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Picking a good co-founder for your tech startup or any business you start is vital.
The power is 2 is very well known. 1 person, no matter how good he or she is can only do so much.
When you’re in business you have so many frustrations, so many times when you question your sanity and also if you’ve taken the right decisions.
… its during these times when a good co-founder can help you grow your business (in times of uncertainty).
Think Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak (Apple) Hewlett and Packard (HP) Larry and Sergei (Google)
Also, it gives you a chance to bounce ideas off of someone who is also directly tied to your success. So you’ll get the best suggestions/advice from your co-founder.
If you are facing stagnation in your business I highly recommend that you think about getting a co-founder. Although, you might not want to share your profits or whatever, you’ll end up GAINING MORE!
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1 + 1 = 11 when it comes to a good team. Here’s an article on how to choose a great co-founder to almost guarantee success!