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Mo Decides It Time
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With high cholesterol and a risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, Mo decided it was time for a change.
"I've experienced an overwhelming shift in both body and mind"
There are many benefits I've felt on my WW journey so far. I was unaware of these benefits when I first embarked on this wonderful and transforming endeavour of self-discovery and fulfilment.
My WW journey started in September 2018. At the time, I had no idea of the profound impact it would have on me, particularly the mental and physical transformation I would go through. It's definitely changed my life for the better.
Prior to joining the programme I thought life was great: I had the best family & friends, a supportive partner and a great job, so what was I missing?! I didn’t actually realise I was missing anything until joining the WW programme. Since losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle, I've experienced this overwhelmingly positive shift in both body and mind. My confidence has soared and I believe in myself much more than I did.
“Before joining WW, I was at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes”
Before I found WW, I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, an alarming BMI reading and was at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes due to my weight and lifestyle. These readings at a medical appointment shocked me. At the risk of sounding like a cliché, if I knew then what I know now, I would’ve been motivated to make changes sooner. I put myself at greater risk by overlooking so much when it came to my overall wellbeing.
I conformed to age-old cultural male attitudes and stereotypes. I grew up believing that men must not talk openly about deep-rooted issues such as weight and body image. Luckily, I’m part of a generation that is now challenging this archaic notion as we make conscious positive strides to improve ourselves both as individuals and in society. 10
The health implications that arise from being overweight are equally harmful to men and women, but for some reason they have been treated or thought of differently in the past.
Men are not often associated with programmes such as WW, but there are lots of us who have found success on the programme. What I’ve found in the WW community is that we all go through things, and we can support each other through the good and the bad.
Find out if you’re at risk for Type 2 diabetes
Before starting my journey, I weighed nearly 18st, but was always a very active person and felt there were no issues with my weight. I was happy in myself, confident, and pretty content with the way things were. However looking back now, I know deep down I struggled with my addiction to junk food and portion control. I also did not address the deep discomfort I had with my clothes size. I often avoided shopping for new things because the things I liked did not come in my size in some of my favourite shops.
“WW gives you the tools and knowledge to commit”

The WW programme offers you so much, and it’s so flexible that it can be tailored to fit anyone’s lifestyle. And I mean literally anyone! I’ve learnt a lot about myself along the way, and the priceless knowledge I have obtained about the effects food nutrition has on me both physically and mentally is powerful beyond measure. At the heart of any success is commitment, and you have to be committed to building the best version of yourself using the tools and knowledge that WW gives you.
Exercise and moving more is very much a part of the WW programme, in addition to the food and nutrition element. There’s so much knowledge and support on offer, it would be extremely hard not to find something that works for you. The programme is simple to follow and has an easy-to-use app, which is great, not to mention the amazing Coaches who make you feel special. You learn to do things your way and at your own pace whether it be yoga, running, walking or meditation for your mental wellbeing. You can absolutely find what you’re looking for on the WW app. Follow Mo and his partner Andri’s journey here!
“I will continue to strive for more than just weight loss”
I've lost more than 5st since the start of my WW journey, have been maintaining now for the last six months, and have completely transformed my body and my mindset. I feel great! As well as significantly reducing my exposure to weight-related health risks, I've also learnt some lifelong lessons and have experienced an overwhelmingly positive health shift in my body, mind and soul. But my journey doesn’t end here. I will continue to strive for more than just weight loss. Believe me when I say your journey starts here with WW. What are you waiting for?
How does your risk of Type 2 diabetes measure up?

Your age, family history, ethnicity and weight can all put you at risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. Your local Healthier You service delivered for free (by WW) may be able to help you. Here you’ll get all the support you need to make positive lifestyle changes and lower your risk.
Are you at risk? Check for free at ww.com/uk/diabetes-risk-assessment


An increasing number of people are buying burial plots in the South West so that they know where they will rest after death and be assured that their demise will not damage the environment.
Bristol Memorial Woodlands in South Gloucestershire, which is creating a 100-acre woodland burial ground just north of Bristol, say family plots have become popular once again in a way not seen since Victorian times.
Chris Baker, founder of Bristol Memorial Woodlands said: “Greater environmental awareness seems to be driving a new desire for people to be buried, rather than be cremated. Burial is traditional and natural and returns a body into the ground without using fossil fuels and without emissions from a chimney. Traditional burials went into decline in the Said Chris Baker: “Most people think we are running out of room for burials in the UK but that is just not true. There is a real desire to create new woodland habitats to replace those that have disappeared over the years and doing that through burial grounds, as we are doing, is a way to finance their creation.
“It also means that there are people with an interest in maintaining those woodlands and their families rest there and that future generations will have a stunning, natural place to go to remember their ancestors.
“The local council crematorium is often very functional and busy and not a place to sit and remember loved ones. We also find that many people like the idea of knowing where they will be buried – whether that is their body or an internment of ashes.
“We are now finding people buying burial plots “Some of the enquiries we are getting are for family members as gifts and whole families from people who are just being practical and wanting to be buried together and know that knowing that we all have to face death some future generations will be able to gather there time. Others are from people with a faith that beneath the trees and remember them.” requires them to be buried and they want to buy plots for their whole family.” UK as a result of village churchyards becom- Many faiths have always favoured burials ing full and in the 20th century cremations and Bristol Memorial Woodlands has creatbecame the norm for many communities. ed a sacred Jewish burial site and a Muslim Changes in the way people mourn and look at burial ground, designed under the guidance of death have seen a shift in attitudes. religious community leaders.
Information on Bristol Memorial Woodlands can be found at www.memorialwoodlands. com