Congratulations to Optavia, winner of the Bravo Growth Award and Plexus, winner of the Bravo Impact Award.
Congratulations to Optavia & Plexus, our 2022 Bravo-Award winning clients!
The DSN Bravo Awards are like the Oscars of Direct Selling—reserved for the best of the best!
Congratulations to Optavia & Plexus, our 2022 Bravo-Award winning clients!
Congratulations to Optavia, winner of the Bravo Growth Award and Plexus, winner of the Bravo Impact Award.
The DSN Bravo Awards are like the Oscars of Direct Selling—reserved for the best of the best!

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4 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2022 70 IN EVERY ISSUE 6 AD INDEX // 9 FROM THE PUBLISHER // 11 INDUSTRY NEWS // 26 FORWARD THINKING // 95 DSA MESSAGE // 96 SUPPLIER DIRECTORY // 6432 FEATURES Daily Habits of Inspirational Leaders BY TONY JEARY The Next Gen of Direct Sales BY LISA SPOTLIGHTROBERTSON 4Life The Immune System Company Turns 25 BY JENNY VETTER pawTree For the Love of Pets BY CHELSEA HUGHES 7076 6282 DEPARTMENTS FOR YOU / FOR YOUR FIELD / Your Essential Monthly Motivation BY CHELSEA HUGHES WORKING SMART / Three Key Challenges Impacting Global Commerce BY TANNER CARLSON ICONIC INSIGHTS / Les Brown: Discovering Your Purpose BY PAULA FELPS 88 76

Direct Selling News (ISSN 15546470) is published monthly by Direct Selling Partners, 5800 Democracy Drive, Suite 100, Plano, TX 75024. Periodicals postage paid at Lake Dallas, TX and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTERS please send change of address to 5800 Democracy Drive, Suite 100, Plano, TX 75024. Subscription Rate: Free to direct selling and network marketing executives; all others in USA and Canada $50. Overseas subscriptions are $100. All subscriptions must be paid in U.S. dollars. ©2022 Direct Selling News All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without written permission. No statement in this publication is to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities or to provide investment advice. Direct Selling News 5800 Democracy Drive, Suite 100, Plano, Texas 75024 / Phone: 800-279-5249 www.directsellingnews.com DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS FOUNDER AND CEO Stuart P. Johnson PUBLISHER Shelley Rojas STRATEGIC ADVISOR Heather Chastain EDITOR Lisa editor@directsellingnews.comRobertson NEWS EDITOR Sarah pr@directsellingnews.comPaulk CREATIVE DIRECTOR Susan Douglass ART DIRECTORS Greg Luther Jenny Paredes PRODUCTION MANAGER Virginia Le PRODUCTION ARTIST Megan Knoebel Ascencio COPY EDITOR Peter Tepp BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Jerilyn advertising@directsellingnews.comTaylor PROGRAMS AND SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER Nancy Ratcliff CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS Les TonyTannerBrownCarlsonJeary CONTRIBUTORS Paula Felps S arah Paulk Chelsea Hughes L isa Robertson David Lee B eth Douglass Silcox TO ADVERTISE: advertising@directsellingnews.com TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL COMMENT: editor@directsellingnews.com TO SUBMIT PRESS RELEASES: pr@directsellingnews.com TO SUBSCRIBE: subscribe@directsellingnews.com DIRECT SELLING NEWS USPS 23713 • ISSN 15546470 Serving the Direct Selling and Network Marketing Executive Since 2004 A Direct Selling Partners Company DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS COVER STORY 2021 BILLION DOLLAR MARKETS BY BETH DOUGLASS SILCOX 46

6 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 ELEGATING time-intensive business functions to highly skilled suppliers provides the breathing room to focus on unique skill gaps, like training team members on best practices, getting up to speed with new technology or customer service response that many organizations overlook. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of our display advertisers. When contacting these companies or those in our Supplier Directory (starting on page 96), please let all of our valued advertisers know that you saw them in Direct Selling News. DD There is POWER in Partnership > What part of your business would benefit by bringing in a supplier to help your team be more efficient? Through“ my decades of experience I have always known Direct Selling News as an anchor that connects the direct sales industry and its players. DSN has always provided an incredible venue to learn the best practices and to be up to date on the changes that affect our space. I am now honored to be a supplier in the DSN community! —CARLOS PEREZ / Managing Partner, CP&Krell CP&KrellGroupGroup 817-697-4321 CPKRELL.COM/

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To Have an Effective Distributor Journey, Timing is Everything Proven Technology from a Trusted Partner with 35 Years of Direct Selling Experience Let’s Connect | 310-428-9936 | info@now-tech.com Build confidence from the start. Drop in at just the right time to • Offer guidance • Drive key activities • Keep attention • Congratulate wins • And so much more!

Shelley Rojas | Publisher & Chief Brand Officer | srojas@directsellingnews.com @directsellingnews @DSNUpdate Follow our LinkedIn Page Text us 1+ (214) 239-3043 / FROM THE PUBLISHERdirectsellingnews.com/ 9 PREMIERTHANKPARTNERS:SUPPLIERYOUTO OURMEMBERS:PLATINUM DSN PREMIER SUPPLIERPARTNER 2022 Good News from around the Globe EVERY YEAR WE TAKE A LONG, thorough look at the state of the channel around the globe in our Billion Dollar Markets issue. We always look forward to this issue because there are so many encouraging stories for direct selling happening around the world. I hope you enjoy this data-driven, in-depth article covering the current state of the channel in The Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. While some markets are down or stagnant, others are experiencing positive signs of growth despite the difficult global economic situation and lingering supply chainTonyissues.Jeary contributes an article full of practical advice on becoming a more inspirational leader in all facets of your life this Don’tmonth.missthe excerpt from this month’s Iconic Insights podcast where our host Heather Chastain interviews the incomparable Les Brown. We also explore two companies in this issue—4Life and pawTree. And you don’t want to miss our take on singlelevel distribution models and how they are changing the way direct sellers doDSNbusiness.remains your daily resource for global news impacting the direct selling channel. If you haven’t yet, we invite you to sign up for the weekly dashboard email which delivers a week’s worth of news in a quick 15-minute read each Sunday. You can also sign up for free text alerts by becoming a member of our VIP Community where you’ll always get the channel’s top stories first andWefast.also invite you to register for the upcoming Fall DSU Event. Our second DSU of the year will be back with both in-person and virtual options available free of charge October 6 and 7, 2022 in Irving, Texas. Register and see a list of speakers at dsu2022.com All the best,

The Month in News Affecting Our Channel 12 / Events 14 / Insights 17 / Top 5 News Watch 18 / Executive Announcements 22 / CCR Program / INDUSTRY NEWS /

SeneGence Partners with Nonprofits to Benefit Children
“This year’s convention—our flagship event—exemplified the passion and energy among our OPTAVIA Coaches and Clients,” said Dan Chard, Medifast Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Today, we’ve served more OPTAVIA clients than at any other point in our company’s history. Now, we’re ready to broaden our impact and widen our reach in the $230 billion health and wellness market, and help more people live happier and healthier lives through our collective dedication to our mission of Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time.”
During SeneStar 2022 S ENEGENCE HOSTED DISTRIBUTORS, their families and staff at SeneStar, the company’s annual incentive trip events located in Mexico and Turks and Caicos. This year, the company wove philanthropic efforts into each event, led by The Make Sense Foundation Executive Director Kendra C. McColloch. In Turks and Caicos, the foundation partnered with The Sandals Foundation to stock the organization’s libraries and provide toys for children. In Mexico, distributors purchased wish list items that support Manas de Amor Children’s Shelter and the children within the local community.
Kyäni Hosts Genesis Live 1 Event in Japan K
YÄNI TOP LEADERS IN JAPAN hosted a Genesis Live 1 event for more than 200 people in Fukushima, delivering business training and a presentation about a recent philanthropic mission called the Caring Hands Trip. Many of the attendees were prospective clients, illustrating that the event could bring new enthusiasm to the Japanese sector of the company, and Kyäni stated that it sees great potential for growth in the Japanese market.
OPTAVIA Convention Fills Atlanta Stadium M
ORE THAN 17,000 PEOPLE REGISTERED for Medifast’s annual OPTAVIA Convention that filled and sold out the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The company described the event as its largest event to date, with thousands more people attending the event virtually.

DirectSellingNews.com is your daily go-to resource for breaking global news—conveniently curated for today’s executives. DSN has the information and inspiration you need to consistently stay one step ahead! DAILY NEWS STORIES EMERGING TRENDS EXECUTIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS FINANCIAL NEWS AND RESEARCH EXCLUSIVE PODCAST INTERVIEWS AND MUCH MORE Visit DirectSellingNews.com today! The news you need. The name you trust.DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS How to be the most knowledgeable executive in the room

“With inflation being high and the cost of living rising, people have become more selective with their spending,” said Matt Layton, SVP of Data, Insights and Intelligence at LegalShield. “It’s less about the ‘wants’ and making sure the ‘needs’ are met. We can expect people to continue to tighten their pockets as we go through the second half of the year. During this time, if someone is struggling financially, speaking to a lawyer and creating an action plan is a smart step.” DSN
LegalShield’s Housing Construction Index and Housing Sales Index also worsened. A sluggish supply chain and increased building costs have provided continued challenges for the housing industry, even as pent-up demand sustained it amid rising interest rates. Affordability is a growing concern for many buyers and the report’s data suggests that housing sales will slowly cool over the next year.
LegalShield Report Shows Consumer Financial Stress Is at Year-High Levels
egalShield released its Economic Stress Index Report, including a worsening Consumer Stress Index and data showing the highest level of consumer financial stress in a year. The report pointed to inflation and the rising cost of rent, energy and household essentials for the increased financial strain, indicating that this heightened stress level is expected to increase throughout the remainder of the year.
14 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 INSIGHTS For the full articles, visit directsellingnews.com/category/news/ / INDUSTRY NEWS / INSIGHTS

DSN SHARES A COMMON GOAL WITH THE SUPPLIER COMMUNITY—to serve and support the growth and evolution of direct selling companies. When they win, we all win—including millions of customers and distributors around the globe. Our mission is to serve, educate and edify the channel with daily breaking global news, emerging trends and powerful stories, made possible through the generosity and support of our Premier Supplier Partners. Thank you for your dedication to the direct selling channel! THANKYOU TO OUR PREMIER SUPPLIER PARTNERS! The news you need. The name you trust.DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS PREMIER PARTNERSUPPLIER 2022

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Stein Ove Fenne Chief Executive Officer, J.Hilburn J.Hilburn has appointed Stein Ove Fenne as the company’s new Chief Executive Officer. Dave DeFeo, who has served as CEO since 2019, will retire but remain on the company’s board of directors as a member and advisor to the management team.
In his previous role at a direct selling company, Fenne oversaw a $1 billion division and was influential in developing a high-performing leadership culture, innovative digital strategies and social media initiatives.
For the full articles, visit directsellingnews.com/category/news/
“I am extremely thankful and honored to be J.Hilburn’s new CEO and be part of an amazing and successful company,” Fenne said. “I have been impressed by the quality of our Stylists, product and the strength of our client relationships that I see so much potential in. With this, I am confident that J.Hilburn will continue to be the world’s leading custom-made menswear brand.”
“We are pleased to welcome Scott back to USANA’s Board of Directors,” said Kevin Guest, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board. “His extensive background and experience with USANA’s business and industry, as well as his experience in accounting, finance and corporate strategy will again provide significant value to USANA’s board, shareholders and the company as whole.”
J. Scott Nixon Board of Directors, USANA USANA Health Sciences, Inc. announced that J. Scott Nixon, CPA has rejoined the company’s board of directors after a three-year voluntary leadership assignment for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints in Brazil. Nixon was previously an independent director of the company from October 2017MayWith2019.Nixon’s return, USANA now has eight board members, seven of whom are independent.
Henry Bedford Chief Executive Officer, Southwestern Family of SouthwesternCompanies Family of Companies Chairman of the Board Henry Bedford will step back into the role of Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Dustin Hillis, who has served in this role since July 2018, has left the company.
“We are a mission-driven company and are appreciative of our team and the Southwestern legacy that always carries us forward,” Bedford said. “At Southwestern we believe in investing in purpose-driven people who are inspired to build principle-guided businesses that impact the world.”

Jim Van Ingen Executive Vice President of Supply
directsellingnews.com 19
Chain, resininflationarysourcingcompany’steamsprocurement,team,aimproveinfrastructureleadandoverseeofbeenannouncedTupperwareTupperwareBrandsCorporationthatJimVanIngenhasnamedExecutiveVicePresidentSupplyChain.VanIngenwillnowoperationalperformancecostobjectivesandwillthedesigningofprocesses,andtechnologytooperationalexcellence.Asmemberoftheseniorleadershiphewillleadmanufacturing,distributionandqualitytostrategicallyoptimizethefutureforsupplychainandreducecostsamidpressuresonareaslikeandlogistics.Previously,VanIngenservedasPresidentandCEOofa$1.5billionprivateequityportfoliocompanyandhada20-yearcareerintheautomotiveindustrywherehewasresponsibleformaintainingcostandefficiencylevelsduringavolatileperiodforsemiconductorchipandplasticresinsourcing.
Justin Call Chief Sales Officer, IDLife IDLife, LLC CEO Josh Paine announced that Justin Call will serve as the company’s new Chief Sales Officer. In this role, Call will lead the company’s growth strategy by collaborating and communicating with the field, and working closely with the executive team, marketing team, internal stakeholders and key field leaders to design initiatives that drive revenue.
Lawrence Perkins Principal Financial Officer, NewAge NewAge, Inc. announced the departure of Kevin Manion, the company’s Chief Financial Officer, effective earlier this month. Lawrence Perkins will now assume the role of Principal Financial Officer on an interim basis. Perkins and his firm SierraConstellation Partners LLC (SCP), a national interim management and advisory firm that services middle-market companies as they navigate difficult business challenges, have also provided the role of Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) and additional services to “OnNewAge.behalf of NewAge, I want to thank Kevin for his contributions to our team,” said Ed Brennan, NewAge’s Chairman and interim Chief Executive Officer. “Kevin joined us in the middle of a major integration, and he resolved many operating issues for us. We wish him all the best. Larry and his team have been up and running here at the company for more than two months, so we expect a seamless transition as we continue our efforts to position the company for longterm success.”
“I am excited to have the opportunity to work with both Josh and President Laura Brandt,” Call said. “Josh and I have developed a strong bond of trust as we traveled the world, working together. Laura and I have known each other for nearly 15 years, and I have enjoyed a great friendship with her and her family. I love the direct sales industry and how it affords me the opportunity to develop authentic relationships with people from all around the world. I believe IDLife is poised for explosive growth over the next several months. We could not be more excited!”

Proven Technology from a Trusted Partner with 35 Years of Direct Selling Experience The Experience Today’s Direct Sellers Expect, All in the Palm of Your Hand Let’s info@now-tech.com310-428-9936Connect Train, Instruct & Inform Drive Daily Activities Social AndCustomerDistributePromoteRecognitionPromotionsSellingEventsContentShoppingsomuchmore...

“We are adding new groups to our existing block of business at an unprecedented rate,” said Glenn Petersen, President of Business Solutions. “Dave’s deep acumen and proven employee benefits leadership experience will make a significant impact on our immediate and long-term growth objectives.”
“Medifast’s Scientific Advisory Board’s scope has expanded beyond weight loss and nutrition to include behavioral health and health-focused technology,” said Dan Chard, Chairman and CEO of Medifast. “OPTAVIA’s clinically proven plans are designed with input from our distinguished board members and help over one million people annually transform their lives. As consumers seek evidence-based tools and individualized support, more and more people are turning to OPTAVIA as the solution to help them achieve their health goals.”
directsellingnews.com 21
PPLSI, the parent company of LegalShield and IDShield, announced that David MacLean will serve in a newly created role as the company’s Vice President of Strategic Growth within its Business Solutions division. MacLean will now oversee strategies to continue driving membership growth and lead B2C marketing and communications designed to bolster member retention. MacLean brings more than three decades of management experience in employee benefit sales, communications and account management to the role.
Medifast Expands Scientific Advisory Board Expert Panel Medifast, the parent company of direct selling brand OPTAVIA, announced the addition of three new members to its Scientific Advisory Board. With these additions, Medifast’s Scientific Advisory Board now includes seven internationally recognized experts who will guide the company to make informed decisions based on scientific developments in health and wellness.
n Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar: A physician and nutritional biochemist with more than 38 years of experience, he has included the use of lifestyle interventions in his treatment of more than 15,000 patients with obesity
n Dr. Graham Thomas: His research focuses on the use of technology for the assessment and treatment of health behaviors, which he applies when developing AI-powered behavioral intervention research and digital health technologies.
David MacLean
Vice President of Strategic Growth, PPLSI
The newly appointed board members include:
n Dr. Jessica Unick: Her weight loss research focuses on adapting behavioral interventions for early non-responders and the impact of physical activity

a customer-centric future for the industry. Qualifying companies utilize business models that boast high customer-to-distributor ratios and prioritize customer sales. RECOGNIZED.CENTRICCUSTOMER-BECompanieswhowishtolearnmoreorsubmita CCR Program Application can go to www.directsellingnews.com/ccr/ or contact editor@directsellingnews.com DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS CCR GOLD C USTO M E R - C E NTRI C R E C O G N I Z E D CCR PLATINUM C USTO M E R - C E NTRI C R E C O G N I Z E D
$5 million in annual revenue. Qualifying companies
U.S. and Canada. Companies
for Platinum status. Direct
Active customer
n Customer—someone
10:1 for Gold
n Distributor—someone
n Active
limited to those in
5:1 up
and 10:1 or
The CCR Program is based solely on a ratio taking into consideration the following definitions: who DOES have a distributor agreement in place who DOES NOT have a distributor agreement in place is defined as each customer and distributor must have made a product purchase during the last six months. and counts are the must have been in business for at least one year and have a minimum of must attain: to status more Selling News is excited to present leading way toward
company’s customer-to-distributor
the Customer-Centric Recognition (CCR) Program to celebrate companies that are

directsellingnews.com 23 IRECT SELLING COMPANIES with a strong retail base of satisfied customers are experiencing impressive growth and deserve recognition and acknowledgment for their efforts. With evolving consumer expectations and regulatory scrutiny, customer centric equals success for everyone—distributors, direct selling companies and the channel as a whole. The DSN Customer-Centric Recognition Program acknowledges these companies. D In order to protect the integrity of the CCR Program for all participants, DSN reserves the right to suspend or discontinue CCR Program recognition of any company undergoing published legal actions or regulatory disputes (including any settlements of such). USBORNESCENTSYPRÜVITNULE-VELITACNWORKS!SKINBOOKS GOLD / 5:1 up to 10:1 PLATINUM / 10:1 and above MONAT PERFECTLYGLOBALPOSH

Become a Patron Member today. Enjoy the Perks all year. DSN DSN DSN PRESENTS A NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR ACTIVE DIRECT SELLING COMPANIES INCE 2004, Direct Selling News (DSN) has proudly served the entire channel and the direct selling executives that lead it. With DSN, it’s easy for direct selling executives to stay informed, engaged and always one step ahead. The Membership Program is yet another way we can provide relevant information, exposure, edification and education to the companies in the channel we consider partners and friends. S THANK YOU to our inaugural PLATINUM Members: DSNDSN DSN THANK YOU to our GOLD Members: DSNDSN DSN THANK YOU to our PATRON Members: DSNDSN DSN

DSU event replays only last for a few weeks. As a DSN Member, you and your entire corporate team have 24/7 access to over 150+ TED-style lessons from innovative industry leaders spanning every business function and area, with more presentations added throughout the year. The DSU On‑Demand Library is exclusively for DSN Member companies for the lifetime of membership. Your entire corporate team can learn insights and best practices on everything from marketing, strategy, leadership and more The convenient search feature allows you to search by company name, speaker name or topic
Thecategory.DSUOn Demand Library is an excellent onboarding resource for new employees and ongoing education for existing employees. The DSU On-Demand Library is full of relevant insights and best practices from today’s subject matter experts and executive leaders from innovative up-and-coming companies to prominent direct selling brands. immersive course work on the fundamentals of direct selling to laser focused topics like, How to effectively scale internationally How to genuinely attract the Latino market How to make the most out of your sampling program How to create, own and defend your company culture How to collaborate with distributors on social media strategies more! ON-DEMAND LIBRARY the DSU On-Demand Library over 150+ TED-style from innovative industry leaders and experts. It’s a Masterclass in direct selling and excellent
n And
onboarding resource. n Exclusive Members-Only Events Members also receive invitation‑only exclusive access to special events and meetings like the recently held one-day deep-dive event with Jason Dorsey! n Acknowledgement and logo inclusion on/in: 4 All event marketing and promotional efforts (digital and print, emails, ads and a minimum of one thank you social post per event) 4 All event websites 4 All virtual, in‑person and streaming events 4 All post‑event communications and recaps 4 Inside DSN print publication and online at DirectSellingNews.com n Inclusion acknowledging your role as a Member in one (1) collage‑style compilation ad in every issue of DSN (print and digital) during the lifespan of your Membership. n Digital Asset: Official DSN Member Graphic to promote your company’s sponsorship and support on your website, email signatures and marketing credibility for the life of your Membership. n Four seats to the annual DSN Global Celebration event. Gold & Platinum Members receive all the benefits listed above plus many other exciting PERKS! 150+ LESSONSTED-STYLE [CONTENT AT A GLANCE] MARKETING / 42 STRATEGY / 76 CHANGE MANAGEMENT / 19 CULTURE / 23 TECHNOLOGY / 15 SOCIAL MEDIA / 12 SYSTEMS / 13 BRANDING / 43 MESSAGING / 10 “DSN has outdone themselves with the new DSU On-Demand Library! Helping our organization grow at every level is a core pillar of ours, and the DSU content helps us enhance our efforts in an innovative way. —MARK STASTNY / CMO, SCENTSY In order to protect the integrity of the Membership Program for all participants, DSN reserves the right to deny, suspend or discontinue Membership benefits to any company undergoing published legal actions or regulatory disputes (including any settlements of such). TO FIND OUT MORE and submit an application to become a Patron of DSN, visit directsellingnews.com/achievements/membership/ or contact membership@directsellingnews.com The news you need. The name you trust.DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS

Here are seven key packaging trends and innovations on the rise that direct selling companies should consider 1 / Digital Printing Digital printing is nothing new, but switching from analog to digital printing can be a big overhaul for packaging companies. And some may not yet be fully integrated with digital. Still, this is a trend that can’t be ignored—according to PackagingStrategies.com, the global digital printing packaging market will reach $28 billion by 2024.
7TRENDS 26 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 BY DAVID LEE Thinking Inside and Outside the Box Seven Product Packaging and Shipping Trends on the Rise.
Digital printing offers more flexibility, speed and customization. Since digital printing can print all colors in one pass, this has revolutionized printon-demand, reducing time for color matching and allowing for lower print quantities when necessary.
ORDERING has quickly evolved the product packaging and shipping industry while altering customer experiences and expectations. Likewise, the direct selling industry has shifted to an online ordering experience, delivering orders directly to a customer’s door. Product and shipping packaging have become integral cogs in the overall marketing strategy to surprise and delight customers and increase retention. Recent worldwide supply chain issues have caused companies to rethink packaging budgets and strategies and to evaluate emerging trends.
“With millions of packages delivered every day, making packaging an experience is more important than ever. As packaging designers, we have to bring the excitement and adventure of shopping to your door—when you, the customer, open that nondescript box you have one foot in the door of a brand,” says Justin Hamra, Art Director at 99designs.
Advancing technologies has greatly reduced the need for stick-on packaging labels, saving companies money and time for redesign

directsellingnews.com 27
Adding another layer to the positive customer experience, customizing product and shipping packages promotes the brand and makes the customer feel special. Trends include packages with unique messaging, QR codes to verify the contents, customer names and more. Personalized packaging lends itself to innovative marketing approaches like scavenger hunts that reward customers who find rare packages or labels.
Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign included names on bottle labels and encouraged people to give a Coke to someone with the featured name.
According to data research company Ipsos, 72 percent of American consumers say their purchasing decision is influenced by the packaging design. Minimalistic designs have been a rising trend. Using colorized gradients against a light background is both subtle and striking. Gradients add complexity without the “busy-ness.” Color mists are another popular example of gradient use.
2 Personalized Packaging
UNBOXING VIDEOS have never been more popular on social media.
“Many companies recognize how well strong colors, designs and dramatic effects stand out. They also see how well this trend results in increased sales volume,” an article from York Saw and Knife Company mentioned. “Strong colors like neon green and bright yellow quickly attract a person’s attention. So do effects like shining metallic sheens and reflective surfaces.”
3 / Fun Designs and Gradients

OF SHOPPERS will recommend your product if it came in gift-like or branded packaging.
4 / Flexible Packaging
The days of choosing between three or four rigid cardboard box sizes are long gone. Technological advancements allow for flexible packaging material, helping reduce storage space and saving shipping costs. These include wraps, bags, pouches and envelopes.
5 / Minimalist Package Designs
OF CONSUMERS report they view unboxing videos.
OF AMERICAN CONSUMERS say paper and cardboard packaging makes a product more attractive than other packaging material.
OF CONSUMERS will share an image of your packaging on social media if it was unique or branded.
SAY THEY ARE MUCH MORE LIKELY to repeat a purchase of a luxury product if it came in premium packaging.
OF CONSUMERS are willing to pay a little more for them.
SMITHERS PIRA PREDICTS the flexible $269BILLIONinindustrypackagingwillreach2024.
Smithers Pira predicts the flexible packaging industry will reach $269 billion in 2024. Flexible packaging materials made of polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate or polypropylene break down easier and deteriorate faster than traditional shipping packages and packing material. Other advantages include easier storage, resealing, less material, lighter weight, eCommerce friendly and the ability to ship individual products.
55%40%50%49%67%35%61%72% whenfollowingandRESEARCHANPACKINGIMPACTbydotcomdistributiondatacompanyIpsosrevealedthecustomerexperiencemetricsitcomestoproductpackaging:
OF THOSE WHO WATCH UNBOXING VIDEOS claim the video convinced them to purchase the product.
OF AMERICAN CONSUMERS say their purchasing decision is influenced by the packaging design.
In an era of information overload, people appreciate simplicity. Too much information on packaging can get ignored, while a minimalist approach can make a bigger impact. Packaging that tells the customer what’s in it for them is key. Focus on results and how you want the customer to feel about your product and brand. Think of ways customers can use the packaging after opening, like including a coupon code on their next order or including pro tips for using the product.
7 / Unboxing
Unboxing videos have never been more popular on social media. According to Google, 90 percent of people say they discover new brands or products on YouTube. Everything from initial experience to longform product reviews are seen as trustworthy and authentic. Some companies are practically begging influencers to review their products. The design, feel and quality of product packaging are some of the first aspects of a product that are closely examined and considered in the overall experience. The rise of virtual reality technologies could make this trend even more relevant.
6 / Recyclable and Sustainable
directsellingnews.com 29 withProductHealthYourPowerBrain
out more at ra.org
Coffee sourced from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Packaging
Online ordering has put recycled packaging top of mind for people who experience deliveries almost daily. Many people avoid purchasing items not packaged in recycled materials. More than 1,000 companies and organizations (including Walmart and PepsiCo) are part of the New Plastics Economy global commitment that aims to increase recycled packaging by 25 percent by 2025. Sustainable packaging made from paper or hemp has greatly increased in popularity. Adding messages on packages indicating a commitment to sustainability is a great way to communicate the mission to customers Videos
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Affiliate RevolutionMarketing
BY DAVID LEE Stats Direct Selling Companies Should Watch of affiliate marketers use blogs to generate traffic. use affiliate marketing to engage customers.existing 240%revenueincrease using marketing.content Affiliate marketers report a
O ST DIRECT SELLING and network marketing companies offer some form of basic customer commission or affiliate program in addition to leveraging a team of distributors. Attracting experienced affiliate marketers could be a terrific way to grow online sales, as affiliate marketing is stronger than ever. Regular people are learning this skill to earn extra passive income on their own time. Here are some intriguing affiliate marketing stats as of late 2021. 40% of online marketers say affiliate marketing is a crucial skill. Mobile marketing and developing an overall digital strategy are key. (BloggingX) 64% of affiliate marketers use blogs to generate traffic. While video has been the hottest trend, blogging is still a highly effective way to attract search-engine traffic. Because blogs are evergreen yet can be updated, they are easy, cost effective content generators. Affiliate marketers report a 240% revenue increase using content marketing. (Awin, BloggingX) 79% of marketers use affiliate marketing to engage existing customers, and 83% use it to increase brand awareness. (Get Cake) 40% of U.S. merchants use affiliate marketing programs as their top customer-acquisition channel. North America accounts for more than 66% of global affiliate marketers. (Backlinko) Affiliate marketing revenues have increased by 52% since 2015. Spending increases at an annual rate of 10% . (eMarketer) 16% of online orders are attributed to affiliate marketing. This compares to paid searches which generate roughly 20% of online orders. (Uniquodo, Influencer Marketing Hub) 32% of affiliate marketers are ages 35 to 44; ages 25 to 34 make up 28%; and ages 45 to 54 comprise 22% . (Influencer Marketing Hub) DSN
32 D IRECT SELLING NEWS FEATURE / mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursday


34 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 FEATURE / D AILY HABITS OF INSPIRATIONAL LEADERS HE RESULTS we get in our lives can be directly attributed to the habits we form. And the more effectual habits we can execute from the level of mastery, the better our results will be. TT

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3 / SET A DAILY STANDARD FOR YOURSELF Be intentional in all that you do and say—it will make you a better leader and reinforce your efforts to develop positive habits.
The purpose of this article is not to convince you of the value of forming great habits; as a leader, you are very aware of that. We simply hope to provide a few “a-ha”s or even epiphanies that would strengthen your thinking about the power of habits. Additionally, you could potentially have these available to share with your direct staff to help them get the best results as well.
Mastering Habits
Years back, when we developed both the RESULTS Faster® course and the RESULTS Faster book, we deliberated intentionally about whether to put the lesson on habits at the beginning of the book or put it at the end to shore up the other twenty lessons. We decided the lesson on thinking should go first, and habits would be the strong piece at the end to serve as a foundation for anyone wanting results faster.
Top leaders reap a double win from forming and following exceptional habits: they glean the valuable results their habits produce toward their priorities, and they earn the wins that come from the modeling of behavior for those they lead.
2 / CONSISTENT REPETITION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS When you execute steadily and constantly, the right things (in both thinking and doing) become automatic.
As I’ve worked with and advised many of the very best leaders across industries all over the world, I’ve come to believe that there are three basic steps to becoming a master at anything—whether that’s to live at the mastery level in your parenting, marriage, leadership, mentoring, health or any other facet of your life.
STEP 2 / YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE BENEFITS OF LIVING AT THE MASTERY LEVEL SO YOUR “WANT-TO” FACTOR KICKS INTO HIGH GEAR. Then, you are self-inspired and motivated because you better understand the feelings and the results you can experience by living at this success level.
STEP 1 / YOU MUST BE AWARE OF THE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF PROFICIENCY. For me, mine consists of three levels: good, great and mastery. It’s important to know in what level you are operating.
There are three basic steps to becoming a master at understandinganything—awareness,andrecognition.

STEP 3 / REPETITION IS INTEGRAL TO FORMING HABITS. You must execute steadily and constantly to the point of habit, so the right things (in both thinking and doing) become automatic. The right habits allow you to produce incredible results over and over. But make sure the habits you are developing keep you on course—the wrong habits also produce results, just not the ones you are looking for. We can achieve mastery in virtually any area of our lives if we’re truly willing to commit to our habits entirely. And that includes continually raising our (clearly documented) standards and not tolerating anything less than the very best. This is what it takes to be a true master. Here are five concepts I believe will help take you to the level of mastery in your habits.
If you’re intentional about developing good habits, you will eventually replace the bad habits. It’s like growing grass. If you grow grass, it chokes out the weeds. If you put good habits in, you can choke out bad ones. Getting rid of bad habits by bringing in more good habits is a big piece of the mastery puzzle. So—bottom line—don’t let bad habits grow in your garden.
1 / ELIMINATE: Take a hard look at your bad habits and focus on improvement. Mastering the habit game is more than just having a collection of good habits. It’s also becoming aware of your bad habits and then looking at yourself in the mirror and challenging yourself to change or eliminate them, so you can avoid the negative outcomes they produce.
For example, if you have a habit of showing up late at a staff meeting, don’t be afraid of selfreflection. Are you doing that because there is routinely a more important item you need to handle?
Or, have you developed the poor habit of failing to study your calendar and preparing properly? That one negative habit impacts the culture, your personal brand and often the level to which you inspire your entire organization. Here’s a profound truth—you have to strategically lift up and see the big picture and then make whatever changes are necessary to improve your habits.
The“ right habits allow you to produce incredible results over and over. The wrong habits also produce results, just not the ones you are looking for.

I use my fourteen years of experience working with clients on a broad range of tax issues to help direct-selling companies navigate the global income tax landscape. Specifically, I help direct sellers with international tax structuring, transfer pricing, structuring cross-border transactions, and federal and state compliance and consulting.
The tagline "AUDIT.TAX.ADVISORY" on ly accompanies the logo in cir cumstances where context requires c larification about what Squire can do for current and potential customers (the audience). For example, Squire.com and its subsequent web pages featu r e the onet agline version (HIGHER PE RSPECTIVE ONLY) of the Squire logo because the subpage content t hroughout the site provides adequate co ntext to visitors.
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JOE HILLSTEAD INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAX SPECIALIST Get taxinternationalanexpertonyourteam 2022_DSN_Joe_QuoteAd.indd 1 3/7/22 3:46
One-tagline version of full color logoversionSecondary-taglinelogooffullcolorOne-taglineversion of white logo SQUIRE.COM ) 225-6900 PM
2 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Don’t rest on your laurels—every day is a chance to get better. Seek to improve habits that are already working. For example, if you have a reputation and a habit of hosting inspirational briefings, are you satisfied with the current content or could you make them even better? Is there a mastery level you can go to in any of the habits you are currently proud of? I have had the same coach and have happily paid him for over thirty years. And I consistently ask my coach to evaluate blind spots, including areas where I am already great—and that includes habits. To put it simply, greatness is the enemy of mastery.
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START RIGHT: Set personal standards that apply to the habits you are forming or mastering. How intentional are you at employing the right habits as you start your day? Most leaders start their day on their phone. Then—after taking care of their daily maintenance that equips them to be ready to see the world—they begin seeing people; talking to people; and appearing at meetings.
Personally, I set twelve standards for how I operate every day, and some of them are directly related to the habits I developed for starting my day. Item number five on my list is to greet my staff inspirationally. I’m intentional about having gratitude for my blessings and being an inspiration to my team when I first see them. I’ve included my personal standards on the following page to give you context for setting your own. These standards are a clarity list of habits I want to deploy on a daily basis to be an exceptional leader.
On the other hand, if the team attends a national financial trade show where Sq uire should differentiate itself from a n eighboring financial software co mpany, then trade show banners n eed to include the tagline, “Audit- TaxA Treatdvisory.”thesecondary tagline like it’s part

DSN YOUR GOOD HABITS impact many more people than just yourself.TONY
Ask in prayer for smartness and Holy Spirit support and alignment with God’s will. Do team huddles and stimulate huddles.
NEXT LEVEL: Understand how your behaviors (good and bad) impact those around you. Select habits have double and triple impact. For example, leaders who have the habit of eating well are modeling for their kids at virtually any age the value of being thoughtful about what you eat. At the same time, they are modeling for their team. And, as an added bonus, the habit of eating well can often help both you and your team operate at peak performance. Multiplying that out even further, being healthier often means you attract healthier people to your organization, as many people want to be around healthier environments. And there are many more positive impacts from eating healthier. So, the takeaway here is simple—your good habits impact many more people than just yourself.
5 / HABIT AUDIT: Make a physical list of your positive qualities and the qualities you hope to develop. List out ten personal habits you possess that have brought you to the top of your game, then list ten habits you are weak in or that you need to form. Consider sharing this activity at your next staff meeting. Your brain is masterfully designed to save energy by detecting patterns and creating habits of things you do over and over again. In fact, at the center of your brain is something called the basal ganglia. This walnutsized piece of “neural tissue” basically offloads from the cerebral cortex (the “thinking” part of the brain) any sequences that have turned into habits, therefore freeing the cerebral cortex up to handle other things. The brain actually craves habits so it doesn’t have to work so hard! Certainly, it’s more complex than that; however, our message with this article is not to scientifically unpack how habits work. Rather, we want to give you five powerful concepts that could up your game as a leader. I hope we’ve done that.
Glance at “pipe” each morning to have actions fresh in mind. Determine VIPs (Very Important Points) for the day (from Master list). Touch team members inspirationally. Communicate appreciation to all those around me (personal and professional). Strength, flex and breathe with confidence and think gratitude. Organize (rationalize) so more good things can come in. Visualize with further “clarity” our goals, direction, vision and refinement. Model exceptional behavior; including enjoying life. Eat healthy. Do favors and help advance my clients’ success. I hope this inspires you to create a header called “Daily Standards” in the Notes section of your phone and then type in five, ten or 15 standards or habits you want to deploy to have a masterful day, every day.
JEARY—The RESULTS Guy™— is a business strategist, prolific author, results coach and the founder of the RESULTSCenter.co.

FALL 2022 EVENT Join us for the Fall 2022 DSU Event to learn from 30+ of the highest performing and uniquely innovative companies in the channel. Learn what’s new and next for direct selling at DSU with a completely reimagined format with more “how-tos” and concrete takeaways to help grow and evolve your business. Plus, priceless networking time with industry peers. WHAT’S NEXT FOR DIRECT SELLING?

DSU The Premier Event for Direct Selling Corporate Executives DSU is the largest gathering of direct selling corporate executives laser-focused on the entire community’s growth, well-being and future. 95% of attendees are direct selling corporate executives 150+ direct companiessellingattend 30+ presenters REGISTER FOR FREE TODAY AT DSU2022.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 9 AM – 5 PM (CT) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 9 AM – 1 PM (CT) HOW TO ATTEND: DSU FALL EVENT IS A HYBRID EVENT WITH IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL OPTIONS TICKETS: DSU IS A FREE EVENT THANKS IN PART TO THE SUPPORT AND GENEROSITY OF OUR DSN MEMBER COMPANIES AND SUPPLIER SPONSORS. TO REGISTER AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DSU HYBRID EVENT, VISIT DSU2022.COM Scan Registerto WHERE: IRVING CONVENTION CENTER, 500 WEST LAS COLINAS BOULEVARD, IRVING, TX 75039 (10 MINUTES FROM DFW AND 20 MINUTES FROM LOVE FIELD) WHO CAN ATTEND: DSU IS FOR ACTIVE DIRECT SELLING CORPORATE EXECUTIVES AND DSN EVENT SPONSORS The DSU event (Spring 2022) was an incredible experience for Red Aspen’s Executive Team. Jason Dorsey’s discussion about Gen Z helped reframe our 2023 strategy, and opened our minds to different initiatives as it relates to younger generations, product development, and sustainability. If you’re on the edge and not sure if you want to attend, just do it!” “ -Jesse McKinney | CEO, Red Aspen


These marketing and strategic minds from Amway will share how they work collaboratively across product lines for maximum brand synergy. AMBER SNOW DIRECTOR OF DIVERSITY, EQUITY & AmwayINCLUSION BRANDI HUYSER DIRECTOR OF XS ENERGY & NEXT GEN AmwaySTRATEGYXS AMANDA TRESS FOUNDER & Fasterwaytofatloss.comCEO KRISTINE WIDTFELDT ChalkCEOCouture RUDY REVAK FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN, Xyngular | CHAIRMAN , PUREhaven Essentials SHELLEY ROJAS PUBLISHER & CHIEF BRAND OFFICER Direct Selling News KELLI TEMPLETON CHIEF MARKETING & EXPERIENCEAmwayOFFICER JARED TURNER AmareCEOGlobal DARNELL SELF EVP OF NETWORK & BUSINESS PPLSIDEVELOPMENT “This community gains so much strength when we all work together, and DSN makes that happen. Michele Gay, Co-Founder & CEO, LimeLife by Alcone “I have never missed a DSU event. I’ve always gotten so much from it over the years. —Al Bala, President & CEO, Mannatech “ “

GLENN SANFORD FOUNDER | eXp Realty Heather Chastain interviews Lynne Coté and Laura Beitler on navigating your field through change. INTERVIEWS & PANELS BEN RILEY WayneYoungPRESIDENTLivingMoorehead interviews Ben Riley in a live episode of the Direct Approach podcast at DSU! WAYNE MOOREHEAD Marketing, Branding & Direct-to-Consumer Industry Expert | Podcast Host Stuart Johnson interviews Wayne Moorehead about his learnings and takeaways from 30+ episodes. TO REGISTER AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DSU HYBRID EVENT, VISIT DSU2022.COM + STUART JOHNSON Interviewer HEATHER CHASTAIN INTERVIEWER LAURA BEITLER CHIEF GLOBAL SALES OFFICER Rodan + Fields LYNNE COT É PRESIDENT & CEO Princess House

FALL 2022 EVENT THANK YOU To inquire about event sponsorship opportunities, email: info@directsellingnews.comTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 | 9 AM – 5 PM (CT) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 | 9 AM – 1 PM (CT) SUPPLIERPRESENTINGSPONSORSPARTNER + PREMIER SPONSORS

Three previous fiscal quarters of widespread lockdowns and hiding from COVID gave way to a year of adaptation for the global direct selling industry. Direct sellers across the globe emerged into the sunlight to face ever-changing, mid-pandemic operational environments and in some markets, post-pandemic business climates that brought fairly large swings in sales performance—some for the better and some for the worse.
n many ways, 2020 was an uninvited guest who overstayed their welcome into 2021.

3 / MOST OF EUROPE EXPERIENCED GROWTH European Union countries overall showed gains while Russia’s market decreased primarily due to the war in Ukraine. Health-related COVID concerns, supply chain disruptions, manufacturing shortages, stalled shipments, ever-increasing costs—these were industry-wide hurdles faced everywhere, but not necessarily everywhere at the same time. That depended upon local government priorities, which ranged from moving swiftly to re-open economies to further lockdowns in order to beat the virus, which in turn continued economic pressure. This forms the context around which the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations conducted its 2021 global sales survey. This cooperative survey reveals an annual snapshot of an entire year’s direct selling activity across the world, in one set of figures, submitted by local DSA member companies. Then compiled by the DSA to reflect country sales performance, it is later extrapolated into regional and global sales data. In some instances where DSAs do not exist or lack staffing, WFDSA’s CEO Council plays an advisory role in estimating marketWFDSA’ssales.report, announced earlier this summer and valid through May 2023, shows slim global industry expansion made up of some fairly big gains and losses, which Global Research Subcommittee Co-Chair Tim Sanson believes was reflective of the social and political approach to the pandemic.
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WFDSA reports global estimated retail sales of $186.1 billion (Constant U.S. Dollars) for 2021, an increase of 1.5 percent over 2020. This figure includes data from the China market; however, due to its sheer size, lack of transparency and continued COVID struggles, WFDSA opted to announce dual figures—with and without China—to make visible the effects this market has on regional and global data.
THREE 1TAKEAWAYSKEY / THE AMERICAS HAD SEVERAL GROWTH STORIES North, South and Central America combined to post $68 billion in estimated retail sales—an increase of 5.8 percent.
It is in those gains and even those losses that Direct Selling News constructs its 2021 list of Billion Dollar Markets, which expanded this year to a total of 24 with the addition of Vietnam. WFDSA data shows that 78 percent of global sales production comes from the top ten global markets, of which the United States sits atop.
2 / ASIA PACIFIC RESULTS WERE MIXED China, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia recorded significant losses while Korea, Australia and India benefited from strong growth.
The Data Note: All WFDSA data have been rounded throughout.

Regional sales performance was a mixed bag in 2021. Estimated retail sales in The Americas was up 5.8 percent and Europe gained 2.8 percent. However, Asia/Pacific was impacted by significant losses in China, its largest market, and reported regional losses of 2.2 percent as a result. Emerging markets in Africa/Middle East reported losses of 10 Globalpercent.industry growth, measured by the 3-year CAGR indicates a static atmosphere for the 2018 2021 Significantperiod.positional shifting within DSN’s Billion Dollar Markets list took place this year, most notably the fall of China to fourth position as a result of compounded multi-year losses, and the subsequent rise of Korea to number two. Overall, the Asia/ Pacific Billion Dollar Markets struggled, as Japan, Indonesia, Australia, the Philippines and Thailand all suffered losses. However, the picture in the Americas and Europe was significantly brighter as every Billion Dollar Market, with the exception of Brazil and Russia, gained ground. Of the 24 Billion Dollar Markets, the United States
leads global retail sales at 23 percent, followed by Korea, 10 percent; Germany, 10 percent; China, 10 percent; Japan, 8 percent; Malaysia, 4 percent; Brazil, 4 percent; Mexico, 3 percent; France, 3 percent; and Taiwan, China 3 percent. All other reporting markets comprise the remaining 22 percent of global128.2sales.million independent representatives participated in direct selling worldwide in 2021. These independent representatives affiliate with a direct selling company but enjoy the freedom of building a business on their own terms and time. Many join because they love the company’s products or services and want to purchase them at a discount. Forty percent of global markets reported active preferred customer programs in 2021, consistent with 2020’s statistic. Still others work either full- or part-time to earn supplemental income. The most successful of these sponsor other independent representatives and mentor them into building successful businesses, too.
report shows slim global industry expansion made up of some fairly big gains and losses… reflective of the social and political approach to the pandemic.
Therefore, excluding China, global estimated retail sales for 2021 were $168.1 billion with a threeyear compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8 percent for the period 2018-2021.

#1 United States ArgentinaPeruColombiaCanadaMexicoBrazil#7 #8 #13 #15 #16 #18 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 AMERICAS 2021 BILLION DOLLAR MARKETS 22.4%25.6%.2%3.5%10%6.4%
The 26 percent sales growth registered by Canada in 2020 slipped in 2021 to -0.2 percent, yet generated estimated retail sales of $3.3 billion, increasing 3-year CAGR to 5.7 percent.
On the heels of a pandemic-related sales spike of 14.7 percent in 2020, the North America market continued its expansion in 2021, reporting $46 billion in sales and year-over-year growth of 5.9 percent, even as the industry began an expected postpandemic normalization.
The United States’ 23 percent share of worldwide sales for 2021 was once again a reminder of its global industry dominance. The U.S. market quickly normalized conducting business amid a pandemic during 2020 and further sorted out any remaining kinks last year to generate $42.6 billion in sales in 2021, growth of 6.4 percent year-over-year and a 3-year CAGR of 6.5 percent.
North America
Wellness products were by far the most popular in North America garnering 36 percent of all industry estimated retail sales in 2021. Household Goods and Durables ranked second at 15 percent and Cosmetics third at 14 percent. Independent representative numbers for North America fell by more than 600,000 in 2021, which returned this statistic to 2019, pre-pandemic levels. 16.2 million independent representatives resided in the United States—nearly a half million fewer than 2020—and the remaining 1.3 million called Canada home.
The Americas—North and South/Central— combined to post $68 billion in estimated retail sales in 2021—36 percent of direct selling’s global market sales. This was an increase of 5.8 percent and resulted in a three-year CAGR of 5.4 percent.
directsellingnews.com 51 / THE AMERICAS /
There were seven Billion Dollar Markets within the North and South/Central America region for 2021, duplicating 2020. A surge in Wellness product popularity has for the second year ranked number one at 30 percent. Cosmetics comprised 28 percent with Household Goods and Durables a distant third at 13 percent for the second year. The number of independent representatives in the Americas essentially ran even in 2021 at 32.4 million, but showed a gain of some 3.6 million representatives sinceRegional2018. data for the Americas reported together; however, the Americas are split here to better understand each of the distinct markets.
THIS ANNUAL GLOBAL DATA COLLECTION is an effort initiated and funded under the management of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) in collaboration with its local member direct selling associations and their member companies around the world, for the benefit of the DSAs and the global direct sellingCompiledindustry.annually, this is a collection of individual market data in local currency figures, which are converted into U.S. dollars using current year constant dollar exchange rates to eliminate the impact of currency fluctuation. All statistics are based on estimated retail sales and in some instances may be restated using actual sales data as they become available. Statistics for some markets represent direct selling association member companies only and not the entire industry in that country. Other statistics are WFDSA research estimates.
South/Central America
Peru, another of 2021’s sales winners, rallied after a 2020 downturn to mark a 22.4 percent increase in sales over the previous year, which bounced their CAGR into positive territory at 2.1 percent. Brazil, however, experienced a sizeable downturn in sales performance in 2021, losing nearly $800 million in sales. That’s a market loss of 10 percent Regionally,year-over-year.estimatedretail sales for South/ Central America were up 5.6 percent, reporting in at $22 billion in 2021 with a CAGR of 3.5 percent.
Argentina’s notable 90.3 percent 2020 sales growth was followed in 2021 by a 50.1 percent increase, expanding this market’s CAGR to 50.8 percent. While it’s important to note the highly inflationary aspects of Argentina’s market, these increases continue to stand out.
$$ BILLION MARKETSDOLLAR FOR 2021 RANK COUNTRY 2021 RETAIL SALES (US$ MILLIONS) 3-ye ar CAGR (2018‑2021) 1 United States $42,670 6.5% 2 Korea $19,421 3.8% 3 Germany $18,959 2.6% 4 China $17,961 -21.1% 5 Japan $14,248 -3.2% 6 Malaysia $8,367 13.0% 7 Brazil $7,048 0.7% 8 Mexico $5,788 1.3% 9 France $5,419 0.1% 10 Taiwan, China $4,901 5.4% 11 India $3,259 15.7% 12 Italy $3,126 -2.0% 13 Canada $3,099 5.7% 14 Thailand $2,660 -3.0% 15 Colombia $2,466 7.9% 16 Peru $2,102 2.1% 17 Russia $2,040 -1.2% 18 Argentina $1,636 50.8% 19 Indonesia $1,537 2.0% 20 Australia $1,426 1.9% 21 Phillippines $1,350 -2.7% 22 Poland $1,277 4.8% 23 United Kingdom $1,165 11.9% 24 Vietnam $1,015 21.6% SOURCE: WORLD FEDERATION OF DIRECT SELLING ASSOCIATIONS
Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina comprise the South/Central America region. Their sales performances in 2021 produced astounding country market expansions, a rally to overcome previous year losses, as well as typical incremental increases and regional disappointments.
Colombia also experienced significant expansion as they added nearly half a billion in sales, which equaled a 25.6 percent year-over-year increase.
Individual country market statistics are: Brazil ($7.0 billion, 3.8 percent of global market, 0.7 percent CAGR), Mexico ($5.8 billion, 3.1 percent of global market, 1.3 percent CAGR), Colombia ($2.5 billion, 1.3 percent of global market, 7.9 percent CAGR), Peru ($2.1 billion, 1.1 percent of global market, 2.1 percent CAGR), and Argentina ($1.6 billion, 0.9 percent of global market, 50.8 percent CAGR). Inflationary economies like Argentina typically report restated data later in the year. Cosmetics and Personal Care products once again dominated regional sales at 58 percent but continued trending slowly downward since 2017’s 67 percent high. Wellness ranked second at 17 percent, while Clothing and Accessories slotted third at 11 percent. After a 2020 surge in recruitment that saw 14.4 million independent representatives, 2021’s figures once again increased to 14.9 million.
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“The situation, particularly in China has been extremely problematic. The number of containers leaving Shanghai reduced by something like 60-70 percent coming into Los Angeles. Supply chain issues are a real serious concern and they impact anybody that’s in business, not just direct sellers. Shipping costs are through the roof, and that is a big concern too,” Franco shared. However, one advantage that some direct sellers have over other non-direct selling companies is their ability to manufacture their own products. Some larger U.S. direct selling companies control—to some extent—much of the supply chain and, as such, some of the costs.
“There’s no question that it’s remarkably better compared to retail and others. So, I think that we’re very pleased with the direction that we are going,” Franco said. The U.S. sales forecast for 2021 was growth between 4 and 7 percent. They hit that mark at 6.7 percent. However, don’t confuse Franco as a Pollyanna voice. He realizes COVID spikes in sales were dramatic and will not be sustainable year-in and year-out, especially as the word “recession” looms overBu2022.tdirect selling traditionally does well amid economic tumult, which historically brings more people to the ranks as direct sellers. So, it’s a question of taking 2021 growth and bringing it to a level which remains healthy, then moving forward through this year and next. “We are absolutely bullish on direct selling. We think the overall ingredients for direct selling in this economic climate are favorable and favor us,” Franco shared.
ESPITE THE WORLD gravitating eCommercetowardoverthe last decade and especially so during COVID times, direct selling remains at a competitive advantage in the United States because people aren’t willing to give up the personal touch completely.AdolfoFranco, US DSA executive vice president, believes it’s this marriage that works in direct selling’s favor as consumers get increasingly comfortable making purchases outside traditional brick and mortar stores, but also desire the help of trusted advisors when they purchase cosmetics and health, wellness and nutritional products.
It’s this hybrid consumer appeal, along with an increasingly popular customer-centric, product-focused business model among U.S. direct selling companies, that drives annual industry growth. In 2021, the United States, the world’s most lucrative global direct selling market, produced $42.7 billion in estimated retail sales, an increase of 6.4 percent year-over-year. The U.S. market decidedly ranks first of all global sales markets, according to the World Federation of Direct Selling Association’s 2021 statistics, released earlier this summer.
In spite of these challenges—of which so many still remain problematic, 2021 sales performance was good and indicates a healthy U.S. direct selling industry.
Looking back on 2021, the U.S. market was not immune to pandemic and economic-related issues that concerned the rest of the global market.
/ ASIA PACIFIC / YEAR RETAIL SALES % CHANGE (US$ Millions) Year-over-year 2018 $35,350 1.3% 2019 $35,210 -0.4% 2020 $40,100 13.9% 2021 $42,670 6.4% U.S. GROWTH HYBRID APPEAL DRIVES 2021 U.S. GROWTH US DSA BULLISH ON DIRECT SELLING’S FUTURE Indonesia#19 5 Australia#20 5 Philippines#21 6 #2 ThailandIndiaTaiwan,MalaysiaJapanChinaKoreaChina#4 #5 #6 #10 #11 #14 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 ASIA PACIFIC 2021 BILLION DOLLAR MARKETS 6.1%12.5%5.0%1.6%4.0%7.7%7.9%6.8%3.5%5.0%

Depleted inventories, supply chain pressures and even government restrictions on the manufacture of non-essential products affected many countries, Tamuna Gabilaia, WFDSA executive director/COO, shared.“Inthe beginning of 2021, we were still trying to find our way with COVID and starting to roll out in most parts of the world. What we did find in our talks with regions, particularly Latin America, is that they were struggling with lockdowns and restrictions on what they could or could not sell, and actually getting products to or from manufacturers in those markets,” Wyllie“Costssaid.of shipping really escalated in 2021, and that hasn’t gone away,” WyllieAnecdotally,added. they learned there was a rush to get inventories back in stock as 2021 progressed but once markets started to open, field engagement arose as the next“Peoplechallenge.had been locked down for a year and a half. They got a little distracted on the business,” Sanson said. By spending a lot more time on Zoom calls with DSAs, WFDSA gained better clarity about the statistics and could provide better education and escalate support when necessary.
It is vital to note the impact China has on Asia/ Pacific’s regional statistics. China is the largest and most influential Asia-Pacific market, but various economic and regulatory conditions were made worse by COVID and the market’s difficulty rebounding from pandemic.
In 2021, WFDSA increased their dialog with DSAs using Zoom, and Mills said, “They seem to be a lot more comfortable with us doing this. They are learning from us. We are learning from them. And it will only improve the process along the way.”
C LARITY—THAT’S THE GOAL OF MOST DATA COLLECTION PROJECTS, and especially so of WFDSA’s annual global sales report that compiles statistics from direct selling associations the world over to summarize the strength of the industry in any given year. It’s not surprising that a project this size faces many challenges. There are logistical and cultural hurdles associated with posing questions in readily understood formats and using sufficiently defined and translatable terminology, so that collected data represents the same things in all “Wmarkets.henyou ask a question of companies, you do need to make sure that you ask wide and broad types of questions. There are a number of terminologies that can be used if you have a direct customer, for instance, and it might not be perceived as what they determine that to be and what we’re defining as a direct customer,” Garth Wyllie, WFDSA Chair of the Association Services Committee, explained. But it’s the matter of context that poses the greatest challenge for those wanting clarity about global, regional and country market performance. Admittedly, WFDSA data collection is not meant to dive deep the way individual companies might. “We only get to see the end results, not every nuance or minutiae of what created these end results,” shared Josephine Mills, WFDSA’s Global Research Subcommittee Co-Chair. “So, we have to try to interpret what we’re seeing in the data by also looking at what happened in the external environment to help provide context,” said Tim Sanson, WFDSA’s Global Research Subcommittee Co-Chair.Zoomcalls opened new lines of communication for the subcommittee in 2020, as they connected “face-toface” with far-flung DSAs who could provide much needed context for what was happening on the ground in country markets.
The Asia/Pacific region—comprised of 10 Billion Dollar Markets—generated 42 percent of global retail sales in 2021. Estimated retail sales of $77.9 billion in 2021, a decrease of 2.2 percent, marked the fourth consecutive regional sales constriction for a market that boasted 48.7 percent of global retail sales in 2018. The Asia/Pacific region’s three year CAGR stands at -5.0 percent in 2021.
Nearly 74.5 million independent direct sellers represented products and services in the Asia/ Pacific region, a 2.6 percent increase over 2020 and accounted for more than 58 percent of all direct sellers in the world. The Wellness product category captured 44 percent of the market with Household Goods and Durables, as well as Cosmetics and Personal Care tied at 20 percent.
China’s sales fell in 2021 for the third straight year, down 12.5 percent. Their estimated retail sales stood at $18 billion, down from $37 billion in 2018. Their positioning as a consistent second place in the overall Billion Dollar Markets rankings slipped to number four and their CAGR sharply declined, posting in at -21.2 percent. Similarly, independent representative numbers fell for the fourth straight year to 3.1 million.
The Asia/Pacific region feels reverberations from anything that takes place in the China market. To get an insider’s look and improve the consistency and confidence in this market’s data collection, WFDSA worked with the Direct Selling Research Center at Peking University for a third year.
“We want to do that more… It’s much more valuable having a face-to-face conversation showing them how we interpret the data and what we’re seeing and being able to provide more context both ways around that,” Sanson explained.

directsellingnews.com 55 WFDSA“ reports global estimated retail sales of $186.1 billion (Constant U.S. Dollars) for 2021, an increase of 1.5 percent over 2020.
Perhaps, the biggest news out of the Asia/ Pacific region was the addition of Vietnam to the Billion Dollar Markets list. While the Vietnam market accounted for only 0.5 percent of the global market, the direct selling industry has incubated there and estimated retail sales nearly doubled since 2018. Four consecutive years of double-digit growth culminated in hitting the $1 billion mark in 2021 and reporting a CAGR of 21.6 percent.
Vietnam joins the ranks of nine other Asia/Pacific countries on the Billion Dollar Markets list for 2021. The enormity of the Asia/Pacific market results in volatility due to the intricacies, personalities and environments of each country market. The impacts of COVID only accentuated this regional market characteristic.Asdirectselling lost momentum in China, causing it to slip in its Billion Dollar ranking, the Korea market saw a sharp 6.1 percent rise in sales, generating $19.4 billion in sales for 2021, which elevated them to the number two spot. While growth in the India market slowed after a 28.3 percent increase yearover-year in 2020, their 2021 7.7 percent growth represented a fourth consecutive year of market expansion. The Australian market reported its second year of growth in 2021, posting 3.5 percent year-over-year change and rebounding CAGR of 1.9 percent after three years in the negative space. Taiwan-China did not experience the same market constriction as mainland China. In fact, the Taiwan market grew by 4.0 percent over 2020 and indicated a 5.4 percent CAGR.

2021 REGIONAL SALES & T OP CATEGORIESPRODUCT EUROPEAN UNION $33.2 BILLION 4 31% Wellness 4 19% Household Goods & Durables 4 18% Cosmetics/Personal Care 4 15% Home Improvement SOUTH & CENTRAL AMERICA $22 BILLION 4 58% Cosmetics/Personal Care 4 17% Wellness 4 11% Clothing & Accessories 4 10% Household Goods & Durables NORTH AMERICA $46 UnitedBILLIONStates & Canada 4 36% Wellness 4 14% Cosmetics/Personal Care 4 15% Household Goods & Durables 4 11% Financial Services 4 5% Clothing & Accessories 56 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 COVER STORY / B ILLION DOLLAS MARKETS
NOTE: WFDSA SALES DATA ROUNDED. $78ASIA-PACIFICBILLION 4 44% Wellness 4 20% Cosmetics/Personal Care 4 20% Household Goods & Durables REST OF EUROPE $5.2 RUSSIABILLION 4 39% Cosmetics/Personal Care 4 39% Wellness UNITED KINGDOM 4 46% Cosmetics/Personal Care 4 22% Household Goods & Durables 4 21% Wellness directsellingnews.com 57
Asia/Pacific Billion Dollar Markets data reports as follows: Australia ($1.4 billion, 0.8 percent of global market, 1.9 percent CAGR), China ($17.9 billion, 9.7 percent, -21.2 percent CAGR), India ($3.3 billion, 1.8 percent, 15.7 CAGR), Indonesia ($1.5 billion, 0.8 percent, 2.0 percent CAGR), Japan ($14.2 billion, 7.7 percent, -3.2 percent CAGR), Korea ($19.4 billion, 10.4 percent, 3.8 percent CAGR), Malaysia ($8.4 billion, 4.5 percent, 13 percent CAGR), Philippines ($1.4 billion, 0.7 percent, -2.7 percent CAGR), Taiwan China ($4.9 billion, 2.6 percent, 5.4 percent CAGR), Thailand ($2.7 billion, 1.4 percent, -3.0 percent CAGR), and Vietnam ($1 billion, 0.5 percent, 21.6 percent CAGR). SELLING RESPONDS
There were, however, several struggling markets in the Asia/Pacific region. Japan’s slide continues for a third year, as estimated retail sales dropped 5.0 percent and their CAGR dipped to a low of -3.2 percent. The Philippines and Thailand experienced similar losses, as did Indonesia—all dropping between 5.0 and 7.9 percent in 2021.
IN 2021 2021 was a dynamic time in direct selling and proved to be a good year for the global industry. Despite being another year influenced by the pandemic— producing deep lows in China, which compounded unrelated challenges from 2019 and caused ripples of strife throughout the Asia/Pacific Region—the global direct selling industry responded with adaptability, flexibility and resilience to move forward.
“The industry as a whole is very resilient and adaptive, has changed in terms of technology and technology use and was ready to grow even with all the challenges they were facing,” Garth Wyllie, WFDSA chair of the Association Services Committee, said. Some markets swung high resulting in a significant shuffling of DSN’s Billion Dollar Market List. Tim Sanson, WFDSA’s Global Research Subcommittee Co-Chair, says, “It’s hard to pinpoint whether that’s stable growth or movement of countries up and down simply because of the difference in the dynamics from market to market.”Regardless, he felt that, “Overall the industry is strong. I’m not sure how many industries showed growth during that period, but the overall results say a lot.”
#3 PolandItalyFranceGermany#9 #12 #23 5 5 6 6 EUROPEAN UNION 2021 BILLION DOLLAR MARKETS United Kingdom#23 5 Russia#15 5 REST OF EUROPE 2021 BILLION DOLLAR MARKETS10.4%6.4%2.0%1.9%4.0%3.1%
“We’ve gotten used to the situation with COVID. We’ve adapted to it better, and we’ve learned how to run really well in the COVID environment,” Josephine Mills, WFDSA’s Global Research Subcommittee Co-Chair, shared. A big differentiator in adaptability in 2021 involved the distributors’ interface with their customers and the ability of markets to shift and transact remotely, rather than face-to-face. This largely applied to less developed, emerging markets in places like South Africa and Southeast Asia, where cash transactions and home delivery remained the norm. But everywhere the resistance to eCommerce dissipated as technology curves were flattened and direct sellers faced few options during COVID, according to Tamuna Gabilaia, WFDSA executive director/COO. Then came the realization that they could reach even more people than before.

European Union European Union country markets, of which the United Kingdom is no longer a part, reported $33.2 billion in estimated retail sales, an increase of 3.3 percent over 2020. France, Germany, Italy and Poland make up the EU Billion Dollar Markets.Bignews in the EU sub-region came from Poland, where a 10.4 percent increase resulted in nearly $1.3 billion in sales. Germany claimed 10.2 percent of global market and retained its number three rank on the 2021 Billion Dollar Markets list with $19 billion in estimated retail sales. Italy and France both rebounded from slumping sales in 2020, up 6.4 percent and 2.0 percent, respectively.
Europe, as a whole, which includes country markets within and outside the European Union, represented 21 percent of estimated retail sales within the global industry. WFDSA reported direct selling within in Europe continued to grow in 2021, posting a 2.8 percent increase over the previous year with estimated retail sales totaling $38.4 billion. The region’s CAGR was 2.0 percent. An estimated 15.7 million independent representatives worked in direct selling throughout Europe—6.6 million inside the European Union and 9.1 million in the Rest of Europe. Wellness accounted for 31 percent of market sales, followed by Cosmetics and Personal Care at 23 percent, and Household Goods and Durables, 18 percent.
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just over $2 billion in estimated retail sales with a CAGR of -1.2 percent. The United Kingdom experienced 3.1 percent growth and recorded $1.2 billion in sales in 2021. But perhaps the biggest news here was the U.K.’s 11.9 percent CAGR. After devastating CAGR’s hovering around -40 percent in 2018 and 2019, this country market surged back to report back-to-back years of 8.9 percent CAGR or higher. As a whole, the Rest of Europe did not report product category sales data. U.K. data indicated Cosmetics and Personal Care comprised 46 percent of sales, while Household Goods and Durables and Wellness were 22 and 21 percent, respectively. Russia data reported a tie of 36 percent for Wellness and Cosmetics and Personal Care. DSN Rest of Europe Segmented into the Rest of Europe, the United Kingdom and Russia are the only two Billion Dollar Markets. This sub-region generated $5.2 billion in estimated retail sales, an increase of 1.9 percent that maintained a 3.3 percent CAGR for 2021. Rising pressure from the pandemic and economic drivers, which have only intensified this year due to international sanctions, the war in Ukraine and the announced exit of a legacy direct selling company from the market, contributed to a 4.0 percent sales drop in the Russian market in 2021. They reported

ERE’S OUR monthly top picks for you (and your field) for reading, listening to and utilizing in order to stay engaged, informed and one step ahead.
Audio Book / Master Your Code: The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life
Master Your Code helps the listener analyze his or her code— or programming—which Darren defines as a subconscious set of rules that drive the actions you take and limit the results you get
In this companion to his classic book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni focuses on the individual, identifying three virtues that make an employee indispensable: being humble, hungry and smart. The Ideal Team Player defines and illustrates these traits through an easy-to-read fable, which is followed by a practical guide for finding, hiring and cultivating ideal team players—and weeding out those who are not. /
The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues
HealthyWage Per the Mayo Clinic, weight loss study participants who receive financial incentives are more likely to lose more weight (and keep it off!) than participants who receive none. HealthyWage is an app that offers cash-based weight loss challenges to help end procrastination through competition. Corporations have jumped on this bandwagon as a creative way to encourage healthy habits among their teams. Get your team excited with a friendly competition that could result in better health—and cash bonuses.
In this thought-provoking audio book, executive coach and author Darren J. Gold asks the listener a simple question that requires a complex (and very personal) answer: “What’s getting in the way of you leading an extraordinary life?”

begins with I. —ARNOLD H. GLASOW WORDS TO LIVE BY: directsellingnews.com
SANDLER As the “World’s Largest Training Organization,” Sandler is known for founding a unique selling system based on behavioral psychology. To train this approach, founder David Sandler discovered that the correct attitudes, behaviors and techniques must be taught as well. With a proven system now spanning decades, Sandler’s organization publishes content based on their winning strategies. With episodes like “How to Succeed at Purpose” and “How to Succeed at Personal Branding,” this podcast will help your field master success in every form DSN
WEBSITE / Lifehack “Lifehack” has become a popular social media buzzword, but it also happens to be an in-depth personal development website brimming with useful content. Articles range from topics like “How to Live a Full Life” to “How to Learn Faster and Smarter,” including science-based case studies to support solutions for improvement. Lifehack also offers free courses and a robust blog categorized by topics like “Goal Getting” and “Restore Energy.”
APP / The Habit Factor Pro
63 For Your Field6
Recommended by top coaches, consultants, athletes and learning institutions worldwide, The Habit Factor Pro is an easy-to-use productivity app that helps the user set and track goals, change behavior and form meaningful habits. Using unique technology and algorithms, the app personalizes the user experience, allowing you to chart your progress, motivators, tracking periods and much more PODCAST / How to Succeed Podcas t



A hybrid version of single- and multi-level where influencers are paid on one additional level of sponsorship and recruiting. The multi-level model continues to come under increasing scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the media and the public. This pressure has caused the prominence and popularity of single-level sales models to rise.
IRECT SELLING is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. The flexibility and freedom provided by the opportunity have always been important elements of the channel’s appeal to aspiring entrepreneurs. Essentially, there are four basic direct selling models.
Many new direct sales companies are avoiding the “MLM” stigma and focusing instead on building a single-level direct sales program, paying their sales force strictly on selling—not recruiting. Several established companies have also made this pivot or have introduced supplemental affiliate programs that provide an option for entrepreneurs not interested in more traditional direct selling opportunities.
Single-level marketing has opened up the direct selling landscape to a new type of entrepreneur and a new, streamlined and sustainable method of doing business. The benefits positively impact both customers and companies as well as the independent distributors. For customers, the interaction with the brand could lead to longevity and loyalty. The connection forged between an influencer and customer feels more real and more personal. Customer service can also be improved as there are fewer layers between customer and company.
The same premise as single-level but distributors often make more money from recruiting new team members into their downline than they do from selling products.
Single-level marketing has opened up the direct selling landscape to a new type of entrepreneur and a new, streamlined and sustainable method of doing business. “
Independent sales representatives acting as distributors for a brand and earning a commission from the sales they make. Affiliate marketing programs that only pay commission on the distributor’s sales as opposed to downline sales also fit under this umbrella.
There are several key benefits for companies as well. There is more exposure and control of the brand when it is not filtered through a retailer. As the past few years have taught us, brick-and-mortar locations offer challenges that are often out of a brand’s control. Online sales through affiliates keep customers engaged even when they can’t shop at a store. The single-level option also improves the amount and value of customer data, allowing brands to grow their database and sharpen their purchasing insights.
Brands selling directly to the end customer, such as online purchases made on a company’s website.
Success Stories
directsellingnews.com 67
As direct selling continues to evolve to meet changing customer needs and expectations, the path new and existing companies take evolves as well. We’ve compiled this capsule, high-level view of some of the established and emerging brands that are finding success with single-level or super-affiliate approaches.
THERE ARE KEY BENEFITS TO COMPANIES TAKING A SINGLE-LEVEL DISTRIBUTION APPROACH Brands gain more exposure and control of their brand, open up new avenues for sales and have better data into customer demographics and behaviors. / SEVERAL EMERGING AND ESTABLISHED COMPANIES ARE TAKING THIS APPROACH Longaberger, AdvoCare, Lovlei and FASTer Way to Fat Loss are just a few examples of single-level or superaffilate models.
After bankruptcy, Longaberger reinvented itself in 2019. Abandoning their traditional party-plan approach, the company emerged as a digital-savvy social commerce brand. While baskets remain the star of the Longaberger show, the company expanded its product line to include artisanal home goods as well as furniture, spices, coffee, jewelry and other hand-crafted products. But while the product line expanded, the opportunity was simplified into a two-tier organization. Stylists pay $49 to join the business, then earn 20 percent of every sale they refer to the company, as well as receiving a 20 percent discount on their own Longaberger purchases. If others join their team, the stylists earn 5 percent from their sales.
THREE / NEW MODELS OF DIRECT SELLING CONTINUE TO REPLACE TRADITIONAL STRUCTURES As the channel pivots away from being recruitment-centric to product focused, compensation plans are evolving to meet that change.

Lovlei is a beach-inspired women’s clothing line based out of California but with undeniable Aloha spirit in its mission and merchandise. The single-level compensation model offers a 40 percent commission for Brand Ambassadors and Influencers. Customers also enjoy free shipping on orders over $125 and a 10 percent discount on all first orders over $100. Brand Ambassadors (distributors) also receive 10 percent on purchases
The company pays 50 percent commission to their certified coaches and a one-level referral fee of 10 percent on coaches that they recruit. FASTer Way has served nearly 200,000 clients since its creation in 2016. Future Focused As a channel, direct selling is making changes to gain credibility and viability as a career path for aspiring entrepreneurs. By shedding the outdated methods and structures of the past and embracing a more progressive, digitally focused single-level or super-affiliate business structure, the channel is poised to grow forward. DSN
One of the results of AdvoCare’s settlement with the FTC in July of 2019 was the revision of their business model to single-level distribution paying compensation based solely on sales to direct customers and supplemental bonuses. While this change disrupted the way long-time independent distributors did business and earned profits, the positive results included creating a more sustainable business model and ending the ongoing dispute with the FTC.
made by people that they introduce to the brand along with other perks and discounts. Additionally, Lovlei also creates coaching positions for influencers who can help their customers explore their interests in things like yoga, jewelry making and other pursuits related to the brands relaxed, beach-y vibe.
A great example of an up-and-coming super affiliate model is FASTer Way to Fat Loss, a virtual fitness and nutrition company teaching clients how to burn fat and live healthier through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, strategic workouts and a positive mindset.

The ICONIC INSIGHTS podcast one‑on‑onegoeswith some of the world’s best‑known authors, speakers, and innovators sharing their unique insights on entrepreneurship. Join host and social-selling thought leader Heather Chastain once a month for a candid conversation about doing your own thing – what works, what doesn’t and what’s next. Each episode will give you concrete takeaways and actionable advice to help you improve your entrepreneurial mindset, performance, and leadership. ICONIC INSIGHTS DSN’S NEWEST PODCAST: HOSTED BY HEATHER CHASTAIN TODAY!SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TODAY to learn from guests Les Brown, Rita Davenport, John C. Maxwell, Suze Orman, Jay Shetty, Kindra Hall and more!


FOUNDED: 1998 HEADQUARTERS: Sandy, UT TOP EXECUTIVES: David FounderLisonbee,andChairman of the Board Bianca Lisonbee, Founder Danny PresidentLee,and CEO PRODUCTS: Immune Systemdirectsellingnews.comNutraceuticals 71 4Life: the Immune System Company Turns 25 BY JENNY VETTER 4LIFE /
For David and Bianca Lisonbee, in-house is everything. For over two decades, they’ve led the in-house teams at 4Life who handle everything from research and manufacturing,development,distribution and more. As they celebrate 4Life’s 25th year alongside President and CEO, Danny Lee, the Lisonbees couldn’t be more excited about the company’s evolution, legacy and future.

You can take this opportunity and go virtually anywhere in the world with it.
—DANNY LEE / President and CEO “
Immunity Inspired While the immune system is a hot topic for companies in today’s health and wellness space, David and Bianca Lisonbee have been pioneering immune system sciences for over 25 years through their work at 4Life. Known as “The Immune System Company™,” 4Life continues to lead the industry with immune support products distributed in over 70 countries worldwide “Our inspiration for 4Life came from a desire to share one of the most remarkable discoveries we had ever come across—Transfer Factors,” David Lisonbee explained. “Transfer Factors were first discovered in 1949 by Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence. They are small molecular messaging molecules that are found in the first milk of mammals.”
Transfer Factors educate the immune system, helping it “recognize, respond to and remember health threats.” 4Life uses the phrase “immune IQ,” providing Transfer Factor products designed to support the immune system by deploying these messenger molecules to transfer immune system memory. Over the past 25 years, 4Life’s catalog expanded beyond the Transfer Factor line to include other nutraceuticals as well as skincare and weight loss products.
“We began with a passion for immune system sciences,” David added. “A quarter century forward, our enthusiasm is greater than ever. Since launching 4Life with a single patent and single flagship product, we’ve been blessed to take Transfer Factor to the world through affiliate partnerships and customer satisfaction in dozens of countries.”

Today, 4Life’s 1,000 worldwide corporate team members and Affiliates around the world carry the legacy of family that the Lisonbees instilled in the company’s culture from the very beginning “I came on when they were celebrating their tenth year,” CEO and President Danny Lee shared. “One thing I can say with certainty is that the culture has remained the same. A culture of family, a culture of loyalty, a culture of longevity. The people that you walk around the offices and talk to at 4Life, they’ve been here for ten, 20, 25 years. It’s a culture of inclusion, and it still feels like a small company—just how it began back in 1998.”
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Keeping It in The Family

In an era where many companies seek out of house solutions to everything from IT services to social media management, 4Life has looked to its own people for the tools and support needed to thrive in a global marketplace. In its recently expanded manufacturing facility just south of its Sandy, Utah headquarters, 4Life manufactures nearly 80 percent of its products—all developed through its own research and development team. The products are then distributed globally, sold by Affiliates in 24 countries with 4Life offices via an eCommerce platform developed in-house that connects users from all over the world, fulfilling the Lisonbees’ global vision.
“4Life offers people a corporate culture that empowers individuals to participate in corporate and personal growth,” Bianca said. “Whether that be through technology or in person, the need for human connection is vital. Our motto is Together, Building People—and we build people one person at a time.”
We began with a passion for immune system sciences. A quarter century forward, our enthusiasm is greater than ever.
“In terms of completing the mission and the vision to take Transfer Factor to the world, that’s happening now,” Danny shared. “In fact, the digital transformation has happened, to where, if I live in Brazil and I’m a 4Life Affiliate, I can send a link to somebody in Germany or in the U.S. or Canada or Japan. They can then purchase product by clicking on my link, and they can capture my discount that I’m sharing with them as an Affiliate. It’s a seamless global compensation plan that incorporates the best of what’s happening in the world today in terms of eCommerce, social selling and traditional network marketing.”
—DAVID LISONBEE / Founder and Chairman of the Board
This global potential coupled with 4Life’s commitment to individual growth and support consistently attract new Affiliates, including an increasing number of young Gen Z enthusiasts.

Customers can already access 4Life products in multiple ways—at retail prices via the 4Life website and an Amazon storefront; at wholesale prices through the company’s preferred customer program; and through Affiliate sales. Soon, for those looking to share 4Life products without building a business like a traditional Affiliate, 4Life will offer a social selling option in which sellers earn commission through social media-generated sales.
With a global vision fulfilled, 4Life has its sights set on new dreams and new ways of sharing its products and opportunity with the world, some of which will be revealed at the company’s Global Connexion conference this October. One focus will be a new perspective on social selling that will function in tandem to 4Life’s successful Affiliate network.
With a new vision that includes sharing 4Life in more markets around the world and with the hope to see one million families incorporating 4Life Transfer Factor into their lives daily, the company has as much to look forward to as it does to look back on with pride and“Lookingcelebrate.back on the last quarter century, we are so grateful for those who have joined us in this great endeavor,” David shared. “Our affiliates, colleagues, and employees are such an inspiration to us. We love to celebrate them and look forward to doing so at our upcoming international convention!” DSN
“Where else have you heard of Transfer Factor?” Danny asked. “It’s exciting to people. Most people are hearing about it for the first time when they hear it from a 4Life Affiliate. So, we have the unicorn product, and we have the compensation plan. We have the history; we have the financial stability. You can take this opportunity and go virtually anywhere in the world with it. Our compensation plan is second to none. We have founders who are still engaged and who own this business privately—and they have no interest in selling. So, there’s a certain trust level that 4Life can offer you that many other companies who might be bigger than 4Life, simply cannot offer you.”
Five-Star Opportunity
And of course, the technology and media needed for this new way of selling will be powered by 4Life’s in-house IT and social media teams. “4Life has evolved in so many ways,” Bianca shared. “Take business building tools for example. In 1998, there was no wi-fi, no apps, no social media! Today, our business is dependent upon technologies that simply didn’t exist 25 years ago. For this reason, we provide our Affiliates with an in-house IT team and social media experts to keep us on the cutting edge in terms of digital tools, applications and a variety of digital media platforms.”
The team anticipates that adding this channel to the company’s already diverse omnichannel approach will enhance what they see as 4Life’s “five-star opportunity.”
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FOUNDED: 2014 HEADQUARTERS: Southlake, TX TOP EXECUTIVE: Roger Morgan, Founder & CEO PRODUCTS: Pet Products directsellingnews.com 77
Prior to founding pawTree, Roger was a longtime CEO of a pet supplies company, where the focus was set on keeping prices low in order to appease retailers—which became increasingly difficult year after year. In order to keep prices from rising, Roger found that the quality of the products inevitably had to be lowered. Cutting corners created a true quandary for Roger, as he felt forced to prioritize profit over the wellbeing of their end users: beloved family pets.
pawTree: for the Love of Pets
UR STORY IS ONE OF unconditional love,” said Roger Morgan, Founder and CEO of pawTree. “A story of pets and how they love us unconditionally. This company is an opportunity for us to give back to our pets in ways that they can’t provide for themselves.”

What makes the biggest impact in the lives of people and pets alike is the same unconditionalthing:love. You see that in everything we do and in the quality of our product line.
With that realization, Roger set out to create a business that allowed pet parents to make better nutritional choices for their pets—and let the results speak for themselves.
The Happiness Business
—MELISSA DAVIS / Director of Sales “
“After going through that experience many times with various retailers and realizing how much power they have, I knew I needed to control the quality of these products and not compromise,” Roger explained. “Not through retail stores, but through relationships, where people value the quality of our products as much as I do. I knew direct selling would be the natural sales channel for this concept. It would allow me to uphold the quality of the products while delivering outstanding results alongside people of like mind.”
To reciprocate the unconditional love that pets give to their owners, Roger carefully assembled a top-tier team of veterinarians and a PhD in Animal Science and Pet Nutrition to formulate the best line of pet products on the market. pawTree sought to develop products with no fillers or by-products—just nutritionally-dense food and nutritional supplements containing the highest quality ingredients and antioxidants. This holistic approach to pet nutrition would allow pets to thrive, while also acting as a proactive measure to avoid excessive and costly vetAndvisitsjust like that, pawTree was born: a company devoted to creating phenomenal products for healthier pets and happier hearts and homes. In addition to pet food, the product assortment includes toys, grooming and training products— each crafted with the same commitment to quality. The idea of unconditional love was woven into the fabric of pawTree, starting with their brand vision: To create a world filled with unconditional love where pets and their people thrive.

“When pet parents introduce our products, they see a transformation in the lives of their pets, as well as their own,” Roger said. “Because just like with our two-legged babies, when our pets are happier and healthier, we’re also happier. That’s why we say we’re in the happiness business. The pet feels amazing, and the pet parent feels amazing because they truly made an impact on the life of their pet. It’s a win-win!”Directorof Customer Support and Field Development Tami VanHoy agreed, “We get to help pets live their best lives, which makes the corporate team happy, too. And because pet parents see the difference in their pets after using pawTree products, our customer loyalty and retention is very strong. These are passionate pet people, so once they realize that better products exist, they become life- long customers.”
Leading the Pack Since pawTree launched in 2014, the company has carved out a unique niche in the direct selling space. With beauty and nutrition largely dominating the industry, pawTree’s focus on premium pet products is a differentiator that has helped generate brand loyalty—from corporate to consumer. Their commitment to unconditional love doesn’t hurt either The entire corporate team is at the heart of the company’s success. With a shared vision, they view pawTree not as a job but as a way to make an impact. They’ve assembled a strong team across allThoughdepartments.pawTree’s home office leadership team has grown over the years to support the business, Roger reports zero turnover. “Our management team has the same loyalty as our customers do to our brand. We have attracted executive team members
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Sharing the Love In pawTree’s eight years of business, they have launched a steady flow of new and innovative products, including the “Core 4,” which are flagship products that proactively address nearly 80 percent of the reasons pet parents take their fur babies to the vet. Core 4 consists of four products (Wild Alaskan Salmon and Pollock Oil, Gastro Pro Plus, Joint Support Plus and CBD Mega).
Based on their innovative products and impressive growth, pawTree has collected several prestigious awards over the years. The company won the Harvard Business School Regional New Venture Competition (where Roger also earned his MBA) and a DSA Rising Star Award. pawTree was also named to the Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America list in 2021, having experienced 271 percent growth over the previous year. In addition, Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business named pawTree to its coveted Dallas 100 Entrepreneur Awards list for two years due to its rapid growth. With all of pawTree’s success, Roger and his team remain focused on the brand vision, which naturally lends itself to giving back. pawTree’s philanthropic partnerships are perfectly aligned with their products and philosophies. For instance, pawTree has partnered with Smoky Mountain Service Dogs (SMSD), a non-profit organization that enhances quality of life for wounded veterans by providing custom-trained service dogs at no cost to the“Ourveteran.organizations share a vision of making a difference not only in the lives of pets, but also their people!” explained pawTree’s Director of Consumer Marketing Tammy Roseborough. “SMSD recognizes the impact that a service dog can have on a veteran who faces challenges due to military service. We chose them as a strategic partner because we personally visited, spoke with veterans and saw the
Director of Sales Melissa Davis agreed, “What makes the biggest impact in the lives of people and pets alike is the same thing: unconditional love. You see that in everything we do and in the quality of our product line. We get results! And when pet parents see those results, they become life-long customers, which also fuels our compensation plan and drives success for our petPros. The residual commission is very sticky and strong.”
who were CEOs, founders and top earners from other direct selling companies, a product specialist from a top-tier competitor and so on. They see the impact we’re making on the lives of pets and people and have a shared commitment to our vision statement. Collectively, we see it unfolding in the lives of pets and people literally every single day.”
Thanks to these factors, retention in field leadership is also very high. The team is comprised of a strong base of individuals in the field who joined in or near the beginning, and pawTree continues to add to that talented team as more people continue to join.

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Sit and Staying Power Despite COVID-19, pawTree managed to double their business in 2020—and again in 2021. The company is on track to double their sales again this year. In addition, pawTree’s top income earners consistently break new sales records on a near-monthly basis.
Thanks to this industry, what we ‘do’ is impact pets and people in a positive and profound way—as of last year, we were able to touch over 260,000 of them. That’s why pawTree exists. That’s what we ‘do.’ And we do it with love.” DSN
Roger concluded, “Some people think selling pet food is what we ‘do.’ And while we sell premium pet nutrition, that’s not even close to what we ‘do.’
To maintain this upward trajectory, Roger is excited to add to pawTree’s already robust product offering with strategic product launches over the next five years. But even so, Roger brings the focus back to the reason he started pawTree to begin with: unconditional love.
“But the one thing we all have in common is our passion for pets and a desire to see pets’ and peoples’ lives change for the better. People are emotionally connected to their pets, so when we help them, we also help a pet parent.”
—ROGER MORGAN / Founder & CEO “
unconditional love these dogs and veterans have for each other. The service dogs who support those who have served our country deserve to have the best. That’s why we have provided free dog food and supplements to these canine partners—so they can live long, healthy lives. pawTree and SMSD are a perfect fit because we are both driven by love andDFWservice.”Rescue Me is another non-profit partner that pawTree wholeheartedly supports. “They are a wonderful local pet rescue that we have partnered with over the years by providing free food and other pet products,” Roger shared. “They are our official rescue, and they even attended our pawTree launch party in 2014. My family was so enthralled with their rescue animals that we adopted one of them on the spot! DFW Rescue Me shares our passion for connecting people and pets, which makes for a meaningful partnership.”
When pet parents try our products, they truly see differencetransformativeainthe lives of their pets, as well as their own.
“Our brand attracts a broad group of people who love their fur babies—plus breeders, groomers, pet sitters, dog walkers and more,” Roger explained.

The COVID-19 pandemic battered international transportation markets in cross-border eCommerce. Early in 2020, global passenger air travel and flight availability plummeted, reducing global air transportation capacity by over 90 percent. By April 2020, global freight demand had dropped by as much as 25 percent compared to 2019. However, by the end of 2020, global freight demand returned to 2019 levels.
An Evolving Cross-Border eCommerce Transportation Market
At the final mile delivery level, couriers, contractors and postal operators were plagued with rolling lockdowns, facility closures and a lack of staffing TANNER CARLSON Commerce
Three ChallengesKey Impacting Global
3 BY
82 D IRECT SELLING NEWS | S EPTEMBER 2022 WORKING SMART / THREE KEY CHALLENGES IMPACTING GLOBAL COMMERCE A S WE EXIT the deepest depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important for every business to take stock of the new world—its trends, challenges and opportunities. As I reflected on the last year and thought about what piece of the collective puzzle Global Access could provide, three topics came to mind. First, the current state and outlook of the cross-border transportation market. Second, how we see companies succeeding in the face of decreased consumer spending power. Lastly, how companies are launching, succeeding and growing with NFR strategies 1

Major couriers are reporting a slight downtick in package volumes, which may help decelerate price increases. Global passenger traffic should return to pre-pandemic levels by 2024 and continue to increase moving forward. Lastly, over the last two years, billions of dollars have been invested in new companies, technologies, and networks to improve efficiency and capacity
Today, as the world adapts to an endemic COVID, cross-border transportation is in a unique position. Some of the same problems persist. For example, major couriers and warehouse providers still struggle to staff their operations effectively. New challenges such as fuel prices and reduced cargo capacity due to the Russian conflict have alsoHowever,emergedthere are many reasons to be bullish on cross-border transportation performance.
Globally, the Global Access Network shows a dramatic reduction in transit times from the peak of the pandemic and remains only very slightly elevated over 2019 performance.
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This confluence of events created mass global disruption and cost increases. Airlines pushed freight or stopped taking bookings in favor of higher yield shipments. Final mile carriers often couldn’t retrieve freight or effectively deliver it because of staffing shortages or lockdowns. Many abandoned their service SLAs altogether. As airlines saw increased demand on reduced capacity, they dramatically increased prices. And as carriers paid more for labor, they passed along those cost increases to customers.

Lastly, the most successful companies are focusing on product. They are innovating to ensure that their products stay essential as global consumers are increasingly forced to make purchase tradeoffs.
If we look at some other key direct sales markets— Korea, Taiwan, Canada and Malaysia—we’ll find, in some cases less pronounced, but similar recent FXOntrendsthe inflation front, only six of the G20 are reporting annualized inflation rates under 6 percent. Outside of the G20, many key direct sales markets are reporting high inflation rates. For example, Colombia, Thailand and Peru are reporting annualized inflation rates of 9.67 percent, 7.66 percent and 8.81 percent respectively. It’s reasonable to say that outside of a few notable exceptions, international consumers are feeling theInpainthe face of these headwinds, the best performing companies are prioritizing three vital things. First, these companies have a robust pricing strategy. They are monitoring changes to their businesses and making market-specific price adjustments to optimized market performance.
Second, many of the most successful companies are diversifying their sales channels while nurturing their current structure. Many are adding revenues from D2C eCommerce channels and new affiliate programs while continuing to support the sales leaders that still drive much of their businesses.
Decreased Consumer Spending Power
Most international consumer’s spending power is being affected, in some unique way, by a stronger U.S. dollar, country-specific inflation or both. As of July 2022, the world’s four most traded currencies, outside of the USD: EUR, JPY, GBP and AUD, have devalued against the USD by between 4-25 percent with an average drop of 14 percent year-over-year.
At Global Access, we take some companies on the ground (opening local warehouses in country, guiding the product registration process, etc.). For other clients, we support cross-border shipments or NFR. During the pandemic, the most successful companies we worked with had at least some NFR operations. They were able to react more quickly to changes in customer preferences and buying habits, replenish inventories more quickly and cross source product.
Stronger Push for NFR
Less than 25 percent of global direct sales revenues are transacted in the United States. Additionally, the top 15 fastest growing direct sales markets, as measured by a 3-year CARG, are international. Simply put, global expansion is the long-term life blood for most direct sales companies. However, the last two years have shown some potential flaws in a traditional, on-the-ground only approach to expansion and growth. As the pandemic wore on, we saw a dramatic increase in companies turning to NFR to add resiliency to supply chains, test new markets or be NFR-first operationally

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“makeincreasinglyglobalstaythatinnovatingoncompaniessuccessfularefocusingproduct.Theyaretoensuretheirproductsessentialasconsumersareforcedtopurchasetradeoffs. import and compliance laws. Second, the most successful companies provide a frictionless shopping and payment experience. Lastly, effective organizations find ways to maintain the customer-brand relationship to enhance customer LTV. DSN
TANNER CARLSON currently serves as the General Manager of Global Access. He is passionate about connecting the world’s business to the world’s consumers. Throughout his career, he has built, implemented, and maintained global software and transportation solutions and expansion strategies that support businesses of all sizes
The most
The pandemic also pushed many traditional eCommerce brands to expand via an NFR or cross-border model. Cross-border is growing at double the pace of domestic eCommerce and global transportation networks, technologies and governments have rushed to adapt to the acceleration. It has never been easier to transact with, ship to or retain international consumers However, from our perspective there are a few important, necessary steps to ensure long-term NFR success. First, companies need to ensure they are compliant with all personal

A Week’s Worth of News in 15 Minutes! One email. Once a week. The DSN Dashboard curates the channel’s top stories each week. The essential news and trends—delivered to your inbox each week. Busy executives rely on the DSN Dashboard to summarize all the information they need to consistently stay one-step ahead! Subscribe to the DSN Weekly Dashboard at DirectSellingNews.com The news you need. The name you trust.DSN DIRECT SELLING NEWS

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ICONIC INSIGHTS PODCAST / L ES BROWN CHASTAINHEATHER DSN ICONIC INSIGHTS with HEATHER CHASTAIN Les Brown Talks with Heather Chastain About Connecting, Staying Hungry andYourDiscoveringPurpose. To watch or listen to the entire interview, visit DirectSellingNews.com. BY PAULA FELPS

directsellingnews.com 89 People“ don’t buy from you, they buy into you. FOR THE LATEST EPISODE OF ICONIC INSIGHTS , host Heather Chastain sits down with author and motivational speaker Les Brown. Born in an abandoned building in Miami, Les and his twin brother entered the foster care system and by the fifth grade Les was labeled “educatable mentally retarded.” But a high school teacher introduced him to self development and the power of changing his story—and he used those skills to not only change his own life but to influence and improve the lives of millions. In this interview, Les talks about the importance of connecting with others through story; the value of staying hungry; and the power of knowing your purpose.

HEATHER CHASTAIN: A lot of our audience are entrepreneurs, people who are in business for themselves in lots of different ways and channels. How can they apply the idea of storytelling to their businesses? Because a lot of entrepreneurs are still stuck in this idea of, “I’m going to talk about my product. I’m going to give you the information” as opposed to creating a more emotional connection.
HEATHER: One of the other things that you talk about, and I’ve heard you speak and share about, is this idea of that hunger and connecting your hunger to your purpose. Can you talk a little bit about that phraseology even, and how did that come about for you?
LES: So, one of the things about being hungry, your mindset is always to strive to get on top in life because it’s the bottom that’s overcrowded. Being hungry, you realize you will fail your way to success. Being hungry, you make “no” and rejection your vitamins to empower you, not to stop you. People that are hungry know that as you are going toward the things that you want, there will always be pushback. There will always be resistance, but you are determined and focused on how to win as opposed to focusing on the adversities that are trying to oppress you and hold you down. You have this unstoppable spirit and mindset that I’m going to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. People that are hungry take no prisoners and eat the wounded.
LES BROWN: People don’t buy from you, they buy into you. When you are speaking to someone one-on one, small group or large group, people are asking themselves three questions: Who are you? What do you have? And why should I care? People want to do business with people they know, they like and they trust. Can I believe you? Will this work for me? And so, to advance with the product and the person that you’re talking to, or the group that you’re speaking to, they don’t have a clue about who you are. That to me is a process that won’t work very well. Take the time to get to know who you’re speaking to. One of the things that I say is never let what you want to say or sell get in the way of what your customer wants to hear. Ask them questions; find out who they are; listen to them; find out their sweet spot so that you can speak to where they are, not bring them something that you don’t even know if they need or not.

LES: It’s about being in alignment with that which you’re supposed to do. See, we’ve been educated—I would say indoctrinated—where a measure of our intelligence is based upon our ability to memorize. We were not taught and trained how to begin to be open to the possibilities of, how do we find out what our calling is? Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day that you were born and the day that you realized why you were born.” And so, what we must do is find out, why am I here? What am I supposed to do? We’ve been trained to work for a job. A job is what you get paid for. When you are open to the possibilities of what’s in your heart, when you live a purpose-driven life, that’s answering a call on your life. A calling is what you are made for. The reason that you do this is because as much as you have chosen this work, you were chosen for it. You have what I call the “can’t help its.” That no matter where you go and what you do, if you are just talking to a stranger, some way, somehow, you’re going to try and find out who they are, what they’re doing and how you can add some value to their life. Because that’s the calling on your life. A calling is something that you love so much, you’d do it for nothing. And you do it so well that people will pay you to do it.
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HEATHER: It’s interesting how universal that is in the world of an entrepreneur. I stepped out of corporate America two years ago to start my own business, so I’m living both sides of this. I’ve spent 25 years of my life encouraging entrepreneurs—and now I am one. It’s amazing how those things hit you, the doubt hits you, the fear, the concern, the nervousness. I’m really relating to what you’re saying about staying hungry. And you have to have this unrelenting passion for what you’re doing, which connects back to purpose, too. You have to keep reminding yourself about purpose. is what you get paid for. When you are open to the possibilities of what’s in your heart, when you live a purpose-driven life, that’s answering a call on your life. A calling is what you are made for.

LES: Another way is to observe them and find out what they gravitate to. I had people say to me, “Boy, I love your voice. Wow. When you laugh, I laugh.” And so, observe them, find out what is it that comes to them naturally. And now, because of the internet, we can teach them how to monetize that. So, we have young people who are becoming multimillionaires because they’re doing something that resonates with them and they have a platform to do that. It’s a different place where we are because now we’ve gone from brick and mortar to click and order. And people who can present themselves, people who can communicate and be so impactful with what they do, they cannot be ignored. And now you have global customers around the world available to purchase your products or your knowledge or to access the skills that you have, and you can help them to solve their problems. And they don’t have to be right next to you.
We’ve“ gone from brick and mortar to click and order.
HEATHER: I read an article that said, “You shouldn’t ask your kids what they want to do when they grow up or what they want to be when they grow up, you should start to talk to them about what problem they want to solve in the world. What difference do they want to make in the community in which they live and the life in which they’re living?” And that’s really what you’re talking about; it’s not so much what do you do that’s going to put food on your table, but what is it that you can be in your life that’s going to give you that drive, that energy, that passion, that is just … you can’t help it?

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LES: Oh, without any question, because we are in this place where, as Russian author Leo Tolstoy said, “As I face inevitable death, what is the purpose and meaning of my life that will not be undone or destroyed when I’m gone?”
HEATHER: When you think about the future of this channel and the future, I assume you’re pretty optimistic?
A calling is something that you love so much, you’d do it for nothing. And you do it so well that people will pay you to do it.
I speak to you as a 29-year stage-four cancer conqueror. And I believe that; look at the people that I’ve spoken to, the lives that I’ve influenced, the lives that I’ve touched, the people that I’ve inspired, and the people that they will touch. And the people that you reach through this platform, well, that work will not be undone or destroyed when we are no longer here.

CLARITY FORESIGHT FOCUS NOVEMBER 2–4, 2022 | PARK CITY, UT Get more YES, Online, O ine, All the time keynote from Erin King, Founder, Say YES Media and bestselling author. Whether it’s “screen speak” or in-person presentations, Erin will teach us precisely how to communicate more compellingly in today’s new world of work. LEARN HOW TO: Optimize your digital body language (in the first ten words you type!) Elevate your live delivery style to fascinate prospects, clients, and collaborators Upgrade your mindset to overcome limiting beliefs and activate communication confidence And share these skills with your salesforce to help them reveal their authentic selves ERIN KING KEYNOTE SPEAKER THANK YOU TO OUR VISION 2023 SPONSORS CONFERENCE Sales &Marketing RYAN NAPIERSKI Nu Skin Enterprises KEVIN GUEST USANA Health Sciences TYLER ArbonneWHITEHEADInternational Featured CEO Speakers Marketing in the Metaverse Direct Selling’s Media & Consumer Campaign Initiative Direct Selling: The Next Five Years Helping Distributors Be Their Authentic Selves Online Lessons from Retail Transforming Social Platforms into Launchpads Social Media Guidelines Key Operating Indicators for a Changing Landscape Infusing your Company with Unified Creative Strengthening your Business with Segmentation Success Growth and Outlook Report for the Channel Driving Sales and Brand Performance with Social and DigitalSuperchargeStrategies your 2023 strategies with insights and trends that work in a rapidly evolving marketplace from direct selling’s highest performing companies and most innovative thinkers. Presentation topics will include: Visit dsa.org/vision to register today!

directsellingnews.com 95 DSA MESSAGE /
• DSA’s ongoing conversations with the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection are making important inroads: Samuel Levine, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, is set to speak at the upcoming DSA Legal & Regulatory Seminar about the FTC’s new rulemaking, and its relevance to the channel. These accomplishments are significant, and they reveal fertile ground for a particularly robust calendar of educational opportunities.
E IN THE DIRECT SELLING channel have long known that our unique ability to forge enduring relationships with people is what makes us the envy of so many. In this relationship business, we have found new ways to connect, share and learn from one another. I don’t exaggerate when I say that DSA’s recent in-person and virtual educational programs have offered an explosion of opportunities to showcase direct selling’s resilience, adaptability and entrepreneurial willingness. We have shared the solutions that continue to connect us and adapt to a changing marketplace, and we anticipate an exciting fall calendar. As I look to my Government Affairs colleagues, I am inspired: I see a summer filled with forceful advocacy initiatives that will lay an essential foundation for upcoming engagement initiatives:
• Direct Selling Day on Capitol Hill (September 20-21, Washington, D.C.)
• O ur partnership with multiple associations continues the work of supporting S. 3410, the bill that would require the Federal Trade Commission to have reasonable guardrails before pursuing an enforcement action; and,
• DSA staff has participated in eight events with state Attorneys General, state legislators and state retail associations to build connections with these important audiences in support of regulatory and legislative initiatives;
• DSA Legal & Regulatory Seminar (September 21-23, Washington, D.C.)
The Answers We Find in One Another W
• DSA’s FTC Engagement Task Force has continued its engagement with the Federal Trade Commission on Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Earnings Claims;
The DSEF Building Trust in the Marketplace: Ideas, Insights, and Strategies Conference is scheduled to be held at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School in Atlanta, GA on October 13-14, 2022. Please watch for information from the Foundation. As we focus our goals and activities for the remainder of 2022 and plan for 2023, we hope you are as excited as we are to continue our vital work on behalf of direct selling.
• DSA/DSEF Board and Committee Meetings (September 19-20, 2022, Washington, D.C.)
Senior DSAMeetingEducationPresidentVice,&Services,
Visit DSA.org and register for these events:
• DSA brought three new congressional leaders into the Congressional Direct Selling Caucus’ leadership;
• Women’s Industry Leadership Retreat Hosted by SeneGence International (October 5-7, 2022, Tulsa, OK; invitation only)
• DSA VISION 2023: Sales & Marketing Conference (November 9-10, Park City, UT) I would also like to mention an important DSEF event that will convene academics who study the intersection of trust and consumer behavior.

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