Discover Tai Chi
Tai Chi Village - Issue 5 - 17th April 2020
Welcome to issue 5 of the Tai Chi Village. This weeks image is courtesy of Jean who comes to our class at Firehouse Dance Studio, Skipton. She said, "Thought you might like this photo of a hare I took recently in a field at Embsay. I always like how you have mentioned animals and their movements in Tai Chi." Jean goes on to say that she looked the Hare up on Google and in the Chinese Zodiac, found that the hare represents longevity, discretion and good luck. In Chinese mythology, the Hare could be seen in the moon where it constantly pounded herbs for the Immortals.
Tai Chi and the Five Ways to Wellbeing Over the previous few weeks we may have found it is necessary to find ways to be a little kinder to both ourselves and others around us. As in Tai Chi these seemingly simple things can be frustratingly tricky. The Five Ways to Wellbeing brings together current evidence that can help us focus on ways on taking care of ourselves and others. They are connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give. We think these make a great fit with Tai Chi and we hope you'll agree. You can check them out in more detail here: Discover Tai Chi: Tai Chi - Five Ways to Wellbeing
© Copyright Discover Tai Chi 2020.
© Copyright Discover Tai Chi 2020.
Tai Chi Music Dania who comes to our class at Cardigan House, Bingley got in touch. She offered some top tips on finding music to practice with using the internet. She says, 'Each morning I select a different song on my Spotify search for “Zen and Tai Chi Qigong (Chinese Traditional Music). It is so relaxing and beautiful and just the right mood and speed to do our exercises to. Would highly recommend it to anyone who has Spotify." Dania helpfully reminds us that you can create your own playlists on Spotify so you can find your favourite music easily. We had a similar recommendation from Jayne, who comes to our class at Firehouse Dance about how she uses Spotify to find music to listen to while she enjoys her tai chi at home with her husband.
Tai Chi Sayings - The Classics We had a request from Halina who comes to our class at St Aidan's Church Hall, Crossflatts. She asked if we could feature some sayings or quotes about Tai Chi. That got me thinking about all the books known as the Tai Chi Classics, which provide insight into this art. For example:
In motion, the whole body should be light and agile, with all parts linked as if threaded together. Tai Chi, the seemingly simple exercise, which we know it isn't has inspired many words to explain it. There is a fantastic guide to all these works here at Tai Chi Classics
Online Tai Chi Class We've received lovely feedback from members saying how much they enjoy our online learning space. We have uploaded a series of videos covering the most essential principles. With a little bit of practise you'll find these most fundamental principles will transform your enjoyment and practise of your tai chi movements. Take your time, slow down and give yourself headspace to enjoy your tai chi. You can find our video series here at Tai Chi Foundations. Don't forget we're here to answer your questions and support you with your tai chi journey.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
© Copyright Discover Tai Chi 2020.
Facebook Live Streams Keep these dates in your diaries or calendars. We will run two Facebook live streams each week on: ● Tuesday's from 11:00am Tai Chi and Tea and ● Thursday's from 7:00pm from the Tai Chi Kitchen In each live stream we talk about the tai chi for health programmes we teach in our classes and workshops as well as keep you up to date on the work we're doing online. We'll review one of our favourite books that we think you might like to read, it might focus on tai chi or on the culture and philosophy from which modern day tai chi practise draws inspiration. The live stream offers a great opportunity for us to answer some of your questions which we don't always have the time in a hours class to do. We've had some fab questions so far, keep them coming. To finish we'll offer two or three movements familiar to you from our classes that you can follow along to or simply enjoy watching.
Thanks for reading our newsletter, we hope you enjoyed this edition. Please send us your thoughts, ideas, stories, long or short and we will try to include as much as possible in our next newsletter. Please let us know if you have enjoyed the newsletter and what we can do to make it better. We look forward to hearing from you, in the meantime, Keep safe and well, Helen and Phil
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© Copyright Discover Tai Chi 2020.