The Indian storage market is witnessing exponential growth and it continues to achieve new heights. Micron is one of the leading storage solution providers that offer advanced storage products through its robust channel network. Micron is serving the exponential demand in Bangalore through its partner named Sheeltron Digital Systems Pvt Ltd. Mr. Chandra Prakash, Director, Sheeltron Digital Systems Pvt. Ltd. is leading the distribution business and driving the new growth opportunities for brand Micron.
Crucial by Micron is a leading storage solution brand and it always takes care of the growth and profitability of its channel partners. “We are having good business relationship with Micron since we started this journey. Crucial by Micron provides excellent support to its partners as channel is their core strength. Today, customers are upgrading their PCs with powerful hardware that would support high-performance computing and gaming. Crucial by Micron has a top class product range that fit to every customers’ need. So, we are very fortunate to have Micron as we want to address the rising demand for high-performance storage products. With brand like Crucial by Micron, the business becomes easier as they support us on each front,” reveals Chandra Prakash, Director, Sheeltron Digital Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Product quality is critical to succeed in the market and only those brand sustain here who put true efforts in R&D to develop customer centric and reliable products. Commenting on the product quality, Chandra says, “In the past few years, the storage market has grown quite exponentially. I can say that the increasing use of internet, adoption of high-performance PCs and gaming are the key growth enablers for this market. With the growing demand, all the storage brands are putting huge efforts to develop good quality products that meets customers’ expectations. Crucial
by Micron is one of the top brands who captured a good market share in India in very short period. Due to fast, reliable, cost-effective and customer friendly products, we are able to enjoy success in the marKet.”
He further adds, “Crucial by Micron’s RAM and SSDs are good at compatibility which allows customers to enjoy superb computing performance. We are into the enterprise business and we sell Crucial by Micron branded SSDs, RAM and NVMe storage products. Our experience is very good as we haven’t received any complaint about product quality. Most of the customers return to us and buy Micron’s products. So the customer retention ratio is amazing and we are happy that we sell Crucial products.”
We operate in a large geographical area and we cater to a big market. Micron’s products are really excellent and we are happy with the response we got from customers. There are huge opportunities in the market and we expect to scale our business to new heights in the coming month. With the ongoing business relationship with Crucial by Micron, we expect to achieve our long-term goal and targets.”
Sheeltron Digital Systems is one of the fastest growing distributor in Bangalore. The company deals in enterprise segment with products such as Servers, Networking and Storage Products. They have turnover of more than 200 crores and they are currently operating with total 7 offices dealing across Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad.
He gets excellent support from team Micron and their sales & marketing team help them to sell the products in a better way. “Product trainings provided from the brand enrich our knowledge that enable us to know more about the product and it results in better communication with the customers. Moreover, Micron’s national distributor, RP tech India provides the inventory on time and we never get any issues regarding product availability. Crucial by Micron is definitely a brand that think about its partners,” Chandra adds.
He further adds, “Since on boarding Micron, our business has increased and we are growing at a good pace.
Mr. Chandra Prakash Director, Sheeltron Digital Systems Pvt. LtdWe Are Very Fortunate to Have Micron as We Want to Meet the Rising Demand for High-Performance Storage Products
the MEITY to make India a global hub for electronics products repair, as well as its iden fica on of the poten al of ERSO to bring in another revolu on in the business outsourcing ecosystem.
A delega on from India's leading apex body represen ng electronics and telecommunica on MAIT made a detailed presenta on recently on the opportunity for Electronics Repair Services Outsourcing (ERSO) to Shri Ashwini Vaishnav, Hon'ble Minister of Railways, Communica ons and Electronics & Informa on Technology (MeitY).
MAIT's president, Mr. Raj Kumar Rishi, led the presenta on mee ng along with other key industry experts and senior officials from MeitY, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, MoEF&CC, and the Ministry of Finance. The presenta on was based on MAIT's earlier recommenda on to
Speaking on this development, Mr. Ni n Kunkolienker, President Emeritus, MAIT, said: "India is in an advantageous posi on to be a be er place for ERSO as compared to its other counterparts in Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia, due to various factors, including the availability of a competent workforce at a reasonable cost as well as other opera onal costs. We are happy that the Government has appreciated our idea and has considered it keenly."
TAIT is an organiza on which leads its members Professionally and take them through the path of growth and facilitates mutual enrichment and advancement. Intangible benefits, which a professional associa on like TAIT can offer are enormous. A er series of very interes ng and educa ve Sessions in last few months on Data/Cyber Security , Business Growth , Digital Marke ng and so on, on August 10th, TAIT Invited CA Shri Mahendra bhai Turakhia, a genius & high profile Tax and Legal Expert as well as a Director of Forbes 100 Company, to enlighten TAIT Members on something that every business person would envy. Subject
was Family wealth protec on and succession planning. CA Shri Mahendra bhai , explained what, how and why of Private Trusts.
Mr. Devendra Sayani - The Director of DC Infotech announced a free Digital Card for the esteemed members of TAIT who were present. He also Launched the latest NFC ( Near Field Communica on) Digital Cards which has been the innova ve Technology Gadget. TAIT President Mr. Viren Bavishi thanked Learned Speaker CA Shri Mahendra bhai Turakhia for sharing his insights and opening an en re new direc on for one of the most important aspect of any entrepreneur.
Progressive Channels Associa on of Informa on Technology (PCAIT, India) proudly shares the comple on of a successful event “Channel Vista 2022” that was held on
Saturday i.e. 27th August 2022, 6:00 p.m. at Zorba, Delhi-Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road. The event was poised toward presen ng the vision of the associa on by PCAIT members.
The event commenced with an inspiring and mo va onal speech by Mr. Sewak Nau yal (Vice President) talking about “Our Body, Our Soul.” A er the mo va onal speech by Mr. Nau yal, sponsors such as HP, and BPE gave a presenta on under which they discussed their products and strategies for all the channel partners. Also, PCAIT appointed Mr. Dhruva Dua as a Tax consultant for members.
Mr. Alok Gupta (President) along with Mr. Saket Kapur (General Secretary) led the presenta on and covered the 3 vision
statements i.e. the milestones to be achieved during the upcoming tenure.
• Tieing up with 100 New OEMs
• Easy Accessibility to 250+ CIOs to all the channel partners
• Strong Connec vity with 1000+ partners across PAN India for Sub Distributors & Make-In India
PCAIT has around 150 life members doing 70% of the total IT business in NCT of Delhi. The business of members varies from Distribu on, retailing, System Integra on, and Manufacturing under the Make in India ini a ve by the Government of India (GOI). PCAIT has a proper commi ee to take forward the Make in India Ini a ve.
In the recent times, the demand for storage solutions has surprisingly increased as data is being generated at a large scale. The market players who offer storage solutions have been catering the exponential demand with support from their partners. The innovation in storage technology is key factor behind increased demand in various segments. Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal recently spoke to Mr. Gaurav Mathur, Managing Director, Lexar. During the interaction, Gaurav shared insights about Lexar business, expansion, offerings and growth plans in India. Read below the excerpts:
Rajeev: What have been your key achievements so far in the Indian market since your entry into this market?
Gaurav: Lexar has been operational in the Indian market for more than two decades. We made a few strategic changes this year for business expansion and market coverage, particularly in tier 2/3 cities. In terms of distribution, we have Pan India National distributors such as Creative Newtech and Compuage Infocom. We have product line segmentation for each distributor in order to achieve better market capture and penetration. As a result, our distributors will be able to reach even the most remote parts of India and offer the entire Lexar product portfolio.
The competitive price points and perfect product mix of the MEMORY AND FLASH product portfolio for all dealers in order to maximize profitability are attracting an increasing number of dealers to the brand LEXAR. Furthermore, our Pan India service centre covers the entire country and provides RMA service at 90+ locations across the country (Service PartnerInsprysis). Lexar is currently one of the top three brands in the camera card segment and one of the fastest growing brands in the SSD & DRAM vertical for the India market.
Rajeev: Lexar recently on-boarded Creative Newtech as its official Indian distribution partner, so what are your expectations from this partnership?
Gaurav: To accomplish our goal of expanding the market in India we have formally announced Creative Newtech as
our Indian distributor. Creative Newtech is one of the leading distributors in the field of IT and imaging. With a strong involvement in the distribution of IT industry, has the potential to expand the business of Lexar products to a wider mass and smaller towns.
Rajeev: Which are the key cities you are planning to focus in the coming months?
Gaurav: Technology in India has now expanded its wings in every field. India is currently a priority market for Lexar, and we have already begun investing and restructuring the business model in India to improve outreach. We are planning to expand in all tier 1,2,3 cities by 2023. We are expanding our distribution and service centers, and we have plans to open offices in Indian cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and even smaller cities such as Ranchi, Agra etc. to provide our products to end user.
Rajeev: How do you see adoption of SSD in Indian market? Which key sectors are generating the highest demand for you?
Gaurav: The new age's involvements with larger files, as well as increasing gaming and utility size, has increased the data requirement for more capable and faster storage solutions. SSDs are among the most efficient and fast storage solutions available. Since the introduction of SSDs, we have seen an exponential increase in demand in this sector, and to meet the demand for SSDs, semiconductor manufacturing has increased, and assembling and producing units has been the topmost priority of the
Rajeev: What is your GTM strategy to capitalize on the emerging opportunities? Are you planning to roll out any special channel program to push your product sale?
Gaurav: India is one of the fastest growing markets globally for MEMORY AND FLASH products. Growing demand, increased purchasing power, and technologically savvy customers make India a hub and focused market for all brands. As previously stated, LEXAR has been operating in India for nearly two decades, providing highquality products and services to Indian customers.
Our premium quality is our strength, but as part of our 360 DEGREE INCENTIVE strategy, we have begun offering LEXAR PRODUCTS at competitive price points to the channel and end users so that everyone can try the latest quality technology and benefit. We offer channel partners channel programmes and dealer schemes under various LEXAR product lines in order to provide better margins and support month after month. This type of participation has assisted us in expanding our dealer base throughout India. We are in the process of launching the LEXAR PREMIUM PARTNER PROGRAMME AND LEXAR LOYALTY PROGRAMME, both of which will be available soon.
We have already begun investing and restructuring the business model in India to improve outreach.
Mr. Gaurav Mathur Managing Director, Lexar
Dell Technologies continued to stay second behind HP with a market share of 21.6% share with 15.2% YoY growth in 2Q22
The India traditional PC market, inclusive of desktops, notebooks, and workstations delivered another strong quarter (AprJun 2022) shipping over 3.7 million units with a year-over-year (YoY) growth of 17.8%, according to new data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker.
The government segment was strong due to spillover orders from the previous quarter, but the other segments are slowing, with channel inventory increasing. While the notebook category continued to be the volume driver with 2.6 million units, its growth rate reduced to 7.3% YoY compared to over 30% YoY on average for the last three quarters. The desktop category, however, continued its strong run, shipping more than one million units for a second consecutive quarter.
The demand for PCs was rather positive through April, but it slowed in the second half of the quarter, as the reopening of colleges got pushed to 3Q22. The enterprise segment grew by 14.9%, much lower than the previous three quarters as order materialization got delayed. Similarly, the SMB growth rate was lower than in the previous two quarters, and channel inventory increased considerably as demand tapered.
“Online channels have been softening over the last few quarters. While high footfall in offline channels led to a positive quarter for consumers, the growth tapered as schools started to open, thereby leading to reduced remote learning demand,” said Bharath Shenoy, Senior Market Analyst, PC Devices, IDC India.
Shenoy added, “As the opening of colleges got delayed to the third quarter
this year, vendors are still hoping that back-to-college promotions will bring back consumer momentum. Online sales are also expected to start at end of 3Q22. However, high channel inventory is a matter of concern, and an inventory correction is inevitable in the next few months.”
HP Inc. shipped over 1.15 million units and continued to lead the overall PC market with a share of 30.8% in 2Q22. Its consumer share witnessed a marginal decline in share though it continued to lead the segment with a good margin. While government deals helped its commercial desktop performance, some backlogged enterprise orders helped it perform strongly in the commercial notebook category.
Dell Technologies continued to stay second behind HP with a market share of 21.6% share with 15.2% YoY growth in 2Q22. While it continued its strong run in the commercial segment with a share of 27.1%, its performance wasn’t as strong in the consumer segment. The vendor led the enterprise notebook category with a share of 39.7%, driven by strong demand from its global accounts.
Lenovo continued to hold its third position behind Dell in 2Q22 with a share of 19.6%. The vendor grew an impressive 38.8% YoY in the consumer segment but lost some momentum in the commercial segment due to delayed orders. The vendor still performed well in the SME segment, where it grew by 51.8% YoY and was second behind HP.
Acer Group has been losing ground, but it did retain the fourth position with an 8.9% market share in 2Q22. It continued to do well in the commercial desktop category, as it witnessed a YoY growth of 66.7%. However, the vendor has been struggling in the consumer segment, as it stood sixth behind Apple with a meager share of just 3.8%.
ASUS maintained the fifth position with a share of 6.1% in 2Q22, as it grew by a healthy 53.3% YoY. The offline expansion has helped the brand maintain momentum and grow by more than 50% YoY in the consumer segment for a second consecutive quarter. The vendor also has been doing great in the branded gaming category and is expected to maintain its momentum in the upcoming quarters.
Internet connectivity has become a necessity in today’s life whether it is related to work, education or entertainment. We are surrounded by gadgets that make our lives easier with the use of the Internet. So, if you’re looking for a Wi-Fi router that is fast, secure, and reliable, the ASUS RT-AX53U is worth considering. It is one of the latest and most advanced routers launched by ASUS. This review will help you understand the worth of this router and what it has to offer.
ASUS router comes in a very portable and decent packaging. The inbox accessories include the router itself, a Power Adapter, a Quick Start Guide, a Warranty Card and RJ45 Ethernet Cable. That’s all we get inside the box.
ASUS RT-AX53U has a premium design which looks pretty well. The router comes with all the regular connectivity ports which include a Reset Button, Power on/off button, DCIN port, WPS button, One USB 2.0 port, One Gigabit WAN port and three Gigabit LAN ports. With these connectivity options, you can connect your other devices with router to have an excellent and stable connection. The router also has 4 high power external antennas for better and strong coverage. Unlike most of the routers, this router from ASUS has heat vents on the top to pass the heat easily.
In terms of design, the router is designed quite well as it won’t disappoint you. On the front side of the router, ASUS logo is engraved in golden colour which intensifies its beauty. Just near to the logo, few LED lights are there to indicate the active status of router. The LED lights are for Power, WAN, LAN x 3, 2.4GHz, 5GHz and USB. If you want to wall mount the router, then it will not be a challenge as you get wall mount ports at the bottom. Overall the router has a strong built quality and that is what ASUS known for. Router looks durable and lightweight so ultimately it is an elegant and well-built router body.
ASUS RT-AX53U is a Dual Band Smart Wi-Fi6 Router and promises a stable Wi-Fi connection with up to 1800Mbps Speeds. The router has really some excellent specifications to support best WiFi connection. It supports 574 Mbps speed on 2.4GHz band and 1201Mbps speed
on 5GHz band which can make your Wi-Fi experience superior. The router comes with the latest 802.11ax standard which provides futureproof technologies, higher network efficiency, faster WiFi speeds, greater coverage and improved battery life for connected devices, providing a significantly better networking experience for users. With a revolutionary combination of OFDMA and MU-MIMO technology, 802.11ax technology provides up to 4X greater network capacity and efficiency in traffic-dense environments.
In today’s time, it is essential to control the online activities of your children that are not good for their safety. The amalgamation of parental control security feature in this router is very good to see as you can effortlessly monitor your child’s online activities and restrict certain websites to keep them safe online.
Internet is becoming one of the most vulnerable thing in today’s time and hackers find it the easiest way to burgle into the privacy of the user. With built-in ASUS Ai Protection Security-grade System, the router itself blocks common internet-based attacks and provides optimum security. ASUS Ai Protection is a commercial-grade network security system which is powered by Trend Micro Smart Home Network. The best thing about this security system is that it secures those devices as well which do not have their own antivirus capability.
AiMesh connects multiple compatible ASUS routers to create a whole-home mesh WiFi network. The flexible and scalable technology lets you mix different AiMeshcompatible routers, and add new ones at any time to improve coverage. All devices in an AiMesh network enjoy access to all the features of the main router, including gaming features, AiProtection commercialgrade security and more.
AiMesh can create a single, house-wide network name so there’s no need to constantly switch between networks as you roam around your home. AiMesh keeps an eye on the signal strength to your device, and switches it seamlessly to another source if necessary. If you prefer separate
network names for each frequency band, you can do that as well — AiMesh is designed to work the way you want!
The router is impressive as far as design is concerned. But if we look at the performance of the router, we got surprizing results. ASUS RT-AX53U effortlessly ensures seamless internet connection at full strength. The connection doesn’t get disturbed even though you access the internet anywhere far from the router. We tried connecting to the Wi-Fi in another room to test whether we get full network or poor. However, we didn’t get disappointed with its performance as we got almost full Wi-Fi connection throughout the premises. It is noted that the other rooms were obstructed by multiple walls which slightly impacts the connection but overall it was a good connection.
With strong Wi-Fi connection, you can stream HD videos, finish off your office work, attend online classes even if you are a gaming enthusiast, then you can play heavy games that need extreme internet connection. With this high-performing router, you can meet your extreme internet needs.
ASUS RT-AX53U is very affordable so you can buy this stylish and feature-loaded router at Rs. 6,299. It is available on the official website of ASUS and all the retail stores.
ASUS RT-AX53U dual band router is one of the best option to consider if you are looking for an affordable router which can deliver fast Wi-Fi. This router has all the features to provide reliable internet and most importantly some of its features are unparalleled in this category. AiMesh and Ai Protection are two key features that make this router worth investing. We enjoyed stable internet throughout the premises and there were no issues regarding sudden network drop or sluggish Wi-Fi. We are impressed with this router’s performance and give it 4 stars rating out of 5.
a successful attack by 50%. This yet again confirms the necessity of basic cybersecurity measures.
At the same time, even the most thorough implementation of such measures cannot ensure an uncompromisable defense,” comments Konstantin Sapronov, Head of Global Emergency Response Team.
According to the recent Kaspersky Incident Response Analytics Report, more than half (53.6%) of cyberattacks in 2021 started with vulnerability exploitation. Other common initial attack methods included compromised accounts and malicious emails.
When attackers plan their campaigns, they usually aim to find easily identifiable security issues, such as public servers with well-known vulnerabilities, poor passwords or compromised accounts. Year after year these initial access vectors have led to an increasing number of high-severity cybersecurity incidents.
Analysis of anonymized data from incident response cases handled by Kaspersky Global Emergency Response Team (GERT) from all over the world proves that exploitation of public-facing applications, accessible from both the internal network and the internet, has become the most widely used initial vector to penetrate an organization’s perimeter.
The share of this method as an initial attack vector has increased from 31.5% in 2020 to 53.6% in 2021, while usage of compromised accounts and malicious emails has decreased from 31.6% to 17.9%, and 23.7% to 14.3%, respectively. This change is likely tied to the
vulnerabilities discovered on Microsoft Exchange Servers last year. The ubiquity of this mail service and the public availability of exploits for these vulnerabilities have resulted in a huge number of related incidents.
Going into the impact of the attacks, file encryption, which is one of the most common ransomware types and deprives organizations of access to their data, has remained the main problem facing companies for three years in a row. In addition, the number of organizations who encountered cryptors in their network significantly increased during the observed period (from 34% in 2019 to 51.9% in 2021). Another alarming aspect is that in well over half of cases (62.5%), attackers spend more than a month inside the network before encrypting data.
Adversaries manage to stay unnoticed inside an infrastructure largely because of OS tools, well-known offensive tools and the use of commercial frameworks, which are involved in 40% of all incidents. After the initial penetration, attackers use legitimate tools for different purposes: PowerShell to collect data, Mimikatz to escalate privileges, PsExec to execute commands remotely or frameworks like Cobalt Strike for all stages of attack.
“Our report demonstrates that an appropriate patch management policy alone can reduce the likelihood of
“Given that adversaries resort to various malicious methods, the best way to protect your organization is to use tools and approaches that allow adversarial action to be noticed and stopped throughout the different stages of an attack.”
To minimize the impact of an attack in case of an emergency, Kaspersky recommends the following:
• Back up your data so you can still access crucial files in the case of a ransomware attack and use solutions capable of blocking any attempts to encrypt your data
• Work with a trusted Incident Response Retainer partner to address incidents with fast servicelevel agreements (SLAs)
• Continuously train your incident response team to maintain their expertise and stay up to speed with the changing threat landscape
• Implement strict security programs for applications with Personally Identifiable Information
• Understand the adversary profiles targeting your industry and region to prioritize security operations development
• Implement an Endpoint Detection and Response solution with a Managed Detection and Response service to detect and react to attacks promptly, among other features.
including ba eries, adaptors, screen cleaners, laptop security locks, pen drives, keypads, and many others. The company offers a wide range of lifestyle accessories for smartphones and tablets including Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth headsets, and power banks. Supported by a wide dealership network of over 20000 across the country, Lapcare is synonymous with trust, quality, and affordable pricing.
sure to set a new trend in PC Cases with its complete all-around focus on fashion, design, and func onality.
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Atul Gupta, Managing Director, Lapcare stated, “Lapcare as a brand has a focus on se ng trends in the segment it operates in. With that aim, Lapcare has introduced the Lapcase Supreme PC cabinet series. These products will redefine what a PC Case can offer.
Considering all outlined factors, the Lapcase Supreme range of PC Cases comprising the Supreme 003, 006, 012 & 033 comes across as an excellent op on for those seeking to give their workspace a defini ve and stylish makeover with a PC Case that is also equipped with features designed to extract the best performance from the PC peripherals.
Building upon its exis ng por olio of PC cabinets, Lapcare has announced the launch of the Lapcase Supreme PC cabinet series in India. Lapcase Supreme 003, 006, 012 & 033 are ATX and Micro ATX-sized cases.
Lapcare is the brand of Rx Infotech Pvt Ltd. A leading brand in laptop accessories and peripherals, Lapcare offers products across 7 categories and 210 product lines,
The Lapcase Supreme is a full ATX/Micro ATX size PC case series that comes in a steel black body. It has 7 expansion slots, a 3.5 mm audio jack, and front USB Ports & Audio that make mul tasking easy. The PC Cases are capable of extension and have easy access ports in the front. Lapcare has ensured that all ports and controls are conveniently placed on the front of its top panel for class-leading ergonomics. The Lapcase Supreme series is
Priced at Rs. 1869 (MRP) and has a warranty of 12 months. Having more than 36 offices in pan India where the customer can claim the warranty connec ng through 24x7 call center no. 8587812000. The product is available at all leading retail outlets of all formats and leading e-commerce sites including Flipkart, Amazon, among others.
RoundRobin Tech Services and Progress So ware successfully hosted Progress Accelerated ‘22 India partner meet at The Orchid Hotel, Mumbai recently. This partner meet concluded on successful note as it was a ended by a large number of channel partners from across the regions. This partner meet was aimed at discussing the growth roadmap and impar ng the required knowledge for all partners.
Progress helps businesses drive faster cycles of innova on, fuel momentum and accelerate their path to success. As trusted provider of best products to develop, deploy and manage high-impact applica ons, Progress enables customers to develop the applica ons and
experiences they required as well deploy where and how they want this to manage safely and securely.
During the event, the representa ves from RoundRobin Tech and Progress enhanced the knowledge of partners who a ended this successful channel meet. With this meet in associa on with RoundRobin, Progress aims to reinforce the rela onship with its partners. RoundRobin Tech and Progress both held the crucial discussion around scaling up business by deploying effec ve and new market engagement strategies. The partners were also educated on the available products and solu ons.
During the event, Mr. Dhagash T, Product Manager, RoundRobin Tech Spoke on Pro Ac ve Monitoring of Network with NMS & Where Managed File Transfer Fits In Your Cyber Security Strategy. Expressing his pleasure with DT, he said, “We are really excited to host this partner event in Mumbai. This partner event will help us be er connect with the partners and create new business opportuni es. We endeavour to further take the business forward with robust marke ng strategies.”
To drive the business in compe ve market space, Mr. Joseph See, Regional Sales Director, Progress So ware joined online and shared crucial insights with partners to help them boost business in a technology-driven world. He said, Progress is excited to host this partner meet in associa on with RoundRobin Tech. Progress’ aim is to expand our reach and cater to the ever-increasing demand that the current market calls for. Our technology solu ons are developed with right approach to help our customers thrive, adapt and scale in the digital age.”
Progress team efficiently shared key facts about their technology solu ons and led the sessions to educate the partners in best possible ways. Arpan Verma, Presales Engineer APAC, Progress, talked about how to simplify network & security opera ons with a single solu on. Whereas, Mr. Amardeep Singh, Principal Account Manager, Chef Prac ce, Progress spoke on how to efficiently maintain and enforce compliance across the enterprise.
Silicon Power has announced the appointment of Umesh Singh as its Country Head for India market. This new appointment by SP is in line with its strategy to accelerate the company’s growth in India. Silicon Power is one of the leading memory solutions brands and has seen an exponential growth over the years. As the Country Manager – India, Umesh will be responsible to drive the business across Indian subcontinent, channel development and building robust marketing strategies. Umesh Singh is a dynamic leader and has played instrumental role in growth of all his previous organizations. During his last tenure at Prama Hikvision, Umesh worked as Category Head (India) for Intelligent Storage products. He led the brand to new heights in the sub-continent and driven excellent business outcomes. Prior to Hikvision, Umesh has worked with many other leading storage brands including ADATA, and Kingston Technology. His exceptional workstyle, leadership quality and creative thinking makes him an excellent professional.
AMD announced it is joining the newly created PyTorch Foundation as a founding member. The foundation, which will be part of the non-profit Linux Foundation, will drive adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tooling by fostering and sustaining an ecosystem of open source projects with PyTorch, the Machine Learning (ML) software framework originally created and fostered by Meta. As a founding member, AMD joins others in the industry to prioritize the continued growth of PyTorch’s vibrant community. Supported by innovations such as the AMD ROCm™ open software platform, AMD Instinct™ accelerators, Adaptive SoCs and CPUs, AMD will help the PyTorch Foundation by working to democratize state-of-the-art tools, libraries and other components to make these ML innovations accessible to everyone.
Kingston announced it has been ranked top third-party DRAM module supplier in the world, according to the latest rankings by revenue from analyst firm TrendForce (formerly DRAMeXchange). Kingston retains its number 1 position with an estimated 78.7% market share on $14.2B (USD) revenue. TrendForce states that Kingston increased revenue by 8% YoY marking the 19th consecutive year that Kingston has held the top spot. According to the report, the world’s top five memory module houses accounted for 90% of total sales in 2021 with Kingston holding nearly 80% of that market. As one of the leading buyers of DRAM chips in the world, Kingston provides a highly customized production model which has led to continuous growth in shipment scale and drove increased revenue by 8%.
ESET researchers recently discovered targeted attacks that used undocumented tools against various high-profile companies and local governments mostly in Asia, but also in the Middle East and Africa. These attacks were conducted by a previously unknown cyberespionage group that ESET has named Worok. According to ESET telemetry, Worok has been active since at least 2020 and continues to be active today. Among the targets were companies from the telecommunications, banking, maritime, energy, military, government, and public sectors. Worok used the infamous ProxyShell vulnerabilities to gain initial access in some cases.
CySecK, the Government of Karnataka’s Centre of Excellence for Cybersecurity, the nodal agency to promote a cyber-safe and conducive environment for industry collaboration, has partnered with Dell Technologies India to strengthen cyber-security in Karnataka. This partnership is driven towards building a safe and secure digital environment for students, start-ups, government, and other stakeholders in the state. As part of this collaboration, Dell Technologies through its “Tech for Social Good” initiative will roll out interactive courses on cyber hygiene best practices for school students which will also be made available in Kannada. These programs will also be curated for small and medium scale enterprises as well as for government functionaries.
their company’s overall cybersecurity capabilities.
“It’s great to see organisations taking cybersecurity more seriously, with budgets and maturity levels on the rise and organisations looking to build threat hunting into their cyber defence strategies,” said Aaron Bugal, global solutions engineer at Sophos.
with threat hunting functioning as an always-on activity and not a once or twice a year exercise. Organisations must constantly be on the front-foot to identify and thwart attacks, and regular and consistent threat hunting is key to this; failure to do so means organisations will remain vulnerable,” said Bugal.
Mr. Aaron Bugal Global Solu ons Engineer, SophosSophos released additional findings from its survey report, The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan, in collaboration with Tech Research Asia (TRA), revealing businesses are increasingly prioritising budget for cybersecurity. In 2022, 11 per cent of technology budgets across India are dedicated to cybersecurity.
Organisations in India have identified threat hunting as a key consideration for strengthening cybersecurity defences. Most organisations (95 per cent) undertook threat hunting to bolster their cybersecurity capabilities in 2021; of those that did, 85 per cent stated the approach is critical or important to
“Given that threat hunting has become a priority for the majority of organisations, it’s interesting to see that cybersecurity professionals across APJ rank ‘not being able to keep up with the pace of threats’ in their top five frustrations in 2022, as indicated in the survey.
“Even with the additional investment, organisations need to ensure they are not overstating their maturity levels and the implementation of threat hunting solutions, leading to complacency. With increased maturity and investment, one would think successful cyberattacks would decline, however they continue to wreak havoc.
Sophos’ State of Ransomware Report reveals 78 per cent of Indian organisations were hit by ransomware in 2021, up from 68 per cent in 2020. With this in mind, it’s important for organisations to review their cyber strategies regularly and address the gaps.”
This is becoming increasingly important considering Sophos has seen an uptick in the number of instances where organisations are being attacked multiple times – sometimes simultaneously.
“Organisations must be active in their approach to combatting cyberattacks,
Forty-three per cent of Indian companies surveyed haven’t made a change to their information or cybersecurity approach in the last 12 months, indicating a passive attitude to cybersecurity—something that must be addressed as a priority.
The driving factor behind a change in strategy is an attack or breach, leading to an “attack, change, attack, change” cycle, a trend observed since 2019. In fact, 52 per cent of the respondents are planning to make changes in the next six months due to experiencing an attack, highlighting the current reactive approach organisations take to managing their security.
“Cybersecurity strategies must move with – or even faster than – the threat landscape and, sadly, that’s not happening at the moment. By updating cybersecurity strategies after a successful attack, organisations will always remain in a reactive state and continue to be easy targets for attacks.
Organisations that need help can outsource all or part of their threat hunting procedures to experts who monitor systems 24/7 and who also have access to telemetry and artificial intelligence for faster detection and response capabilities,” said Bugal.
Micron Technology, Inc. broke ground on its leading-edge memory manufacturing fab in Boise, Idaho. This will be the first new memory manufacturing fab in the United States in 20 years. Micron marked the occasion with a ceremony attended by U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Acting Director Dr. Alondra Nelson, Senator Jim Risch, Idaho Governor Brad Little and Boise Mayor Lauren McLean.
“We are grateful that Secretary Granholm, Dr. Nelson, Idaho elected local officials, customers, suppliers, and partners are attending today’s celebration of this historic groundbreaking in Boise,” said Micron President and CEO Sanjay Mehrotra. “With this facility, Micron will closely couple R&D and manufacturing, providing synergies that will enable us to accelerate the production ramp of advanced memory technology. The investment, made possible by the anticipated grants and credits provided by the CHIPS and Science Act, also enhances Micron’s supply chain resilience and will establish a new strategic capability for the U.S.”
Micron recently announced its plan to invest approximately $15 billion through the end of the decade in advanced memory manufacturing in Boise, the largest private investment ever made in Idaho. This is part of Micron’s earlier disclosed plans to invest $40 billion through the end of the decade to establish leading-edge memory manufacturing in the U.S. Although the near-term demand environment for memory and storage is challenged, memory market revenue is expected to double by 2030. New wafer production capacity will therefore be required to meet long-term demand in market segments like data center, industrial, automotive and mobile, fueled by adoption of artificial intelligence and 5G. The Boise manufacturing investment is part of the Micron’s strategy to increase U.S.-based DRAM production to 40% of the company’s global output in the next decade. Micron is in the final stages of its selection process for another high-volume manufacturing site in the U.S.
“All across the country we’re seeing the benefits from President Biden’s agenda materialize — from the creation of goodpaying jobs to thriving manufacturing sectors that can compete on a global scale,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “Companies like Micron are promising examples of how
we can build strong domestic supply chains for critical technology necessary to reach the President’s goal of a clean energy economy powered by American workers.”
Construction on the new fab in Boise is expected to begin in early 2023, with cleanroom space coming online in phases starting in 2025. New DRAM production is targeted to start in 2025, ramping over the second half of the decade in line with industry demand growth. Ultimately, the cleanroom space will reach 600,000 square feet — the size of approximately 10 U.S. football fields and the largest single cleanroom ever built in the country.
“With today’s groundbreaking, Micron is helping realize a key goal of the CHIPS and Science Act: investing in local communities by creating good-paying jobs in scientific and technological fields that will power America's future and increase our competitive advantage worldwide,” said Dr. Alondra Nelson, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Acting Director. “This project embodies the Biden-Harris Administration's vision for a prosperous, equitable nation in which all communities across the country — from rural to urban and everything in between — benefit from America's science and technology innovations. At the Office of Science and Technology Policy, we see abundant promise in
the CHIPS and Science Act — and we are excited to highlight the commitment of Micron and other industry partners that also recognize this promise. Micron is taking bold steps to bring communities into a realm of unlimited possibility, and we applaud its vision and action.”
Micron’s investment will create over 17,000 Idaho jobs, including 2,000 direct Micron jobs as the cleanroom is built out and production is fully ramped. As part of the company’s ongoing commitment to the Idaho community and to further grow the workforce, Micron will increase investment in K-12 STEM education programs, build on partnerships with community colleges and universities and identify new ways to provide education and training to underrepresented and rural populations.
“Micron is a true homegrown Idaho success story. In Idaho, we are proud that years of fiscal conservatism and key investments have made our state a great place to do business. We are grateful for Micron’s continued support of Idaho and our capital city, and we look forward to the opportunities this historic business expansion will bring to the citizens of our state,” said Idaho Governor Brad Little.
Tata Communica ons enhances its InstaCC™ pla orm with digital features to transform customer engagement of enterprises. It s tches a secure, connected digital fabric that allows global enterprises and end users to connect across varied channels ranging from social media to web browsers to mobile applica ons and company websites. This allows global enterprises to engage with customers in an intelligent, seamless and user-friendly way, across their preferred channel. The InstaCC™ pla orm, an omnichannel Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS), strengthens Tata Communica ons posi on as a global end-to-end digital customer experience (CX) orchestrator.
“Customer excellence and customer delight are cri cal growth factors for global enterprises in today’s ultracompe ve and hyperconnected business environment,” said Mr. Mysore Madhusudhan, Execu ve Vice President of Collabora on and Connected Solu ons, Tata Communica ons. “Together with Genesys and our combined exper se over decades in the contact centre market, we are now redefining global customer engagement, bringing personalised and intelligent ways for enterprises to interact and engage with their users.”
VMware introduced VMware Carbon Black Workload for Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deliver advanced protec on purposebuilt for securing both tradi onal and modern workloads. Using a single unified console that integrates into exis ng infrastructure, security and informa on technology (IT) teams can reduce a ack surface and strengthen security postures, while achieving consistent and unified visibility for workloads running on AWS, VMware Cloud and on-premises.
“Security and IT teams lack visibility and control in highly dynamic and distributed environments,” said Mr.Jason Rolleston, vice president of product management and co-general manager for VMware’s Security Business Unit. “VMware Carbon Black Workload for AWS improves collabora on between these teams via a single consolidated pla orm for all workloads, regardless of where they’re running, to help defenders see and stop more threats. This real- me visibility into workloads helps prevent a acks on your most valuable assets and provides AWS customers a finite surface area to protect.”
NetApp announced the expansion of the companies’ longstanding global alliance. Through innova ve solu ons and go-to-market ini a ves, NetApp and VMware are helping customers reduce the cost, complexity and risk of migra ng and modernizing enterprise-class workloads in mul -cloud environments. In addi on, organiza ons can accelerate the performance and delivery of both tradi onal and new modern applica ons, and simplify daily opera ons through new integra ons between VMware and NetApp data management infrastructure.
“Customers today are faced with complex challenges to op mize their current IT investments while laying a path forward to modernize and accelerate their business,” said Mr. George Kurian, Chief Execu ve Officer, NetApp. “Together, NetApp and VMware have helped thousands of customers solve their mul cloud challenges by effec vely managing their enterprise workloads in any environment.
Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) has won pres gious awards at the 8th Edi on of Na onal Awards for Leadership & Excellence. TTBS won the awards for the following three categories:
• Award for Best New Brand, Product or Service Launch,
• Award for Marke ng Communica ons Business to Business, and
• Award for Marke ng Excellence in Telecom Services Sector.
TTBS has always endeavoured to collaborate with businesses as technology enablers, providing smart solu ons that enable businesses to be resilient, increase produc vity and deliver be er customer experience.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Vishal Rally, Sr. VicePresident – Product and Marke ng, Tata Teleservices said, “We are honoured to receive this pres gious recogni on at the 8th Na onal Awards for Leadership & Excellence. As one of the leading players in enterprisetech space, TTBS has been suppor ng enterprises with seamless networks for business connec vity, cloud solu ons and their overall digital transforma on by democra sing technology. Such industry recogni ons underscore our passion for innova on and customer service and encourages us to deliver advance digital capabili es to enterprises.”
Palo Alto Networks announced that it has teamed up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to unveil the new Palo Alto Networks Cloud NGFW for AWS — a managed NextGenera on Firewall (NGFW) service designed to simplify securing AWS deployments — enabling organisa ons to speed their pace of innova on while remaining highly secure. Cloud NGFW for AWS, exclusively available on AWS, brings Palo Alto Networks acclaimed security to organisa ons’ cloud deployments in just a few clicks.
“A key reason that companies have embraced the cloud is that they want to concentrate on their core competencies and leave other tasks like infrastructure and underlying services to experts like AWS. The na ve AWS experience and the prolifera on of AWS na ve services have given these organisa ons the tools they needed to embrace the cloud,” said Mr. Anand Oswal, senior vice president, Network Security at Palo Alto Networks.
Acer unveiled the new Acer Chromebook Vero 514 – the first Chromebook in its line of eco-conscious Vero devices that reflects the company’s commitment to sustainability by offering consumers and commercial customers more options that allow them to reduce their ecological footprint.
The new Acer Chromebook Vero 514 (CBV514–1H/T) features a thoughtful design that takes the entire product lifespan into consideration, since it is easy to upgrade, repair, disassemble and recycle. It also uses recycled materials in most areas of the product including 30% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic in the chassis and 50% PCR plastic in the keycaps, 100% oceanbound plastics on the touchpad surface and 90% recycled paper packaging.
“The simplicity, security and speed of Chromebooks are the ideal complements to our Vero line’s focus on delivering powerful devices that keep an eye on the environment,” said James Lin, General Manager, Notebooks, IT Products Business, Acer Inc. “The new Acer Chromebook Vero 514 is the next step in embodying our Earthion mission by developing eco-friendlier products that have a positive ecological impact on our customers’ businesses, homes and schools.”
The new Acer Chromebook Vero 514 broadly integrates the use of PCR plastic with 30% in its chassis and screen bezel, and 50% in the keycaps and speakers. In addition, the Chromebook contributes to the reduction of plastic waste in the ocean as it uses ocean-bound plastics in its internal fan housing and on its OceanGlass™ touchpad, which provides a sleek, glass-like texture and responsive tactile feeling.
The new Chromebook was especially designed for an extended product lifespan to minimize environmental impact. Making repairs and upgrades to the memory and storage are now simplified with the use of standard screws on the bottom cover. The unique exterior features a paint-free chassis with a cobblestone gray finish and a display panel which is 99% recyclable.
The Acer Chromebook Vero 514 has a life-extending impact-resistant exterior that meets MIL-STD 810H testing standards, a reinforced design that protects it from drops as high as 122 cm (48 inches).
The Acer Chromebook Enterprise
Vero 514 equips enterprise users with various ChromeOS business capabilities, empowering employees at greenminded organizations, call centers, healthcare organizations and other businesses with greater operating efficiency and productivity. The Chromebook Enterprise Vero 514 ships with the business capabilities of ChromeOS unlocked, including advanced security, reporting and insights, scalable cloudbased management and zero-touch enrollment.
Powered by the latest 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors and featuring Intel® Iris® Xe graphics, the Acer Chromebook Vero 514 tackles collaboration, productivity and entertainment needs. The fast-charging battery keeps customers powered longer throughout the day as the Chromebook can charge up to 50% of its 10-hour battery life in just 30 minutes.
The 14-inch full HD anti-glare Corning Gorilla Glass display – available on the touchscreen option – boasts 300 nits brightness and a wide 100% sRGB color range, providing a more vibrant and compelling viewing experience. The Acer Chromebook Vero 514 sports a thin bezel design that delivers an impressive 88% screen-to-body ratio. The full HD flare-reducing webcam and DTS audio with Smart Amplifier provides highquality video conferencing on the new Chromebook.
Designed for creating and connecting, the Acer Chromebook Vero 514 features fast and reliable Wi-Fi 6E and connects to a range of devices and displays. It also provides charging capabilities through its port selection, including two USB Type-C, USB 3.2 Type-A and HDMI.
The packaging uses recyclable material to help minimize environmental waste. The box is made from 90% recycled paper, while the notebook bag and keyboard sheet are made from 100% recycled plastic. The adapter sleeve is made from paper, instead of using the traditional plastic bag. Once the Chromebook is set up for use, the device’s inner packaging can be transformed into a multi-purpose triangular laptop stand or be used for other household or office functions.
The new Acer Chromebook Vero 514 is the latest addition to Acer’s Vero line which includes Aspire Vero laptops, Veriton Vero All-In-One, Vero monitors, Vero projector, and Vero branded accessories, including a mouse and keyboard.
The Vero lineup of products was initiated under the Earthion initiative, Acer’s mission to leverage its strengths, supply chain partners, customers and employees to develop innovative and integrated solutions to help tackle environmental issues for a more sustainable future. Earthion’s objectives include Acer’s RE100 commitment to source 100% renewable energy by 2035, more eco-friendly product designs, and the reduction of Acer’s supply chain carbon footprint.
Seagate Technology plc introduced three all-new officially licensed Marvel limitededition Spider-Man external hard disk drive (HDD) designs which will be available in India in the end of September. The all-new drive would be an addition to the company’s line of special edition storage devices. Commemorating Spider-Man, Ghost-Spider (aka Gwen Stacy), and Miles Morales, these special edition HDDs deliver the Spider-Man fan an opportunity to own three unique drives featuring one-of-a-kind Marvel artwork. Each drive also features customizable RGB LED lighting, making it the ultimate accessory to Spidey-themed or other gaming set ups. With 2TB of capacity, the FireCuda external HDDs are compatible with Windows PCs, Macs, PlayStation, and Xbox so tech enthusiasts can accumulate and store media, files, and games, regardless of operating system. Designed with USB 3.2 Gen1 connection for universal compatibility and quick transfer speeds, and USB buspowered, the lightweight drives are the perfect match for Spider-Man fans looking for eye-catching storage while on the go.
Kingston FURY release of Kingston FURY Renegade DDR5 and Kingston FURY Renegade DDR5 RGB memory. The Kingston FURY Renegade DDR5 family is engineered to maximize the performance of your system.
Kingston FURY Renegade DDR5 family pushes the performance of next-gen DDR5 platforms to the extreme with ultra-fast memory up to 6400MT/s1 and quick CL32 timings. With premium components handtuned by engineers, rigorously tested for compatibility across the industry’s leading motherboards2, backed by 100% factory testing at speed, and Intel® XMP 3.0 Certified, customers can enjoy the ultimate overclock experience. Whether it’s the sleek newly designed black and silver aluminum
Renegade DDR5 family complements the look of the latest PC builds. Utilize Kingston FURY CTRL to choose from 16 smooth, customizable RGB lighting effects to game in style, kept in perfect lock-step with the patented Kingston FURY Infrared Sync Technology.
Zebronics is the first Indian brand to unveil a bombastic 340W, truly audiophile grade Tower Speaker with Dolby Audio, labelled as Zeb-Octave. After tasting the sound of success via their Soundbar range, Zebronics yet again raises the bar in the Home Audio segment by being the 1st Indian brand to amalgamate Dolby’s technology in the Tower Speaker category, justifying their motto to serve ‘Premium for Masses’. Have an immersive experience for entertainment: be it a weekend plan of binging movies / TV series, a Gaming night with pals, listening to your favorite tracks to get you in the groove or just hosting a rocking house ‘party’, do it all with the phenomenal 3-way, 340-WattRMS output sound monster Zeb-Octave. It features touch controls and an LED display on the front and it’s perfectly packed within a beautiful black & gold enclosure that just magnifies its opulent design.
ASUS announced the expansion of its consumer notebook lineup with the launch of its six new Creator Series laptops for the Indian market. Designed for content creators and consumers with a creative edge, the new range of ASUS’ Creator Series laptops include the flagship Zenbook Pro 14 Duo OLED & Pro 16X OLED along with ProArt StudioBook Pro 16 OLED & 16 OLED and VivoBook Pro 15 OLED & 16X OLED. The pricing of the new Zenbook lineup starts from INR 1,44,990, the Studiobook lineup from INR 1,99,990, and the Vivobook Pro lineup from INR 67,990/- onwards and will be available online and offline. Designed to meet the growing requirement of creators, designers, vloggers, and artists, Creator Series devices are equipped with innovative designs and cutting-edge technologies that deliver unparalleled aesthetics, powerful performance, and a seamless user experience.
Portronics unveils its latest innovation ‘BEEM 300’ — a Portable Wi-Fi Multimedia LED Projector. Featuring up to 200-inches of pure 1080P image quality, 250 ANSI Lumens Ultra Light Beam and 10 watts of High-Fidelity audio bliss, the portable projector is a superb add-on to your living room, bedroom, playroom, or office. Thanks to the long life 30,000-hour 250 ANSI Lumens LED projection lamp, the images will be vibrant for almost any type of content you choose — be it gaming, movies, or a presentation at a conference room. The clear, bright, and sharp images, makes the BEEM 300 a superb substitute as well as a huge budget alternative to conventional bulky projectors. Additionally, the compact footprint complements to greater portability, allowing you to tag it along almost anywhere you need an instant display screen ranging from 50 to 200 inches at the click of a button.
Ingram Micro Cloud announced the release of its annual research report iden fying prescient trends affec ng Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and technology resellers in India. With the rise of remote and hybrid work spurring a massive global shi in how we work, The State of the MSPs Report provides revela ons meant to benefit resellers and MSPs directly as they learn to navigate new business landscapes. Pulling from the insights of 147MSPs, Ingram Micro Cloud and global technology market research expert Vanson Bourne analyze key growth trends and barriers that MSPs need to address in order to maximize new and forecasted opportuni es within the channel.
Among its findings, the report recommends that despite the challenges faced as a result of the remote and hybrid work phenomenon, MSPs in India have been working hard to adapt their businesses and take advantage of the recent digital transforma on boom. Even with all the strides MSPs have been making to adapt and take advantage of the latest opportuni es, support from partners and vendors will be paramount. As a result, MSPs want to be in the best posi on when it comes to accessing new opportuni es while keeping costs and security firmly in mind.
iValue InfoSolu ons announced a distribu on rela onship with Delinea, a leading provider of privileged access management (PAM) solu ons for seamless security. iValue customers in India will be further empowered to u lize Delinea’s industry-recognized PAM solu ons to protect cri cal data and sensi ve code, secure endpoints and devices, and control cloud access.
“Enterprises are going through digital transforma on and are challenged with increasingly complex privileged access requirements to secure their digital assets from an expanding threat landscape. Delinea’s comprehensive suite of PAM solu ons helps customers reduce risk, ensure compliance, and streamline security. Delinea provides powerful, customizable, and scalable solu ons that help organiza ons of any size regardless of their current security maturity level. iValue trusts that these solu ons would help the Indian enterprise market leverage the benefits of robust security,” said Mr. Subodh Anchan – Vice PresidentVendor Alliance, at iValue InfoSolu ons.
Iris Waves has recently supplied Conference & Mee ng Room Solu ons to AWFIS - India’s Newage Co Working Chain having over 75 loca ons Pan India. AWFIS is a startup company, they are crea ng & opening premium Co-working Spaces for corporate enterprise and business houses. Their business model allows corporates to shoulder off their infrastructure requirements, including running and maintenance responsibili es to AWFIS who in turn provide them with righ ul space and environments for their employees.
Speaking to news man, Mr. Himanshu Chawla, CEO & Technology Evangelist at Iris Waves said “We have supplied AWFIS’s 5 loca ons with 101 Smart Mee ng Room Solu on consis ng of LG Commercial TVs, Video Conferencing Equipment & Lenovo Tablets. Iris is adding more installa on like - Data Center Solu on - Surveillance and Fire Safety Solu on - Wifi & Compu ng Devices. With over 75 ci es presently AWFIS is looking to expand reshape spaces for India’s increasing working class.”
“Today, businesses are looking for unique methods to unlock their data to guide decisionmaking and improve their organiza ons across all sectors. From interviewing over 147 MSPs, it is clear that building strong customer rela onships is a key focus of MSPs to effec vely navigate the evolving requirements of service providers’ clients. This will help MSPs retain current clients and boost their bo om line. - Jyo l Mankad Director & Head of Cloud business, Ingram Micro India Iris Global Services has recently executed one single large order to its Partner “Krystal Integrated Services Pvt. Ltd”.
A leading technology enabler, iValue has consistently partnered with the right mix of widespread and niche technology providers to help customers in their transforma onal journey. iValue’s penchant to select the right partner and aid its customers with trustworthy solu ons has helped them grow relentlessly fostering the trust of their 6,000+ customers across ver cals and 800+ global, na onal, regional, and local system integrators in 18+ loca ons across mul ple con nents. This has made iValue the best choice for companies to market their products and solu ons.
to help comfort the partners, they keep coming back with more business
Mr. Sanjiv Krishen, CMD, Iris Waves said “We are excited to be a part of this new age concept and helping the co working space enterprise AWFIS with their requirements. As they growth, we also expect to cross over 6 crore revenue this fiscal.”
Redington Limited announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Google Cloud India. As a part of this collabora on, it will drive the distribu on and adop on of Google Workspace and Google Cloud with SMBs, educa on and public sector, midmarket, and enterprise segments. The company will also be hos ng distribu on and adop on of Google Chrome Enterprise.
Krystal, is a new engagement in the Iris Global’s channel partners family. Being a leading Facili es Management, Avia on & Gourmet Service organiza on, serving the industry for over 20 years catering to MNC’s, Corporates, Govt. & Pvt. clients. Krsytal has its head office at Mumbai with its branch offices at all major ci es in India.
“We welcome Krystal onboard the Iris channel family. They have an appreciable experience and a huge client base that shall help them in expanding business in this Sector. Iris is a partner friendly organiza on, we are always eager to take an extra step
Our efficient service logis cs and suppor ng credit will help them grow” said Mr. Sanjiv Krishen, Founder CMD, Iris Global Services.
“There are tremendous opportuni es in the Security Surveillance Sector. Iris has brands & products to serve any project that the SIs Channel Partners are looking. Through the years, Iris Global has been servicing Partners with prompt order loading on me deliveries while keeping a transparent & good rela on going,” said Ms. Neena Vats, Sr. VP Iris Global Services.
Through this associa on, Redington aims to address the strong demand for Google Cloud-based services in India, a public cloud services market that is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24% (for 2021–2026) and reach $13.5 billion (by 2026). Redington, along with Google Cloud, will empower its exis ng and poten al partners with access to business and technical exper se while helping them develop resources that support and manage their customers. It will also help fuel the adop on of Google Cloud through the partner network.
“A recent IDC survey revealed a strong market demand for cloud services; however, we s ll see a significant gap between the pace of cloud innova ons and adop on of these technologies by businesses. This is the technology fric on, which we will be addressing through our collabora on with Google Cloud India. This collabora on will help us to enhance the procurement and delivery of relevant cloud services and solu ons to enterprises, SMBs and the public sector, through our vast network of trusted and commi ed partners.”, said Mr. Ramesh Natarajan, CEO, Redington Limited.
The Indian cybersecurity market has grown rapidly in the last few years due to immense shift in technology adoption due to pandemic. The major factor behind increase in cyber incidents is the reluctant cyber security approach of the organizations. The pandemic has certainly played a significant role in exposing the vulnerabilities that exist within the IT infrastructure of Indian organizations. A paradigm shift was witnessed in the work model and all the organizations shifted to the hybrid work model resulting in increased risk of falling prey to attacks. Cyber security strategies need to be reworked so that organizations can be proactive in preventing cyber incidents. Deployment of next-gen security solutions not only eliminates every security breach but also alerts the security teams before any such incident. Hence increasing investment in the adoption of advanced security products by CTOs and IT heads will reduce the risk of any cyber-attacks. To find out complete landscape of existing cybersecurity trend and growth in Indian market, DT spoke to several cybersecurity experts and leaders. Read ahead in this exclusive story all their thoughts on India’s cybersecurity market and the road further for Indian organizations.
Cybersecurity solution is a core technology to help businesses become more secure as they go online and virtual. Digitisation in India has significantly increased in post-COVID-19 world, boosting the need for greater cybersecurity policy. Dipesh Kaura, GM, South Asia Kaspersky said, “We have witnessed an uptick in cybersecurity patent filing and grants in India, demonstrating our country’s growing innovation ecosystem. As Big Data, AI, Cloud and other deep tech evolve, cybersecurity operates as a foundational tech across all technologies. For that, we require a spurt in cybersecurity innovation and investment. India’s cybersecurity market is dominated by security products leveraged by service companies to enhance their global expertise and knowledge in delivering transformational and platform-based services. As emerging deep tech such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain matures, investment in cybersecurity will be a critical differentiator for businesses delivering such services.”
Increasing Cyber Investment by Indian Organizations
The organizations are proactively increasing their investments towards consolidating the security infrastructure. Cyber incidents have surprisingly increased in recent times and organizations re-evaluating their investment strategies to be ahead in so competitive world. Commenting
on the increased investment by Indian organizations, Dipesh Kaura said, “The pandemic and the increasing number of targeted attacks have prompted companies to increase their cybersecurity investments over the past 18 months. The transition in scale, sophistication, and complexness has turned the spotlight onto business resiliency and is further propelling the demand for next-gen cybersecurity products. Security solution providers and partners not only predict cyberattacks even before they occur but also provide complete visibility, advanced detection, reaction, and scalability to the businesses. They offer software tools, standalone solutions, managed services, vulnerability analysis and consulting, and outsourced technical support on their AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) driven platform. The Indian government is encouraging the growth of security solution providers and providing funds for developing cybersecurity infrastructure. India is evolving as a trusted and natural partner of choice for delivering next-gen cybersecurity products globally.”
In today’s cybersecurity landscape, organizations are changing their approach by adopting new trends. Zero trust is one of such trends which has gained immense acceptance for better cybersecurity solutions. Briefing about why Zero trust model is gaining huge adoption by CTOs/CIOs, Dipesh Kaura stated, “Zero trust has grown as a guiding cybersecurity strategy for organisations worldwide. A Zero Trust security model assumes breach and explicitly confirms the security status
of identity, endpoint, network, and other aids based on all available signals and data. It depends on contextual real-time policy enforcement to reach the least privileged access and minimises threats. Automation and machine learning are employed to facilitate prompt detection, deterrence, and remediation of hazards using behaviour analytics and user data. Early adopting organisations that operate with a Zero Trust mindset across their environments are more resilient, responsive, and protected than those with conventional perimeter-based security models. Another motivation why companies are increasingly embracing zero trust is that they want to curb their risks of insider threats. A zero-trust approach will limit users from shifting from resource to resource. Fundamentally, it will not just verify the user and his device but also verify the individual network access components.”
Since the pandemic has hit the world, cybersecurity market has transformed in a surprising way. Cybersecurity incidents have risen to all time high thus security
teams are paying extra attention to secure their digital assets. Pamela Ong, Sales Director of APAC, ESET says, “The pandemic has created new challenges for businesses as they adapt to hybrid work arrangements. As companies accelerate their digital transformation with a focus on the cloud, cybersecurity has become critical in an increasingly digital and data reliant world. Today, the continued rise in cyber threats is among the greatest global
risks faced by organisations.”
“According to India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), India faced 11.5 million cyberattacks in 2021. In particular, there has been a 51% increase in ransomware attacks in the first half of 2022 compared to that of 2021. Given the rise in sophisticated cyberattacks, including Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) and supply
Mr. Dipesh Kaura GM, South Asia Kaspersky
“ESET Adopts A CloudFirst Strategy, Which Means Our Solutions Are Manageable From The Cloud”
chain attacks, organisations need to build up their capabilities to effectively detect, defend and respond to attacks. In response to the increased cyberattacks, India’s cybersecurity industry nearly doubled in size amid the pandemic, with revenues from cybersecurity products and services growing from US$5.04 billion in 2019 to US$9.85 billion in 2021.”
“In particular, with the end-user spending on public cloud in India expected to reach $7.5 billion in 2022, businesses need to ensure that their cloud services and infrastructure are adequately protected such that business operations and sensitive information are kept secure. To enhance cybersecurity in India, the government has implemented more stringent regulations with new directives that mandate the reporting of cybersecurity incidents. These cybersecurity directives include a reduced timeline for reporting, which would require organisations to re-examine their practices and procedures around breach reporting. More importantly, organisations should also take note of the expanded list of reportable cybersecurity incidents issued by CERT-In. To keep pace with these new regulations, organisations will need to increase their investments in cybersecurity and visibility in their network to unveil cyberattacks,” Pamela adds.
Cybersecurity is one of the key areas where organizations are investing hugely to keep the IT infrastructure secure from bad actors. Such moves by Indian companies are resulting in creating growth opportunities for the security solution providers. By deploying the
robust security solutions, the companies are making big strides in preventing the cyberattacks in rapidly digitizing world. Commenting on the scenario, Pamela Ong further says, “Digital growth, an increase in cyberattacks and stringent regulatory mandates are the key demand drivers for the cybersecurity market in India. Notably, organisations must increase their capabilities to detect threats in their network and respond to them. According to a report, the median dwell time for businesses in Asia Pacific (APAC) to discover that their network has been compromised is 21 days. In one instance, the XDSpy APT group remained undetected for almost nine years, and stole sensitive data from many government agencies and private companies during that period.”
“However, not all organisations have the human resources and expertise to deploy sophisticated cybersecurity tools. Instead, they can leverage Managed Security Operations Centres (SOCs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) to help them deploy and manage their cybersecurity. At ESET, we provide our XDR-enabling solutions not only to enterprises, but also SOCs and MSSPs to ensure that all businesses can enhanced their network visibility and respond to potential threats. Besides, ESET adopts a cloud-first strategy, which means our solutions are manageable from the cloud, powered by the cloud and able to protect cloud productivity apps,” she further adds.
“The zero trust model promotes the concept that organisations should not trust any entity inside or outside their network perimeters in a predetermined fashion. This is vital in ensuring data
is safeguarded in an organisation and prevents APT groups from infiltrating their network, especially since the average cost of a data breach globally will reach a record high of US$4.35 million in 2022. In addition, this model allows organisations to have better control and knowledge of their data. Organisations should start to implement the zero trust model by focusing on securing their endpoints to protect against APTs, as the endpoint is where their data and applications reside, and it is also one of the key entry points exploited by APT groups. Through this approach, organisations can enhance their defence against APT attackers from infiltrating their businesses via the endpoint, protect their business interests, and get ahead of regulatory requirements,” Pamela concludes.
Ms. Pamela Ong Sales Director of APAC, ESETThe pandemic has played a major role in creating new challenges for organizations as far as cybersecurity is concerned. In addition to that, the
increasing digital transformation wave has significantly added the risk to attract more cyberattacks. Adding his views on changing cybersecurity scenario in the country, Dr. Sanjay Katkar, Joint MD & CTO, Quick Heal Technologies Ltd said, “The past two years’ hybrid and remote work culture have opened a pandora’s box of cyber threats. Since people are using their personal devices to access enterprise networks or working on company laptops
with home Wi-Fi, it has created more opportunities for the threat actors to target organizations. Naturally, firms across India have increased their investment in security upgrades, including endpoint and cloud security. This has resulted in 2X growth of this industry during the pandemic. As per a DSCI report, revenues from cybersecurity products and services have grown from $5.04bn in 2019 to $9.85bn in 2021.
“The surging demand has inspired the cybersecurity sector to adopt a platformbased approach to offer holistic solutions and simplify security integration and deployment. As a result, around 78% of the services companies and 76% of the product companies have started offering platform-based services and products, wherein 74% have leveraged AI/ ML to enhance their product portfolio. We also saw an upsurge in demand and acceptance of EDR and XDR products - another new trend that will likely stay relevant in the years to come,” added by Sanjay Katkar.
With the rise in cyberattacks, the demand for next-gen security solutions has also increased. Organizations are aggressively working towards boosting their security infrastructure to stop and avoid any kind of security breach. Commenting on the scenario, Sanjay Katkar said, “While the evolving work culture has enabled threat actors to deploy new attacks, it also bestowed security solution providers and partners with opportunities to grow. Currently, skilled cybersecurity professionals are high in demand and will remain so in the future as well. India has also emerged as a partner of choice for providing cybersecurity services and products worldwide, with more and more
startups expanding their operations globally. In fact, the Indian cybersecurity product and services industry has been demonstrating tremendous growth while fostering a partnership mindset since the pandemic. The collaboration between ecosystem stakeholders such as academia, government, services majors, and startups creates a conducive environment for all security providers and partners.”
The Zero trust model is rapidly gaining adoption by large number of organizations. Briefing about how this model is effective to succeed in challenging conditions, Sanjay Katkar commented, “Zero Trust provides a “never trust, always verify” security model, where every connection attempt from every user and device is checked on several dimensions before that connection is allowed to access sensitive enterprise applications and services. Further, the “default deny” model of Zero Trust ensures that users and devices that explicitly match an “allow policy” are the only ones who can access these sensitive corporate applications and services. Therefore, the Zero Trust security model represents a paradigm shift from the traditional VPN security archetype of “authorize once, always trust.”
He further added, “For organizations in a largely WFH or remote-first world, Zero Trust is a logical step-up in their cybersecurity architecture to prevent unauthorized access to corporate resources from unknown and unmanaged devices. By vastly reducing the threat’s attack surface and lateral movement, Zero Trust significantly improves an organization’s cybersecurity posture and protects it from the evolving threat landscape.”
Dr Sanjay Katkar Joint MD & CTO, Quick Heal Technologies LtdAccelerated adoption of tech is ushering in waves of innovation across industries but it has also led to a rise in cyberattacks and security concerns. As we continue on the path to becoming a fully digital economy, enterprises will have to work round-the-clock to secure data, resources, and employees, all while working remotely. Huzefa Motiwala, Director–Systems Engineering for India & SAARC, Palo Alto Networks said, “As per Palo Alto Networks’ Global IoT Survey 2021, 84%
organisations have seen an increase in the amount of non-business IoT devices connected to their business network and 86% of Indian enterprises believe that the shift to remote working has resulted in an increased number of IoT security incidents.”
“Seeing how hybrid work has brought multiple clouds, devices, networks and endpoints into the mix, not only has it widened the digital attack surface, but switching between these while they remain a part of the corporate network, can leave enterprises vulnerable to attacks. This makes developing a robust cybersecurity strategy a complex affair, while weak remote access policies and implicit trust on many devices make it easy for cyber adversaries to gain entry and sabotage networks.”
He further added, “Organisations now need to realign their cybersecurity strategies to become proactive with their efforts and to make hybrid workforce security a strategic opportunity. This involves several sub-functions that contribute to holistic enhancement of a robust cyber security strategy, including:
• Looking beyond VPNs to more modern and resilient approaches,
• Leveraging Cloud-delivered security for scale, agility, and cost effectiveness,
• Deploying a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) framework that removes implicit trust from the equation and constantly validates every device and transaction within the network. This also involves rethinking Zero Trust as a whole
where we advise our customers to incorporate ZTNA 2.0 principles like continuous review of identity and connection across their domains to stay secure, • Adopting secure access service edge (SASE) to elevate network security as it converges a diverse range of security solutions into one cloudnative service
As the demand for security solutions is on the rise owing to increased cyber activities, the market players witness accelerated growth. The organizations continue to invest heavily in their security infrastructure. In line with this, Huzefa Motiwala commented, “According to Gartner Inc, end-user spending on security and risk management in India is forecast to total $2.6 billion in 2022, an increase of 9.4% from 2021. The sheer volume of cybersecurity investments in the Indian market today should prove that growth opportunities for security providers and partners are immense. With this in mind, we have judiciously invested in our NextWave 3.0 Partner Program and are now reaping the benefits. NextWave 3.0 provides our partners with an array of specialised products and services which provide them and our customers a competitive edge. We also encourage partners to integrate these products and services into their own operations, which can strengthen their infrastructures and in turn scale new markets and deliver optimal customer experiences.”
“NextWave 3.0 was established with a focus on providing incentives and value
The disruption instigated by the pandemic offered more opportunity for cybercriminals to orchestrate cyberattacks and critical breaches on corporate outfits, individuals and government bodies. The overnight transition towards remote operations and the rapid cloud adoption proved to
for our partners. We recently added specialisation benefits that give our partners graded benefits based on the resources invested, business growth, and competencies acquired. The program is tuned to market needs and helps partners address a customer’s evolving cybersecurity frameworks. Our partners are now well-positioned to leverage our investments in building pipelines, acquiring new customers, and delivering the portfolio.”
“Recently, we partnered with Infosys to enable global organisations to secure hybrid cloud infrastructure from a single unified platform, while maximising existing investments and integrating Secure-Access Service Edge and ZeroTrust architecture components with our Cortex® XSOAR offering. We also partnered with Tech Mahindra to create specialised industry solutions that offer complete visibility and control of the network, endpoint, and cloud security. In 2022, as we move forward towards a services-driven economy, we will continue to introduce enhancements to fuel mutual business growth and enable partner-led services,” concluded Huzefa Motiwala.
“The normalisation of hybrid/remote work models, rise in cloud services, and ubiquitous internet devices are driving a greater adoption of the Zero-Trust security at the enterprise level. Zero-Trust secures an organisation by eliminating implicit trust and continuously validating every stage of a digital interaction. This is particularly effective as, without
trust, an adversary who gets access to your network through a compromised device or other vulnerability, won’t be able to access or steal data. And since the Zero Trust model creates a “secure segment of one” with no way to move laterally, the adversary will have nowhere to go and can be detected,” said Huzefa Motiwala. “Furthermore, a true Zero Trust architecture not only enables access to the right applications and data but also secures that access. This means it prevents vulnerability exploits, tunnelling, malware, phishing and malicious websites. To make access safe for all users, devices, apps and data, organisations must continuously examine the network to prevent any malicious activity. Zero Trust Network Security employs comprehensive security monitoring for all users, devices, apps and data to detect such activity across the business’ IT and security infrastructure.”
Mr. Huzefa Motiwalabe a hefty bargain for many companies as their system security and employees were unprotected and exposed to cybercriminals.
Elaborating about the changing cybersecurity scenario, Parag Khurana, Country Manager, Barracuda Networks India said, “Now, as businesses are adapting to the new normal, organisations across India and the world are focusing on boosting their cybersecurity defenses against the growing cyber threats that are taking
advantage of the new reality. As per a Barracuda report, 79% of Indian IT decision-makers surveyed said their organisation has been the victim of at least one ransomware attack in 2021. Organisations have begun to understand that to maintain business continuity, they must innovate and enhance their existing cybersecurity frameworks and deploy the latest security toolkits and techniques. This will help them forge a robust and resilient architecture against the everevolving threat matrix.”
“With a significant rise in investments made by Indian and international companies to bolster the overarching cybersecurity capabilities of the nation, India’s cybersecurity industry has almost doubled in size during the pandemic, with revenues from cybersecurity products and services growing from $5.04bn in 2019 to $9.85bn in 2021. This impressive growth was catalysed by fast-paced digitalisation, increased regulatory attention on data and privacy, increased corporate awareness around cyber threats, and a slew of other factors,” Parag said. “Meanwhile, with the massive shift to a remote workforce amid the pandemic, there is a significant growth of workloads into the public cloud. Cybercriminals are exploiting new threat vectors, such as the disappearance of traditional network perimeter and increasing number of distracted remote employees, to penetrate business’ corporate data. Protecting digital assets and data stored within cloud and web applications remains the key focus for organisations, as well as security providers and partners,” added by him.
“As the leading provider of cloud-first security solutions, Barracuda expands our cloud-native security capabilities to address customers’ needs in protecting their email, application, network and data. For example, we introduced Barracuda SASE platform that brings together Secure SD-WAN, Firewall-as-a-Service, Zero Trust
Network Access and offers immense value to businesses with cloud-first priorities to move network infrastructure, routing, security, and remote access to the public cloud. In addition, we’re seeing the growth of Microsoft 365 data as businesses accelerate cloud adoption amid the pandemic. In addressing the increasing demand for Microsoft Office 365 data protection, Barracuda introduced the re-architected Barracuda Cloud-toCloud Backup to deliver a fast search and restore experience for Microsoft 365 data. We also added a new data center in India to help local customers meet the strict data protection requirements,” he said.
Zero trust is a tactical approach to cybersecurity. Zero Trust means that every person and every device are not trusted, whether they are inside or outside of the company network perimeter. Briefing about the increasing adoption of Zero Trust security model, he said, “As organisations are increasingly shifting to remote workforce and company data is in the cloud, the concept of the network is extended outside of the office perimeter using VPNs. Unfortunately, today’s businesses cannot rely on legacy VPN products to protect their devices and data. They can be unreliable and complex to configure, and setup and their technology is based on old assumptions fitting the old, office-only work model. Researchers found that VPNs quite often do not deliver on their security promises. Present-day
organisations need a full-stack security blueprint to resolve the contemporary technological complications, and none better than zero-trust security to address this prime requirement.”
“The Zero Trust model shifts the company network perimeter and moves it to every device and user within a company trying to access information. By only allowing the right person, with the right device, and with the right permissions to access company data or apps, it protects the access to company data which is critical for distributed enterprises. It increases the chances that if an asset is compromised, it won’t affect the entire company,” concluded by him.
As the organizations continue to be on the path of digital transformation, the bad actors keep playing a decisive role as a barrier in their journey. The last two years have been very challenging on the security front for organizations across all sectors predominantly due to the pandemic. Commenting on the increasing cyber incidents, Debasish Mukherjee, Vice President, Regional Sales APJ, SonicWall Inc said, “Across the globe, we saw that pandemic
while stretched companies’ networks, accelerated their digital transformation, on the downside exposed them to more cybercrime. Cybersecurity has become much more important in today’s times than ever before. The global cyber security market is estimated to record a CAGR of 10.5% over the forecast period of 2022 to 2032.”
*In India itself, one report states the cybersecurity services and product industry had combined revenue of $9.85 billion in 2021 and grew at a CAGR of 40% in the last two years. The services industry grew from $4.3 Billion in 2019 to $8.48 Billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 40.33%. The product industry grew from
$740 Million in 2019 to reach $1.37 Billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 36.49%.”
Debasish Mukherjee further added, “This shows that there is a much greater awareness of crimes and more importantly organizations across every industry vertical are looking at how to solve the problem sustainably and stay ahead of the problem.”
Rise in Cybersecurity Investments from Indian Organizations
Indian organizations have started investing more in cybersecurity as the uptick in cyber-attacks has created the dire need of boosting cybersecurity
Mr. Parag Khurana Country Manager, Barracuda Networks India
“Our Success is Based On The Philosophy of Knowledge Building And Sharing”
infrastructure. Commenting on the opportunities for security solution providers, Debasish Mukherjee said, “Since the pandemic, the last couple of years has been the era of digital transformation across industry verticals globally. The need to build robust security infrastructures in the face of rising cyberattacks has become paramount. This has created new opportunities for security service providers and the larger channel community to offer agile, innovative solutions and create enhanced value for their customers.”
**According to a report, the Managed Security Services Market was valued at USD 23.19 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 56.6 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 16.11% over the forecast period 2022 - 2027.
“At SonicWall, we are a strong team of over 17000 partners in various regions across the globe of which 2500 partners are based in India. Our success is based on the philosophy of knowledge building and sharing, so we can learn and grow together. The addition of over 5,000 new partners last year alone is another testament to SonicWall’s momentum and strong value proposition,” stated by Debasish Mukherjee.
Today in the new remote and hybrid work environment, reliance on external business partners is increasing and the nature of hyper-distributed offices has become almost nomadic. The crucial question that arises is how to enforce consistent and effective security policies. Debasish Mukherjee commented, “By using a Zero-Trust security model and next-generation secure cloud network services, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can now create and easily secure client networks in the cloud and on-premises, accessible from anywhere globally at any time, to prevent unauthorized access, defend against breaches and stop lateral movement.”
When Zero-Trust is enabled from Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) architecture, secure access becomes very simple included below steps:
1. Create a network (setup ZTNA secured network utilizing SDP gateways)
2. Connect infrastructure (connect network resources)
3. Invite teams (Integrate with IDP providers, MFA via SDP controllers)
4. Regulate access to internal resources (Configure access to your resources & applications via SDP client)
5. Monitor user activity (Track user activities and devices)
“This enables faster deployment so that an IT admin can sign up, create a gateway, and configure granular policies based on network and user context, all in less than 15 minutes. Remote employees in any part of the world can access this configured ZTNA network using their mobile device or desktop client app, or client-less using a browser. With the selfservice deployment model, onboarding for remote workers can be completed in 5 minutes,” concluded by Debasish Mukherjee.
Mr. Debasish Mukherjee Vice President, Regional Sales APJ, SonicWall IncDigital Terminal successfully concluded the ‘DT Conclave 2022’ along with ‘DT Tech Leadership Award 2022 in New Delhi. Continuing the legacy, the event was organized with an objective to boost digital transformation journey of Indian businesses and helping them to continue their digital transformation journey ahead. This was the 4th edition of DT Conclave and it was concluded on a successful note. The DT Conclave was attended by more than 150 prominent dignitaries, CTOs, CISOs and key leader from IT industry.
The conclave highlighted how businesses should embrace the next-genera on technologies in order to accelerate their future growth. DT Conclave 2022 has spread the much required awareness about emerging technologies which need to be adopted by the CTOs & CISOs. The conclave was effec vely planned to promote the important keynote sessions, insigh ul presenta ons and panel discussions in order to successfully address business opportuni es and challenges for Indian companies. DT Conclave 2022 highlight
the way ahead for the companies who are looking to escalate their digital transforma on journey. During the two different sessions, the respected speakers deliberated on the latest trends in Cybersecurity and Mobility. The speakers also discussed many other important topics as well for enabling the Indian businesses to leverage their industry experience. The speakers imparted the best knowledge that will surely help all audiences to achieve their digital transforma on goals.
The first session included the felicita on of the dignitaries who graced the event with their presence. Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor & Publisher, Digital Terminal along with Ms. Jyo Janda, Execu ve Editor, Digital Terminal felicitated all prominent guests Dr. Pavan Duggal, Advocate, Supreme Court of India & most popular cybersecurity expert in India, Mr. Akash Saxenaa, Sr. Director - Enterprise Business, Samsung, Mr. Himanshu Chawla, CEO, Iris Waves Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Naveen Kumar, Zonal Manager, Delhi/NCR, Sophos, Mr. Ravinder Arora Global CISO & DPO, Infogain, and Mr. Dominic Vijay Kumar, VP & Chief Technology Officer, Art Housing Finance (India) Ltd. DT hosted the key note sessions with Industry’s leading experts who have seen the industry evolving over the years.
The first key note session was led by renowned Cyber Lawyer & expert Dr. Pavan Duggal. He shed the light over changing cybersecurity scenario, new cyber laws impac ng corporate working and how organiza ons should overcome the exis ng challenges.
Another key note session was organized with Mr. Akash Saxenaa, Sr. Director - Enterprise Business, Samsung. The topic of the session was Mobility as a Pla orm where Mr. Saxenaa shared crucial insights about the new emerging technologies that are making big impacts in the domain. He also briefed about how Samsung is assis ng the organiza ons to navigate in challenging condi ons with their next-gen offerings.
Mr. Himanshu Chawla, CEO, Iris Waves Pvt. Ltd. further added crucial insights about Mobility as a pla orm. He led this session very well and educated the large number of audiences. The session concluded on a successful note and the en re audience including prominent CTOs and CIOs praised the vital informa on shared by the key note speakers.
Commen ng on the success of DT Conclave 2022, Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor & Publisher, Digital Terminal said, “DT Conclave is one of the biggest pla orms for the market players and industry experts to discuss the latest technologies that are making big impact on Indian companies. The 4th edi on of DT Conclave recorded a great success and we are overwhelmed with the response we got from the industry. We were able to connect with a large number of audiences as digital pla orms reached addi onal thousands of live audiences. We want to thank all our partners, speakers, a endees and everyone for suppor ng DT Conclave 2022 and making it a huge success.”
“DT Conclave 2022 proved to be very successful with all required support from the industry and our esteemed partners. Organizing such a wonderful event with presence of prominent CTOs & CISOs was not an easy task but our intent and posi ve approach helped us achieve this landmark. We are very pleased with the result which we have received as this pla orm and all the discussion that happened at this pla orm will help all businesses to speed-up their digital transforma on journey,” commented by Jyo Janda, Execu ve Editor, Digital Terminal.
Cybersecurity remains a major concern for organiza ons in a digitally changing world. So, the second session was based on the theme of ‘Reducing The Risk of Cyber A acks with Integrated Security’. Sophos had supported this session to spread the much required informa on about cybersecurity trends. This session at DT Conclave 2022 helped
the audiences to know about the current threats as well solu ons to prevent such a acks. For this session, the panellists were Dr. Pavan Duggal, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, (Among Top 4 Cyber Lawyers Around The World), Mr. Naveen Kumar, Zonal Manager, Delhi/ NCR, Sophos and Mr. Ravinder Arora, Global CISO & DPO, Infogain. This session was successfully concluded as all the esteemed panellists shared their vast knowledge with the large audience who were enjoying this event both physically as well as digitally.
Whereas second session discussed the topic ‘Mobility as a Pla orm’. For this session, the panellists were Mr. Akash Saxenaa, Sr. Director - Enterprise Business, Samsung, Mr. Himanshu
Chawla, CEO, Iris Waves Pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Dominic Vijay Kumar, VP & Chief Technology Officer, Art Housing Finance. The vast experience of the panellists boosted the knowledge of the audiences on the adop on of ‘Mobilty as Pla orm’.
At the very last stage of the event, DT announced the winners of ‘DT Tech Leadership Awards 2022’ in 12 categories. This award was given to the most impac ul IT leaders for their exemplary contribu on in fuelling the digital transforma on journey of their respec ve organiza ons. Every year, we aim to acknowledge the efforts of CTOs & CISOs. Amidst the ever-increasing challenges, the role of IT leaders has increased as they are core strength of any organiza on who take ini a ves to have a great digital journey for be er growth. DT has come forward to reward India’s key IT leaders for their excep onal ini a ves in the field of technology adop on.
DT Conclave 2022 proved to be one of the most successful events and this mega event was supported by leading tech brands in India. Micron was the presen ng partner whereas Sophos was powered by partner. Iris Global and Iris Waves were associated as the Pla num Partner and Tally ERP was the ERP partner for the event. Dell Technologies, ASUS and Secureye were Gold Partner whereas TP-Link and Radiant Info Solu ons were the Suppor ng Partner. Online TV partner was TechBiz TV while Telecom Today was the Media Partner and the event was managed by News Dot Media Pvt. Ltd.
DT announced the winners of ‘DT Tech Leadership Awards 2022’ during recently organised DT Conclave 2022. This award was given to the most impactful IT leaders for their exemplary contribution in fuelling the digital transformation journey of their respective organizations.
Every year, we aim to acknowledge the efforts of CTOs & CISOs. Amidst the ever-increasing challenges, the role of IT leaders has increased as they are core strength of any organization who take initiatives to have a great digital journey for better growth. DT has come forward to reward India’s key IT leaders for their exceptional initiatives in the field of technology adoption.
Western Digital has once again proved its leadership in the storage innovations with launch of world’s first 22TB HDDs. These HDDs can help the enterprises to reduce the TCO and effectively manage the huge amount of data.
Western Digital announced that it is shipping its new, industry-leading Ultrastar® DC HC570 22TB CMR HDDs in India. Leveraging its unique OptiNAND™, energy-assisted PMR (ePMR), ArmorCache™ and HelioSeal® technologies, the company further expands its technology and areal density leadership, while delivering enhanced value by driving a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for cloud service providers and enterprise customers.
On the leading edge of storage innovation, the Ultrastar DC HC570 HDD is rightly timed for the Indian market as the country is witnessing massive data growth and therefore data center expansion. Additionally, with the recently concluded 5G spectrum auction, India is expecting the rollout of 5G services, which will further amplifying data and cloud usage to create huge demand for high-capacity drives to reduce TCO.
The new 22TB CMR drive architecture extends capacity gains on proven ePMR technology and leverages industry-first technologies to deliver areal-density leadership on a mature 2.2TB/platter with ten disks. One of the new technology innovations is ArmorCache, a feature uniquely enabled by OptiNAND that combines the performance of write cache enabled (WCE) mode and the data protection of write cache disabled (WCD) mode, offering the best of both scenarios without compromise. When operating in WCE mode, ArmorCache ensures that the DRAM cache will be safely written in event of an emergency power off (EPO) and no data is lost. When operating in WCD mode, the drive will ensure that all user data in DRAM is safely written upon EPO, and the drive will operate with WCE-equivalent performance. Performance and data protection are now identical across both WCE and WCD modes.
• The 22TB Ultrastar DC HC570 HDD are now available with the company’s national distributors, Rashi Peripherals and Tech Data India.
• The Ultrastar Data60 and Data102 JBODs feature the new 22TB CMR Ultrastar HDDs, delivering the industry’s highest storage density in a fully optimized platform for added durability and data reliability for softwaredefined storage.
“We are excited to introduce the world’s first 22TB CMR HDD in India. We are constantly working to help address the capacity demands of the industry, as well as support the evolving economics of data centers for decades to come.”
Mr. Khalid Wani Senior Director – Sales, India, Western Digital
Mr. Jaganathan Chelliah Senior Director – Marketing, India, Middle East & TIA, Western Digital
“We are living in the Zettabyte era today and creating a massive amount of data. Our newly introduced 22TB drives will help our customers to efficiently store and access huge volumes of data while offering cost efficiencies and low TCO at scale.”
Kaizen Infoserve rolls out a new visionary service named ‘Premium Customer Drop Off’ to help customers get optimum RMA support at their doorstep. Kaizen handles the technology service support operation for many leading tech brands in India. As of now, few of the leading brands have opted for this new initiative and will start resolving the RMA services to delight the customers. The new initiative by Kaizen Infoserve will play a decisive role in delivering fast and seamless support to customers.
Over the years, Kaizen has strategically moved ahead and adopted a lot of new strategies that add extra value to its partners. Its efficiency in providing best tech support and adopting best reforms make Kaizen a best tech support partner in the Industry. Its capability of delivering excellent service has helped it set a benchmark in the technical service support domain. With new ‘Customer Drop Off’ service, Kaizen plans to lead in the market and help its partners to retain the customers.
customers. This new feature will help us redefine the customer support experience and will enable them to take advantage of our highly efficient support team. We are currently one of the leading tech support partner for all leading tech brands in India. We value our ongoing partnership with tech brands and always try to boost brand reputation among common customers. The service provided by Kaizen is in line with the needs and expectations of today’s customer.”
The customer drop off service will be available for certain brands and in the coming time, more brands will leverage the benefits of the initiative. Under this service, customers will need to pay a nominal fee to enable this feature while depositing the RMA. As of now, this option will be open for Memory, SSD and other smaller products.
Commenting on the Customer Drop Off service from Kaizen, M A Mannan, Country Manager - South Asia, Corsair said, “Kaizen our tech support partner has been a pillar of our strength in offering services to Corsair clients for past 12+ years. We had initiated a lot of industry first initiatives in terms of service to partners and end users across India. Customer drop off service initiative is fully supported by Corsair as it offers the customer the option of availing the replacements at their footsteps. Corsair Kaizen association promises its customers to offer world class service for its esteemed customers.”
Commenting on the launch of premier ‘Customer Drop Off’ service, Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen Infoserve said, “We are very excited to launch this revolutionary service feature for our
Putting across the views on new initiative by Kaizen, Sushmita Das, Vice President of Business Development, Kobian Pte Ltd (Mercury) said, “Bolstering our commitment to our end customers, we are extremely happy with the Premier Customer Drop Off service from Kaizen. Mercury customers shall receive the selected products at their doorstep reducing the time and effort to travel to the service centres.”
Kaizen has announced that Mercury, Corsair, Cooler Master and Crucial by Micron’s customers will be able to get the benefits of this new service. Once they deposit the product at service centre, they will be able to turn on the Drop Off feature and then the new product will be delivered to their doorstep. It will minimize the time of customers and the trouble that they face in reaching to service centre. Going forward, company is looking to add more brands in this newly launched service initiative.
Designed with creative professionals in mind, the 4K monitor tops the chart/steals the show for its color accuracy which is of utmost importance to the creators.
ViewSonic Corp announced a new addition to their latest Pantone Validated series - VP2756-4K UHD ColorPro professional monitor. The 27-inch full Ultra high-definition monitor delivers unmatched color accuracy with vivid and life-like colours for all professional applications. The ColorPro monitor comes with a 100% sRGB color gamut with near-precise color production incorporating Delta E<2 colour accuracy.
Designed with creative professionals in mind, the 4K monitor tops the chart/
steals the show for its color accuracy which is of utmost importance to the creators like Photographers, the Printing Industry, Fashion designers, Industrial designers, architects, Content Creators, Vloggers, Digital Artists, Music Producer, Interior Designer and so on and so forth. It delivers a Delta E < 2 colour reproduction that ensures high levels of fidelity in simulating the full range of real-world colors as seen by the naked eye. Additionally, the Designer Modes setting in the monitor calibrates it to the sRGB color gamut: an ideal setting for creating digital images and graphics for the web.
Rich in features, the Pantone Validated VP2756-4K monitor presents a high-grade 10-bit panel displaying more than eight million pixels on the screen – up to 300% greater density than other Full HD monitors in the Indian market. Additionally, the 27-inch display allows the most comfortable placement by maximizing your creative output with a full range of swivel, pivot, tilt, and height adjustments.
Mr. Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Director Sales and Marketing –IT Business, ViewSonic India said, “At ViewSonic we aim to deliver the best of technology and features to our customers. Understanding the users’ needs and being overwhelmed with the high demand for our professional range, we decided to take our monitors a notch higher. The newest addition to ViewSonic’s Pantone Validated professional series offers high-quality colour delivery, along-with exceptional features including advanced ergonomics to
provide customized comfort. The new displays are designed to boost productivity while meeting industry standards to offer an efficient workflow to our consumers. Furthermore, the monitor is affordable and promises an unmatched performance for all creative professionals."
The Pantone monitor offers Energy Star 8.0, EPEAT Silver with Super Clear® IPS (3840 x 2160) resolution panel and a sleek 3-sided frameless design, providing a near-seamless viewing experience. Adding ease of connectivity with other devices, the display comes with an HDMI, DP in, USB 3.2 and USB-C inputs. Offering a single-cable solution, the USB-C also facilitates faster data, audio and video transfer making the monitor units a preferred choice amongst professionals.
ViewSonic VP2756-4K Monitor will be available on Amazon and leading retail outlets across India for an MRP- INR 45,900 and MOP- INR 34,000 + taxes.
The new displays are designed to boost productivity while meeting industry standards
Complete multi-cloud security coverage across environments, workloads, and identities.