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For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
Heylo Tribe :)
Today we are going to talk about which email list growth methods are proving effective for marketers around the world. I am going to keep it short because I understand that your time is very important, so I am going to give you just the most important stats.
 61% of the respondents say that even though their list is growing, it is growth is SLOW.  List hygiene (bounces, spamtraps etc.) is a major concern when it comes to list building and it also hinders that delivery of the emails.  Your subscribers are more likely to open your emails if you are a BRAND in their head. Emails from individual marketers get less opens than brand name emails.
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 Optin form on websites  Content Downloads that require people to optin to get access to the content.
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Promotions of upcoming seminars, webinar and offline events. Social media interactions. Paid Ads. (Avoid if you can’t spend money on advertising, the first few hundred dollars will be spent in just gathering intelligence, so if you are on a shoestring budget choose other methods.) Forward email to friends (very hard to implement successfully, please do not try this if you’re a newbie)
I personally think that the best way to build a list is to build a sales funnel that generates sales… on the conversions.
Once you do that, start sending traffic via Solo Ads to the funnel and generate a massive list in a short time. It truly depends on your funnel in my opinion.
Since, if you know that if you spend $1 and get back $1.10, you can scale infinitely…. and not just build a list but also an asset that will pay your bills for a very long time to come.
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