GML 3060 SETU May 2019

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May 2019

DG’s Message

R. I. President’s Message

To be at the helm of such a prestigious district is a great opportunity for me. I have made so many friends across the globe. I have learnt many things being a District Governor. I have come to realise my strength and weakness. Rotary is a beautiful organization and one should know how to explore it.

As I look back on all the things I have seen and the people I have met since becoming president of Rotary International last July, I am certain of this: Rotary’s capacity to transform lives for the better is unparalleled. Our impact is far beyond anything I could have imagined when I rst became a Rotarian.

During the past two years Sumul and I have come across many celebrities, politicians, socialists and many more. If I was not a District Governor I am sure I would not have had this opportunity to be amongst them.

I think about the Rotarians I met in Pakistan, who partnered with Coca-Cola to improve sanitation in Karachi’s neighborhoods while supporting polio eradication efforts. I think about the Puerto Rican Rotarians who are helping entire communities rebuild their lives after Hurricane Maria. I think about the German Rotaractors who are working to save bees — whose role as pollinators is so important to our planet — from extinction. I think about the six Rotarians and Rotaractors who were honored as People of Action: Young Innovators at Rotary Day at the United Nations in Nairobi, Kenya, in November for their work to create novel solutions to tough challenges.

I am a simple person and I like simplicity. I am happy and contended for everything I could accomplish till now. I am thankful to many senior Rotarians from our district who have helped me throughout my journey being District Governor. These last 40 days I will have to run after Money ! In my life I have never ran after money, but for our district, yes, I will run after it, as it is for The Rotary Foundation and I take pride in raising money for our Foundation. In life people get judged for his/ her wealth. According to me it is not correct. But yes, for Foundation we will be judged by how much money we can raise. I am sure you would like to take pride by supporting your district’s First Lady Governor. Please remember you are not supporting a person, you will support our district and our institution. It is for the Rotarian’s to bring a smile on so many people around us through our projects. Let us then give with a big heart.

Pinky Patel

It seems like only yesterday that I stood on a stage in San Diego and asked you to Be the Inspiration in your clubs, in your communities, and in the world. Your response was an inspiration to me. You are paving the way for Rotaractors to become our future leaders, helping start new Rotaract clubs and working to include Rotaractors in Rotary events and projects in your communities. You are working hard to eradicate polio, participating in 4,200 events in more than 100 countries for World Polio Day. And you are carrying out transformative projects that will create lasting change in your communities and in the world. This year, I also saw how Rotary’s work to build peace is bearing fruit. The 98 Rotary Peace Fellows who are studying at our peace centers will soon graduate, joining more than 1,200 others in applying their conict resolution skills to problems that need solutions. And this month, Esther and I will travel to Hamburg, Germany, for a convention where people of all races, nationalities, religions, and political backgrounds will unite because they want to make the lives of all people better. Seeing what Rotary means to people — to the communities we serve and to Rotarians themselves — has deepened my affection and admiration for all that Rotary is and does. Soon it will be time for Esther and me to return home to Nassau. When we get there, I will look out on the vast sea that surrounds our island, and it will remind me of Rotary’s limitless possibilities, and of the amazing future that awaits us beyond the horizon. I look forward to sailing there with you.

Barry Rassin 1

Focus 2019-20


Dear fellow Rotarians Friends, Rotary year 2019-20 is fast approaching and I have four priorities for my Presidency in 2019-20 which I would like to share with all of you.



NO.1 Growing Rotary

In Rotary the month of June is dedicated to Rotary Fellowship – one of the two pillars on which Rotary has stood rm for over a century. The community knows us through our Service Projects and these put meaning to our existence. However, if members are not connecting regularly to each other, enjoying a meal, undergoing new experiences or sharing various passions then Rotary losses its basic meaning. Enjoying Rotary has to be the rst requisite of every member, as only joyful members will sustain the organisation. I look forward to Tuesday evenings and love to meet my Rotarian friends during our meetings. Or attending District events where I meet friends across the District. This feeling of belonging and enjoying needs to be present in all Rotarians. Neither should we feel guilty of enjoying our Rotary times and life. To serve the community we must rst serve our interest. This month puts special focus on the Rotary Fellowship groups, to recognise the importance of international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians, who share similar interests, passions or profession. These Fellowship provides us with opportunities to make lasting friendships outside our Clubs. These Fellowship groups, available on, may seem to promotes ones interest but they actually promote peace, friendship and world understanding throughout the Rotary world. So it is through one such group that I have friends in different countries who share my love of caring for the environment. One learns, shares, inspires and feels connected.

No.2 Second priority supports the rst. At every level of this organization we need to design our club meetings, service projects, and social events so they are family-friendly. We need to provide opportunities that complement younger individuals’ family lives rather than compete with those family lives. No.3 Third priority is that we must change our culture, our attitudes, and the way we do business so that it is possible and apparent that you can be actively engaged in Rotary and even assume positions of Rotary leadership while you are still actively engaged in your business or profession. If we want Rotary to be attractive to a younger demographic, we have to make Rotary leadership accessible to the younger demographics. No. 4 In June 2020, the United Nations will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the signing of the UN charter. Rotary has been involved with the UN since before the UN began. Because of that, I want to focus on Rotary’s relationship with the United Nations. The annual Rotary-UN Day will be returning to the UN headquarters in New York after having been in Geneva and Nairobi. We also hope to have three presidential conferences focusing on Rotary’s relationship with specic UN agencies at different locations around the world and a nal celebration of Rotary’s UN relationship before the convention opens in Honolulu, Hawaii.

RIPE Mark Maloney

This month also celebrates fellowship at the Club and inter Club levels. Organising fellowship meetings, inter club get togethers, family events, Annets talent show, encouraging members to undertake the RFE program, attending District events together, seeing a movie, attending the RI Convention, cooking a meal together, inviting ex members to meetings are the many ways in which Rotarians can come together and enjoy unlimited fellowship. Three Cheers to fellowship which make Rotary Clubs vibrant and enjoyable and thus makes Rotary stronger.

Mona Sitwala 2

Holger Knaack Leading the Rotary World in



Holger Knaack, a member of the Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln, Germany, is selected to be 2020-21 Rotary International President. The Nominating Committee’s decision follows the resignation last month of President-nominee Sushil Gupta due to health reasons. Knaack will ofcially become President-nominee if no other candidate challenges him by 31st May. He is a Rotary member since 1992 and has served as treasurer, director, moderator, member and chair of several committees, representative for the Council on Legislation, zone coordinator, training leader, and District Governor. He is an endowment/major gifts adviser and co-chair of the Host Organization Committee for the 2019 Rotary International Convention in Hamburg. Knaack is the CEO of Knaack KG, a real estate company. He was previously a partner and general manager of Knaack Enterprises, a 125-year-old family business. He is a founding member of the Civic Foundation of the City of Ratzeburg and served as president of the Golf-Club Gut Grambek. He is also the founder and chair of the Karl Adam Foundation. Knaack and his wife, Susanne, are Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation and members of the Bequest Society. To build a stronger membership, Knaack says Rotary must focus on increasing the number of female members and transitioning Rotaractors into Rotarians. Knaack believes that the People of Action campaign offers new public awareness possibilities for Rotary. “This campaign conveys our global image while still respecting differences in regions and cultures” he says.

Rotaract Zone Ins tute 2019 This event was hosted by District Rotaract Organization, RID 3060, at Vapi, from 18th to 21st April. 88 delegates from 29 RI Districts including – India, Bangladesh, Nepal & Sri Lanka participated. District Rotaract Representatives; Secretaries and serving as well as Past DRRs got together for this mega show. This mega event turned out to be a benchmark for RZI. PRID Dr Manoj Desai inaugurated the event as the Chief Guest. DG Pinky Patel, IPDG Ruchir Jani, DE Anish Shah, DGND Santosh Pradhan also addressed the assembly of young Rotaract leaders. DRCC Ripan Tachak & DRCC Elect Nilesh Shah were present throughout. Rtn V K Madhav Mohan spoke on Leadership and Rtn Hemang Naik gave presentation on “Joy of Accepting” on day two. Separate sessions were carried out for the DRR Elects & DRS Elects and they were trained by various PDRRs. On the third day Rtr Yesha Sheth conducted a session on “Mental Health” followed by a presentation on “How CSR can fund Rotaract Projects” by Mr Amit Mehta. PDRR Shrikant Indani spoke on “Rotary Rotaract Relationships” which was followed by presentations on next Rotaract Zone Institute. Rotaract Quiz and Games were organized followed by formal meeting of the house of DRRs to end the day. Each morning of the institute was special as the host team organized Yoga, Zumba and Pranayama for tness. The formal programs were conducted at the ROFEL Auditorium, Vapi and the different evenings saw everyone at Daman to enjoy the sunset at the beach; a traditional evening at Silvassa to enjoy full moon by the riverside and cultural dances. On Saturday evening a Pool Party was enjoyed by all. The nal day saw a convocation ceremony of all the delegates. PRIP Kalyan Banerjee was present as the Chief Guest and PDG Ashish Roy as the Guest of Honour. All the delegates were felicitated and the DRR Elects were handed over Graduation Certicates by PRIP Kalyan Banerjee who later addressed them. The host team delivered a memorable event cherished by all delegates who appreciated the efforts of RID 3060 Rotaract-Rotary leadership.




RYLA By RC Bharuch

Global Grant By RC Vapi

India is a very young nation with almost 50% of its population below the age of 25 years and it is estimated that by 2020 average age of India would be 29 years. This clearly shows importance of youth development for India to become a super power. RI has always known this and have emphasised on youth development and RYLA is one such program which aims at grooming youth to become future leaders.

RC of Vapi handed over equipment to Haria Rotary Hospital under GG 1876061 worth US $ 63771 on 14th May 2019. The project was funded by TRF through contributions of Term Gift (TL 10393) of Rtn Gridharilal Modi (member RC Mumbai Downtown Sealand) of $ 30000 & DDF of $ 10000 from RIY 201718 and the balance Club contribution and matching.

A two day RYLA program was organised by RC Bharuch on 19 and 20 April at M I Patel Rotary Youth Centre where 151 children of various schools of Bharuch and Ankleshwar had participated and had fun with learning. It was aimed at nurturing leadership skills like better communications, problem solving, networking, taking initiatives, planning and execution etc. Children also had a go at various eld games of yesteryears like tyre race, lemon and spoon race, playing with marbles, tug of war etc which they had only heard of in their parents recollection. It was a well organised program aimed at all round development of children by President Ketan Shah and Project Chair Kamaljit Kaur Bunet. Inaugural function was attended by DGE Anish Shah, DGND Santosh Pradhan, PDG Ashok Kapadia. Closing ceremony was graced by DG Pinky Patel, PDG Ashish Ajmera, DGN Prashant Jani and PDG Devang Thakore.

The project was titled “Up gradation of ICU at Haria Rotary Hospital” which includes 11 Monitors, 1 Adult Ventilator, 1 Neo Natal (convertible to Adult) Ventilator & 1 Debrillator for the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital run by Rotary Charitable Trust, project of Rotary Club of Vapi. The handing over ceremony was done by the worthy hands of PRIP Kalyan Banerjee, IPDG Ruchir Jani, PDG Ashish Roy in presence of RC Vapi IPP Prakash and President Ketan Patel. This was the 1st Global Grant Project by RC Vapi and President Ketan Patel ensures that they will continue to contribute to TRF and also work on Global Grants for the hospital.

“Youth Conclave – 2019” - RC of Valsad initiating new trends A Youth Conclave which garnered lots of appreciation from concerned schools & colleges was held on 20/21 April. During the two days Youth Conclave a total of twelve speakers invested fteen hours in conversing and addressing 450 students.Eminent personalities from diverse elds were invited to motivate youth and make them realize the importance of career building. These personalities discussed their success stories and answered a slew of questions and queries during the questions and answer session. Speakers included Mr. Savji Dholkia ; Gaffur Bilakhia; Kishor Desai ; Chetan Desai ; Dipesh Shah ; Ketan Pandya ; Amit Mehta ; Dipak Nahar ; Anita Pandit ; Alpa Kotadia ; Faysal Bkili ; and Paresh Vora. Project Chairman Dipesh Shah executed this event with the help of Co-Chairman Mahesh Bhanushali and Nirali Gajjar. Each participants were awarded certicates and outstanding participants were awarded with trophy and medals.


Our Good Work Recognised In The Print Media

New Hybrid Club RC Bhavnagar Global After several meetings and guidance from district leaders like Devang Thakor, Hiten Anadpara and Pradip Vaishnav GSR Deval Zala decided to start something unique in club formation, and started communication with RI South Asia Ofce. This new hybrid club has unique membership features in which this club can invite member from any part of the world and also entitle to give membership to corporates. After getting all clearance this club was formed with 26 members comprising members from USA, Tanzania, Uganda and inland members from our district as well from other districts of India. This club got charter certicate on 22nd March, 2019. This is rst ever club in South Asia region who can get members from any part of world. Club Charter President is Mrs Amita Joshi and Charter Secretary is Mrs Hiral Zala. Club meetings are manage in two ways - two meetings in person on Sunday evening and other meetings are managed on Skype or Google Duo group chat or whatsapp group chat. This club offers a pure mixing of culture and vocational diversity...with the different nationality and profession.

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"GIFT OF LIFE” Rotary Club Anand Roundtown

SELFLESS SERVICE Rotary Club of Sarigam

The project : To train 1000 students and civilians for basic Life Support - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). In our country we are not imparted the scientic training for CPR. This training, given to students in their curriculum in many Countries like USA, Japan, Singapore and Europe, is very crucial as it can save precious life in critical situation.

Taking a big leap in its journey of service Rotary Club of Sarigam inaugurated a new Operation Theatre on 10th March 2019, by the worthy hands of PRID Dr. Manoj Desai. This is another project of Rotary Sarigam Hospital accomplished with the help of Global Grant GG # 1877027 (2017-18) of the Rotary Foundation.

Objective : A professionally trained individual can be a savior of a precious human life. It is not uncommon to come across people having sudden collapse. Timely CPR done in a professional way till help arrives can denitely save a life.

The Operation Theatre is equipped with the best automatic operation table with ultra modern LED light and latest semi automated C- arm that enables surgeons to perform all types of surgeries including complex trauma, pelvic, spine, arthroscopic, laparoscopic and other open surgeries with precision. Also all types of instruments, ventilator circuit and multipara monitor ensure patient safety. There is a trained staff to provide all care sympathies with patient during tough times at hospital.

Project detail : We initiated this project to train 1000 students and civilians professionally for Basic Life Support, by qualied medical professionals like Anesthesiologists and Intensivist. Till date they have trained 371 college students of three colleges. Each student was given hands on training on a mannequin. At the end of each training students were given practice and they were made condent to perform CPR. Impact: Saving human life is the best service a human can do. Impact on survivor's family would be immeasurable. Print and Electronic Media took note of this project very nicely. Sustainability : Club propose to continue this project each year to train civilians and others for CPR. 1000 trained individuals would also train other persons (their family, colleagues, friends). Thus the number of trained personnel would be quite big.

Alongside a “Mega Medical Camp” was also held on 10th March at the Rotary Sarigam Hospital. The basic aim of the camp was to deliver standard medical expertise, best opinion of specialist doctors and quality treatment to poor and needy patient of Sarigam, Bhilad and surrounding village areas. The motto for the camp was that if patient is diagnosed and treated during the camp and registered then patient will be taken up for free nal surgical treatment. Food was also served to all patient and their attendants. Approximately 1133 patients were screened and treated. 19 Cataract surgeries and one each of general surgery and Ortho surgery were performed. Specialists participating in the camp comprised Cardiologist, Physician, Ophthalmologist, Orthopaedic, General Surgeon, Urologist, Gynaecologist, Paediatrician, ENT Surgeon, Diabetologist, Chest Physician, Psychiatrist, Dermatologist, Dentist and Physiotherapist.


Guest Column

Theosophy and Rotary : Where Truth Reigns Supreme I would like to share with my Rotary friends my experiences in the last two years as the President of the Theosophical Society in India. I must mention that my training as DGN and then the experience as a District Governor in Rotary has helped me immensely in my job.

I was taught that a District Governor in Rotary must behave like God for his/her year. He must be motivating, loving, kind, controlling and communicating. This is what I do in Theosophy and so you can see how much helpful was my Rotary experience here.

The Theosophical Society was founded in New York, USA in 1875 with Col. Henry Olcott of New York as its rst President. The main object of Theosophy is universal brotherhood, very much like in Rotary. In Theosophy - Service, Study and Meditation are believed to be the three steps to evolve to higher level spiritually. Rotary was founded in Chicago, USA in 1905 by Paul Harris of Chicago among others. Rotarians already have their base at the rst step with the service they provide worldwide. Rotary's four way test starts with "Is it the TRUTH?" The motto of Theosophy is "There is no Religion Higher than TRUTH". Both organizations try to do good in the world and work for global peace. Having read so much about Paul Harris, I believe he was a living theosophist. The comparison can go on and on.

I will also be addressing various groups this year in Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, Brazil and Argentina and the lessons of public speaking learnt in Rotary will be so helpful. Representing India in our International Board of Directors is a great opportunity for which I was somewhat prepared hearing what PRID Kalyan Banerjee used to talk about. The only thing different in Theosophy is that an ordinary person like me can become the President without electioneering, politics and money. I hope it will become that way in Rotary someday soon.

PDG Pradeep H. Gohil DG 1992-93

We have a 17 acre campus for the Indian Section (IS) Headquarters at Varanasi which has staff quarters also. The administration of Theosophy in India is divided into 16 Regional Federations (like R.I. Districts) headed by Federation Presidents. There are 456 Lodges (like Rotary clubs) all over India in these Federations headed by Lodge Presidents. The lodges meet at least once every week at specied time and day of the week for one hour. There are about 12000 members in India. I am required to visit each Federation at least once during their 2 to 3 day annual conference and deliver 3 speeches of 45 minutes on spiritual subjects. I have to also deliver the "State of the Indian Section Address at the Annual I.S. Convention". Every month a newsletter of about 40 pages is published by our editor with my two page foreword. You can see how similar is the set up here to that of Rotary.


District 3060 - Ready For The Year Ahead The District Training Assembly for the year 2019-20, “Sadhana”, was held on 4th & 5th May, 2019 at Waves Club, Vadodara. Event was hosted by RC Baroda Sayajinagari headed by Event Chairman Kalpesh Shah, President Jay Shah and team. The 4th May morning started with the Grant Management Seminar which was power packed with speakers delivering their specialised topics covering all the aspects of the Rotary Foundation. PDG Dr Ulhas Kolhatkar was the guest speaker from RI District 3131. The DTA started from the afternoon with breakout sessions at the Navrachna University campus, Vadodara. Each Chairman of the club had separate classes with their respective Chairman and Counselor that was very useful and informative. These sessions were well appreciated and DGE Anish made it a point that they be as worthwhile as can be. The Plenary session was later held at Waves Club where DGE Anish Shah addressed his Team “TORCHBEARERS”. DG Pinkyben spoke on “Her Year so Far”, followed by opening remarks from District Trainer PDG Nilax Mufti and bessings from PDG Chandrakant Desai. The Chairmen of the six verticals gave their respective presentations. The guest speaker PDG Ulhas Kolhatkar touched on “Power of Four”. The evening followed by a lively performance by Priyanka Basu. The next day started with the Inaugural session. DGE Anish Shah threw light on the Rotary theme “Rotary Connects the World”. Power packed presentation and speech of PRID Manoj Desai “Agneepath” was outstanding. Chief Guest RIDE Dr Bharat Pandya’s talk on “Touch the Top” was great motivation for the incoming team.

The program followed by felicitation of EMGA Ashok Panjwani and incoming International Inner Wheel Vice President Dr Bina Vyas. Guest speaker PDG Ramesh Aggrawal, WinS Chairman from RID 3012, spoke on the Wash in Schools program going on at the National level. District Governor Pinky Patel spoke on “Be the Inspiration”, District Trainer Dr Nilax Mufti highlighted on the purpose of DTA and DRFC Ashish Ajmera revealed the action plan for the year 2019-20. District Governor Elect Anish Shah and team has given their best to make the DTA a grand success. The District Training Assembly was attended by District Governor Nominee Prashant Jani, DGND Santosh Pradhan, IPDG Ruchir Jani and a galaxy of Past District Governors.


Ar ficial Limb Project RC Baroda Jawaharnagar RC Baroda Jawaharnagar successfully concluded an Articial Limb project on 7th April. For this various taluka talati and NGO’s were contacted and potential beneciaries registered. Travel allowance were given to the patients and nally 20 potential beneciaries registered. Their measurements were taken by a team of prosthetists from Ahmedabad. Mould were cast for individual to provide customized tting . Each prosthetic leg was fabricated to t the exact contour of individual legs. The beneciaries were then called for nal tments and training. Out of 20, only 17 could make it for the nal procedure and a supplementary camp for these 3 individuals will be held later. At the end of the day, members saw great joy on the face of the recipients and family members who were present. Mr Hafeez was wheelchair bound for last 6 years and his sons were very happy for their father, who started walking on his own. Mr. Lalit a pitch curator for Baroda Cricket Association had lost both legs in accident and his career was nished. Today he is back on his feet and has been promised his job back. This gift has given them their life back, as they are able to go back to their work and live a dignied life. We wish to make this project an ongoing project for RCBJ.

RC Veraval Plas c Surgery Camp Every year since 1979, a free of cost plastic surgery camp is organized by the club. From 1979 to 2018, 38 camps have been organized uninterruptedly.Every year on an average 100 operations are carried and out of that around 35 to 40 are major operations. The major operations carried out in the camps were reduction memoplasty, corrective rhinoplasty, nose reconstruction, sirnoplastynevi, post burn contracture, haemagoima, cleft lip, ear deformity, hypospedias, vitiligo, spots, palates, hand surgery, skin grafting and other similar surgeries. Project Chairman Dr. Kumud Fichadia has taken pain all this years and rendered seless service. Senior plastic surgeons Dr. Yogesh Bhatt, Dr. Rutvij Parikh, Dr. Ayyappan, Dr. Hetal Fichadia, Dr. Maulik Mehta(Anesthetist), Dr. Mayur Gaudana (Anesthetist) and government hospital staff make the camp successful. Dedicated teams of Rotary members handle the back ofce work and Inner Wheel members help out with home and food hospitality.


Call Of The Valley Rtn Chirag and Heena Gandhi from RC Surat are passionate bikers and have embarked on momentous expeditions together. There recent ride into the extreme winter of Spiti reects their passion for this sport. The word Spiti means Middle Land in the Tibetan language - the land between India and Tibet. This beautiful valley is the gift of river Spiti, which originates from Kumzum Glacier and meanders into the river Satlaj. The ride started form Surat on 20th Feb. On very rst day Chirag reached Jaipur while Heena travelled by train up to Ambala, and they met here on 21st eve. They were welcomed by Rotarians of RC Ambala Cantt. Next day they started for Rampur which is around 260 kms from Ambala. Unfortunately they had to stay at Simla as roads were closed due to Black Ice on road. But next day they were able to ride out at noon and braving a tough ride reached Rampur in the evening, where they visited the palace of Shri Virbhadra Sinhji, king of Rampur. On 24th Feb they proceeded towards Chitkul, the last Indian village towards Tibet, but unfortunately a landslide stopped them just 30 kms short, so changing the route they rode to Kalpa which was experiencing minus 5 degree. Next day they decide to move further to Tabo. But again an avalanche stopped them at Tinku Nala. After about 4 hrs, BRO succeeded to open the road for vehicles. So again they had to change their plan, they decided to stay at Pooh. Unfortunately they didn’t get any accommodation in Pooh, due to avalanche, so taking a risk they moved towards Nako village about 38 kms away and at a height of 12,000 feet. As road to Nako was full of of Black Ice it took them three hours to reach it.

On 26th Feb, after breakfast, they visited the frozen Lake of Nako, where they played Garba. Moving ahead they rode towards Tabo. As they reached Maling Top, they got news that BSF closed road due to 4 feet of snow. After discussion with local people, they decided to skip expedition from Maling Top and set out on return journey towards Pooh. Next day they traveled to Rampur, where they celebrated Heena’s birthday. They then started for Surat via Chandigarh, Jaipur and Udaipur. Probably, they were the rst riders to reach Maling top in Feb 2019. On the way they met many riders who had to come back due to extreme weather and road conditions. During this ride of 4,500 kms they reached a height of 13000 feet above sea level and faced freezing temperatures of minus 30 degree. They are rst couple of Surat and maybe from Gujarat to visit Kaza in the extreme winter. Videos of the ride are available on YouTube.


June is Rotary Fellowship Month Rotary brings the world to Hamburg More than 25,000 Rotary members from 170 countries are expected to attend the 110th annual International Convention in Hamburg, 1–5 June 2019, which is estimated to bring € 24 million into the local economy. “An economic and cultural hub that connects Germany to the world, Hamburg is a perfect t for our convention,” said RIP Barry Rassin. “We look forward to bringing our members to Hansestadt – home to the rst Rotary Club of Germany.”

Monthly Service Projects For Month of June Darpan : Review and plan your Rotary Club Arrange a Speech on “Rotary the art of Living” Share Experience Through “Kal aaj aur kal”

Rotary Puzzle May The Secretary of RC Surat Roundtown has pledged the sum of $ 5,000 for The Rotary Founda on. The President jumping in joy rushes to collect the cheque. But the Secretary is not going to give the money so easily. He tell the President that it is in a safe whose lock has a pin code of three digits and all are different. He hands him a printed clue which is as shown on the right. Can you tell the PIN number?

Often described as a “mini-United Nations,” Rotary’s rst-ever convention in Hamburg will transform the Hamburg Messe und Congress into a cultural mosaic as the organization’s global network of volunteers gather to exchange ideas on how to improve lives and bring positive, lasting change to communities around the world. “We are proud to welcome the 110th Rotary International Convention to the Hamburg Messe und Congress exhibition complex. Working closely with all stakeholders and our partners we will do everything in our power to provide our guests with the best possible platform for networking and interacting. Our goal is to make this convention at the famous port city of Hamburg an unforgettable event for all participants,” says Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe. Rotary members will engage in workshops and hear from a lineup of world-class speakers. Organized by Rotary International in conjunction with the Hamburg Host Organizing Committee of local Rotary members, registrants of the convention will also experience Hamburg’s hospitality with visits to the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, St. Michaelis Church and a special shopping day along Jungfernstieg.

Solu on for Rotary Puzzle April Answer 72 inches Winners PP Narendra Saboo (Surat Seaface) Rtn. Swa Shah (Bulsar) PDG Bharat Solanki (Surat Roundtown) PE Daisy Bodhanwala (Navsari) Pres. Nayana Wani (Dhule Femina) Rtn. Pra k Sanghrajka (Amreli Gir) PP Haresh Desai (Surat Roundtown)


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