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November Horoscopes
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Emotional Fitness: A-Z for positive mental health
“If you live your life on an emotional roller coaster, you may end up not living your life.” Clare Davis
We all have ups and downs in life, and we can't merely ‘get over’ our emotions, but we can work on them on a daily basis and learn to take control of them.
In this new book by experienced coach and trainer Clare Davis, there are 26 straightforward ways to increase positive emotions and improve emotional fitness are discussed. This easy to follow and down-to-earth book contains plenty of practical activities to help put theory into practice.
“If we don’t learn to understand and control our emotions, our mental health and even our life is at risk. Poor mental health can become a downward spiral that affects our relationships, our performance at work, and our physical health if we don’t do something about it. This is why we need to use preventative measures.” Clare developed this book after starting a YouTube channel and pod cast called Mental Health Chats with Australian based Peter Dundon.
“What I have been most amazed about are the comments and messages I have received from people telling me that they’ve never thought of emotional fitness and using preventative measures before. People started sharing their stories - stories of depression and anxiety, even suicidal thoughts. When I asked them whether they’d ever had advice about preventative measures, most of them said they were told to ‘get over it’. But we can’t just ‘get over’ our emotions. We need to work on them on a daily basis and take responsibility for them. This is where preventative measures and emotional fitness are key. “
This book is written as an ‘easy to read and use’ book, to help the reader focus and complete the activities. https://www.amazon. co.uk/gp/product/B08KM8YV26?ie=UTF8 5
Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18
If something seems trickier than at first seemed, don’t get upset or frustrated, just stop and try to see it from all angles. If you have a gut feeling about something, try to follow it at this time as it stands in good stead. Be kind to yourself and be sensitive to your own needs. Keywords. Intuition and be kind to yourself.
Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20
You may get some new ideas for ways of sorting out difficult situations. Work with your intuition if possible, try to see other people’s perspectives. Try stepping back from things if they seem a little difficult, sometimes a different view with things make things seem clearer. Keywords. New ideas, intuition and review.
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19
Some changes could be about to come your way. If they’re not really to your liking, try and see them more as challenges, and look for opportunities within them. Remember that you have your own values, and don’t be shaken from these, but don’t be too hard on yourself either keywords Changes and opportunities
Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 You may be thinking of starting a new interest. It could be quite a sociable time coming up this month. Trying to be a listening ear, more than giving advice, you will be surprised how much people will appreciate it. Keywords. Study and sociability
Gemini May 21 - June 20
There could be some changes on the way, so don’t be surprised if you come up with new ideas, or interests. You may need to be a bit flexible with other people and think before you speak, and try to be sensitive to other’s feelings. Keywords. Changes, flexibility and sensitivity.
Cancer June 21 - July 22
There could be some things that feel as though they are being held up right now, be aware and look out for opportunities that may help to sort these hold-ups, so that things will begin to flow freely again. It may also be worth stepping back and looking at the achievements you’ve made this year, and what other things you would like to achieve next. Keywords. Opportunities and goals
Leo July 23 - Aug 22 You may otherwise miss opportunities that could be nearby. It does seem some things will be moving forward even if they have felt on hold for a while. Keywords. Balance and opportunities Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22
If Life seems a little trying see if there are other ways of dealing with things, to make life easier. You are often fair-minded with others, but can be quite hard on yourself. Don’t underestimate yourself; value yourself as well as others. Keywords Find easier Ways, and make time for you Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22
You may have noticed your vitality is little sluggish at the moment, if so, may be time to review lifestyle habits. Any cutbacks are just a little tweak here and there that should make some difference. Try not to let things build up, or take up too much of your time, Try and listen to your intuition. Keywords Changes, intuition Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 Relationships seem prominent, along with your home environment. You may find there are some new interests, or ideas that come to mind for you at this time. Be open to other people’s ideas or suggestions, Try to be aware of being calm, and fair-minded in dealing with others. Keywords. New ideas and fairness. Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
It would be useful if you pay attention to your intuition, certainly in regards any situations that may be a little difficult. Try not to let anyone sway you from things that you have strong values about, and keep your integrity that there could be some changes on the way. Keywords. Integrity and changes Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19Home and close relationships are prominent for you at this time. It seems as though there are a lot of things that need to be done, and a lot of people wanting your time and attention. Try and seek balance for yourself. Somethings may not feel that they are running as smooth as they should, try and keep calm, and know that things don’t stay the same, Keywords. Home, relationships and balance.
Disclaimer This zodiac is for entertainment purposes only please do not take the predictions seriously Marie take no responsibility for your actions