⟶ Local Artisans
In a region blessed with beauty, it is hardly surprising that a talented artistic community flourishes in the Greater Port Macquarie region.
Stunning everever changing by Stunning changingexhibitions exhibitions by talented locallocal artists. Come talented artists. Comeand andvisit visit our cellar door and Jolly our cellar door andtry tryour our famous famous Jolly NoseNose Tawny & alcoholic Ginger Tawny and alcoholic GingerBeer. Beer. O P E N 6 D AY S , 1 0 A M T O 5 P M (C L O S E D M O N D AY S & C H R I S T M A S D AY ) Open 6 C 6O ODays, I N D A 10am P L A Cto E , 5pm L A K E(Closed C AT H I EMonday • P H : 6&5 8Christmas 5 4 5 9 8 Day) 6 COOINDA W W W. L OPLACE, N G P O I LAKE N T V I NCATHIE E YA R D•. CPH: O M .6585 A U 4598
www.longpointvineyard.com.au MAP PAGE 66
LO N G PO INT V I N E YA R D + ART GALLERY Long Point Vineyard is renowned for its boutique wines, breathtaking views and friendly staff. Amongst the picturesque vines lies their delightful cellar door and art gallery. Here you can taste fine wines, alcoholic ginger beer and liqueurs whilst viewing art from the region’s talented artists. Wander the grounds and experience the stunning outdoor sculptures. Enjoy a cheese platter or picnic on the wooden deck whilst the kids play in the cubby house. Beautiful location for a wedding or special event. Truly a must to visit.