08-06-2010 Navy Shoreline

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VOL. 11 NO. 13 August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Joint Base Charleston on track By Eric Sesit, NWS Charleston Public Affairs

recommendations that eventually required combining 26 separate military installations into 12 joint bases. In making the decision on combining the two Charleston bases, BRAC looked at how both installations executed their separate support missions and found that both used similar or near similar processes. BRAC also looked at the proximity of the bases to each other and saw an opportunity to reduce duplication of support efforts resulting in a reduction of overall manpower and facilities requirements which would generate substantial savings. Once the decision to combine the bases was made, BRAC had to decide on the lead or receiving service. The commission looked at the quantitative military value score of Charleston AFB and compared it to NWS Charleston. The score was too close to be the Photo by JB CHS public affairs sole factor determining the lead installation New signs are appearing around the Lowcountry as Charleston Air for management functions. Charleston AFB Force Base and Naval Weapons Station Charleston move towards was tagged as the lead installation because of its mission in support of operational forces the October 1 consolidation. compared to NWS Charleston, which has a It has been five years in the making, but on October 1, 2010, primary mission to support training and industrial activities. Joint Base Charleston (JB CHS) will begin operations as a comThe first Joint Base Commander of JB CHS is Col. Martha bined Air Force and Navy installation. To help envision what the A. Meeker, USAF. Captain Ralph C. Ward, USN, who just future holds for these two historic military posts, it’s important turned over command of Naval Nuclear Prototype Training Unit to understand how the decision to combine bases came about. Charleston, will serve as Deputy Joint Base Commander but will In 2005, the Base Realignment Committee (BRAC) made wear a second hat as Commanding Officer Naval Support

Activity, Charleston, the embed Navy unit in JB CHS which will occur upon the disestablishment of NWS Charleston on Oct. 1. Their goals are clear cut and spelled out in the new Joint Base mission statement: Provide globally ready forces and installation support for Joint Base Charleston. Five years after BRAC’s decision, teams of civilian and military from both the Navy and the Air Force continue to wade through the myriad of military red tape to bring JB CHS to life. “Surprisingly, although joint basing will provide better services for the entire community, very few people will actually be affected by the move,” said LT. Kenneth K. Reikofski, Joint Base military liaison officer. “A little more than 2,000 people, military and civilians will be directly impacted, and for most of them, their jobs will remain the same. “The only difference some of our civil servents will see is that they are now Air Force employees. However, when you’re talking about people that have been with the Navy for 20, sometimes 30 years, it’s a little harder to change then someone who only has a few years of government service. There will definitely be some growing pains.” For the tenant commands on both NWS Charleston and Charleston AFB, joint basing should be fairly transparent. “Both bases have been providing outstanding services to their tenant commands for years. This is not going to change. Providing our customers with the best service possible is what joint basing is all about,” said Reikofski. “Our tenant commands constantly provide us feedback, objective assessments and measures of our performance in how well we provide our services to them. Under joint basing, our combined services will be nothing less than world class.”


Next issue street date

Friday, August 20

Submission deadline

Friday, August 13

NWS Charleston names SOQs See page 3

Camp Grinning Gator See page 12

Make fitness fun See page 17

Page 2

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Naval Weapons Station Charleston

Mission To enable warfighter readiness by providing Installation management and Infrastructure support to all Low Country Warriors and their families.

Keeping Low Country Warriors On Course

Commanding Officer CDR Gary D. Martin Executive Officer CDR Charles M. Phillip Command Master Chief CMDCM (SW/SS) Billy Cady

About the Shoreline The Navy Charleston Shoreline is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content and any supplement is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of NWS Charleston. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, NWS Charleston or Diggle Publishing Company, of the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in the Navy Charleston Shoreline shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

Deadlines Deadline for all routine copy is close of business the Friday before publication. The Shoreline reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

Editorial Content Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Navy Charleston Shoreline can be reached at (843) 764-4094 or by fax at (843) 7647307 or write the Navy Charleston Shoreline, 2316 Red Bank Road, Bldg. 84, Goose Creek, SC 29445 or email: eric.sesit.ctr@navy.mil. All news releases should be sent to this address.

Public Affairs Officer Scott Bassett Assistant Public Affairs Officer MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson Shoreline Editor Eric Sesit

Publisher The Navy Charleston Shoreline is published and distributed by Diggle Publishing Company, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy and under exclusive written contract with the U.S. Navy. Diggle Publishing Company’s mailing address is P.O. Box 2016, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464. Estimated readership is over 10,000.

Advertising Advertisements are solicited by the publisher and inquiries regarding advertisements should be sent to: Diggle Publishing Company Tel: (843) 972-2356 • Fax: (843)856-0358 Email: Chuck@CharlestonMilitary.com Classified ads may be placed and the current issue may be viewed online by visiting www.CharlestonMilitary.com

The XO is onboard and he has made it his mission to get me into shape for my next assignment. Not that there is anything wrong with that, except when you hit the pavement at 5:30 a.m., you don’t expect to walk out into a sweltering 85 degrees with 90 percent humidity. But that’s just what we’ve been experiencing here in the LowCountry for the past month or so. We’ve set records for the most days in a row above 90 degrees. Last week I heard the weatherman actually say it was going to feel like 120 degrees. Now I really can’t tell that much difference between, oh say, 105 versus 120 degrees. I just know it’s hot. And my body tells me it’s time to slow down and take it easy. I hope all of you are heeding the heat advisories that are being put out and exercising earlier in the morning or later in the evening and drinking as much water as possible to stay hydrated.

Now, onto a brighter note, at least for all you parents out there: school is starting back in another week or so. (That means football season is just around the corner!) That noise you just heard was the sound of thousands of children plopping face first in their Coco Puffs. Back-to-school means the end of summer for our kids, but it also can add a whole new level of stress to our lives: finding money for back to school clothes and school supplies, dealing with bullies on the bus, dogs eating homework, etc. I encourage each of you as parents to set your child up for success in their upcoming school year. Get involved with them. Ask them about their studies, their teachers, their assignments. Join the PTA and go to their meetings. Children don’t go to school to fail. Sometimes the only thing they need to be successful is a little input and yes, love, from their parents. Be a part of your children’s lives. Your children AND their teachers will thank you for it. There are two articles in this week’s paper about Joint Basing. The first is to fill you in on what Joint Basing is all about. We’ve talked about it so much, I thought it would be important for you to understand the basics and what it is exactly that joint basing will accomplish. Our staffs are working feverishly to meet the October 1 deadline, and by the looks of things, we will definitely be a full-up joint base by the deadline. The other article lists a series of fun events that will coincide with

the new joint base. These events promise to be a great time for all commands that take part and I encourage you to start planning for these events now. One of the changes that we will definitely see at NWS Charleston due to joint basing will be more Air Force uniforms working in and around the base. I envision a good six months to a year “shake out” period where we and our Air Force counterparts learn each others’ methods of doing business. There might be some confusion at first as to where everyone in your organization stands. However, the military has a time-proven method of dealing with this confusion. It’s called the rank structure. For example, there is absolutely no difference between an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (0-5) and a Navy Commander (0-5) other than their title. In the mini-series Band of Brothers, a character named Capt. Sobel strolls past Major Winters without saluting. Winters corrects Sobel: “Captain, you salute the rank, not the man.” Shipmates, it’s easy. Treat everyone you meet with the same dignity and respect you expect from them. If you see an officer, Ensign, First Lieutenant, Major, Commander or Colonel, you salute them and hold your salute until it is returned. Basic military courtesy will go a long way during the next few months as we bring Joint Base Charleston to life. Take Care, CDR Gary Martin

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 3

Navy names first female strike group commander Child care fees change to maintain quality services From USS George H.W. Bush Public Affairs

RADM Nora Tyson has assumed command of CSG 2.

Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2 held a change of command ceremony aboard the strike group’s flagship, USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) July 29. Rear Adm. Nora W. Tyson assumed command of Carrier CSG 2. Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet, Vice Adm. Melvin G. “Mel” Williams Jr., presided over the ceremony, which included Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm.

Gary Roughead as the guest speaker.” “I am honored and humbled to have been selected to this position; and I promise you, I will give everything I have to the mission and the Sailors and families of Carrier Strike Group 2,” Tyson said. Tyson, a native of Memphis, Tenn., joined the Navy in 1979 after graduating from Vanderbilt University and completing Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I., that same year. As a naval flight officer, Tyson’s Navy career included three tours in Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron (VQ) 4 at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., and Tinker Air Force Base, Okla. She also served as the commanding officer of the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5). Under her command,

By Lisa Daniel, American Forces Press Service

Bataan deployed twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and led the Navy’s relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Tyson spoke of how proud she is to take on the latest and most challenging role of her career, leading a strike group consisting of the Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the ships of Destroyer Group 22, and the squadrons of Carrier Air Wing 8. As CSG 2’s 69th commander, Tyson talked about the critical role of the Carrier Strike Group in the nation’s warfighting arsenal. “As we all know, these are challenging times to wear our uniform and serve our nation,” Tyson said. “Demand for our naval forces will only grow, putting increasing pressure on the finite resources available to us.”

The Defense Department is adjusting its child care fees, adding categories for its highest income earners to compensate for six years without fee range increases, Pentagon officials announced today. The department’s Military and Community Family Policy Office has added three categories to the top of its fee schedule to go into effect by September 30, Barbara Thompson, director, office of family policy, children and youth, said during an interview with American Forces Press Service and The Pentagon Channel. Each service will issue specific fee guidelines, including exceptions to the fee schedule, and adopt fees within the policy office’s ranges, she said. The adjustment brings the number of fee categories to nine, causing some people to move into different categories, Thompson said. In the previous fee schedule, which has been in effect since 2004, everyone with a total family income of $70,001 or more was in Category VI – the top level – and paid an average of $124 per child per week, she said. Under the new schedule, families with a total family income between $73,501 and $85,000 will be in Category VI and will pay between $122 and $130 per child per week, still under $3 per hour for a 50-hour week, Thompson said. Here is the fee schedule:

- Category I – incomes of $29,400 or below – will pay between $44-$59 per week; - Category II – incomes from $29,401 to $35,700 – will pay between $60-$74 per week; - Category III – incomes from $35,701 to $46,200 – will pay between $75-$90 per week; - Category IV – incomes from $46,201 to $57,750 – will pay between $91-$105 per week; - Category V – incomes from $57,751 to $73,500 – will pay between $106-$121 per week; - Category VI – incomes from $73,501 to $85,000 – will pay between $122-$130 per week; - Category VII – incomes from $85,001 to $100,000 – will pay between $131-$133 per week; - Category VIII – incomes from $100,001 to $125,000 – will pay between $134-$136 per week; - Category IX – incomes of $125,001 or above – will pay between $137-$139 per week. “We understand that these are tough economic times for families, but we did this very deliberately after careful study,” she said. “When you look at what you’re getting for your child care fees, it’s a wonderful opportunity in a high-quality care environment.”

Going joint base with style Oct. 1 by 2nd Lt. Lindsay Stonecipher 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron

Since joint base preparations began, countless hours of hard work have gone into making the concept a reality and many more are in store, but Oct. 1 will be a day of fun for Joint Base Charleston. The week leading up to Oct. 1 is planned to be filled with sports competitions, such as volleyball, basketball, bowling and a golf tournament Sept. 17. So, be on The preparations are almost complete as a series of the lookout for sign-ups. special events will help bring two bases together Finally, the base is schedinto the premier Joint Base in the country. uled to host a Team Relay Challenge the morning of Joint Base Charleston will officially Oct. 1, followed by an afternoon celebration become something completely different and ceremony. Units are encouraged to pick than it has ever been before Oct. 1 - a fully the three best runners, single best biker and operational joint base. The day will mark two best swimmers to compete in this firstthe successful combination of two different ever Commander's Cup Challenge. entities into one military team.

Afterward, bring family, friends, loved ones and neighbors to Marrington Plantation for an afternoon of entertainment, food and fellowship. Opening remarks and the presentation of the Commander's Cup will begin at 11:00 a.m. with festivities immediately following. So, mark the calendar, and keep an eye out for more information in the next few weeks, because on Oct. 1, Joint Base Charleston will be going joint base with style. Schedule of Events: Sept. 17: Golf Tournament Sept. 27 - 30: Sports Tournaments · Volleyball · Basketball · Bowling

Oct. 1: · Team Relay Challenge · 3 x 5K run, starting at Sports and Fitness Center, 7:30 a.m. · 15 mile bike ride, starting at River's Avenue gate, 9 a.m. · 2 x 200 meter swim, at Naval Weapons Station pool, 9:30 a.m. Oct. 1: Open house at Marrington Plantation, Naval Weapons Station · Greetings and introductions: 11:00 11:30 a.m. · Presentation of Commander's Cup: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. · Food, entertainment, fun: 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.

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Bupers transitions to new message system The Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) and Navy Personnel Command (NPC) announced they will transition to a new message system beginning in August. According to NAVADMIN 249/10, all unclassified message traffic from BUPERS and NPC, including permanent change of station orders, will be sent via command e-mail. This change is a result of the Navy ending support for the Defense Messaging System (DMS). To create as transparent a change as possible, BUPERS is fielding a new system called Government Official Information Exchange System (GOES). The GOES system will act as a router for all BUPERS official information destined for command email or other web based applications. All commands that have set up delivery paths within GOES will receive official information from BUPERS via command email. GOES also supports Sailors stationed in nonNavy billets such as those in Individual Augmentee assignments.

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Navy Exchange (NEX) announced the establishment of a Chief Petty Officer (CPO) (Select) Uniform Payment Plan through the Military Star® Card to allow CPO selectees to charge their new uniforms to their Military Star Card. CPO selectees will have an additional deferred payment plan option when purchasing new uniforms at their NEX. NEX created the plan so CPO selectees could charge new uniforms to their Military Star® Card. The payment plan can only be used at NEX Uniform Stores. The new plan provides zero percent interest for 12 months with no minimum purchase amount. Minimum monthly payments are required. Customers who open a Military Star® Card account will receive 10 percent off their first day’s purchases, including a uniform purchase. The discount is applied to the customer’s card statement.


The Navy announced the implementation of its new Electronic Leave (E-Leave) system in a message July 27. According to NAVADMIN 252/10 all shore commands will use E-Leave to request, track and manage leave once their Command Leave Administrator (CLA) completes initial setup within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) application. The Navy requires all PSDs, CSDs and shore commands to be fully using E-Leave by Oct. 31. Sailors, reviewers and approvers can access E-Leave through NSIPS at https://nsips.nmci.navy.mil. CLAs will have the capability to manage E-Leave transactions to include correction and cancellation. E-Leave will automatically check-out Sailors on leave 24 hours after initial start date and will automatically check-in Sailors 72 hours after the return date. CLA or ESR self-service users will also have the ability to request an extension. Sailors who have not yet established their web ESR SelfService access can do so at https://nsips.nmci.navy.mil.

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E-Leave system in place

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

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August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

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Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

MA2(SW/AW) Nicholas Green (left) and IT1(SW/EXW) Justin Sweat were selected as Naval Weapons Station Charleston Junior and Senior Sailors of the Quarter. Green is assigned to NWS Security and Sweat is the Leading Petty Officer for NWS Charleston’s IT department.


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Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

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Thirty-five Air Force Chaplain candidates toured Naval Weapons Station Charleston July 30. Besides eating lunch at the Redbank Club, they also visited All Saints Chapel and the Naval Consolidated Brig.

Page 6

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

NNPTC commanding officer honors Patriots Point volunteers By Lieutenant Junior Grade Cassandra Mitchell and Ensign Jasmine Donovan, NNPTC

Photo courtesy of NNPTC

CAPT Thomas Baily, NNPTC commanding officer, presents Letters of Commendation to USS Yorktown volunteers for their efforts in supporting young Sailors assigned to NNPTC. On July 16th, Captain Thomas W. Bailey, Naval Nuclear Power Training Command (NNPTC) Commanding Officer, expressed his appreciation to nine volunteer tour guides from Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum in

Charleston, SC for their tireless efforts in training almost 900 NNPTC Sailors a year. Every Monday, NNPTC sends between 18 and 40 enlisted students to Patriots Point to visit USS Yorktown and related museums. The nine volunteer tour guides rec-

ognized by NNPTC spend numerous afternoons sharing their knowledge of U.S. history and their personal experiences aboard naval vessels. The volunteers, who altogether have been giving tours at Patriots Point for 43 years, are a mix of retired military and civilians with a desire to share their love of naval history. The volunteers; Marvin Veronee, Sid Busch, Arnie Stein, David Schuler, Burrel Boatwright, Gerald Lepley, Janet Lepley, Marvin Miller, and Mr. Jerry Stout, were recognized with Letters of Commendation for their efforts in supporting NNPTC’s mission of producing safe and trusted nuclear operators ready for follow-on training and, ultimately, service in the fleet. Currently, about a third of the enlisted students who go through the Nuclear Propulsion Training

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Program get the chance to visit USS Yorktown. Many of these students, upon arriving at NNPTC, have never set foot on a naval ship. As Captain Bailey pointed out during the ceremony, the decommissioned vessels at Patriots Point allow the students an opportunity to see what [the] engineering space, berthing, flight deck and hanger bay look like giving young Sailors something tangible to focus on while in a classroom environment. Aside from allowing NNPTC students a close look at a naval vessel similar to one on which they will soon live and work, the tour guides share a sense of being part of something greater than themselves. Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum helps show how these students are part of the legacy inherited by all US Navy members.

Commander NRSE receives second star

Photo courtesy of NRSE Public Affairs

RADM Tim Alexander, Commander Navy Region Southeast, holds his new two-star flag with Quartermaster Petty Officer 2nd Class William Sunda, the lowest ranking enlisted person on NRSE staff, at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, July 22. RADM Alexander was officially promoted to the two-star rank on July 19.


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August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 7

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Page 8

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Renter's insurance important for base residents By Wm. Cullen James, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and wild fires have all recently impacted the lives of Sailors and their families. Navy leaders are reminding Sailors about the importance of being prepared by having renter's insurance. "We have learned a number of very valuable lessons from both Hurricane Katrina and our flood here in Millington," said Rear Adm. Don Quinn, commander, Navy Personnel Command. "One important lesson is that our Navy families own more things than either the government or our PPV Housing partners are prepared to replace. Renter's insurance is cheap and great for peace of mind. I strongly encourage all Navy families who are renting or in base housing to invest in this very important safety net." Sailors renting homes off-base generally purchase the amount of coverage they require to cover the potential loss of personal effects. Some residents of base housing mistakenly believe that they are provided full insurance coverage from the government. That is not the case. Residents of public/private venture housing are generally provided limited insurance coverage under the terms of the rental agreement. "Residents should check their leasing agreement to determine the extent of that coverage because it is location dependent," said Virginia Eilmus, head, Personnel Claims Unit Norfolk. "In addition, residents of base housing may be entitled to compensation for damage or loss under the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act (Personnel Claims Act). The Personnel Claims Act (PCA) allows for limited compensation for active duty service members and DoD civilian employees

Photo by MC2 Class Lowell Whitman

Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brien Aho, assigned to Navy Public Affairs Support East, captures the aftermath of the flooding that hit Naval Support Activity Mid-South in Millington, Tenn. The base was closed to residents and non-mission essential personnel after two days of rain dumped more than 14 inches in the area May 1 and 2, causing severe flooding on parts of the base. whose personal property is lost, damaged or destroyed because of their military service. Members who desire to submit a claim are required to first file a claim with their insurance carrier." The maximum value of a claim filed under the PCA is limited to $40,000 and service members who file claims will only receive a depreciated value on their lost or damaged property.

"Renter's insurance is important, it is the best way to protect your personal property," said Navy Personnel Command Force Master Chief (AW/SW/NAC) Jon Port. "And when you're busy dealing with all the various issues that happen during and after a disaster, having one less thing to worry about is a blessing." Just like other insurance policies, there are limits to what renter's insurance will cover, what kind of deductibles may be required and policy costs. For advice about renter's insurance, Port suggests Sailors visit www.cnrc.navy.mil/insurance.htm. Some basic tips from the site include: • Take an inventory: Before purchasing insurance itemize your belongings with price estimates, serial numbers, receipts (if possible) and purchase dates. • Make an informed decision: Ask your insurance company about theft limits, cash or replacement value, deductible options and discounts. • Shop around: Call a variety of insurance agents, and keep track of the coverage and costs. • Read the policy: It's a contract; ensure you understand the obligations spelled out. For more information regarding government housing, visit your local housing office. For more information about emergency preparedness, visit www.cnic.navy.mil/CNIC_HQ_Site/WhatWeDo/EmergencyMan agement/index.htm.

What’s on your bucket list? Stop putting off your dreams. Train for a new career. Enhance your skills and get that promotion, or slow down and enjoy photography, gardening or cooking. Trident Technical College’s Continuing Education Schedule can help you get the most out of life. Request a copy of the fall 2010 course schedule today at 843.574.6022 or visit www.tridenttech.edu/ce.htm.

Continuing Education

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 9

Academic help available at Tutor.com by Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles, Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs The Department of Defense (DoD) is currently funding an online tutoring program for military children provided by Tutor.com, a website built to aid military members and their families toward greater academic success at no charge. Since 2001, the Tutor.com network of more than 1,800 professional tutors and career specialists have delivered more than 5 million one-to-one tutoring and career sessions. Now, service members and their families have access to the resources through a DoD) funded contract. For a quick quiz, grab a pencil and test your knowledge of the new program. Find out how to get the service, who is eligible and what services are provided. 1. Who is eligible to receive the free service? A. U.S. active duty military service members and their dependents B. U.S. military reservists on active duty in a deployed status and their dependents C. U.S. National Guard personnel on active duty in a deployed status and their dependents D. DOD civilians in a deployed status and their dependents E. All of the above

2. How do you sign up for the service? A. Check in with the base library for a password B. Go to www.tutor.com/military C. Call the education center D. Call the attending school E. Both A and B

E. All of the above 6. What grade levels are served? A. Elementary school B. Middle school C. High school D. Introductory college level E. All of the above

3. What hours are tutors available? A. Weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. B. Only during normal school hours C. Only after normal school hours D. 24 hours a day, seven days a week 4. What days are tutors available? A. Monday, Wednesday, Friday B. Saturday, Sunday C. All federal work days D. Every day, except New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas 5. What tutoring services are provided? A. Mathematics and English B. Resumes and job search C. Science and Social Studies D. Essay writing, test taking, proofreading and homework


7. How is the tutoring conducted? A. Over the phone B. Through e-mail C. Through an online blackboard D. In real time, directly with a tutor on an interactive whiteboard 8. Where can you use Tutor.com? A. From school or home B. From the base library C. Overseas D. Anywhere with internet access

Answers: 1. E, 2. E, 3. D, 4. D, 5. E, 6. E, 7. D, 8. D

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Page 10

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

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August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 11

Intramural Fall softball registration

Registration for intramural softball is underway at the MWR Athletics Office in building 725. The deadline to register your team is August 24. A coaches’ meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 26 at 5:00 p.m. at the MWR Athletics Office. Play will begin Tuesday, August 31. For more information, call 764-7530. Check us out on Facebook under Naval Weapons Station Athletics, Fitness & Aquatics.

Youth center’s “Bear Hugs” before and after school program

An important part of the going back to school process is registering your child for the Youth Center’s “Bear Hugs” before and after school program. With the Youth Center’s Bear Hugs program children ages five - 12 will be supervised before school, bussed to and from school and supervised afterwards until parents arrive for pick up. The program offers a healthy snack, supervised play, homework assistance, and exciting projects every day. Children may be dropped off as early as 6:00 a.m. and must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. The Youth Center provides transportation to and from the following schools; Marrington Elementary and Middle School, Goose Creek Primary, Aims/Howe Hall and Sedgefield Intermediate and Middle School. The cost for the program is determined by a sliding fee scale, based upon your total family income. Call 764-7809.

Child & youth dance program

The fall session of dance classes offered by Naval Weapons Station Youth Programs will begin September 1 and run through November 17. An open house registration & uniform fitting is scheduled for August 25 at the Teen Center (Bldg 777). Dance programs offered include: Creative movement (for ages three and up) and pre-ballet (for ages six and up). The program will be taught by Larisa Dahabi, former owner of the Mt. Pleasant School of Performing Arts and now merged with Academy of Dance Arts. More can be found regarding Ms. Dahabi’s experience by visiting www.mpspa.com. All classes will be offered on Wednesdays in Bldg. 777. Creative movement will be held from 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. and pre-ballet will be held 6:15 - 7:00 p.m. Proper dance attire is required and available through the Youth Center. Ongoing registrations are accepted at the Youth Center (Bldg 788). Call (843) 7642125 for more information.

Become a Child Development Homes (CDH) provider

Do you like children? Need extra cash? The Child Development Homes (CDH) program offers you a chance to provide childcare in your home. The options available to Child Development Homes providers are numerous and include: • Before/after school care • Part-time/drop-in care • Full-time care for infants, toddlers, or pre-school ages • Evening & weekend care As a CDH provider, you determine your fees and hours. Although the Navy determines the maximum childcare ratios, you can choose and interview families that have children fitting the hours and ages you are looking for. Only certified CDH providers are permitted to provide child care in Navy Housing. If interested in becoming a certified provider, please call 764-7347.

Page 12

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

In preparation for a Luau party, Brianna Foxx makes a lava lamp while her fellow campers watch.

Brandi Horne and her group of “mad scientists,” take a break while visiting the exploration station during Camp Grinning Gator.

Modeling clay, baking soda, vinegar and an inquiring mind results in a working volcano for Chase Krieg.

Three Grinning Gators try to see who can keep their hula hoop spinning the longest, which isn’t easy in 95 degree heat.

Left to right: Price Redge, Ethan Kinzel and Eddie Jernigan take time to relax with a good book or magazine.

Photos by MC1(SW/AW) Jennifer Hudson

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 13

When all is said and done, Miquan Fennick decides that shooting hoops is still his favorite activity.

Scooters don’t go very fast, but they still beat walking. Armune White enjoys an afternoon cruise, complete with safety gear.

Rack ‘em up and shoot ‘em down. Logan Borg gets a chance to play a few games of pool during Camp Grinning Gator.

Did you know you can mummify an apple? Alexis Gandy gathers her ingredients to see if it will actually work.

Page 14

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Marrington Seniors (Mixed)—Friday, 10:00 a.m. Friday Nite (Mixed)—Friday, 6:30 p.m. Youth Leagues—Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Call the Bowling Center at 764-7235 and sign up today! Back-To-School Schedule Dorchester 2 School District begins on Monday, August 16, 2010. Charleston County School District begins on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Berkeley County School District begins on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Dr. Ronald Charles receives a Lifetime Achievement Award for his service to the Judo community

MWR instructor receives lifetime achievement award for Judo At the 2010 Greatest Camp on Earth in North Carolina, Judo Association president Gary Goltz and vice-president Joan Love honored Ronald Allan Charles with a special award. The Lifetime Achievement Award reads: “Mutual benefit and welfare, the spirit of Judo, has been embodied by your lifetime of service. Presented to Dr. Ronald Allan Charles in grateful appreciation on behalf of the Judo community.” Dr. Charles began Judo in 1961 while a cadet at The Citadel. Before earning his doctorate and several master’s degrees in education, he studied for over a year at Kodokan Judo Institute in Japan and taught judo in 30 countries. He holds an 8th degree black belt Judo rank and 6th degree black belt Jujitsu rank and teaches these arts in his Samurai Judo Association, one of the nation’s largest clubs, at the Naval Weapons Station’s MWR athletics facility in Goose Creek, near Charleston, SC. Classes are free for active duty personnel. Winter bowling leagues now forming Winter bowling leagues are now being formed at Marrington Lanes. We offer men’s, women’s, seniors’ (ages 50 & up), mixed and youth leagues. Below is a list of available leagues and times that will start soon at Marrington Lanes: Turbo (Mixed)—Monday, 7:00 p.m. Just For Fun (Seniors)—Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. Menriv Originals (Women Only)— Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Fleet Reserve Assn. (Mixed)— Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 21 Point Peterson (Mixed)—Thursday, 6:30 p.m.

School registration & immunization information Students enter kindergarten in the Berkeley County school district if they attain the age of five on or before September 1 of the applicable year. Students may not enter first grade in the schools of Berkeley County unless they will attain the age of six on or before September 1 of the applicable school year or have substantially initiated a first grade program in another state that has a different attendance requirement than South Carolina. Students entering the Berkeley County school district must have their certificates of immunization. Those students who are transferred from another district will be allowed thirty (30) days to have their immunization records complete. The following information should be taken to school for enrollment: * completed registration form * completed health history question naire * birth certificate of student * two proofs of residency with street address-utility bill, rental agreement, etc. *school records from previous school if available *special education records, if applicable *S.C. immunization form and health records *proof of guardianship if student lives with someone other than parent Night golf tournament planned for Navy Ball fundraiser A four-person Captain’s Choice Night Golf Tournament is scheduled for Friday, August 27 at Redbank Plantation Golf Course as a fundraiser for the upcoming Navy Ball. Players will tee off 5:00 p.m. and play nine holes of daytime golf. At the

turn, players will take a break, post scores and enjoy a cookout. At dark, players will begin the second nine holes in the dark using glow-in-the-dark golf balls and flagsticks. The cost will be $40 per person which includes cart, greens fee, prizes, cook-out and night golf balls. The tournament is limited to the first 18 teams to register. For more information, or to register your team, contact John Davis at (843) 764-7457 or by e-mail at john.h.davis3@navy.mil Water fitness classes at New Wave pool Have you ever noticed how challenging it is to walk through the shallow end of a swimming pool? Or how tired you can make yourself by simply trying to move your limbs quickly through water? Due to the constant resistance provided by the water all around you, virtually everything you do while you’re underwater can be considered a fitness activity. New Wave Aquatic Center offers Water Fitness classes featuring “Delta Bell” water fitness equipment that are designed for swimmers and non-swimmers alike. Classes are offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Morning classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. beginning July 12. Classes are free to active duty military. For all others, the cost is $13 per (5class) session or $20 per (10-class session). Call 764-7033 for more information. Swimming lessons at New Wave Aquatic Center MWR offers swimming lessons in both morning and evening sessions for all ages. Parent/Child Aquatics are offered for ages six months - three years and provides the child an introduction to the water with parent’s guidance. Pre-school Aquatics (Levels 1, 2 & 3) is for children, ages three - five years, and offers the child a first pool experience without the parent’s guidance while teaching basic skills that are the building blocks of swimming. Youth Aquatics are offered at various skill levels to ages six - 13 years, beginning with basics like learning to float and advancing to specific strokes. Adult swim classes are also available. For more details, call Rose Wright at 764-7033 for more information.

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 15

TTC values vets. Veterans, Trident Technical College recognizes your educational needs by providing: Access !" # $%$&'#!%$ (%!%)#*+ %$,'#!&"*#- .%*%/!+ '",*+%-") !" 0%-1 2", &$%*!&32 !0% .%+! .%*%/!+ 3") 2",) %$,'#!&"*#- *%%$+ College services from college preparation through graduation Networking opportunities with other student veterans and a veterans-only student study lounge Programs of study that complement your military training and prepare you for a career or transfer to a four-year college, including criminal justice and aircraft maintenance

For more information, call the veterans

%$,'#!&"*#- .%*%/!+ '",*+%-") #! 843.574.6882, visit www.tridenttech.edu/military.htm or stop by the VETS Center on Main Campus, Bldg. 700, Room 201.

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Page 16

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Legal guidelines for scratching the political itch When it comes to the democratic process, everyone is encouraged to register to vote, study the issues and candidates, and ultimately vote as part of their civic obligations. Beyond these basic actions, as primary and general elections approach, military members and Department of Defense civilian employees may start feeling the itch become more active in the political process. When feeling that urge, it's important to understand the rules governing federal employee participation in political activities. What is a political activity? A political activity is an activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group. There are two partisan political activities: partisan and nonpartisan. Partisan activities relate to candidates or issues of national or state political parties. Candidacy for national or state office is considered partisan, even if the candidate is not affiliated with a national or state political party. Partisan activities are more restricted than nonpartisan

By 628th Air Base Wing Legal Office uniform activities. ¡ Display a political sticker on a privately Nonpartisan activities are not associated with a national or state political party but owned vehicle involve "stand alone" political issues, such as Military members may not: constitutional amendments, municipal ordi¡ Use his or her official authority or influnances, etc. Employees have more leeway with nonpartisan activities so long as they ence to interfere with an election ¡ Participate in partisan political managerefrain from using government facilities and/or resources and so long as the employee ment, campaigns, or conventions ¡ Make campaign contributions to another avoids any implication that the Air Force member of the military or an employee of the endorses or supports their activity. The DOD has established guidelines and federal government ¡ Solicit or receive a campaign contribupolicies that restrict both types of political activities by military members and federal tions from another member of the military ¡ Display a large political sign, banner, or employees. Listed below are a few political poster on the top or side of a private vehicle activity guidelines: ¡ March or ride in a partisan political Military members may: ¡ Register, vote, and express their opinions parade on political candidates (but not as representing Civilian federal employees may: the military) ¡ Be a candidate for public office in nonpar¡ Make monetary contributions to a polititisan elections cal organization ¡ Assist in voter registration drives, drive ¡ Attend partisan and non-partisan political meetings or rallies as a spectator when not in voters to a polling place, and act as a recorder,

For information on display advertising, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com or call 412-5861. Information on classified ads can be found on Page 23.

watcher or challenger at a polling place ¡ Serve as election judge or clerk ¡ Make campaign speeches for candidates in partisan elections' ¡ Distribute campaign literature in partisan elections Civilian federal employees should avoid: ¡ Soliciting, accepting or receiving political contributions unless both individuals are members of the same federal labor organization or employee organization, and the one solicited is not subordinate ¡ Knowingly soliciting or discouraging the political activity of any person who has business before the agency ¡ Engaging in political activity while on duty ¡ Engaging in political activity while in any government office ¡ Hosting or sponsoring a political fundraiser (although you may attend it, and your spouse may host the fundraiser.)

To see To see thethe Airlift NavyDispatch Shoreline online online or download or download a PDF a PDFof of the the paper, paper, please please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com visit www.Airlift.sc

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August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Page 17

Active Duty Military & Families

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2145 Henry Tecklenburg Drive • Suite 100 • Charleston, SC

By Jordan Arim, Fitness Intern

People often ask me if I enjoy working out. I’ve never really stopped to consider this until I started thinking about what I wanted to write about in this article. Does anybody truly enjoy the monotony of picking up heavy metal objects and putting them back down, only to pick them back up again? Or how about running on a strip of rubber where after running countless miles, you are still in the exact same spot? Lack of motivation is the cause Photo courtesy of MWR of many of our struggles to get and Jordan Arim, a rising senior at the University stay fit. Sometimes exercise not of South Carolina, is majoring in Sports and only isn’t fun, but is a tedious, Entertainment Management and has been sweaty task that no one likes to do. working as an intern for MWR this summer. The good new is that there are many ways to make fitness fun. How you exercise isn’t nearly as important as finding the motivation to do it and keep at it until you see results. Growing up as a three-sport athlete in high school, I never had to worry about having fun when I worked out, because games and practices were fun! Motivation is different for everybody. Some are able to motivate themselves from within, while others need to be pushed. Some of us need an incentive, and others simply will not allow themselves to be motivated. For those of you reading this that are able to wake up before the sun rises, crank out five miles and lift weights, I applaud you. These individuals possess an enormous amount of self-discipline that the rest of us admire. The majority of us need a little boost get going. That’s why I do my best to come up with new and exciting workouts for myself, and I encourage you to do the same. Here are some tips for making fitness fun: Break the habit - Instead of routinely using the same cardio equipment at the fitness center such as the treadmill, stationary bike and step machine, give yourself other options. Why not jump rope or try roller blades? Experience the great outdoors - Charleston is a very diverse playground. Look around for parks, walking trails and bike paths. Visit nearby scenic landmarks, rivers or the beach for a great day hike. Train for a race - Why not train for an athletic event? This is a great way to add adrenaline, excitement and anticipation into your fitness workouts. Beat the heat - Stay cool and get a great workout by visiting the pool to take a water aerobics class, swim laps or join a swim team. Workouts that interest and excite you provide needed exercise while having fun. The more fun the work out is, the more likely you will stick with it and go a little longer and harder. So whether your idea of a fun workout is playing a sport for fun or competition, participating in group exercise classes, or any number of other options, I know that there is something out there for everybody. So, find something you like to do and get moving!

Page 18

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

THE 2010 LT DAN INDEPENDENCE 5K “The Heroes are coming�

Join our Heroes on October 2nd, 2010

Sponsored by Main Street Beaufort, USA, the Lt. Dan Independence 5K is a fully supported event designed to honor and support some of the most severely injured veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Lt. Dan Independence 5K will start and finish in historic downtown Beaufort. To register visit: www.ltdanweekend.com

All proceeds from the Lt. Dan Ride will benefit the Independence Fund and the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. For more information visit: www.independencefund.org and www.semperfifund.org.

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy without endorsement.

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Fleet smart: connected, protected, integrated. www.northropgrumman.com/canes

CANES The U.S. Navy’s Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services program uses expert integration to move critical

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Page 19

Page 20

Navy Charleston Shoreline

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Schedule of Workshops Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug

10 10 11 12 17

10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Job Search Strategies Stress Management Parenting Workshop P2 Child/Infant CPR Baby Basics

Every Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Play mornings Become a fan on Facebook at: NWSCharlestonFFSC Ombudsman appreciation luncheon

Life skills workshops

When: August 31, 2010 Where: Red Bank Club, Ballroom 2316 Red Bank Road, bldg. 942 Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Cost: $10.00 per person for buffet lunch (gratuity not included) (Fried Flounder, Baked Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans, Vegetable Medley, Salad, Sweet & Unsweet Tea, Rolls, and desert.).

According to the Department of Defense on Suicide Prevention and Risk Reduction, suicide is ranked as the 11th leading cause of death nationwide. For the past 10 years, it has also been the second or third leading cause of death among active duty Sailors. The Navy’s suicide prevention campaign is aimed at first responders - anyone who notices the warning signs of suicide and takes preventive action. In supporting the Navy’s “All Hands” position on suicide prevention, the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) NWS Charleston is taking a proactive approach and is offering Suicide Prevention briefs to all NWS Commands. Please call Becky Bowers, Life Skills Educator, at 843-764-7443 for more information on how to have a GMT at your command.

For reservations or more information, please contact Fleet and Family Support Center at 843-764-7480 or email Becky Bowers at rebecca.bowers.ctr@navy.mil by August 23, 2010. Tickets are available at Fleet and Family Support Center, bldg. 755. Please join us in giving these volunteers the “round of applause” they deserve!

Sexual assault prevention and response victim advocate training Every two minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assault (Bureau of Justice Statistics). The Fleet and Family Support Center is committed to the safety and well-being of Navy personnel and their families. Through its Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program (formally SAVI), the FFSC provides victim advocacy training. According to the official website of the United States Navy (www.navy.mil) approximately 35 new Navy sexual assault investigations are initiated by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) every month. In FY2009, 62 percent of all Navy reported sexual assaults were service member on service member. Victim advocates are trained to be “crisis respondents” and coordinate with local and civilian organizations to make sure that sexual assault victims receive appropriate medical, legal and emotional care. SAPR Victim Advocate Training August 16 - 20, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., bldg. 786 Contact Tiffany Minaudo, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) at 843-764-7428.








August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010

Sending students back to school safely

Summer is not officially over yet, but for many students, school will begin soon. As parents and students are getting ready for the start of a new school year and with all the excitement this brings, safety may not be the first thing that springs to mind. Whether they walk, ride their bike or travel by car or bus, here are a few tips to ensure our students get to and from school safely: ·Line up facing the bus, not alongside it. ·Do not play in the street while waiting for the bus. ·Never talk to strangers while on the way to school or at any other time. ·Never go with a stranger or enter their home ·Never accept anything from a stranger. ·Instruct children to walk with an adult or a group of children, if possible. ·Everyone in the car should wear a seatbelt. ·Children of working parents are sometimes left alone at home for brief periods in the afternoons. Teach them that they should never open the door to strangers. ·If a child, alone at home, should answer the phone while you are out, teach them to refrain from telling the caller that they are alone. ·Teach children to be aware of their surroundings and to take the safe way to school - never a shortcut. ·Remind children to walk their bicy cles as they cross the streets and to use bicycle paths where possible. Backpacks are great for carrying books and other school items; however, they are harmful if not used correctly causing possible shoulder or neck injuries, back pain and muscle strains.

Navy Charleston Shoreline

Bachelor Housing note

Resident Advisor meetings are held quarterly and all residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Our next scheduled Resident Advisors meeting is August 19 at 3:00 p.m. in the Bachelor Housing lounge. Your ideas and cooperation will enable us to improve services provided to you. A suggestion box is also located at the front desk in Bachelor Housing, or you may e-mail the Director at robert.ladue@navy.mil. Bachelor Housing residents are assigned a numbered carport correlating to their assigned unit. Since there is only one carport for every two occupants, parking under these carports is first come, first serve. Personnel owning two or more vehicles, shall park only one vehicle; the one that is driven on a daily basis under the carport. All residents must have their vehicle registration and base decal current at all times. There are additional parking spaces available adjacent to units in designated areas. Do not park on the grass; all offenders will have their vehicle ticketed. Multiple offenses could lead to vehicle being towed at resident’s expense. Parking in Bachelor Housing employees’ parking spaces is authorized after the 4:00 p.m. but should be moved prior to 7:00 a.m. Energy conservation

Energy conservation is very important. During recent exterior inspections, the BH staff noted some windows that were left open while the A/C was running. All residents are reminded again that energy conservation is an all hands effort. Please do your part. Your cooperation is necessary to reduce energy usage and subsequent cost. You can help by: a. Turning off all electrical items (i.e., lights, radios, TV’s, stereos, irons, etc.) when not in use or prior to leaving the quarters.

b. Keeping doors and windows closed in air conditioned spaces. If there are circumstances preventing proper closure, report findings immediately to BH front desk. c. Setting thermostats to 78 degrees for cooling and 68 degrees for heating and not changing the settings. Units are equipped with program mable thermostats. Tampering with thermostat program is not author ized. d. Immediately reporting water leaks to the Building Manager or front desk. e. Reporting any energy conservation violation as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Bachelor Housing Director Robert Ladue or Bachelor Housing Manager SHC (SW/AW) Anderson, or SH1 Jones at 764-7646.

Page 21

Plus, we will have some of your children’s school supplies to give away, so do not be late they will go fast! he party will be August 12 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Remember to bring your bathing suits and towels and let’s splash our way back to school!

RiverDogs baseball

Balfour Beatty Communities

We have some great events planned for the month of August! In order to participate in all the fun please register for the events by calling 843-797-5631 and ask for Beth Tracey. Play Bunko on August 11 from 4:00 6:00 p.m. Bunko is an interactive dice game that has become popular once again. The game is easy. If you can roll three dice and count to 21 you got what it takes. It is a great way to get to know your neighbors. The game requires you to switch partners every round, so you end up playing with everyone. If you are shy, you will not be by the end of the game! We will also provide snacks and prizes, so do not hesitate to join the fun at the community center on Fletcher Street. Can you believe summer is almost over! With summer coming to an end the children are heading back to school. Come join us at the pool for one last blast before school starts. We will be grilling up some hot dogs and burgers.

It’s going, going, gone——- home run by outfielder Zoilo Almonte. Are you a fan of the RiverDogs? We will be heading to the RiverDogs game on August 18 at 5:05 p.m. If you would like to join us, meet at the Community Center next to the housing office at 4:00 p.m. and we will head to the ball park. Just a friendly reminder, the annual CEL housing survey has been delivered to your homes. Be sure you take a moment to fill it out and send it in the mail. This will let us know how we are doing and what we can improve upon. After you complete and mail the Survey, please bring your drawing registration card to the housing office. All entries received on or before August 13, 2010, will be entered into our Early Bird Drawing for a fabulous prize. Watch out for some of our upcoming Lifeworks events. You can always log onto our website to find out the latest news on upcoming events.

B: 3.75 in

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Navy Charleston Shoreline

T: 3.75 in

August 6, 2010 - August 19, 2010 S: 3.75 in

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Can Del $350. 696-5212 7-pc Dining Set w/leaf extension. Excellent condition. Must sell. $500 obo. Call 842-724-9028 fo appointment.

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com



$16,500 Negotiable. Call Bobby, 843-760-1001.

Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC"

Goose Creek, 3bdr, 1 1/2bath, large yard, $900. 843-810-7060.

2004 Chevy Silverado Great condition 90,000mi 4x4, tow package, V8 5.7L, Ext Cab 4dr, title in hand, $13,000 obo Call 843-693-2604

Bedroom w/your own bathroom = $400 + Util Between Airport and Weapons Station. Mature Male or Female: quiet, no pets. laundry facls, full kitchen, screen porch $300 deposit, 90 Day lease required. ct42797@gmail.com

Pearl White 2008 Mazda RX-8 GT 6-spd with 18,000 miles, leather, sunroof, 6-disc cd, bixenon headlights, 2 new Firestone Firehawk Indy Oval 500 all-season Ultra high performance tires on the back, tinted windows and spoiler. Asking $24,185. 843.822.2490

Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

SERVICES Triple Military Discount - Free Move In Truck 1 Free month, rules may apply All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 and All Safe Storage 1025 Baconsbridge Road Summerville (843) 873-0083 www.allsafestoragesc.com GEM LAWN CARE, CAFB/local area 367-5473 In-Home Child Care DSS Reg. 6:30 - 6:00 Meals & Snacks Drop-In's $4.00 hr. First hr. free during July. 5 mins from AFB call 843-552-5360 Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near AFB and Navy Base Music Lessons. Saturdays, 8/2010-4/2011. Violin, Piano, Guitar & Drums. Registers online at www.musicbysimplegif ts.com. Mrs. Davis at 767-1251 for more info.

WANTED RELIABLE car to rent/borrow/buy to drive the local area for a few months. Please email jamie.turner2@charleston.af.mil

PETS 5 Siberian Husky Puppies, CKC Reg., UTD Shots, Born 5/19/10, Call 843-327-2025 or 843327-1896 for more information. Free to loving home! 1 1/2 yr old Lab mix. Great with other dogs and children. Is fixed has all shots.Call 843-305-0323 for more info Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale $250. ckc registered, all shots, dewormed/clawed. Just call Holly (843)302-2225 Thanks! Cockerspaniel pup. 8mths.Very playful, loving potty trained.Moving,must find loving home $200, or best offer. Donaya 532-3597. 2 8 week old Boykin Spaniel pups for sale. BSS registered. Hip & Eye cert. Vet ref req'd. Asking $700.Contact Elizabeth at 870-4055 AKC reg American Bulldog 1yr old male, house & crate trained $300 obo crate included, call Brian @ 843-298-2933

4 BR/2.5 BA @The Farm in Wescott for rent $1300/month Pets negotiable Close to AFB. Huge screen porch/fenced yard 270-1380 Renting a room out, $425 per month. Utilities paid, includes use of kitchen & laundry machines, non-smoker, Ph 832-4442 The Parks At Rivers Edge 2BR 2BA $875 and Flanders St-N.Cha 2BR 1.5BA $665. Negotiable. 843-557-6291 or selenerui@hotmail.com Two bedroom, Two bathroom townhouse for rent. 15min from base. 843-469-5114 for details. Boeing Welcome-3 br. 1 ba. brick, lg. yard, applinces, new carpet & paint. conv. to AFB, mall. I-26. No pets. $ 725+dep. (843)767-0112 2BR, 2BA Condo for rent, James Island Regatta $1050/mo, $0 deposit, Stor. Unit + Pk Spot Avail. end of Sept; Call 843.367.1027 Roommate wanted in N. Charleston. Private bedroom, bath, living room, no pets. $625, plus $300 deposit 843-553-5742

E-MAIL HOME SEARCH Automated daily e-mail system provides you details on all homes for sale in the MLS as they hit the market! www.CharlestonHomeSeeker.com Sponsored by Julie Mulligan of Carolina One Real Estate (843) 224-5747

two acres of land, three bedroom mobile home cabin, $50,000. CPT Sam Gethers, (843) 2146750,Email: gsampreach@aol.com 3 bdr 2 bth, 1650 Sq SFH, $159,900, N. Chas, 3 mi frm front gate. Open flr pln, fenced bck yd, LR vaulted ceiling & FP, AJ 843-696-3209 Beautiful 4bd/2.5ba 2 story in Whithall Sub. 2441 SQ FT. ADT security, 2 car garage, shed. $253,000 OBO 850-543-3048 or 850-549-8447

AUTOMOTIVE ALL MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! www.MyAutoChoice.com - 843-873-5656 OVER 150 CARS ONLINE! 76 Triumph Spitfire. Red. AM/FM/Cass. Completely restored. Engine rebuilt. 4 Speed.

Kitchen Cabinets. Never installed. All wood & dovetailed. Cost $5500. Sacrifice $1650. Call after 4 p.m. 843-856-4680 or 843-881-5803.

A 6 Piece Cherry Bedroom Set w/matt & box. Never used.

Sofa and Chair with Ottoman. Great condition, barely used. Must Sell. $250; Call 843-5134252 A must see. Furnish your entire house: Bedroom set with mattress, Dining room set and living room set $1400 (includes military 257867C02 disc.) All new box/plastic with warranty. Call Todd @ 725-8563. Delivery available

Dell XPS Laptop (World of Warcraft edition) w/bag, leather folder and all periphials. glows, asking $800, 843-271-0331 Sofa and Loveseat. New in package Must Sell $350. Call 696-5712 Can Deliver. Queen P-top Matt. and Box Set NEW in Plastic. $125…Full also available. 696-5712 Can deliver

0% Down *SIGN-N-DRIVE* Easy financing through NFCU and USAA Chiefs Wholesale Autos.Regional Quality Award Winner. Chief is on YOUR side! Apples to Apples, Save on thousands! 843-568-9856 1995 Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer Black/Tan, 4x4, 5.0 V8, Goodrich Tires, Tow Package, Keyless Entry, CD player, 143K mi, $4000, 576-9804 Maroon 1997 Ford Taurus LX, V-6, New Tires, Leather, CD changer, Air blows cold! Great student or commuter car, $1,800, 843-697-0702 2002 VW GTI 1.8T, Auto, Black, 86K mi. New Rims, Tires, Brakes, Rotors & Sound Sys. KBB $10560, Asking $8945(neg) Call 324-0079 2002 Mazda Miata convertible Excellent cond. 59,800mi 5 speed, title in hand $8500 obo. Call 843-693-2604 2002 Honda Civic EX - 4 dr., Manual trans, runs great, 96500 miles, tinted windows. 843 764043


Living room set for $500.00 OBO Call 552-0989 or 327-7051. Take a look

White Maytag Refrigerator in great condition. 19 Cu feet with freezer on bottom. $350. email dclements38@gmail.com for pics

Motorcycle trailer $750. 8.5x5.5FT, PCSing. Call Justin (843)260-7908. Will include straps and spare tire with rim, one owner. great cond.

MISC ITEMS FOR SALE Small Black dinette table and 2 chairs, really nice good condition apt size. $25. call Dave 729 5241 John Deere ride mower for sale needs 1 pulley replaced $200.00 obo call Chris. 847-8011 127ft chain link fence with 2 gates. $200 pick up Aug 19. 843-576-4619 Computer Desk $25; PS2 Rockband w/ 2 guitars, drums, & microphone $50; exer. Bike $10; exer. Ball $5. Call Ken @ 843-991-6688 Beautiful wood Entertainment Center. All wood, two drawers,1 cabinet w/glass, photos 766-3378 *must sell* $1500 obo Oak bar stool-$20. Coffee table-$35.,Oak TV table-$35, Bakers Rack-$20. Wood Cart $20.Over stove microwave-$40. 569-7140 12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $235. Call Keith, 843-375-5908.

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YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING AN AD! www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Info@CharlestonMilitary.com • fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing - PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 • 843-412-5861 Diggle Publishing Company, the private contract publisher of the Airlift Dispatch (weekly) and the Navy Shoreline (twice monthly), accepts free personal classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.




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Page 24

Navy Charleston Shoreline

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400 Beacon and Up Okay ✔

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