6 minute read
New Book Lifts Lid
FoodStock 2020 Launched by Bristol Charity
Bristol-based food charity, FareShare South West, has announced FoodStock 2020: a campaign with the aim to build a stockpile of emergency food with the infrastructure to deliver it to critical frontline organisations through a difficult winter.
The FoodStock 2020 operation, which will source food from across the food industry at scale, aims to build a stockpile big enough to distribute food for 1 million meals in just 3 months and will be housed at the charity’s secondary warehouse near Ashton Gate Stadium – formerly used by Dreams Beds.
Julian Mines, CEO of FareShare South West says: “The move now to amass a stock of ambient food and begin planning the logistics of redistributing is essential to make sure our city and wider region does not go hungry in the difficult winter months ahead. We’re not waiting until a full lockdown hits or until demand spikes to astronomical levels. We’re preparing now. Whilst we hope the economic fallout and impact of a second wave are not as catastrophic as some predict, we’d be naïve not to prepare for that.
Expanding by 5 times our capacity back in March 2020 to meet sudden need was only possible thanks to temporary infrastructure afforded by a number of organisations, funders offering temporary support and by financial donations from the public. That’s now ended, and we need to ensure we have the funds, infrastructure and resource this time round to keep people fed in the winter ahead. This time around we must be more strategic, coordinated and targeted to make sure those in the most critical situations are prioritised, and we want to go further in serving and supporting frontline groups.
We’re relying on the power of Bristol – a city brimming with care and compassion – to come together to help us get this centralised emergency solution to the food insecurity we anticipate, off the ground. To confirm, we are not looking for donations of food but instead for funding from local businesses, public donations where people feel able, and even volunteering – including to help us operate a food parcel packing hub, located on the mezzanine level of our secondary warehouse. This space will centralise food parcel packing for the city and wider region and allow our food to go to organisations and initiatives of all sizes.”
The FareShare South West team are encouraging the Bristol public to keep an eye on their social media platforms so as not to miss upcoming announcements or calls for support as they respond to the emerging winter crisis.
To donate to FoodStock 2020, visit: www.faresharesouthwest.org.uk/foodstock-2020
To learn more about FoodStock 2020, donate the campaign and find out how you can help visit: www.faresharesouthwest.org.uk/foodstock-2020 29
A Bristol City Councillor has written a book lifting the lid on local and national politics, concluding that government is broken.
Clive Stevens, who has represented Clifton Down as a Green Councillor for four-and-ahalf years gives an insight into how political decisions are made in After The Revolution, published by Bristol independent publishers Tangent Books.

In over 400 pages he sets out lessons from local government on designing a dynamic democracy and along the way gives the inside story of many council decisions over the last five years.
The work has had ringing praise even from “Sadly, that means other groups don’t get their his political opponents with Labour’s Coun- share of the funding as a result.” cillor Paul Smith, who has just stepped down as housing chief on the council saying in an Clive believes as we take stock of a postonline review: “It is a telling study of the lim- Covid world, now is the time to insist on proitations and possibilities of local government portional representation to restore and enable in Britain today, the role of elected councillors, new thinking about democracy. how to navigate the system and importantly how it could be changed to work better for The book has numerous examples from local the people. An essential read for any in local and national government which support his government and anyone trying to work with it theory. (or battle against it).” Clive, who has worked in business and ac- about it, and be involved with finding the ademia and been involved in local activism, solutions. introduces “the mathematics of power” which he says is driving politics at this time. This is “That starts with openness of information, the fact that to gain and stay in power political scrutiny and selecting a representative separties only have to keep 30% of the popula- lection of citizens to be involved in local and tion on board and have fallen into a system national decision making. where they spend their time in power repaying those 30% rather than always acting for the “We will still need elected representatives, greater good. Clive says rewarding self-inter- but in addition the public will be involved in est groups to the detriment of broader society citizens’ assemblies discussing the huge is sadly not new. questions of the day.
“We get the behaviour from politicians we “The public will help determine local issues deserve if we are content with them gaining too. They will be selected to reflect all demoand keeping power when voted in by as little graphics and be paid for their time.” as 30% of the electorate,” he added. “Voters need to see what’s going on, care After the revolution: lessons from local gov“Our leaders have to favour those who have ernment on designing a dynamic democracy put them into that position – whether it be the is available from Tangent Books www.tangentCBI or the unions – and will ultimately have to books.co.uk £20 (ISBN 978-1-910089-94-1). pay them back (with our money). Contact: richard@tangentbooks.co.uk 30

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