07-23-2010 Navy Shoreline

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VOL. 11 NO. 9 July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Naval Weapons Station Charleston NEX brings home Bingham Award By Eric Sesit

Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

A happy group of NEX employees, winners of the 2009 Bingham award, pose in front of their award-winning exchange along with RADM Steven Romano, Commander, Navy Exchange Service Command (center). The NEX achieved first place in the 20 to 40 million dollar category with more than 24 million dollars in sales during 2009.

Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Charleston’s Navy Exchange (NEX) management and employees were presented the prestigious Bingham Award at a ceremony held at the NWS Charleston NEX, June 15. Charleston placed first in the 20 to 40 million dollar category with more than 24 million dollars in sales for 2009. Rear Admiral Steven J. Romano, Commander, Navy Exchange Service Command, was the guest speaker at the ceremony. “This award demostrates that you are one of the best Navy Exchanges in the world;

only nine other stores out of 103 can claim this award,” Romano said to the crowd of NEX employees. “This is like winning an Olympic gold medal.” Romano added that as he walked through the facility, he noticed four qualities that led to the Charleston NEX’s success: “You do the basics right, you make a mature facility look great, you are managed by extraordinary leadership and you have great training.” General Manager Beth Munoz gave credit to the employees who operate the store on a daily basis. “This team has always had the necessary skills and teamwork in them to win this award,” Munoz said, “and they show it everyday.” The team includes long time employees Willie Ellis and Bernice Mac. Mac has been working at the NEX for 20 years while Ellis has been with the company for 37. Looking to retire in the near future, Ellis was thrilled to see all the hard work put in by him and his fellow employees has paid off. “It’s a very prestigious award for us,” Ellis said. Mac added, “This took a lot of team effort, but in the end, it was worth it. This award is just great for morale and makes us want to keep working hard.” The Bingham Award recognizes Navy Exchanges that have demonstrated excellence in customer service, operations and management. The award is named after the late Captain W.H. Bingham, SC, USNR, who was the chief executive of the R.H. Macy’s Company and in 1946 was appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to lead an advisory board for the establishment of the Navy Exchanges system.


Next issue street date

Friday, August 6

Submission deadline

Friday, July 30

NEX announces scholarship winner See page 3

Brig opens NTC See page 3

Night swimming See page 12

Page 2

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Naval Weapons Station Charleston

Mission To enable warfighter readiness by providing Installation management and Infrastructure support to all Low Country Warriors and their families.

Keeping Low Country Warriors On Course

Commanding Officer CDR Gary D. Martin Executive Officer CDR Charles M. Phillip Command Master Chief CMDCM (SW/SS) Billy Cady

About the Shoreline

The Navy Charleston Shoreline is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content and any supplement is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of NWS Charleston. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, NWS Charleston or Diggle Publishing Company, of the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in the Navy Charleston Shoreline shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

Deadlines Deadline for all routine copy is close of business the Friday before publication. The Shoreline reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Navy Charleston Shoreline can be reached at (843) 764-4094 or by fax at (843) 7647307 or write the Navy Charleston Shoreline, 2316 Red Bank Road, Bldg. 84, Goose Creek, SC 29445 or email: eric.sesit.ctr@navy.mil. All news releases should be sent to this address.

Public Affairs Officer Scott Bassett Assistant Public Affairs Officer MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson Shoreline Editor Eric Sesit


The Navy Charleston Shoreline is published and distributed by Diggle Publishing Company, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy and under exclusive written contract with the U.S. Navy. Diggle Publishing Company’s mailing address is P.O. Box 2016, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464. Estimated readership is over 10,000.

Advertising Advertisements are solicited by the publisher and inquiries regarding advertisements should be sent to: Diggle Publishing Company Tel: (843) 972-2356 • Fax: (843)856-0358 Email: Chuck@CharlestonMilitary.com Classified ads may be placed and the current issue may be viewed online by visiting www.CharlestonMilitary.com

This week my article is dedicated to the events that surrounded the base over the past couple of weeks, some good and some not so good. As I have always done in the past, my intention is to give you the information straight and to the point. I have plenty of information to pass along, so here it goes. Our Navy Exchange received the coveted Bingham award last week. This is a huge accomplishment. Guest speaker, Commander, Naval Exchange Service Command, Rear Admiral Stephen Romano said it best when he told the crowd, “There is southern hospitality and then there is Charleston southern hospitality.” I couldn’t agree more. People love shopping at our Exchange because the employees who work there make it one of the best places to shop in the area. A huge Bravo Zulu to the employees of our NEX. We all appreciate the fine job you do. The NWS Charleston Brig recent-

ly held a ribbon cutting for their new National Testing Center (NTC). This is a major advancement in the way inmates can work toward their college degrees. The Charleston Brig now houses the only NTC in the country in any civilian or military prison. As such, the Brig is now a showcase for the rest of world on how to prepare inmates for their return to society. I can hear the concerns, moans and groans from you hard liners. Why do prisoners get to take college courses? I have a simple answer. Almost every person incarcerated will be returned to society at some point. We owe it to ourselves to give these people every tool they need so when they are released, they can become productive members of the community with less chance of reoffending. People make mistakes and pay for them. After payment is made, they need a second chance. Now, let’s talk about this guy who crashed my gate last week. Cruising down Red Bank Rd at about 6:30 a.m., this gentleman fell asleep at the wheel. After luckily swerving into the left lane and avoiding cars entering the gate, he proceeded to hit the outgoing gate at approximately 60 mph, careening off the left retaining wall before landing upside down. I think it was hitting the gate that actually woke him up. Luckily, the driver and all our security staff were unharmed. Bravo Zulu to the Security Department which did a fantastic job keeping

morning traffic moving and again during the afternoon rush hour. That was the good news. Unfortunately, we also had two suicides on base last week. Yes, two of our shipmates felt that they had worked themselves into such a deep hole that taking their lives was the only way out. Shipmates, suicide can never be and should never be an option. None of us will ever truly know why these two young men decided to take their lives. But, we can continue to be vigilant about looking out for each other. There are so many options for help when you think you are out of options. We have doctors, and counselors and every person’s chain of command is dedicated to ensuring you get the help you need and medicines if necessary that can help you to overcome these thoughts. Losing a clearance, or failing an exam is not worth taking your life. If you have suicidal thoughts, get help. If you know a shipmate who isn’t on his game and is acting strangely, seek out help for him. Help me in not letting another shipmate slip away. Lastly, it’s hot, so please drink plenty of fluids to keep your head in the game. These 101 days of summer are bearing down on us and we’re doing good. Take care, CDR Gary Martin

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 3

Naval Consolidated Brig prisoners receive education upgrade Story and photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer R. Hudson Naval Weapons Station Charleston Public Affairs

Left to right: Stand Davis, director of prisoner management, Slyvia Gilliard, senior instructor and CDR Chad Bryant, NAVCONBRIG executive officer, cut the ribbon to the new National Testing Center, July 14.

Naval Consolidated Brig (NAVCONBRIG) Charleston held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the first National Testing Center (NTC) for military prisoners aboard Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Charleston, July 14. The new and improved testing facility will allow mil-

itary prisoners to complete accredited computer-based college level courses vice the normal paper based testing, offering 33 different testing areas versus the previous limit of 17. Established under the sponsorship of Thomas Edison State College and NWS Charleston, this NTC designation enables a vast improvement in testing capability for prisoners and staff in College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Computer-Based DANTES Subject Standardized Test Internet Based-Test, Excelsior College Examination, and Pearson Vue Testing Services. NAVCONBRIG Charleston test control officer, Sylvia Gilliard, the driving force who first proposed the idea, spent more than two years coordinating the many administrative requirements and approvals required for the NTC. As a direct result, staff personnel and prisoners will be able to take more tests more quickly with faster feedback, enhancing their educational opportunities. According to Gilliard this is the first NTC nationwide that is located within the confines of a correctional facility—military or civilian. “This is a great achievement by Ms. Gilliard and others who provide improved opportunities for our staff and prisoners to enhance their educational opportunities,” said NAVCONBRIG Charleston Commanding

Officer CDR Ray Drake. “Testing capacity is increased, results are immediate, and at no cost—great for our Sailors, Airmen, Soldiers, and Marines.” “Our job is to prepare them for civilian life. We teach them life skills, employment skills and then when they depart our facility we try to help them find a job. Having a degree can help them,” said Gilliard. Within the last 18-months, the NAVCONBRIG Charleston has had four personnel leave the correctional facility with a bachelor’s degree, one of whom received a scholarship to continue his education toward his master’s degree. Before the NTC, it could take an average of four to six weeks for a test to be mailed off and graded, making a student wait for their results. But now, scores can be received instantly—within minutes of submitting their exam. “The National Testing Center is important for the prisoners to have so that they may earn more college credits,” Gilliard continued. “I was elated when the program finally came because the more that we can do for a prisoner, such as helping them with employment or education, the better citizen they will become when they leave and they will have a lot more to offer the community. We do not want a prisoner to reoffend and have to come back, so our goal is to help them so that they see the different options that are available to them.”

Commissary awards scholarship Story and photo by Eric Sesit

Robert T. O’Brien, III, was named the the $1500 scholarship. recipient of the local Defense The program is open to sons and Commissary Agency Scholarship for daughters of active duty, reserve/guard, Military Children at a ceremony held at or retired military commissary custhe NWS Commissary, July 13. O’Brien tomers. The recipients must be enrolled recently graduated from Stratford High or planning to enroll full-time in a fourSchool and plans on majoring in year undergraduate college or university, Engineering at Clemson University in accredited in the U.S. and the students the fall. must have a minimum cumulative grade O’Brien distinguished himself by point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 basis. being a member of the National Honor Candidates must also write an essay. Society and a BETA graduate. He also O’Brien’s essay, “The Constitution: An ran track and cross country during high ancient document in modern times,” is a school. look at how the Constitution is still appliThe Scholarships for Military cable today, while questioning how the Children is sponsored by the Defense founding fathers never could have imagCommissary Agency and administered ined the diversity in today’s society. by the Fisher House Foundation. Local “It’s a great honor for me to receive commissaries partner with other local this scholarship,” O’Brien said. “In this businesses to make the scholarships pos- economy, every dollar towards school sible. This year, the NWS Commissary, helps.” along with Dixon Marketing, presented To read Robert’s essay, see page 16

Robert O’Brien, reads his essay during the scholarship presentation held at the NWS Commissary, July 13. Left to right: Robert’s parents Debbie and Robert O’Brien and store director Iveena Henderson.

Page 4

School and sports physicals

NWS Branch Medical Clinic will offer school and sports physicals to students of all ages, July 31 and Aug 7, from 7:30 – 11:30 a.m., at Bldg. 731. All eligible military dependents assigned to the Naval Weapons Station Family Medicine/Pediatric clinics are encouraged to contact Central Appointments at 743-3709 to schedule a time for their physical. Patients are requested to bring the appropriate and completed school forms and immunization records with them. Rules change on escorting families during duty station moves

Service members traveling on indeterminate temporary duty (ITDY) orders are now authorized to escort their family members to and from an alternate location at government expense, according to NAVADMIN 227/10, which was released July 9. The new policy adds an escort entitlement for Sailors to accompany their family during an authorized move. There is no change to family member travel. ITDY is similar to temporary duty (TDY), which the Navy calls temporary additional duty (TAD), but there is no specified time period and no end-date in the orders. A modification or follow-on orders are required for the member to go to their permanent duty station (PDS). Under the new rules, service members must request approval of their itinerary prior to starting travel. Travel is either from the PDS to the ITDY location or from the ITDY location to the PDS. Service members currently on Global War on Terrorism Support Assignments (GSA) cannot be reimbursed retroactively for previous travel, but may make a request for their return travel. Specific information on how to apply can be found in the message. Visit the Navy Personnel Command Web site at www.npc.navy.mil. Electronic Leave

Per NAVADMIN 188/10, electronic leave is scheduled for implementation Aug. 1, 2010. Leave requests that begin in August must be processed electronically. Service members must have an individual electronic self-service account to take leave. Service members taking leave in July and ending in August should continue to submit a regular leave form.

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 5

Active Duty Military & Families

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Photo by Eric Sesit

It was hot, but the families of IA and deployed servicemembers happy-footed on over to the S.C. Aquarium for a fun-filled day, taking in a movie and the exhibits and keeping cool at the same time.


Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

2145 Henry Tecklenburg Drive • Suite 100 • Charleston, SC

Left to right: NWS Charleston CMDCM Billy Cady, Executive Officer CDR Charles Phillip, Senior Vice President for Store Operations INCONUS Gary King, General Manager Beth Munoz, Commanding Officer CDR Gary Martin and Commander, Navy Exchange Service Command, RADM Stephen Romano, cut the cake after the ceremony recognizing the NWS Charleston NEX as the 2009 Bingham Award winner.

Page 6

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

New DoD/VA Clinic on track for grand opening By Camille Dingle Public Relations Officer, Naval Health Clinic

The Department of Defense (DoD) and Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Joint Ambulatory Care Clinic is on schedule to open late September, 2010. The clinic is an 188,000 square foot stateof-the-art facility that will offer a wellrounded, comprehensive health care system serving active duty and their family members, retirees, and veterans. Although the clinics will remain separate entities, the facility itself will be consolidated. Staff will be trained to assist all patients, which will greatly enhance the DoD and VA vision for patient and family care. The same services that are currently offered at the Naval Health Clinic will be offered at the Joint Clinic.

In conjunction with a new clinic, Naval Health Clinic Charleston is in the midst of taking strides to ensure exceptional care for patients across the continuum. Patient and family centered care are well on their way to improving the health care delivery model and service to our patients. In addition, the Medical Home Port is reshaping the approach to Primary Care while improving healthcare delivery and ensuring the patient is always receiving the best, most comprehensive quality care available. For more updates follow NHCC on Twitter at www.twitter.com/NHCCharleston.


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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 7

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Page 8

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Spouse jobs program to relaunch in October By Elaine Wilson American Forces Press Service

The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts program will resume Oct. 25, but with some significant changes to the popular spouse employment program. Changes include a reduction in the amount of financial aid, a change in the population eligible to receive that aid – from all military spouses to spouses of junior servicemembers — and more robust counseling services. These changes bring the program, commonly known as MyCAA, back to its original intent of equipping military spouses of junior servicemembers with portable careers, such as in real estate or health care, Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said. The program was launched in November 2007 for spouses of junior servicemembers, and expanded to all pay grades and programs of study in March 2009. “We’re trying to empower, to give spouses in particular, an opportunity to be

immediately impactful as soon as they get into a community,” Stanley said in an interview with the Pentagon Channel and American Forces Press Service. “We want to make sure they have opportunities to work when they get to a new duty station.” Officials temporarily halted the program Feb. 16, pending a top-to-bottom review, after an enrollment surge overwhelmed the system and caused the program to nearly reach its budget threshold. The review took time, but officials wanted to ensure they could sustain the program for the long-term, particularly in light of fiscal realities the government is facing, Stanley said. The previous program offered all spouses of active duty servicemembers a lifetime benefit of $6,000 to be used for education. Under the new parameters, spouses of junior servicemembers can apply for a maximum financial benefit of $4,000 for up to three years from the start date of the first class, with a $2,000 annual cap,

Stanley explained. Spouses pursuing licenses or certifications requiring an upfront fee of greater than $2,000 may apply for a waiver of the annual cap up to the maximum benefit of $4,000, he added. Financial aid will be limited to spouses of active duty servicemembers in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W1 to W-2 and O-1 to O-2, Stanley said, as well as the spouses of activated Guard and Reserve members within those ranks. Spouses of Guard and Reserve members must be able to start and complete their courses while their sponsor is on Title 10 orders. Those spouses eligible to receive aid can use the money to fund associate’s degrees, licenses and certification programs, not higher degrees. The program wasn’t intended to support bachelor’s and master’s degrees, Stanley said. However, he added, spouses pursuing higher degrees can explore a plethora of other education opportunities — such as scholarships, federal grants and the G.I. Bill — with help

from Military OneSource consultants. Spouses currently enrolled in the program can continue participation through Oct. 21, when MyCAA will ramp down and prepare for the Oct. 25 launch. As of Oct. 25, those spouses who fall within the eligible pay grades can continue their program participation. Spouses who no longer are eligible for financial aid still can participate by accessing career and education counseling services, Stanley said. To ensure the vitality of the program, Military OneSource counselors will encourage spouses to explore other funding resources, including federal benefits. And staffing levels have been increased to handle the anticipated call volume and enable more one-on-one counseling with spouses, Stanley said. Officials also will monitor the program much closer now to ensure they can maintain it, he added. Spouses can learn more about MyCAA on Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 or www.militaryonesource.com.

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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 9

Hunting and fishing access rules changed Story by Terrence Larimer, Natural Resources Manager

The 2010-11 hunting and fishing season began July 1st. The new season starts with some significant changes in the policies governing access to hunting and fishing on base and possession of firearms. To more closely align with U.S. Navy guidelines the category designations for participating personnel have been changed. Category A access now includes all personnel who do not have a DoD Common Access Card (CAC). This includes the general public and DoD retirees. For hunting, Cat A now has access to the Northside and Marrington areas; for fishing Marrington only. All Cat A personnel will be provided with an annual NWS recreation badge (picture badge) by Pass and Badge Office following a successful background check. This background check and can take up to two weeks so plan ahead and apply for your

permit at the Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC) well before you actually want to start hunting or fishing. Category B access is open to all DoD employees, military and civilian, holding CACs (excluding contractors) and their dependents. Cat B includes all areas authorized for hunting and fishing: Marrington, Northside, Eastside, Eastside Restricted and Southside. Additionally, Cat B may take Cat A personnel into the Eastside, Eastside Restricted and Southside areas as “guests”. These guests must have an annual NWS recreation badge, a Category A NWS hunting or fishing permit, and all applicable state and federal permits; one guest per Cat B hunter, three guests per Cat B fisher. Guests must ride with their sponsor while on base. Marrington patron passes (blue badges) will no longer be issued to non-

DoD personnel who enjoy recreational opportunities other than hunting and fishing in Marrington. Instead Marrington users will receive an annual NWS recreation badge issued by the Pass and Badge Office, again following a successful background check of the applicant. With this increased access comes some additional scrutiny. All firearms used for hunting on WPNSTA Charleston must be registered with Security prior to receiving a NWS hunting permit. Consequently all hunters, including CAC holders, will have a waiting period between applying for a permit and receiving it. Applications and registration information will be completed at the OAC and forwarded to the Pass and Badge office. Once the background check is complete the Pass and Badge staff will call applicants who will then

receive a copy of their firearms registration if hunting and a NWS recreation badge if they do not have a CAC. They then return to the OAC for their WPNSTA Charleston hunting and/or fishing permit. The final major change is that a NWS fishing permit is now $7. Hunting permits remain $20 with an option to buy a combo hunting/fishing permit for $25. These are the most significant changes in the hunting and fishing program in a number of years. Some of these were prompted by the base’s ongoing realignment with the U.S. Air Force to be official Oct. 1, 2010. As we continue to re-adjust during our transition to “Joint Base Charleston Weapons” we can expect that there will be additional changes and challenges in recreation programs and many other areas of activity at Joint Base Charleston.

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Page 10

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 11

Back-to-school scavenger hunt

Join us as the WPNSTA Library host a Back-to-School Scavenger Hunt on Friday, July 30, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Children ages four - 14 are invited to participate. Participants will be given clues to help locate books within the library. When he or she finds the book, they will win a school supply! Children are then given additional clues to continue hunting until time is up. For more information, call the library at 764-7900.

Youth soccer registration

MWR Youth soccer registration is now underway and runs through August 6 at the NWS Teen Center. Boys and girls (ages four - 14) are eligible. The cost is $40 for one child and $35 for each additional child. Registration includes soccer shorts and jersey. The season is scheduled to run from mid-September through November. Games are played at the Menriv Soccer Field, behind the WPNSTA gymnasium. Parent Association for Youth Sports (PAYS) certification is required before registration. Dependents of active duty and retired military, DoD and retired DoD civilians and contractors are eligible. Call Youth Sports Coordinator, Robert Veronee at 764-4134 for more information.

Night golf tournament planned for Navy Ball fundraiser

A four - person Captain’s Choice Night Golf Tournament is scheduled for Friday, August 27 at Redbank Plantation Golf Course as a fundraiser for the upcoming Navy Ball. Players will tee off 5:00 p.m. and play nine holes of daytime golf. At the turn, players will take a break, post scores and enjoy a cookout. At dark, players will begin the second nine holes in the dark using glow-in-the-dark golf balls and flagsticks. The cost will be $40 per person which includes cart, greens fee, prizes, cook-out and night golf balls. The tournament is limited to the first 18 teams to register. For more information, or to register your team, contact John Davis at (843) 7647457 or by e-mail at john.h.davis3@navy.mil

Water fitness classes at New Wave Pool

Have you ever noticed how challenging it is to walk through the shallow end of a swimming pool, or how tired you can make yourself by simply trying to move your limbs quickly through water? Due to the constant resistance provided by the water all around you, virtually everything you do while you’re underwater can be considered a fitness activity. New Wave Aquatic Center offers Water Fitness classes featuring “Delta Bell” water fitness equipment that is designed for swimmers and non-swimmers alike. Classes are offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Morning classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. beginning July 12. Classes are free to active duty military. For all others, the cost is $13 per (5-class) session or $20 per (10-class session). Call 764-7033 for more information.

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Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

As the hot sun sets, family members of all ages enjoy a little cool off time at the Aqua Wave pool at Naval Weapons Station Charleston.

Alyssabeth Bolm, 11, and Marlene Donohue, 11, have fun palling around in the pool.

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Nathan Buzzell, age seven, has a blast as he rides down the twisty slide over and over again.

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Retired Air Force Tech. Sgt. Guy Buzzell shows off his perfect freestyle stroke!

Remember when you were a kid and you tried to out splash the guy next to you? Well these kids were doing just that; teaching us not so young folks how to have some fun.

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One-year-old Aidyn Stewart and his mom Lauren enjoy some fun in the kiddie fountain.

Hayli Hance, 11, shows off some of her skills as she dives off the diving board.

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New cycling classes Another great way to beat the heat while exercising is to participate in group exercise classes in our climate controlled group fitness room. One of our most popular group fitness classes is Cycling. Cycling is an aerobic exercise that takes place on a speciallydesigned stationary bicycle. Motivational music plays while the instructor leads the student through a simulated outdoor cycling workout. This is a fantastic workout and a great way to burn calories! Classes are Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 5:30 6:30 a.m.; Monday, Wednesday & Fridays from 6:45 - 7:45 a.m and from 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Classes are free to active duty military. For all others, classes are $2.00 per session or you may purchase a punch card for $20 which is good for 12 classes. Call 764-4173 for more information.

Fitness Endurance Challenge-200 meter swim MWR Athletics will present a 200 meter swimming challenge on Friday, July 30 at New Wave Aquatics Center. No pre-registration is required, just stop by the pool between the hours of 5:30 - 8:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Swimmers are challenged to swim 200 meters using any stroke of their choosing for the fastest time. There will be both male and female categories as well as three age categories. Winners will receive champions t-shirts. Call 764-4173 for more information.

Swimming lessons at New Wave Aquatic Center

MWR offers swimming lessons in both morning and evening sessions for all ages. Parent/Child Aquatics are offered for ages six months - three years and provides the child an introduction to the water with parent’s guidance. Pre-school Aquatics (Levels 1, 2 & 3) is for children, ages three - five, and offers the child a first pool experience without the parent’s guidance while teaching basic skills that are the building blocks of swimming. Youth Aquatics are offered at various skill levels, ages six - 13 years, beginning with basics like learning to float and advancing to specific strokes. Adult swim classes are also available. For more details, stop by the New Wave Aquatic

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Center and pick up a swim class schedule or call Rose Wright at 764-7033 for more information.

Private swimming lessons Our American Red Cross certified instructors at New Wave Aquatic Center are pleased to offer private swim lessons for all ages. Now smaller, more personal instructional classes for one, two or three students can be arranged by appointment. Thirty minutes sessions are offered Monday-Friday between 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. or 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., at a cost of $20 (one student), $30 (two students) and $35 (three students). Call Rose Wright at 764-7033 for more information.

Family fun night at the pool Bring the whole family to the New Wave Aquatic Center on Friday, July 30 for an evening of swimming, pool games, free snacks and lots more! Family Fun Night at the pool is from 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. Admission is free. Call 764-7033 for more information.

Lap swim at New Wave Aquatic Center Lunchtime lap swim is available Monday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the New Wave Aquatic Center. Morning lap swim will be available Monday - Friday from 5:30 - 8:00 a.m. beginning May 24.

Teen Center offers teen summer camp Your teen will have a summer to remember when they participate in the WPNSTA Morning Hours Teen Camp. Participating teens must be 13 or older and eligible to attend the Naval Weapons Station Youth Programs. Three separate sessions are offered throughout the summer. The cost is $50.00 per week. Camp hours are 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. At noon the teens will sign out of camp and may attend the Teen Center’s open recreation program. There are no fees for Teen Open Recreation. Hours for open recreation are 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Field/activity trips during Open Recreation may incur a cost for each participant. Stop by or call the WPNSTA Teen Center at 764-2125 for more information.

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

the camp. Camp Grinning Gator will begin its final four-week session August 2. Camp hours are Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The Youth Center has adopted several convenient payment plans which will fit almost everyone’s needs. They accept VISA and MASTERCARD, and they can arrange weekly payments or installment payments if you prefer. Fees are based on family income. USDA sponsored meals are included. For more information, call the WPNSTA Youth Center at 764-7809

Discount RiverDogs ticket vouchers Baseball season is here and it’s time for exciting minor league baseball action! The Charleston RiverDogs, the class A South Atlantic League affiliate of the New York Yankees, offer discounted ticket vouchers at your ITT Office for only $4.50 each! These are upper level reserved seats, regularly priced at $7. Vouchers are good for most home games. Offer is good for military, DoD personnel and families. Call ITT at 764-2120 for more information.

Free summer movies at Cinema One Your kids can stay cool this summer while enjoying the best movies Hollywood has to offer! In addition to the regularly scheduled nighttime shows each weekend, Cinema One offers great family movies on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. all summer long. Admission is always free. The program will run through August 11. Stop by the theater or the ITT office for a complete

movie listing or call theater manager, Teresa Stuckey at (843) 764-4107.

Sign up now for Camp Grinning Gator Each summer, the WPNSTA Youth Center programs miles of smiles for kids ages five to 12 years. Lucky participants will take lessons in drama and music, learn about nature, go skating, bowling, swimming, attend movies, play sports, and lots more! Children must be in kindergarten to attend

Kids who participated in the WPNSTA Library’s Summer Reading Program were treated to a movie party at Cinema One on Thursday, July 15. The program encouraged kids to continue reading throughout the summer and those who completed the task were treated to a free movie, free concessions, tshirts and goodie bags.

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

N a t i o n a l

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 15

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Page 16

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Essay, continued from page 3

The Constitution: An ancient document in modern times By Robert T. O’Brien III

Without history, we would be eternally bound to make the same mistakes over and over again because history teaches us what does and does not work. It also shows us changes in the way that people think about issues. For that reason, if I could travel back in time I would visit Philadelphia in the 1770s to witness the discussion leading up to and the signing of the American Constitution and to explore the state of mind of its writers. If I were able to witness the debate that essentially wrote the Constitution, I feel that I would gain a much better understanding of what our forefathers had in mind for our country. Because the Constitution is open to interpretation, I believe the original interpretation of its writers may have been skewed a bit over the past 230+ years. The primary example I would explore is the thought behind the separation of church and state. In the 1770s, America was a different place. Religion had a huge impact upon society and, although ‘sepa-

rate’ from state, signs of religion could be seen in all things. Today, people seem to have taken the word separate to a whole new extreme. Some of the best examples of this appear in the public schooling system. Things that in the past no one paid attention to, like a Christmas party in a public school classroom, are now expressly forbidden. Another example is the prayers before some high school football games that were once a weekly tradition are now, like Christmas parties, a thing of the past. Although these parties can still be held if they are called “holiday parties,” and these prayers still said as a group through moments of silence, something is lost. By not directly having the word Christmas in the name, people lose sight of what they are celebrating, the birth of Jesus Christ, and the moment of silence becomes nothing more than a moment of silence. Over time, taking more and more focus off of religion could eventually lead to a nationwide lack in morality, which I do not believe is what

our forefathers had in mind. While people have become hypersensitive to some aspects of the incorporation of church into state, they seemed to have also ignored some facets of the same issue. On our money in the United States, every single coin and bill has the words “In God We Trust” written on it. Our pledge of allegiance even reads “One nation, under God” in its lines. It is odd how such small things are changed, like the word Christmas, even before the larger things. Obviously, the Constitution has had, and will continue to have, an enormous impact upon our great country, and the period surrounding its signing would certainly be an interesting one. If I could go to that time period and see how things happened, hundreds of constitutional debates could be settled, and I would gain a superior understanding of the words liberty, equality, and freedom.

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

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Teaching children about personal finance is the goal of Wild about Money, classes taught by the Fleet and Family Support Center. A group of young, future entrepreneurs display their diplomas.

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One of the more neglected topics in child rearing is personal finance. Children are taught that to buy things, they must have money; but they often aren’t taught about interest, savings, compounding, budget planning, income taxes, mortgages, credit cards, credit ratings, investing, retirement savings accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and so on. This lack of knowledge produces children who want things but don’t know how to obtain them in a financially astute manner. They become adults with serious financial problems — or at the least, who aren’t making the most of their hard-earned money. It sets them up to invest poorly, to get snared by debt in college, and to be victims of unscrupulous financial planners, consultants and stockbrokers. Fleet and Family Support Center sponsored two classes in July to help children become aware of earning money and saving it for a “Rainy Day”. On July 6, “Wild About Money” was presented and was tailored to the nine - 12 year olds who learned ways to make money by doing chores at home and building entrepreneurships. On July 13, “Moneywise for Young Minds” was presented and focused on the six - eight year olds who learned all the basics of earning money and savings. Both of these classes helped children set goals. Children learned it isn’t always possible to have what you want when you want it, but it is possible to plan for how you can afford it and then work toward it. Brainstorm with your children about things they can do to earn the money they need for what they want. Try to keep timeframes short, especially for younger children. Consider matching whatever they do make so that the challenge doesn’t seem insurmountable. Make a sheet or chart and keep it up to date so that they can see how close they are. When they reach their goal, celebrate!!! With a goal and a plan, many things are possible. Don’t pass up opportunities to teach children about money while shopping, paying bills, making financial choices, reading the financial section of the newspaper, or reviewing your investments. This can be done in a fun, lighthearted and interesting manner, which always makes any lesson more effective. Remember to praise your children for small successful steps they take in gaining money skills. Regardless of your children’s level of interest, there are basics of finance they simply must learn. They’ll either do it the easy way, with your guidance — or they’ll do it the hard way, on their own. If you would like more information on all Fleet and Family Support Center workshops or how you can help your children or yourself become financial savvy, please contact a Financial Specialist from Fleet and Family Support Center at 843-764-7480


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Page 18

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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010








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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 19

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Page 20

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Schedule of Workshops July 27 July 27 July 28 Aug 3 Aug 4 Aug 4 Aug 5

10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 10:00 - 1:00 a.m. 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Every Wednesday

Basic Resume Anger Management Interviewing Job Search Strategies Parenting Part 1 IA Ice Cream Social Mini Job Fair

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Free ice cream social

Mini job fair Transitioning from the military? Is your spouse seeking employment? Or, are you just looking to change your career? If so, come to the Mini Job Fair Aug. 5, from 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. This small-setting fair will boast a variety of employers, jobs, and industry. The employers will be accepting resumes and applications to fill their vacant positions, both locally and out of the area. If you have any questions, call 764-7480.

FFSC will host a free ice cream social in honor of all IA Sailors and their families on Wednesday, Aug. 4, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., at the Balfour Beatty Community Center. Come support these Sailors and their families by enjoying ice cream, hotdogs, face painting, crafts and free backpacks to the first 50 kids. This event is open to all active duty service members and their families. For more information, contact Wendy Martin at 843-7647480. This event is sponsored by FFSC, MWR, Balfour Beatty Communities and local command Ombudsmen.

Become a fan on Facebook at: NWSCharlestonFFSC Fleet and Family Support Center 843-764-7480/7294

Play Mornings

Interviewing workshop Come to Fleet and Family Support Center for our upcoming Job Interviewing workshop on Wed., July 28, from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Mock interviews, interview questions, dress for success are just a few of the topics covered. Ms. Gilman Sullivan, from Blackbaud, will join us for a discussion about how to make the best impression for that potential employer. We will talk about the right and wrong things to do and say at an interview. Don’t wait, register today at 843-7647480.

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July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Tips to Deal with the Heat With the official arrival of summer a month ago, outdoor activities such as trips to the beach, water parks, barbeques, vacation time and working outdoors have increased. The following is a list of tips to help deal with the heat: · Drink plenty of water. · Wear loose fitting, light colored clothing and keep your head covered while cutting the grass, edging and trimming bushes. · Watering the lawn should be done early morning or late in the evening when the sun is not directly overhead. · Make sure that your pet has plenty of fresh water in a place out of the sun. · Mosquitos like warm/hot weather, so keep your grass cut low, your doors tightly closed, and remove standing water from around your home. As the temperatures rise, your air conditioner will work a lot harder. Ensure that windows and doors are closed. Turn on your ceiling fans to help circulate the air inside your home. Your air conditioner will cool down your home approximately 10-15 degrees from outside temperatures. Bachelor Housing Note Congratulations PFC Kathleen Brown, Naval Marine Corps Liaisons Office and MNSR Ashlee R. Knight of Naval Munitions Unit Charleston for earning the Unit of the Quarter Award for Bachelor Housing. Keep up the good work! It takes personal motivation and a sense of pride to maintain your Bachelor Housing units in a superior manner. Their efforts set an excellent example for other residents to follow. In order to provide the best possible quarters for the comfort and security of Naval Weapons Station Charleston and tenant personnel, this command and the Bachelor Housing staff will provide total quality service to all Bachelor Housing residents; and apply standards of cleanliness, conduct and accountability for the overall well being of both residents and guest. An individual’s morale and working effectiveness are directly related to the hab-

Navy Charleston Shoreline

itability, material condition, and cleanliness of the quarters assigned. Bachelor Housing would like to extend a hearty welcome to the newest member of our team, CSCS (SW/AW) Kenneth Chambers. CSCS Chambers is coming to us from Naval Station Norfolk where he worked at Bachelor Housing. All of his experience and expertise will play a vital role within leading our Bachelor Housing Division. Shipmate, welcome to our team!! Bachelor Housing residents are reminded, we need your help on the following responsibilities: 1. Carport and driveway are to be clean and free of grease. 2. Light fixtures on porch, carport, and entrance door areas are to be clean. 3. Exterior storage room will be clean and free of clutter. 4. Wash walls and ceiling at patio and all exterior door areas. 5. Garbage can storage area should be clean and empty of all debris. Residents are required to place outside receptacles at the curb on Tuesdays for pickup and to return your receptacles to refuse retainer area after pickup. Inspections of interior and exterior vacant units and rooms are conducted daily for cleanliness and maintenance. Our building managers also verify that vacant billeting spaces are, in fact, vacant and ready for occupancy. Residents are requested to report any maintenance problems (A/C, lighting, faucet leaks, etc.) to the front desk at Bachelor Housing. Great customer service is the key in Bachelor Housing. We are always striving to provide the best customer service to our residents. We are always here for you - our customers. All feedback is good feedback. Any questions or concerns contact Director Bob Ladue, CSCS (SW/AW) Chambers, SHC (SW/AW) Anderson Bachelor Housing Managers or SH1 Jones LPO at (843) 7647646/4144. Balfour Beatty Communities Want to get in the Christmas spirit early? Christmas in July is a way to show support for our

Page 21

troops overseas. Balfour Beatty Communities would like to let the troops know that we support them, so we will be accepting donations through the month of July. Please bring donations to the Balfour Beatty Housing Office, building 742 Fletcher Street Monday through Friday 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Things to donate are: toiletry items, baby wipes, sunscreen SPF 45 or better (no aerosol cans), toothpaste, lip balm, bug repellent (no aerosol cans); snacks such as beef jerky, chips, pretzels, powder drinks; entertainment items, books, crossword puzzles, stationary, pens and pencils, and other items such as socks, water bottles and batteries. Hand written notes and cards are also greatly appreciated. Every time you make a donation you will be entered for a chance to win a gift basket. Please help us support our troops. National Night Out The 27th Annual National Night Out, a unique crime prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch, is scheduled for Tuesday August 3rd. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support and participation in local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnership, and send a message to criminals letting them know that our neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Please join us at the Community Center on Fletcher Street from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Admission is free and we will have food, a jump castle, and a prize raffle! Just a friendly reminder, the annual CEL housing survey has been delivered to your homes. Be sure you take a moment to fill it out and return it in the mail. This will let us know how we are doing and what we can improve upon. After you complete and mail the survey, please bring your drawing registration card to the housing office. All entries received on or before August 13, 2010, will be entered into our Early Bird Drawing for a fabulous prize. Watch out for some of our upcoming Lifeworks events. You can always log onto our website at to find out the latest news on upcoming events.

Page 22

Navy Charleston Shoreline

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010


We’d Like To Thank You For Your Service

MASTER’S DEGREES >ÃÌiÀÊ vÊ ÕÃ iÃÃÊ ` ÃÌÀ>Ì >ÃÌiÀÊ vÊ ÀÌÃÊ i}ÀiiÃ\Ê UÊ Õ Ãi } UÊ ÕÃ iÃÃÊ> `Ê"À}> â>Ì > Ê-iVÕÀ ÌÞÊ > >}i i ÌÊ ­ >À iÃÌ Ê Ê V>Ì Ê Þ®

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10% MILITARY DISCOUNT Lunch or Dinner • Active Duty or Retired Only at North Charleston location. Not valid with other discounts.

Senior Don’t And ur Discount O t e Forg

$.50 OFF for all seniors

Planning A Party?

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Charleston Metropolitan Campus xÎääÊ ÌiÀ >Ì > Ê Û`°Ê ÀÌ Ê >À iÃÌ ]Ê- ÊÓ {£n

7321 Rivers Avenue North Charleston, SC

(843) 553-9693

Hours: Mon-Thur, 10:45 A.M. - 9:30 PM • Fri, 10:45 A.M. - 10:00 PM • Sat, 7:30 A.M. - 10:00 PM • Sun, 7:30 A.M. - 9:30 PM

843-760-1324 www.webster.edu/ch 7iLÃÌiÀÊ1 ÛiÀà ÌÞÊ ÃÊ>VVÀi` Ìi`ÊLÞÊ/ iÊ } iÀÊ i>À }Ê Ãà Ê> `Ê ÃÊ>Ê i LiÀÊ vÊÌ iÊ ÀÌ Ê i ÌÀ> Ê Ãà V >Ì ]ÊÎ£Ó ÓÈÎ ä{xÈ]ÊÜÜÜ° V> V° À}°

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Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com

MISC NOTICES Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

SERVICES Triple Military Discount - Free Move In Truck 1 Free month, rules may apply All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 and All Safe Storage 1025 Baconsbridge Road Summerville (843) 873-0083 www.allsafestoragesc.com GEM LAWN CARE, CAFB/local area 367-5473 In-Home Child Care DSS Reg. 6:30 - 6:00 Meals & Snacks Drop-In's $4.00 hr. First hr. free during July. 5 mins from AFB call 843-552-5360 Yard work needed? Call Ron at 478-3960 Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140 Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near AFB and Navy Base

PETS AKC Black Lab Pups 2 Females $200, will make excellent hunters of family dogs. 843-725-8825 Ty tsimp1211@gmail.com Peke-a-poo Puppy 4 Sale! $475 Price Neg. Shots: Up-to-date for a Year! Female blk/whit. Ask 4 Tiera or Donte (757)582-2664 ABA Reg American Bulldaog 1yr old male white W/brown & black stripe brindle house & crate trained $300 obo call brian @ 843-298-2933 Free to loving home! 1 1/2 yr old Lab mix. Great with other dogs and children. Is fixed and has all shots. Call 843-305-0323 Yorkie puppies- $400 ready in 6 weeks, taking deposits now, will have 1st shots, call 814-8250, 814-8252 7 Siberian Huskies Puppies, CKC Reg, UTD Shots, Mom & Dad on site, for more info, call 843-327-2025 or 843-327-1896

GARAGE/YARD SALES Variety of items incl:baby items,tools,workout eq.,LOTS of stuff!!! Call 4 questions!! 843-5574042/Sanagree sub 705 Longstreet St. 7am Sat

Boys clothing,baby items, toys,t.v., treadmill, decorative items, ect. Sat. July 31 7a.m.2p.m.1537A Chance Dr.

Ready To Move In: 7825 Lumberton Rd. 5 min. to CAFB. $159. Please call for appt. 843-8173304 Its a Must See!


2 acres of land, three bedroom mobile home cabin, $50,000. CPT Sam Gethers, (843) 2146750,Email: gsampreach@aol.com

1017 Douglas Wayne - 3 BR 2 BA, Kit w/stove & MW, DR, LR, W/D conn. $1,000 month. Sec Dep Reqd 819-1302 For Rent—2BR/2Bath condo; Park @ Rivers Edge (near Dorchester/Ashley Phos) Includes washer/dryer, fireplace, enclosed porch, new carpet. $750/mo + $750 sec deposit. 843-2971791 or 314-607-0288. 4Br/2Ba Beautiful W. Ashley house w/stainless appliances, new wood floors, fireplace, fence $1500/mo, Rent to own available. 843-278-5454 House for rent. 4 BR/2.5 BA, 2 Car grg, 2 story home in Indigo Field.$1295/mo,1900 SQ ft, avail August 1st , 2 mil to AFB, Dor II schls, call 5737980 or 277-4573.

1143 O.T. Wallace Blvd, Moncks Corner. 3Bd/1.5Bth, Lg yrd, pool, wrkshp/2 car garage. $500 deposit,$980/mth. 843-478-3527

2002 VW GTI 1.8T, Auto, Black, 86K mi. New Rims, Tires, Brakes, Rotors & Sound Sys. KBB $10560, Asking $8945 Call 324-0079

Bedroom w/your own bathroom = $400 + Util. Between Airport and Weapons Station. Mature Male or Female: quiet, no pets. laundry facls, full kitchen, screen porch. $300 deposit, 90 Day lease required. ct42797@gmail.com

1995 Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer Black/Tan, 4x4, 5.0 V8, Goodrich Tires, Tow Package, Keyless Entry, CD player, 143K mi, $4000, 576-9804 '07 Scion tC! (Black) Tints 45k Miles Manual. Looks & Runs Like New. Kicker Subs Hits Hard! Need Bigger Car. $12k Firm (347)585-5449 Dan

BOATS/RECREATION 06 Sea-Pro SV2100 CC Johnson 140-4 stroke. Trailer, cover, bimini top, GPS, Fish finder, CD plyr, full-cushions. $18,900OBO 850-543-3048

MISC ITEMS FOR SALE 12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $235. Call Keith, 843-375-5908.

Sponsored by Julie Mulligan of

3 bdr 2 bth, 1650 Sq SFH, $159,900, N. Chas, 3 mi frm front gate. Open flr pln, fenced bck yd, LR vaulted ceiling & FP, AJ 843-696-3209 Ready to move in 3bd/1bth, large fenced yard, $100,000 must see, all new updates, call 843327-5035

Living room set, includes coach, chair, rocker ottoman, coffee table & 2 end table for $300 obo. Take a look. CAll 552-0989

YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING AN AD! www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Info@CharlestonMilitary.com • fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing - PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 • 843-412-5861 Diggle Publishing Company, the private contract publisher of the Airlift Dispatch (weekly) and the Navy Shoreline (twice monthly), accepts free personal classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.




(This means ads submitted Friday or Saturday definitely make it in, while ads submitted at 8:30 a.m. Mon. may or may not make it in, depending on available space.)


Just Reduce.Beautiful 4bd/2.5ba.Whitehall Sub 2441 SQ FT. ADT security, 2 car garage, shed. $253,000 OBO. 850-543-3048 or 850-549-8447

Queen P-top Matt. and Box Set NEW in Plastic. $125…Full also available. 696-5712 Can deliver

76 Triumph Spitfire. Red. AM/FM/Cass. Completely restored. Engine rebuilt. 4 Speed. $16,500 Negotiable. Call Bobby, 843-760-1001.

07 Nissan Titan SE Crew Cab Smoke Grey 67k, Line-X bedliner, 6CD, 2.5" Level kit Toyo MTs, $16,500, email bknichel@aol.com for info/pics

Carolina One Real Estate (843) 224-5747

Sofa and Loveseat. New in package Must Sell $350. Call 696-5712 Can Deliver.

0% Down *SIGN-N-DRIVE* Easy financing through NFCU and USAA Chiefs Wholesale Autos.Regional Quality Award Winner. Chief is on YOUR side! Apples to Apples, Save on thousands! 843-568-9856

Boeing Welcome-3 br. 1 ba. brick, lg. yard, applinces, new carpet & paint. conv. to AFB, mall. I-26. No pets. $ 725+dep. (843)767-0112

E-MAIL HOME SEARCH Automated daily e-mail system provides you details on all homes for sale in the MLS as they hit the market! www.CharlestonHomeSeeker.com

Bowflex Motivator II,Excellent Condition, rarely used, rods still, 701-740-5993, hold original strenght, $250 OBO

ALL MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! www.MyAutoChoice.com - 843-873-5656 OVER 150 CARS ONLINE!

Set of 18" Factory Rims - 6 Lugs. $150. Call: 695-1189 or 200-1698

4bd home in Summerville. $1000/mt. Large Mstr Bedroom w/ seperate study. Mstr Bth w/ garden Tub. Dor Dst 2 Schools. Brian 803-406-0325

Kitchen Cabinets. Never installed. All wood & dovetailed. Cost $5500. Sacrifice $1650. Call after 4 p.m. 843-856-4680 or 843-881-5803.


SUMMERVILLE Home for rent in Marsh Hall. 3BR/2BA,LR,DR,2car gar,Dor II sch,1600‚ sf. 4mi to AFB, Irr&Sec sys,$1200/mo,296-9201

Dual Masters! 2BR/2BA Townhouse for Rent. Johns Island, SC. Call 843-763-1130

Couch. EC w/slip covers-$250. Oversized Chair w/Twin Bed & Storage Ottoman-$300. Email for pics paula.pringle@yahoo.com. Call 797-1133

A 6 Piece Cherry Bedroom Set w/matt & box. Never used. Can Del $350. 696-5212 For Sale: Sofa & Love Seat - $900. Practically Brand New - Tan/Brown. Call: 695-1189 or 2001698 A must see. Furnish your entire house: Bedroom set with mattress, Dining room set and living room set $1400 (includes military disc.) All new box/plastic with warranty. Call Todd @ 725-8563. Delivery available

✔ The Best✔Way ToBest Submit A Free Ad Is With OurAd Online FormOur At www.CharlestonMilitary.com The Way To Submit A Free Is With Online Form At www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Info@CharlestonMilitary.com ✔ Free Ads Can Be Emailed (No Attachments, Please) or They Can Be Faxed. We Cannot Take Free Ads By Phone - Do Not Call To Confirm Your FREE Ad Was Received ✔ Free Ads Can Only Be 3 Lines (42 Letters & Spaces per Line) * ✔ Only One Free Ad Per Family Per Issue * ✔ Free Ads MUST Be For Personal Use (garage sale, selling your furniture or car, etc *** Business Related Ads (Avon, babysitting, yard work, etc.) ARE NOT FREE *** ✔ Free Ads MUST Be Accompanied By Name, Rank and Duty Station/Home Phone of Sponsoring Military Personnel ✔ Ads Submitted in ALL CAPS Will Not Be Run ✔ Ads Will Only Run One Issue Per Submittal - To Rerun Your Ad, You Must Resubmit It * Business-related ads cost $3 per line (42 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $3 per line as well. To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone (412-5861).

Page 24

Navy Charleston Shoreline

ar m a L ok’s Co

400 Beacon and Up Okay ✔

July 23, 2010 - August 5, 2010

Over 20 Cash Cars Under $2,995!

Lowcountry’s #1 Military Source For Financing! All Military $0 Down!

1980 N. Main Street, Summerville, SC • 843-873-5656 • www.MyAutoChoice.com $0 Down • $245/mo

$0 Down • $209/mo

$0 Down • $225/mo

$0 Down • $199/mo

$0 Down • $199/mo

2007 Dodge Magnum SE Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2008 Ford Escape XLT Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2006 Ford Five Hundred Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

1998 Toyota Tacoma SR5 Extended Cab, All Power

2000 Jaguar S-Type 3.0

$0 Down • $325/mo

$0 Down • $399/mo

$0 Down • $299/mo

$0 Down • $299/mo

$0 Down • $249/mo

2007 Chevy Avalanche LT 1500

2006 Ford F-350 Super Duty Lariat

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Volvo V70 2.4

2004 Ford F-150 XLT Supercab

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Crew Cab

$0 Down • $245/mo

$0 Down • $239/mo

$0 Down • $199/mo

2005 Ford Five Hundred SEL Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2007 Dodge Charger SXT Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2007 Toyota Camry LE

$0 Down • $299/mo

$0 Down • $209/mo

$0 Down • $229/mo

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Roof Rack

2004 GMC Envoy XUV SLT

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

1999 Dodge Ram

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Heated Mirros

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

4x4! AM/FM/CD, All Power

4x4! AM/FM/CD, All Power

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Chevy Silverado 1500 LS

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

04 Ford E-350 - $0 Down!

Home of the Original Credit Amnesty!

2007 Ford Freestyle SEL

$0 Down • $189/mo

$0 Down • $239/mo

$0 Down • $229/mo

$0 Down • $249/mo

$0 Down • $329/mo

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Leather, OnStar

2003 Cadillac CTS

2007 Dodge Durango Limited Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2007 Chrysler 300

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2008 Chevy HHR

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Sunroof, Tow Pkg

$0 Down • $229/mo

$0 Down • $129/mo

$0 Down • $199/mo

$0 Down • $299/mo

$0 Down • $199/mo

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Suzuki XL7

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Chevrolet Suburban 1500 LT

2006 Suzuki Boulevard C50 Touring

Auto, AM/FM/CD/XM, OnStar, All Power

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Keyless Entry

$0 Down • $299/mo

$0 Down • $219/mo

$0 Down • $229/mo

$0 Down • $199/mo

$0 Down • $229/mo

2004 Chevrolet Avalanche 1500 Z66

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2004 Ford F-150

2008 Chevrolet Impala LT

2003 Dodge Ram Pickup 1500 SLT

005 Dodge Dakota Extended Cab SLT

Auto, AM/FM/CD, Heated Mirrors, Keyless Entry

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power, Privacy Glass

Auto, AM/FM/CD, All Power

2006 HUMMER H3 4WD

2002 Mazda Tribute ES-V6

Auto, AM/FM/CD/MP3, All Power, Leather

Buy now, pay later • We Finance @ 0% Down • Payment based on 72 mos. 8.75% WAC+ sales tax,tag fees, & doc fees. Monthly payments, down payments, APR and term of contract based on approved credit and may change based on credit worthiness. '00 models and older based on 36 mos, '01-'03 models based on 48 mos, '04-'05 models based on 60 mos, '06-'09 models based on 72 mos.

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