GML District 3060 March 2019

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Governor’s Monthly Le er

March 2019 Editor : Mona Sitwala

DG’s Message

R. I. President’s Message

The month of March is a maniac with exam fever, year ending and beginning of the heat. In Rotary it is a lull time and March for me is a bit relaxed as there are few OCVs. In Rotary we all respect our Governor like a school principal. Club presidents start preparing for OCV much in advance to show their best. Each Club is excited at the same time nervous of the Governor. Their respect and love is overwhelming. Today I can say that I have hundreds of friends in our district. Where can one get so many friends? It's possible because of Rotary. Our organization is beautiful and we should learn to respect it. Here I would like to mention three clubs. First, RC Dhule Cross Road inaugurated a blood bank and dialysis centre, much needed in a place like Dhulia. Grand show by the Club, the generous donors and the man behind so many projects, DRFC Ashish Ajmera. Kudos to entire team. Second, RC Ankleshwar organised fund raising event to support under privileged students studying in SRICT. Salute to UPL group and the benevolent couple Shri Rajjo and Smt. Sandra Shroff for their contribution. Another event of RC Ankleshwar is the permanent conciliation committee in Bharuch. Most of us do not know about this project or understand it. In a layman's word it is out of court settlement - quite an out of box project. PP Angiras Shukla and team is continuing this project since past 25 years and invited honourable Chief Justice of Gujarat Shri Anant Dave to this event. I congratulate EMGA Ashok Panjwaniji for both the projects for which he is a guiding force. On a lighter note, RC Dondaicha came up with an innovative idea and organised BOD on a private house boat during my OCV ! An experience by itself. Friends, it's time to contribute to TRF. I think we spend lot of money on our self, for our needs and luxuries. We are about 4500 members and if each one of us contribute 100 USD then also it will be 4,50,000 USD ! If you convert, it's a very affordable Rs 20 a day. It is my earnest request to all of you to contribute to TRF. And we are not giving away this money. It comes back to our district in the form of DDF, from which we do so many community projects. That's all from me for this month. Best wishes to DGE Anish Shah for all incoming training events. Wish to see you soon.

Pinky Patel

Every two minutes, somewhere in the world, a woman dies from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. And babies whose mothers die within the first six weeks of their lives are far more likely to die themselves than babies whose mothers survive. As I've traveled around the world as president of Rotary, I've met families for whom these aren't simply tragic statistics. But I've also met people who are devoting themselves to helping mothers and children — and because of them, I'm hopeful. And because many of those people are Rotarians, I'm also proud. April is Maternal and Child Health Month in Rotary, so it's a perfect time to tell you about some things Rotarians are doing that will make you proud too. Last fall, I paid a visit to a hospital in the town of Jekabpils, in Latvia. It's a modern hospital, and the doctors and nurses there are caring, dedicated, and skilled. But despite all their hard work, the maternal mortality rate at the hospital had remained stubbornly high, due to a factor that was beyond their control: a lack of vital diagnostic equipment and even basic items like incubators. And that's where Rotary came in. Twenty-one clubs from around the world joined forces for a global grant that provided what the hospital required. And in September, when I walked into the maternity ward there, I saw stateof-the-art equipment, and I met patients who were getting the care that they needed and that every mother and child in the world deserves to have. In Brazil, club members worked with fellow Rotarians in Japan on a global grant project that dramatically increased the capacity of an overstretched neonatal intensive care unit. New incubators, monitors, and other equipment have enabled the local hospital to save many more babies' lives each year. And in Mongolia, a vocational training team from New Zealand organized instruction in emergency response techniques for doctors and midwives, set up a program that taught midwives modern best practices, and researched and wrote a culturally relevant childbirth education manual. Between 2013, when the team first went to Mongolia, and 2017, the neonatal mortality rate in the country fell from 11.2 to 9.1 per 1,000 births, and the maternal mortality rate has decreased as well. That's what I mean when I talk about transformational service, and it's what Rotarians do best. Because of our networks, which span the globe; our community presence, which allows us to see what's most needed; and our expertise, which encompasses countless skills and professions, we're able to serve in a manner that has no equal. And we're able to Be the Inspiration as we help those who need us most.

Barry Rassin

VIBRANT CLUBS - Points to ponder My Dear Friends,

suggest that you think about it and take a call on st what to do to keep up the pace in this 21 century. st

We are in the second decade of the 21 Century. The world has progressed exponentially in the last ten years and is expected to change drastically due to the fourth Industrial Revolution in the coming five years. If I may quote some examples – Artificial Intelligence, Health Gadgets, Autonomous Cards, Nano Technology, 3D Printing, etc. Now is the time to think; has Rotary kept up with the fast pace of the world? I specially want to mention about the criteria for a Vibrant Club which used to be: 1) Attendance 2) Regular meeting 3) Punctuality 4) Fellowship and Service Having travelled all over the world I strongly feel that these criteria are important but not in the way they used to be. We now have a much needed Strategic Plan in place, which has got three pillars: 1) Support and Strengthen Clubs 2) Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service 3) Enhance Public Image and Awareness Each Club should think how to increase vibrancy and work on these three verticals. So please note that Enhance Public Image & Awareness and Focus & Increase Humanitarian Service happen to be two major criteria out of three. Recently I went to RC of Sarigam to inaugurate an Operation Theatre in Rotary Sarigam Hospital, as well as a Dialysis Centre and Blood Bank by RC Dhule Cross Road. It was a long journey and I kept thinking, are they not Vibrant Clubs? SRICT Project of RC Ankleshwar deserves accolades. They raised Rs. 2 crores through a music concert by Javed Ali to provide free education to underprivileged students from surrounding villages – superb idea and great execution! Are these Projects not worth DG's recognition? You all know that Permanent Projects need a long term commitment by the Club. How many Clubs have Permanent Projects of this magnitude? Not all, or should I say not many. If I stretch my imagination, only one third of the Clubs in any District have Permanent Projects. Friends, please consider my request to ponder over this. Shouldn't clubs have Permanent Projects? Wouldn't it enhance Public Image? Will it not bring Focus on increasing humanitarian service? I humbly

Needless to say, I was touched by the Projects of RC's Sarigam, Dhule Crossroad and Ankleshwar. I am sure the time has come to think big. Here is one idea that I am offering to you, which is a challenge by RIPN Padmashree Sushil Gupta. We are going to do 10,000 Avoidable Blindness Free Villages in the next two and a quarter years. The modus operandi is important, which I will be sharing with you on email. It is going to be a massive project with RC Navsari gearing up to create a model with the support of Rotary Eye Hospital. We want clubs to come forward and help to do 1 to 10 Avoidable Blindness Free Villages. The entire nation will experience a great wave of enthusiasm to meet or even surpass the targets. I request you to support the cause and create a new milestone for India. Now is the time to leverage the advantage of CSR and creat an impact with big and significant projects. RC Vapi offers a classic example with numerous successful permanent projects. This is the need of the hour. Lastly, I request you to please reflect on the relevance of the following quote by Paul Harris, “Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves”

PRID Dr. Manoj Desai

CONGRATULATIONS Pride of District 3060, PRID Dr. Manoj Desai has been given two Rotary International assignments. He will be Member of the 2021 Taipei Convention Committee - from 1st July, 2019 to 30th June, 2021. He will also be Chair of the Cadre of Technical Advisers - from 1st July, 2019 to 30th June, 2021.

Guest Column A GLIMPSE OF INNER WHEEL : Our Partner in Service Rotary was born in 1905 in Chicago under the leadership of Paul Harris. Rotary spread in many countries and spouses of Rotarians were helping a great deal in Rotary activities. They realised that they needed an identity of their own and to contribute independently to the community. Mrs Margaret Golding took the lead and her proposal for starting a club exclusively for ladies of Rotary was accepted as a new concept. After a series of meetings in 1923 at Manchester, England, the first Inner Wheel Club was formed on January 10, 1924 (today observed as Inner Wheel Day all over the world) at Manchester, under the leadership of Mrs Margaret Golding. Today, Inner Wheel is one of the largest women's service voluntary organisations in the world. It is active in more than 104 countries with more than 108,000 members and 3,895 Clubs. International IW has an Executive Committee of 5 elected members and 16 elected Board Directors. IIW has three key objectives – to promote true friendship; to encourage the ideals of personal service; to foster international understanding. IW Clubs and Districts take part in a wide range of work for charities and causes across the world with the aim of giving people a better life. The structure if IW is very much similar to Rotary with an International Board, Districts and Clubs, with Presidents at all levels. In addition IW has a National Association of IW Clubs of India which has a President and Executive Committee. The first Inner Wheel District No. 5 (England) was formed in 1928. IW became International in 1931 by making its beginnings in Australia. In 1934, the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain & Ireland came into existence. The first IW Club in India was started in Ahmedabad in 1955. In 1965, the first Inner Wheel District 75 with clubs in Ahmedabad, Anand, Porbandar, Surat, Bardoli, Nadiad, Navsari, Palanpur, Bulsar and Petlad was formed with Mrs Asma Maskati as founder Chairman of IWD 75. With increasing number of Districts, Dr Malti Rana from Navsari Club was appointed as the first International Inner Wheel Representative (IIWR) in 1968. In 1970, District 305 was reorganised into two Districts and 306 came into existence and Mrs Sharda Pillai of IWC Bharuch became the first DC of District 306.

In 1974 the National Council Meeting was held at Surat. In 1974-75, Mrs Asma Maskati became the 5th International Inner Wheel Representative. In 1985 District 306 was bifurcated into District 304 covering Madhya Pradesh and 306 covering Clubs in Saurashtra, Central Gujarat and South Gujarat and later clubs of Maharashtra. From 1971 to 2019 – 48 District Chairmen have served the District in their best capacity and contributed to innumerable humanitarian projects. District 306 is proud of the following stalwarts and jewels who sowed the seeds of the Inner Wheel movement in India and who, through their great vision and tremendous leadership gave a great momentum, stature and dignity to IW in India : The first IIWR - Dr Malti Rana (1968-70) initiated the Family Planning Project & continued it for 12 years. The second IIWR - Mrs Asma Maskati (1974-75) of Surat, founder Chairman of the first IW District in India. The first Association Treasurer Patel of Baroda

Mrs Homai

The first Association (National) President from IWD 306 - Dr Bina Vyas (2011-12) IW District 306 now has 37 clubs with more than 1250 members. Clubs in District 306 are dedicatedly working in the Literacy Mission's TEACH Program, Health, Hygiene & Sanitation, Environment, Physically & mentally challenged people, Friendship Exchange Programs, Women Empowerment, Mother & Child Care and many more.

Dr Bina M Vyas National President 2011-12 Inner Wheel Clubs in India

Clubs at work

Clubs at work

Clubs at work DIABETES PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT CENTRE – RC RAJKOT MIDTOWN RC Rajkot Midtown has come up with an ambitious, state of the art, world class project of diabetes prevention and management - a mega project on the RI focus area of disease prevention and treatment. This centre is going to be first of its kind in entire Gujarat state, which incidentally happens to have the highest numbers of diabetic patients in the country as per government data. The project outlay is Rs. 12.50 crores (exclusive of cost of land - Rs. 8.00 crores). It is on the brink of completion. The centre aims at spreading awareness of the dreaded disease by educating the population about the preventive measures right from the nascent stage to advance treatment. The centre will have various departments for diabetes treatment shown as under: · wellness centre · advanced clinical laboratory · nutrition & diet counselling · diabetic foot care · diabetic eye care · diabetic kidney care · vascular unit & diabetes heart evaluation · gestational diabetes clinic · juvenile diabetes clinic · pulse electromagnetic fields facility · pharmacy RCRM is working relentlessly to ensure that this project becomes a jewel in the crown of RID 3060.

ROTARY CLUB OF IMAGICA JAMNAGAR Club organized a major PR project of Sarva Gnati Samuh Lagna "Ekyotsav" on 24th February, for the first time in the history of RID 3060. 11 couples got married and more than 2000 people gathered for this event. 103 items of personal and household use were given to each daughter. Donations collected was given to the martyrs of Pulwama Attack. All couples got blessings from more than fifty old age persons from various old age homes. A Cancer Checkup camp was also held.

THE ROTARY FOUNDATION Doing good in the world Rotary collected USD 5.2 million in a high profile event of the South Asian Fellowship of Golfing Rotarians. They held a tournament at Saint Andrews - home of golf and got to play with Sir Jack Nicklaus - a golf legend and an Ambassador of Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication Program. PDG PARAG SHETH, a golf enthusiast, took this golden opportunity and made another significant contribution (at the Arch Klumph Society level) to The Rotary Foundation.

Clubs at work RC Vapi - Celebra ng Women Power Rotary Club of Vapi organized an unique felicitation program for the three prominent ladies of RID 3060 for their inspiring achievements, on Saturday 16th March, at ROFEL GIDC Vapi Campus. The event titled as “Women Empowering Leaders”, started with Smt. Binota Kalyan Banerjee. PRIP Kalyan Banerjee narrated old stories of them and PDC Meera Roy had a question answer round with Binotaji. AKS Rtn Rajju Shroff shared some interesting memories of his better half Sandraji, which were quiet hilarious. Sandra Shroff addressed the audience as usual with her focus area of administration and social cause for the country. PRID Dr Manoj Desai spoke about his and Dr. Sharmishthaji's childhood and in return she shared her feelings for Rotary and the journey with her better half. To add flavour to the program Prof. Dr Rupa Shah, former Vice Chancellor – SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, gave the keynote speech, wherein the entire audience was stunned by her inspiring talk and wished for more. PDG Ashish Roy chaired the event flawlessly. MLA Rtn Kanu Desai also addressed the gathering. DGND Santosh Pradhan, Past R I Officers as well as neighboring Club members attended the event.

Projects Worth Replica ng

VOLCANO by RC Anand Round Town Rotary Club of Anand Round Town, has been organizing its signature project Inter College Youth Festival – Volcano for hundreds of college students studying in various colleges of Anand-Vidyanagar and nearby places to bring out their hidden talent for overall development. This year, the iconic 25th Volcano was organized from 11th to 17th February, which was well coordinated by dedicated and passionate Rotarians. The Inauguration Ceremony on 11th February, was graced by the worthy presence of Chief Guest District Governor Pinky Patel and other dignitaries. The Closing Ceremony was held on 17th February. It was made memorable by the inspiring presence of Past RI President and Rotary Idol Kalyan Banerjee. Salient features, which certainly made Volcano a spectacular extravaganza and an event par excellence.… v 32 events, more than 2000 participants from 26 colleges v Overwhelming and mind-blowing performances by students ably supported and guided by college faculties v Jam packed venues with impressive, artistic and aesthetic stage décor v Live Telecast of entire Volcano on Cable TV Network with viewership of 50,000 + and wide coverage given by newspapers & various TV Channels. Publicity done by displaying hoardings in twin cities at more than 10 prominent places. 25 advertisement videos were broadcasted through social media v Distinguished Jury Members --- Youth icon and writer Jay Vasavada, famous movie director Abhishek Jain, noted actor Archan Trivedi, renowned theatre personalities Nimesh Desai & Amee Trivedi-Vora , legendary Garba singer Achal Mehta, past Sa Re Ga Ma Pa winner Ninad Mehta , Sajida Sisters fame Rekha Raval etc graced the various Volcano events. v Stupendous and sincere participation by members of Rotaract Club Anand Round Town including Prayer Dance during Inauguration Ceremony and an emotional and heartwarming 'Tribute to Martyrs' Skit Dance Performance during the Closing Ceremony.

Leaders in TRF giving - Rotary Club of Vapi Chartered on : 20th November 1971; Club Number : 15210; Number of charter members: 16. Venue of first meeting was Bal Mandir, Vapi. Sponsored by : Rotary Club of Udhna Meetings: Thursdays at “KALYAN – THE HOUSE OF HOPE”, Rotary Vapi Meeting Hall, opened on 23rd February, 2019. Present strength : 91 Contribution to The Rotary Foundation : AKS members: 2 Major Donors: 9 Number of PHF: 71 Total all time giving: $ 11,898,82 Partners in service: Rotaract Club of Vapi Interact Club(s) of Vapi and Vapi Public School Inner Wheel Club of Vapi Only RIP from District 3060 : PRIP Kalyan Banerjee Names of DG and year: 1980-81 Kalyan Banerjee 1982-83 Ravin Daftari 1993-94 Vishnu Patel 2005-06 Ashis Roy Conferences held by club: in 1980, 1982, 1993 and 2006 Clubs sponsored by RC Vapi: Vapi Riverside and Vapi West Some permanent projects: 1. Rotary Charitable Trust (RCT) managed Haria L G Rotary Hospital Nukem Blood Bank Rotary Suzlon Blood Separation Unit 2. Rotary Foundation for Education & Learning (ROFEL)

managed - GIDC Rajju Shroff ROFL Institute of Management Studies, ROFEL Shri G M Bilakhia College of Pharmacy, Smt. C D Jhobalia ROFEL Arts College, Smt. I S R Achchhariwala ROFEL Commerce College, ROFEL Shri G M Bilakhia College of Apllied Sciences, Shri Rajju Shroff ROFEL Institute of B B A Program, Sandra Shroff ROFEL College of Nursing 3. Vapi Rotary Niramay Trust (Project for providing free of

cost healthcare & education to the needy)

Inbound RFE Team from Mexico - RID 4195

District 3060 preparing for the year ahead

A twelve member team lead by Rtn. Ricardo Gama th arrived from Mexico in our District on 12 March, 2019. They visited Vapi, Umbergaon, Surat and Vadodara. They have taken back insight of many Rotary projects and also visited industries of furniture, engineering, writing instruments, diamond, textile etc. and gained firsthand experience of manufacturing of these items. They had an opportunity to meet R.I President (2011-12), Kalyan Banerjee, R.I Director (2015-17), Dr. Manoj Desai and eminent industrialist Rajju Shroff (Honorary Consul of Mexico in Mumbai) in a meeting to felicitate three prominent ladies of RID 3060. They were overwhelmed with the Indian home hospitality and carried good memories and knowledge of our culture back home, along with a load of Indian handicraft items. They also enjoyed sightseeing and participated in the festival of colors “Holi” at Vadodara. They were taken on a trip to Statue of Unity, shown the palace at Vadodara and a 17th century Jain temple and the fort in Surat. They departed on 22nd March to visit Delhi and Agra. The RFE program provides a splendid opportunity to Rotarians to visit other cultures while staying with local Rotarians.

LAKSHYA – AGTS for year 2019-20, the very first event of DGE Anish Shah after returning from the nd rd International Assembly was held on 2 & 3 March, at Anand. The venue was Madhuban Resort, a perfect place providing a learning atmosphere as well as relaxation. Event was hosted by RC Anand Round Town and Event Chair Nihir Dave and President Dr Uma Patel extended full support. DGE Anish Shah spoke about the theme and visions of RIPE Mark Maloney, “Rotary Connects the World”. The steal of the day was speaker PDG Raju Subramanian from District 3141, Mumbai, who high lighted roles and responsibilities of AG and DS. The second day morning started with Swami Muditvadnandji who spoke about Service and Leadership in Rotary. Another invited speaker from District 3054 was PDG Ashish Desai who enlightened the AG and DS through 'Face to Face'. The event was graced by DG Pinky Patel, IPDG Ruchir Jani, DGN Prashant and Hita Jani, DGND Santosh Pradhan, PDG Parag Seth and PDG Mayur Vyas. Most of the topics of the Rotary's verticals were covered ably by District Trainer PDG Nilax Mufti and the Chairperson's of various committees. All AG's graduated with flying colours.

Featuring Two Permanent Projects of RC Vapi West Sameep Rotary Learning Centre This is an endeavour taken up jointly by Sameep Foundation and RC Vapi West to enhance the level of education in schools. Our vision and mission : We deal with the individual needs of children with the help of highly qualified and trained psychologists, special educators and therapists. We aim to promote inclusive education and concern for children having disabilities as they face discrimination and unequal access to education. Also to impart the best education and bring about an all round development of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Shree Ambe Maa and Sparsh Physiotherapy Centre Born on August 2009, RC Vapi West was looking to make an impact in the lives of needy in the society. Opting to work in the field of health and education it started with its first Permanent Project by opening Shree Ambe Maa Physiotherapy Center with contribution from members. This center has state-of-the-art equipment's with well-trained team of Doctors and health professionals. The main USP of the center is that it started treatments at almost less than half of the prevailing treatment charges for Physio treatments. The Center received overwhelming response from all strata of society as it offered world class treatment at the lowest charges. Within a year it touched the lives of more than 1000 patients by eliminating their physical pains through best treatments. Later the center was expanded with a special ward for Neuro and Paediatric patients.

Teacher’s and parent’s trainings workshops enables teachers to impart effective education to meet the multi sensory needs of the children. Curriculum designing and teaching methodologies to familiarize teachers with modern ways of teaching is done. Workshops with teachers, students and parents, one to one counselling with parents helps them with challenges of parenting. Conducting Aptitude Tests, providing Career Counselling and counselling for behavioural and educational issues is undertaken.

Getting appreciation from society, in 2018 the club came up with one more Charitable Physiotherapy C e n t e r i n C h a l a a r e a n a m e d S PA R S H Physiotherapy Center, with the objective that patients need not spend much on commuting.

Remediation and counselling for children with SEN - executing a special education program to identify and meet their needs and helping teachers to identify the individual needs of all children is done. Phonetic learning, enhancing reading, writing skills and other soft motor skills is taught. We also deal with Autistic, slow learners and language barriers.

Currently both the center with all women team of 9 Doctors and 2 nurses has helped more than 3000 patients. To club members it's a sense of complete satisfaction when patients get treated and thank ROTARY for such a commendable job. Both centres display big banners saying “THIS IS ROTARY” .

RC AMRELI GIR under taking the District project RED REVOLUTION Rotary Club Of Amreli Gir, the second youngest club of 3060, is doing fantastic work on the Red Revolution District Project. The club has given total guidance to about 5000 girls of Amreli district about using home made sanitary pads through the Red Revolution project. Most of the girls were from rural area. The girls were given guidance through power point presentation and multi media system. Red Revolution session held are as below : · 700 girls from Shri Leuva Patel girls hostel on 26th November. · 7 different sessions for approx. 4295 girls of Std 11- 12 Science, of Commerce and Arts, BBA, BCA, B. Com, B.Sc, B.A. of Shri Leuva Patel Sankul, Amreli (biggest educational campus of Amreli district) were guided on 7th, 11th and 12th February. All the girls were given leaflets about the Red Revolution and also home made sanitary napkins. th

· On 28 February a rural government school of Haripaur Village, was visited and 45 girls were given guidance about menstrual hygiene and making of cloth sanitary napkins. They were also given home made sanitary pads in a paper bag and were guided on their usage. RC of Amreli Gir is determined to continue this project with same enthusiasm.

April is Maternal and Child Health Month Capture the moment at the 2019 Rotary Conven on in Hamburg Unforgettable moments are made at our convention, a place where the Rotary spirit ďŹ lls the air with a level of energy and enthusiasm you can't ďŹ nd anywhere else. This is the event where we unite and take action to create true and lasting change in the world. Alongside, discover the unique culture of Hamburg as you make new friends or connect with old ones while you explore the House of Friendship. With so much to see and endless things to do, the Rotary Convention is sure to be an experience you won't want to miss.

Rotary Puzzle March

Solu on for Rotary Puzzle February

1) Who are these gentlemen ? 2) Find the missing value ? (If you can do without calcula on then you are a genius)

Winners : Pres. Nayana Wani (Dhule Femina) Sec. Ashish Agrawal (Dondicha Sunrise) PP Narendra Saboo, Surat Seaface) PP Manish Shah (Ankleshwar) Pra k Sanghrajka (Amreli Gir) Pres. Manish Vyas (Surat)

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