2 minute read

el vertedero, o peor aún, en los océanos… La próxima vez que vayas de compras dile al cajero: “¡Sin bolsa, por favor, traigo la mía!”.

• Evita el uso de sorbetes plásticos. Constituyen el 0.02 % de los 9 millones de toneladas de plástico que llegan al mar, cada año. Éstos suelen utilizarse por pocos minutos y tardan décadas en biodegradarse.

• Termo reusable. Un estudio estadístico llevado a cabo en 2016 reportó que se vendían cerca de un millón de botellas plásticas… por minuto. Parece increíble, ¿verdad? Y lo peor es que menos del 50% logra recuperarse y reciclarse. Si llevas contigo un termo reusable, logras reducir el impacto generado por aproximadamente 167 botellas al año.


• Cepillo de dientes de bambú. Los especialistas de la salud bucal recomiendan sustituir el cepillo de dientes cada 3 ó 4 meses, con lo que una persona desecharía esta

“green Love RD has collection centers where you can take your trash for recycling. get to know them and locate the nearest one by visiting us at artesanord.com”


What are you doing to remedy this reality that affects us all directly?

As consumers, it is our duty to be responsible; to think about the consequences of our purchases even though sometimes we don’t know how. That’s why we talked to Lorna Aquino, CEO and founder of Green Love RD, who will help us understand that if we don’t do something to change

Lorna has given us several tips on how to reduce the use of disposable or single-use plastics, in an easy and practical way.

•Reusable bags. An average person uses about 170 plastic bags annually; these bags are usually disposed of in a harmful way. if you opt for the use of reusable bags you can considerably reduce the plastic bags that end up in landfills around the world, or even worse, in the oceans… The next time you go shopping, tell the cashier: “no bag, please, i brought my own!” e are all aware of the importance and urgency of preserving the environment… we are at a turning point. We are going through one of the biggest plastic pollution crises in history; it floods all our surroundings, including (and this is even more important) our oceans.• avoid plastic straws. They make up 0.02% of the 9 million tons of plastic that reach the sea each year. Their use normally lasts minutes, yet it takes them decades to decompose.

• Reusable thermos. A statistical study carried out in 2016 reported that nearly one million plastic bottles were sold… per minute! it seems incredible, doesn’t it? And the worst thing is that less than 50% can be recovered and recycled. if you carry a reusable thermos, you can reduce the impact generated by approximately 167 bottles a year.

• Bamboo toothbrush. Oral health specialists recommend

58 59 misma cantidad, a fin de año. Usar un cepillo de bambú tiene muchas ventajas, entre ellas, que proviene de fuente renovable que por su rápido crecimiento no causa erosión ni deforestación. ¿Lo mejor de todo?, ¡es biodegradable! replacing your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months, so although a person using a bamboo toothbrush would discard the same amount at the end of the year, they would have less of an impact on the environment. Bamboo comes from a renewable source that due to its rapid growth does not cause erosion or deforestation and best of all, it’s biodegradable!

La idea no es salir con una capa de “súper ecologista”, ni se trata de cambiar todo de la noche a la mañana, sino de incluir en el día a día, pequeñas acciones que a largo plazo harán la gran diferencia. el planeta necesita de nuestra ayuda, tenemos que actuar ahora.

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