GML Rotary District 3131 August 2018

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Governor’s Monthly Letter

August 2018

DG Dr. Shailesh Palekar RID 3131

DG Message - Dil Se to my call for Organ Donation and we have reached across to lakhs of people via presentations in various institutions, social media channels, Press , Hoardings ,TV shows etc. I salute all our motivated Rotarians for this fabulous movement that they have created. Dear Rotarians, At the outset, I wish to express my deep condolensces to the sad demise of our beloved District Rotaract Secretary Ojas Apte. Ever since the new year had been drawing closer, the hulchul in the District picked up a new tempo. Lot of enthusiasm, energy and vigor has been on display. The clubs were in a celebration mode and installations started over the District. Infact, I did the first installation program on 14th June and virtually every single day since then I have been travelling to Pune and the peripheries. Installation programs have been a tremendous experience for me. This year, I was more focused on understanding the plans of the club, focus on various thrusts and also understanding the strength of the clubs and depth of its members. One thing I surely garnered was that club Leaders are tremendously inspired and motivated to take the clubs to newer heights. By the time this GML goes to print I will have completed a whopping 58 installations. Also by the time this GML reaches you, we have set a new Benchmark of Guinness World Record for the highest pledges of Online Organ Donation which was held on 9th August 2018. I am tremendously impressed by the way in which the clubs have responded


I am also happy to state that our first Global Grant Project for Cervical Cancer Vaccination has been approved and we will kick start our movement in a big way very shortly. Recently I attended the river cleaning project organized by 20 clubs jointly, it was a great sight to see more than 500 Rotarians and Anns with gloves, masks and sticks cleaning the river very passionately. We also enjoyed the District Monsoon Fellowship at Krushnai Water Park again held jointly by 11 clubs of our District. Kudos to Director Fellowship Anil Shitole for leading these clubs and organizing a superb event attended by about 425 Rotary Family Members. Our RYE team is one team that actually works focused in their plans. We flagged our Out Bound children few days ago and we look forward also to receive our inbound students shortly. This year we have a record 31 students going abroad to skill themselves as better individuals and spread the message of friendship and peace across the world. Our first CRM program flags off on 12th August and I have butterflies in my tummy. This is a new experiment to connect our District Directors and Club Directors. It is a activity conceived with lot of thought and plans, our Directors are motivated to connect with the clubs and I hope the club Directors will also respond

positively and if they do so, then the take home is going to be absolutely great and unique. Since it is a fairly big District , my OCVs start on 17th August. This is also going to be a one of its kind experience for me, motivating the members of every club to passionately work towards our cause and achieve goals set for the year. The aim is to make all our clubs get the RI Citation. On a very positive note I want to conclude by saying, yes all clubs are charged and geared up to create miracles for 2018-19.

- DG Dr. Shailesh Palekar

News Flash On the 9th August 2018 RID 3131 with Sahyadri Hospitals Pune achieved Guinness Book of World Record for Pledging by maximum number of Organ Donors (22,311) in 8 hours.

INDEX DG Message - Dil Se


National Polio & Global Grant Project


District Governor Installation


Clubs in Action


Clubs in Action


Clubs in Action


Clubs in Action


Upcoming District Events & OCV


Rotary Quiz, Designated Month


Youth Activities , News


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Betterment of Rotarians



National Polio Plus Orientation Meet National Polio Plus Orientation meet took place on

27 th and 28 th July at Novotel Hotel New Delhi. All DGs and Director Polio were invitees. Moving from Pulse Polio to Polio Plus is very important as Rotarians have many more objectives to achieve. “We at India cannot be happy with the status of 99% Polio free world though we are 100% poliofree nation. Our next door Pakistan is not polio free and polio is just a bus journey away from us” said PRIP Raja Saboo in his speech. He emphasized the need to work hard and make it a point to eradicate it by 100% from the world. RI Director C Bhasker presented the Himalayan efforts taken till today and everyone in the meet was stunned and proud to know the statistics below - Rotary’s contribution worldwide more than US $ 1.7 billions (Rs 9,350 crore @ 55)

Rubella, Tuberculosis, diphtheria, mumps, whooping cough etc. The next step is Eradication of Measles and Rubella. PRID Ashok Mahajan explained the plan and immunization schedule for the plus part. PRID Yash Pal Das gave the “call to action for a tuberculosis free India “ The representatives from WHO and UNICEF & CDC Tb expressed the big gratitude towards contribution by Rotary while explaining their action plans We Rotarians need to be ever active in POLIO PLUS MISSION, the most important part is to work smart and to see the participation of society through advocacy. FUND RAISING from the society to avail them to participate in this noble mission should be the prima facie of our campaign to make the world 100% POLIO FREE. We have miles to go ………

- Rotary India contribution is approx. Rs 1095 crores.

By Rtn Dr Sumedha Bhosale

Besides monetary contribution, Rotary is committed for years with our incessant efforts hand in hand with government and other organizations towards Polio eradication.

Director Polio 2018-19

PDG Dr Rajeev Pradhan explained the vision to ensure complete eradication with Post certification strategy - vaccination and surveillance along with provision for unexpected outbreak. PDG Deepak Kapoor explained the journey “ Pulse Polio to Polio Plus”. The Plus against not only Polio, but many vaccine preventable diseases such as Measles,

Opthalmic Equipment - Global Grant by RCP Midtown Hand over of Ophthalmic Equipment to Seventh Adventist Hospital, Pune on 20th July 2018 – A Global Grant Project by RC Poona Midtown, Global Grant under the Humanitarian ground Disease prevention and treatment.

have first such camp in near future, but were unable to do so as they were lacking essential specialized equipment. Application Date : November 2015 Authentication Date : 18 May 2017

Seventh Adventist Hospital is in Pune catering to low income people. They had requested RC Poona Midtown to explore possibility of supplying Ophthalmic equipments on priority basis.

District TRF Support : 10000 USD Club Participation : RC Poona MIDTOWN – 7500 USD

They have a plan to conduct free eye check-up camps and perform cataract surgeries for deserving poor patients from nearby areas. Hospital wanted to


International Partner Clubs/District : Rtn. Jeff Li – RC Taipei Jen - Ai – 3522 (Taiwan) Rtn.Kim - RC Poh NG – Taipei Southgate – 3523 ( Taiwan) Rtn. Marcos Franco – RC Santos – Porto - 4420 (Brazil)

Rtn. Cheng – His Wang – RC Taipei Orient – 3522 (Taiwan) Rtn. Chi – Hsiun Kuo – RC Taipei Wenhu – 3522 ( Taiwan ) International Club/ District Contribution: RC Taipei Jen – Ai – 2100 USD DDF District 4420 - 4000 USD DDF District 3522 – 3000 USD World Fund – 21750 USD Project is completed . Equipment handover to Hospital on 20th July, 2018 with DG and Mayor of Pune as Chief Guests. Till date more than 12 Surgery & more than 100 needy patients are checked in Eye check up camp. By Rtn Mukund Kamlakar


District Governor Installation - Crowning Glory First July was an important day for Rotary district 3131 and especially for Rotary club of Panvel. 11 th Governor of RI District 3131 and the 2nd Governor from Rotary Club of Panvel, Dr Shailesh Palekar was getting installed on that day. Rotarians from RC Panvel were upbeat and did meticulous planning of the event, which was scheduled at V. B. Phadke auditorium in Panvel. Rotarians from all the corners of our district had come specially for the event in spite of the looming possibility of rains. Over 600 Rotarians from all over the district were present. Especially notable were the College of Governors, Presidents of the new Rotary year and many District team members. The program started in the evening with a District team presenting a very good performance. A lovely invocation dance and Ganesh Vandana choreographed by Rtn Avani Dhotre and performed by a troupe from Pune set up the tone for the evening. This was followed by the installation function of the Rotary Club of Panvel, where Rtn Suryakant Kulle highlighted the achievements of the year just completed followed by installation of President Rtn Santosh Ambavane, Secretary Kiran Parmar and all the Board of Directors.

achieved new mile stones were felicitated.

and notably Non Rotarians to donate handsomely to the Rotary foundation.

Rtn Ashok Gawarikar, senior member from RC Panvel introduced the new DG Dr Shailesh in his unique style.

In all over 600,000 dollars commitments were made, another milestone for our district.

The collar exchange happened in the presence of Rotary Foundation Trustee Elect Rtn Gulam Vahanvaty.

This was followed by the speech of our Chief Guest Rtn Gulam. In his speech, he spoke about the helping nature of DG Shailesh which he had personally experienced, in the treatment of a severely injured child.

DG Dr Shailesh, in his inaugural address touched upon eloquently, the plans and projects of the new year, including his desire to take the district in the Guinness Book of World records by pledging maximum organ donors on 9 th August and his dream project of Cervical cancer vaccine for the school going Girls. Both the projects were very much appreciated by the Chief Guest TRF Trustee Rtn Gulam Vahanvati. After his speech, DG Shailesh felicitated the seniors of Rotary Club of Panvel, who completed 50 years in Rotary. A gesture applauded by all who were present. DG Shailesh also took a novel step of installing all his District Core team at the hands of the Chief Guest and gave the new District Logo Theme Pin to each one of them. This probably happened for the first time and went off very smoothly and swiftly.

He spoke about Rotary and its relevance today in a very lucid manner and appreciated all the work our district has done and planned ahead. He reiterated his full support to all the dream projects of our DG. It was a well attended and well received event and a good start to a new year full of action.

By PDG Dr. Deepak Purohit

Another milestone was the collection and announcements for the Rotary foundation. It was astonishing and surprising that the new year team was able to motivate many Rotarians

Next part was the Governor installation. IPDG Abhay Gadgil, in his usual style, narrated the achievements of the Rotary year 2017, 2018 and the new trends set by his Trendsetter Presidents and clubs. He complimented the Presidents and their clubs for the work done throughout the year. His frankness in speech was appreciated by the audience. He also mentioned about long friendship between him and the incoming new Governor and assured him the full support in the new year. This was followed by Rotary Foundation awards of the last year. The individuals as well as the clubs which contributed significantly and



District Events

Monsoon Picnic at Krushnai Water Park Work hard and party harder Monsoon Fellowship at Krushnai Water Park at the base of Sinhgad Fort was the first official event of our District for 201819 held on 29th July. The preparations had begun well in advance, almost 4 months before the D Day. DG Dr. Shailesh Palekar, District Secretary Rtn Manjoo Phadke, District Fellowship Director Rtn. Anil Shitole, IPP Hadapsar Central Rtn. Sachin Tupe and IPP Magarpatta City Rtn. Suryakant Choudhari along with other 11 host club presidents and district fellowship team members visited the actual monsoon fellowship site and finalized this venue in first visit itself because of its scenic natural beauty and world class water rides. Meticulous planning followed with District fellowship, Cultural and Sports

committees to ensure Dhamaal.

the hectic water activities.

The host clubs for the same were: RCP Hadapsar, RCP Katraj, RCP Warje, RC Shikrapur, RCP Sarasbaug, RCP Haveli East, RCP Amanora, RC Patalganga, RC Daund, RCP Magarpatta City, RC Chakan. Rotarians and families started pouring in from 9 am itself and were served sumptuous breakfast.

The party lasted till 4.30 pm when everybody dispersed after delicious high tea. The enjoyment was ensured due to efforts taken by the host clubs and the related district team members. By Rtn. Suryakant Choudhari, Rtn. Anil Shitole and Rtn. Manjoo Phadke.

The short and sweet inaugural session was held just for 20 minutes where DG Dr Shailesh shared his life funda of “Work Hard and Party Harder”. And so following his advice promptly, the participants moved towards the water park and had a gala time at various rides and wave pool. Some games of our childhood were organised and enjoyed by all grownups with the same innocence of childhood taking them down the memory lane. Karaoke was also organised for music lovers to be enjoyed during fellowship. Lunch was spread out for all to relish upon after

Clubs in Action

500 Sq Ft Linoleum Floor to a School by RC Pune Bavdhan Elite RCP Bavdhan Elite identified a school in Bavdhan (Poona Women’s Council School) where kids used to sit on floor during their class. RCP Bavdhan Elite has donated 500 Sq Ft Linoleum Floor to the school so that kids don’t have to sit on the floor.

Food Distributions to Warkaris by RC Akurdi Pune

Warkaris that started their march from Dehu have a halt at Akurdi. During their stay for 1 night, home made food was provided to these pilgrims so that they get clean and quality food.

Ghongadi Distribution for Warkaris by RC Akurdi Pune

Hand Wash by RC Nigdi - Pune

Distributed Ghongadis to Warkaris for their long walk to Pandharpur. This will prevent them to get wet during this rainy season.


Installed Hand Wash at Gurudwara Pathashala Dehuroad. 4

Adult literacy camp for the Warkaris by RC Pune Lokmanyanagar We conducted a camp on adult literacy for the Warkaris at Rtn. Avinash Tarawade’s workshop. The participants, largely ladies were taught to hold a pen and write their names. We used a pictorial charts to show the alphabets and objects related to them. There was one lady who had attended last year’s camp. We were happy to see that she could now easily write her name and was encouraging others to learn.

Distrubuted 500 cloth bags to Pilgrims - synergy Project by RCP Royal, RCP Hadapsar and RCP Warje

Distributed 500 cloth bags to Pilgrims by RCP Royal, RCP Hadpsar & RCP Warje.

Dnyaneshwar Mauli Palkhi Sohala by RC Shikrapur Joint Signature project: RC Shikrapur & other four clubs jointly organized the event” “Dnyaneshwar Mauli Palkhi Sohala”. All Presidents, Rotarians, Anns, Annets of the Clubs participated. The posters on environment, educational, social awareness about female foeticide, etc. were displayed. 500 cotton bags were distributed to piligrims which are useful instead of Plastic.

Warkari Medical Check up by RC Pimpri Town



Awareness Drive for Online Organ Donation Campaign by RCP Khadki

An awareness drive was carried out at Nvidia Graphics Ltd, Yerwada to disseminate information about the Online Organ Donation Pledging project that District 3131 has initiated and scheduled for 9th August, 2018.

Rain coat distribution for Warkari by RC Talegaon Dabhade City

Rain coats distributed to Warkari’s of Bhandara Dongar Dindi going to Pandharpur for Aashadi Wari.

Seedballs making and Awareness of Thalassemia by RC Kharghar Midtown The workshop for Seedball Making was conducted for Inmates of SEAL Ashram, Panvel on 1st July 2018. 380 seed balls were made and tossed all over SEAL Ashram premises. Awareness of Thalassemia eradication and Organ donation awareness workshop was conducted at ITM Business School on 6th July 2018

Synergy medical project to help patients of Thalassemia with fresh blood supply by RC Pradhikaran Pune and RCP Hadpsar Central


Synergy medical project with Rotary club of Hadapsar Central & 19 other Rotary Clubs from our district to help patients of Thalassemia with free blood supply & free transfusion service in coordination with Red Plus Blood bank & Todkar Hospital, Pune 6

LN4 Prosthetic Arm Donation Project At Nashik by RC Panvel Midtown Rotary Club of Panvel Midtown has decided to take up the LN4 Prosthetic Arm distribution and Fitment Initiative as one of its strategic projects. To spread maximum awareness, the club has partnered with Akhil Bharatiya Shree Swami Samartha Gurupeeth, Trimbakeshwar, Nashik. As an initial step towards spreading this awareness, the first camp was conducted at Gurupeeth, Trimbakeshwar, Nashik on 23rd July

2018. Since it was the auspicious day of Ashadhi Ekadashi, about 2500 devotees were present at the venue. With the active help and participation of volunteers of Rotary Club of Poona Downtown and of the Gurupeeth, we, i.e Rotary Club of Panvel Midtown conducted a successful camp where 23 beneficiaries were fitted withLN4 Prosthetic Arms. With this count, we have now helped 103 people with LN4 arms.

This was the first time in the history of the club, that the club has gone beyond District 3131 to conduct its projects and serve the society. In the coming months, the print awareness campaign will be conducted across Maharashtra, covering more than 1,00,000 households. This will take us one step towards our Aim of 'Leave no Person without Arm'.

Synergy project of School Bag distribution with RCP Bavdhan Elite at Asde School by Pune Laxmi Road

School bag distribution to students at Asde School

Vocational Excellence Award by RC Pune Laxmi Road

Vocational Excellence Award given to Ms. Mukta Puntambekar

All Project Photographs and Information has been taken from disrtict website If you want your Projects to be displayed in GML, please update the disrict website regularly



Cows to beneficiaries by RC Poona North

Global Grant project - 150 cows were distributed. Cost Rs. 45 lakhs.

Cataract Detection Camp by RC Patalganga. Camp with RMA - Raigad Medical Association & PRIMA - Patalganga Rasayani Industries Medical Association. 134 beneficiaries.

Official Club Visits in Aug & Sept Alibag Seashore


Pune West Side




Panvel Horizon




Bhor Rajgad


Panvel Mahanagar


Panvel Sunrise







12/08/2018 19/08/2018

Panvel Metro





Pune Nagar Road





Pune Haveli East





Opportunity for creative writers GML Article Writing Competition Opportunity for writers. District team is pleased to announce ARTICLE WRITING COMPETITION.


te Da nded xte

Topics –

1. Be the inspiration

2. My Rotary Moment

3. Once a Rotarian, always a Rotarian

All Rotarians, Anns, Annets, Rotaractors and Interactors can participate except – District Publications Team and Judges. Languages – Marathi, Hindi and English Words

– Max. 250

X 2018. X X Last date of submission – X 31stXAug,

30th September 2018

Articles to be emailed to – Team of Judges – PDG Dr Sudhir Rashingkar, PDG Pramod Jejurikar, Dr Veena Purohit, Rtn Priyanka Karnik & Rtn Umesh Lad.



Designated Month

Membership and New Club development month August is designated as Membership month by RI. This is the first month after the clubs change guard in July. This underlines the importance of Membership in Rotary. Currently we have 1.3 million Rotary members in more than 34000 clubs in over 200 countries & geographical areas. And this figure is stagnant for almost two decades. Rotary International is a service organization with a stated purpose to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and to advance goodwill and peace in the world with the vision of making the world a better place for living. The worldwide challenges of poverty,

hygiene, water & sanitation, education are enormous and huge fund is necessary to provide the necessary infrastructures for addressing the above challenges. The governments world over are working for the welfare of their populations.

and should possess good reputation within their business, profession, and community; and should be willing to serve in their community and around the world. There is no upper age limit. However, to infuse vitality in the clubs, it is necessary to invite younger members & ladies into the Rotary fold.

Rotary International is supplementing their efforts. And to achieve a reasonable impact in the communities, a large force of volunteers is necessary. And that is where we need more members.

More members means more hands to work with, more ideas to choose from, more funds to spend. More members bring in more classifications. It means expertise in many more areas.

Membership in Rotary is by invitation. Rotarians are volunteers. Cross sections of all vocations available in the geographical area of a club are represented in the club. Representation of a particular classification (vocation) is limited to maximum of 10 percent of the club’s membership. Rotary is choosy when it comes to inviting new members. The new members to be invited should be adults with good character, integrity

RotaryQuiz By Rtn Dr. Dipak Kulkarni 1. From which year, women members were accepted by Rotary : A. 1905 B. 1989 C. 1985 D. 2009 2. A rotarian, who also served as who served as the deputy prime minister of his country, between 1983 and 1990, later became Rotary International President. A. Sakuji Tanaka B. Jonathan B. Majiyagbe C. Bhichai Rattakul D. William E. Skelto 3. When was Pulse Polio drive started in India ? A. 2001 B. 1985 C. 1995 D. 1998 4. Barring USA, which country has maximum number of Rotarians ? A. India B. Japan C. Korea D. China 5. Who was the first President of the first Rotary club, i.e. Rotary Club of Chicago ? A. Paul P. Harris B. Gustavus Loehr C. Silvester Schiele D. Hiram E. Shorey


Higher membership improves attendance in club meetings. Higher membership enables the clubs to undertake big impact making projects. This enriches the overall clubs’ cultures and makes them viable & vibrant. Good membership helps to make the clubs effective in their mission. It is our responsibility to invite good young members to our respective clubs. By Rtn. Shivajirao Patil

6. Which of the following is a not a thrust area of The Rotary Foundation? A. Membership. B. Maternal and Child Health. C. Water and Sanitation. D. Basic Education and Literacy. 7. In 1930, the Rotary Foundation gave its first grant in the amount of US$500 to which organization? A. Polio Society. B. International red Cross. C. Bill and Melinda Gates D. International Foundation. Society for Crippled. 8. What is the relation of University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia with The Rotary Foundation ? A. It was funded by B. It is a centre of study The Rotary Foundation. for Rotary Peace Scholarships. C. It is a venue for next D. None of the above. RI Convention. 9. November is a Designated month for which topic ? A. Peace and conflict B. Rotary Fellowships. resolution. C. The Rotary Foundation. D. Membership. 10. Which club in India has largest membership? A. RC of Bombay. B. RC of Kota. C. RC of Calcutta Central. D. RC of Vijaywada Midtown.

Answers to Rotary Quiz July 2018 1. A. 6.D.

2. C 7. A.

3. D. 8. A.

4. B. 9. D.

5. D. 10. C.


Youth Activities in July

PDG Dr Deepak Shikarpur Appointed by RI President (2019-20) as Rotary Public Image Coordinator (RPIC) for Zone 4 and 6 A for three year term (2019-22). RPICs work to enhance Rotary’s public image by increasing recognition of Rotary’s humanitarian efforts among Rotarians and the general public.

Interact Activities ROTARY CLUB OF KHOPOLI has added 3 new Interact clubs in July The total interact installations completed in District are 10.

Interact club of Anand Shala

Homage to Rtr Ojas Apte – District Rotaract Secretary Rtr Ojas Apte was a very dedicated rotaractor and was always ready for any kind of Rotaract work at any point of time. He left us suddenly on 23rd July, 2018 and has created a void in our lives which cannot be filled by anyone else. He always used to say “Work for the Post and not for the person” and this is what was unique to him. He will be remembered by all of us. We all pray to God to give courage to bereaved family and wish the departed soul rest in eternal peace. Rtr. Dhruv Gujrathi

Interact club of Yak Public School

Interact club of Sahyadri English school

By Rtn Nalini Ramaswamy District Chairperson Interact.

DRR 2018-19.

Rotaract Activities 1. Charter request has been send to Delhi office from 3 Rotary Clubs. 2. Installation of 20 plus clubs done. 3. Upcoming Rotaract Trek is planned to Trikona Fort in the 19th of Aug 4. DRR AND DRCC Training Programs held by RI Director Rtn. Basker at Delhi on 28th and 29th July 2018 was attended by DRR Rtr. Dhruv Gujrathi and DRCC Rtn. Anannd Sampat. By Rtn Anannd Sampat

- Rotary InTech Olympiad is

designed with a singular focus on identifying required industrial skills / competencies to solve specific industrial problems identified by different sponsor companies as projects. Around 20000 engineering and technology students from all over INDIA (each and every State as well as Union Territory) participated in Rotary InTechOlympiad 2018. Interested - http://www.intecholympiad. org/Industrial-Project.html


DISTRICT INTERACT ASSEMBLY – MUSKAN. Host Club – RC Kharghar Midtown. A training program for Interactors, teachers and Rotarians. Date – 2nd Sept, 2018. Time – 9am to 330pm. Venue – CIVIC CENTRE, JH Ambani School, Lodhivali. Motivational speeches, Interact guidance, SKIT competition. Registration fees – Rs. 100 per Interactor and teacher. Rs. 200 for Rotarians. Last date for Registration 28th Aug, 2018. Contact – President Dr Sagar Gundewar 9987505846. Convener – Rtn Sunil Bhatia 9920793465. PLEASE ATTEND IN LARGE NUMBERS DISTRICT 3131

District Chairperson Rotaract

News you should not miss PAN INDIA Rotary In Tech Olympiad by RC Pune Pride

It was declared on 1 st August 2018.

USD to INR Conversion for month of August = Rs. 69.00 Want to know Tech Tools for online giving - http://www.rotaryleader-en. org How to BE THE INSPIRATION In addition to District Officials – Need help with Global Grant ?



All Women Car Rally 26th Sept to 30th Sept 2018. Route - PUNE - AURANGABAD BHUSAWAL - INDORE - UJJAIN - RATLAM - CHITTORGADH UDAIPUR - AHEMADABAD VADODARA - VAPI - THANE MULUND – PANVEL. Who can participate - Lady Rotarian, Anns & Annets ( Lady Only) , Guest & Relatives of the Rotarian (Lady Members ONLY) and Inner wheel Members Contact - Rtn.Sneha Subodh Joshi 719860111 and Team Leader Dr. Shobhana Palekar 9322591139


g»`mharMr _wem{\$ar - amo. eoIa Zm{ZdS>oH$a {à` g»`m, Joë`m ‘{hÝ`mV Pmbr Ver `m ‘{hÝ`mV nwÝhm EH$Xm nZdobMr dmar KS>br Am{U YÝ` Pmbmo. Aao, n§T>arÀ`m dmaH$è`m§Zm Xe©Z~marV {Vð>V amhÿZ nm§Sw>a§JmMo Xe©Z ¿`mdo bmJVo, nU ‘bm ‘mÌ ~gë`m IwMuV EH$m Zìho, Va XmoZ-XmoZ AdVmar ‘hmnwéfm§Mo - Iao Va Ë`m ‘hmnwéfm§À`m gm§àV AdVmamMo Xe©Z Pmbo. ‘mPo ^m½`M Wmoa. nU Vy ‘mÌ A^mJr- 1 Owb¡bm nZdobbm Z `oD$Z `m {Xì` AZw^dmbm ‘wH$bmg. ‘AmfmT>ñ` àW‘ {Xdgo’ ‘oK XmQy>Z `oVmV ho {OVHo$ Iao {VVHo$M Owb¡ ‘mgñ` àW‘ {Xdgo S>rOrMo amÁ`mamohU AgVo hohr Iao, hr gmYr Jmoï> Vy H$gm {dgabmg? nU EH$ {‘ÌH$V©ì` åhUyZ Vwbm `m AZw^dmnmgyZ d§{MV R>odUo ho ‘bm emo^Umao Zmhr. ‘hm‘{h‘ e¡boeamd nmboH$a `m§À`m amÁ`m{^foH$ g‘ma§^mV ‘bm ^oQ>boë`m `m XmoZ ‘hmnwéfm§Mo Xe©Z Vwbmhr KS>mdo åhUyZ ho nÌ. `m XmoZ ‘hmnwéfm§n¡H$s EH$ åhUOo Ag¨VmofmMo OZH$ bmoH$‘mÝ` ~mi J§JmYa {Q>iH$ Am{U Xwgao g¨VmofmMo OZH$ ‘hmamï´>mMo bmS>Ho$ ì`{ŠV‘Ëd nw. b. Xoenm§So>. Va àWoà‘mUo 1 Owb¡bm e¡boeamdm§Mm nXJ«hU g‘ma§^ nZdobÀ`m ’$S>Ho$ g^mJ¥hmV g¨nÞ Pmbm. amoQ>ar B§Q>aZ°eZbMo Q´ñQ>r amo. Jwbm‘ dhmZdQ>r ho à‘wI nmhþUo hmoVo. Ë`m§Mm gËH$ma nwUoar nJS>r (åhUOo {Q>iH$ nJS>r) KmbyZ H$aÊ`mV Ambm (àWoà‘mUoM.) nU ‘r CËgwH$VoZo dmQ> nmhmV hmoVmo Vr Am‘À`m A^`amdm§À`m ^mfUmMr. H$maU JmS>Jrim§Mo ^mfU åhUOo EoH$Umè`mbm {XdmirM AgVo- nmdbmnmdbmbm ’$Q>mHo$ ’w$Q>V AgVmV. eodQ>r JmS>JriM Vo- H$Yr Hw$Umbm JmS>Vrb Am{U Hw$Umbm {JiVrb `mMm ^a§dgm ZgVmo. nU AmO A^`amd doJù`mM ‘yS>‘Yo hmoVo. Ë`m§Zr ~hþYm amÌr PmonVm§Zm dmMm`bm åhUyZ (Pmon `oÊ`mgmR>r Zìho) nw.b§.M§ ‘ì`ŠVs Am{U d„r’ KoVbobo Agmdo Am{U VoM Ë`m§À`m ‘ZmV Jw§OV Agmd§, H$maU Ë`m§M§ ^mfU AJXr nw.b§.À`m WmQ>mV ‘‘bm ^oQ>boë`m ì`ŠVs Am{U d„r’`mdaM hmoV§. JmS>Jrim§Zr YmaU Ho$bobm hm nw.b§.Mm AdVma ‘bm Var AJXrM ZdrZ hmoVm. ‘mPr CËgwH$Vm dmT>br- dmT>br Iar, nU Iao åhUOo nwT>o WmoS>r {ZamemM Pmbr. H$maU Joë`m dfu gwaoI H$m‘ Ho$boë`m Am°{’$gg©Mm Jm¡ad Ë`m§Zr ‘Img ì`ŠVs’ åhUyZ Am{U Ë`m§À`m H$V¥©ËdmMm g‘J« nmT>m dmMyZ Ho$bm, nU Á`m§Zr H$mhrhr H$m‘ Ho$bo Zmhr, qH$~hþZm Á`m§Zr df©^amV Vm|S> XoIrb XmIdbo Zmhr Aem d„tMm C„ooI Ë`m§Zr Ho$bm, Vmo ‘mÌ Hw$UmMohr Zmd Z KoVm. Aer Zmdo Z KoUo ho JmS>Jrim§Zm ho emo^bo H$m ? ‘{Z^uS>Vm Á`mÀ`m ZgmZgmV’ Aem ‘mUgmZo ho H$amdo ho ~ao H$m? JmS>Jri ho {gZo{Z‘m©Vohr AmhoV- ‘J EImXm {nŠMa Šbm`‘°Šgbm ZoVm ZoVm ‘YoM gmoS>bm Va Vmo AmnQ>Vmo hr gmYr Jmoï> EH$m gwdU©nmaIr ‘mUgmÀ`m bjmV H$m `oD$ Z`o? {deofV: nw. b§.Mm AdVma KoVë`mda-? åhUOo Am‘Mm AJXrM JwimMm JUnVr Ho$bm H$s hmo `m§Zr . Agmo.Oo hmoVo Vo Mm§Jë`mgmR>rM Ago g‘Om`Mo Am{U Jßn ~gm`Mo, Zmhr H$m? nU EH§$XarV nw.b. JmS>Jrim§À`m ^mfUmbm ‘Om Ambr ho ‘mÌ Iao. nU Iar ‘Om Ambr Vr àË`j bmoH$‘mÝ`m§Mm AdVma ñQ>oOda Amë`mda. åhUOo Pmbo Ago H$s S>rOtÀ`m S>moŠ`mda ‘wHw$Q> MT>ë`mda gd© {S>pñQ´ŠQ> Am°{’$gg©Zm {nZm ‘maÊ`mMo (g°mar, bmdÊ`mMo.) H$m‘ gwê$ Pmbo Am{U Ë`mH$aVm gd© Am°{’$ga bmoH$m§Zm qdJoV O‘Ê`mg gm§{JVbo Jobo (qdJoV hr ‘§S>ir EH$‘oH$m§Zm {nZm ‘maV hmoVrM). ‘§OwVmB© ’$S>Ho$ EHo$H$mM§ Zmd KoD$Z ~mobmdV hmoË`m Am{U dhmZdQ>r gmho~ Ë`m§Zm eQ>m©À`m pIemda {nZm bmdV hmoVo. nU Aem nmMnÞmg {nZm bmdë`mda ‘§OwVmB© ~hþYm H§$Q>mië`m Am{U ~mH$sÀ`m ‘§S>itZm [aH$m‘o pIgo hbdV OmJoda naVmdo bmJbo. nU hr Cnojm EH$m ~mUoXma ì`º$sbm ‘mÌA{O~mV ghZ Pmbr Zmhr. ‘ñdamÁ` hm ‘mPm OÝ‘{gÕ h¸$ Amho Am{U Vmo ‘r {‘idUmaM’ `m WmQ>mV ‘{nZ {‘idUo hm ‘mPm OÝ‘{gÕ h¸$ Amho Am{U Vr ‘r {‘idUmaM’åhUV ho AmYw{ZH$ {Q>iH$ ‘§Mmda AdVabo Am{U ^maVmbm ñdmV§Í` {‘idyZ AmUë`mÀ`m WmQ>mV dhmZdQ>tH$Sy>Z {nZ bmdyZ KoVbr. hr ì`ŠVs åhUOo amO‘mÝ` amOlr {Jareamd bm§S>Jo. {Jareamd ’$mC§So>eZ à‘moeZ ‘Yo Hw$R>ë`mVar nmoñQ>da AmhoV- Z¸$s nmoñQ> ~hþYm Ë`m§Zmhr ‘m{hV Zgmdr-AWm©V {nZ bmdyZ KoUo hm Ë`m§Mm h¸$ Amho `m~Ôb Xw‘V Zmhr. nU IaoVa Ë`m§Mm hm {Q>iH$mdoe ~KyZ dhmZdQ>r gam§Zr Ë`m§Zm {nZ~amo~a Amnë`m S>moŠ`mdaMr {Q>iH$ nJS>rhr KmVbr AgVr Va àg¨Jmbm g‘`mo{MV XoIUonU Ambo AgVo. Agmo. EHy$UmV `m XmoZ ‘hmnwéfm§Mo Xe©Z Pmë`m‘wio `m doiMr nZdob dmar gmW©H$s bmJbr.’$ŠV EH$M H$moSo> CbJS>bo Zmhr- bm§S>½`m§À`m A§JmV {Q>iH$m§Mm g¨Mma Iao åhUOo 1 Am°JñQ> bm åhUOo {Q>iH$ nwÊ`{VWrbm ìhm`bm hdm, nU `§Xm 1 Owb¡bmM? Vã~b EH$ ‘{hZm AJmoXa? H$moS>çmMo CÎma gmnS>ë`mg H$idmdo. VwPm har {à` har, VwPr `§XmMr Var nZdob dmar gw’$i g¨nyU© Pmbr ho dmMyZ ‘ZmnmgyZ AmZ§X Pmbm. ‘bm ZIwaSo> ZmdmMr ^`§H$a ì`mYr Pmë`m‘wio ‘r `oD$ eH$bmo Zmhr `m~Ôb j‘ñd. nU VwÂ`m nÌmVyZ Ë`m XmoZ ‘hmnwéfm§Mo gmÚ§V Xe©Z Pmbo Ë`m‘wio XwIUo WmoSo> gwgø Pmbo. àW‘ VwÂ`m H$moS>çmMo `Wm‘Vr CÎma- bmoH$‘mÝ` EH$ ‘{hZm AJmoXaM H$go AdVabo Ago Vy {dMmaVmog. nU H$moS>çmMo CÎma Ë`m§À`m AmS>ZmdmVM XS>bo Amho ho Vy {dgabmg. Aao, {Q>iH$ ho ñdV: V`ma Ho$boë`m {Q>iH$ n§Mm§Jmà‘mUo dmJUmao- VwÂ`m‘mÂ`mgmaIo XmVo n§Mm§Jmda Zmhr, Am{U {Q>iH$ n§Mm§J ho {Q>iH$m§à‘mUoM Zoh‘rM H$mimÀ`m nwT>o AgVo ho Vwbm ‘m{hV Agmdo. Ë`mà‘mUo `mdfu Amnbr 1 Am°JñQ> hr {Q>iH$ n§Mm§Jmà‘mUo 1 Owb¡bmM `oV Agmdr EdT>oM- `mV H$moS>çmV nS>Ê`mgmaIo H$m` Amho? JmS>Jri ho {Z^uS> AmhoV Ago Vy {b{hVmog- ho IaoM Amho, nU VargwÕm `m Jmoï>rMr ImVaO‘m EH$Xm XrnmVmBªH$Sy>Z H$ê$Z KoVbobr ~ar Ago ‘mPo ‘V Amho. åhUOo Mma bmoH$mV Vo eoa AgVmV ho Iao, nU KamV XoIrb? ‘bm Var e§H$m Amho. Ë`m§Zr ‘d„r’Mr Zmdo KoVbr ZmhrV Ago Vy {b{hVmog- nU Aer Zmdo KoVbr ZmhrV ho R>rH$M Pmbo. H$maU Aer Vm|S> Z XmIdUmar ‘§S>ir hr H$mhr ‘An[ahm`© ’ H$maUm§‘wioM Aer dmJbr AgVrb Agm ‘mPm H$`mg Amho. `m H$maUm§Mo EH$ ~ao AgVo- Ë`m§Zm ‘An[ahm`© ’ Ago bo~b bmdbo H$s Vo H$maU gm§Jm`Mr O~m~Xmar PQ>H$Vm `oVo. ~ao, ho H$maU ‘An[ahm`©’ Zgob Am{U Ë`m§Zm ‘ZmVyZ ‘oë`mgmaIo dmQ>V Agob, Va ‘oboë`mbm nwÝhm ‘maÊ`mV H$m` herb, Zmhr H$m? nU ‘bm ImÌr Amho, JmS>µJrim§Zr nmboH$am§Zm hr Zmdo Z¸$s gm§{JVbr AgVrb, Am{U nmboH$am§Zr Ë`m§Mr Q>r‘ ZrQ>M {ZdS>br Agob. ‘rhr nmboH$am§À`m Q>r‘‘Yo Amho ho OmVmOmVm gm§Jm`bm haH$V Zmhr. bm§S>½`m§Mm ~mUoXmanUm ‘mÌ AmdS>bm. Am{U Ë`m§Zm hm {Q>iH$mdVma KoÊ`mMr g¨Yr {Xë`m~Ôb ‘§OwVmBªXoIrb A{^Z§XZmg nmÌ AmhoV. bm§S>½`m§Zm ’$º$ EH$M g„m Xo- ’o$bmo{enbm ~gë`mda e|JXmÊ`m§Mr ’$mobnQ>§ BH$So>{VH$So> Q>mHy$ ZH$m- CJrM Hw$Ur ‘Q>a’$bo Hw$Ur Q>mH$br’Agm Vmo B{Vhmgà{gÕ àíZ {dMmaë`mda {Q>iH$m§gmaIo ~mUoXma CÎma XoVm§Zm n§MmB©V ìhm`Mr. Agmo. VyVm©g EdT>oM. VwPm, g»`m



éh-~-éh Hello friends ! I am happy to reach you all again through this wonderful 2nd issue of GML “PULSE”. My good wishes to all my fellow Anns as you all are working hard, hand In hand with the Rotarians for achieving common goals of service.

lasting change in the lives of people. I wish everyone a great Rotary year 2018-19 and surely we all will create Miracles together. By the time you receive this issue I am sure you all would be basking in the memories of monsoon picnic! Wishing you all HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!

By Dr. Shobhana Palekar


I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the overwhelming love and affection given to us during all our installation visits to various clubs. The whole experience has been truly amazing. Talking to you all and sharing experiences has been so wonderful. Involve spouses in rotary activities and the results are - membership growth is assured as well as increase in attendance in club meetings. International friendship Day is on 6th August and Rotary has designated this month as Membership and New Club Development month. I am very happy to see that wheels of all our clubs have started rolling and many projects are flashing on the screens of social media. Let us think differently in this year as Miracle Chasers. We have planned ALL WOMEN’S CAR RALLY from 26th September to 30th September. We would be covering 10 rotary districts. I urge you all to join this rally. It is to promote - women empowerment/save the girl child / organ donation/ cervical cancer vaccination and FRIENDSHIP! I assure you we will have wonderful time together. Looking forward to see you in large numbers. I urge everyone to celebrate every Rotary Moment, appreciate everyone’s contribution to the success and enjoy your journey. All this without neglecting our families and disturbing our work. I am aware that each one of you is Inspired to analyse the needs of the community and serve to bring about a


RID 3131 bids farewell to Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee (25th Dec 1924 – 16th Aug 2018) 10th Prime Minister of India (19th Mar 1998 – 22nd May 2004)

Be the Inspiration

Wr_ gm±J N>moS>mo ~rVr ~mVo, ~rVr ~mV nyamZr & ZE Omoego {bI|Jo h_ AnZr AnZr H$hmZr & AnZr qOXJmZr, AnZr {OÝXJmZr & O¡gm Mmho d¡gm nhbo IyXH$mo ~Zmbo & ~t~H$m ~ZH$m à{V~t~ `h _Z_| ~gmbo && AnZr _ohZV H$mo AnZm B_mZ ~Zmbo & AnZr hmWm|H$m AnZm ^JdmZ ~Zmbo && Z`m Omoe h¡, ZB© C_§J h¡, {bIo ZB© H$hmZr &&1&& AnZr qOXJmZr, AnZr {OÝXJmZr .... N>moS>mo ~rVr ~mVo, ~rVr ~mV nyamZr .... H$m_ H$amo dh Zm_ aho haAoH$Ho$ b~ no & Jm¡ad H$ao Vyåhmao nX {MÝhmono MbHo$ && {Xn ~Zmbo OrdZH$mo amoQ>ar H$s amh_| & H$éUm, godm H$s gya-g[aVm_| Zhmbo && Z`m Omoe h¡, ZB© C_§J h¡, {bIo ZB© H$hmZr AnZr qOXJmZr, AnZr {OÝXJmZr N>moS>mo ~rVr ~mVo, ~rVr ~mV nyamZr &&2&& Z`o Omoego {bI|Jo h_ AnZr AnZr H$hmZr & AnZr qOXJmZr, AnZr {OÝXJmZr ..... aM`rVm - goÝQ>oZr`a \$ñQ>© boS>r

Mrs. Badami G. Solanki

Betterment of Rotarians… This is first of the articles for all of us who want to be better leaders. Look forward to educative and informative articles by Rtn. Manjoo Phadke every month in GML. Rotary, being a Non-for-Profit Service organisation, needs empathetic leaders who would put betterment of the society ahead of their own needs. It requires such leadership that not only is comfortable but is proactive in sharing the power, trusting people, and thinking of others before self, helping develop people and guiding the teams towards very high performance for achieving a common goal. This can be provided by Servant Leadership. Servant Leadership may sound as a relatively new concept but it’s being practiced ever since the evolution times. Whenever there have been Haves and Have-Nots, Servant Leadership has played an important role of upliftment. “The servantleader is servant first…It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.” - Robert K. Greenleaf. Servant Leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.Many Servant Leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Baba Amte and many more from the local soil have toiled relentlessly to ensure better world. It needs empathy, understanding, listening, awareness & healing capabilities in addition to usual skills needed by the other leaders. In the following articles (these will be every month in GML), we will have a look at various such qualities, capabilities and skills that we need to acquire or hone to become better Leaders to begin with and subsequently better Servant Servant Leaders and in turn, Better Rotarians. By Rtn Manjoo Phadke

Published by DG Dr. Shailesh Palekar, RI District 3131. Edited by GML Editor Rtn. Sham Phadnis & GML Team and printed at Hitech Graphics Panvel FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY


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