Dining and Nightlife Abu Dhabi Edition 7

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Exclusive Culinary Travel

Meliรก Dubai P&C by Sergi Arola

Interview With



Dining and Nightlife Abu Dhabi Published 12 times a year by Smart Communications FZ LLC


Dear Readers, Welcome to our 7th edition. I would like to thank all of our readers for your fantastic support over the last six publications. It is a real pleasure to keep you up-to-date with the latest food and beverage happenings across our beautiful city of Abu Dhabi. This month we review The Market Kitchen at the Le Royal Méridien, P&C by Sergi Arola at Shangri-La and Leopold’s of London at Nation Towers. We go international as we venture to South Wales, UK to experience Cardiff Bay’s popular Food Festival and Dining and Nightlife Abu Dhabi’s Exclusive Culinary Travel feature takes you to Meliá Dubai. Meliá Dubai is the first 5 star Spanish hotel in the Middle East. We review everything you need to know from rooms, spa to dining options. I hope you enjoy reading! Culinary Regards, Michael Hine CEO


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Smart Communications FZ LLC PO BOX 769369, TwoFour54, Abu Dhabi Tel: +971 (0) 2 562 4229 www.smart-communications.ae info@smart-communications.ae www.diningandnightlifeabudhabi.ae info@diningandnightlife.ae


06 Market Kitchen 06

“They don’t skimp on the truffles!” The only few words that I could slip out, before again sinking my teeth into the delicious, hot truffle fontina pizza

of owning a 09 Dream restaurant in Dubai? Be sure to temper your enthusiasm with caution

Travel 12 Culinary Meliá Dubai Meliá Dubai is the first 5 star Spanish hotel in the Middle East. Designed by Milan based architect and interior designer Marco Mangili...


18 P&C by Sergi Arola This is two-starred Michelin chef, Sergi Arola first restaurant in the Middle East.

20 Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khamiah

UMI, meaning ocean in Japanese, boasts a modern and inviting interior with gleaming blackened pillars and chainmail clad walls

22 Leopold's of London

Leopold’s of London boasts plush interiors, sweeping views of the Corniche and a dedicated Tea Doctor

18 20





Market Kitchen which serves up modern American cuisine, is located within Le Royal Méridien, which sits just off the Corniche. The restaurant is very well designed to match the alluded freshness and simplicity of the food. White-painted brick walls are decorated with simple wooden shelving, holding household decor and kitchen tools that one might expect to find in a beautiful rustic home. The dark wood floors and metal hanging lamps that dimly light the tables feel cozy yet urban. The high beamed vaulting, floor to ceiling windows and the tree in the middle of the restaurant create the feeling of a relaxed, casual outdoor dinner party with friends. The upstairs the bar provides a little hideaway reminiscent of the modern, yet intimate grape cellar that you always wanted in your own home. The menu is just as freshly comforting, yet still intriguing, accentuating the best of high quality global cuisine. Nudging Middle-Eastern influences, the appetizer of sautéed Omani shrimp is outstanding. Three large, seared but perfectly tender shrimps arrive, sitting atop a dollop of fresh labneh, Persian lime infused oil and topped with slivers of fresh radish. European flavours are showcased in the housemade ricotta with rhubarb compote. It is light, fluffy and presented beautifully covered in a gentle rhubarb compote with a drizzle of bright olive oil. Most people would think there is no need for the complimenting grilled sourdough toast but in effect it actually provides a perfect balance of tanginess. Veering into the more Asian side, the Hamachi sashimi is brilliantly fresh and easily relished when eaten with the complemented avocado and yuzu-soy vinaigrette. Assorted sashimi on crispy sushi is one of the more modern dishes on the menu. A thin slice of sashimi is gently draped over a quickly deep fried square of rice. The chewy warm rice, the cold fresh fish and spicy wasabi elevates “sushi” to a whole new decadent level.

While an entire meal could easily be enjoyed on just the first course dishes (including the luscious truffle pizza), the mains are not to be missed. Each classic protein is reinvented using complex flavours and techniques, promoting the use of organic and local ingredients wherever possible. I expected a more Asian preparation when seeing sea bream in a sweet and sour jus on the menu but was very pleasantly surprised to find the two thin crusted fillets sitting atop a heavenly broth of brown butter and vinegar, immersing rounds of fingerlings, sliced shallots and summer vegetables. With each bite you will find yourself mopping up the naturally nutty and sweet elixir. A few of us will use our bread to clean the plate. The NY strip is equally flawless, cooked exactly as requested (which is not always a given). Chunks of shiitake mushrooms accented with ginger, top the seared meat, as it rests on grilled yet crispy asparagus spears in a perfectly salty soy-caramel emulsion. The meat, vegetables and sauce are all a perfect balance of seasonings and textures. There is a nice array of desserts to send everyone home satiated. While the pendulum swings from the uber sweet salted caramel sundae to the traditional artisan cheese plate, I was recommended the warm chocolate cake. I have to admit my tentativeness, as I am not usually a fan of chocolate desserts, finding most of them far too sweet. As listed on the menu, the dish seems usual and almost uninteresting. The dessert itself is all but that, exemplifying the perfect execution that can be expected of Chef Annabi and his team. The small warm, fluted cake has a thick, fluid chocolate centre oozing with deep cocoa flavour. The cold scoop of creamy homemade vanilla ice cream awakens you from the trance, before again shovelling in another bite of molten bliss.

Market Kitchen Le Royal Méridien, Abu Dhabi 02 6950 300

“They don’t skimp on the truffles!” The only few words that I could slip out, before again sinking my teeth into the delicious, hot truffle fontina pizza. The earthy truffle and salty caramelized fontina complimenting each soft bready bite.

August 2015


Dream of owning a restaurant in Dubai? Be sure to temper your enthusiasm with caution. Managing Partner, Stellar Eastern - Food & Beverage Solutions

A successful investment banker friend called me frantically last week. His supremely elegant three million dollar restaurant in one of Dubai's trendiest dining hotspots was floundering, and he had just emerged from a meeting with his partners. I listened patiently, hoping not to hear the 'd' word - at least not from him. Four different times this month was already a bit much I thought. And then he said it. "We're going for a distress sale and I need your help". This translates to "we're losing money in buckets and want to give away the restaurant for a pittance, but the sale needs to happen yesterday". Sad. Now I don't intend to put a damper on Dubai's generally flourishing food & beverage scene (the unmistakable growth stats would discredit me, even if I did), but my friend's ordeal is far from isolated. Many have jumped on the Dubai restaurant bandwagon with enthusiasm in recent times, only to fall off unceremoniously and wonder what hit them. The good news for restaurateurs in waiting is that most of these misadventures were avoidable. Not so good, is the fact that people have repeatedly underestimated what it takes to run a restaurant business and in the process, have given the industry an unwarranted bad rap in some quarters. So what could my friend and his ilk have done differently? I truly wish I could cite some mystical formula of restaurant wisdom known only to a select few (like myself for instance!). Reality, however, is far more mundane and unspectacular, and lies in adhering to the basics, old fashioned hard work and the application of common sense, which as the saying goes, is not so common.

Here are some of the important points to bear in mind from my perspective (in no particular order), quite a few of which I've learned the hard way: 1. Consistency is more important that quality This claim may raise an eyebrow, but consider this - the absolute quality of your products is a result of conscious positioning, i.e. mid-market, up-market, gourmet and whatever else. None is wrong, just a choice, and there are buyers for each kind. Within each category however, predictability of the whole experience is an intrinsic human need and surprises are seldom welcome. As a case in point, my favourite Dubai coffee shop chain, at the very best, serves mediocre coffee. Its a mid-priced brand with branches all over the city, where you're more likely to be sipping sub-ten Dirham no frills Americanos, than twenty five Dirham Cappuccinos in fancy cups. Yet, its outlets are always buzzing with an interesting mix of people, many of whom I bet could afford to go anywhere. Oh yes, and the coffee is consistently mediocre in every branch, every time. 2. Pay attention to the clichés Focus, focus, focus......retail is detail.....you eat with the eyes.....take care of your staff and they will take care of your customers....blah blah blah. Clichés are well intentioned pearls of wisdom that have lost meaning through over use. Follow what they were originally meant to teach though, and you could save yourself a lot of time, money and grief, and do your restaurant a huge favour.

August 2015


3. First improvement, then expansion The common Dubai wisdom seems to be more restaurants = more sales = more profit. Maybe, if you are a well tuned outfit that operates like clockwork (which is seldom the case at the outset). Expanding prematurely will serve only one purpose - to hasten your exit from the business. In case of master franchises and area development agreements, be sure to have done your homework before signing an ambitious development schedule. Franchise or not, expansion should never take precedence over operational integrity. 4. Social media isn't what you think it is A dynamic social media presence has increasingly been touted as an 'important part' of any Dubai restaurant's marketing strategy. Not any longer. Today, a well considered social media strategy has to be at the VERY CORE of your marketing, period.....and there is plenty of reliable data to prove it. Neglect this truth at your own peril. 5. While positioning your restaurant, the proposition of 'different' sells far more effectively than 'better'. As a place to dine, always highlight how you are different. If done effectively, it will translate to 'better' in your customers head. Try saying better directly and you bring a whole world of subjectivity into play, where perception is reality and opinion is everything. A BMW is better than a Toyota. No brainer? Think again. For the not so privileged rank and file employee, economy, not bells and whistles means better. 6. Location, location, location........yes, but there's more Going back to my friends restaurant, I happen to know the owners of two neighbouring outlets. By general logic, it would be reasonable to assume that they might be suffering a similar fate despite the high profile location. Maybe its just a bad section of an otherwise flourishing area. Yet, they are doing roaring business and stand in stark contrast to their under performing neighbour. So, whereas location is surely vital, it will certainly not compensate for flawed execution - not even in Dubai's best dining spot. 8. Dare to challenge the so called experts There is simply far too much happening in the F&B sector, in Dubai and in the world, and keeping abreast of rapidly changing trends isn't easy even for the experts. Moreover, with everyone on a quest to be different, a lot of traditional beliefs about what works and what doesn't are being challenged. Knowledge, on its own, is over rated and available in copious amounts at the click of a button. So, as a prospective investor, ask the experts for bespoke solutions through specific application of this knowledge. Unless its a reason of safety or hygiene, don't let them dictate what can or can't be done. If you can visualize it, they should help you materialize it. I hate to admit it, but of late, my own job has been getting a whole lot harder. 9. Avoid the 'me too' trap There are several business groups in Dubai who personify restaurant success, with their high profile multi-brand, multi-unit presence. However, that doesn't make them better or smarter than you, just maybe better positioned than you - for now. Tip: many of the outlets in the most expensive malls are 'loss leaders' - they showcase the brand, help build its equity, market other branches in the city, but are not necessarily profitable as individual units. This is a strategy that might serve large groups, but could spell disaster for smaller operations.



10. No more lip service to staffing.......hire the best teams possible!! Dubai is the home of opulence, with the spectacular interiors of each new restaurant outdoing the last. Ironically, a lot of the same restaurants are plagued by average service. By the time investors are done spending their millions, the staff is often relegated to the position of an afterthought. Pennies are pinched and a big fuss is often made over a couple of hundred Dirhams extra in salary for deserving candidates. After all, the extraordinary ambience should be good enough to attract big sales. Wrong. Its time to stop paying lip service to this key aspect of the business and to bring the staff centre stage - where they belong. Don't do it because you're nice, just do it because you're smart. I personally promise that you won't regret it. 11. Make sure your decision to open a restaurant is not an emotional one My friend, in his own words, felt that owning a fancy restaurant would be 'really cool'. It would raise his stature and announce to the world that he had truly arrived. His partners anticipated the same sense of fulfillment through the venture. Small problem though - in spite of the hefty individual financial contributions, there was no clear vision for the venture, insufficient time spent on planning with the consultants and a business plan that was ambiguous at best. How ridiculous you say. Well, prepare to be surprised at how often this actually happens. And the result - please refer to point 1. 12. Strong conviction backed by sufficient start-up capital Dubai isn't exactly cheap. Besides preparation, being successful with restaurants needs conviction and perseverance, backed by enough capital. Even for the best planned outlets, things may not go according to plan from the word go, especially with cash flow projections. Rather than having to fold at the first major financial challenge, be prepared for contingencies in the first 12 months. Sometimes, there is little more wrong with the business than inadequate funds to weather a storm.... that would have eventually passed. Conclusion: Owning a restaurant has become a bona fide part of the 'Dubai dream', and why not. It remains a financially lucrative and personally fulfilling business in an industry with a consistent record of growth in the Emirate. Just be wise enough to understand that the last thing a restaurant can ever be is a passive investment - which means it seldom works till you do. Good luck.

Web: www.stellareastern.com Email: sanjay@stellareastern.com Mob: +971 52 9022933 Tel: +971 2 6508930 , Fax: +971 2 6508942 PO Box 131463, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Meliá Dubai is an urban oasis located in Bur Dubai, close to the World Trade Centre, Gold & Spice Souqs, historical Bastakiya, Dubai Museum and Dubai Creek. The hotel is perfectly situated within a short reach to Dubai’s main shopping and commercial districts like the iconic Burj Khalifa and only 10 km away from Dubai International Airport.

The first 5 star Spanish hotel in the Middle East

Meliá Dubai is the first 5 star Spanish hotel in the Middle East. Designed by Milan based architect and interior designer Marco Mangili who completed the design for the 164 room hotel. The design is elegant and stylish with a blend of warm earthly colours used to create a soothing atmosphere. The space has been designed to create a space that gives guests a home away from home.

August 2015


Meliá Hotels and Resorts have over 90 hotels located in major cities and tourist destinations across the world. Meliá Hotels & Resorts aims to stand out for their perfect combination of design, functionality and privileged location in the top tourist and business destinations. As you enter the hotel one of the first things you will notice is the fabulous aroma. A special scent called Blue Velvet has been created for the Meliá brand. Its first note is penetrating and aromatic, with a scent of cardamom which conjures oriental landscapes full of mystery. In the heart of Blue Velvet you will discover special notes of cinnamon and nutmeg; you perceive energy, protection and wellbeing. Lastly, in the depths of Blue Velvet a note will transport you to an immense forest full of blue firm cedars which offers a sensation of security and stability. Also noteworthy is the imposing steel structure that dominates the lobby designed by artist Helidon Xhixha as part of his light series collection and inspired by the Dubai skyline.




For our visit we are residing in The Level Grand Luxe room. This room is located on the 7th floor of the hotel. The room is designed for rest, work and boasts a cosy seating and work area, spacious and modern bathroom with separate designer bathtub, a rain shower, interactive 42inch flat screen television, free Wi-Fi, free ironing of one garment, in-room automatic coffee machine with a coffee selection, in-room entertainment system and 24 hour in room dining. Be sure to enjoy a relaxing bath in the perfectly egg shaped tub specifically designed for Meliá Dubai. As we are staying in The Level Grade Luxe room we are also able to benefit from private check-in and check-out services at The Level Lounge. The Level Lounge is the hotels executive lounge. All day access is available and the lounge offers complimentary breakfast, open bar and a selection of canapés. Canapés and small snacks include bite sized wraps, Spanish olives, vegetarian options plus hot and cold snacks. Beverages range from water, tea, coffee to hops and grape in the evening. A private reception is located within The Level throughout the day and the team are on hand to help with any queries or requests you may have. In the room we are also pleased to see a pillow menu and an aroma menu allowing us to gain a few home comforts. As we check into Meliá Dubai we are warmly greeted by the team and escorted to The Level for our private check-in experience, a good start to our stay.

YHI Spa After a swift check-in we make our way to the YHI Spa. The spa is located on the roof level along with the outdoor pool and gym. YHI Spa has 7 treatment single cabins and one double one offering body and facial treatments, one Moroccan bath, a ladies and gentlemen separate sauna and Turkish bath and a water circuit. For those wanting to stay fit Meliá Dubai has a fully equipped gym along with a cardio area and weight area. The roof top swimming pool is definitely worth a visit and provides great views across Dubai. This location comes to life in the evening so be sure to arrive early to get a good seat. YHI SPA, a place infused with YHI’s energy, for stimulating the senses and dedicating time to purifying the body and bringing harmony to the mind. Today we are experiencing a Swedish massage followed by a facial. As we arrive at the spa we are greeted by the Spa Manager and shown to the changing area. We then meet with our therapist who directs us to the treatment room. The room is dimly lit providing a calming and relaxing environment. The massage is performed well and the facial is equally as enjoyable.

We recommend The Level Grand Luxe Room for those wanting greater privacy and a more tailored service.

August 2015


SIGNATURE BY SANJEEV KAPOOR INDIAN MODERN CUISINE Later that evening we choose to dine at Meliá Dubai’s signature restaurant, Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor. Sanjeev Kapoor is one of Indians most popular chefs well known for his TV show Khana Khazana, one of the longest running cookery shows of its kind. Sanjeev Kapoor also an entrepreneur has his own food channel “Food Food” and has a string of successful restaurants. Tonight we are excited to be dining at his restaurant. We have been promised authentic Indian specialities with an exciting twist. Executive Chef and Head Chef at Sanjeev Kapoor’s Meliá Dubai restaurant, Chandrachur Chamoli welcomes us as we arrive.

Having been with Meliá Dubai for over a year Chef Chamoli tells us how it was always his dream to work for Sanjeev Kapoor, he reminisces how as a child he would watch his cookery show with his mother as they experimented with new recipes in the kitchen. Chef tell us that his mother played a big role in helping him develop his culinary skills. I ask chef how he plans to keep developing his skills I’m happy to learn that Chef Chamoli is not one to shy away from guest feedback, “Feedback is critical in the restaurant industry and your guests are your best source of knowledge, they dine out 3-4 times a week so they know who is doing what in the market and who is doing it well. That is why I interact with so many guests, feedback is great to grow” said Chef Chamoli.



Chef Chamoli has reserved the chefs table for us this evening. This wonderful area offers guests a unique opportunity to watch their dish be created in front of their very eyes. A big plus is this pan to plate method ensures that guests can savour every bite as each dish is delivered fresh to their plate. To start our culinary journey we are offered a ginger and lemon tea used to cleanse our palate, also we are given four shooters used to enhance and again cleanse the palate throughout the meal. Already we can see that the team’s attention to detail is on point, we are eagerly anticipating our starters but before that we take a moment to indulge in the delectable freshly prepared chutneys served with crispy poppadums. First to arrive from the selection of starters is the murg parmesan tikka, the velvety chicken is mouth-watering, loaded with parmigiano shavings, smoked in tandoor. Up next is the Nasik valley hara kebabs, these spinach and green pea patties ooze with mascarpone cheese, emphasized by the mix of spices a perfect start to a fantastic dining experience.

We are in for a treat as we enjoy the palatable lalla mussa dal described as the talk of the town we can see why. The slow cooked creamy black lentil stew is flavourful and we enjoy this with our garlic naan. Up next is the murgh tikka makhani, tandoori chicken served with a rich creamy tomato sauce and white butter. The chicken is cooked to perfection the rich creamy tomato sauce and white butter have engulfed the chicken making it tender in texture. The dum nariyali prawns are up next, these large succulent tiger prawns have been simmered in creamy coconut gravy, a signature dish worth trying. Although hardly able to move off our seats we cannot resist the tempting desserts. We order the electric kulfi, crispy fired kulfi that offers adventurous guests an unforgettable treat plus the white chocolate gulab jamun, a sweet poached milk dumpling theatrically presented under a melting chocolate dome. Overall our dining experience was spectacular from the food to the service, Chef Chamoli and his team excelled.

Meliá Dubai 23, Kuwait Street, Dubai, Port Rashid Tel: (971) 4 386 8111

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by Sergi Arola



Sergi believes in food from the heart honestly prepared and naturally experienced.

P&C by Sergi Arola is the latest restaurant to join the collection of renowned restaurants at the Shangri-La Qaryat Al Beri, Abu Dhabi. Recently launched this standalone restaurant boasts stunning views of Sheikh Zayed Mosque alongside a modern Spanish tapas sharing concept. This is two-starred Michelin chef, Sergi Arola first restaurant in the Middle East. Residence will remember the restaurant as Pearls & Caviar. Arola brings his Spanish tapas sharing concept to this Abu Dhabi icon. The menu includes traditional Spanish favourites with an Arola twist; paella, patatas bravas, seafood and sweet delights. Sergi believes in food from the heart honestly prepared and naturally experienced.

With our starters complete we take a moment to take in the stunning views of Sheikh Zayed Mosque beautifully lit one can never tire of such a view. To add to the ambiance is the softening sounds of the jazz radio station. Located in the restaurant this live radio station streams a selection of Latin, Arabic and popular jazz tunes 24/7.

As we are seated we are handed two menus one for the tapas and starters and the other for the mains and desserts. Both menus are condensed but yet manage to provide a good variety. We select the fried calamari, white fish and beef tartar for starters.

The classic Spanish paella is served with thick juicy lobster and the portion is easily shared by two. However the star of the show is the seabass, delicately presented the seabass is placed on top of small potato rectangles and simply topped with coconut milk. The ingredients used in this dish are not overpowering allowing you to enjoy the flavours of the delicious seabass.

The fried calamari is presented andalouse style, inspired by the classic Spanish sandwich. Strips of calamari have been carefully placed within thin squid ink bread and perfectly balanced on a bed of mayonnaise. These bite sized treats are great for sharing and the presentation is perfectly executed. Up next is my personal favourite the white fish, the ceviche is light, fresh and the guacamole, coriander and red chilli do well to give the dish an extra zest. Finally is the beef tartar, filet migon sliced a la minute at the table and served with raw egg yolk. This dish as a slight Asian influence, a blend of soya sauce, mint and ginger do well to add a rich flavourful taste to every mouthful.

The main menu is made up of two pages, adequately described as ‘from the mountains’ which contains a selection of beef and lamb dishes whilst the other ‘to the sea’ contains a selection of Spanish inspired seafood dishes. We select the classic Spanish paella along with the seabass.

To end our evening we select the cheese cake and the textures of chocolate. The cheese cake is served as a deconstructed cheese cake a pleasant surprise, rows of crumb are generously topped with fruit puree and complimented with a healthy portion of ice cream taking you back to your childhood days. The textures of chocolate does not disappoint and offers a journey from dark bitter chocolate to creamy milk textures.

P&C by Sergi Arola 02 509 8777 Shangri-La, entrance or Villas entrance

August 2015



Japan Traditions Deep-Rooted in Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khamiah Trendy Japanese restaurant UMI introduces talented chef Yukitaka Kitade and his celestial contemporary menu UMI the trendiest Japanese eatery in the northern Emirates set within the grounds of the famed Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah unveils an exquisite new ‘Kaiseki’ menu. The introduction of the ‘Kaiseki’ menu is to encourage togetherness and sharing and is known throughout Japan for its highly refined preparation and artistic presentation. A traditional Japanese multi-course dinner but current day, Kaiseki is a type of art form that balances taste, texture, appearance and colours of food. Only fresh seasonal ingredients are used and are prepared in ways that aim to enhance their flavour. Dishes are carefully presented, beautifully arranged and garnished with real leaves and flowers. The extensive new menu has some divine highlights which include a very lightly pan-fried thinly-sliced wagyu with the tiniest hint of foie gras, the colourful tuna tartar with caviar served with sushi rice crackers and the giant king crab which is oozing with taste and often seen on Japanese dining tables at the time of celebration. ‘Washoku’, traditional Japanese cuisine has recently been added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list, raising the hopes of enhancing its global recognition and understanding. Washoku is a social practice based on a set of skills, knowledge, practice and traditions related to the production, processing, preparation and consumption of food. It is associated with an essential spirit of respect for nature that is closely related to the sustainable use of natural resources.



UMI, meaning ocean in Japanese, boasts a modern and inviting interior with gleaming blackened pillars and chainmail clad walls, a semi-private dining room which is wrapped around a floor-to-ceiling contemporary chandelier and a private dining room that houses vivid pink seating and bamboo lighting.

Chef Yukitaka Kitade, a seemly quiet man with a deep and underlying passion and enthusiasm that is contagious, is the genius that heads up the trendy Ras Al Khaimah eatery; UMI. Originally hailing from Japan, Kitade has travelled extensively since his education in the USA. He is no stranger to the boats on which local fishermen haul in their daily catch searching out the finest of ingredients for his creative yet traditional menu. He travels far and wide throughout the UAE to ensure that he snares optimum fish and seafood. Having spent almost ten years in the Emirates, his requirements are anticipated by his favourite fishermen. Training under some of the finest sushi masters has led him to believe cooking is all about an experiences and the creating of memories. Kitade creates art. His dishes are vibrant in colour and the textures are intriguing. Surprises hit your taste buds as you move from course to course. His vision is to produce dishes that contain ingredients that are sourced locally and is a firm believer in creating seasonal a la carte dishes using the freshest produce available. An evening at UMI is rounded off beautifully with a delicate collection of authentic Japanese teas, enjoyed overlooking the Arabian Gulf from the intimate Japanese balcony-garden. The TWG tea collection includes handpicked teas such as White Spring Tea and Oud Night Tea. Kitade is hosting a master class which will take foodies through the mysteries of the delicately beautiful Japanese cuisine and the creative and dramatic preparation of teppanyaki. The next class will be on Monday 19 October 2015. For more information or bookings, please contact

Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah +971 (0) 72035555

August 2015




Leopold’s of London boasts plush interiors, sweeping views of the Corniche, a dedicated Tea Doctor (yes, really) and some of the yummiest desserts in town. This café by day transforms into a stylish brasserie by night. Its extensive menu is sure to satisfy the fussiest of guests. We visit Leopold’s of London on a Sunday night and the restaurant is bustling with guests. We are greeted within seconds of arriving and shown to our table. We select our dishes and shortly after the Tea Doctor passes by to say hello and proceeds to educate us on the various teas. The Tea Doctor is Leopold’s dedicated tea expert. The Tea Doctor dressed in his white coat and funky glasses informs us that they have over 275 varieties of tea from over 36 countries. Some of the teas are great antioxidants and help to prompt a good night’s sleep, we will be sure to try the tea before we leave. Our appetizers arrive, the crispy fried calamari is complimented by deep fried zucchini, served with a side of garlic aioli and chili mayonnaise. The calamari is fresh and tasteful whilst the zucchini offers a slightly sweeter taste. The bresaola caprese is beautifully displayed on a wooden board. The thin layers of shaved beef bresaola form the base for the fresh mozzarella, ripe vine tomatoes and thickly cut, toasted ciabatta bread. For the mains we are torn between a wide selection of pizzas and the protein options, the mushroom and truffle pizza sounds especially delicious. However we finally select the fish and chips and the signature Wagyu rib eye steak. As the dishes arrive we feel satisfied with our selection. The battered cod sits prominently on a bed of baby gem salad and comes with a small decorative bucket of thickly cut fries. The cod is beautifully cooked and the crisp batter works well with the fresh cod. Topped with herb salad the Wagyu beef rib eye is juicy and succulent to taste, the truffle fries are equally as flavourful.

To conclude our visit we turn our attention to the desserts. Leopold’s of London has a large selection of desserts ranging from mini banoffi pies to pear affogatto. Our waiter recommends the sticky date pudding, Leopold’s bestselling dessert and the classic crème brûlée. Layers of brown sugar caramel surround the sticky date pudding topped with vanilla ice cream, the smooth rich caramel makes every bite enjoyable. A hard act to follow but the crème brûlée does well, served in a tea cup this chai spiced with star anise infused berry compote elevates our palate. Silence falls across the table, the desserts are so good all conversation is lost. Before we depart we ensure that we try the tea, when in Rome. We opt for the Marrakesh mint which has a strong and refreshing peppermint aroma perfect to help the digestive system and the Cape Town earl grey, a herbal version of the traditional earl grey with a deep, rich, flowery scent, aimed to promote a good night’s sleep. Again the presentation is fabulous, the tea is aromatic, delightful and offers the perfect end to a wonderfully relaxing evening. Leopold’s of London is a great option whether you are looking to relax with a book and sample one of the many varieties of tea, a business lunch or dinner with friends, this stylish venue and welcoming team are sure to make your visit exceptional.

Leopold's of London Nation Towers, Abu Dhabi Corniche 02 665 4776

August 2015


Next month we visit Waldorf Astoria, Ras Al Khaimah as part of Dining and Nightlife Abu Dhabi's Exclusive Culinary Travel Feature!

August 2015




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es r n e g

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Who’s throwing the best parties at the moment?

I came to Dubai in 2006, and never looked back! I’m the founder of the audio tonic group, we are best known for our events at the iconic 360º (audio tonic Sunset Sessions and the Saturday Social). We have a record label with 35 releases and also an artist agency with Djs from across the city and beyond! I also host a weekly show on Radio 1, naturally called… audio tonic.

Us of course;) (audio tonic). Hats’ off to all the promoters pushing the quality sounds of now though, all the party starters deserve a pat on the back, everyone works very hard.

What made you want to become a DJ?

If you weren't a DJ what would you like to do? Probably a pilot, or a chef, or a professional fisherman but on paper probably a psychologist as that’s what I did my degree in.

The love of quality house music, and the intrigue of the perfect mix! I found it fascinating how two tracks could be worked together seamlessly, especially back then when there were no (or limited) advances in Dj technology and mixing VINLY was (and is) a true artform.

What’s your favorite track / record / album / mix set of all time?

How long have you been DJing?

How do you spend your time when your not DJing?

I have been DJing for 16 years.

Where did the name come from? My middle name is Robert, full name Michael Robert Bufton. So all my post mail and bank cards etc say Mr MR Bufton.

What style of music do you play? Good music! House Music, across the various sub genres.

What has been your best gig to date? There have been so many, all varying in size and intensity but the best would have to be when I played at Space in Ibiza.

What was your first gig and how would you say your style has changed since then?

Junior Jack & Kid Crème’s Defected in the House compilation from 2005. Amazing !

Family! They come first.

What venues do you currently DJ at and what days? Catch me at 360 almost every Friday, and also at our monthly Shibuya parties which were at The Basement, but we’ll be announcing our new venue of choice very soon, watch this space.

How can people keep up to date with your music? Catch my show on Radio 1 every Thursday night, but online check us out at www.audiotonic.net, and follow us on soundcloud.com/audiotonic

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? Still doing the job that I love.

At my university student union when I was 18. Back then I played more US House and Garage, so guess it’s changed with the times but essentially it’s all good music. August 2015

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