Mooneh catalogue 2017

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By Dima Sharif

I have recently launched “Mooneh” my new line of artisanal products that preserves organic, seasonal, local and regional produce either by means of fermentation, jamming, drying or saucing. Mooneh is an Arabic word that literally means pantry stock. The Arabic pantry is usually stocked with ingredients that have been harvested and preserved during season; when they are at their best. So, with the pantry being an essential part of any kitchen, where all the beautiful seasonal ingredients and flavours are stored, I thought the name Mooneh is the best suited for these products that are exactly that. I am a huge supporter of local produce and organic farming, therefore, the range is focused on local, organic produce in effort to support the local organic farmers and the organic farming community in the UAE. With that said, and being a desert, the UAE produce is quite limited and therefore when an ingredient is not available locally, I source it - when in season - from the nearest source possible within the region. The products are all natural and mostly organic, the only non-organic ingredients used are those that are wild and grow naturally, and as such cannot be certified organic. However, these are mostly organic as they are not within any farms that use nonorganic methods and the areas where they grow are far away from the inhabited areas that could be polluted or subjected to chemicals.

In making these products, we follow oldschool methods of food preservation and my traditional family recipes. We do not use any chemicals, preservatives, additives, food colourings or flavourings or any such risky materials. Even the vinegars, seasoning and oils are all organic. And our fermenting process happens in the jars keeping the ingredients alive and in top shape until opened, when they actually start pickling. Our process and products are 100% natural and reliant on outstanding quality, fresh produce. The whole process is made by hand, nonmass produced, rather in small batches with impeccable care and attention, ensuring a distinctive artisanal quality. And as such, the quality of the finished products is always superb, where one fully tastes and savours each jar and each one of the actual ingredients. Going farm-to-table with this concept allows me to encourage all of us to rethink and bring back the eternal and original tie between land and home.

I love nothing more than sharing this beautiful range with you and look forward to hopefully stocking your pantries with my Mooneh soon.

Dima Al -Sharif

It is impossible not to taste the pluck and resourcefulness of the traditional Middle Eastern kitchen in my “Mooneh” *** #OrganicMoonehEssentials #OMEbyDimaSharif #Mooneh


Premium Olives & Olive Oil from my family’s boutique Olive farm in Jordan

DS Premium, Certified Organic, Cold Press, First Press Extra Virgin Olive Oil This olive oil is sourced from my family farm in the North of Jordan. This farm produces premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This EVOO enjoys acidity levels of less than 0.8% with fruity taste, which is ideal for both table and cooking purposes. Also, the Farm is ISO 9001 and HACCP certified and strictly adheres to the best practices. The farm received many certificates including King Abdullah II of Jordan Certificate of Appreciation and Ministry of Agriculture Award of Excellence. Each year, EVO is tested by chemiservice labs "Italy" and/or Agbiolab “USA” and is classified as "Extra Virgin". In addition, as of 2013/14 harvest, our farms have been fully certified by IMO Switzerland and the harvest is labeled “Organic”. Our packaging includes 500 ml UV filtered glass bottles, as well as 4-liter and 17.4-liter tins. Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Location: Variety: Pressing: Acidity: Flavor: Other plants in the farm:

Premium olive oil certified extra virgin and organic Glass or Tin October-December 2016 Northern Jordan, moderate desert conditions and irrigated Nabali Within 24 hours from picking time at a temperature below 28° <0.5 % Rich flavor, bitter with pungent and fruity attributes Apricots and grapes

DS Premium, Certified Organic, Brined Green Olives The green olives are sourced from my family farm in the North of Jordan. This farm houses Nabali olive trees, the variety that is native to Palestine, and it produces premium organic olives, with a fruity nose. Also, the Farm is ISO 9001 and HACCP certified and strictly adheres to the best practices. The farm received many certificates including King Abdullah II of Jordan Certificate of Appreciation and Ministry of Agriculture Award of Excellence. In addition, as of 2013/14 harvest, our farms have been fully certified by IMO Switzerland and the harvest is labeled “Organic”. These olives are debittered in water then brined. They enjoy a tangy brined flavour and are ideal for table, cooking and cocktail purposes. Our packaging includes 250g/450g glass jars; as well as 1 Kg containers and 15KG tins.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Location: Variety: Flavor: Other plants in the farm:

Premium green olives in brine, certified organic Glass, Plastic or Tin Containers November-December 2016 Northern Jordan, moderate desert conditions and irrigated Nabali Rich flavor, tangy, very slightly bitter with pungent attributes where the olive is very present in aroma and taste Apricots and grapes

To me, taste summons memory and emotion, and food is a reflection of culture and as such is the ultimate connection between the generations. With this philosophy in mind, my “Mooneh” is a reconnection of the smell and taste of my grandmother’s kitchen to the artisanal continuity of times past.

DS Dried Zaatar Mix This dried zaatar mix follows the purist method typical to traditional Palestinian cuisine, where the dried leaves are not mixed with any spices or other ingredients to increase the yield or mask the flavor of zaatar. In fact, this mix celebrates the uninterrupted flavor of the pungent zaatar local to the Levant. It is made following my ancient family’s recipe, and is made purely from high quality zaatar leaves and sesame seeds that have been sourced from Jordan. You will be pleasantly surprised by the piquant aroma and flavor of this dried zaatar mix. It is unmasked, pure and pungent. Once you smell it and taste it you will know the difference between high quality zaatar and the other types of “zaatar” mixes. To those familiar with this pure flavour, this zaatar will take you right back to your early years, reminiscing your childhood home. Our packaging includes 180g/250g glass jars; as well as 1 Kg & 3 KG containers. The leaves are handpicked, dried and mixed by Palestinian Women living in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan. And the proceeds from this product will go to support up to 5 singlemother Palestinian families living in the Palestinian Refugee Camps there.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Variety: Handling: Flavor:

Handmade, premium dried zaatar with toasted sesame seeds, lightly salted. Glass, plastic container or vacuum sealed bags February-March Jordan, mountainous areas, natural irrigation Wild Zaatar (Origanum Syriacum) Handpicked, dried and hand-rolled Rich flavor, pungent, herby, slightly salty and

naturally tangy with slight bitterness

DS Organic Pickled Fresh Zaatar Leaf in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Zaatar with olive oil is a mix that is at the heart of the Levantine kitchen. A combination that all the people of this region have been savouring since ancient history. I pickled the fresh zaatar leaves instead of drying them for a new/old take on this match made in heaven. Because the leaves are fresh, the zaatar is highly aromatic and very much present in every bite. The olive oil in this Jar is the same premium organic EVOO from my family farm in Jordan. Our packaging includes 120g/250g glass jars.

Serving suggestions: Simply spoon onto a plate and dip warm bread into the mixture scooping out the zaatar and enjoy the aromatic flavor of both the zaatar and olive oil. I use the zaatar in salad dressings and as an aromatic in my cooking. The zaatar and its accompanying olive oil, make an excellent addition to tomato sauces, pasta, drizzle over pizza or roast chicken. I love to drizzle it over bread as a flavor-packed base for many sandwiches, let your imagination roam.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Variety: Handling: Flavor:

Fresh zaatar leaves, cured and preserved in Organic EVOO Glass Jars February-March UAE Organic farms UAE-grown Fresh Green Zaatar Hand picked and chopped Rich fresh herby flavor, pungent, green

flavour, Ingredients:

earthy tones, slightly salty Organic Fresh Zaatar (UAE), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Jordan), Himalayan Salt.

If there ever exists an art in flavouring, then it resides in the creation of spice blends. Blends are like a marriage, no one should overwhelm the other or take away its goodness. The ingredients must all blend well and compliment one another bringing out each one’s best attributes!

The secret is always in: •  High quality spices. •  In season harvest. •  Fresh, just ground, small batches.

DS Organic Sumac When you taste this amazing marooncoloured, tangy and earthy sumac, you will never go back to the tasteless and artificially coloured sumac offered in the market! Yes, you will get to see what proper sumac is like and as delicious as it is you will want to use it everywhere! This organic Sumas Comes straight from a small nursery in the North of Jordan which I oversee myself to ensure maximum quality.

Serving suggestions: Sumac lends a sour flavour combined with hints of fruit and a faint cranberry palate. It is often added to salad dressings, and to meat or poultry sandwiches especially meat shawermas. It is sprinkled on fried vegetables such as fried eggplants, cauliflower, potatoes…etc. and often mixed with Dried Zaatar too. The most iconic use of sumac though is in the making of the National Palestinian dish “Musakhan” (Roasted chicken confit in olive oil with caramelised onions and sumac)

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Variety: Handling: Flavor: Ingredients:

Hand picked and ground fresh organic sumac. Glass Jars and vacuum sealed bags October - November Jordan Sumac Hand picked and ground in small batches Rich fresh flavor, earthy tones, sour, fruity with a berry finish, faintly bitter, pungent. Ground Organic sumac

DS Organic Fish & Seafood Spice Mix & DS Organic Meat & Poultry Spice Mix Often times I am asked what is the secret to the depth of flavours in my food. I always reply with the same answer: “it is my fresh, home-ground and mixed spice blends.” I source my spices from the best spice markets, these spice mixes are home ground and mixed in small batches to create pungent blends that will add a layer of depth and much appreciated flavour to your food; all you need to do is season the food with these spice mixes and instantly it is transformed, elevated and packed with flavour!

Serving suggestions:

I am currently offering 2 flavours, one for flavouring fish and seafood dishes, and the other for flavouring meat and poultry dishes. You can use as a dry rub before BBQ or grilling your food, you can use in the creation of a wet rub, simply mix with my outstanding Limited Edition EV Olive Oil along with a clove of garlic, sea salt and your preferred type of vinegar and rub meats before long, slow cooking or smoking and see how it transforms your finished dish. Visit and check out the label “Recipes with DS Spice Mixes” and find many applications using these spice mixes, a repertoire of recipes that I update regularly.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Freshly ground Spices. Including cinnamon, cloves, cumin, coriander, allspice, cardamom, black pepper… Glass Jars and vacuum sealed bags Relative to type Jordan, Turkey, Iran, India Home ground Rich fresh flavor, earthy tones, pungent, sweet aroma. Very Middle Eastern in characteristic and note.

Sauces comprise the honor and glory of cookery. They contribute to food’s superiority and tremendously enhance the eating experience. These are the orchestration and accompaniment of a fine meal, and enable a good chef or cook to demonstrate their talent and to communicate their palate with the recipient.. Added to a stew, a sandwich, a dressing, a marinade… a good sauce transforms, elevates and enhances anything it touches! My secret is always in: •  High quality produce. •  In season harvest. •  Handmade process. •  Fresh, small batches.

DS Organic Red Shatta Preserved in Organic EVOO Shatta is Red Chili Sauce, and is a staple in the Levantine kitchens. With that said, is there any kitchen that does not use a red chili sauce one way or the other? This red chili sauce is beautifully flavoured, with the natural sweetness of red chili’s masking at first the hot notes of the chili only for the heat to kick in later, starting at the back of your throat working its way to the front of your palate. This artisanal spicy sauce is made using outstanding local organic ingredients and is preserved in my outstanding certified organic, extra virgin olive oil.

Serving suggestions:

I am currently offering 2 variations of this sauce: 1.  Red Shatta 2.  Smoked Red Shatta This sauce is the traditional choice to pair with many Middle Eastern street foods and sandwiches such as Shawerma’s, falafel…etc. Added to any sandwich it lends its much appreciated kick and enhances the overall flavour of the sandwich. I love adding this sauce to stews, in salad dressings and also to any marinade where am looking for a spicy kick. It is perfect for serving next to food, and for garnishing food too. Very versatile and always loved by everyone.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Hot Red Chili Sauce made using local organic peppers, and organic ingredients including: Red chilies, red capsicum, Himalayan salt, organic vinegar, organic EVOO … 110g / 250g/450g Glass Jars December - April UAE organic farms Small batch, individually packed Naturally sweet from the red peppers, hot chili flavours, combined with tangy undertones, slightly salty. The flavour of the red pepper is very present in every bite.

DS Organic Green Shatta Preserved in Organic EVOO

Serving suggestions: Green Shatta is green chili sauce, and like Red Shatta is a staple in the Levantine kitchens. This green chili sauce is spicy, pungent with clear green pepper flavour and nose. There is not a food out there that will not pair well with this spicy, flavour-packed green chili sauce. This artisanal spicy sauce is made using outstanding local organic ingredients and is preserved in my outstanding certified organic, extra virgin olive oil.

This sauce is the traditional choice to pair with many Middle Eastern street foods and sandwiches especially known to be added with Hummus, Foul, falafel…etc. Also commonly added to Arabic stews. I love adding this sauce to stews, in salad dressings and also to any marinade where am looking for a spicy kick. It is perfect for serving next to food, and for garnishing food too. Very versatile and always loved by everyone.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Hot Green Chili Sauce made using local organic peppers, and organic ingredients including: Green chilies, green capsicum, garlic, Himalayan salt, organic vinegar, organic EVOO … 110g / 250g/450g Glass Jars December - April UAE organic farms Small batch, individually packed Naturally savoury with green flavours, fresh and herby as are the natural characteristics of green peppers, hot chili flavours, combined with tangy undertones, slightly salty, the flavour of the red pepper is very present in every bite.

DS Organic Lemon & Chili Pickle Made following one of my oldest family recipes, this is a flavour-packed jar that adds zing to any dish transforming it from ordinary to outstanding! A true artisanal quality – fully hand chopped, in small batches and individually packed – lending it a spicy kick and a savoury palate that is so versatile to blend very well with a multitude of options. These preserved lemons and chilies are made using outstanding organic ingredients. The green chilies are locally grown in the UAE, Some batches the lemons too are sourced from UAE farms, however due to limited yield, once the local lemons are out of supply we source the lemons from outstanding farms in Jordan and Lebanon.

Serving suggestions:

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

These pickles are delicious had with warm bread and really compliment the flavours of rice and grain-based dishes as well as pair well with hummus, labneh and my personal favourite: scrambled eggs. The content of these jars make an excellent relish to grilled meats and personally I just love these with salmon, tuna steaks and I even bake them with chicken and potato roast for a twist on the traditional option. No matter how you use this it is always absolutely mouthwatering!

Lemon & Chili Pickle made using local organic peppers, and organic Lemons cured with Himalayan salt, and preserved with DS organic EVOO … 250g/450g Glass Jars February - April UAE organic farms & Jordanian / Lebanese organic lemons Hand Chopped, Small batch, individually packed Hot and savoury palate with slight sour notes. Very slightly bitter and slightly salty.

Each one of my jars is individually packed and labeled; all made with love and care as I do when preparing my own stock at home. I add no chemicals, preservatives, artiďŹ cial avourings or colours; so you can rest assured your and your family’s health are safe.

DS Organic Pickled Mixed Vegetables In Olive Oil Regardless of the eater’s palate, background or preferred cuisine, no one ever tasted this pickle without completely indulging in its delicious flavours. Everyone loves this pickle! The ingredients that go into the making of this mixed vegetables pickle are all sourced from (UAE) local, organic farms during season. These ingredients are then cured with salt and vinegar after which they are preserved in my outstanding certified organic, extra virgin olive oil.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using local organic carrots, local organic cabbages, local organic red, yellow and green capsicums, organic local garlic, DS Organic Shatta (red chili sauce), organic cold pressed EVOO (Jordan), Himalayan salt 250g/450g Glass Jars January-May UAE organic farms Hand chopped, small batch, individually packed The cabbages are the most present, followed by the carrot flavour. The overall palate is savoury with a light kick. Available in spicy and non-spicy option.

Serving suggestions:

These pickles are delicious served with warm bread to start a meal. They can also be served as dip with some toasted pita wedges. I also like to mix this pickle with labneh and serve it on the side of egg dishes or as a more interesting dip for chips or baked potatoes. It is also an excellent relish over grilled meats. They also pair very well with rice-based dishes.

DS Organic Pickled Green Beans & Walnuts In Olive Oil This is a delightful and very interesting pickle that is always a crowd pleaser. Whether you serve it on its own with bread to start the meal, as dip or as a relish next to foods this pickle works very well and always delights everyone. The content of these jars have all been grown naturally and organically, handled by hand, and therefore, has a distinctive artisanal quality and outstanding flavour.

Serving suggestions:

These pickles are delicious served with warm bread to start a meal. They can be served as dip with some bread sticks. I also like to mix this pickle with labneh and serve it as a more interesting dip for chips or baked potatoes. It is also a good relish over grilled meats.

Product Specifications

Description: Made using local organic green beans, local organic lemon, Wwlnuts, organic local garlic, DS organic Shatta (red chili sauce), organic cold pressed EVOO (Jordan), Himalayan salt. Packaging: 250g/450g Glass Jars Harvest date: January-May Origin: UAE organic farms, Turkey & Jordan Handling: Hand chopped, small batch, individually packed Flavor: The green flavour of green beans is present and so is the unmistakable flavour of walnuts. This pickle is also available without the walnuts, where the green beans are pickled with mixed vegetables instead for those who are intolerant to walnuts.

Globalisation has altered so much of the past, especially when it comes to food and speciďŹ cally pickled foods. Recipes have altered over time to accommodate mass production. My range is smallbatch, with a homemade quality. Each jar is individually packed, with no machinery or chemicals used in the process. I source the very best produce, from the source, and even the vinegar, salt and seasonings are all organic.

DS Organic Cucumber Pickles A staple of the Levantine mooneh (pantry stock). There is not a home that does not stock on these gorgeous cucumber pickles, which makes them the most popular pickles and a familiar flavor in all menus. I follow my family’s old recipe for making these pickles and each jar’s contents are hand prepared from organic ingredients without the use of any chemicals or preservatives as none are needed.

Serving suggestions:

Cucumber pickles work very well as a side to all Arabic concoctions, and as a relish to most stews and meat-based dishes. Cucumber pickles are widely added to sandwiches, burgers and Shawermas as they are an excellent choice to be paired with most foods. They can liven up any composed salad, especially when containing pulses, rice and/or grains. The sky is the limit when it comes to these cucumber pickles. They are so versatile and loved, however way they are used.

Product Specifications

Description: Made using local organic cucumbers (UAE), organic green chilies (UAE), organic brine (organic vinegar, Himalayan salt), grape leaf. Packaging: 250g/450g Glass Jars Harvest date: Year Round Origin: UAE organic farms Handling: By hand, small batch, individually packed Flavor: Cucumber flavour very present in every bite. Salty but not overly. Available spicy and non-spicy options.

DS Organic Chili Pickles The chili pickles are very well known and a staple on most table spreads. These add a kick to any eating experience and can be added to the side of food or used in the cooking. They are very famous served next to hummus or used in sandwiches. I followed my family’s age-old recipe which produces crunchy, and very flavoursome pickled chilies.. Sourced from (UAE) local, organic farms during season. These spicy artisanal pickles, are made using outstanding organic ingredients that are locally grown in the UAE. The content of these jars have all been grown naturally and organically, mostly tended by hand.

Serving suggestions:

Perfect on the side of all foods, especially hummus, and any meaty dishes. They are fantastic in sandwiches and add a much interesting kick to Arabic food the way jalapenos do for Mexican foods! Try them in making Arabic-flavoured Salsas.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using local organic green & red chilies, organic local lemon, organic vinegar, Himalayan salt. 250g/450g Glass Jars January - May UAE organic farms By hand, small batch, individually packed Salty, tangy with a chili kick and hints of garlic.

DS Organic Green Tomatillo Pickles Try these pickles, sliced with a cheeseburger! The minute you try it, you will never go back to the boring old gherkins! This pickle is sharp, sour (from the original sourness of green tomatillos) and while they are not the best to be had on their own, they are a perfect match to any oily fish or fatty meat cuts, as their sharpness and tanginess cut through fats like a charm making them absolutely an amazing condiment. Whenever the food is rich, creamy, fatty or in need of tang and a lift, these pickled tomatillos answer best to that. The content of these jars have all been grown naturally and organically, mostly tended by hand.

Serving suggestions:

These pickles will brighten up any dish that needs tang or wherever you are looking to add a sour flavor. Best served with rich foods, fatty meat cuts and are the burger’s best friend! Try it and see for yourself.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using local organic green tomatillos, organic vinegar, Himalayan Salt. 250g/450g Glass Jars January - May UAE organic farms By hand, small batch, individually packed Salty, sour, crunchy and very sharp.

DS Organic Turnip Pickles I followed my family’s age-old recipe in making these beautiful and vibrant pickles. This is the Levant in a jar. This pickle is one of the most popular pickles in Arabic cuisine. You will hardly have any street food in this area that does not include this pickle one way or the other. Even at homes, this pickle is always served on the side of food on every home’s dining table. Sourced from (UAE) local, organic farms during season, these artisanal pickles, (which can be made spicy or non-spicy to order ) are made using outstanding organic ingredients that are locally grown in the UAE. The content of these jars have all been grown naturally and organically, mostly tended by hand.

Serving suggestions:

These pickles will brighten up sandwiches such as chicken, falafel or slow cooked pulled meats. They are great in salads too. I love serving these next to stews, rice-based dishes or fried food.

Product SpeciďŹ cations Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using organic local turnips, organic local beetroots, organic local chili, organic vinegar, Himalayan salt. 250g/450g Glass Jars December-May UAE organic farms Hand chopped, small batch, individually packed The turnips are very present in every bite. Salty but not overly. Available spicy and non-spicy options.

DS Organic Cauliflower Pickles One of my favourite pickles ever! From the taste, to the texture and even the colour these pickles are succulent and pair well with everything. I love them with Arabic rice dishes, in dishes containing grains and pulses, in salads, in sandwiches and in the making of relishes, salsas and sauces. You will too, just try them and see for yourself. Sourced from (UAE) local, organic farms during season, these slightly spicy artisanal pickles, are made using outstanding organic ingredients that are locally grown in the UAE. The content of these jars have all been grown naturally and organically, mostly tended by hand.

Serving suggestions:

These pickles will brighten up the table and any dish or sandwiches they are added to. They bring a crunch and a savoury flavour to your dishes and pair exceptionally well with roasted chicken, or slow cooked pulled meats. They are great in salads too. I also used them in making salads, especially where lentils, rice or grains are used.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using organic local cauliflower, organic lemon, organic vinegar, Himalayan Salt. 250g/450g Glass Jars February-May UAE organic farms Hand chopped, small batch, individually packed The crunchy cauliflowers are distinctively present in every bite. Salty but not overly. Available spicy and non-spicy options.

DS Organic Beetroot Pickles Crunchy, colourful, tangy, and deliciously beetroot gorgeous! As beetroots do, these pair well with everything. I especially love serving these next to cheeses and in sandwiches. Sourced from (UAE) local, organic farms during season, these artisanal pickles, (which can be made spicy or non-spicy to order ) are made using outstanding organic ingredients that are locally grown in the UAE. The content of these jars have all been grown naturally and organically, mostly tended by hand.

Serving suggestions:

I always serve these on a cheese platter, love pairing them with cheese, especially goats’ milk cheese and labneh. Also love serving them next to grilled meats and ďŹ sh. I use these pickled beetroots in the making of a relish along with red onions and olive oil which I serve alongside steaks or roasted turkey. Delicious!

Product SpeciďŹ cations

Description: Made using organic local heritage beetroots, organic lemon, organic vinegar, Himalayan salt. Packaging: 250g/450g Glass Jars Harvest date: November-May Origin: UAE organic farms Handling: Hand chopped, small batch, individually packed Flavor: The naturally sweet beetroots are distinctively present in every bite. Salty but not overly and slightly sour. Available spicy and non-spicy options. Also available sliced or shredded.

The launch of my own brand of foods isn’t about nostalgia, but about preserving a link with where the recipes came from and how they were made; from land to home. By bringing them into the present, I hope to give them a clear sense of what they were and what they still are.

DS Nabulsi Cheese (white cheese) This cheese is a very uniquely flavoured white cheese, made out of a mixture of both, ewe’s and goats’ milk. It is one of those products, where the variety available in the UAE market is a replica that is no way near the authentic and high quality Nabulsi cheese. I personally, looked throughout Jordan for the best Nabulsi cheese maker and found one who was very close to the cheese created in Nablus. "Close" but not quite, so I agreed with the maker to follow my own family recipe for Nabulsi cheese, and together we made a few batches, that were finally chosen for my “Mooneh “range. The batches that were made together will be among the first supply for this Farmers' Market season and the following supplies will all follow the same Dima Sharif recipe, exclusively made for my Mooneh range. Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Location: Flavor:

White, solid cheese, cured in salt then preserved in brine, with a long shelf life of 1 year. Made from a mixture of ewe’s & goat’s milk 450g Glass jars or 15 KG Tin March-May Jordan Rich flavor, softer texture after boiling (does

not melt. Similar to halloumi).

DS Jameed (Sun-dried, Fermented Goat’s Milk Yogurt Balls) & Goat’s Milk Rolled Labneh Balls Jameed (the large white balls in the picture) is a Bedouin specialty from Jordan. It is sundried, fermented goat’s milk yogurt that comes in the shape of solid white balls. It is the key ingredient for preparing Jordanian Mansaf . Sourced from a Bedouin artisan in the south of Jordan (Jordanian city Karak) who produces the best Jameed in very small batches. In Karak, there is a village known best for Jameed being their specialty, and this artisan lives and operates there. These Jameed balls are all organic without any chemicals or preservatives or flavourings. They are 100% natural and made following the ancient Bedouin traditions in preparing Jameed. Also Available Goat’s Milk Labneh Balls preserved in Olive Oil (as in the picture). These are made out of strained goat’s milk yogurt, where the remaining solids are rolled into balls and preserved in olive oil. These labneh balls are the produce of Jerash, a city in Northern Jordan, known for producing this specialty Labneh Jarashiyeh.

Serving suggestions:

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Jameed is specifically used in the making of Mansaf. The Rolled Labneh is delicious spread on bread, as a dip and also makes a very interesting addition to the cheese platter! This labneh is also fabulous crumbled over salads, and an interesting option crumbled over musaka or any dish where crumbled feta cheese is used.

Made using organic goat’s milk (produce of Jordan), organic clarified butter for jameed balls (produce of Jordan), Salt. 250g/450ggGlass jars for Labneh Balls Individually nilon wrapped Jameed Balls April-May Jordan Hand rolled, small batch, individually packed Jameed: Salty, with a distinctive fermented flavour and aroma. Rolled Labneh: Salty, with a mild goats’ milk flavour.

Mooneh by Dima Sharif We offer honest, real, good and delicious food The secret is always in: •  High quality ingredients. •  In-season harvest. •  All natural ingredients. •  Fresh, small batches. •  Age old family recipes following old school methods

Having started out my career in food as a catering chef and being in the catering business, I know that many people have some serious intolerances to specific types of food. Often times, those who have specific dietary requirements miss out on many fun and good eating experiences, and I don’t want them to keep missing out and settling for the less fun and tasty side of eating. Therefore, I created a “healthy” line within my “Mooneh” range that is dedicated to offering delicious solutions to those intolerances. This healthy line allows you to stock up your pantries with delicious foods and substitutes to your allergens. Because “Mooneh” is a real food brand that offers natural, real foods without the addition of any chemicals, additives, preservatives...etc. the “Healthy” line is healthy for everyone. The fact that a product is gluten-free, means it caters for those with a gluten intolerance as well as everyone else. This way expanding the range and adding delicious, good and healthy options for everyone to savour and without leaving anyone out. With that said, my Mooneh already caters to vegetarians and vegans, as apart from the dairy products, all of our offering is plant-based and therefore vegan. This is crucial at this day and age where many people try to consume less animal products and focus their diets more on plant-based foods. Also this allows us to cater for those whom due to cultural and or religious requirements have to consume vegan/vegetarian foods.

Finally, I have also come to learn that due to some health concerns, many people cannot consume foods that are high in salt. While I am unable to completely omit salt from naturally preserved foods, with a bit of research - and consulting with medical professionals - I have come to learn that specific types of salt are better options than others for those with high blood pressure for instance…etc. Therefore I only use the best quality, natural, unprocessed salts and as such if consumed in moderation they should not have and adverse health effect. This means that those who should avoid salt can still enjoy these preserved foods provided they are doing so in moderation; better than craving and having no substitute! Just because one has a specific dietary requirement, or the fact that one is intolerant to some foods does not mean one should miss out on the essential eating experience and the fun or social side of eating. I want to think of everyone, and that is the aim of the “Healthy” line of my “Mooneh” range.

I love nothing more than fulfilling your food needs and offering you a premium, rounded and satisfying product. As such, I am sharing this beautiful range with you and look forward to hopefully stocking your pantries with my Mooneh soon.

Dima Al -Sharif

DS Applesauce Who does not love applesauce! I source the best organic apples to make these jars of beautiful applesauce. All natural and without any additives or preservatives. This applesauce brings back the good flavour of apples lost to today’s sauces being offered in the markets. Whether you are watching your fat intake, sugar intake or if you are intolerant to lactose, or perhaps you are looking to add ‘interesting’ to your food creations… this sauce is your answer and natural substitute that adds nothing but goodness wherever its used. No sugar added, apples uninterrupted, with a beautiful creamy texture that everyone will love on its own or used in the making of other foods and smoothies.

Serving suggestions:

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor: Also available:

•  Use as a sugar substitute, oil/butter substitute in baking and dessert making. •  Use as a sweetener to smoothies and juices. •  Use as a snack (also good for babies of appropriate age) •  Use as a base sauce for apple tarts and pies. (Also for other fruit tarts and pies) •  Use in meat marinades (tenderises and aids caramelisation) •  Use in Salad Marinades •  Use as a sugar substitute in cooking. •  Use in the layers of parfaits….

Made using organic apples 110g/250g/450g Glass Jars Year round Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon Small batch, individually packed Naturally sweet, purely apple. spiced applesauce and customisable.

DS Cashew Butter Love the texture of butter, the use of butter, the qualities of butter in baking? Can’t have butter because of the fat type or because you are lactose intolerant or perhaps you are vegan? We got the answer for you! Try our Nut butters! They are delicious, and definitely add interesting flavours to your baking, cooking, ice-creams, toasted breads… the sky is the limit! Cashews are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They include vitamins E, K, and B6, along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium, all of which are important for maintaining good and healthy bodily function. So not only will you be loving the flavour of this beautiful, creamy and delicious butter, but you will be doing your body a favour too!

Serving suggestions:

•  Use as oil/butter substitute in baking and dessert making. •  Use as a binder in smoothies and ice-creams. •  Use as a snack on top of rice crackers or toasted bread with avocadoes or bananas and seeds. •  Use in the layers of desserts and parfaits. •  You can even add to cooking where cashews are used for the intensified flavour of cashews

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using organic cashews, & Himalayan salt. 110g/250g/450g Glass Jars Year round India Small batch, individually packed Pure and intense cashew flavour

DS Pistachio Butter Love the texture of butter, the use of butter, the qualities of butter in baking? Can’t have butter because of the fat type or because you are lactose intolerant or perhaps you are vegan? We got the answer for you! Try our Nut butters! They are delicious, and definitely add interesting flavours to your baking, cooking, ice-creams, toasted breads… the sky is the limit! Pistachios are one of the few nuts that contain most of the nutrients that are required by humans for complete health. Pistachios contain nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, vitamin B-6, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K. All of these nutrients make pistachios ideally suited for better health. They are that good for you!

Serving suggestions:

•  Use as oil/butter substitute in baking and dessert making. •  Use in the making of all Arabic sweets and desserts. •  Use as a binder in smoothies and ice-creams. •  Use as a snack on top of rice crackers or toasted bread with sliced bananas and seeds. •  Use in the layers of desserts and parfaits.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using organic pistachio, & Himalayan salt. 110g/250g/450g Glass Jars August-October Iran, Turkey Small batch, individually packed Pure and intense Pistachio flavour

DS Toasted Almond Butter Love the texture of butter, the use of butter, the qualities of butter in baking? Can’t have butter because of the fat type or because you are lactose intolerant or perhaps you are vegan? We got the answer for you! Try our Nut butters! They are delicious, and definitely add interesting flavours to your baking, cooking, ice-creams, toasted breads… the sky is the limit! Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss. What more convincing does anyone need!

Serving suggestions:

•  Use as oil/butter substitute in baking and dessert making. •  Excellent for use in all sweets and desserts where almonds are used. •  Use as a binder in smoothies and ice-creams. •  Use as a snack on top of rice crackers or toasted bread with avocadoes or bananas and seeds. •  Use in the layers of desserts and parfaits. •  You can even add to cooking where almonds are used for the intensified flavour of almonds

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using organic almonds and Himalayan salt. 110g/250g/450g Glass Jars July - October Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon Small batch, individually packed Pure and intense toasted almond flavour.

DS Hazelnut Butter Love the texture of butter, the use of butter, the qualities of butter in baking? Can’t have butter because of the fat type or because you are lactose intolerant or perhaps you are vegan? We got the answer for you! Try our Nut butters! They are delicious, and definitely add interesting flavours to your baking, cooking, ice-creams, toasted breads… the sky is the limit! Hazelnuts are are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like as well as essential fatty acid that helps lower bad cholesterol and rise good cholesterol. These fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease, and. Hazelnuts are also rich in dietary fiber, vitamins especially vitamin E, and also minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron manganese…) and packed with numerous health promoting phytochemicals that help protect from diseases and cancers. These nuts are also exceptionally rich in folate, which is an important B-complex and B-6 vitamin. Convinced to consume more Hazelnuts? Go for it! Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Harvest date: Origin: Handling: Flavor:

Made using organic almonds and Himalayan salt. 110g/250g/450g Glass Jars Spring Turkey Small batch, individually packed Pure and intense Hazelnut flavour.

Serving suggestions:

•  Use as oil/butter substitute in baking and dessert making. •  Excellent for use in all sweets and desserts where hazelnuts are used. •  Use as a binder in smoothies and ice-creams. •  Use as filling for chocolate pralines. •  Use as a snack on top of rice crackers or toasted bread with Avocadoes or bananas and seeds. •  Use in the layers of desserts and parfaits. •  Add to chocolate ganache for an easy chocolate spread.

DS Dried Fruits & Seeds Muesli (Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Lactose-free, Nut-free ) Don’t miss Breakfast! It truly is the most important meal in the whole day. Since you are at it, make it count: Delicious and packed with energy. This Muesli is made with all natural ingredients, carefully sourced to lend superior flavour and utmost nutrition. The Muesli is not sweetened with sugar nor any sugar substitutes. However the flavour is sweet due to the addition of premium dried fruits. Not only do these fruits add their sweet flavour, but also pack the Muesli with energy and essential vitamins. The flax, chia, sunflower and pumpkin seeds pack more energy into the Muesli, lending their antioxidant properties as well as provide you with minerals and vitamins, making this a truly nutritious and good kick start to your day.

Serving suggestions:

•  Serve Almond milk as the flavours pair really well together. Otherwise any milk, yogurt, fruit yogurt will suit the flavours well too. •  Use as a gluten-free crumble topping to fruit bakes. •  Use in layering a parfait.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Handling: Flavor:

Ingredients include: Oats, flaxseed, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, mixed dried fruits, EV coconut oil 450g Glass Jars, 4 KG containers Hand mixed, small batch, individually packed Mixed fruits and oats are most present with hints of flavours from the different seeds used.

DS Nuts, Fruits & Seeds Muesli (Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Lactose-free) Don’t miss Breakfast! It truly is the most important meal in the whole day. Since you are at it, make it count: Delicious and packed with energy. This Muesli is made with all natural ingredients, carefully sourced to lend superior flavour and utmost nutrition. The Muesli is not sweetened with sugar nor any sugar substitutes. However the flavour is sweet due to the addition of premium dried fruits. Not only do these fruits add their sweet flavour, but also pack the Muesli with energy and essential vitamins. The nuts and seeds pack more energy into the Muesli, lending their antioxidant properties as well as provide you with minerals and vitamins, making this a truly nutritious and good kick start to your day.

Serving suggestions:

•  Serve Almond milk as the flavours pair really well together. Otherwise any milk, yogurt, fruit yogurt will suit the flavours well too. •  Use as a gluten-free crumble topping to fruit bakes. •  Use in layering a parfait.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Handling: Flavor:

Ingredients include: Oats, flaxseed, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, mixed dried fruits, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, EV coconut oil 450g Glass Jars, 4 KG containers Hand mixed, small batch, individually packed Mixed fruits, oats and nuts are most present with hints of flavours from the different seeds used.

DS Dried Mulberry, Cherry & Pistachio Granola with Carob Molasses (Gluten-free, Lactose-free)

Don’t miss Breakfast! It truly is the most important meal in the whole day. Since you are at it, make it count: Delicious and packed with energy. This Granola is made with all natural ingredients, carefully sourced to lend superior flavour and utmost nutrition. The Granola is not sweetened with sugar however benefits from the natural sweetness of carob molasses, which happens to also be a very healthy ingredient packed with vitamins and antioxidants. The carob molasses is added in very small quantities and the flavour of this Granola is also sweet due to the addition of the dried mulberry and cherries. This Granola is super healthy because it also includes pistachios which happen to be the super food of the nuts category.

Serving suggestions:

•  Serve Almond milk as the flavours pair really well together. Otherwise any milk, yogurt, fruit yogurt will suit the flavours well too. •  Use as a gluten-free crumble topping to fruit bakes. •  Use in layering a parfait.

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Handling: Flavor:

Ingredients include: Oats, flaxseed, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried mulberries, dried cherries, pistachios, carob molasses, EV coconut oil 450g Glass Jars, 4 KG containers Hand mixed, small batch, individually packed Lightly sweet flavour with distinct carob, mulberry and cherry hints. Crunchy texture

DS Sundried Blueberries with Almonds and Cinnamon Granola (Gluten-free, Lactose-free) Don’t miss Breakfast! It truly is the most important meal in the whole day. Since you are at it, make it count: Delicious and packed with energy. This Granola is my personal favourite! It is made with all natural ingredients, carefully sourced to lend superior flavour and utmost nutrition. It is not sweetened with sugar however benefits from the natural sweetness of the pure maple syrup, which in turn pairs extremely well with the flavours of the dried blueberries, almonds and cinnamon. Besides breakfast, this is my go to option when looking for a healthy sweet fix or delicious snack!

Product Specifications Description: Packaging: Handling: Flavor:

Ingredients include: Oats, flaxseed, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, sundried blueberries, almonds, cinnamon, organic pure maple syrup, EV coconut oil 450g Glass Jars, 4 KG containers Hand mixed, small batch, individually packed Lightly sweet flavour with distinct cinnamon and maple flavour, and hints of blueberry Crunchy texture

Serving suggestions:

•  Serve Almond milk as the flavours pair really well together. Otherwise any milk, yogurt, fruit yogurt will suit the flavours well too. •  Use as a gluten-free crumble topping to fruit bakes. •  Use in layering a parfait.

Therefore, in the early 1930’s, he bought pieces of

In the first decade of the 1900’s, my grandfather was a well known produce merchant in Jerusalem. He had a few fruit and vegetable shops opened in the ancient city, from where he supplied hotels, eateries, and the food industry back then with their produce requirements. He did very well and within just a few years he expanded his business to cover many different areas within Palestine. He believed that the key to his success and what makes or breaks any business is primarily the quality of the product and as importantly the building of a relationship with his customers, where his product is catered to their individual requirements. Those practices proved crucial to his career over the years and set him up to expand his business to eventually export his products to more Arab countries as well as Turkey and Europe. As the business expanded and grew, so did his clients’ requirements. And at that time it was somewhat difficult to control the quality of the produce supplied by the many individual farmers. He knew that in order to guarantee the quality he would have to control the production process. Also at that time, the whole modern farming processes were just starting and early versions of untested pesticides were rapidly filling the markets. The idea of ‘chemicals in his food’ did not sit well with him and so he opted to continue purchasing only from the farmers who did not use these chemicals in their farms. That proved easier said than done, as more and more farms were using those chemicals. That was when he decided to take the matter into his own hands and start producing the supply himself as a means to control the process and guarantee the standards and quality he was after.

land in the Jordan Valley, East of the River Jordan, and started his own fruit and vegetable farms. Those farms were the first man-made farms in Jordan and through the years became widely known as the oldest, largest and best quality farms in the whole of Jordan. Doing so, he was able to produce the quality he believed in and the produce he was proud of. From there he continued to supply his old customers and grew to reach new customers in Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Mediterranean Europe. His vision was always simple and clear: Premium Quality, Honest, Real Food I grew up surrounded by this philosophy, vision and respect to quality. From a very young age, I learnt the importance of quality ingredients to cooking and eating. I grew up eating outstanding, premium foods that I cannot savour anything less, nor can I produce anything less. As such, I see my own brand as a continuation of this legacy. My “Mooneh” is where I preserve my grandfather’s vision. Where I appreciate traditional farmers, their hard work and outstanding produce. Where I respect good produce enough to preserve it and make sure you too have access to it in your homes, restaurants, and eateries for as long as we can have it. It is my way to contribute to the quality and flavour of what you offer. I love nothing more than continuing this legacy, and keeping my grandfather’s vision alive. Nothing makes me happier than sharing this beautiful and mindful range with you and look forward to hopefully stocking your pantries with my “Mooneh” soon.

Dima Al -Sharif

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