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THE SETUP OF BUILDING CADASTRE IN SLOVENIA M. Triglav a, *, B. Pegan-Žvokelj a, E. Pogorelčnik b, M. Grilc c a b

Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Jamova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia - (mihaela.triglav, borut.pegan) Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia c Digi Data, d.o.o., Opekarska cesta 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia -

Commission VI, WG VI/4

KEYWORDS: cadastre, building cadastre, geodetic registers

ABSTRACT: The concepts and objectives of the project “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” in Slovenia are presented. This project, partly funded by the World Bank, is ordered by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (SMA) and will be finished at the beginning of 2004. The results will be used for many purposes, among those it will also present the groundwork for real estate taxation. The building cadastre is composed out of registry and cadastral data. Registry data are acquired from different public databases and fieldwork. For the basis the photogrammetric acquisition of building is used, then every building is linked to land cadastre and different data about owners and type of residence is presented per building. In the article the quality and completeness control of registry data is discussed too.

1. INTRODUCTION The building cadastre is a part of “The Real Estate Registration and Modernisation Project”, which is funded partly by the state and partly by the loan of the World Bank. We can divide “The Real Estate Registration and Modernisation Project” to (SMA web page): Subproject A: Land and building cadastre Subproject B: Land register Subproject C: Apartment registration development Subproject D: Agriculture land use monitoring Subproject E: Real estate tax and valuation system development Subproject F: Housing and mortgage reform Subproject G: Legal framework for property ownership Subproject H: Project coordination and strategic studies. The building cadastre will be established as a part of the projects A and C. 1.1 Division of the building cadastre The building cadastre is composed out of two types of data: Cadastral data: established and maintained upon request of the owner of the land, building and a part of a building by an official procedure, Registry data: established and maintained on report or by acquisation from existing datasets. In this article the project “The Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data will be mainly presented. The purpose of this * Corresponding author.

project is to acquire information about every building and a building part in short term. The product of this project the Building Cadastre will present a basis for different kinds of usage for administrative purposes. The data will be gathered from different kinds or official or nonofficial databases which cover whole or a part of Slovenia. Those data will be lead as registry data. At the end of the project “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” every building and every building part will have its own description. We have to stress that at first the registry data will be known as technical data, after the process of “The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners”, which will be described later on, technical data will get the status of registry data. By the laws ZPPLPS and ZENDMPE (see references) the owner of a building or a building part can declare cadastral data about his possession. This is possible from the year 1999 on, but as the public consciousness to sort possession legally in order is low, there is only a small portion of owners who had already done cadastral inscription of their real estates (mainly those who made real estate transactions). Cadastral data will be introduced to the building cadastre after the end of the project “Setup of Building Cadastre - Registry Data”. In the future the cadastral data will supplant the registry data. But we can not estimate how long the evolution from mainly registry to mainly cadastral building cadastre will take. 1.2 History and timetable The key tasks of the project “Setup of Building Cadastre” are taking part form the year 2001 on and will end in 2004. We can divide them on:



“Photogrammetric Acquisition of Buildings”: 1.400.000 acquired buildings “Pilot Project of Setup of Building Cadastre”: it prepared methodological groundwork, the methodology was tested on test area, its results were the basis for the preparation of the public official invitation for tenders for the project “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” “The Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” “The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners”.

Those tasks were/are performed by Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia and different companies that worked/work on different individual contracts. The project “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” begun in October 2002 and will be finished by April 2004. The majority of this article is devoted to this project. 2. DATA MODEL OF THE PROJECT “SETUP OF BUILDING CADASTRE – REGISTRY DATA” 2.1 Organisation of the contractors of the project “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data”

“The Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” is prepared by consortium of companies presented by joint venture of CRC Sogema, Inc. form Canada and LUZ, d.o.o form Slovenia, which include a lot of private geodetic companies at different locations in Slovenia (Figure 1). Those companies are centrally managed by the project support office of contractors. The project support office delegates the work of regional offices, which manage the work of local contractors. The project support office of contractors is closely connected with the consignee (SMA) and its project support office. 2.2 Input data Before and in the procedure of the project “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data” a lot of work has been done on the acquisition of different kinds of already established data basis, which include information about buildings and building parts. Input data: Data from central database of buildings: photogrammetric acquisition Cadastral inscriptions according to the law ZPPLPS and ZENDMPE (see references) Reservation of house numbers upon a request of the contractor Land cadastre Register of spatial units (municipalities, settlements, cadastral areas, house numbers with cancroids) Raster data (digital ortho-photo maps, scanned topographic maps at a scale of 1:5000, 1:25000) Business register Central register of population Ground rent registers Register of consumers of electricity and electricity payers and others. In the process of gathering data, the data from some building administration companies were gained. Those data will get the registry status right away.

Figure 1. Local contractors

Figure 3. Photogrammetricaly acquired building outlines

2.3 Arrangements of attributes

Figure 2. Regional offices managed by local contractors (Digi Data, Igea, LUZ, Monolit)

The data recorded in the building cadastre include: Identification number of a building and a building part Location and shape of a building and a building part Surface area of a building and a building part



Owner or a potential owner of a building part Administrator of a part of a building if state-owned Actual use of a building part Number of floors in the building Connection with land cadastre (number of a parcel on or under which a building is set, or a parcel on which is building functionally linked) Connection with the Register of Spatial Units (house number when defined) Year of construction of building Year of last renovation of a building and a building part Installations in a building (gas, telephone, cable TV, water, electricity…), Construction material of a building Number of rooms in a building part (apartment) Information whether a building part has a kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet.

All records are presented together with the information about the completeness and reliability.

Figure 5. Software environment for the “Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data”

3. DATA QUALITY CONTROL 3.1 Data quality control by the contractors

2.4 Workflow Work is organised on the unit of a cadastral community. We can divide stages of workflow on: First preliminary treatment of data (preparation of central register for data) Preparation of data: merging photogrammetricaly acquired building outlines (connecting jutting roofs with main building) Automatic determination of type of the building Central automatic determination of different kinds of attributes which can be deduced out of several input sources First phase at regional office: determination of attributes which are connected to a building Second phase at regional office: determination of attributes which are connected to a part of a building Final merging and final inner control, adding data from assisting input data sources.

The contractors carry out inner control of the data quality. Data quality is regulated by operative instructions written in the public official invitation for tenders. When the work on the cadastral community is finished, and inner data quality control is finished, the cadastral community goes in the data quality control by the SMA. 3.2 Data quality control by the SMA The data quality control carried out at SMA is performed on at least 5 % sample of buildings in cadastral community. If the cadastral community has less than 500 buildings, the control sample is bigger. Data quality control is divided in two parts: contents control and systematic control. Data quality control by SMA is performed at the local SMA offices (12 centres) and is based upon a controller with good local knowledge of the area (Operative instructions for data quality control by SMA, 2003). 4. FIRST LAYOUT OF DATA TO THE POTENTIAL OWNERS

Figure 4. Connecting jutting roofs with main building – we get just one outline of the building At the first and second phase of work at regional offices the work is closely connected with good local knowledge. The person who works at regional office has to check the automatic determination of different kinds of attributes and establish those not determined automatically. The data are saved centrally and are refreshed simultaneously with work, so there is no problem between different cadastral communities on which the work process is simultaneous.

After the end of the project the “Setup of Building Cadastre Registry Data”, project “The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners” is planed. With this procedure the potential owners of buildings and a building parts will have a possibility to rectify different kinds of data in the register part of the building cadastre (not all data). At the moment “The Pilot Project of the First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners” is being carried out at Geodetic Institute of Slovenia. Its main tasks are: Preparation of the methodology of the project Finding out the conditions which will make this project possible and have to be regulated with different new laws (e.g. the taxation law) Finding out different possibilities how to inform the public about “The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners” On a test sample: testing the response of the potential owners to the information letters, which will inform them on the possibility to improve registry data.

“The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners” is important, because the potential owners will have only one possibility to repair the technical data in building cadastre until the data have this status. Repairing data of one’s possession at this state will be quick and cheap for the owners. The owners will have to bear in mind that in the future they will be taxed on the grounds of data held in building cadastre. After the end of the project “The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners”, the technical data in building cadastre will change its state to register data.

6. CONCLUSIONS After finishing the project “Setup up Building Cadastre – Registry Data” and the project “The First Layout of Data to the Potential Owners” Slovenia will get a complete and up-to-date building cadastre which will be useful for different kinds of applications. It will present a basis for transformation of registry data to the cadastral data, although this may take much longer as the “Setup of Building Cadastre - Registry Data” project.

7. REFERENCES From then on the owners will only have the possibility to change the data in building cadastre by cadastral inscription, which is connected with higher expenses as before described registry inscription at the stage of “The First Lay Out of Data to Potential Owners”.

5. THE USAGE OF BUILDING CADASTRE The data gathered in “The Building Cadastre” presents an important source of real estate data, which can be used for different kinds of users: For the protection of owner’s rights of the real estate; from the state point of view, we can mention here its link to the Land Register Calculation of the economical value of the real estate; here we can mention the administration of the building (renovation…), economical evaluation of the building or a part of a building, taxation, the regulation of the real estate market Administration of real estate on the local and state level For land planning purposes; the sustainable development views Basic database for setting up different kinds of registers connected with buildings (e.g. register of housekeeping, ecological cards of the building, local real estate registers…) Different tasks connected with the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and other. From the beginning of the project “Setting up building cadastre” the potential users take active part in the definition of the objectives, which are important for them and have to be presented in the Building Cadastre.

Law on Special Terms for the Registration of Ownership over Parts of Buildings into the Land Register, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 1999, No. 89, abbreviation ZPPLPS. Recording of Real Estate, State Border and Spatial Units Act, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 2000, No. 52, abbreviation ZENDMPE. Regulation on Building Cadastre Registration, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 2002, No. 15, abbreviation PVKS. Instruction for Making and Confirmation of Floor Plan, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 2000, No. 2. Technical documentation for photogrammetric acquisition of data on buildings linking on land cadastre and register of spatial units, 2000, 2001, final reports for different acquisition areas by contract SMA_1.1D3_ICB3, ordered by SMA (in Slovene). Pilot Project of Setup of Building Cadastre, 2001, Geodetic institute of Slovenia (in Slovene). Building cadastre – inscription into the building cadastre, Instructions for the SMA officials, 2002, Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia (in Slovene). Operative instruction for The Setup of Building Cadastre – Registry Data, 2002, Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia. Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia,, abbreviation SMA web page, 4.6. 2003. Operative instructions for data quality control by SMA, Instructions for the SMA officials, 2003, Geodetic institute of Slovenia and consortium of contractors presented by a joint venture of LUZ, d.o.o. and CRC Sogema (in Slovene).

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