Rotary District 3060

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April 2019

DG’s Message

R. I. President’s Message

The harsh Indian summer is here and with the heat our life style also changes. 60 days remain for new Rotary year to begin. But, don't think that I am counting the days to nish this year. I am not yet tired or bored with this routine - to pack bags, travel to different places, meet different Rotary friends and enjoy different food. Nevertheless, for me this year as the District Governor will end very soon. And I am ready for that. This month I had very few OCVs but yes, I attended Rotaract Zone Institute hosted by our district's Rotaract. Congratulations to DRR Khushal Shah, PDRR, RC Vapi President Ketan Patel, Chairman of RZI and their team for successful event. We are also proud of RC Anand Milkcity President, Past Association President Dr. Bina Vyas for being nominated as International Vice President for the year 2019-20 of Inner Wheel and President for the year 2020-21. A great achievement Dr. Bina Vyas! Friends please support our TRF, because of which we are able to do so many projects. Just think, if TRF stops supporting our District Grants, Global Grant projects, can we execute so many projects which makes us proud and gives us credit and awards? Fellowship and service projects are very close to our heart and we need to support TRF. Congratulations to District Trainer 2019-20 PDG Dr.Nilax Mufti, DGE Anish Shah, Swati Shah and host club RC Udhna for successful Pets-Sets at Ahmedabad. And all the best for upcoming District Assembly “Sadhana”.

Pinky Patel

The people who know me best — my family — know that my passion for Rotary is boundless. They also know that I don't expect them to get involved in Rotary the way I have. The choice is up to them. But I can't help smiling when I see them making the right choice. At the end of the Toronto convention, my 12-year-old granddaughter said to me, "I'm inspired to do something. What can I do?" As any other Rotarian grandfather would, I asked her if there was an Interact club in her school. Discovering there wasn't, she attempted to set one. We should help Rotary youth programs whenever we can, their value being beyond question. For example RYLA transforms young people into more condent, focused individuals with a better understanding of the world — changes I was pleased to see in my 16-year-old grandson after he participated. My family is just the beginning. Everywhere I meet people whose lives have been changed by our youth programs. They tell me how, 5 or 15 or 25 years ago, IYE taught them a new language or introduced them to a new culture. How, NGSE helped them advance their career, or how membership in Rotaract ignited their passion for giving back to the community. Rotary's programs for young leaders extend our ideals of service, friendship, and leadership beyond clubs to hundreds of thousands of young people each year. And when we serve with and for these young people — as sponsors, project partners, and mentors — it brings out the best in us, and in Rotary. May is Youth Service Month, and can be celebrated in many ways. Sponsor an Interact club or Rotaract club, giving young people the tools to take action, become leaders, and gain a global perspective. Team up with your Rotaract club for a service project. Get to know participants of youth programs and share their stories with the community. Lets Be the Inspiration to the young leaders by mentoring, engaging and working with them on meaningful projects. It's an investment in their future and in the world they will live in after we're gone. This work will forever enrich their lives, and our own.

Barry Rassin 1

Catch them young In Rotary, April is celebrated as the Youth Service Month. The future of any community or country depends on the quality of its young people and preparing them for the life ahead becomes a big responsibility for families, communities and nations. A majority of youth, dened by UN as being 15-24 year old, are in various stages of their educational careers, where schools and teachers play a considerable role in nurturing these young minds. Nevertheless society and governments also need to provide appropriate Youth Services to this population. Youth Service refers to non-military, intensive engagement of young people in organized activity that contributes to the local, national, or world community. Youth service is recognized and valued by society, under which young people are recruited, offered leadership opportunities, participate in community development activities and are trained and mentored. Worldwide governments undertake various youth service measures, like, in Mexico students must do 480 hours of social service during their undergraduate education. The National Youth Commission in South Africa enlists youth in combatting the spread of HIV/AIDS and in reducing youth unemployment. Chile has a program for graduates with the goal of decreasing rural poverty and in many countries military service for the youth is mandatory. Rotary, on its part, is doing exemplary work in youth development, providing a profusion of result oriented programmes. Rotaract Clubs bring together people aged 18-30 to exchange ideas, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. Interact Clubs (12-18 yrs) help to develop leadership skills, make new friends, while discovering the power of service. Rotary invests in promising students by funding scholarship for graduate study and awards funded fellowships at its Peace Centres yearly. RYLA is an intensive leadership experience aimed to develop youth in leadership skills while having fun and making connections. Rotary Youth Exchange initiative for students is undertaken in more than 100 countries, building peace one young person at a time. They learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. NGSE is a short-term program for students and young professionals wherein they can combine professional goals with a humanitarian project. The Rotary Organisation can thus be said to be a complete service rendering entity which takes up all possible aspects through which a community and individual can be made better. Mona Sitwala

The Shining Star Of IWD 306 Dr Bina Vyas has been elected to the post of Vice President, International Inner Wheel, for 2019-20. She will the 7th IIW President from India to reach this coveted post. When she assumes ofce of President IIW in 2020-21 we will have RI President RIPN Sushil Gupta - both world leaders from India. Dr Bina Vyas has a M.A. in English Literature and a Ph.D in Education and has worked with the NDDB for 15 years. She has been a writer of english textbooks and a trainer of english teachers. Bina Vyas is a member of IWC of Anand. She was District Chairman in 1993-94. She was the rst from Gujarat to become the Association President of IW Clubs in India in 2011-12. She is also a Rotarian and currently the Charter President of Rotary Amul Milkcity.

Council on Legisla on, 14th to 18th April, 2019 at Chicago, Illinois, USA The COL is held every three years to move Rotary forward and adapt to the changing times. The Council is attended by representatives selected by their districts. They analyze and vote for proposals to amend the RI Constitution and Bylaws and the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. Representative Rotarians arrived at Chicago to discuss changes to the policies guiding the Rotary Clubs. These council members had an orientation and then got down to business, working their way through more than 100 proposals including a new proposal and three motions of amendment made recently by the RI Board. PDG Himanshu Thacker represented our RI District 3060 at this Council on Legislation meeting. 2

Elevate Rotaract Rotaract welcomed to RI Rotaract clubs will now be considered a part of Rotary International, as opposed to a program of RI, following a vote by the Council. The Council approved 381-134 a measure that acknowledges Rotaract Cubs in the RI Constitution and Bylaws and elevates them as an important member of the Rotary family. Rotaract clubs will continue to have their own standard constitution but will receive greater support from Rotary International. "We need to be an inspiration to our young partners, so they will continue doing the great service that they do," said RIP Barry Rassin, who presented the measure. "This sends a strong message that they are truly our partners in service." This is also the rst time a sitting RI President has ever proposed an item to the Council. Many other aspects of Rotaract will remain the same. Rotary clubs will still sponsor and support Rotaract clubs. Rotaract Clubs will be members of RI, while Rotaractors will not be considered Rotarians, and will retain their own unique club experience. This step will help Rotary as it broadens the denition of membership in RI to include Rotaract clubs. Rotary will learn more about Rotaractors, track their impact, improve the support it offers to help Rotaract grow and will be able to expand its reach. Rotaract is indeed the future of Rotary and with this step we have consolidated our future.

World Immuniza on Week - 24 to 30 April The measles outbreak has killed over 900 people since September and one of the main reasons behind this epidemic is the low vaccination rate. Immunization saves millions of lives every year. Vaccines are one of the most successful and cost-effective health interventions, but vaccine-preventable diseases still persist. As Rotarians, we know that vaccines work, having contributed more than $1.9 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect + 2.5 billion children from polio. As one of the last three polio-endemic countries, Nigeria has done excellent work and could soon be declared polio-free. World Immunization Week is an excellent opportunity to shed light and to continue supporting our cause until polio is gone for good. -Barry Rassin

On April 12, 1955, international headlines rang out “Victory over Polio” when the vaccine developed by Jonas Salk was declared “safe and effective” after the largest medical eld trial in history. 60 years later, the triumph of this vaccine is still helping millions of children worldwide. RI was awarded this year's Children First Award for their outstanding contribution to Polio eradication On April 6, 2019, at the UNICEF Gala, Chicago. Pan American Health Organization recognizes RI for its work on polio in the Region of the Americas.

UNICEF has donated the sum of USD 5,732,360 to continue the ght against polio in Nigeria. The donation was handed over to the Chairman Nigerian Polio Plus Committee, in Abuja. 3


Training Team 3060 For The Year Ahead

After a gap of several years the RCC District Conference was organised in RID 3060. It was held at Sachin, Surat. RCC Lajpore - Sachin hosted this event, supported by RC Surat.

“Diksha” the Multi-District PETS - SETS hosted by RC Udhna and RC Kankaria was held on 13th & 14th April, 2019, at Nirma University, Ahmedabad. Presidents and Secretaries of RID 3060 and 3054 were present for the training. Chief Guest of the event was PRID Dr Manoj Desai. The speakers included PDG Dr. Ashok Gupta, PRID Shekhar Mehta,RPIC (2019-20) Deepak Shikarpur, EMGA(2019-20) Vinod Bansal. PRID Dr. Manoj Desai's talk on “Innovate or Evaporate” was mesmerizing. PRID Shekhar Mehta spoke on “Power of One” that showed the incoming Presidents the right direction for their onward journey.

DG Pinky Patel inaugurated the conference. Dist. RCC Chairman PP Pankaj Naik, RCC Conference Chair Mr. Razak and other dignitaries also joined her. 25 RCC's across the district registered while 9 RCC's gave a presentation of their activities. It was good to know that all RCC's are working very closely with the Rotary Club's and their mission. DG Pinky Patel addressed the gathering and gave innovative ideas on how RCC can expand their good work in the society. PP Pankaj Naik briefed the members on what is RCC and why it is important to us. RCC Host Club President Shantilal Balar welcomed the members and Razakbhai proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Kiran Desai, Associate Professor in Rural Studies, SG University and social activist Mr. Uttam Parmar, also addressed the gathering giving in depth knowledge on how to get more and long lasting effect of our work. Truly RCC is an extended hand of Rotary Clubs. All participants were presented with a Certicate of Participation. RCC Bharuch received award for highest number of registrations while RCC Jamnagar Senoras and Jamnagar Rajputana received awards for the farthest distance travelled. RCC Lajpore Sachin contributed USD 300 towards Rotary Foundation. A good number of 217 registered for the conference. Host club presented a bag with goodies as kit to all members. The event ended with delicious lunch and fellowship.

The representatives of RISAO gave practical hands on training for “My Rotary”. DGE Anish Shah addressed the PE's by speaking about the coming year's theme “Rotary Connects the World”. PDG Dr Ashok Gupta spoke about “Our Year 2019-20”. Corporate mentor Nandak Pandya showed the path to “Disconnect to Connect”. PDG Vinod Bansal gave the motivation for “Giving is Living”. PDG Deepak Shikarpur opened the Public Image gateway by talking on “Jo Dikhta Hai Wo Bikta Hai”. Under the training session IPDG Ruchir Jani covered the topic “Planning Your Year”. DG Pinky Patel talked of her experiences in the opening session, DGN Prashant Jani gave information on “Running the Club & Meetings”, DGND Santosh Pradhan talked on “Promoting Rotary” and District Trainer Dr. Nilax Mufti gave the vote of thanks.



“CYCLOFUN� by RC Rajkot Midtown is a unique permanent project of the Club initiated in 2016 in association with Rajkot Cycle Club, Rajkot Municipal Corporation to promote the message of "Go Green", save environment, health awareness and to keep the city clean. This year 1400 participants registered themselves for 25, 50 and 75 kms. events. Event was sponsored mainly by leading entrepreneurs Rolex Bearing manufacturer. 25 cycles were also donated to the needy girls students of a municipal run school. The chief guests included Commissioner of Police Mr. Manoj Agrawal, R.M.C Commissioner Mr. Banchhanidhi Pani etc. This event serves as the biggest Public Image builder for RC Rakjot Midtown every year. Event was extensively covered by all the electronics and print media of Rajkot.


Our Good Work Recognised In The Print Media


SELFLESS SERVICE – Rotary Club of Dhule CrossRoad The Rotary Club of Dhule CrossRoad, Rotary International District 3060, launched two Global Grant Projects worth Rs 58 lakhs and 65 lakhs. Both these th

projects were inaugurated on 10 March, 2019, by the worthy hands of PRID Dr. Manoj Desai and Defence Minister Dr. Subhash Bhamre. Distirict Governor Pinky Patel, IPDG Ruchir Jani and DRFC PDG Ashish Ajmera were present on this momentous occasion. The Club has worked hard to start a Blood Bank and a Dialysis Center for the poor and needy patients in the surrounding area. The rst Global Grant project “Smt K. C. Ajmera Rotary Blood Bank” was to develop a well equipped and furnished Blood Bank with component separation unit. The aim was for the needy patients to easily get blood and its various components at an affordable price. In the second Global Grant project “Late Jayantibai Hukumchand Kucheria Rotary Dialysis Center”, Club aimed to develop a Dialysis Center providing six new machine to a NGO hospital. The hospital's infrastructure was found to be good in ambience and medical sophistication. The Dialysis Center is a state of art, hygienic, well equipped unit and has a prominent qualied medical and technical staff. The aim is to treat at least 250 to 300 patients every month at an affordable cost. The International Partner, Rotary Club of Elmira Heights, USA, RID 7120 and The Rotary Foundation effectively supported both the projects. M/s J.B. Chemicals (Ankleshwar), PDG Ashish Ajmera, Hukumchand Kucheria, Ashish Patwari, Jayesh Patel and Dinesh Kataria are the other participating donors for both these service projects. These sustaining projects will help the nearby community in the betterment of their health at reasonable cost said Club President Nilesh Goti. These projects will also built a very positive Public Image for Rotary . 8

Projects Worth Replica ng

RC Surat West – Upli ing The Girl Child RC Surat West's association with 'Dhinka Chika' Child Home dates back to the year 2012-13. The 'Child Home' run by 'Charlie Help Universe Trust' houses girl children who are either orphaned or have single or extremely poor parents who cannot feed them, leave alone provide them any education. If not for this initiative, these children would surely be destined to live a life of begging, crime, or abuse, says Past President and Chairman of the project Rtn Setu Gandhi. What does the Club do? The child home provides free lodging, boarding and education for all its beneciaries. There are 35 girl children currently residing here to whom RC Surat West has provided various benets such as – 1) Vaccination program at Government Civil Hospital 2) Regular health and dental checkup camp 3) Two Water purier machines installed 4) Computer training course and certication at a computer institute with installation of three computers for them to practice 5) Donation of school fees, sweaters, books, school bags, uniforms, shoes, raincoats, etc. The Club has contributed towards school fees of all children for last two years and plans to continue doing so. They have also donated many books for a small library set up at the child home. Members provide food grains and other essential supplies, sponsor lunch or dinner, celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and festivals at the child home. Club members were happy to see the children moved to private schools to have access to good education and also get vocational training which would help them build better careers. The aim of the trustees of the child home, as well as others like these Rotarians who are involved in some way with them, is to build a solid foundation for these children. The children will be encouraged to study at least up to graduation or do any vocational training course of their choice. Nothing would give them more satisfaction than one day seeing all the girls ready to face life on their own, build a career, start families, and live a life of dignity and self-respect, says current President Rtn Vivek Goel. 'Dhinka Chika' named at the children's behest has the capacity to accommodate about 80 children. More children will continue to be admitted and new ones will replace those who move on with their lives. The Club's association with 'Dhinka Chika' and its children will go on unabated. 9

First All Ladies Club Of 3060 : RC of Dhule Femina Inception : 1st July, 2012 Sponsored by : Rotary Club of Dhule Crossroad Charter Number : 84453 Number of charter members : 30 Members Meets at : K.C. Ajmera Ayurved College Present strength : 27 members TRF giving : 1 Arch Klump Society member 1 Major Donor 100% PHF Club EREY Club every year Clubs sponsored by Dhule Femina : RC of Nandnagari and RC of Nandurbar Outstanding members : Ritu Patwari AG 2017-18, Kavita Kucheria AG 2018-19, Dr. Ranu Ajmera AG 2019-20 District events undertaken : Co-host for District Conference 201415; arranged "JATRA" musical entertainment program at Conference in Shirdi; Co-host District Conference 2018-19 at Nasik; Invitation for Conference “Sangam�; Grand inauguration at Sula Vineyards during recent conference. District TRF & Membership Seminar 2012- 13 and 2017-18 Some permanent projects : Talent Search program; G.K. Quiz competition; Medical Check-up Camp and Computer Training course; Tree Plantation; Note Book Distribution; Blood Donation camp; Public Image project Dance Dhule Dance Competition; Vocational Award to deserving candidates. The idea behind being an all ladies club : Only women can understand the problems and situations faced by women and help each other to come up with better and more feasible solutions for various issues.


BEING THE INSPIRATION - MEDICAL PILGRIMAGE by RC GANDEVI Rotary Club Gandevi is serving the rural and tribal community of Gandevi and surrounding area since last 20 years. Till date, Rotary Gandevi has sponsored 29 Grants, worth USD 2.7 M, which has helped bring smiles on the faces of thousands.

Rotary is providing an inspiration by making a difference in the community by connecting the world and serving humanity.

After 2010 and 2014, once again on 20th January 2019, a team of 26 Medical and Para Medical Professionals from Association of Indian Physicians of Northern Ohio, USA visited Gandevi and four core areas were selected - General Medicine, Paediatric, Gyaenocology and Ophthalmology. Nine Screening Camps were organised at different villages, after considering the local resources, support from NGO/s, need of the area etc. RC Gandevi provided follow up care free of cost in the medical camps. A special Global Grant worth USD 100,200 has been sponsored by the Club for life saving and general surgeries. RC Gandevi got excellent support from RC of Bakerseld, USA and RID 5240, the International Partners of this GG. RID 3060 supported by contributing handsome amount of DDF. RID 1260 and RC Mississagga Center, Canada, also became partners of this Project. More than 6,200 beneciaries were examined, diagnosed and provided free medicines during the nine camps. Four Charitable Hospitals of local area were selected to provide follow up care - L.G.Haria Rotary Hospital, Yashfeen Cardiac Hospital, Gram Seva Trust Hospital and Jamna Ba Hospital. 784 beneciaries were identied for various follow up treatment. Total 97 general surgeries like Hernia, Excision Lipoma, Biopsy, Hysterectomy, Piles, Herniotomy, Prostrate, Tympemeatoplasty (ENT), Laprotomy, Hydrocele, Appendoctomy, Cholecystectomy, Orthopaedic Implant, Circumcision, Skin Grafting, Nephrotomy, etc. have been performed. Also 5 Angioplasty, 9 Bypass, 11 Valve Replacement, 25 Angiograms, 2 Critical Spine Surgeries and Knee Replacement have been performed. Necessary follow up care like Sonograms, X ray, CT Scan, MRI, Biopsy was provided. 151 cataract surgeries were performed at L.M. Shah Eye Hospital, Navsari. The valve replacement and spine surgeries were done for tribal children. 11

Give Hope, Give a Hand

LN4 - Prosthe c Hand Project by RC Jamnagar RC of Jamnagar embarked upon a project of distributing free of cost LN4 Prosthetic Hands to the persons who have lost their hand below elbow due to various reasons like electric shock, industrial or vehicular accidents, diseases etc. In 2015, Mr. Shabbir Jamnagarwala of RC Pune Midtown introduced the LN4 project and the project was taken up by RC Jamnagar. World over, LN-4 Prosthetic Hands are provided by Ellen Meadows Foundation-USA and through their brand ambassador for South-Asia region, Rtn. Mohan Kumar K.V (RC Bangalore Centennial) is given to beneciaries, through the various Rotary Clubs of India, free of cost. The First Inter District camp to distribute LN4 prosthetic hand was held in 2015 where 182 hands were tted. Till date 48000+ LN4 hands have been distributed world-wide of which 13,000+ are distributed in India and 1500+ have been distributed by RC Jamnagar. Since 2015, members of RC Jamnagar have rendered their services to jointly organise LN4 distribution camps with RC Rajkot Metro; Parshva Bhakti Charitable Trust, Bhavnagar; RC Ahmedabad Majesty; Shri Aaradhna Dhaam, Vadaliya Sinhan; RC Baroda Metro; RC Patan; Navjivan Viklang Sevashray, Morbi; Shri Arvind Maniar Jankalyan Foundation, Rajkot, where in more then 800 beneciaries have received prosthetic hand. th

Very recently, on 10 of March a LN4 Distribution Camp was arranged at Ahmedabad, along with RC Ahmedabad Metro. 152 hands were tted and beneciaries were trained for their usage. RC Jamnagar has also rendered services in LN4 camps at Bangalore, Nilambur and Ellipee. Campaign is going on for LN4 camp in Kutch Region where in RC of Anjaar is supported by RC Jamnagar. RC Jamnagar has made this a permanent project and has xed the 4th Sunday of every month for the camp to be held at Rotary Disaster Management Centre. In true sense, LN4 Prosthetic hands are changing lives and giving hope to those who have lost their hands. Members of RC Jamnagar are happy to see smiles on faces of the recipients. 12

May is Youth Service Month

Get ready for

"Parithoshik Parv" District Award Ceremony 2018-19 On behalf of DG Pinky Patel and her team, members of Rotary Club Anand RoundTown cordially invite you On 23rd June, 2019 From: 9.00 am to 3.00 pm Venue: Tulsi Banquet, Anand Host: Rotary Club Anand RoundTown

It is not a ma er of bringing more people into Rotary, it’s rather a ques on of ge ng more Rotary into people. Solu on for Rotary Puzzle March

Rotary Puzzle April To c o m m e m o r a t e t h e 1 5 1 s t b i r t h anniversary of founder Paul Harris Rotary Clubs of Chicago decide to make another bronze statue of him. After discussions and meetings the length of the head is decided to be nine inches. Length of the leg was to be head plus half of the body length. Body length was to be equal to length of head plus leg. What will be the total length of this statue?

The four gentlemen were Rtn. Barry Rassin Rtn. John Hewko Rtn. IAN H.S. Riseley Rtn. Mark Maloney The missing number was 23 Winners PP Narendra Saboo ( Surat Seaface) Pra k Sanghrajka ( Amreli Gir)

Pres. Nayana Wani (Dhule Femina) PP Ritu Patwari (Dhule Femina ) Ann Anar Solanki ( Surat Roundtown) 13

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