cool this summer while enjoying the best movies Hollywood has to offer! In addition to the regularly scheduled nighttime shows each weekend, Cinema One offers great family movies on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. all summer long. Admission is always free. The first show is scheduled for Monday, June 7 and the program will run through August 11. Stop by the theater or the ITT office for a complete movie listing or call theater manager, Teresa Stuckey at (843) 764-4107.

Junior golf camp Former PGA tour professional, Randy Glover will be teaching a junior golf camp at Redbank Plantation Golf Course from June 21-25 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.mm for kids ages seven - 16. The camp will cover the basics of golf, including rules and etiquette. The cost will be $50 per person. Rental clubs will be available at no additional cost. Camp is limited to the first nine to register. Call 764-7802 for more information.

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Swimming lessons at New Wave Aquatic Center MWR offers swimming lessons in both morning and evening sessions for all ages. Parent/child aquatics are offered for ages six months - three years and provides the child an introduction to the water with parent’s guidance. Pre-school aquatics (Levels 1, 2 & 3) is for children, ages three to five, and offers the child a first pool experience without the parent’s guidance while teaching basic skills that are the building blocks of swimming. Youth aquatics are offered at various skill levels to ages six - 13 years, beginning with basics like learning to float and advancing to specific strokes. Adult swim classes are also available. For more details, stop by the New Wave Aquatic Center and pick up a swim class schedule or call MWR Fitness Director, Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067 or e-mail her at nancy.haynsworth@navy.mil . GuardStart program GuardStart is an American Red Cross program for youth that provides a foundation of aquatics and leadership knowledge, attitudes and skills for future successful completion of the Red Cross Lifeguarding courses. Prerequisites for this course are: Must be able to swim a 25 yard front crawl while breathing to front or side; must tread water for one minute; must be able to swim 10 feet underwater. The new session runs July 5 - 9,/ Monday - Friday from 12:00 4:00 p.m. The cost is $75.00 which includes the participant manual. For more information call at (843) 764-7033. Discount RiverDogs ticket vouchers Baseball season is here and it’s time for exciting minor league baseball action! The

Charleston RiverDogs, the class A South Atlantic League affiliate of the New York Yankees, offer discounted ticket vouchers

at your ITT Office for only $4.50 each! These are upper level reserved seats, regularly priced at $7. Vouchers are good for most home games. Offer is good for military, DOD personnel and families. Call ITT at 764-2120 for more information.

Lap swim at New Wave Aquatic Center Lunchtime lap swim is available Monday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the New Wave Aquatic Center. Morning lap swim will be available Monday - Friday from 5:30 - 8:00 a.m. beginning May 24.

Sign up now for Camp Grinning Gator Each summer, the WPNSTA Youth Center programs miles of smiles for kids ages five to 12 years. Lucky participants will take lessons in drama and music, learn about nature, go skating, bowling, swimming, attend movies, play sports, and lots more! Children must be in kindergarten to attend the camp. Camp Grinning Gator, a three-session day camp, will host its 2nd session on July 5, and its third on August 2. Camp hours are Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The Youth Center has adopted several convenient payment plans which will fit almost everyone’s needs. They accept

VISA and MASTERCARD, and they can arrange weekly payments or installment payments if you prefer. You may even begin paying for camp now and have it paid for by the time it rolls around. Fees are based on family income. USDA sponsored meals are included. To register, or for more information, please call the WPNSTA Youth Center at 764-7809

Teen Center offers teen summer camp Your teen will have a summer to remember when they participate in the WPNSTA Morning Hours Teen Camp. Participating teens must be 13 or older and eligible to attend the Naval Weapons Station Youth Programs. Three separate sessions are offered throughout the summer. The cost is $50.00 per week. Camp hours are 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. At noon the teens will sign out of camp and may attend the Teen Center’s Open Recreation program. There are no fees for Teen Open Recreation. Hours for Open Recreation are 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Field/activity trips during Open Recreation may incur a cost for each participant. Please stop by or call the WPNSTA Teen Center at 764-2125 for more information.

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

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Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Fuel savings tips for better mileage Small steps do make a difference. Often, we don’t believe that one person can have much impact on total energy consumption. But in reality, when each of us makes our own contribution, no matter how little it may appear to be, the cumulative effect can become enormous. The average passenger car is driven about 12,000 miles per year and uses approximately 500 gallons of gas over that distance (based on an EPA rating of 24 mpg). If each passenger car was to get an extra two miles per gallon, the total number of gallons of gasoline saved each year would be five billion gallons. The following are a few tips to help save on fuel use: Drive smoothly: Slow down gradually, rather than jamming on the brakes, then accelerate slowly. You can save as much as two miles per gal-

lon. Plus it reduces wear on your brakes. When driving on the highway, use your cruise control to maintain a steady speed. Remove unnecessary heavy items from your car. Every 100 pounds extra costs you about half a mile per gallon. Keep the tires of your car or truck properly inflated. For every pound per square inch (psi) below the proper level there is an average increase of 0.4 percent in fuel consumption; as little as four pounds under pressure can reduce your mileage by 10 percent. Ride a bike or walk to work, to the local neighborhood store or to a nearby friend’s home. Don’t start your car until you’re ready to move; idling engines waste gas. If you are idling for more than one minute turn the engine off.

Fixing a car that is out of tune can improve gas mileage by 4 percent. Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent. You can improve your gas mileage by one to two percent by using the manufacturer’s recommended grade of motor oil. Using 10W-30 motor oil in an engine designed to use 5W-30 can lower your gas mileage by one to two percent. Observe the speed limit—each five miles per hour (mph) you drive over 60 mph can reduce your fuel economy by 10 percent. Contact the Utilities and Energy Office if you would like additional Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson information. (843) 764-4478. Make the most of each fill-up by making some very simple changes to your driving style.

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Navy Charleston Shoreline

o college t t s his kid

Kids’ College 2 0 1 0

Page 17


r me m


June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Photos by MC1 (SW/AW) Jennifer R. Hudson

Kids’ College at Trident Technical College offers unique camps for ages 7-16, where kids can learn, make new friends, expand their interests and have fun.

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RiverDog mascott Charlie lets the children at the CDC touch his nose.

RiverDogs First baseman Luke Murton signs four-year-old Jonathan Holcomb’s baseball.

We have courses for you, too! Trident Technical College offers more than 1,000 continuing education courses to help you excel in your professional and personal life. Make this a productive summer. Visit www.tridenttech.edu/ce.htm and find a course for you. Communication Composite Technology Computer Technology Construction and Contracting Culinary Customer Service Defensive Driving Entrepreneurship Environmental Compliance Facilities Maintenance Technician Financial Planning Floral Design Furniture Making Green Building Health Care Home Repair and Maintenance Human Resources

HVAC Industrial Maintenance Insurance Interior Design Languages Leadership Lean Courses Manufacturing Motorcycle Safety OSHA Compliance Quality Real Estate and Appraisal Small-Engine Mechanic Teacher Recertification Test Preparation Welding Wellness

Continuing Education

Time for some stretch and reach! Luke and Charlie teach the kids how to properly stretch. Luke and Charlie visited the CDC June 16.

Go RiverDogs!

Page 18

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

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Page 20

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

Schedule of Workshops Jun 22 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Basic Resume Writing Jun 22 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Anger Management Jun 23 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MoneyWise for Teens Jun 24 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Game of Life for Teens Jun 29 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Spouse Career & Volunteer Orientation Every Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Play Mornings Become a fan on Facebook at: NWSCharlestonFFSC Fleet and Family Support Center 843-764-7480/7294 Patriotic social

Fleet and Family Service Center’s Personal Finance Team offers a series of personal finance classes for kids ages six – 17. This is a great opportunity to let a professional demonstrate the importance of learning to handle money at an early age. Register now! Seating is limited. The classes are as follows: June 23, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Moneywise for Teens (ages 13 – 17) July 6, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Moneywise for Young Minds (ages 9 – 12) July 13, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. We’re Wild About Money (ages 6 – 8)

Game of Life

Come join us for a patriotic celebration, June 23, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Balfour Beatty Community Center to honor military and their families’ dedication to our country. Enjoy sweet tea and cookies while making a patriotic craft. Sponsored by Balfour Beatty Communities and Fleet and Family Support Center. Register early, seating is limited. To register or for more information, call 843-764-7480 or 843-797-5631.

– c a r e e r

Fleet and Family Support Center is offering a funfilled day of learning the “Game of Life” for ages 13 17. This interactive, educational opportunity will enhance the personal skills of young adults, such as life skills, opportunities for jobs, careers, and college. Call today to register your young adult for June 24 from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. As always, it is free! You may drop off your teen as early as 8:00 a.m. To register or for more information, call 764-7480.

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June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

The best deal in town Our partner, Balfour Beatty Communities, who manages the houses on-base, is now renting to military families, single Sailors, military retirees, DOD civilians and private sector civilians. There’s currently no waiting time for housing. Rent includes A/C, electricity, water, sewer, trash removal, grounds maintenance, landscaping and 24 hour maintenance service. Two, three and four bedroom homes are available for immediate occupancy. To apply, stop by the Housing Welcome Center with a copy of your orders, Page II (Record of Emergency Data), and a current Leave and Earnings statement. Military retirees and DoD civilians will provide a copy of their DD 214 or SF-50 and their military ID card. If you have questions concerning eligibility for PPV Housing, please contact one of our Housing Referral Assistants at 7647218, who will gladly answer any questions you may have. Private sector civilians will apply directly to Balfour Beatty Communities. The application process can be obtained by contacting them at (843)797-5631.

Bachelor housing Bachelor housing welcomes our newest member to our team, AE2 (AW) Sean Johnson. Prior to arriving at Naval Weapons Station Charleston, Petty Officer Johnson was stationed at Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light (HSL37) in Hawaii. His experience and expertise will play a vital role within bachelor housing division. Shipmate, welcome to our team! Congratulations are also extended to SH2 (SW) Eldrin Walthall, Bachelor Housing Leading Petty Officer. Petty Officer Walthall was selected as Naval Weapons Station Outstanding Technical Assistant. He was also nominated for the Federal Employee Associate Award. He is an outstanding Sailor and represented Naval Weapons Station Charleston well. Good job Shipmate. Keep up the good work! The bachelor housing staff strives to provide the highest quality of service and comfortable and secure homes to Naval Weapons Station Charleston and our supported commands. Naval Weapons Station Charleston and Bachelor Housing provide total quality service to bachelor housing residents on a continuous basis and apply the highest standards of cleanliness, conduct and accountability for the overall well being of all its residents. An individual’s morale and working effectiveness are directly related to the habitability, material condition, and cleanliness of all the quarters assigned. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the BH Director Bob Ladue, BH Manager, SHC (SW/AW) Anderson, or SH2 (SW) Walthall, Leading Petty Officer at (843) 764-7646/4144. Have a great Navy day!

Bachelor housing’s Sailors in the community By SH2 Ketler You would be surprised at the amount of work that goes on right down the street from where you live. Berkeley

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 21

County has a non-profit organization called Habitat for Humanity. Some of the quality programs they are involved with include providing homes and a variety of used furniture to include beds, curios, washer/dryers, at a huge discounted price to families in the Lowcountry in need of these services. They also help build houses for the less fortunate. It is a program where selected members help not only build homes but other homes for selected members of the program. Local businesses provide furnishing and building products at a discounted price and it is passed directly on to the fortunate families that have been selected to receive the home. As a consumer, you can donate furniture and appliances in good working condition and write it off on your taxes. Most of the volunteer staff is retired so the young Sailors that participate provide a “youthful” shot in the arm to all the folks at Habitat for Humanity and they have expressed how much it really is appreciated. SH2 Heber Tucker, SH2 James Ebron, SH2 Henry Polanco, MM3 John Ohearn, SH3 Charles Thompson and I volunteered on April 8, 2010, and we had no idea the level of work that is accomplished every day with so few volunteers! Kathy Cotterill, one of the managers from Habitat for Humanity, mentioned they need help from the local community through volunteers on a daily basis. Our day was non-stop from the time we arrived until knock-off at the end of the day. Something I did not know was Directorate of Transitional Personnel (DTP) provides Sailors to the warehouse daily to assist them. At the end of the day it was obvious to me and all the other members of the Housing department, the satisfaction you get from helping out those in need. This is another outstanding program where we, the service members of Naval Weapons Station Charleston, can be present and on call every day of the week including weekends, helping out in our local community.

Balfour Beatty communities The Annual CEL Housing Survey time is upon us once again! We have planned a fun-family evening on Thursday, June 24th, to help kick off our CEL Survey. Please join us for a “Luau – Southern Style”! There will be food, prizes, waterslides, jump castles, kiddie pools and a dunk tank. Yes, that’s right – come on out and dunk your favorite Balfour Beatty employee! The fun starts at 5:30 p.m. and there will be something for everyone. Parents, make sure your children have on their bathing suits and don’t forget the towels. Prizes will be given for the best luau costume, so get out those grass skirts and tropical shirts and join the fun! Be sure to stop by the Balfour Beatty table at the Freedom Fest on July 2nd. We will have a drawing for an awesome grill and prizes for the kids. We appreciate that you have chosen to call Balfour Beatty Communities at NWS Charleston home, and encourage you to refer your friends to our lovely community! If you refer a friend and they move in, you will receive a check for $200! Such an easy way to earn some extra vacation dollars!

Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

New construction continues on NWS Charleston, making housing available for many more residents. Currently there is no waiting time for base housing.

Did you know? By NMCRS: Your first resource! You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report? Credit reports contain information about your payment history on loans, charge accounts and credit cards. Request a copy of your credit by going to www.annualcreditreport.com. This is the only authorized online source for you to get a free credit report under federal law. You can get a free report from each of the three national credit reporting companies every 12 months. Some other sites claim to offer “free” credit reports, but may charge you for another product if you accept a “free” report.

Page 22

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

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MA NNY SGR IL L S .CO M/NCH A RL ES T O N 4/30/10 11:35:29 AM

06 toyota tundra-v6.sr5 acess cab 2wd.equipt w/bedliner fiberglass cap fixed running board, leather.26k mi. $18000.must see. 843-553-9258

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com

MISC NOTICES Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

SERVICES Child Care***Now Registering*** Mon-Fri 0630 to 1830, 6wks to Pre-K, first 30 Registered @ intro special, (843) 557-8171 w w w.l p b w ac ad e m y. c o m Triple Military Discount - Free Move In Truck 1 Free month, rules may apply All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 and All Safe Storage 1025 Baconsbridge Road Summerville (843) 873-0083 www.allsafestoragesc.com GEM LAWN CARE, CAFB/local area 367-5473 Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140 T&D Mobile AutoWash Service Need Your car Cleaned Up Call Us, We Come To You 772-519-3975

8 Siberian Husky Puppies, Born: 5/19/10. CKC Reg, $550, Payments avail, Take Home 7/14/10. Call 843-327-2025 or 327-1896

College Park Rd Area, 3 BD 2 BA, 1 car gar, LR w/fp. Stove, DW, MW incl. Sec dep reqd. Rent $1100 month. 819-1302

03 Blk Honda S2000 New Blk Top install 1/2010 TEIN FLEX susp & HKS exhaust install 2/2010 56k miles, $15k OBO call 324-0069


Roommate needed! $500 flat a month. Brand new home in Goose Creek close to Navy Base. For more details call Jeremy @ 843-325-7000

2000 Dodge Caravan Silver Gray $3600. Power windows/lock/cruise control/dual airbag, AM/FM/CD/ipod,towing pkg,roof rack 764-0759

For Rent; 2BR/2Bath condo; Park@Rivers Edge;new appliance+washer/dryer. 2 mi to base.$750mo. Call to view (843)345-8122

2004Honda Accord EX:12.5K 6disk cd plyr,a/c,low mi., sun/moon rf.,leather int., auto trans, charcoal grey,alarm. Call843-345-1208

For Rent—2BR/2Bath condo; Park @ Rivers Edge (minutes from Air Force Base) Includes washer/dryer, fireplace, enclosed porch overlooking pond. $750/mo + $750 sec deposit. Call 843-297-1791 or 314-607-0288. For Rent—2BR/2Bath condo; Park @ Rivers Edge (near Dorchester/Ashley Phos) Includes washer/dryer, fireplace, enclosed porch overlooking pond. $750/mo + $750 sec deposit. 843-297-1791 or 314-607-02 4 Rent: 1800 sqft home. Whitehall S/D, 3brs, 21/2 bth, dble gar, LR/DR, fam.rm, fpl DD2 schls, pool/tennis, CAFB 5 mi. $1250.00 mo, 843-852-0747 House for rent in Liberty Hall Plantation! 3 BR/ 2BA one story with dining room, large family room, eat-in kitchen, fenced in yard, one car garage, and large master BR. Brand new carpet and freshly painted! Sandra at (843) 696-1968. Summerville, Corey Woods, Dorchester II schools, 3 Bedroom 2 full bath 2 car garage, on a quiet cul-de-sac with fenced in yard in a great neighborhood. $1100 per month. Security deposit required. Small pets possible. Please call 843-327-3172

Yard work needed? Call Ron at 478-3960

Boeing Welcome-3 br. 1 ba. brick, lg. yard, applinces, new carpet & paint. conv. to AFB, mall. I-26. No pets. $ 725+dep. (843)767-0112

Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near AFB and Navy Base

Felder Creek - Summerville 3 brm/2 ba. $1200 mo./military discount - new schools. www.goosecreekpropertymanagement.com

FREE WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT South Carolina law prohibits deductibles on Auto Glass! Mobile Service with a Lifetime Warranty. We will come to you usually within 24 hours. Mention this Ad Please call 803-413-6046 or 803-760-9798 www.TheWindshieldSpecialists.com

Two bedroom Townhouse. One and half bath. Ashley Villa, 10 min from Air Froce Base. $600 per month plus deposit. 843-552-6346

NEED A TOW? $35 843-324-5157

Coosaw Creek - 2100 sqft. 4BR/2.5BA, 5 miles to AFB. $1700. Ellen. 437-0001.


CASH FOR CLUNKERS $200 & up 843-324-5157

Roommates wanted to share 3br/2.5ba in Ladson,10min from AFB/NWS.Master BR $600 Regular BR $450.Plus util.(843)270-8879 Tony

Rent this quaint 1200 sq/ft home, 3 bed 2 ba, nice yard, pets ok, close to all bases. $1050. 843-628-9326, jaywills2004@yahoo.com

Free Baby Bunnies to good home. Call Will or Christian 843-771-0700

Private BR/BA in 3BR Ranch incl util's. Near I26, AFB, Bosch. Wifi, 2 TV rms, cable, DVR. Fenced back yard. $580 neg. 919-889-3638

Pit Bull Puppies $300 2 boys 1 female. 6 wks old 1st shots must see!!! Call anytime leave msg 910-224-5654

3br/2 bth,Den Rm/Fenced/Vaulted Ceilngs. Dbld Grge/1733 sqft/Beautiful home @ Wescott Plantation,$1,250,plse call 843-727-5770

FREE to good home, rottie mix puppies. 6wks Have been to vet, in good health/had first shots. Call 843-819-9606.

Eagles Landing roomate wanted 843-345-1489. 3 bed 2 full and 1/2bath own private bath, non smoker in walking distance to malls

Pure Breed American Bullgog 1 yr old male. White w/brown & black stripe brindle house & crate trained 300 obo call brian @ 8432982933

4 Br, 2.5 Bath, lg Fam rm w/gas fp, eik, open floor plan, fresh paint, fireplace; wood, tile. Lease or rent $1,500 call Betty 843-814-8792.

1143 OT Wallace Blvd, Moncks Corner. 3BD/ 1.5B; Lg yard/pool; workshop; 2car gar Berke-ley Cntry Club; $500 dep;$1000/mo. 843-278-5056 Room for rent, 11 miles from CAFB, Non-smoker. $425 per month, utilities paid, quit home. Please call 832-4442 and leave message Roommate Needed in Goose Creek 20 mins from base. New house @ $500 flat a month. For more details call Jeremy @ 843-325-7000

BOATS/RECREATION 2005 19 foot Sea Hunt Navigator with Aluminum trailor, 115 Yamaha 4 stroke ingine with stainless steel prop, 80 pound 2009 trolling motor, depth recorder and compass, Bimini top. $12,000 obo. Call Kim at 442-2725

MOTORCYCLES 2009 Kawasaki 250R for Sale;blacked out, Low miles,great beginner bike, $3500 obo. Call Warren at 803-394-7377

MISC ITEMS FOR SALE Washer dryer sets 275/375, stkr wahs/dryer 425, sofas and sofa sleepers 75/125, 40 dressers & chest drwrs 40/200, kitchen and dinette sets 50/200. 452-2229. A 6 Piece Cherry Bedroom Set w/matt & box. Never used. Can Del $350. 696-5212 A must see. Furnish your entire house: Bedroom set with mattress, Dining room set and living room set $1400 (includes military disc.) All new box/plastic with warranty. Call Todd @ 725-8563. Delivery available

Large Wood Entertainment Center fits 37" TV. lots of space for $100.00 OBO. Call 552-0989 or 327-7051 Queen P-top Matt. and Box Set NEW in Plastic. $125…Full also available. 696-5712 Can deliver Ibanez RX40 blue electric guitar for sale. $150.00. Call Emily at (702)818-9825. Case is included. Flag Display Case 26 3/4 X 19 X 3 1/4, back removable, meet at NWS Exchange. TALLGIRAFFE876@GMAIL.COM free Couch, brown bomber leather $450 OBO. Scrollsaw, Delta 40-150 15" w/blades $35, call 843-819-3226, can email pictures IPod Touch 64Gb $300 (retail $400) Bamboo Graphics Pad & software $50 (ret $100) PC or Mac ........ Eugene 843-425-0988

White CABINETS to ORGANIZE your garage. Gr8 way 2 store all stuff out of sight and have space 4 car. 69h/46w/21d 764-0759

New Sedona Wall Sconce, (Southern Living Catalog), $35, 2 White Wicker Hanging lamps $25. For info, please call 843-452-6163.

Sofa and Loveseat. New in package Must Sell $350. Call 696-5712 Can Deliver.

Black Granite Countertop Bathroom Vanity. 22 by 42 undermount sink $300 OBO. Call Anna at (843)330-1721 for more info

HOMES FOR SALE E-MAIL HOME SEARCH Automated daily e-mail system provides you details on all homes for sale in the MLS as they hit the market! www.CharlestonHomeSeeker.com Sponsored by Julie Mulligan of Carolina One Real Estate (843) 224-5747

$250,000 Pine Forest in Summerville Outstanding 4bdrm, 2ba home with soaring ceilings. Open, split floorplan that features hardwoods and ceramic tile. Corian countertops and all stainless appliances convey. Smooth ceilings, screened porch and privacy fence. Carolina One, Jeannene (843) 259-8973 Market Ready Homes LLC Let our experts help you make your home stand out. Do you have an hour to let our professionals get your home market ready? Call or click today: 843-303-3495; www.mktreadyhomes.com 3 bdr 2 bth, 1650 Sq SFH, $159,900, N. Chas, 3 mi frm front gate. Open flr pln, fenced bck yd, LR vaulted ceiling & FP, AJ 843-696-3209 Two acres of land, three bedroom mobile home cabin, List Price: 50,000. CPT Sam Gethers, (843) 214-6750,Email: gsampreach@aol.com

AUTOMOTIVE ALL MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! www.MyAutoChoice.com - 843-873-5656 OVER 150 CARS ONLINE! 76 Triumph Spitfire. Red. AM/FM/Cass. Completely restored. Engine rebuilt. 4 Speed. $16,500 Negotiable. Call Bobby, 843-760-1001. 0% Down *SIGN-N-DRIVE* Easy financing through NFCU and USAA Chiefs Wholesale Autos.Regional Quality Award Winner. Chief is on YOUR side! Apples to Apples, Save on thousands! 843-568-9856

YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING AN AD! www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Classified@DigglePub.com • fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing - PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 • 843-412-5861 Diggle Publishing Company, the private contract publisher of the Airlift Dispatch (weekly) and the Navy Shoreline (twice monthly), accepts free personal classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.




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Page 24

Navy Charleston Shoreline

June 18, 2010 - July 8, 2010

No Money Down! Regardless of Credit!! You’re Approved!!

400 Beacon and Up Okay ✔

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Auto, AM/FM/CD, Heated Mirrors, Keyless Entry

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1999 Dodge Ram

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Auto, AM/FM/CD, Daytona Edition, All Power

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2008 Chevrolet Impala LS Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Suzuki XL7

2002 Ford Ranger Edge Plus XCAB Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Keyless Entry

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Keyless Entry

$0 Down • $269/mo

$0 Down • $299/mo

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$0 Down • $349/mo

$0 Down • $349/mo

2008 Ford Taurus X SEL AWD

2005 Ford Five Hundred

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Ford F-150

Auto, All Power, AM/FM/CD, Heated Mirrors

2007 Chrysler 300 C (Hemi)

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

Auto, All Power, AM/FM/CD, Sunroof, Leather

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2007 Chevy Colorado

2004 Ford F-250

2002 Mazda Tribute ES-V6

2004 Chevy Silverado

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