ASUS India announced the appointment of Eric Ou as Country Head, President and Director, Systems Group, ASUS India. With 23 years of rich experience in ASUS across different territories and func ons, Eric Ou has been pivotal in building the brand share to the market dominator posi on in the respec ve regions.
The appointments come in response to Asus’ significant growth in the Indian Consumer PC market in recent years. The decision to elevate the leadership reflects the company’s commitment to further expanding its India business, especially in the Commercial B2B space.
Eric Ou, Country Head of India, President, and Director of ASUS India, said, “I am honored to lead ASUS India opera ons as we strive to become market leaders in the consumer, gaming, and enterprise PCs markets. Our goal is to provide every Indian with a meaningful technology experience that boosts efficiency and enhances their life. We are dedicated to delivering an excep onal customer experience and developing a strong brand that resonates with the varied usage needs of our consumers.
With our relentless pursuit of excellence and a highly skilled team, I am confident that we will con nue to push the boundaries and exceed expecta ons.”
Addi onally, the company has elevated
Arnold Su and Dinesh Sharma to the posi on of Vice President, having previously served as Business Heads for Consumer & Gaming PCs and Commercial PC & Smartphones at systems group, ASUS India, respec vely.
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Canon announced the launch of imagePROGRAF TC-20M, a compact 4-colour pigment ink all-in-one large format printer in India. Fi ed with an A4 flatbed scanner, the best-in-class printer allows users to seamlessly make copies from cut sheets and roll papers. Designed to provide op mal produc vity, the versa le printer is ideal for remote worksites, small offices and retail outlets.
Equipping users with enhanced capabili es, with this new printer, A4 documents can be easily enlarged and copied. Owing to such technological advancement, it is sure to prove to be very beneficial for prin ng educa onal material, official no ces and promo onal posters for retail outlets and restaurants. Furthermore, it also enables remote site offices to smoothly create large-format prints and copies of engineering drawings.
Addressing the requirements of remote working professionals, the new spaceefficient and mul func onal machine allows them to print, scan and copy large format prints, even without accessing a worksta on. It is an all-in-one product that seamlessly fits into ght spaces to cater to the large-format prin ng industry’s versa le output requirements. We are confident that this revolu onary product will build upon the TC-20 series’ legacy and set new standards in the industry.”
Sharing his thoughts on the launch, Mr. Manabu Yamazaki, President and CEO, Canon India, said, “We are commi ed to advancing produc vity and crea vity with cu ng-edge technology at Canon India and con nuously strive to develop specialized products that cater to modern needs. Driven by our pursuit of innova on, we are proud to add the imagePROGRAF TC-20M to our expansive printer por olio.
TC-20M can easily enlarge copies of A4 documents to A3 cut sheets, A2 or A1 roll papers and even to the full width of roll paper. Portrait or landscape orienta on of the output copies can be selected from the user panel easily. ‘Repeated copy’ feature enables an original document to be copied and printed repeatedly using roll paper. This can be used for various applica ons such as wrapping paper or retail stores banners. By using ‘Enlargement copy’ func on, A4 handheld leaflets and handwri en manuscripts can be scaled to large size posters to be used in travel agencies or food and beverage outlets. With the flatbed scanner, thick booklets or brochures can be converted to hard or so
copies for distribu ons. Apart from copy func on, TC-20M supports JPEG & PDF file format for direct prin ng and scanning with USB memory s ck without having to access a worksta on.
For increased produc vity, TC-20M is equipped with 70ml ink bo les for four colours (cyan, magenta, yellow & black) for con nuous prin ng, which is useful for CAD drawings and posters prin ng. Every colour inklet on the printer is designed uniquely to prevent incorrect loading of ink bo les. With the large ink tank capacity system, it reduces me and effort when it comes to ink refilling. Vibrant red colour can be produced in lines and texts commonly used in technical drawings, graphics and flyers. Large format prints and long banners can be collected and held with op onal desktop basket.
TC-20M achieves low power consump on of less than 26W during opera on and 1.9W during standby. With high environmental performance, the TC-20M has been registered as a gold product under U.S. environmental assessment system EPEAT.
Kaspersky announced the launch of a range of Professional Services Packages for SMBs. The packages offer tailored support products that help customers get the most out of their cybersecurity resources.
From infrastructure health checks and applica on deployment, to seamless upgrade, vulnerability and patch management, and encryp on for portable storage, the packages help IT teams manage ‘the deployment gap’ while op mizing protec on and maximizing ROI.
In a rapidly changing cybersecurity environment, professional services are essen al for businesses of every size, including SMBs under pressure to maximize business efficiency. SMBs need to focus on their core business while their cybersecurity implementa ons are working op mally. According to recent Kaspersky research, SMBs plan to increase their IT security budgets by up to 14% in the next three years – and ge ng professional help to enhance the efficiency of their cybersecurity is among the top choices to spend their budgets.
Kaspersky’s new Professional Services Packages for SMBs cover the most indemand cybersecurity needs: Assessment, Deployment and Configura on. There’s also a Health Check service offering three different levels of coverage, deployment of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business, Kaspersky Security for Virtualiza on Light Agent, Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console and Kaspersky EDR Op mum, and Upgrade for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business. All packages have clearly described outcomes, a pre-defined scope of work, service dura on, etc. – all variables are clarified and agreed on at the outset.
Kaspersky Professional Services packages for SMBs includes five packages:
Health Check Service Package
Analysis of the customer’s policies, audit, health check, iden fica on of current and poten al issues in the customer’s Kaspersky infrastructure, repor ng and recommenda ons.
Deployment Service Package
Crea on of basic policies, deployment of essen al Kaspersky applica ons, deployment of protec on to an agreed number of customer systems, etc.
Upgrade Service Package
Deployment of the latest version of Kaspersky Security Center, migra on of se ngs and policies from customer-created backups, etc.
Hard Disk and Removable Drive Encryp on Service Package
Configura on of authen ca on agent, and implementa on of full disk encryp on on an agreed number of HDDs, portable storage and/or configura on of file-level encryp on.
Vulnerability & Patch Management Service Package
Configura on and se ng up of basic policies, demonstra on of the key scenarios and typical situa ons admins will have to deal with, etc.
If the customer’s IT team opts to deploy Kaspersky so ware themselves, Kaspersky will s ll support them through the whole process and provide all necessary assistance, including detailed instruc ons and demo videos. Kaspersky will also ensure that the so ware is op mized. A er implementa on, Kaspersky specialists can check the so ware to ensure that
everything is properly installed, and will operate correctly and at peak performance, in line with Kaspersky standards and best prac ces.
“Our new professional services por olio together with our experts make life for IT administrators a lot easier. Our experts speak your language – let them handle updates, configure so ware or assist with migra on to Kaspersky products and solu ons on your behalf so you can focus on other business issues needing your a en on to maximize business efficiency. What’s different about these Packages compared to regular Professional Services? Simplicity. It’s all preconfigured, customers just need to add the Packages they need to their contract, and we’ll do the rest.” –Mr. Oleg Gorobets, Senior Global Product Marke ng Manager at Kaspersky.
Businesses today are presented with a plethora of opportuni es and challenges in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. To maintain a compe ve edge, companies must proac vely adopt and u lize emerging technologies to drive innova on and fuel growth. Even the distribu on industry is not immune to this trend and is increasingly embracing nextgenera on technologies to overcome obstacles. Ingram Micro, a leading na onal distribu on company, offers innova ve technology solu ons to businesses. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal recently held an exclusive chat with Mr. Navdeep Narula, Execu ve Director - Mobility & Digital Opera ons, Ingram Micro India. The discussion revolved around rapidly changing digital environment, their offerings, growth opportuni es and much more. Read the full conversa on below:
Rajeev: Organiza ons across industries are rapidly embracing digital transforma on, so how do you look at Ingram Micro’s digital journey so far? What are the key ini a ves you are taking to further bolster your digital journey?
Navdeep: The term ‘digital transforma on’ gained significant a en on in the last few years, and organiza ons across ver cals are eager to embrace it to drive and create more value. We at Ingram
Micro have been passionate about embracing digital technologies and transforming business – at a larger scale – for quite some me now. We are a large technology distribu on company, and we take pride in the fact that we are the enabler of digital transforma on for various organiza ons worldwide. Opera ng in 160 countries and working closely with biggest global brands for over 40 years, Ingram Micro has played a major role in envisioning, implemen ng, and op mizing digital transforma on journeys of partners and end customers through a wide range of technology solu ons, including hardware, so ware, cloud, services, and everything in between.
So, in a way, our digital transforma on is not limited to improving our processes and systems. Instead, it is an integrated, allencompassing pursuit to help our vendors and partners enhance digital capabili es. To make the en re digital transforma on journey more rewarding, we focus on crea ng pla orms and systems that can redefine the experience for our partners. The launch of Ingram Micro Xvantage pla orm is the most significant ini a ve that we have taken in this regard recently. Xvantage is a fully intelligent, self-learning global experience pla orm that enables our associates, partners, and vendors to collaborate, interact, and transact in the most seamless manner. It helps in eleva ng learning, partnering, and buying experience for users, while allowing us to transform from a legacy distribu on company to an infinite digital business model.
Rajeev: How do you help your business partners in this swi ly changing digital environment by leveraging the most emerging technologies?
Navdeep: It is an unfortunate fact that despite the access to all advanced technologies, the distribu on industry has not been able to scale and transform at large. In this scenario, it becomes important for any distribu on company, like us, to transform its legacy business processes and systems and op mize the overall IT channel ecosystem. Considering this, we have recently launched our Xvantage pla orm in India – which provides a one-stopsolu on to learn, build, partner, manage, and buy technology-led solu ons. We focus on bringing consumeriza on experience into IT distribu on, so that the end users get a be er experience in terms of buying, transac ng, and interac ng. That’s where Ingram Micro Xvantage pla orm can be a game changer.
Xvantage is an intelligent, AI-powered, selflearning ecosystem that ensures ease of doing business and provides amazing experience to our partners. It helps in driving complexi es out by establishing a seamless digital connec on among our associates, partners, and vendors. Xvantage leverages the real me data mesh containing 40+ years of opera ng and transac onal data, which can be analysed
and examined using the AI/ML algorithms to gather analy cs-driven insights. These insights play a pivotal role in helping customers with relevant recommenda ons and ensuring them a personalized experience. Xvantage also offers the exci ng prospect of offering, probably for the first me globally, pla orm experiences of intui ve transac on, tracking, customer service, insights & recommenda ons etc. in a B2B pla orm environment, even as these are known to be experien al characteris cs of leading B2C pla orm companies.
Rajeev: How do you see the opportuni es in the IoT and Mobility segments?
Navdeep: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a major driver of mobility in future. A comprehensive solu on around IoT and Mobility can enable an organiza on to take the mobile-first approach. Once fully provisioned and op mized, IoT and mobility can help you reach a wider set of audiences and provide enriching experience with dis nct devices and applica ons. IoT and mobility can also empower an organiza on to maintain seamless communica on across departments, devices, and geographies. Addi onally, it allows businesses to explore and iden fy key aeras of improvement regarding resource u liza on, process op miza on, and customer experiences. In short, the development in IoT and mobility segment will help organiza ons transform their workplace by establishing a seamless connec on across physical and digital assets. IoT also has the ability of connec ng edge sensors and data collectors to cloud, and this paves the way for increased demand around security of connected devices to protect the seamless flow of data from any sort of malicious a empt. Hence, there’s a lot of opportuni es and scope in the IoT and Mobility segment.
Ingram Micro is a large na onal distributor of solu ons around mobility distribu on, logis cs, supply chain, professional services, financial solu ons, circular economy capabili es, etc. We are also moving towards new-age markets with a comprehensive services por olio around end-to-end IoT solu on build up and integra on, while diversifying our solu ons to meet the rapidly growing industrial, manufacturing, extended reality, and other business use cases.
Rajeev: Being a leading player in the distribu on market, how challenging is it for you to maintain leadership? How do you manage to lead across various product categories?
Navdeep: Having sustained leadership in any industry requires an ability to envision the future, draw innova ve strategies to be ready for the same and execute on well documented & ambi ous milestones. In other words, I call this the i3 model – which stands for “iden fy (What)”, “innovate (how)” and increase (how much & when)”. The distribu on market is no different; it takes lots of clarity, determina on, and success-driven ac ons to stay ahead of the compe on in this digital age. That’s why we take an all-encompassing approach towards iden fying the target audiences, building relevant capabili es, and working collabora vely to accomplish the goal. We aspire to understand the market dynamics and major factors that influence buyers’ decisions. Our experts explore and analyse the target markets and club them with relevant product category, which helps us stay afloat in the s ffly compe ve market. What has really helped us in the long run is to have built sustainable rela onships with our partners and vendors with the founda on of transparency, predictability, and trust.
Rajeev: What is your vision in the compe ve B2B tech market landscape?
Navdeep: B2B tech market landscape is undergoing through un unprecedented change currently. Organiza ons across the globe are embracing digital transforma on, and there has been an exponen al rise in demands of technology-led solu ons globally. This simply means that there’s a huge scope of opportunity and growth. The advent of digital age, however, compels organiza ons in IT distribu on to think beyond transac on. Now is the me to start focusing more on the overall journey of our partners. That’s why Ingram Micro has taken a fresh approach towards this. We have completely reinvented the way our partners buy products and solu ons. The new system focuses more on interac on and transac on, allowing our partners to learn, partner, build, buy, and manage their overall business through one experien al pla orm – Xvantage.
Beyond selling a wide range of solu ons and services to our customers, we now focus more on helping them build or op mize capabili es and ensure amazing experience to their end customers. We are leveraging all digital technologies to gather insights and help our partners with personalized recommenda ons about how they can build more effec ve and relevant solu ons. In short, we are taking every necessary ac on that can help us create and drive values for our partners.
“It is an unfortunate fact that despite the access to all advanced technologies, the distribution industry has not been able to scale and transform at large”
2022 marked 12 consecu ve years of TP-Link being the No. 1 global provider of WLAN devices, according to the premier Interna onal Data Corpora on (IDC).* This achievement comes from the support of every TP-Link customer and partner, as well as the effort of all our employees.
From Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6, TP-Link has taken the lead in market share year a er year. * TP-Link has consistently spearheaded innova on and created a por olio of powerful, reliable, and easy-to-use products to meet the demands of customers around the world. From mesh Wi-Fi systems that easily blanket homes with seamless high-speed connec vity, to Wi-Fi 7 routers that provide revolu onary speeds and reliability, TPLink’s cu ng-edge products are the perfect fit for today’s modern connected lifestyle.
Last year, TP-Link revealed the world’s first full home Wi-Fi 7 products during its global Wi-Fi 7 launch event. The world’s 1st Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi 7 system with 33 Gbps of speed, Deco BE95, allows users to enter the true 10G era. Also, the world’s 1st Wi-Fi 7 router Archer
BE900 redefines Wi-Fi routers with powerful performance and a brand-new design. These Wi-fi 7 products however are yet to be launched in the Indian market.
In today’s world, being connected to the internet is a necessity. Whether you’re working on a project, streaming music, or just browsing the web, having reliable and fast internet connec vity is crucial. TP-Link understands the importance of a connected digital lifestyle and provides you with the latest technology and innova ve networking solu ons, engineered to last. We formed a more comprehensive Wi-Fi solu on, providing a cost-effec ve and one-stop Business Wi-Fi solu on, IndoorOutdoor connec vity, catering to various sectors such as Hospitality, Healthcare, Educa on,
Enterprises, and much more with a flexible installa on choices such as desktop, ceiling moun ng, and wall moun ng.
Different prac cal network technologies are also included such as PoE, Powerline, smart home Mesh, 5G access, and DSL access to meet various network demands. With increasing a en on to network security, TP-Link will con nue to strengthen network security services to maintain safer internet experiences and protect personal informa on.
Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of Wi-Fi technology is matched only by our commitment to ensuring our customers have the best possible experience with our products. We are always striving to exceed customer expecta ons, providing customer service and support that meets the highest standards. We are proud to be the world’s No.1 Wi-Fi product provider for 12 consecu ve years, and we will con nue to lead the way and be a trusted partner as technology advances and customers’ needs evolve.
Dell Technologies and Alienware announced the opening of the first-ever gaming experience store in India. Located in Nehru Place, New Delhi, the store’s design concept reflects Dell and Alienware’s core principles of innova on, interac on, and community building by crea ng an immersive experience for gamers.
Dell Technologies’ execu ves Rosandra Silveira, Sr. Vice President, Global Channel Sales, and Raj Kumar Rishi, Vice President and Managing Director, Consumer and Small Business, inaugurated the store, which is also a hub for gamers and enthusiasts to meet, interact, and play their favorite games on Dell’s latest devices. The store has product display and experience areas, e-sports game sec on along with a peripheral and accessories unit that reconstructs an allround immersive game experience for players.
Commen ng on the opening of the store, Rosandra Silveira, Sr. Vice President, Global Channel Sales, Dell Technologies, said, “It’s incredible to see the rate at which the Indian
gaming landscape is expanding. Alienware has always been at forefront at reshaping the gaming experience and the new Alienware Experience Store embodies the legacy of the Alienware brand by enabling the use of cu ng-edge technology and innova ve design elements to create what we refer to as ‘the gamers’ paradise. Providing a completely new entertainment experience, the store will further strengthen our engagement with the Indian gaming community and create quality experiences for all gamers.”
“Alienware has always been the ‘legacy’ for the gaming enthusiasts, and the Alienware Experience Store demonstrates a vigorous ambi on for players to experience unique avant-garde style and high-performance gaming equipment. The store will be a hub for e-sports game leagues and community gathering for game developers and enthusiasts alike further demonstra ng Dell Technologies and Alienware’s innova on and leadership in the industry”, said Raj Kumar Rishi, Vice President and Managing Director, Consumer and Small Business, Dell Technologies, India.
The store is designed with digital screens, crea ng engaging and dynamic content that allows visitors to dive right into an extraterrestrial gaming experience. The main a rac on of the store is the “Ba le Zone,” which allows gamers to face off with their opponent and test-drive the en re available ecosystem.
Visit the store: G-3, Ground Floor, Dohil Chamer Building, Nehru Place, New Delhi.
Acer has expanded its gaming laptop por olio by adding two new variants in the Predator Helios lineup. The Predator Helios Neo comes with 13th Gen Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, as well as NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4050 and 4060 series GPUs. These processors use the cu ng-edge NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, providing unmatched speed for gamers and creators, with excep onal performance and AI-driven graphics.
The combina on of hybrid architecture and up to 32GB DDR5-4800MHz RAM delivers unmatched performance, resul ng in a significant difference in even the most demanding games, with lightning-fast load mes and seamless gaming experience.
Featuring IPS (In-Plane Switching) technology, the 16.0” display of the Predator Helios Neo series delivers an immersive visual experience with a WQXGA resolu on of 2560 x 1600 and 1920 x 1200, and high-brightness levels of 500 and 400 nits, resul ng in vibrant colors and intricate details. The WQXGA panel is a powerhouse that boasts NVIDIA® G-SYNC® and 100% Advanced Op mus technology, enabling maximum graphics performance.
Addi onally, the Acer ComfyView™ LEDbacklit TFT LCD technology ensures clear visibility even in well-lit environments, while the 165 Hz refresh rate guarantees smooth and fluid visuals that enhance the gaming experience, making it an ideal choice for gaming enthusiasts.
Both variants feature an advanced cooling system, which includes 5th Gen AeroBlade 3D fans, heat pipes, and liquid metal thermal grease, ensuring uninterrupted performance even during extended gaming sessions, without any heat-related issues. Users can easily switch between different opera on modes using the upgraded PredatorSense 4.0 u lity app and the redesigned RGB backlit keyboard.
On the expansion of Predator Helios series, Mr. Sudhir Goel, the Chief Business Officer, Acer India said, “The Predator Helios series has received widespread recogni on among the gaming community as the best choice
for pro-gamers. The latest range of Predator Helios models will bring wider op ons to choose from with the latest 13th Gen Intel processors and NVIDIA 4000 series graphics card op ons. Now pro-gamers have wider to choose a Predator Helios laptop that fits their budget.”
The laptops also feature both Ethernet and Intel® Killer™ Wi-Fi 6 AX1650 for unhindered speeds, with the Intel® Killer™ E2600 providing high-performance Ethernet connec vity, and the Wi-Fi 6 AX1650 offering fast and reliable wireless connec vity. Furthermore, two USB Type-C™ ports with Thunderbolt™ 4 support can be used for DisplayPort, G-SYNC, and PD charging, providing users with versa le and high-speed connec vity op ons.
The Predator Helios Neo 16, starts at Rs. 109,990 respec vely and is available in all Acer Exclusive Stores, Acer online store, Croma, Vijay Sales, Flipkart, and Amazon.
“Now pro-gamers have wider to choose a Predator Helios laptop that its their budget”
The current distribu on market landscape is rapidly growing due to the increasing demand for IT products and services across ver cals. The IT distribu on market is highly compe ve, with numerous players compe ng to take a lead in this space. Arrow PC Network, one of the leading distribu on company in India, offers a wide range of solu ons and services to help tech brands succeed in the Indian market. The company has expanded its offerings to stay relevant in the face of changing market dynamics and increased compe on. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal recently interacted with Gurpreet Singh, Founder and Managing Director, Arrow PC Network. He shared details about growing role of SIs, their offerings, business growth and etc. Read the full conversa on below.
Rajeev: How do you see the role of System Integrators (SI) in today’s digital era?
Gurpreet: I believe that System Integrators (SIs) play a very crucial role in today’s digital era. System Integrators are essen al in bridging the gap between different technologies, pla orms, and systems, and integra ng them to create a seamless and cohesive solu on. With the ever-increasing complexity of technology landscapes, SIs provide the exper se and resources needed to ensure successful implementa on, deployment, and maintenance of IT solu ons. System Integrators also help businesses leverage the latest technologies to improve opera onal efficiency, enhance customer experience, and drive growth. So concluding everything, I think that as the IT industry con nues to evolve, the role of System Integrators will become even more cri cal in helping businesses stay ahead of the curve.
Rajeev: What all solu ons do you provide to enterprises?
Gurpreet: I am proud to say that we provide a wide range of innova ve solu ons to enterprises, ranging from hardware to so ware to services.
At Arrow PC Network,
• We provide Cyber Security solu ons to help enterprises protect their networks, data, and applica ons from cyber threats. Our solu ons include firewall, an virus, an -spam, intrusion preven on, and vulnerability management.
• We provide Hybrid Cloud solu ons which enable enterprises to take advantage of both public and private cloud environments, while ensuring data security, compliance, and performance. We help clients design, deploy, and manage hybrid cloud environments tailored to their specific business needs.
• We offer comprehensive ManagedServices to help enterprises manage their IT infrastructure, reduce down me, and improve efficiency. Our services include remote monitoring, patch management, backup and disaster recovery, and a comprehensive IT support.
• Our Data Center Solu on covers design, implementa on, and management of data centers for enterprises. We provide solu ons for data storage, backup and recovery, virtualiza on, and automa on.
• We provide Infrastructure Modernisa on services to help enterprises upgrade their legacy IT infrastructure to modern, agile, and scalable systems. Our solu ons cover servers, storage, networking, and virtualiza on.
• Our Networking Securi es solu ons include firewall, intrusion detec on, VPN, and secure access solu ons to help enterprises secure their networks and data.
• We offer End User Compu ng solu ons that cover desktops, laptops, and mobile devices to help enterprises enhance produc vity, collabora on, and mobility.
• Our Integra on & Deployment services help enterprises integrate their IT systems and applica ons to enhance performance, streamline processes, and improve efficiency.
• We provide Unified Communica on solu ons that include voice, video, and collabora on tools to help enterprises improve communica on and produc vity.
• Our services are designed to help enterprises improve their IT infrastructure, enhance opera onal efficiency, and maximize ROI.
At Arrow PC Network, we are commi ed to delivering high-quality, innova ve, and costeffec ve IT solu ons and services to our clients. Our goal is to help enterprises stay ahead of the curve and succeed in today’s ever-changing digital landscape.
Rajeev: How do you commit to offer right solu on to help your customers improve efficiency and be at the forefront?
Gurpreet: At Arrow PC Network, our first & foremost commitment to our customers is to provide them with tailored solu ons that address their unique challenges and goals. We start by listening carefully to their needs, analyzing their exis ng systems, and then designing a customized solu on that improves efficiency and ensures they stay at the forefront of their industry. We also stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and industry trends, so we can con nue to provide the best possible solu ons and advice to our clients. Our goal is to be a trusted partner to our customers and to help them succeed in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.
Rajeev: Please tell about Arrow PC’s partnership with Dell Technologies.
Gurpreet: I’m proud to share that we have a long-standing partnership with Dell Technologies, a global leader in IT solu ons. Our partnership with Dell enables us to provide our customers with access to a wide range of innova ve, high-performance IT products and services, including servers, storage solu ons, laptops, and desktops.
Through our partnership, we work closely with Dell to provide our customers with the best possible IT solu ons that are tailored to their unique business needs. We leverage Dell’s industry-leading technology, along with our exper se in IT infrastructure, security, and data management, to deliver comprehensive solu ons that help our customers improve efficiency, streamline opera ons, and achieve their business goals.
Overall, our TITANIUM PARTNERSHIP with Dell Technologies is a key component of our commitment to providing our customers with the best possible IT solu ons and services to help them succeed in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.
Rajeev: What are your plans to seize new business opportuni es and tap the untouched zones and ver cals in India?
Gurpreet: At Arrow PC Network, we are constantly looking for new business opportuni es and untapped zones and ver cals in India. To achieve this, we have a strategic plan in place that involves expanding our reach through partnerships, increasing our service offerings, and leveraging emerging technologies.
We are ac vely seeking partnerships with other leading technology companies to expand our product and service offerings and reach new customers. By partnering with industry leaders, we can tap into their exper se, expand our network, and deliver comprehensive solu ons to meet the unique needs of our customers.
In addi on, we are con nuously exploring new ver cals and industries to expand our customer base. We are working to establish ourselves as a trusted technology partner for businesses in a variety of industries, from healthcare to finance to manufacturing.
Finally, we are inves ng in emerging technologies like ar ficial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide cu ng-edge solu ons to our customers. By leveraging these technologies, we can help our customers improve efficiency, streamline opera ons, and stay ahead of the compe on.
Overall, our goal is to stay ahead of the curve and seize new business opportuni es by delivering innova ve solu ons that meet the evolving needs of our customers.
“As the IT industry continues to evolve, the role of SIs will become even more critical in helping businesses stay ahead of the curve”
Today, compu ng has reach at a totally next level. SSDs offer a significant improvement in speed and performance which makes them essen al components in modern compu ng systems. ADATA LEGEND 850
LITE PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 2280 Solid State Drive is a high-performance storage solu on that takes your PC performance to new heights. With lightning-fast transfer speeds and impressive storage capacity, this SSD delivers unmatched performance for gaming, content crea on, and everyday compu ng tasks.
• PCIe Gen4 x4
• Max. read/write speed: 5,000/4,200MB/s
• Capacity: 2000GB
• Heatsink provides effec ve cooling
• Supports latest Intel and AMD pla orms
• Works with PS5 as expanded storage
• 3-years warranty
Evolve Your Crea vity
LEGEND 850 LITE supports the latest PCIe Gen4 x4 interface, which meets the NVMe
1.4 standard. It offers excellent read and write performance, expanded device connec vity, and support for the latest Intel and AMD pla orms. Whether on a desktop or notebook PC, progress your crea vity.
Unlock Inspira on
LEGEND 850 LITE delivers sequen al read and write speed of 5,000/4,200MB per second, which is up to 3 mes faster than a standard PCIe Gen3 SSD and 9 mes faster than a SATA SSD. It is backward compa ble with PCIe 3.0 and made for crea ng, whether 3D graphic of video!
Akhilesh Gupta, President, ADATA Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd. said, “This next-gen product is developed with an aim to deliver excep onal experience to customers. LEGEN 850 LITE is one of the most advanced products which enhances the performance and allow gamers and creators to exceed their limits. We are commi ed to serve our customers with best-in-class products that can help them break the barriers.”
With 3D-stacked flash memory, the
LEGEND 850 LITE provides you with capaci es of up to 2000GB. What’s more, it comes with various protec on and correc on technologies, and high TBW (Total Bytes Wri en) for durability and reliability.
Imagine the Possibili es
LEGEND 850 LITE comes with SLC Caching and Host Memory Buffer for advantages in system loading and data caching for smoother mul tasking.
The LEGEND 850 LITE’s black heat sink design with bronzing trimming and sandblasted surfaces look cool and keep things cool. Through a cu ng-edge surface treatment, it dissipates heat incredibly effec vely reducing temperature.
LDPC (Low Density Parity check Code) and AES 256-bit encryp on ensure data accuracy and file security.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced it plans to invest INR 1,05,600 crores (US $12.7 billion) into cloud infrastructure in India by 2030 to meet growing customer demand for cloud services in India. This investment is es mated to contribute INR 1,94,700 crores (US $23.3 billion) to India’s total gross domes c product (GDP) by 2030. This planned investment in data center infrastructure in India will support an es mated average of 1,31,700 full- me equivalent (FTE) jobs in Indian businesses each year.
These posi ons, including construc on, facility maintenance, engineering, telecommunica ons, and other jobs, are part of the data center supply chain in India. This follows AWS’s investment of INR 30,900 crores (US $3.7 billion) between 2016-2022, which will bring AWS’s total investment in India to INR 1,36,500 crores (US $16.4 billion) by 2030. AWS’s investment in India has a ripple effect in the local economy in areas, such as workforce development, training and skilling opportuni es, community engagement, and sustainability ini a ves.
AWS has two data center infrastructure regions in India – the AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region, launched in 2016, and the AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region, launched in November 2022. The two AWS Regions are designed to provide Indian customers with mul ple op ons to run workloads with even greater resilience and availability, securely store data in India, and serve end users with low latency. AWS has invested more than INR 30,900 crores (US $3.7 billion) in the AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region between 2016 and 2022. This includes both capital and opera ng expenditures associated with construc ng, maintaining, and opera ng the data centers in that Region. AWS es mates that its overall contribu on to the GDP of India between 2016 and 2022 was more than INR 38,200 crores (US $4.6 billion), and the investment supported approximately 39,500 FTE jobs annually in Indian businesses.
“PM Narendra Modi ji’s Digital India vision is driving expansion of cloud & data centers in India,” said Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Minister of State For Electronics And Informa on Technology, Skill Development And Entrepreneurship in India. “India Cloud and the underlying data center infrastructure are important elements of India’s digital infrastructure and ecosystem. I welcome the Amazon Web Services (AWS) investment of $12.7 billion to expand their data centers in India. It will certainly catalyze India’s digital economy. MeitY is also working on a Cloud & Data Center Policy to catalyze innova on, sustainability, and growth of India Cloud.”
“Since 2016, AWS has invested billions of dollars into cloud infrastructure in India to support the tremendous growth we have witnessed in the use of cloud for digital transforma on,” said Puneet Chandok, President Of Commercial
Business, AWS India and South Asia (Amazon Web Services India Pvt. Ltd.). “AWS is commi ed to driving posi ve social and economic impact in India. In addi on to building cloud infrastructure and helping local customers and partners digitally transform, we have trained more than four million people in India with cloud skills since 2017, and invested in six u lity-scale renewable energy projects to meet our global 100% renewable energy goal by 2025. Our planned investment of INR 1,05,600 crores (US $12.7 billion) by 2030 will help create more beneficial ripple effects, suppor ng India on its path to becoming a global digital powerhouse.”
Hundreds of thousands of customers in India run their workloads on AWS to drive cost savings, accelerate innova on, and increase speed me to market. This includes government en es such as Ministry of Electronics and Informa on Technology, public healthcare ins tu ons like Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, large Indian enterprises such as Ashok Leyland, Axis Bank, HDFC Life and Titan, small and medium businesses like Havmor, Qube Cinema, and Narayana Nethralaya, well-known startups like BankBazaar, HirePro, M2P, and Yubi, and numerous other organisa ons in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
AWS also helps several Indian businesses build digital solu ons locally that can be scaled globally through the AWS Partner Network (APN) where Indian partners can use programs, exper se, and resources to build, market, and sell customer offerings. The APN in India includes organisa ons, such as Minfy Technologies, Rapyder Cloud Solu ons, and Redington.
“We welcome AWS’s investment into India as it helps us accelerate our digital transforma on goals in the financial services market, and further contribute to India’s overall economic progress,” said Navanil Sengupta, Chief Marke ng Officer, HDFC Securi es. “HDFC Securi es has been leveraging AWS’s capabili es over the past year to develop a next-genera on Fintech pla orm for inves ng and trading across Indian Stocks, Mutual Funds and US Stocks, to meet our customers’ ever evolving needs. Thanks to AWS’s support in the digital ecosystem in India, we have seen tremendous progress in terms of digital skills, new jobs, and new digital opportuni es for India. We look forward to our con nued collabora on with AWS to raise the bar on digital innova on and provide Indian investors a differen ated approach towards inves ng.”
Fortune Marke ng has announced an exclusive distribu on partnership with Tiandy Technologies. The strategic partnership is aimed at revolu onizing the industry by providing innova ve, reliable, and affordable security solu ons to customers around the world.
This partnership brings together Fortune Marke ng extensive experience in marke ng and distribu on with Tiandy Technologies’ cu ng-edge technology solu ons in video surveillance and security systems. Tiandy Technologies will be immensely benefi ed by Fortune Marke ng’s PAN India reach and gain seamless availability of its solu ons across the region. On the other hand, Fortune Marke ng will add another leading brand to its por olio. Commen ng on this new partnership, Mr. Manoj Gupta, Managing Director, Fortune Marke ng said, “We are excited to announce the collabora on between Fortune Marke ng and Tiandy Technologies,
two leading companies in their respec ve fields. Both Fortune Marke ng and Tiandy Technologies are commi ed to provide excep onal customer service and support. They will work together to ensure that their customers receive the highest level of service and sa sfac on.”
He further added, “The security solu on market is booming with a huge rise in the demand. We believe that this partnership will have a significant impact on the security industry and set a new standard for product innova on and customer service. We invite you to join us in celebra ng this exci ng collabora on between two industry leaders.”
Tiandy Technologies provides best-in-class security solu ons that are innova ve and reliable. Through this collabora on, Fortune Marke ng has further expanded its product por olio. The advanced range of security solu ons, including network cameras, NVRs, and video management so ware.
These products have been designed to cater to the diverse needs of businesses, organiza ons, and individuals looking to enhance their security and surveillance capabili es.
In the vast landscape of India’s technology sector, Kaizen has emerged as a pioneer when it comes to delivering best-in-class tech service support. With a steadfast commitment to give value to customers, Kaizen has been working consistently to improve its reach and infrastructure. Over the years, Kaizen Infoserve has transformed the way customers experience technology support throughout the country.
From the outset, Kaizen Infoserve dis nguished itself by adop ng a customer-centric approach. By leveraging the latest technologies, Kaizen has made great strides and improved its capabili es in recent years. Fuelled by their passion for delivering excep onal customer experiences, Kaizen has apparently redefined industry standards and established itself as a trusted name in the field. In addi on to its robust technical exper se, Kaizen Infoserve built a reputa on for its responsive and efficient support systems. Recognizing the urgency of resolving technology-related challenges, the company established a 24/7 customer helpline
Kaizen is currently working with brands like MSI, Micron, Galax, ADATA, INNO3D, Nextron, Wipro, Mercury, Corsair, Cooler Master, Array Networks, Zotac, Plutus, Flipkart, and Crucial by Micron. For all these brands, Kaizen has set-up a robust service support infrastructure on PAN India level. By forging strong alliances with these industry giants, Kaizen Infoserve has taken lead upon all other players in this domain.
Pu ng across his views on the excep onal growth achieved by the company, Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen Infoserve said, “Today, as we look back to our journey, we take pride in the countless success. We have worked really hard to reach where we are today and we will con nue to make huge efforts to achieve more success in the me to come. We have more than 40 ac ve Kaizen Authorised Partners (KAP) in smaller ci es that add value to our strength. our homegrown ERP has the feature to add brands/SLA based on loca ons enabling to manage the Turnaround Time (TAT) as per each brand’s requirements. As technology evolves, we remain at the forefront, ready to embrace new challenges and provide best tech support across the country.”
Director,“As technology evolves, we remain at the forefront, ready to embrace new challenges and provide best tech support across the country”
In the fast-paced digital world, where every second counts, having reliable and lightning-fast storage is important. WD Blue SN570 NVMe SSD is a cu ng-edge storage solu on which is designed to transform your compu ng experience and empower your digital journey like never before. With its PCIe Gen4 interface, this SSD delivers blazing-fast speeds up to 3500MB/s that leave tradi onal storage solu ons in the dust. Whether you’re a professional content creator, a hardcore gamer, or a mul tasking enthusiast, the SN570 is built to meet and exceed your most demanding requirements.
Here are the key highlights of this next-gen SSD:
Enhanced Performance: The SN570 doesn’t just deliver speed; it maximizes
your system’s performance. Thanks to its high storage capaci es ranging from 250GB to 2TB, you’ll have ample space to store your en re digital library, including games, videos, photos, and more.
Excep onal Reliability: The WD Blue SN570 is built to last. This SSD offers excep onal endurance and longevity, ensuring that your valuable data remains safe and secure. Whether you’re storing important documents, cherished memories, or mission-cri cal files, you can trust the SN570 to keep your data intact, even under heavy workloads.
Efficiency and Versa lity: The WD Blue SN570 is engineered to provide excep onal energy efficiency. With low power consump on, it not only reduces your system’s energy footprint but also extends
the ba ery life of laptops and portable devices. Addi onally, this versa le SSD is compa ble with a wide range of pla orms, making it the perfect storage solu on for desktops and laptops.
In conclusion, the WD Blue SN570 NVMe SSD is a game-changing storage solu on that unleashes the true poten al of your digital journey. With its lightningfast speeds, excep onal reliability, and enhanced performance, it transforms the way you work, play, and create. Whether you’re a professional seeking maximum produc vity or a gaming enthusiast craving seamless gameplay, the SN570 is the ul mate companion for your compu ng needs. Embrace the future of storage with the WD Blue SN570 and experience a world where speed and reliability know no bounds.
Logitech announced the appointment of Mr. Anand Lakshmanan as Head of India. Anand joins the team with close to three decades of multi-domain sales experience in B2B enterprise and midmarket segments across India, South Asia & Middle East, having successfully driven growth and revenues in various leadership roles throughout his career. Anand, who has been a part of Logitech for over 2 years, will now take the role of overseeing Logitech’s complete portfolio in the Indian market, encompassing B2C & B2B, businesses. With his extensive experience in team management and a keen passion for building and scaling businesses, Anand brings valuable expertise to Logitech’s leadership team.
NetApp announced that it has appointed IT industry veteran and senior business executive Andrew Sotiropoulos as Senior Vice President and General Manager for Asia Pacific (APAC). Based in Singapore, Andrew will preside over NetApp’s business and spearhead the company’s expansion plans in the region. Reporting to NetApp President Cesar Cernuda, his priorities include growing NetApp’s enterprise storage and cloud business, strengthening its partner ecosystem, and extending its leadership in regional markets. Andrew has over three decades of experience in the technology industry, leading pan-regional teams to drive business growth and capture emerging opportunities. Andrew takes over from Sanjay Rohatgi, who will be departing the company to pursue opportunities outside of the company.
Lexar announced the appointment of Fissal Oubida as its new General Manager to spearhead its key operations in the Indian market, in addition to the Middle East, Africa & CIS regions. In this new strategic role, Fissal shall be responsible for driving the company’s growth to the next level, by aggressively penetrating all major metro cities across India. He will oversee the channel, retail (organized, micro-retail & e-commerce), network of gaming systems integrators, and the overall sales and marketing through leveraged distribution channels across India. Fissal is an IT industry veteran with more than 20 years of experience in business development, sales, and marketing across various industries.
Kaspersky announces the appointment of IT veteran Adrian Hia as its new Managing Director for Asia Pacific (APAC). Hia is set to lead Kaspersky’s drive to extend its market footprint, channel reach, and new business growth in key territories in the region, especially in the company’s fast-growing enterprise cybersecurity segment. Taking his extensive knowledge in pan-Asian IT markets, his role also includes spearheading and managing the region’s sales, marketing, and channel go-to-market strategy and execution.
Prior to joining Kaspersky, Hia was the Senior Regional VP for ASEAN & Greater China Region at Zscaler. His seasoned experience in the IT industry also includes regional sales and channel stints in VMWare, Oracle, and Sun Microsystems.
Acer UM310 SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1, the next-genera on USB flash drive revolu onizes portable data storage. With its cu ng-edge technology and sleek design, this USB drive is the perfect companion for professionals, students, and anyone on the go. Cra ed with high-quality NANDs, Acer UM310 rigorous tests and quality controls to bring you more stable transfers, robust quality and be er user experience. It’s aluminum alloy body keeps your files safe and protected.
Sleek & Compact
The sleek and compact design of the Acer UM310 makes it highly portable and convenient to carry. Slip it into your pocket, bag, or even a ach it to your keychain using the built-in keyring hole. This flash drive is built to withstand everyday wear and tear, ensuring your data remains safe and secure.
Seamless Performance
The Acer UM310, with its USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface delivers impressive read/write speeds up to 120 MB/s | 90 MB/s. It offers lightning-fast data transfer speeds, delivering
a seamless and efficient experience. Whether you’re transferring large files, videos, or documents, this flash drive ensures quick and reliable data transfer, saving you valuable me and enhancing your produc vity.
With a generous storage capacity of up to 1TB, the Acer UM310 provides ample space for all your files, enabling you to carry your important data wherever you go. Whether you need to backup your work files, store mul media content, or share documents with colleagues, this flash drive has got you covered. With its excep onal performance, ample storage capacity, and convenient design, the Acer UM310 SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1 flash drive is the ul mate solu on for your portable data storage needs.
Acer UM310 USB is compa ble with computers, tablets, digital speakers, smart TVs, car audios and other devices with USB Type A interface. With a plug-and-play design,
Acer UM310 fits your devices seamlessly every me.
Key Highlights:
Model Name: UM310
Capacity: 16/32/64/128/256/512/1TB
Material: Aluminium Alloy
Color: Silver Grey
Interface: PCB USB 3.2 Gen 1
USB 3.2 Max Read/Write (MB/s): 120/100
Support Pla orm: Windows/Mac OS 9.X and above version, Linux 2.6.X
The product is available at KBC Computech, Nehru Place
According to the findings from Interna onal Data Corpora on’s (IDC) recent Future of Trust India survey, almost 67% of Indian enterprises stated that they are looking at outsourcing key areas of their security landscape to managed security service providers (MSSPs) in next three years. However, it is also observed that there is an increasing trend towards consolida ng the number of MSSPs the enterprises are partnering with, going forward.
“While traversing towards inves ng in digital transforma on ini a ves and running a viable digital business, enterprises in India must also look at outsourcing key func ons such as threat detec on, security opera ons, and risk mi ga ons to external security services providers as a part of their enterprise strategy
and also to improve opera onal efficiencies and bo om-line. A lot of enterprises go with security service providers that can offer global capabili es in a local delivery model and can help them in unifying their vendor ecosystem by offering a plethora of services under one umbrella,” says Sakshi Grover, Research Manager, Future of Trust, IDC India and Asia/ Pacific.
IDC’s Future of Trust India survey also reveals some of the enlisted insights, that can provide guidance to business leaders on specific technologies such as threat intelligence, secure access service edge (SASE), the convergence of opera onal technology and informa on technology, iden ty, and access management (IAM) and achieving trust in a threat-prone ecosystem.
Sophos announced it is named the only Leader across the G2 Grid® Reports for Managed Detec on and Response (MDR), Extended Detec on and Response (XDR) Pla orms, Endpoint Detec on and Response (EDR), Endpoint Protec on Suites, and Firewall So ware in the G2 Spring 2023 Reports. These categories include the enterprise, mid-market and small business segments, and rankings are based on validated customer reviews.
“As adversaries become more sophis cated and elusive, defenders at organiza ons of all sizes should implement a defense-in-depth strategy that includes protec on, detec on and response at every point along the a ack chain and covers their en re environment. This layered approach should be inclusive of endpoint security, network security, email security, and cloud security, and augmented by threat hun ng and remedia on services by subject ma er security experts. A ackers have refined their methods so much that this range is necessary to stay secure,” said Raja Patel, Senior Vice President Of Products At Sophos. “The fact that IT and security professionals recognize Sophos as the Leader across these key categories is valida on that Sophos delivers the best and most comprehensive set of products and services required for modern day cybersecurity.”
• “Sophos MDR takes threat hun ng to the next level. A combina on of automated, lead-driven and lead-less threat hun ng ensures no threat passes below the radar, and all threats are neutralized before they pose a problem” said an IT manager at an enterprise company
• “Without their (Sophos MDR’s 24/7 rapid response team), we would not have been able to deal with all the problems that crashed onto us all at the same me. They showed us which priori es we had, which the greatest risks were and which deficits we s ll had. The monitoring team guarded our infrastructure around the clock and helped to make sure that our IT team got the necessary breaks,” said an EDI administrator at a mid-market company
• “(Sophos MDR delivers) peace of mind knowing that your environment is being watched 24/7/365 by a dedicated security team. Very helpful to enhance the capabili es of your in-house IT department” said an enterprise customer
• “(Sophos Intercept X) is an extremely user friendly yet potent endpoint solu on… (it) has improved our security posture and given us the flexibility to modify things as we see fit... Its ease of use and access has been a gamechanger especially in remote setups and suppor ng clients in different loca ons,” said an IT opera ons manager at a midmarket company
• “Sophos Firewall is a robust security solu on that offers advanced threat protec on, easy management, and granular control over your network traffic. Its features help you secure your network, improve network performance, and prevent cybera acks, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes,” said a network administrator at an enterprise company
Mr. Raja Patel Senior Vice President Of Products, Sophos• “Sophos offers us a central management console for all of its products. This makes day to day management and repor ng significantly easier than many of its compe tors as it covers both hardware stack and so ware,” said an IT systems administrator at a mid-market company
Sophos’ robust por olio of managed security services and solu ons – including Sophos MDR, Sophos Intercept X, Sophos XDR, and Sophos Firewall – are part of the Sophos Adap ve Cybersecurity Ecosystem where they share real- me threat intelligence for faster and more contextual and synchronized protec on, detec on and response. They’re powered by Sophos X-Ops threat intelligence, a cross-opera onal task force of more than 500 security experts within SophosLabs, Sophos SecOps and SophosAI.
Solu ons are easily managed in the cloudna ve Sophos Central pla orm, where users can oversee installa ons, respond to alerts and track licenses and upcoming renewal dates via a single, intui ve interface. Organiza ons can also leverage Sophos MDR as a comprehensive threat hun ng and remedia on service.
A novel form of economic crime that involves fraudulent ac vi es associated with social media, e-commerce, enterprise and FinTech pla orms. The surge in remote work, e-commerce, delivery applica ons and contactless payments has further contributed to the rise of this type of fraud. 57% of all fraud incidents in India were pla orm fraud. More than 26% of Indian organisa ons lost over USD 1 million due to pla orm fraud, and 44% of the perpetrators were found to commit fraud for financial gain. This is as per the second edi on of PwC’s Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2022: India Insights, tled “Pla orms: The new fron er of fraud in India”.
Economic crime and fraud con nue to be a significant challenge for Indian companies, with 66% of organisa ons experiencing at least one form of economic crime in the past two years as per the first edi on of the report. Pla orms have emerged as a new avenue for commi ng economic crime. The survey highlights that 99% of fraud incidents in the past 24 months have been on pla orms such as financial, social media, goods, enterprises, media sharing, knowledge sharing and services.
Amongst the mo ves iden fied in such cases, financial gain is the most prevalent, with 44% of perpetrators in India engaging in such ac vi es for monetary reasons. Brand damage is another common mo ve cited by 32% of the surveyed organisa ons, followed by compe ve advantage at 21%.
Unfortunately, pla orm fraud is con nuously evolving and spreading rapidly, which is
concerning for Indian companies.
Puneet Garkhel, Partner and Leader, Forensics Services, PwC India, said: “Indian consumers and organisa ons have been rapidly embracing new pla orms over the past few years. On average, an Indian company operates with five different pla orms as part of its regular business ac vi es today. The emergence of and surge in e-commerce, contactless payments, home delivery models, remote working, etc., have not only led to various pla orm-based innova ons but also opened avenues of entry for fraudsters. Organisa ons need to be cognisant of these evolving threats and adequately invest in fraud preven on and detec on strategies to safeguard themselves.”
Enterprise pla orms are a prime target for malware, phishing, money laundering and ransomware. The threat of ransomware, in par cular, has grown to an alarming level. Financial frauds on transac ons made to or from pla orms accounted for 89% of all pla orm frauds. These frauds vary from basic unauthorised digital purchases to more complex iden ty the and triangula on fraud. Further, payment fraud, par cularly through credit cards and digital wallets, accounted for 92% of all customer frauds in India. Customers also face various other types of frauds, such as impersona on, authorised push payments and applica on/lending fraud.
“Business leaders are o en unaware of their exposure to pla orm fraud, as they do not view pla orms as a dis nct sector with common risk considera ons. Instead, they treat each pla orm as a separate vendor
with its own threat profile. As transac on processing shi s to pla orms, the obliga on towards security is also transferred, but many pla orms are not equipped to iden fy, prevent and mi gate fraud like banks are,” Puneet added.
Four out of every ten pla orm frauds in India were conducted by internal perpetrators. Moreover, 26% of pla orm frauds involved collusion between internal actors and external perpetrators. This implies that if companies have stronger internal controls in place, over two-thirds of all pla orm frauds can be mi gated.
Fraudulent ac vity on pla orms demands the involvement of execu ves and a cohesive approach that spans the en re enterprise, priori sing the ability to recover from adverse events. A high-ranking execu ve should oversee the implementa on of risk control policies. Leaders within the organisa on should take charge of the risk management programme, especially in situa ons where a new threat could significantly disrupt the business.
Risk leaders should design a strategy for iden fying, assessing and responding to fraud. This includes implemen ng a monitoring programme to detect anomalies and being aware of spikes in online ac vity or nega ve media coverage. It is crucial for businesses that rely heavily on pla orms to pay a en on to news coverage, consumer opinions and watchdog sites. Social media monitoring can also be a valuable tool for detec ng poten al fraudulent ac vity.
Lapcare conducted a series of Dealer Conven ons in Punjab recently, a ended by over 500 ICT Businessmen statewide. Held under the auspices of various regional Dealer’s Associa ons, the events took place in - Amritsar, Jalandhar and Pa ala respec vely.
Lapcare announced plans to expand opera ons in Punjab, by introducing more product lines, enlarging the Retailer base, offering more secondary sales support to businessmen, and making addi onal strategic partnerships.
Office bearers and key members of mul ple Associa ons in Punjab a ended the conven ons, and lauded Lapcare’s commitment to the state. This included JCDA from Jalandhar, ACTA from Amritsar, and the all Punjab Associa on PACT. Organized in collabora on with stalwart Regional Distributors, these conven ons gave the ICT fraternity a chance to familiarize themselves with Lapcare’s immense product variety, upcoming SKUs, research & development efforts, a er-sales service process, techniques for more effec ve retailing, collabora on between Marke ng Channel partners and special offers.
The Lapcare team also gave a endees a peek into the near-term future, where new sub-genres of products are expected to hit the market, star ng this month. These include trendy lifestyle based genres like Sports Neckbands, Smart Watches (Wearable Computers) and smart speakers. Many products were kept on display and some were demonstrated live. These Business Meets are part of a wider Roadshow being conducted by Lapcare na onwide in 2023. During the summer and monsoon, the Roadshow Tour is expected to head towards Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala. This is a chance for dealers to interact directly with Lapcare’s senior team and see demos first hand.
Vikas Narang, former Head of PACT (a federa on of all Punjab Associa ons) remarked, “Not only has Lapcare reinforced they’re posi on as a major force in the Peripherals & Spares sector, they have also demonstrated proven exper se in various other subcategories, such as Sound Systems, Gaming, Mobility, Networking and several others”.
Post event, Lapcare’s MD, Atul Gupta said “We hail the vibrant MSME sector of Punjab, reflec ng the enterprising spirit of the State. Our products are geared to enhance produc vity of the MSME sector, and also provide effec ve solu ons to quality & brand
conscious Punjab consumers”. Lapcare sees great poten al for its products in Jalandhar, since the city is an NRI hub, has been selected in the second phase of the smart city project.
Lapcare’s large speakers (Ramp, Beast and Lapsonic) were stars of the show, much lauded by visitors. In a region that loves lively upbeat music, these products are public favorites. The twin tower speakers, with extra heavy bass and true surround sound, are perfect to pair with your TV to enhance viewing experience. Lapcare’s Portable speakers with their convenient grab-and-go
compact design were also on display, much desired by today’s youngsters and the youngat-heart, who love outdoor recrea on and adventure.
Lapcare also performed the na onal unveiling of its new range of neckbands, with advanced noise cancelling feature. Neckbands are much easier to maintain and operate than larger headsets. It’s the obvious choice for morning and evening walks, and naturally fosters a healthy lifestyle. Lapcares neckbands are ideal for gymnasium use, recrea onal use and adventure trips. Awards were conferred to the Best Performers of 2022-23. This mo vated those who missed out to try harder in future; especially because Lapcare has established itself as the quintessen al Dealer’s Brand. Gala dinner and live entertainment followed.
ADATA in associa on with its subsidiary gaming performance brand, XPG, will take part in the world’s largest computer trade show in Taipei from May 30 to June 2, 2023- Computex Taipei. As an industry leader, ADATA con nues to implement the company’s brand philosophy of “Innova ng the Future” through its businesses.
To realize this year’s theme of “The Xtreme Future Leader – Infinite Innova on,” ADATA has leveraged emerging technologies to launch new products that are sustainable and extraordinarily innova ve including the most powerful Gen5 SSD, industry-leading CXL (Compute Express Link) memory module, CAMM (Compression A ached Memory Module), XPG tanium power supply (XPG FUSION 1600W), and professional industrial solu ons. Be sure to visit Computex to experience a full range of new products!
ADATA Chairman Simon Chen stated: “The pandemic had changed people’s lifestyles but our determina on to con nue using “technology” to inject change into smart living has never changed. ADATA implements ESG and looks forward to expanding on the idea of sustainability through its products. On May 30th, whether you are online or offline, you are welcome to experience stunning innova on brought to you by a full series of new ADATA products.”
ADATA unleashes patented unequalled SSD cooling while leading in DDR5 applica ons
The most powerful Gen5 SSD built with patented heat dissipa ng technology! ADATA is focusing its a en on on heat dissipa on solu ons that meet next-gen specifica ons and has launched Project NeonStorm and ADATA LEGEND 970, two Gen5 SSDs that feature patented heat dissipa on design. Project NeonStorm is a perfect combina on of aluminum alloy, water cooling, and dual fans, that generate unbelievable cooling. LEGEND 970 improves heat dissipa on efficiency through the adop on of extruded aluminum fins and large-size fans. Both Project NeonStorm and LEGEND 970 u lize the PCIe Gen5 x4 transmission interface with sequen al read and write speeds of 14,000/12,000MB/s and 10,000/10,000MB/s, respec vely, and support the latest Intel and AMD pla orms.
In order to promote environmental protec on and sustainable opera on, ADATA launched the HC300 ECO thin external HDD and UC310 ECO swivel flash drive, both of which use majority PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled) materials. The HC300 ECO
manufacturing process effec vely reduces carbon dioxide emissions associated with produc on by 48%. Products in the ECO series are all locally sourced and manufactured in an effort to further reduce their carbon footprints. The ECO series adopts packaging that has obtained FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) cer fica on and is made from environmentally friendly materials, inside and out.
This year, ADATA con nues espousing the spirit of “Build to Create” to devise more comprehensive solu ons for content creators. The ACE memory series won the 2022 Japan GOOD DESIGN Award, based on a design concept of simple concentric circles, featuring a high-quality aluminum gray heat sink and fantas c nanoprin ng with unique coa ng technology. The LEGEND 960 MAX also won the 2022 Japan GOOD DESIGN Award. It u lizes a PCIe Gen4 transmission interface with read and write speeds of up to 7,400/6,800MB/s, is available in a high capacity 4TB format, and can expand PS5 system storage.
Experience Ul mate XPG performance, Zeus leads the future of smart worksta ons
XPG will display a full range of new XTREME performance products, demonstra ng XPG’s commitment to and investment in gamers. XPG’s most notable new product is the XPG FUSION 1600W tanium power supply, jointly developed by XPG and Delta Electronics. This PSU has a patented planar transformer and GaN solu on, includes two 12VHPWR (12+4) connectors, supports fulldigital control via XPG PRIME so ware, and provides customizable data monitoring. Addi onally, XPG will exhibit a full range of Intel ATX 3.0-compliant power products: CYBERCORE II, CORE REACTOR II, and KYBER.
XPG will showcase its new BATTLECRUISER II SUPER MID-TOWER gaming chassis, featuring four glass panels which allows visitors to clearly see its high-performance interior and beau ful design. Following the best-selling VALOR AIR, XPG has also launched the VALOR MESH gaming chassis. It doesn’t stop with components though. New systems will be on display as well. XPG recently launched both INTEL and AMD series laptops. For INTEL users, the XPG Xenia 15G comes equipped with a 13th genera on Intel Core i7-13700H processor and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 laptop GPU. Meanwhile, the XPG Xenia 16P comes equipped with an AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS processor and AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT graphics card.
Crea ve Newtech announced that it has entered into a Pan-Indian distribu on arrangement with Razer – the world’s leading lifestyle brand for gamers. Razer will gain seamless & con nuous availability of its range pan-India, while Crea ve Newtech will add another global market leader to its por olio. The Indian gaming market is expected to grow at 28-30% CAGR from US$2.8 billion in 2022 to US$5 billion in 2025, and the number of gamers will grow from 420 million in 2022 to 500 million by 2025 (India Times).
Commen ng on the partnership, Ketan Patel, Chairman & Managing Director of Crea ve Newtech, said, “The Indian gaming market is among the fastest growing and with the most poten al worldwide. And Razer is synonymous with the gaming segment and highly popular with gamers. We are delighted to enter the segment with a market-leading brand like Razer. We look forward to growing together in the Indian market.”
Amit Agrawal heading Gaming Ver cal at Crea ve Newtech said,” The gaming industry in India is booming with a significant rise in gaming users, indeed it is one of the most promising markets. Razer being a known player in the market is the top choice of gaming enthusiast. We look forward to the frui ul partnership”.
Iris Global Services has supplied their Noida Partner “Qonevo Technologies P Ltd” with Acer and BPE products for se ng up Computer Labs across 17 Government Schools in Rajasthan. For the State federal project, the partner has installed 3 Computers at each school to enable their students in Art, Drawing and Online Classes. The Computer lab is fi ed with internet facili es and printer.
Speaking to newsman Ms. Payal Sethi, Director, Qonevo Technologies Private Limited said “These schools belong to backward areas. Their students can use these facili es to learn basic compu ng and upgrade their capabili es. Rajasthan as a state favors startups. We are expec ng to do a revenue of Rs 4 to 5 crore this fiscal for which we would like Iris to be our chosen partner” Ms. Sethi said.
Ms. Kamini Talwar, Director, Iris Global said “We welcome our new partner Qonevo Technologies, a young promising startup. We find Payal Sethi a dynamic entrepreneur who will go far in making schools in Rajasthan IT enabled.”
Ms. Talwar further said that the industry and the channel community must realize the opportuni es in Educa on & Work Force Management, where IT is playing a vital role - than before. They must come forward with their ini a ves and efforts. Iris looks forward to helping them with the right technology, service & support and helping them in closing difficult deals.
RAH Infotech announced its associa on with Genie Networks, a leading provider of intelligent networking and security solu ons headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. The company provides best-of-breed solu ons to empower the network opera ons of any organiza on. Genie Networks helps enable network traffic intelligence to ensure the security, availability and op miza on of modern networks.
RAH Infotech offers a comprehensive range of solu ons to effec vely manage data, network, security, regulatory environment or opera ng sector through an integrated ecosystem. The company’s distribu on and reseller program nurture partners to ensure their success. RAH Infotech has always been focused on developing a strong partner ecosystem by aligning its business with emerging technologies that reflect in its product por olio.
“We take pride in our partnership with OEMs who have a unique offering and strong presence in the network and security domain. Our partnership with Genie Networks is a reflec on of our commitment to providing the best products and solu ons to our customers. Some of the product lines by Genie Networks were recently selected by the Na onal Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) to manage the network infrastructure and ensure end-toend network traffic visibility. Such milestones give us confidence in our choices and will also help our customers in taking the right decision,” said Ashok Kumar, Founder & Managing Director at RAH Infotech.
BD So ware is expanding its presence in Gujarat, a leading small enterprises market of India, by adding 200+ number of channel partners. Through this move, the Company is aiming to strengthen their presence in the West Indian market.
BD So is an exclusive country partner to one of the top brands in the cybersecurity industry worldwide, Bitdefender and also distributes 14 different security solu ons across India via their channel partners. The brand has witnessed a 40% growth YOY, adding several new brands to its por olio, including Safe ca, Endpoint Protector, Final Code, Wipeout among many more. The Company enjoys a great presence in Tier-I ci es of India and is now looking at an aggressive roadmap in TierII and III ci es.
“Digital disrup on is a reality that is transforming Gujarat, thanks to numerous government ini a ves such as GIFT city and incen ves for SMEs and MSMEs. The state’s increasing digi sa on has also heightened the need to address security concerns. Recognising this opportunity, we at BD So decided to expand into Gujarat markets and are ready to assist businesses in capitalising on digital opportuni es, strengthening the state’s vibrant innova on ecosystem, and accelera ng the state’s digital transforma on.”
Mr. Zakir Hussain, Founder and CEO of BD So ware Distribu on Pvt. Ltd.Rashi Peripherals Limited (“Rashi Peripherals”) has announced a launch of its flagship event Channel Business Forum (CBF) 2023. Themed ‘RP tech for You’, the 40-city roadshow aspires to connect to over 3000 channel partners in er 3 and er 4 ci es across India.
The 13th edi on of CBF will explore emerging ICT markets across the country. The roadshow aims to create collabora on opportuni es between global technology brands and channel partners. Channel partners will get a hands-on experience with latest products and solu ons under one roof.
Mr. Hemant Dalmia, Group Business Manager of Rashi Peripherals Limited, said: “We are excited to launch CBF a er a gap of almost five years. CBF provides a pla orm to channel partners and global technology brands to connect, network and collaborate. This year we have partnered with seven ICT brands to showcase their latest technology to partners and explore poten al business opportuni es.”
“We are conduc ng roadshows in 40 ci es across India. CBF reflects our commitment to channel development and the value-added support we offer to our brand partners. I encourage channel partners to take maximum benefit of this forum for their business”, Mr. Dalmia added.
Star ng this May in Coimbatore and Visakhapatnam, CBF will conclude in July 2023. Some notable global technology brands par cipa ng in CBF 2023 are APC, Western Digital, SanDisk, Intel, HP, Schneider Electric and AMD.
Tech Data announced an exclusive partnership with GitLab Inc. (“GitLab”), the provider of DevSecOps Pla orm, bringing GitLab on as their DevOps vendor. The strategic partnership is aimed at addressing the DevSecOps and applica on moderniza on market demand for partners and customers. Applica on moderniza on is increasingly becoming a priority with 86% of enterprises in Asia Pacific indica ng it as a top IT priority1. In this era of constant digital transforma on, this partnership enables the go-to-market (GTM) strategy for channel partners and independent so ware vendors across Tech Data’s Asia Pacific and Japan region, by leveraging the benefits of applica on moderniza on and DevOps.
“Today, with the rise in the need for speedier so ware development and rela vely simple upgrades to exis ng deployments, there is an increased focus on rapid IT service delivery through the adop on of lean and agile prac ces by businesses. Due to the increasing demand for process automa on, growing number of start-ups and rapid digital transforma on, the Asia Pacific region is expected to witness a market growth of 26.3% during the forecast period (2021-2030). Through our partnership with GitLab, we believe we will be able to accelerate applica on moderniza on and offer a complete and secure por olio of DevOps solu ons,” said Benne Wong, Vice President, Advanced Solu ons – MDC (Modern Data Centre) & Analy cs, Tech Data Asia Pacific and Japan.
Team Computers along with cloud partners AWS and Palo Alto Networks, recently organized an event on the future of cloud security at Zorba, Delhi. The event focused on how to protect private and businesscri cal data, simplify compliance, and migrate workloads and apps to the cloud quickly and with ease. The event witnessed a gathering of 60 plus IT leaders, the a endees listened eagerly to the thought-provoking presenta ons and discussed ways to apply new technologies for the adop on of cloud infrastructure.
AWS and Palo Alto are helping to drive the adop on of cloud infrastructure across businesses of all sizes. From providing storage solu ons to managing databases, organiza ons can take advantage of their combined exper se to create a powerful and agile compu ng environment. Today, organiza ons are increasingly embracing cloud technologies due to the numerous advantages they offer. The cloud offers faster deployment of applica ons, be er scalability and reliability, improved availability, and cost savings.
At the recent cloud security summit, speakers from Palo Alto, AWS & Team Computers discussed the current state of cloud security as well as its poten al for growth and improvement. According to the experts, cloud compu ng is making tremendous strides in terms of security, with a focus on secured access control, iden ty management, data loss preven on, and various other ways to secure and harden our infrastructure, including physical, opera onal, and so ware measures.
Konica Minolta India recently hosted its Annual strategic Partner Conference at Alila Diwa, Goa. The event was centred around the theme of “Powering Growth” and featured dialogues on the latest tech innova ons in the industry and their poten al to be scaled to Konica Minolta’s realm of opera ons.
The conference, held on April 24th, 2023, provided a pla orm for over 170+ partners from across India to connect, discuss the latest trends in the industry, and share their vision for the future. During the session, the Konica Minolta management team communicated their strategy to sustain the growth path of the company and add more power to the growth path as a family.
Speaking about the annual partner conference and its importance for the brand, Mr. Katsuhisa Asari Managing Director of Konica Minolta India said, “Partners are the backbone of the company. We are always eager to connect with our valued Partner Community to understand their unique challenges and opportuni es. The conference provides a pla orm for us to connect with our partners, understand the latest industry trends, and share our vision for the future. We are commi ed to providing our partners with the latest cu ngedge solu ons and services, as well as building stronger rela onships, to create a be er future for the industry.”
Iris Waves bats on big opportunity in MPS (Managed Print Services) business. Having successfully delivered Xerox MPS Solu ons to mul ple clients in Online Edtech Sector, Quick Commerce Food Aggrega on even with a High Commission through pan India loca ons. Iris Wave is poised to hit big in this business. The Online Edtech company having its head office at NCR region of the capital, with 60 branches and growing pan India. They house over 14 Lac online students prepare them for IIT-JEE and compe ve exams.
Speaking to newsman Mr. Manish Singh, Business Manager, Iris Waves said, “The Online EdTech Company was facing severe business pains managing their prin ng needs. Beside having acute security issues, they were struggling on logis cs, pilferages & other problems while prin ng with external jobber sources.”
Iris Waves assessed their needs and helped them by installing Xerox MPS solu on at their facili es. The solu on helped them resolve their first hand security issue for exam paper. The solu on also provided their premises with floor prin ng facility for each and every individual floor.
“Xerox is the market leader in Print Technology Solu on who are our OEM partners” said Mr. Himanshu Chawla, CEO, Co-founder and Technology Evangelist, Iris Waves. “Iris Waves is poised to install over 20 such machine solu ons in this fiscal. This is a new baby in our hands, With this growing business ver cal, we are acquiring new customers and eye a revenue of over Rs 5 crore,” he said.
Redington Ltd announced its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2023 (Q4 FY’23) and full financial year FY’23 delivering strong performance vis-à-vis the industry across all business segments.
At Rs. 21,895 Crores overall global revenues for Q4 have been the highest ever for any quarter growing by a strong 26% YoY and at Rs. 590 Crores, it has registered highest ever Q4 opera ng profit with a 15% YoY. For the full year FY23 the firm reported a revenue of Rs. 79,519 Crores which is a growth of 27% YoY and a PAT of Rs. 1393 Crores, a growth of 9%.
“Our growth in FY23, has been driven by reinven ng ourselves across many dimensions. We made significant investments in improving our digital capabili es, building pla orms and crea ng processes to enable faster me to market and providing choice to customers to engage with us in ways they prefer. While technology distribu on has been our core value proposi on, we are focused on building competencies and capabili es to provide managed services for private and public Cloud, Security and audits. Technology industry globally has been going through a phase of reduced demand and our ini a ves ensure we provide more value to serve our customers be er thereby gaining share and accelerate our growth momentum. Our partners play a most crucial role and we remain commi ed to empower them and help them in their business growth.” said Mr. Rajiv Srivastava, Managing Director, Redington Ltd.
The storage solutions market in India is experiencing significant growth fuelled by the country’s digital transformation and the exponential growth of data. As businesses and individuals generate and consume vast amounts of data, the demand for powerful storage solutions has surged Micron, a market leader in the storage industry, is capitalizing on this trend by introducing innovative products and expanding its market presence across India. Gujarat is one of the important markets for Micron and it has built a robust partner network in the region to address the emerging demand. To know more about Micron’s growth in Gujarat and expanding customer base, DT recently interacted with Yogesh Agarwal, Manager, Sneha Infocom. Read the exclusive story below to know more about the company.
Sneha Infocom is one of the valued partners of Micron in Gujarat. The partner for Micron in this region has been performing well and enabling Micron to reach to a wider consumer base. While talking to DT about the business partnership, Yogesh Agarwal, Manager, Sneha Infocom said, “We are associated with Micron from last so many years but in the last 3-4 years, we have witnessed even much healthier growth. It is because of the trust that Micron has built among its customers. By providing excellent products that deliver blazing fast performance, Micron has definitely made a different iden ty in the market. We are happy to be associated with the brand as we hope to con nue this associa on for longer run. I am sure in coming days this associa on will touch new heights.”
Good product quality and customer service support are two cri cal factors that can lead to the success of any business. Micron has shown excep onal innova on capabili es through its next-gen storage products like SSD and RAM. Pu ng across his views about the product and services being offered by Micron, Yogesh said, “We currently deal in SSD and Memory products from Crucial by
Micron. These products are in huge demand as they offer excep onal speed, performance and quality. Due to highly innova ve and performing products, customer reten on ra o remains strong and it is a huge benchmark for any brand. By delivering top-notch products, Micron has helped us to grow our business since we are working with them. Customer demand is relentlessly changing but Crucial by Micron has adapted to the changing needs and fulfilled the expecta ons raised by customers in different ver cals. We can say that Crucial by Micron is leading the Indian storage market with new-genera on products.”
He further added, “The USP of the product is quality and pricing. All the products which we are dealing in are rich in quality and durability. They offer fast read and write speed and help users to enjoy unmatched performance. In addi on to that, the pricing is also very compe ve and no other brand can match it. As both quality and price are excellent so customers always prefer Micron over any other brands.”
Commen ng on the service support, Yogesh added, “Service support remains one of the cri cal aspects in any business as it plays a huge role in customer’s buying decision.
Micron understands this aspect very well and has been providing excep onal support to all customers across India. With a deep commitment to customer sa sfac on, Micron goes above and beyond to address their needs promptly and effec vely. Micron priori zes customer sa sfac on and treats its customers well.”
For any partner, brand’s support in marke ng or educa on is very cri cal. Micron has already strong team across Indian market to support partner business. “We have been associated with Micron since long and we never faced any kind of challenges. We get every possible support from the brand and whenever we require any assistance, we always get enough support. Supply chain is also very good and we never face product unavailability. We work in good collabora on to meet the ever-increasing product demand,” concluded by Yogesh.
GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY launches NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 16GB, GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 8GB and GeForce RTX 4060 8GB series graphics cards powered by NVIDIA ADA Lovelace architecture. GIGABYTE offers a wide range of graphics cards, including the AORUS and GIGABYTE series, to cater to the diverse needs of gamers. These cards are designed to meet the demands of gamers seeking the ultimate in performance and stunning aesthetics, as well as those who prioritize fundamental performance and durability. These graphics cards will enhance the gaming experience for a vast number of gamers.
MSI announces the latest graphics card line-up featuring the NVIDIA GeForce RTXX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 graphics processors. NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 4060 Ti will be available in both a 16GB and 8GB configuration, offering gamers a choice to suit their demands. Both GeForce RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 GPUs based models with the GAMING TRIO, GAMING, VENTUS 3X, and VENTUS 2X BLACK series deliver unmatched performance for gamers, creators, and professionals with the latest graphics technology, high-performance circuit board design, and advanced cooling. The latest MSI GeForce RTX™ 4060 family graphics cards are designed to deliver incredible performance for mainstream gamers and creators.
ASUS announced NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 and 4060 Ti graphics cards for the ROG Strix, TUF Gaming and ASUS Dual families, delivering the latest NVIDIA architecture and cutting-edge tech such as DLSS 3 frame generation to mainstream gamers. The RTX 4060 Ti graphics cards will be the frontrunners for this series, and they will ship with a healthy 8 GB of VRAM. At a later date, ASUS will also launch variants of the ROG Strix, TUF Gaming, Dual, and Dual White RTX 4060 Ti graphics cards equipped with an even-larger 16 GB pool of VRAM. The extra helping of memory will give gamers with a taste for cutting-edge graphics extra headroom to dial up high-resolution textures and high-end visual effects in demanding games.
GALAX launches latest dual fan GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 8GB EX and GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 8GB 1-Click OC that features 4352 CUDA cores, 18Gbps 8GB 128-bit GDDR6 memory, as well as the highly efficient Extreme Cooling System. With the dual slot cooler and single PCI-e 8pin power connector design of the newest graphics card, users can enjoy a seamless upgrade even with their existing smaller form factor PC systems. Moreover, both GeForce RTX 4060 Ti EX and GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 1-Click OC supports the exclusive feature of 1-Click OC that allows user in achieving an even more impressive performance with just a simple click on the dedicated software Xtreme Tuner Plus and Xtreme Tuner App.
According to the Interna onal Data Corpora on’s (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker preliminary data, 31 million smartphones were shipped in India in 1Q23 (Jan-Mar), a decline of 16% YoY (year-over-year), and the lowest first-quarter shipments in four years. Shipments to online channels dropped significantly, as offline channels were backed by new model launches and a rac ve channel promo ons in 1Q23. Samsung climbed to the top slot a er more than five years, supported by the launch of affordable 5G smartphones and the Galaxy S23 series, followed by vivo which con nued to build on its omnichannel por olio and OPPO (including OnePlus), while Xiaomi slipped to fourth slot in 1Q23.
The metaverse gaming market is valued at US$ 51 billion in 2023 and is forecasted to jump to a size of US$ 1,300 billion by the end of 2033, expanding at an astonishing CAGR of 38.2% from 2023 to 2033. The purpose of the metaverse is to enthrall users and provide them with a remarkable experience. The metaverse is, without a doubt, a fantas c way to create augmented reality, including a significant connec on to the rest of the world, while par cipa ng in metaverse video games, live streaming of games, play-to-earn gaming with the non-fungible token (NFT) min ng and trade, value exchange with crypto, etc.
Fire-Bol has once again grabbed the first spot in the Indian smartwatch market with a market share of 28.6% as per the latest IDC report. This marks a significant achievement for the company, which has also experienced tremendous year-over-year (YOY) growth of 224.2% in 1Q23. Affordability and a wide variety of innova ve designs like metal straps and casings have been important growth drivers for the brand. With 10.4 million shipments, up 178.9% YoY, the smartwatch category is s ll the fastest-growing among wearables. While the smartwatch’s average selling price (ASP) fell by 42.0% YoY to US$29.2 (from US$50.4 a year ago). Basic smartwatch share rose to 98.0%, growing by 187.4% annually in 1Q23.
According to the Interna onal Data Corpora on’s (IDC) India Monthly Wearable Device Tracker, 25.1 million wearable units were shipped in India in 1Q23, registering a strong 80.9% YoY (year-over-year) growth but remained flat QoQ (quarter-over-quarter) following a strong 4Q22. Share of the smartwatches grew to 41.4% from 26.8% a year ago. The earwear category also witnessed a strong 48.5% YoY growth. Imagine Marke ng (boAt) maintains the top place with 25.6% share, growing by 102.4% YoY. Smartwatch category accounted for 28.3% of its overall shipment in 1Q23. It also con nues to lead the TWS segment, with 30.6% share, growing by 81.9% YoY. It launched higher priced devices namely Lunar Series Smartwatches, Rockerz 551 over the ear headphones & Nirvana ION TWS.
Dell Technologies advances so ware-driven innova on across its industry-leading storage por olio, driving increased cyber resiliency, energy efficiency and automa on to power customers’ mul cloud journeys. Dell’s commitment to so ware development has resulted in more than 2,000 storage por olio advancements in the past twelve months across every category of the external storage industry. These advances are available at no addi onal cost to exis ng customers and are consumable through on-premises so ware or as-a-Service via Dell APEX.
ESET has released its APT Ac vity Report, which summarises the ac vi es of selected advanced persistent threat (APT) groups that were observed, inves gated, and analysed by ESET researchers from October 2022 un l the end of March 2023. The report is being published on a semi-annual basis. During this period, several China-aligned threat actors such as Ke3chang and Mustang Panda focused on European organisa ons. In Israel, Iran-aligned group OilRig deployed a new custom backdoor. North Korea-aligned groups con nued to focus on South Korean and South Korea-related en es. Russia-aligned APT groups were especially ac ve in Ukraine and EU countries, with Sandworm deploying wipers.
Gizmore has announced a strategic partnership with Staunch Electronics India to expand its presence in the hearable and wearable categories. This collabora on will enable Gizmore to strengthen its market posi on and bring innova ve products to its customers. With Staunch Electronics India as its strategic manufacturing partner, Gizmore is targe ng a 5% market share in the hearable and wearable category by the end of fiscal year. This partnership will pave the way for Gizmore to introduce new and exci ng products, giving customers access to cu ng-edge technology and premium quality products at an affordable price. Gizmore plans to sell 1 million audio devices in 2023-24, with a major focus on the truly wireless earphones category.
Deepening efforts to support small and medium businesses (SMBs) in every step of their digital transforma on journey, Microso India has introduced two new ini a ves, namely, an SMB-focused website and a dedicated helpline. The SMB-focused website – Microso for Small and Medium Businesses, aims at bringing together business owners and entrepreneurs in India to network with peers, enhance their skills and achieve holis c growth, while the Digital Transforma on helpline offers dedicated support to help SMBs navigate their technological adop on and deployment journey. Through con nued investments and ini a ves, Microso has been working closely with SMBs, giving them trusted cloud technologies, specially designed solu ons, skills and support, as well as mul -city experien al events such as TechMart, to help their digital transforma on so they can thrive in today’s digitally powered economy.
Management is back to acknowledge the boom within the ever-growing sector with its 2nd Annual MENA Gaming & eSports Summit – the first of its kind in Dubai. Taking place at the Address Dubai Marina, UAE, on May 30th and 31st, the event is expected to feature tans of the industry, ranging from dignitaries and developers to investors and influencers from all over the MENA region. For local game developers, eSports enthusiasts, and like-minded pioneers, the MENA Gaming & eSports Summit this year boasts an array of endless possibili es and insights to con nue pu ng forth just how much there is to gain from a sector that is so rapidly inclining.
Zebronics has teamed up with Skyesports Masters for an exci ng gaming event in Mumbai with a prize-pool of a whopping Rs. 2 Crores. This event is a gaming extravaganza featuring avid gamers from across the country. This partnership of Zebronics with Skyesports Masters will be a new benchmark for the Indian Esports industry which is pacing rapidly. With 8 of the best CSGO teams compe ng across several weeks in Mumbai with a regular season and play-offs, this en re event will be a blazing one, crowing the champions whilst figh ng a prize pool of Rs. 2,00,00,000/- making it India’s biggest gaming event ll date. During the event, fans will get many opportuni es to experience Zebronics powerful line-up of gaming.
ECS Industrial Computer Co., Ltd., is pleased to announce its par cipa on at Computex 2023. As a complete solu on provider, it will introduce a wide range of comprehensive new products for smart retail, automa on intelligence, informa on kiosks, lo ery terminals, including the LIVA Z5 Plus mini-PC series, B760H7-M8 and Q670H7-IS1 motherboards. ECSIPC will exhibit its comprehensive smart charging solu ons including AC charger for home and commercial use and DC charger with 360kW DC power output, ready for direct deployment in commercial and enterprise applica ons.
NetApp announced several innova ve products and programs including a new modern block storage offering and a guarantee highligh ng NetApp’s best-in-class ability to recover from ransomware a acks. This announcement addresses cri cal customer challenges including increasing IT complexity, restricted IT budgets, increased urgency around sustainability, and the con nued exponen al growth of cyberthreats. NetApp’s new ASA (All-Flash SAN Array) A-Series family simplifies the deployment of modern SAN infrastructure, while providing guaranteed availability and guaranteed efficiency with accompanying cost savings and leading sustainability. NetApp is also announcing a Ransomware Recovery Guarantee at a me when ransomware costs to global organisa ons are expected to rise from $20 billion in 2021 to $265 billion by 2031.
Dell Technologies launched the latest XPS por olio in India, designed to meet the diverse needs of the creator community. Powered by the latest 13th Gen Intel® Core™ processors, the new por olio includes the XPS 13 Plus, XPS 15 and XPS 17 – all feature an immersive 4-sided InfinityEdge touch display and are cra ed with premium materials carefully selected to enhance performance. The new XPS 15 and 17 are equipped with the NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 40-Series GPUs to fuel the most intensive crea ve endeavours. The embedded quad-speakers and dual-sensor camera make these devices ideal not only for crea on but also for streaming and conferencing. And the XPS 13 Plus packs innova on with its seamless glass touchpad that elevates modern design and a capaci ve touch func on that lets the user toggle between media and func on keys with ease.
Portronics introduces the latest product in its ergonomic office solu ons segment - My Buddy K9 Laptop Stand. Designed to revolu onize the way professionals work, this cu ng-edge accessory offers unparalleled comfort, convenience, and produc vity enhancement for laptop users. The Portronics My Buddy K9 provides a sleek and versa le solu on for home and office users by eleva ng the laptop and/or tablet to an op mal viewing and typing height. By promo ng proper posture, reducing strain, and improving airflow, this stand creates an ergonomic workspace that maximises comfort and minimises the risk of musculoskeletal problems. With its minimalist aesthe c and premium finish, the My Buddy K9 seamlessly integrates into any modern office or home environment, complemen ng the user’s personal style. The Portronics My Buddy K9 Laptop Stand is available in the market in two color variants Black and White an introductory price of INR 1,599 (MRP 3,499).
Samsung announced its new lineup of Crystal 4K iSmart UHD TV in India that celebrates the fusion of advanced technology and affordability. This range comes with flagship TV features such as Built-in IoT-Hub with Calm Onboarding, IoT Sensor for brightness adjustment, Video Calling with SlimFit camera and more. It offers an unparalleled visual experience with One Billion True Colors, combining crystal-clear picture quality with innova ve smart features to deliver an immersive home entertainment experience. Star ng at INR 33,990, the new lineup is engineered to elevate the content viewing experience of consumers with Crystal Processor 4K that can upscale lower-resolu on content and enhance colors with a brilliant blend of mesmerizing display, cap va ng sound and smart features. The new lineup comes with built-in IoT Hub with Calm Onboarding feature and IoT-enabled sensors for light to automa cally adjust brightness.
Zebronics has now introduced its first Ac ve Noise Cancella on (ANC) Earbuds called Zeb Pods-1. The Zeb Pods-1 combines the ANC feature with strong signal processing technology that ensures that users enjoy crystal clear audio quality without any external interference. The Zeb Pods-1 come with up to 28 hours of backup without ANC and up to 22 hours with ANC on, thanks to the built-in durable rechargeable ba ery with Type-C charging. Users can easily control media and voice calls with the simple touch controls. The dynamic 13mm drivers deliver crisp trebles and deep bass output while providing a comfortable and cozy fit with an in-ear design. The earbuds are widely compa ble with smartphones, laptops, and tablets with Bluetooth v5.2 connec vity and support voice assistants such as Android Google assistant and Apple iOS Siri.
Epson has unveiled its latest full HD home theatre projector – The Epson EpiqVision CO-FH02. The new home theatre projector is versa le yet affordable and is available for just ₹86,999. The Epson EpiqVision CO-FH02 home theatre projector comes with built-in Android TV and speaker. The projector is being launched with an inaugural bundle offer of a 1-year Membership/Subscrip on of 6 popular OTT pla orms (Disney-Hotstar, Amazon Prime, Sony Liv, Zee5, Discovery+ and ShemarooMe) worth ₹5,844. It is available to purchase at Epson Pro Cinema Partners and online. The Epson EpiqVision CO-FH02 - Full HD projector, is compact and has a simple, and clean design, enabling its user to have a big screen experience anywhere. The viewer can get an impressive image size of up to 762 cm (300 inches) display and can stream their favourite sports or movies with the built-in Android TV.
Kingston FURY announced the addi on of white heat spreaders to its award-winning line of Kingston FURY DDR5 memory modules providing more op ons for those looking to build a system that stands above the rest, in and out of the game. Go for a simple and easy upgrade with Plug N Play at 4800MT/s or select an Intel® XMP 3.0 or AMD EXPO Cer fied kit. Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 RGB lets users personalize even further with the Kingston FURY CTRL™ RGB tool by selec ng or customizing one of the 18 built-in, vibrant, and stunning RGB ligh ng2 effects, all kept smooth and in unison with Kingston’s patented Infrared Sync Technology. The Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 line hits speeds up to 6000MT/s, is available in 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB single modules and, kits of 2 up to 64GB, with kits of 4 coming next month.
Consistent Infosystems has announced the launch of its Full High Resolu on LED Monitor – “CTM 2100” which comes with 3 years of warranty. The new display feature enhanced picture quality for crisp and sharp images apart from in-built stereo speakers for incredibly clear audio performance. Addi onally, VGA and HDMI inputs are compa ble with all known opera ng systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) making them perfect displays for every use -- be it desktops, laptops, servers, gaming rigs, and more. The CTM 2100 is one of the best LED monitor under 15000 for PC available in the market. Featuring a bezel-less front in a slim and lightweight design for a compe ve edge, the monitor is available in 21 Inch variant to suit every purpose. The ultra-sharp LED-backlit display can produce stunning images in Full HD 1080p (1920*1080 pixels) resolu ons with crisp and sharp image quality.
AGON by AOC in partnership with Riot Games announced the availability of AGON PRO AG275QXL – AGON League of Legends Edi on in India, the first monitor inspired by League of Legends and its iconic Hextech technology. The AG275QXL offers outstanding features like the League of Legends Mode, the LoL QuickSwitch, exclusive power on/off sounds, Light FX Sync, and the LoL Signature OSD design. The 27” IPS-screen boasts a QHD resolu on with a rapid refresh rate of 170Hz for the smoothest visuals even in the craziest team fights. To eliminate stu ers and tearing, the AG275QXL supports Adap ve Sync with FreeSync Premium and an impeccable response me of 1ms GtG further ensure a flawless output. With VESA DisplayHDR 400, ShadowControl and the flicker free mode, players can enjoy long gaming sessions and a crystal-clear portrayal of their favourite champions diving into ba le.
MediaTek announced the launch of MediaTek Dimensity 7050. The chip is designed to provide gamers the edge with MediaTek HyperEngine gaming enhancements, to capture high quality pictures with its advanced Imagiq camera technologies, and powerful MiraVision 4K HDR video processing for streamers. Lava becomes India’s first OEM to collaborate with MediaTek to power upcoming Lava Agni 2 5G featuring MediaTek Dimensity 7050 chip among others. With advanced 5G integrated into this excep onally power-efficient, 6nm-class chip and combined with MediaTek 5G UltraSave provides incredible performance that lasts longer than ever. MediaTek Dimensity 7050 allows OEMs to create smartphones with greater CPU performance, low-power consump on, incredibly smooth gaming experience and allow the device makers to create a rac ve, slim and light 5G smartphones.
Truke is excited to unveil its latest gaming-centric true wireless earbuds, the BTG Strom. Designed to meet the demands of Indian gamers, the BTG Strom offers excep onal performance and immersive audio at an affordable price of INR 1099. The BTG Strom showcases a sleek and stylish case with 7 RGB ligh ng op ons, allowing gamers to make a bold statement with their accessories. Equipped with high-quality 13mm tanium speaker drivers, the BTG Strom delivers excep onal audio performance, ensuring an immersive sound experience for its users. The BTG Strom features a dedicated gaming mode that offers ultra-low latency of up to 40ms*. Addi onally, it incorporates dual-mic environmental noise cancella on technology, enabling clear communica on with teammates while reducing background noise. Bluetooth 5.3 technology further provides a stable and fast connec on for uninterrupted gaming sessions.