Tai Chi Village - Issue 16

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TAI CHI VILLAGE Issue 16 13th August 2020


Welcome to the Tai Chi Village We've enjoyed the good weather recently which is lucky as we have had to close our one and only indoor class. The local lockdown continues to affect leisure centres and other sports and fitness facilities. We are doing our best to make plans in very changeable times. To help with our plans we sent out a survey recently. We received over 80 responses! Many, many thanks for taking the time to complete these, as we know that surveys aren't at the top of people's to do lists. The results of the survey show that only about 50 people are thinking of returning to class. Some await a vaccine, while others hope for a significant reduction in Covid cases, all perfectly understandable. We also appreciate some people feel very keen to get back to our classes. Alas, a combination of social distancing measures combined with reduced interest in attending classes means we're not in a position to re-open all our classes yet. We apologise if you're chomping at the bit to get back.

How can I join your outdoor Tai Chi Class at Cliffe Castle Park? You can join Helen and Phil every Monday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Weather permitting you'll find us on the picnic area above the children's playground with fab views across the valley. Book your place using our online booking service: https://goteamup.com/p/3515195-discover-tai-chi/

On Tuesday mornings you can join Val with the same number of participants. Book your place with Val by visiting her website: https://trulyessential.co.uk/tai-chi-qigong/

Win One of Our Fab Tote Bags Inside this edtion you'll find three stunning images of butterflies taken by Helen as they visited our garden.

Helen and I would like to thank you for you're continued support, your kind and generous comments, and for embracing the world of online learning

Can you name all three?

Outdoor Classes

First correct answer pulled from a hat during our next live stream will win one of our coveted Tote Bags.

Answers to us via a message on Facebook or by email.

Don't forget we have 15 places available in the beautiful surroundings of Cliffe Good luck! Castle Park, Keighley. We've enjoyed some fine weather recently which makes Phil & Helen : ) things all the more lovely. Bright Border Planting at Cliffe Castle Park, Keighley by Helen Image by Tom (Cliffe Castle Class)

Expression ❝ The hands reveal the intent of the heart and mind. Over the past few weeks in our classes we have explored fluency of expression with our hands, feet and even our faces. We naturally look to the hands and face of a performer and a calm face or smiling face tells us something about the performer's state of mind. It's an area of tai chi instruction rarely known or taught nowadays. The benefits extend beyond just performance. While we think a calm face and hands show us the the mind the reverse can also be true.

The advent of Botox to remove frown lines has revealed that people feel less depressed when they stop frowning. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC617045 7/

To inspire your practise we have three video links for you to enjoy.The first video on this page shows an interpretive dance based on Tang dynasty costume, music and dance about a Cat Spirit. The next two videos show two standout performances of Chen Tai Chi. Notice how both performers allows their emotional expression to infuse their performance. Each form looks unique and very much the performer's own. Do try to watch these videos on a large screen for the best viewing experience.

Live Stream Move We've hosted our Live Stream every Tuesday continuously over ďŹ ve months on our Facebook Page. We know only a minority of you have Facebook accounts so we aim to move our live stream to our YouTube channel - Tai Chi Foundations. You won't need an account to watch. Live from 11:00 am Tuesday 18th August for a hour of news and mindful tai chi movement. To join us on the day click this link: https://youtu.be/QAD9_FbOkCw

Butterfly 1.

Patreon Site Many thanks to our members enjoying our content on www.patreon.com/discovertaichi You will have noticed recently that we've extended the discount codes for you to use when booking our classes, courses, and purchases from our store up to Christmas Eve this year. Your support and very generous feedback keeps us going - thank you!

Butterfly 2.

Taking A Break Many of you know and appreciate that we've haven't had a break since Christmas and that we've worked pretty at out since Coronavirus arrived in March this year. Like many people we plan to take our holiday in the UK, Northumberland in fact. Cross your ďŹ ngers for us so we can enjoy good weather. Make a note that we'll be away from 14th September and return the following week on the 21st September. We've removed all classes from our online booking service for that week. Butterfly 3.

Live Tai Chi Classes

On Demand Tai Chi Classes

Where can I join you for a tai chi class?

Tai Chi for Wellness

Monday's Cliffe Castle Park, Keighley 10:30 am to 11:30 am - 15 people with Helen AW School of Dance Temporarily Closed Dalton Mills, Keighley, BD20 4JHdue to local 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - 12 people Covid Restrictions with Helen and Phil Wednesday's Online Zoom Tai Chi Foundations 11:00 am to 12:00 noon - not limits with Phil & Helen

Booking with Helen & Phil visit: Discover Tai Chi via TeamUp Booking System Do you have a smartphone or tablet device? You may wish to keep track of your bookings via the TeamUp Members app:

Available to buy as a pre-recorded course at: TeamUp or Tai Chi for Wellness Course

Tai Chi Foundations Our on demand series of Tai Chi lessons and Qigong movements from our dedicated site: Discover Tai Chi via Patreon Thank you to all our members. ---------------------------------------------------------

Thank you to everyone who has bought us a coffee at ko-fi.com. It makes such a difference to know you appreciate our efforts. Click the button ⬇

On iPhone/iPad: Team up on the Apple App Store On Android phones or tablets: TeamUp on the Google App Store

GET IN TOUCH T: 07528 959091 Facebook: @discovertaichi

For more information on all Val's sessions and to book, do go to her website here: Tai Chi & Qigong – Truly Essential

Twitter: @discovertaichi Instagram: @discovertaichi E: huntunwellbeing@gmail.com


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