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Trieste.Green, enogastronomia e non solo, per raccontare il territorio a 360° e acquistare prodotti selezionati. — Trieste.Green, wine and food and more, to tell the story of the territory at 360° and purchase selected products.

is also at the origin of Matej Skerlj’s Vitovska 67: inspired by Zidarich, his mentor and good friend, Matej pours his Vitovska together with the grape skins in Aurisina-stone vases, letting it age for a whole year, followed by an additional year of barrel ageing. Why were these three excellences selected among the countless outstanding products of our unique territory? Because you have now the opportunity of enjoying them in one sitting, delivered directly to your door in the Pietra Box (lit. stone box). A new online shop called Trieste.Green was launched to support local producers, as well as to promote and protect the rural identity of Karst- and Istria-based farmers. Here you can find a wide selection of products, including local wines, artisanal cured meats, raw-milk cheese, fish products, meat, traditional confectionery, natural cosmetics, herbal tea, honey, extra virgin olive oil... Apropos oil: our territory is one of the northernmost oil-production areas in the world, boasting a number of unparalleled excellences. Suffice it to mention Rado Kocjančič’s Tergeste DOP, which is also one of Slow-Food Presidia in Italy. Tergeste DOP is an autochthonous, 100% Bianchera-variety oil made from centuries-old olive trees, rich in polyphenols (natural antioxidants) more than 650 mg per litre. No synthetic fertilizer or chemical herbicide is used in the making of Tergeste DOP, an extra virgin olive oil with a scent of freshly mowed grass, tomato leaves, and artichoke, able to enhance the taste of legume soups, risotto, and meat dishes. Looking for high quality while also supporting local producers may seem hard work: one would be inclined to picture endless research efforts, word of mouth that needs verifying, careful tasting sessions, a long selection process…and although some may love this journey of discovery, not everyone can afford it in terms of time and Trieste.Green platform is the perfect solution. And when it is time to go back home, wherever in Europe “home” may be, those tastes and scents you fell in love with while visiting Trieste will follow, keeping you company until the time comes for your next visit.




Foto di /Photo by

Demis Albertacci photostudio


Sulla Napoleonica i più avventurosi ricercano l’equilibrio passeggiando sullo strapiombo del ciglione carsico, sospesi sul golfo di Trieste. –On the Napoleonica, the bravest will be able to find their balance while walking along the overhanging Karst ridge, suspended over the Gulf of Trieste.




Falesie a picco sul mare e palestre di roccia sulla strada Napoleonica e in val Rosandra, dove troviamo il rifugio CAI più basso dell’Italia continentale (82 metri s.l.m.). –Sheer cliffs and climbing routes on the Napoleonica road and in the Val Rosandra, where we can find the lowest CAI mountain hut in mainland Italy (82 metres above sea level).

Basketball Playground

Due tiri a canestro nel Giardino Storico di Piazza Carlo Alberto, in una elegante zona residenziale. I ragazzi dell’Interclub Muggia non si sono tirati indietro! –Two basketball hoops in the historical garden of Piazza Carlo Alberto, in an elegant residential area. The boys of Interclub Muggia didn’t back down!


Ci troviamo nel cuore marinaro di Trieste, la Sacchetta, dove hanno sede i più antichi club nautici come la società Canottieri Trieste. Il mare in città, tra alberi di barche a vela e il vecchio faro la Lanterna. –We are in the seafaring heart of Trieste, the Sacchetta, where the oldest nautical clubs such as the Canottieri Trieste are based. The sea in the city, between masts of sailing boats and the old lighthouse, the Lanterna.




Tra Grado e Marina Iulia spazio alle acrobazie dell’ASD KiteLife. Il luogo perfetto per imparare in sicurezza e vivere il golfo di Trieste. –Between Grado and Marina Iulia there is space for the acrobatics of the ASD KiteLife. The perfect place to learn in safety and experience the Gulf of Trieste.

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