Booze Free in DC’s
Laura Silverman
Take a quick glance at Laura Silverman’s Instagram account, and the photos aren’t unlike any other D.C. denizen with a vibrant life: images of friends, drinks, still life scenes of her adopted hometown, smiling selfies. Look a little closer – and at her handle, @boozefreeindc – and you’ll notice something that sets her apart from others sharing their lives on the web. As someone who’s been sober since 2007, Silverman uses her Instagram, and her blog of the same name, to show that life in D.C. can be spirited when you’re spirit-free. Booze Free in DC is one of the many iterations of Silverman’s personal journey, and just as importantly, another way her desire to help those around her through her own experiences has manifested. “Fast forward many years of sobriety and doing my own thing,” Silverman says, “And I was ready to level up my life. At almost eight years of sobriety, I formed a digital community called The Sobriety Collective, which was a way to showcase people who were sober, in recovery or however they wanted to describe themselves. It was especially for creative types – writers, musicians, photographers, comedians, entrepreneurs, people who have some sort of creative output – that were very much sober, recovering out loud and non-anonymous.” Laura Silverman. Photo courtesy of subject. Recipe by Karina Carlson @thisiswellread.
Fast forward a bit more, and Silverman explains that though The Sobriety Collective was rewarding, and showcasing that you can still have a dynamic and creative life while sober is very much possible, she began to feel stuck. She worked to “retool her energy” into something new, but still aligned with her mission. She thought about relocating, starting something in a new place, but when that didn’t pan out as planned, she had an epiphany of sorts. “It wasn’t D.C. that was the problem. It was just that I was feeling stuck in my life,” she explains. “So this is where the idea for Booze Free in DC came from: Let me focus my attention back into my adopted hometown and see what I can do. I had this vision of creating a guidebook for the D.C. area from a wellness, and especially from a zero-proof, booze-free perspective.” And thus, Booze Free in DC was born. Silverman notes that the guidebook idea came from the trend of so many travel guides leaning heavily on bars, distilleries, wineries and breweries as local attractions. While well and good for people who drink, that approach can silo people like Silverman, or anyone limiting or stopping their alcohol consumption for any reason. She thought about her blog initially as a true book, but at the encouragement of a mentor, turned it into a website. The blog format allows the content to be fluid and relevant to all, and gave Silverman the opportunity to dive right into her passion. Chock full of resources, there’s much to be gleaned from Booze Free in DC – sober or not. Relying on pillars like play, renew, support, learn and of course, drink, Silverman keeps the site full of places to find the best zeroproof cocktails, outdoor activities, and ways to connect with other like-minded people.
Ginger Basil Grapefruit Spritzer 1 grapefruit (plus additional grapefruit for garnish) 2 cups of ice 3 (12-ounce) cans of ginger soda Handful of fresh basil 1/4 cup of basil simple syrup
Directions: Juice one large grapefruit and segment additional grapefruit for garnish if desired. Fill a pitcher halfway with ice. Pour soda, fresh grapefruit juice and simple syrup. Mix well. Garnish with grapefruit slices and fresh basil.