UNAPOLOGETIC CONFIDENCE DIKSHA | Unapologetic Confidence | 1
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Artwork by : Cleoward Sy
Look what you, at what you’ve done. I am rampant with rage, determined with destruction I have stormed across galaxies, consumed all in my way I have smashed through stars and murdered moons My very existence brings impending doom - By Debbie Singh What are we? Something that is going to turns back into soil. And same stands for everything that is born on this earth by mother nature. Each nano particle in us ends into a zero leaving 0 waste on this land and thats what nature teaches us - a circular life of any form which it creates but we, the proud dumb children of nature just keep on repeating our mistake since ages. Everything we create is formed with the though of linear life plan which at the end accumulate resulting into reducing our life cycle in return. This is the spirit and energy with which this project is born out of, a small step towards sustainability and this time not just in words or a part of it but the whole project- ending with a product which gives you your
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Concept Sustainability
Industry visit
Break down of material
Playing and explore possibilities
Final product
Selection of material
Thorough Research
Product mockeup with raw for the final material
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Yarn making Process
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Material Breakdown
Industrial Process of making the yarn
Recycled Yarn made out of discarded clothing. Used as core yarn in the final cord
Final Cord - Weft and Warp yarns are fresh UNBLEACHED, NON-DYED. Core yarn is recycled.
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Exploring knots
The neck is Crocheted and rest part will be macrame on dress fro to give it suitable form. 8 | DIKSHA | Unapologetic Confidence
Finalized knot
A Dress that Addresses The Kiosk is designed to narrate a story. A story of this dress, its mother material (waste yarn and fabric) which raises up to become a part of the process. The mock-up (right side) is made out of the waste warp yarns to see the initial effect which was then taken forward as the base material for the final journey .
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Artwork by :| Cleoward Sy 14 | DIKSHA Unapologetic Confidence
RE-CONSIDER We are all in this together. The actions we take as makers & consumers have a major impact on future generations. The most effective & enduring forms of sustainability incorporates environmental social & economic measures. Reconsider contemplates ways we can craft a sustainable future. Fashion reclaims our repressed identities & embrace ourselves in our rawest form, then why to be guilty in future for something this crucial.
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DIKSHA | Unapologetic Confidence | July-August 2019 | ©NID-H 2020
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