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Bristol is officially in Tier
South Glos Edition

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This month.. 6. November Horoscopes 8, The Sian Thai Restaurant 10. Mo Decides It Time 14. £2000 Donation 16. Your garden 19. 5 Types Of Scams Targeting Drivers 22. Puzzles 29. Food Shock 30. New Book Lifts Lid
The team EDITOR Michael Davies WEB DESIGNER Matthew Clarke ACCOUNTS Lisa Davies PROOF READER Elisabeth Davies
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Twitter.com/directlocalmag Welcome to this weeks magazine!!
Bristol is officially in Tier 1+, so, what does that mean in reality terms for us Bristolian’s then? Well It seems nothing, as all its created is a task force that can be more en-forceful with the rule of 6 and current guidelines. Do you really think this is going to make a difference to those who do not believe they will catch coronavirus or even think this virus is real! I have visited many places on my rounds in Bristol delivering our magazines and the general feel from a select few people is that the virus is a conspiracy, and that if they catch it they will survive it any as it’s only the elderly and those with underling medical conditions that will be at high risk of a fatality. Whatever your thoughts are on this subject surly the best thing to do is just be mindful of our actions and keep our distance as much as possible. Then maybe just maybe we will stay out of tier 2 and stricter restrictions. Rant over!
Halloween this Saturday one of my favourite times of the year as I love the costumes and seeing the kids dressed up in their crazy outfits. My favourite must be the trusty bin liner outfit lol. Anyway, I hope everyone taking part in Halloween stays safe and socially distant.
Issue 48 November 2020
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