How It’s Known No matter where you go in the cosmos—whether interstellar space or in contact with stellar material—an unbroken presence is there, a presence which is universal. It is being, and it is never discontinuous with any moment in time. This presence, or be-ing, is not confined within the universe, rather the universe exists within this condition of present being. This be-ing is not restricted to externals; there is (this thing we call) presence on the inside of any material object, exactly as we say there is presence that is in contact with every object. It is presence of this be-ing which informs every thing as to what is each thing’s nature; that is, in what way its existence is to be. No object or space is either too vast or too minute for be-ing to be present, around or within it. We can say that all objects can be broken down into constituents. We can conversely say that all objects can be built up from such constituents. So, objects are simply their components; and these components are merely the formative material of objects. Even empty space is infused with various existent components. Be-ing is present in the grandest objects, existing as it does in the most finite of components.