Bristol Magazine 7th - 14th October 2021

Page 14

Safety tips for men and women as the nights draw in!

Using taxis safely

Never mind the bloody obvious stuff like 'don't walk round an empty car park, clutching all your valuables in your hands whilst off your face'. Here are some expert tips that will actually help you stay safe.

Always try to share a taxis with a friend. If necessary walk to the nearest taxis office, keeping to well-lit streets and walking against the traffic and in sight of other people whenever possible.

Ultimately, if you’re a victim of crime, it’s only the criminal’s fault that something bad happened to you. However, these expert tips could give you more options if trouble ends up ruining your day or evening.

Always sit in the back of a taxis and if you get chatting to the driver do not give away personal details.

Although women feel more vulnerable when they’re out, it’s actually young men who are a higher risk of violence. Keeping safe whilst walking

Do not hail a taxis from the street or accept a lift from a taxis touting for trade: the driver could be anyone. Book a taxis over the phone and when the taxis arrives ask the driver his name and company. Ask what name he is expecting to collect.

Let a friend know when you get a taxis. Some taxi apps even let you share your journey route. Alternatively, you can download a free tracking app such as Find My Friends which can be useful when you use public transport or when you’re out late/on your own.

Trust your instincts – If you are at all worried, ask the driver to stop in a busy area and get out of the car. If the driver refuses to stop, use a mobile to call the police and alert other drivers and pedestrians by waving or calling If you do get asked for sex by someone slowly out the window. driving their car alongside you, feel free to Safety on public transport report the creep to the police – it’s illegal. Always try to walk facing on-coming traffic to avoid kerb crawlers (men who drive around looking for prostitutes).

If you think you are being followed, trust your instincts and take action. As confidently as you can, cross the road turning as you do to see who is behind you. If you are still being followed, cross again. Keep moving. Make for a busy area and ask for help – for example from a shop keeper.

Have your ticket, pass or change ready in your hand so that your wallet is out of sight.

If a vehicle pulls up suddenly alongside you, turn and walk in the other direction: you can turn much faster than a car.

Avoid empty carriages on trains. Always try to sit where there are lots of people. If you feel uneasy, move to another seat or carriage.

Avoid confrontation. Do not meet aggression with aggression, as this is likely to escalate the situation. Talk your way out of problems, stay calm, speak gently, slowly and clearly. Breathe out slowly to help you relax.

If a bus is empty or it is after dark, stay on the lower deck as near as possible to the driver.

If you are trapped or in danger, yell or scream. Your voice is your best defence. Shout, ‘Phone the police’ or other specific instructions which people can understand easily.


Always wait for the bus or train in a well-lit place near other people if possible and try to arrange for someone to meet you at the bus stop or station.

If you feel threatened make as much noise as possible to attract the attention of the driver or guard.

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Bristol Magazine 7th - 14th October 2021 by Direct Local Bristol - Issuu