What You Really Want? In 1988, the person who knew himself only as Robert Wolfe was subjected to a sudden “spiritual awakening” (a term that is more directly descriptive than “enlightenment”). Since that time (for nearly 26 years, at this writing), that which knows itself as Robert Wolfe by name/form only— “I”—found just one activity to be at all meaningful: “transmission of the dharma,” as the Buddhists call it. That is, attempting to be of assistance to those who sought a fundamental shift in awareness, called Self-realization. In that endeavor, I have experimented with several forms of communication. Of these, I have found the most effective to be “one-on-one” discussion with interested individuals. Over the years, I have spoken with many dozens of persons on this basis. Of these, I would estimate 3 in 10 have (it seemed clear to me) directly benefited by grasping the essence of the message. These discussions tend to unfold in a familiar pattern because the basic strata of our spiritual confusion is our common societal conditioning. I, too, had been a subject of that common societal conditioning, so I have had firsthand acquaintance with the condition of spiritual confusion that persists in the absence of Self-realization. An incisive communication evolves as a natural consequence of the experiential meeting of minds on common ground. Then, let us—you and I—have a one-on-one discussion here and now. This search for a shift in fundamental awareness is a consequence of those “I” or “me” related questions which