Call Off the Search Rachel: The years you have spent in meditation have not been wasted: they have demonstrated to you that you cannot get where it is that you want to go by effort. Why? Because there is no where that you need to go. You are—though you may doubt this—where you hope that you’ll be! When you want to know, firsthand, who you are—where do you go to do that? Look. Truth cannot be hidden. Focus on these comments from the monographs that aroused your attention: “That essence—which is present in every iota of matter and energy—forms a singular, whole connection as the basic, common identity of all things. “How much closer can Brahman, or Essence, be (which knows no distance) than to be yourself? “Your capacity to recognize Intelligence is this Intelligence in recognition of itself. The Absolute, being all things (including you), anything which any aspect of it contemplates is It contemplating Itself. “It’s not that it is too mysterious or too sublime or too complex for words, but rather because it is too simple, too obvious, too close to be caught in the net of the subject– versus–object perspective.” 256