JHARKHAND SPACE APPLICATION CENTER (An Autonomous Organisation under Department of Information Technology, Govt. of Jharkhand) 2nd Floor, Engineer’s Hostel No. 1, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004,Tel : 0651-2401719, Fax : 0651-2401720
Advertisement No: - JSAC/IT/-14-2010 Jharkhand Space Application Center (JSAC), Ranchi wishes to recruit bright, hardworking, reliable and competent professional on purely temporary basis for the ongoing projects of JSAC. The posts are on contract basis for a minimum period of one year. The details of the posts and emoluments can be seen below: Sl. No.
Name of Post
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Project Coordinator Project Scientist Computer Programmer Meteorologist Technical Officer Field Supervisor Junior Research Fellow Data Entry Operator Project Assistant
Total monthly emoluments (Rs.) 20000 18000/15000 18000 18000 15000 10000 8000 + HRA 5600 5000
Total no. of posts
01 15 01 01 01 03 19 15 01
The details of the post according to reservation criteria, essential and desirable qualification, monthly emoluments of each post & the project can be seen in our website www.jharkhand.gov.in/ with format for application. Completed applications should reach the Director, Jharkhand Space Applications Center, Engineers Hostel-I, Near Goal Chakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004 (Jharkhand) latest by 27.09.2010. Applications should be sent by post only and will be not be accepted in person at this office.
Sd/Director, JSAC