GML Rotary3131 FEB

Page 1

Vol. 8 February 2016

RI President K R Ravindran

District Governor Subodh Joshi

GML - RID 3131 ि य िम ानो, ं गेले दोन मिहने या आिव कारची आपण आतरते ु तने वाट पहात होतो, ती रोटरी कॉ फर स सव सभासदानी ं मनसो enjoy के ली. लोणावळा येथील कॉ फर सब ल सग यानाच े रमन ु होती. कॉ फर स-चअ ं खपू उ सकता डॉ. दीपक कलकण व याची ु ं सपण ं ू टीम ससु ज होती. Pen Orion चे सव सभासद गे या मिहनाभर तयारीला लागले होते. य ते तीन िदवस सव रोटे रय सनाच ं काय, पण मलासु ा व नवत गेले. येकाने मनापासनू उचललेली जबाबदारी व पणू के लेले काम यामळे ु सव उ कृ ताळमळ े िदसत होता. रो. पराग व याची venue committee या माळरानावर अ रशः खपत होती. रो. सतोष ै िजत छोटेमोठे ु व रो. शल ं या रिज ेशन-किमटीचे काम चोख झाले. रो. सनीत सगं िनभावनू नेत होते. खारघर िमडटाउनकडनू होत असलेले वैयि क वागत लोकाना ू आवडले. अ नदाता ं खपच स ना खरोखरच सवावर स न झाला होता. अितशय दख े णा मडप ु ं व उ कृ LED wall मळे काय माची उची ै ेश यानी ू वाढली होती. डॉ. िगरीश, डॉ. दीपक, अभय, शात, ं खपच ं शल ं सढळपणे मदतीचा हात पढेु के ला होता. अिनल सपणक ु े रानी ु ले सवच व े अ ितम होते. ं सचवले PDG िवलासने उ कृ मागदशन के ले. पणु े पाषाणचे ‘DG हायचयं मला’ हे नाटक व पनवेल लबची ‘Fellowship’ सपण ंू कॉ फर सचे हाये ट पॉइटं होते. RI Rep. Jose याची खपच ू मदत झाली. एक चागला ं िम िमळाला. रो. अजय व रो. हमेतं यानी ं technology ची धराु सरेु ख साभाळली. ं सवात मह वाचे हणजे सव ल जचे ेिसडटस ् आिण AG’s यां या सपण ु या ं ू पािठं यामळे कॉ फर सची चचा खपू िदवस न क च रगणार. ं सपण ृ तर ु ुं ं सि य पािठबा ं ू तीन िदवस मा या कटिबयाचा ं मला लाभला होता. मती अिभम यसारखी पहाटे पाच वाज यापासनू लढत होती. पिह या रा ी LED wall उभी ू कर यासाठी डॉ. आमोद िदवेकर आिण िववेक खाडे तीन वाजेपयत उभे होते. आपणा सवाचचे मी व नेहा खपू खपू ऋणी आहोत. लोभ आहचे, तो वाढवावा, ही िवनती. ं सबोध ु जोशी District Governor

Editorial ि य रोटे रय स, रोटरीची कॉ फर स हा येक िडि ट ग हनरचा आिण यजमान लबचा िज हा याचा िवषय. कारण ही सधी ं बहताशी ं एकदाच येते. असे खपच ू कमी लब आहते क यानी ं कॉ फर स या यजमानपदाची सधी ं अिधक वेळ िमळाली. असे असले तरी येक वेळीचे आयोजन चागं या कारे हावे असाच य न सवचजण करतात. या वष दख े ील आपण सवानी अशाच सव नी चागं या अशा कॉ फर सचा अनभव ु घतेला. GML चा हा अक ं कॉ फर सिवषयीचा िवशषेाक ं अस यासारखाच आह.े या मिह यात िवशषे उ लेखनीय सि हस ोजे टस ् खपू कमी आहते. आिण याची ् अिधक वेळा ं मािहती अितशय ोटक प तीची आह.े काही ोजे टस अपलोड के याचहेी िदसते. सवानी िवनती े न याचा उपयोग अ य लबनाही ् मािहती यो य कारे वेबसाईटवर टाकावी, जेणक ं आह,े क सि हस ोजे टसची होईल. पराग कणक े र सपादक ं 9422094325

थीम - रोटरी गीत तज - तू िहं दू बनेगा न मुस मान बनेगा

रोटरीयन है तू इ ान बनेगा िव व के ि ए तू एक तोहफा बनेगा जाती धम का भेद अब न रहे गा भाई से भाई िम कर हर काम करे गा सामंज ा ता संजोए रखेगा इ ानीयत को तू ग े गाएगा तू अमन और सु ह का मददगार बनेगा ।।१।। रोगी को दे गा तू ेह िचिक ा िनधन को दे गा तू धन की सहायता ासे को ज िनब को ब तू दे गा अ र ान का िनर र को दे गा तू बद े ए व की पहे चान बनेगा ।।२।। अ ाय करे गा वो धरम तेरा नही है बेटी को रौध ं े वो कदम तेरा नही है ‘बेटी बचाएगा, बेटी पढाएगाʼ नारी का स ान करे गा तू तोड दे हर बंध वो पुकार बनेगा िव व के ि ए तू एक तोहफा बनेगा ।।३।। किवय ी - सौ. बदामी िघ. सो ं की से े िनय फ े डी, पुणे ३१३१ (Courtsey -

DG visit to

Rotary Club of Pune Central January 23, 2016


2. 3.



6. 7. 8.

Our club hosted DG Subodh Joshi & AG Jignasu Mehta on Saturday 23rd Jan. The schedule included ini al mee ngs at Yogi Park office followed by club assembly & regular mee ng. Following are the key takeaways from the mee ngs we had with DG: DG has a way of describing similarity between Rotary & mul na onal business organisa on. According to him Rotary Interna onal is a mul na onal with districts as subsidiaries & clubs as business units. Our product is service, customers as beneficiaries & profits equals smiles brought to beneficiaries. This example gives instant connect to members for club like ours. For vision of the club he suggested a small change: “top performing” club vs “top” club We discussed club “SWOT” in strategic plan presenta on and DG gave us quite important inputs on “threats” in par cular. Per him ‘compe on from other NGOs’ & ‘changes in govt. policies’ making some of the current service avenues redundant. He gave few examples. We need to make “grabbing opportuni es” & “mapping environment” integral part of plans. In strategic plan presenta on he emphasized focus on Rotary as brand & improve public awareness. He wants our club to develop more products for service avenues for promo ng brand equity of Rotary. An example: while 80% beneficiaries can be under privileged, 20% may be chosen from elite class to create word of mouth publicity among donor community. On e-learning he updated us on a recent development. District has invested in a Wi-Fi tower with a range of 30 Km which will help seamless connect with schools in the range. Further Microso has assured support for e learning at minimal cost of $1 per student. Effec vely this will facilitate live teaching sessions from the control room to the connected class rooms. The feasibility of the project shall be concluded in 3 months. This will usher in a big change in current RDEP based e-learning model. DG wants our club to take a lead on this ini a ve. On an idea of le ng a smaller club merge with ours, DG suggested to evaluate compa bility & the best way to do this is to do joint projects for say six months. During the club assembly DG suggested our club to be 100% donors club vs 100% PHF. DG also confirmed district support to “happy schools’ projects (as first known in AG visit) 9. We got feedback on DG visit (see below) on district website & obviously we need to do a lot on “Innova ons”. We will brainstorm this part more in board mee ngs & club assemblies DG Visit Innova ons Time Management Members Par cipa on Ann’s Par cipa on TOTAL

Out of 20 10 10 10 50

Score 13 10 9 9 41 Arvind Saraf Honorary Secretary – RY 15/16


RID 3131 Service Project(Community)

Zonal Mee ng for Zone 2 Regions It was a very successful second Zonal Mee ng of Zone 2 in this rotary year conducted on Sunday, 13th December 2015, at Hotel Matrix Inn, Chakan. Service Project team zone 2 Director Rtn Balasaheb Pokharkar was the chief mo va on behind organizing this zonal mee ng. The AG Co-ordinator Rtn Sudhir Kakade took lot of efforts in arranging mee ngs and finalizing the venue at earlier stage. Service Project team Co-Director Sham Deshmukh a ended this zonal mee ng and appreciated the Service Projects. Rtn Mangesh Hande handled the responsibility of registra on. Following clubs presented their service projects: Region 7:

Region 8:

Region 10:

Chakan Chakan Airport with AAG Chinchwad Pune Chinchwad Moraya with AG Manchar Rajgurunagar

Asmita Indalkar introduced the district team, presented on avenues - Woman empowerment, Peace promo on, zonal mee ngs, Child Malnutri on & Welfare, Entrepreneurship Development and Traffic & Road Safety. We have very well served the purpose of the Zonal mee ng which is to appreciate & mo vate the zone2 team and have good interac on among zone2 clubs. Host club was at their best with the team. Par cipants showed the zeal and urge for service projects. Now, next zonal mee ng will be in Pune for zone 3 & 4 in March first week...... Dippak Wani Director, District service project (Community)

Hear est congratula ons to the following clubs who have been presented with

Best Service Project (Community) Award for second quarter on 9th January in RID 3131 Conference:

1. Child Welfare & Malnutri on: Zone 1: - RC Roha

Zone 2: - RC Chinchwad-Pune - RC Pimpri Town - RC Talegaon Dabhade

Zone 3: - RC Poona Downtown - RC Pune Kalyani Nagar

Zone 4: - RC Pune Royal - RC Poona Mid Town - RC Pune Wisdom

2. Peace & Conflict Resolu on: Zone 1: - RC Mahad - RC Panvel Industrial town - RC Panvel Khandeshwar - RC Kharghar Midtown

Zone 2: - RC Chinchwad Morya - RC Talegaon MIDC - RC Pradhikaran Pune - RC Shikrapur

Zone 3: - RC Pune Central - RC Pune Kalyani Nagar - RC Pune Cantonment - RC Poona

Zone 4: - RC Poona Mid Town - RC Pune West Side - RC Pune south - RC Pune Katraj - RC Pune Shivajinagar

3. Women Empowerment: Zone 1:

Zone 3: - RC Poona - RC Poona Downtown

- RC Patalganga

Zone 4: - RC Pune Karvenagar - RC Pune Katraj - RC Pune Mid-East

4. Road Safety & Traffic Awareness: Zone 3: - RC Poona Downtown - RC Pune Hillside - RC Pune Deccan Gymkhana

Zone 1: - RC Kharghar Midtown - RC Pen

Zone 4: - RCP South

5. Entrepreneurship Development: Zone 1: - RC Pen

Zone 2: - RC Akurdi Pune - RC Nigdi-Pune - RC Daund

Zone 3: - RC Pune Magarpa a City - RC Pune Central - RC Poona - RC Poona Downtown - RC E-Club of Pune Online - RC Pune Warje

Zone 4: - RC Pune Mid-East - RC Pune East - RC Pune-Kothrud

6. Economic & Community Development: Zone 1: - RC Mahad - RC Panvel Sunrise - RC New Panvel - RC Panvel Horizon - RC Kharghar Midtown - RC Panvel - RC Panvel Midtown - RC Patalganga - RC Pen Hirkani - RC Pen Orion - RC Khopoli - RC Lonavla - RC Karjat

Zone 2: - RC Dhehu - RC Chinchwad Morya - RC Chinchwad-Pune - RC Nigdi-Pune - RC Narayangaon - RC Alephata Main - RC Junnar shivneri - RC Rajgurunagar - RC Pune Hadapsar - RC Bhigwan - RC Indapur

Zone 3: - RC Pune Nagar Road - RC Pune Central - RC Pune Magarpa a City - RC Pune Inspira - RC E Club of Pune Diamond - RC Poona Downtown - RC Pune Cantonment - RC Pune Horizon - RC E-Club of Pune Online - RC Pune Sports City - RC Pune Heritage - RC Pune South East - RC Pune Tilak Road - RC Pune Shaniwarwada - RC Pune Deccan Gymkhana

A Seed while growing makes no sound… A Tree when falling makes a huge noise… Destruction shouts … Creation is always quiet… Be Quiet & Achieve More…

Zone 4: - RC Poona Mid Town - RC Poona West - RC Pune Royal - RC Pune West Side - RC Pune Westend - RC Pune Parva - RC Pune South - RC Pune Ganeshkhind - RC Pune Karvenagar - RC Bibwewadi - RC Pune Mid-East - RC Pune Mukundnagar - RC Pune Shivajinagar - RC Pune East - RC Pune Sinhagad Road - RC Pune Up-Town - RC Pune University - RC Pune Wisdom - RC Pune Pride - RC Pune Prime City - RC Pune Gandhi Bhavan - RC Pune-Kothrud - RC Pune Sahawas - RC Pune Sahyadri - RC Pune Saras Baug

Feedback for Conference My pleasure .Well organised event Congratulations you & Dist team Warm Regards Ar. Arti Sanghvi. Rotary Club of Poona Airport President 15-16

Rtn. Dr. Dipak Kulkarni, Since you asked for the feedback I am giving it. Everything else was good. You could have cut down on number of celebrities. Service or social work is the sole of rotary. It was missing completely. Rtn Dr Meena Borate

Dear Dr. Dipak Kulkarni, Thanks for organising an Dear R arian Dr. Dipak Kulkarni , It was really a nice get together, in all respect ,

our R ary Dist

all time grand Conference, which will carry its cherished memories in years to come.

3131 and we really enjoyed it.

Convey our thanks to DG


Subodh & your organising

R arian Jitendra Balad


Dear Rtn. Dr. Dipak Kulkarni, Thank you for your mail. The Conference Avishkar was a totally different experience because of though ul and me culous planning of DG Subodh and the un ring efforts of all the Rotarians like you. The venue and the logis cs were fantas c. The food was mouthwatering. The intellectual treat of excellent speeches was sa sfying beyond expecta ons. Kudos to you and the host Club! The single most uncommon and proud observa on was that the Conference was self-suppor ng without any sponsorship. Hats off to you! With warm regards, Rtn. PDG Arun Kudale

Thank you for the le er What I have done is n hing

Thanks & regards,

compared to your e o s.

Yours ever friendly,

Also I did it for R ary like you all did & made successful conference .

In Rotary, Rtn, Dr, Avinash Bhondwe

Rtn.Ni n Kalyan

Dear Dr. Dipak, Every conference has its lacunae. So, no worry! "Avishkar" had overwhelming number of programs to remember than to forget. This should make

Dear Rotarian Dr. Dipak Kulkarni,

Dear Dr. Deepak, It was really a nice get together, My club members join me to extend our hear elt in all respect ,of our Rotary Dist congratula ons to you & the en re conference 3131 and we really enjoyed it. team. The conference was highly successful. The Regards venue, ambience, food & fellowship were just too Rotarian Jitendra Balad good. Regards, Yours in Rotary Rtn. Shivaji Pa l It was a great conference. Rtn Bhagwan Joshi

you and your team proud! For this, all of you deserve accolades! Please accept my hearty congratulations. I am sure you will share your experience of organizing it to help us make the next conference a success too. Ciao, Rtn. Dilip (Panjikar)

Avishkar Annual District Conference of RID 3131 As you all know, Avishkar, the annual district conference of RID 3131 took place at Govinda Resorts, Lonawala on 9



All the prin ng and banner work in Govinda resorts was also done by them.

and 10 January 2016. At the outset, I thank everyone who

We used the District Website for the

a ended the conference and helped in organisa on of this

conference promo on as well as conference communica on

mega event in some or the other way, on behalf of DG

to the best. There was a dedicated web page.

Subodh and the members of conference commi ee.

registra ons started for the first


me in the district

In the prepara on phase, we wanted a venue which was

conference. Personalised Emails were sent to members of

centrally placed in the district, so it should be easily

various categories. Thanks to Rtn. Dimakh and his team for

approachable. Lonawala becomes a natural op on, and we

un ring efforts.

chose the open space of Govinda Resorts and decided to

Though the registra ons were done online, there was no

construct a pandal as an auditorium, as ge ng a large hall in

online payment facility. So conference promo on commi ee

vicinity was difficult. I sincerely thank Mr. Da a Palekar, the

had a herculean task of collec ng fees from all members. Rtn.

owner of the resort as well as his team for his con nuous

Sanjay Wadhwa, Rtn. AG Prakash Joglekar, Rtn. Sanjay

support to the event. I also thank all members of RC

Kulkarni, Rtn. Hemant Doshi, Rtn. Pallavi Deshpande and Rtn.

Lonawala, esp. Rtn. Ajay Argade, Rtn. Kaustubh Damle, Rtn.

Vasant Gadre worked relentlessly on this.

Ni n Kalyan, Rtn. Nayyar, Rtn. Amit Banerjee (for Sampaarc)

DG Subodh had decided not to have sponsorship for this

and president Sakharekar for their con nuous local support

event from any non-Rotarian. I must say that this decision

to get the event successful.

was financially largely successful. So the conference was run

The venue layout planning was done by Ar. Rtn. Abhinay

almost completely on the delegate fees. Host club members

Jogi, president of Rotary club of Panvel. It was done very

Shailajeet Chafekar, Sunit Deo and Mangesh Nene had ght

scien fically as well as professionally, using every inch of the

control over finances.

available space and maintaining the ambience. The

Rtn. Anil Supanekar, our mentor was our main source of

decorator Kalidas Bhingare, whom we later felicitated with

ideas and energy. He helped us in micro planning, managed

voca onal excellence award, with his huge infrastructure

to get Dr. Anil Kakodkar as chief guest as well as Lt. Gen.

and manpower put all planning into reality with a auditorium

Vinayak Patankar as invited guest.

pandal of 160 by 80 feet without any internal support which can hinder the visibility.

Conference food arrangements done by caterer Rtn. Prasanna Modak were praised by one and all. In quan ty,

A er the venue was finalised, the prepara on of

quality, variety, theme and service, Prasanna exceeded

promo on in Goa conference and brochure prin ng began.

expecta ons of most delegates and was a key factor in

Kudos to Rtn. Praful Dhargalkar and Rtn. Kamlesh Dhargalkar

general sa sfac on about the conference. He worked as if it

for the design, logo, tag-line and beau ful prin ng of the

was his own family func on and did not keep any stone

brochures. He had designed an innova ve cap for promo on,

unturned in making things successful.

which was worn by many Rotarians during district events.

Rtn. Anil Parmar had arranged for a service provider who

Folding the printed paper to create the cap was fun. The

managed the valet parking beau fully which delighted many.

promo onal event at Goa created lot of interest, but more

The welcome in the tradi onal dress by members and anns of

than that helped for team building amongst the core team.

Rotary club of Kharghar midtown with lgul and flowers was

another delight. Even the chief guest Anil Kakodkar was overwhelmed with such a recep on.

presenta on, announcements and coordina on. Special thanks to DGN Abhay Gadgil, DGND Dr. Shailesh

The conference is remembered by its speeches and

Palekar, PDG Dr. Deepak Purohit, Rtn. PDG Dr. Girish Gune,

programs. The speeches of Dr. Sanjay Oak as well as Dr. Uday

Rtn. Ram Kutwal, Rtn. Gurdeep Arora, Rtn. Sadanand and

Nirgudkar, were really superb and there was a spontaneous

Deepa Bhagwat, Rtn. Vasant Gadre for helping us in some of

standing ova on a er each of these lectures.

the key areas.

“DG whaychay mala” was another fantas c, hilarious and

RIPR Jose Salazar Cruz and his spouse Mariyam were

enjoyable skit which was enjoyed by full house. I personally

extremely happy with overall arrangements and their stay in

thank each and every actor as well as the script writer Rtn.

India. DGND Shailesh and Shobhana worked hard as their

Sa sh Satarkar for such a wonderful presenta on.

aide and looked a er their comfort. My son Alok had a

The banquet dinner took place on a open space in a chilly yet pleasant weather. House of friendship was managed by

wonderful opportunity to work as Spanish-English interpreter for Jose.

Rotary Club of Panvel. Rtn. Mangesh Hande managed the

Few ideas appeared innova ve in planning stage but did

Ramp Walk very well. Snacks and starters were being served

not receive good response. We had a concept of invi ng non-

in plenty. Mocktails were available.

Rotarian guests on 2nd day of conference. Though it was

The orchestra arranged by Mr. Sandeep Shah, a famous

widely promoted and actually few guests were present, the

singer of Pen, was enjoyed by all and people were dancing on

idea largely was not picked much by the delegates. We had

t h e sta ge

l l t h e e n d . S i m i l a r p ro g ra m by R t n .

kept a facility to visit Wax Museum at concessional rate,

Chandrashekhar Mahamuni at the me of Patrons dinner

courtesy Rtn. Ni n Kalyan of Lonawala, but here also there

was also quite successful.

were very few takers. Stalls were over-booked but many stall

All directors who presented their avenue work on the

holders could not arrange to a end the event leaving many

stage did their job well. Presenta on by RACE and strategic

stalls empty. But barring these few points, the event was

commi ee by Rtn. Amit Jadhav and Rtn. Pramod Deshmukh

largely sa sfactory.

need a special men on. Membership Commi ee and Admin

I am fully aware that I cannot cover all the aspects of the

Commi ee used skits very effec vely. IYE performance was

conference in this ar cle nor can I thank each and every one

spectacular as usual. Many clubs performed skits on various

who was involved in the arrangements. I hope those in the

Rotary topics.

team who will not find their names men oned in this ar cle,

There was an uncondi onal and con nuous support of all

will forgive me for my mistake.

the host club members of Rotary club of Pen Orion to Subodh

This event was a great learning experience for me. I learnt

and for the conference. They managed finance, registra on,

a lot from DG Subodh as well as each and every ac ve person

backstage, venue arrangements as well as the monitoring of

involved in this event. I thank Subodh for giving me this

the food arrangements. It is difficult to men on the names of each of them. The members from Pen Hirkani and Pen were also suppor ng them. First lady Sneha as well as daughters Smru and Srush were part of the core team and ac vely

opportunity. I hope whatever I did was to the sa sfac on of DG as well as all the delegates. Let us now meet at Hyderabad next year!!

involved in all the ground work. Rtn. Amod Divekar, Rtn. Vivek Khadye, Rtn. Ajay Mokal and Rtn. Hemant Doshi were instrumental in ge ng all the show presented on the stage by managing audiovisuals,

Dr. Dipak Kulkarni Conference Chair, Avishkar














Calendar of D. G. visits February 2016 1st Feb 2016


Pune Shivaji Nagar

14th Feb 2016


Pune Haveli East

2nd Feb 2016


Pune Horizon

14th Feb 2016


Magarpa a City

3rd Feb 2016


Pune Royal

15th Feb 2016


4th Feb 2016


Pune Mukundnagar

17th Feb 2016


5th Feb 2016


Pune Heritage

18th Feb 2016


7th Feb 2016



19th Feb 2016


8th Feb 2016



20th Feb 2016


9th Feb 2016



24th Feb 2016


10th Feb 2016



25th Feb 2016


11th Feb 2016


Pune Deccan Queen

26th Feb 2016


12th Feb 2016


Pune Sarasbaug

27th Feb 2016


Chinchwad Pune

13th Feb 2016



29th Feb 2016


Kurkumbh MIDC

Goregaon Pune Paud Road Dhayari Pune Cosmopolitan Indapur/ Bhigwan Kalamboli E-Club of Pune Online Pune Pride

Top Five Clubs in Rotary District 3131 in Service Projects, Founda on and Administra on as on 3.2.2016 Best Performing Clubs under

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