IPB University SDGs Report 2020

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Book Title: Sustainability Report 2020

Authors: Dr Eva Anggraini, SPi, MSi Dr Alfian Helmi, SKPm, MSc Dr Akhmad Faqih, SSi Dr Raden Dikky Indrawan, SP, MM Dr Roza Yusfiandayani, SPi, MSi Dr Utami Dyah Syafitri, SSi, MSi Dr Beginer Subhan, SPi, MSi Dr Ing Dase Hunaefi, STP, MFoodSt Prima Gandhi, SP, MSi

Contributors: Muhd Indarwan Kadarisman, SHut Ilham Bayu Widagdo, SSi Retia Revany, SPi, MSi Bunga Anggraeny, SIK, MSi Masbantar Sangadji, SPi Muh Firmansyah, STP, MSi Jassica Listyarini, SSi

Design and Cover: Muh Firmansyah, STP, MSi

Directorate of Scientific Publication and Strategic Information IPB University 2021

RECTOR MESSAGE The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all UN member states in 2015, outlining an ambitious plan to end poverty, combat inequality, and build peaceful, just, and sustainable societies by 2030. Achieving the SDGs will necessitate the coordinated efforts of all members of society. With their unique role in knowledge creation and dissemination, universities play a critical role in achieving the SDGs. Sustainability is important principle for IPB University’s strategic plan. Despite the enormous challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, IPB University is eager to respond to the pandemic's aftermath in ways that strengthen, sustain, and resilient our education system. IPB University is the best university in Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region in Agriculture and Forestry. For the same field, it is the 10th rank in Asia and 62nd globally. IPB University was also leading in Environmental Science in Indonesia and ranked 351-400 globally. In the field of Economics and Econometrics, it is the third-best in Indonesia and ranked 401 - 450 in the world. In the field of Biological Science, it ranked 601-620 globally. As one of Indonesia's leading research institutions, we've also championed sustainable development through higher education. As a critical signatory to SDGs, we commit ourselves to deliver progress reports on SDGs annually through SDG Accord. Since 2019, we regularly publish a Sustainability Report that informs progress on SDGs that IPB University has made based on aggregate data that have been collected through our database systems. We also publish reports on more detailed progress by faculties and study centres to achieve SDGs as part of this report. These reports are published on our website, sustainability.ipb.ac.id. In Sustainability Report 2020, we outline our SDGs progress based on five ways: Learning Programs, Student Activities, Research, Innovation and Business, Community Development, and Campus Operation. This report may not capture and present all the fantastic work of our sta ffand students across research, teaching, engagement/outreach and operations. Our most profound appreciation for all of you, and we believe these works/activities will set us on a path to a more sustainable future for all.

Prof Dr Arif Satria, SPi, MSi Rector of IPB University



Historical Context Strategic Programs Agro-maritime 4.0 IPB University Profile Aggregate Contributions to SDGS

02 02 04 05 07

SDG 1 : No Poverty SDG 2 : Zero Hunger SDG 3 : Good Health and Wellbeing SDG 4 : Quality Education SDG 5 : Gender Equality SDG 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation SDG 7 : Affordable and Clean Energy SDG 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG 9 : Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure SDG 10 : Reduce Inequalities SDG 11 : Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12 : Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 13 : Climate Action SDG 14 : Life below Water SDG 15 : Life on Land SDG 16 : Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions SDG 17 : Partnerships for the Goal

11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 31 43

for more information see : http:/sustainability.ipb.ac.id www.ipb.ac.id Twiter : @ipbofficial Instagram : @ipbofficial dpis@apps.ipb.ac.id


Historical Context

Strategic Programs

Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) translated as university was established on September 1, 1963, by Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 91, which was later ratified on September 1, 1965, by the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 279. The new brand of IPB was officially launched in early 2019, based on the decree of the Board of Trustees (MWA) No. 7/IT3.MWA/OT/2019 concerning Ratification of Rebranding Under the Name of IPB University. The decision to rebrand was made for various purposes. For a long time, IPB referred to itself as "Bogor Agricultural University", but with the new brand, it enhances IPB profile in global community, and makes it easy to recognized. Another reason is that IPB has long expanded with more comprehensive study programs, with the IPB University brand that will build broader associations and promise higher value. Along with this new brand, IPB University also came up with a new motto/tagline, namely "Inspiring Innovation with Integrity" (short version) and "Inspiring Innovation with Integrity in Agriculture, Ocean, Biosciences for a Sustainable World" (extended version). This motto indicates the readiness of IPB University to face a disruptive era and increasingly fierce competition.

Excellent Innovation has been taken as its tagline in 2020. IPB University has the vision to become an outstanding research-based university and leading in innovation towards a techno-socio-entrepreneurial university in agriculture, marine, and tropical biosciences (IPB University Strategic Plan 2019-2023). It has several missions, as follows: 1. Providing higher education by strengthening research-based universities to produce outstanding techno-sociopreneur graduates with noble character based on faith and piety to God, high nationalism, professional competence, millennium soft skills, leadership, globally insightful, and become a trendsetter of innovation and change; 2. Pioneering leading research in transformative science and technology for the creation of quality of sustainable life and innovation for the people's economy and national industry; 3. Exploring the latest sciences in agriculture, marine and tropical biosciences to determine current science trends at the national and global level; 4. Improving proactive services that contribute and solve community problems and enhance roles of IPB University in determining the direction of national policy; 5. It is strengthening the higher education governance system that can guide the development of modern management systems of higher education in the 4.0 era.

Agriculture, Ocean, Biosciences for a Sustainable World” New IPB University Moto



Figure 1 IPB University’s Strategic Programs The development of IPB University is carried out with 5 (five) strategies: 1. Strengthening IPB University as an anchor of academic excellence that produces graduates with superior character technosociopreneurs. 2. Constructing an innovation ecosystem that is adaptive to the transformation of the digital society. 3. Capitalizing current achievements to strengthen IPB University's strategic alliance in regional and national development. 4. Building a spirit of advancing together and transforming a culture of excellence by strengthening the engagement of the IPB University academic community within the framework of bureaucratic reform with the principles of the learning organization. 5. Bridging and playing an active role in building local, national, and global connectivity. Ten strategic initiatives of IPB University have been directed program design and implementations in all areas of working under the framework of IPB University 4.0. These initiatives were created in response to major disruptions, which digital technologies have accelerated. The occurrence of the Covid-19 Pandemic emphasizes the importance of incorporating these initiatives into the university's business model.


Various programs have been developed under the ten directions, including: 1. Education: structuring study programs and Curriculum 2020, strengthening entrepreneurship education and character education, increasing intake quality 2. Research Development: research center clusterization and advancing research management and utilization 3. Community Development: enhancing the Role of IPB University for Society and International Community Service Programs 4. Business and Innovation: innovation and business development, development of student and alumni entrepreneurship, development of endowment fund; 5. IPB University Smart: Enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of organizational systems and increasing IPB University Ranking at national and international level 6. Human Resources: improving human resources performance; 7. Finance: increasing funding resources and improving financial management 8. Infrastructure: improving management and development of facilities and infrastructure 9. Information and Communication Technology: development of information systems for academics, finance, health, employment, cooperation, and some others; and 10.Student and Alumni Affairs: fostering character building, soft skills, leadership and entrepreneurship and graduate careers, improving student welfare, mapping student interest and talent, increasing cross-cultural interaction and relationships between alumni and student.

Figure 2 Agro-Maritime 4.0 Platform Agro-maritime 4.0 as a Platform to Achieve Sustainability Agro-Maritime 4.0 was established to encourage technology applications based on the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, drone application, robotics, blockchain, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and other technologies that aim to create precision in sustainable uses of land and marine resources. The concept of Agro-maritime 4.0 addresses the issues of disconnectivity in agro-maritime development, degradation of the environment and natural resources, societal welfare, food insecurity, the agro-maritime sector's low contribution to economic growth, and disparities in development across Indonesian regions. IPB University developed this concept along to increase productivity and farmer welfare, create more added value, increase the efficiency of logistics and transportation inter islands and regions, increase consumer welfare, and promote sustainable resources and the environment.

Examples of AgroMaritime 4.0 innovation that contributes to the SDG Goals among others; 1. Food system: IPB 3S paddy production system, Fast detection of plant pests, and High Precision Food Logistics System during the Covid-19 Pandemic (contributing to SDG 2, SDG 9, SDG 12, SDG 13, and SDG 17); 2. Health: Anti-Lung Inflammatory Herbs in Handling Covid-19 are examples of Covid19 handling innovations. Stem Cell Innovation for Anti-Aging, Elisa Kit for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Type Dementia (contributing to SDGs 3 and 9); 3. Biomaterial: Innovation includes innovative Anti Radar Materials, Green Cosmetics from Tropical Seaweed (contributing to SDG 9), and One Village One Innovation. Social Innovations consist of the Society Farm School, Desa Presisi, One Village One CEO, and One Village One Innovation (contributing to SDG 16 and SDG 17).


IPB University’s Profile 1963 Established by Decree no. 91 Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Republic of Indonesia

1965 The Bogor Agricultural Institute Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Ratified on September 1st by Presidential Decree No. 279 Republic of Indonesia Only 5 Faculty


Campus Site

707.2 hectare



9 Faculty and Graduate Programs

Establish Vocational School

2019 New Motto and Brand IPB University “Inspiring Innovation with Integrity”

Campus Site

277.2 ha Darmaga

277.2 ha Jonggol

12.6 ha


40.3 ha

Vocational School Cilibende Sukabumi Jonggol

12.6 ha

Gunung Gede

91 ha

Research Station 15 site

3.5 ha

Taman Kencana

2 ha

Dormitory Bogor Sukasari

Research Station We have 8 Research station which is facilitate our mission in agro-maritime platform. 1. Pasir Sarongge (Horticulture) 5. ATP Farm (Integrated Agribusiness Production) 2. Gn. Walat (Educational Forest) 6. Cikabayan (Seeds and Plant Collection) 3. Babakan Pond (Aquaculture) 7. Pelabuhan Ratu (Ocean and aquatic resources) 4. Sabisa Farm (Fruit Farm and Edutourism) 8. Tinjil Island (Conservation)

Research Centers We have 23 Research Centers in strengthening the role of IPB University in research and community service. During 2020, more than 500 research and community service activities have been carried out by IPB University study centers throughout Indonesia. We also involved in international consortia such as UKRI – CGRF TraUniverde Hub, SPIN ANGIN, UC Searca, INREF, NUFFIC NESO – TVET, UZH Orang Utan Research, and NERC (RISTEKDIKTI Newton FUND).

Research consortia :

List of Research Center 1. Environmental Research Center (PPLH) 2. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (PSP3) 3. Research Center for Bio-resources and Bio-technology (PPSHB) 4. Center for Research for Engineering Application on Tropical Agriculture (CREATA) 5. Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology Center (SEAFAST) 6. Surfactant and Bioenergy Research Center (SBRC) 7. Center for Regional Systems Analysis, Planning and Development (P4W) 8. Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL)


9. Primate Research Center (PSSP) 10. Research Center for Tropical Horticulture (PKHT) 11. Center for Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS) 12. Research Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM) 13. Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center (TropBRC) 14. International Center for Applied Finance and Economics (InterCafe) 15. Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Regulation and Policy (CARE)

16. Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Southest Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP) 17. Research Center for Mine Reclamation (REKLATAM) 18. Center of Disaster Studies (CERDAS) 19. Center for Islamic Bussines and Economic Studies (Ci-BEST) 20. Center for Gender and Child Studies (PKGA) 21. Center for Agraria Studies (PSA) 22. Center for Halal Science 23. Center for Transdiscipline and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS)

List of Faculties Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Forestry and Environment

Faculty of Human Ecology

Faculty of Veterinary

Faculty of Agricultural Technology

School of Vocational Studies

Faculty of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

Faculty of Mathemathics and Natural Sciences

School of Business

Faculty of Animal Husbandry

Faculty of Economics and Management

Total Graduate in 2020

6,525 graduate related to agro-maritime

34.8% vocational degree

44.6% bachelor degree

13.3% master degree

2.7% doctoral degree

4.7% professional degree

Gender in Numbers We believe equal opportunity between men and woman will create a better world. About 58.1% of our students, 34.1% of our staff (employee), 68.2% of our lecturer are woman. 41.9









Program Studies We have 178 program studies, consist of 23 vocational programs 39 undergraduate programs 116 postgraduate programs

Employee (staff)


International Students (FTE) In 2020, our overall number of international students are 858 (3.5 %)

Faculty Staff (FTE) - 2020

Student Population (FTE) - 2020 5.1

The Number of our staff is 4,070, about 74.9 % of them come from domestic and 25.1 % from international.



Vocational 7,296 Bachelor 16,260 Master 4,253 Doctoral 1,474

% 55.5

Lecturer (FTE) - 2020 578 (42.6 %) of our lecturer are Phd and 780 (57.4 %) are master degree.


Aggregate Contribution to SDG’s





Community Service Innovation





Student Final Project Publication



11 12

Partnership Research

13 14 15

16 17

Student Entrepreneurship Student Achievement

Figure 3. Aggregate Contributions to SDGs IPB University commits to make considerable contributions to SDGs in various activities, including learning activities, student activities, research and innovation, community services, and campus operations. The individual, group, or institution-level activities have been recorded by our database system and classified into eight categories: research, publications (national and international), innovations, student final projects, student achievement, student entrepreneurship, community service, and partnership. In 2020, the total recorded activities were 11,655, coded based on the SDGs and categories. Figure 3 above shows that based on the SDGs, the majority of activities recorded address SDG 17 Partnerships to Achieve Goals (2,057), SDG 15 Land Ecosystems (1359), and SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production (1257) and SDG2 - End Hunger (1035). Most of these activities are carried out through partnerships and broader cooperation in education, research, and community service at the national, regional, and global levels.


In addition to these four SDGs goals that have become the strengths of IPB University, we keep improving and encouraging more activities contributing to other SDGs goals that are considered potential and relevant, as we understand that there are linkages among SDGs. The contribu onto the SDGs in 2020 has

increased from the previous year and has impacted society. The community has widely used several innova ons.They have contributed to improving food security, increasing efficiency, and improving community welfare, such as IPB 3S Paddy seeds, Farm School Society, animal feed pellets, oil transpor ngpalm bunches, etc.

All activities by SDGs

Figure 5. Research Activities by SDGs

Figure 4. Overall Activities by SDGs

Figure 7. National & International Publication by SDGs

Figure 6. Innovations by SDGs

Figure 8. Community Service Activities by SDGs


Figure 9. Partnership by SDGs

Figure 10. Students final project by SDGs


Figure 11. Students achievement by SDGs

Figure 12. Students entrepreneurship activities by SDGs


End poverty in all its forms everywhere Learning Program

Entrepreneurial Mindset IPB University, as an agriculture university, incorporates an entrepreneurial mindset into its academic programs. An entrepreneurial mindset aims to accelerate poverty reduction by enhancing Micro-Small and Medium-sized businesses in every sector. This mindset is used in most study programs in the life science and social sciences faculties, particularly at the School of Business. The CEO Talk & Entrepreneurial Development Forum is a course in the business school to influence students as future entrepreneurs who focus on business inclusion of micro-small and medium enterprises. In 2020, the school of business hosted the Business Talk Series as an enrichment course and seminar to discuss the economic impact of the Covid19 pandemic and its anti-poverty measures. The lecturers are not limited to school experts. Many figures and officials were invited to enrich the students and discuss the strategy to reduce the poverty impact caused by the Covid19 pandemic.


Number of Student from Low Income Family Receiving Financial Support

Nutrition, Poverty, & Justice The Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, provides a course on Nutrition, Poverty and Justice. This course focuses on the concept and measurement of poverty, access and the right to food. Additionally, this course offers students a chance to address the cause of poverty concerning food injustice, the impact of poverty, food insecurity, poor nutrition on health. The course challenges students to solve the poverty and nutrition problems in the world.


Research, Innovation & Business

School of Animal Husbandry Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) is an innovation of IPB University that has been implemented directly by the community in 19 regions. SPR -IPB was established with the aim of providing knowledge to small-scale farmers about various technical and non-technical aspects of livestock that underlies the realization of a collective company in one management managed by one manager in order to increase the competitiveness of their business to increase their income and welfare.In developing this SPR activity, all elements between local government, universities, the community, private partners, and mass media are needed. Through SPR, the welfare of farmers will increase and not only within the SPR scope but also other community service activities will also be developed.

Village Precision Data The Village precision data (Data Desa Presisi) was launched by IPB University to assist policymakers in developing a yearly plan to improve economic conditions in villages throughout Indonesia based on real-time data. The Desa Presisi enables precise assessment of a village's economic potential. Natural resources and valueadded products derived from agricultural products can be precisely counted, digitally recorded, and made widely available to the public via android application. The Data Presisi can As a result, the plan could be customized to focus on the priority groups to end poverty and reduce economic inequalities.

Biomaterial from Palm Oil Solid Waste The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science’s innovation developed by the Department of Physics is based on utilizing the natural resource potential (SDA) of oil palm biomass to create various innovative downstream products generartes for new household income. The raw material used is a waste that is abundant and easily accessible to nearby smallholders. Smallholders are given technical assistance in waste processing and product diversification. Organic fertilizer made from POEFB, lignocellulosic POEFB for biocomposites and planting media, and various creative industries (plates, brooms, fruit baskets, etc.) made from palm fronds are among the products.

Research in Number SDGS 1



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian



citation impact 2016- 2020


4.6% source: scival

citation count 2016- 2020 national contribution

Activities related t0 SDGS 1 2020


research activities


national & international publication


student final project

Campus Operation

Enhancing Job Opportunities We improve life chances in our community by assisting unemployed people in re-entering the labour force and developing Micro, Small and MediumEnterprises (MSME). It is accomplished through our Tri-Dharma activities, which include strategic activities and sta ff guidance along the way. The IPB University, in collaboration with IPB University-owned businesses and other business partners, commits to long term objectives.

Program Study of Community and Nutrition held a course about Nutrition, Poverty, and Justice

Financial Support for Student Many students from low-income families face financial difficulties during their studies. We are committed to ensuring that financial issues do not become an impediment for students. We have one of the largest cluster of students from low-income families in Indonesia and one of the most generous packages in financial support. The University provides various grants under its hardship support initiative for students. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, additional funds were made available via sta ffand alumni donations to support students facing various unexpected circumstances. The IPB University Alumni' Association (HA IPB) helps students experiencing hardship with the necessities of life under food, accommodation, travel and medical.

Community Development

Student Activity

Agropolitan Development

Student activity in rural empowerment

Rural Empowerment BINA DESA,or Rural Empowerment, is a student organization program at our university that helps poor people in rural areas by providing training and launching small businesses. The program's goal is to connect students with the best ways to help end poverty and increase well-being. The program includes student organizations from various faculties. The program was supported by funding from the Holistic Development and Village Empowerment Program (PHP2D) 2020, held by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) Republik Indonesia.

Virtual Charity Concert Many people affected of the government's call for self-quarantine. As a way to stop the spread of COVID-19, All students as well as other formal workers are required to carry out activities online or remote in home. On the other hand, some communities have been forced to lose their source of livelihood due to the government's policy on Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This condition led to the creative idea of one of the IPB University students who are members of the Ruang Kyta community. This virtual concert managed to fundraise financial support for the community.

IPB University assists in strengthening regional development from planning to implementation to create a superior Tangerangs Agropolitan area according to strategic issues, potentials, and problems encountered. The project aims to impact poverty policies on everyday life for families and communities in the region.

COVID - 19 Donation Many people have been affected by Covid-19, and poverty is on the rise. IPB University units are involved to lessen the impact on society. The following are some examples of activities: The Faculty of Agricultural Technology initiated a food and cash donation. The School of Business initiated the Sharingyuk program (a location for donations or online fundraising (crowdfunding) for campaigns and social programs.

Lecturer’s Community Services LPPM-IPB (Research and Community Service Institution) held a Lecturer’s community service programme. Lecturers provide solutions regarding community issues. This is an annual program that we always held as part of our service. Industrial Management study program, School of Vocational Studies held an activity that is focused on improvements the tapioca flour milling production system for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Cimahpar - Bogor. These improvement efforts are carried out by implementing lean production to improve effeciencies in production stage and generate higher income for MSMEs.


End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Study Program related to SDGS 2

Learning Program


Education in Food Security Our university offers a wide range of agricultural sciences, from socialeconomic sciences to natural and environmental sciences, with excellent facilities and qualified human resources. Our study programs provide the competence currently required to develop solutions to end hunger and food insecurity. IPB University's courses on Innovative Agriculture (IPB10C), Food and Agriculture Economics (ESL21A), Food Consumption (GIZ22B), Nutrition and Food Ecology (GIZ241), Nutrition and Food Data Analysis (GIZ344), Food Economics and Nutrition (GIZ346), Nutrition and Food Planning (GIZ347), Food and Nutrition Intervention (GIZ348),

Ea ng less meat is essensial for food security

Research, Innovation & Business In 2020, there are 186 (14%) research activities, 1540 (17%) publications, 40 innovations (6,4)% in 2018 - 2020 that address SDG2. To support the commercialization of innovations to business activities, IPB University, through its Science Technopark, has brought up 27 tenant/spin-offs in 2020, where 11 have business activities that address SDG 2. Products that have been established for at least three years and are still active in 2020 are eligible for this program. The ultimate goal of this program is to establish competitive startups.


13.4 %

study program

of overall study program

High Yield Paddy Variety Since 2015, we have produced IPB 3S paddy varieties (high yields, less fertilizer and water than conventional irrigated paddy). Dr Hajrial Aswidinnoor, a lecturer at IPB University who is a seed breeder, presented his achievement in developing a New Type of Rice (PDB), called IPB 3S. IPB 3S have been cultivated in more than 700 hectares of field rice in Karawang as a dissemination centre which has also involved hundreds of farmers. After a year, the IPB 3S rice seed has initiated an industry collaboration development between the IPB University-AGH Seed Center and the Industry (PT Botani Seed Indonesia) to expand the number of seeds' varieties. Through this collaboration, we have increased rice productivity, leads to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and increased farmers income (Goal 1, No Poverty).

Seed Technology Innovation Our expert, Prof. Dr Aris Purwanto developed seed innovation. This innovation is essential because the seeds have time to sleep or dormant. Each type of plant seed has a different dormancy time, such as rice seeds have a sleep time of 1 to 20 weeks depending on the variety. He uses the innovative Ultrafine Bubble (UFB) technology to shorten seed bedtime. Ultrafine Bubbles are air bubbles measuring 100-200 nanometers that spray into the water. This innovation helps prepare garlic bulb seedlings quickly if farmers need it for planting and do not need to wait until the garlic seeds naturally break their dormancy. The obstacle faced in applying this technology is that a unique tool (UFB generator) is required, which is not widely available. Farmers are not familiar with this method, so demonstration plots are needed for trials. This innovation expects to assist farmers in preparing seeds that can provide for cultivation activities without waiting for the seed dormancy period to end to achieve food security and support sustainable agriculture.

70 Prominent Varieties We also innovate by creating prominent seeds and are resistant to climate change through the innovation of 70 main Varieties of IPB University. One of IPB University's innovative products in the food sector is Papaya Calina, which has spread to 88 districts and 38 cities throughout Indonesia. It has spread to 11 countries in the international arena, including Malaysia, Pakistan, Tanzania, Japan, India, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Timur Lester, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The advantages of Papaya Calina include high adaptability, high productivity, good fruit quality, and a larger fruit size that is attractive to consumers.

Research in Number SDGS 2



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020

2,816 citation count 2016-20

14.4% source: scival

national contribution

55 Activities related t0 SDGS 2 2020

research activities


national & international publication


student achievement


student final project

Campus Operation

Community Development

Student Activity

Free Food Voucher for Students IPB University consistently provides free food vouchers for students, including free vouchers for the Plasma Canteen on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays aimed explicitly at Bidikmisi Scholarship recipients. KTM (Student Identity Card), 5 plastic bottles (600 mL size), and 3 pieces (1.5 L size), which will be exchanged for free meal vouchers. We also provided free food to more than 125 students living on campus every day, including international students, during the COVID19 pandemic while still following health protocols. Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Development coordinates the online registration process for students.


Organization for Sustainable Agriculture IPB University is a member of the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Science (IAAS), established in 1992. IAAS IPB University has been actively educating, empowering, and collaborating with multi-stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 2 (End Hunger). As an organization concerned about capacity building, IAAS actively educates its members to enhance their understanding of sustainable agriculture. It also actively responds to various issues of sustainable agriculture and hunger and disseminates multiple activities.


Total food waste in 2019 from 32,791 population

Local Food Diversification Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia through the Food Security Agency (BKP) collaborates with IPB University along with five other universities in Indonesia in the context of developing local food diversification and assisting sustainable home gardening activities. The other five universities are the University of Lampung, Gadjah Mada University, Brawijaya University, Hasanudin University, and Lambung Mangkurat University. This collaboration is a further collaboration aimed at strengthening local food diversification through sustainable food yards. According to him, universities have technology and innovations that must be applied in the community in order to increase food supply.

Our Innova on, spaghe gluten free, made from corn as carbo diversifica on

Outreach Activities (End Hunger) IPB University's students are aware of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) through a commitment to support SDGs 2 goals (end hunger). Various conscious efforts are carried out on an ongoing basis, one of which is developing understanding and looking for multiple solutions to achieve SDG 2. This commitment is shown by 59 student activities directly related to SDG 2 during 2020, even though significant challenges for program implementation exist during the Covid-19 pandemic.

IPB University had 427 (7.5%) community service activities related to SDG 2 (end hunger) between 2018 and 2020. Most of those activities are implemented under two main programs, namely Dosen Mengabdi and Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN/KKN-T). Innovations in delivering programs have been developed to enable us to implement the programs and enhance their effectiveness.


community services activities in 2020

Dosen Mengabdi and KKN-T Dosen Mengabdi is an IPB University excruciating effort that allows lecturers to go to the field to assist the community in solving various problems. In contrast, KKN-T is a student community outreach program that is part of our curriculum. Integration between both programs is chosen to enhance program implementation and outcomes. An example of program implementation is the Magelang Food Resistant activity carried out in the Potrobangsan village, for two months in 2020 through the Sustainable Food House Area. IPB University KKN-T team provides the Magelang Food Resistant program (called GETAH), which teaches and trains people to grow horticultural crops in their backyards (permaculture) as the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL). This program propose to meet the food and nutritional needs of families and communities by preserving local food crops for the future and developing productive economic activities.


Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages Learning Program

One Health Concept Efforts to control and eradicate zoonotic infectious diseases require comprehensive actions because they are related to humans and animals with various associated aspects, such as sanitation, housing, economy, traditional culture, and other social aspects. The concept of 'one health' is intended to integrate knowledge and expertise in the fields of medicine, veterinary medicine, public health, economics, social culture, law and other related fields. This concept encourages closer partnerships among academia, industry and government to develop new diagnostic methods, treatments and vaccines for disease prevention and control across species, along with concerted efforts to inform and educate political leaders and the public . Faculty of Veterinary, IPB University address one health concept in strategic plan 2015-2020.

Research, Innova on & Business Nanopore Technology Research no longer needs to bring samples to laboratories. This DNA Sequencing technology is fully portable with a nanophotometer that can make sample preparation easier. In MinION's nanophotometer use, the researcher should be able to use every pore fully to reduce wasting pores and to produce low output values. Different from fluorometers such as Qubit, the output is in the form of pore occupancy. It is due to the use of a precise DNA concentration. The public understands how to properly prevent COVID-19 and the critical role of vaccines in increasing the immune system to fight SARS-CoV-2 infection, thereby reducing the risk of death from COVID-19.



courses related to SDGs 3

Functional Drink (Bio-medicine) Indonesia is known to be rich in biodiversity and indigenous knowledge. The Java Tea (Orthosiphon aristatus) is one of Indonesia's biodiversity known empirically by the public as a traditional ingredient. Several studies had previously developed using Java tea into functional ingredients in the form of drinks. The results proved that the drink had antioxidant and antihyperglycemic activity with good flavours and colours. The products developed were ready to drink (RTD), which have been tested for market feasibility and scaled-up production. The RTD form has been registered as a traditional medicinal product (OT) at BPOM (Indonesian agency for food and drug).

Alzheimer's Diagnostic Kit Alzheimer's may be familiar to our ears. Alzheimer's is a brain disease that results in decline in memory, the ability to think, speak and change of behavior gradually. Experts have not been able to determine the exact cause of Alzheimer's. Our lecturer, from Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dr drh Huda S Darusman, is developing a kit that can diagnose the emergence of Alzheimer's disease. The development of an Elisa-based Alzheimer's diagnostic kit in the country has the potential to provide benefits both scientifically and economically. Amyloid beta 42 (Aβ42) protein as an ingredient for the manufacture of a diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease in humans is a strategic effort to be developed as a support in the form of screening tests

Glucodiab Drink Unihealth a Soho Global Health Company, The Institute of Education Fund Management (LPDP) and IPB University held "The Story' of Glucodiab Drink" together with Prof. Dr. C Hanny Wijaya, Professor of IPB University from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. This activity explores Prof. Hanny's innovative Glucodiab Drink that can help diabetics to lower blood sugar levels in the body. Glucodiab Drink is a functional drink formula based on spices and herbs to overcome diabetes. Based on research, this drink has high antioxidants that reach 600-700 ppm, with antihiperglycemic activity of 65.83 percent. Extracts of cat mustache plants that are the main composition in have properties at certain doses, proven to lower blood glucose levels and raise highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) -commonly referred to as good cholesterol- in the blood of experimental mice, lower blood pressure, and lower the size of kidney stones.

Research in Number SDGS 3

374 2.5 %

publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-2020

1.4 % source : scival

national contribution

Activities related t0 SDGS 3 2020

50 research activities


national & international publication

235 student final project

COVID-19 Test Services

Medical & Health Services


test services aggregate in 2020


32 % 58 % 10 %

Antibody Test PCR Swab Test Antigen Test

Campus Operation

Medical Service In 2020, IPB University Polyclinic handle a variety of treatments. Some of the services provided include 9,139 general services (60.4 %), 4,471 dental services (31.3 %), and 664 COVID -19 case services (4.1 %).

Crisis Center Since COVID-19 outbreak in February 2020, every activities ini IPB University strictly controlled by crisis center. Teaching and learning activities held online, every event and activity held with strict health protocol.

We provides our laboratory to support government in COVID 19 tracing

COVID-19 Test Based on the Mayor of Bogor's Decree No. 445.45-250 Year2020, IPB University Primate Research Center Laboratory was appointed as part of the IPB University Collaborative Research Center Laboratory. We mainly processed Real-Time diagnostic tests to handle Covid-19 in Bogor, with samples coming from Cibinong General Hospital, Bogor General Hospital, and Bogor Health Office. Until now, IPB University Primate Research Center Laboratory has received 6.000 swab specimens for Covid-19 checking. This program aims to support the government of Bogor significantly to accelerate the handling of Covid19testing. By doing this program, we hope we can decelerate the Covid-19 transmission in Bogor.

Student Activity

64 % 31 % 5 %

services aggregate in 2020

General Services Dental Services COVID-19 Services

Community Development

Early Education on Nutrition

Fish Suplements

Lecturers and students of the Study Program of Food and Nutrition Services Industry Management (MIMG), Vocational School, gave nutritional counselling about the importance of consuming vegetables and fruit during the COVID-19 pandemic at Al-Azhar Islamic Elementary School, Jakarta. This activity is a form of integration of courses with community service activities. This counselling activity aimed to educate students and teachers about the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables for health and immune boost during Covid-19 to raise self-awareness and change daily habits in food consumption. Participants took pre-test and post-test to indicate changes in knowledge after counselling.

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Alumni Association distributed food ingredients and supplements to Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences students. There were one hundred thirty (130) FPIK-Bidikmisi students who survived in Bogor during the pandemic. The main foodstu ffwas the Omegalone Fish Oil supplement (a fish oil-producing collaboration between Dr Wini Trilaksani (THP IPB University) and PT Habasy Indonesia).

INAHEX : Veterinary Expo The Indonesian Veterinary Hospital Association (ARSHI) in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Veterinary Medicine Faculties (AFKHI) and the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) held an event "The 2nd Indonesia Animal Hospital and Clinic Expo (INAHEX) 2019". This activity take a place at IPB University for a week. The theme is "Strengthening the quality of the veterinary profession through international networks". The main activities are the expo of veterinary equipment and drugs, feed, and other medical needs from various companies, agencies, and animal clinics or hospitals.

Donate Hospital Equipment IPB University helped provide medical equipment for Hospitals, Health Offices and Health Centers in Bogor Regency and City, IPB handed over assistance to Bogor Islamic Hospital and Karya Bakti Pratiwi Hospital, Bogor. The assistance provided is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The assistance was handed over by the representative of the Crisis Center IPB University, to representatives from the hospital located at the Andi Hakim Nasoetion Rectorate Building, Dramaga Campus of IPB. 25 sets of PPE were provided for the Islamic Hospital and 25 sets for the Karya Bakti Pratiwi Hospital. This PPE set consists of a hazmat suit, N95 mask, protective goggles, shoe wrap, blue rubber gloves, white rubber gloves, apron, plastic trash and alcohol prep pad.


Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote life long learning opportunities for all Learning Program



partnership activities

Since 2018 IPB University has conducted an evaluation and Reorientation/Restructuring of the 2014/2015 Curriculum became the basis for constructing the 2020 Curriculum (K2020) to achieve the educational goals of IPB 4.0. K-2020 IPB University integrates academic and non-academic activities. Because it needs at least five new things to produce high-quality human resources in creating the best generation. These include changes in mindset, attitudes and behavior, skills, literacy, and new ways/practices. IPB University created the K2020 curriculum to produce powerful, agile learners and adapt to change. So that mindset and skillsets are components that IPB must strengthen, which is the outcome of this new curriculum. In 2020, The Ministry of Education and Culture awarded IPB University as the first rank university in Indonesia

Academic Quality Assurance To ensure the quality of education, IPB University has the Office of Quality Management and Internal Audit (KMMAI), a particular agency that conducts quality assurance. We also implements Standard Quality of Education (SMP), an activity in improving products and services quality sustainably on overall aspects of higher education management in IPB University. This agency has become the critical aspect that is turned into the main priority in carrying out responsibility for the quality of education, including conducting monitoring and evaluation. The quality assurance of universities is carried out autonomously to control and improve the implementation of higher education.


in 2020

Restructure Study Program In 2020, IPB created 7 new study programs to strengthen the agromaritime 4.0 platform. In addition, several study programs were also merger. A total of 22 study programs were simplified into 9 study programs, including soil science, agronomy and horticulture, entomology, animal biomedicine, tropical biodiversity conservation, statistics and data science, computer science, agricultural and rural development communications, and rural sociology. We also opened International classes in five study programs. Currently opening international classes are Veterinary Medicine, Food Technology (ITP), Agricultural Industrial Engineering (TIN), Business School, Marine Science and Technology (ITK).Teaching will be entirely in English and opens up opportunities for students to engage in international activities.

Research in Number SDGS 4



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-20

1.2% source: scival

national contribution

Merdeka Belajar IPB has implemented the concept of independent learning before the concept was inaugurated by the Ministry of Education, Republic of Indonesia. The application of the concept of independent learning is implemented in dual degree, double degree, and credit earning. Currently, 461 programs are available and 27 campuses and institutions have collaborated. 12 dual degree, 12 double degree, and 461 credit earning programs are available. Research, Innovation & Business

Competitive Research Grant in Vocational School IPB University allocates one billion rupiahs for research activities for the 2020 Vocational School grant. These funds are divided into 48 studies. From the results of this research, most of them have already produced publications in SINTA journals, international Non-Scopus and Scopus, and HAKI (Intellectual Property Rights).

Quarter : Learning Innovation Our students developed a quartered card game innovation into an alternative learning method for elementary school students in improving the score of natural science subjects in the national exam. This innovation, Quarter or "Quarter Pinter" (Smart Quarter) was selected as one of the thousands proposals that were awarded a grant from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti). The quarter is the answer to the needs of educators and parents in understanding natural science lessons and includes riddles in the game content to support elementary students' knowledge.

Activities related t0 SDGS 4 (2020)


national & international publication


student achievement


student final project

Campus Operation

Lifelong Learning Opportunity IPB University provides opportunities for the wider community to access the educational resources, including free access journals, repository, which provides undergraduate and postgraduate paper and thesis, and access to Library. Many resources of the library are available online and can be accessed via IPB University Repository website. For security and to avoid data stealing, those not studying at the university can request the IPB University Library to download the materials. We have more than 80 journals managed by its departments and faculties, and four of them are indexed by Scopus. All these journals are open access. In addition, IPB University offers some online courses in 2019 taught by an individual or a group of lecturers and are open to the public.

Education Activity during COVID-19 Pandemic we make adjustments to learning activities during the pandemic. Learning activities are carried out by maintaining quality and suppressing the transmission of COVID-19. Several adjustments were made to the learning and practicum programs, KKN-T (student service), thematic training packages, and learning support. Online learning and practicum optimizing the implementation of learning platforms such as course.ipb.ac.id, evieta.ipb.ac.id, newlms.ipb.ac.id, etc. The implementation of domicile-based KKN-T, besides that KKN-T activities can also be recognized from various student activities. We also support our student with internet quota, nutrition and immunity, and student welfare

Accreditation & Certification We are committed to maintaining the quality of education by conducting regular accreditation and certification at institutions that are recognized nationally and internationally. Currently, 174 study programs have been accredited by BAN-PT and 29 study programs have been internationally accredited. Based on BANPT accreditation, 140 programs have an excellent category (A), 29 have a good category (B), and 5 study programs have a minimum category ©. IPB's international accreditations include IFT, IFLA, ABET, AUN-QA, IABEE, JABEE, IMarEST, IUFoST, RSC, SWST, ABEST 21. A number of these accreditations place IPB as the best in Indonesia and Southeast Asia for agriculture and forestry. In addition, IPB also ranks 10th in Asia and 62nd in the world in agriculture and forestry. Student Activity

IPB Mengajar IPB Mengajar is the association of students or communities that concerns Indonesian education. This community is under the auspices of the Student Executive Board of Student Family (BEMKM) of IPB University. This program aims to implement teaching programs in the villages located around the IPB University campus, Dramaga. The focus of IPB Mengajar is to teach general education for children, and the learning program has been tailored to their lessons at school. The students help children who have difficulty in their learning process. In addition to the learning program, they planned to implement outside the classroom every fourth-week IPB Mengajar. They also introduce the surrounding environment and agriculture.

163 community services activities in 2020

Community Development

Educational Outreach Activities Regularly, IPB University organized a community services program involving students every year in the "Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT)" (Real Thematic Work Lecture) program. In 2020, IPB University organized KKNT with 2,555 students participating in community services for 40 days in 29 Districts. Other activities were organized by LPPM-IPB University, which regularly facilitated IPB University lecturers and researchers to make community services based on their expertise to some regencies, including Bogor, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Cianjur, Indramayu, Kuningan, Banten, Blora, Kepulauan Riau, dan Sulawesi Selatan. Voluntarily, IPB University also organized a teaching program for primary school students around Bogor, namely Education Weeks at School (Edelweis).

Scholarship and Support for Students we have 60 scholarship collaborations with various institutions (Alumni, foundations, private, government, and covid donations. In 2020, we distributed scholarships of 102.5 billion rupiah, with a total recipient of 9,972 students. This number increased by 20% compared to 2019 which only donated 89.64 billion rupiah.Cooperation with various institutions continues to be explored to improve the quality of education and scholarships to realize inclusive education for all.


Achieve gender equality and empower all woman an girls Learning Program

Gender and Development We have several courses related to gender, namely: (i) Gender and Development, and (ii) Gender and Family. Each course was held by the Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University. The purpose of the courses is to gender mainstreaming with central analytic debates in gender and development and link them to the policy and program. Gender and development studies are interdisciplinary on issues as diverse as work, family life, health and population, labor, and global economic change. The students will learn to participate in gender and development related research,public policy, and program implementation.

portrait of female workers in the palm oil industry

Woman and Child Labour issue Center for Gender and Child Studies (PKGA) IPB University held a public lecture titled "Unraveling the Issues and Solutions of Women and Children Workers in Oil Palm Plantations." This public lecture invited speakers from four different agencies, chairperson of PEKKA (Women Headed Household Empowerment), Assistant Deputy for Protection of Women's Rights in Employment - Representative Office of Foreign Companies (KPPA) RI, Chairman of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), and IPB University’s Lecturer. One of the issues discussed is the lack of attention to fulfilling the rights and protection of women and children involved in oil palm plantations. This program is expected to obtain input from multi-parties.


Research, Innovation & Business

Women's Empowerment in Java Center for Gender and Child Studies (PKGA) IPB University conducted a study entitled Women Empowerment and Social Engineering of The Preservation of Local Cultural Crafts based on Home Industries in Java. This research objective is to 1) Identify home industries (MSMEs) managed by female artisans; 2) Understand the role of women in the MSMEs from the division of labor and decision-making on the resources and factors that affect it; 3) Discover practical gender needs in productive activities and factors that help reconstruct the emergence of perceptions of fulfillment; and 4) Identify the government's gender mainstreaming policies on artisan women and social engineering to realize gender equality. This research applies participatory action research (PAR) methods in Gunung Mulya village and Situ Daun Tenjolaya subdistrict, West Java.

Gender Responsive Disaggregated Data Sustainable agricultural development puts forward the concept of development that provides equal benefits to all levels of society who depend on the agricultural sector for their livelihoods. Gender mainstreaming is present as a solution to overcome inequality in access, control, participation, and benefits obtained by farmers with different genders. in 2020, in collaboration with the Center for Gender and Child Studies (PKGA) LPPM IPB University, to prepare Gender Responsive Disaggregated Data on the Development of Organic Fertilizer Processing Units (UPPO) with locations in 3 Provinces, namely North Sumatra, North Sulawesi and DIY Yogyakarta. The compilation of gender-disaggregated data on the Development of Organic Fertilizer Processing Units (UPPO) of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia can be one of the policy references and future development targets.

Gender Profiling

Research in Number SDGS 5

11 0.9%

publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-20

0.4% source: scival

national contribution

The availability of relevant and accurate population data information is important as material for evaluation and analysis of future policy decisions related to gender development, women's empowerment and women's protection. This data uses as as material in determining the direction of programs and activities in Mid-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD) indicators. PKGA assisst several regions in compiling gender profile data such as the Gender Development Index (IDG) and Gender Empowerment Index (IDG) of a region. Several regencies that cooperate with PKGA include Depok City, Bogor Regency, and Beji Regency.

Gender in Numbers (2020)

58.1 %

female students from 24,964

2,580 1,361

female starting a degree

1,484 11 % 42.6%

female graduates

34.1 % 68.2% 213

first generation female starting a degree

in health program in social sciences

female staff from 2,229 female lecturer from 1,358 female senior lecturer

Campus Operation

Lactation Rooms

Gender Equality We believe equal opportunity between men and female will create a better world. In 2020, 58.1% from 24,964 of our students are female, 2,580 female starting degree in our campus, and 1,361 woman in first-year starting degree. we also graduated 1,484 female graduates, 11% of them in the health program, 42.6% in the social sciences, and another 57.4%. Proportion of female sta ffon our campus is 34.1% of the 2,229 staff. the number of female lecturers at IPB University is 68.2% of 1,358 lecturers, 213 of whom are senior lecturers.

IPB University is committed to supporting healthy practices for all IPB University staff, faculty, and students, especially pregnant women during working hours, to reduce the risk of giving birth. As part of our commitment to provide ongoing support for faculty and sta ffand their obligations both at work and beyond their jobs, IPB University provides lactation rooms throughout the campuses for use by new mothers as needed. Lactation rooms offer a space where IPB University's stakeholders can Globe Asia's 99 : Most Inspiring comfortably and privately pump or Women breastfeed the baby. The lactation room is Shee is Dr. Yessie Widya Saristaf, equipped with supporting facilities such as lecturer at the Physics Department, sterilizers, refrigerators, sofas, and others. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural It is also a place to rest. Sciences (FMIPA) IPB. Dr. Yessie was selected as one of the 99 Inspiring Women by GlobeAsia for her dedication and achievements in the field of science. She is Childcare facility in IPB University, this a young lecturer who has many awards. facili es help woman ac vity in our campus. Previously she was selected as the awardee of the 2018 L'Oreal Women.

Childcare Facility IPB University has two paid accessible childcare facilities for staff, faculty members, and students, which allow recent mothers to attend university courses. The childcare facilities are (1) Agriananda IPB University organizes Early Childhood Education with programs are (i) Kindergarten Plus; (ii) Play Group; dan (iii) Daycare; and (2). Laboratory School of Characteristics Education IPB University – Indonesian Singapore Friendship Association (IPB-ISFA) for Early Childhood (4-6 years old) children education, established based on IPB University Rector Decree Number 168/13 / LL / 2011.

Student Activity

Female in Action (FIA) Student from the Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, initiated a women's empowerment program called FIA (Female in Action). She formed FIA, a women's empowerment startup based on entertainment art and technology in intensive training and innovative education. FIA is expected to be a solution to change the mindset, become a driver for women to develop their passion and skills. The FIA launched an app called FIA 4.0, the first women's empowerment application in Indonesia.

Community Development

Advocation and Training Center for Gender and Child Studies (PKGA) IPB University conducts socialization, assistance, and advocacy to regional heads, institutions, and ministries to accelerate gender-based development. PKGA IPB University provides strategic direction and achievements of gender mainstreaming implementation. PKGA IPB University is always active and cooperates with the central and regional governments to socialize, advocate, mentoring and training in The Fulfillment of Children's Rights (PUHA) with the hope that through the fulfillment of children's rights, synergy, and the system that the central government has established, namely Regency / City Worthy of Children can be applied to the level of Village and subvillage. In line with this, PKGA IPB University is committed. It cooperates to support the realization of Regency / City Worthy children in Bogor Raya, such as Depok, Bekasi City, Bogor City, and Bogor Regency.

Agrianita Agrianita IPB is a social organization consisting of IPB's female community members (women lecturers, female education staff, lecturers/education staff's wives, retirees, warakawuri), where this organization prioritizes work programs that lead to aspects of education, empowerment, and community service. Agrianita has several programs including family service centers, foster parents movement, early childhood education, and women's economic empowerment.


Ensure availability and sustainable manegement of water and sanitation for all Learning Program

Program and Course IPB has several study programs that study water and sanitation management. Civil and environmental engineering, water resource management, and watershed management are three study programs that are directly related to SDGS 6. A total of 26 courses are related to water management. Some of these courses include soil and water conservation (SIL 343), hazardous waste management (SIL 329), liquid waste management (SIL 320), impact assessment of the aquatic environment (MSP 319), aquatic ecology (MSP 221), pollution waters (MSP 310), Eco-hydrology (MNH 541), watershed management (TSL 634) and etc.

IPB University provides clean water and ready to drink at many loca on points

Webinar on Urban Water Metabolism Planning Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering hosted a webinar on Urban Water Metabolism in Planning. Urban Environmental Consultant at BAPPENAS, explained Urban Environmental Management: Understanding the Spatial of Urban Water Metabolism during the webinar. Our Head of Geomatics Engineering Division, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, who investigates Water Metabolism explicitly for Detailed Spatial Planning - was also in attendance. This webinar discusses the importance of taking a holistic approach to water management in urban areas.


Research, Innovation & Business

Biber: an Innovation of wise plastic absorption well

An innovation by lecturer from the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, solves the dilemma of abundant rainwater The use of IPLT sludge as organic to turn into a source of sustenance, reduce fertilizer (compost) is an option for water runoff, and reduce inundation reducing sludge generation at the IPLT volume. Construction of the Biber site. Compost can improve soil fertility and infiltration well uses garbage that is piled be sold (marketed) to provide economic up in landfills. This innovation may reduce value. A study on the mud content and environmental damage and become a follow-up management was conducted to model for addressing water retention determine the potential utilization of IPLT problems in urban areas. To bring sludge. The findings and characteristics of maximum results, it should consider the research are compared to organic toponymy in water conservation. fertilizer parameters based on KepMentan This innovation in collaboration with No.261/KPTS/SR.310/M/4/2019, Technical Danone Aqua is beneficial to reduce flood Requirements for Organic Fertilizers, disaster. At least 400,000 infiltration wells Biological Fertilizers, and Soil are required to solve the city's water Improvements. Further management runo ffand groundwater problems. About actions are required to use mud as organic 46% of DKI Jakarta area is suitable for Biber fertilizer so that the resulting material absorption wells particularly application meets organic fertilizer standards. in landfills and industrial areas. It needs 150 kg of non-economic plastic for one Water Quality Research infiltration well construction. Based on the In Jakarta test results, within 8 hours after rain, Biber can absorb run-o fffrom 12-16 m3/day. In order to carry out the mandate of The Indonesian Law No. 32 of 2019 concerning environmental protection and Research in Number management, as well as The Government SDGS 6 Regulation No. 82 of 2001 concerning publication water quality management and water 2016 - 2020 pollution control, PPLH IPB University, in collaboration with the Environmental of all Indonesian publication Service Agency of Jakarta Province (DLH DKI Jakarta), conducted a study of the water quality status of river an. The citation impact findings of this study were used to: 1) 2016 - 2020 provide information on the water quality status of rivers and lakes/reservoirs; 2) provide information on the locations of citation count 2016 - 2020 rivers and lakes/reservoirs that should be prioritized; and 3) provide environmental national contribution management recommendations to source : scival improve the water quality.

Processed Sludge as a Fertilizer






Activities related to SDGS 6


total area in campus intended for water absorption exclude forest and plant vegetation (2020)


national & international publication (2020)

4,823,283 volume of water used (m3) - 2019

Community Development Campus Operation

Water and Waste Management we maintain water supply and waste management facilities on a regular basis. In 2020, 3 units of WTP sand filter were replaced, water pumps were procured, clean water piping was repaired, and routine drains were drained. In addition, IPB also always takes care of the lake ecosystem in the campus area, namely Lake Leutik by cleaning and monitoring water quality. Through LPPM and aquatic resource management student association (Himasper), monitoring and cleaning of the lake is carried out regularly. IPB university cooperates with PT Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (PPLI) in handling B3 waste and ensures that waste is processed, physically, biologically, or chemically so that it becomes harmless or reduces its toxicity.

Student Activity

Campaign in Sustainable Use of Water Various student activities have been carried out within the framework of SDG 6, including webinars and training for students and competitions to raise awareness of the importance of responsible water use. There were at least 5 student activities in 2020, namely student achievement directly related to SDG 6. These activities were attended by IPB University students and by students from other universities in Indonesia.

Hygiene Competition One of IPB University's SDG 6 commitments is to encourage clean water management and good sanitation in the campus environment. One of these initiatives was a clean campus award competition, with one of the categories being the clean toilet award from each Faculty. In 2020, the IPB University Business School was recognized as the Faculty with the cleanest restrooms. With clean toilets, the Business School hopes to achieve long-term environmental development by making clean water and sanitation accessible to all academic communities at the Business School. This success is inextricably linked to the role and contribution of SB IPB University, the academic community that assisted in the upkeep of the SB-IPB University campus facilities.

Our students contribute in SDGs 6, They create PORDISTOR (Portable Disinfectant Generator for Clean Water Sanita on) They win as second place in Scien fic Wri ng Compe on

Portable Water Sanitation Our students succeeded in making an innovation called Pordistor for clean water sanitation. This innovation won the National 2nd Place in the Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) in Jambi. Pordistor (Portable Disinfectan Generator) is a tool for produce free-bacteria and clean water. This technology utilizes the electrochemical reaction of used batteries with carbon as the anode and zinc as the anode. Then the cathode is powered by direct current to avoid a short circuit. After electrified, reactive oxygen is formed. This reactive oxygen will be a strong oxidizing agent to kill bacteria E.Coli.

Dosen Mengabdi: Capacity Building in Sludge Treatment Dosen Mengabdi was conducted by our lecturer from the study program of Environmental Management and Engineering, Vocational School IPB University to train officers of Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) under the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Klaten Regency. This socialization was held to improve the quality of IPLT operational personnel about the roles, responsibilities, and problems faced in IPLT management. IPLT operators have a significant role in environmental management, especially related to managing pollution from faecal sludge. The treated sludge can be used as fertilizer if it meets the requirements. The sludge in the indicator tub can be disposed of into the environment and used as a planting medium. The operators need to test critical parameters, such as Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and ammonia to optimalize IPLT.

Dosen Mengabdi: Waste Bank Management IPB University participates in a variety of service activities, one of which is establishing a youth-based waste bank at the Pakuan Regency Bogor Housing. In mid-September, a waste bank called Pakuan Regency Garbage Bank, also known as Bank BSPR, was inaugurated. This activity is intended to assist the government with waste management and processing. The presence of the waste bank is expected to raise public awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy, orderly, and clean environment.


Ensure acces to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy Learning Program Renewable Energy Course IPB University has a renewable energy division in Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering . the division develops engineering knowledge in the exploration, conversion, utilization, and conservation of renewable energy sources for agricultural and rural planning and development. The renewable energy laboratory is equipped with facilities and learning about biomass, water (micro-hydro), wind, and solar energy resources. Several courses on renewable energy in Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering are energy and electricity for agriculture, refrigeration engineering, renewable energy conversion engineering, and an introduction to audit of energy. Deprartmen of Marine Science and Technology also delievers course related ocean energy.

Webinar on Biomass Prospect This activity informs, educates, and describes the use of renewable energy with biomass stoves to the general public.The webinar's outcomes included public dissemination of knowledge and examples of technical applications resulted from Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering renewable energy research. This substantive discourse emphasizes the urgency in using biomass to achieve the Bills on Renewable Energy (EBT). The Agricultural and plantation sector waste can produce brickets that can be used for biomass stoves. Cassava stems, palm oil waste, husks, paper waste, corncobs, candlenut shells, garbage, and other vegetable wastes are biofuels whose primary products can be directly processed into biofuel raw materials.


Research, Innova on & Business B3 Essential Oil from Palm Oil The research was carried out at the Testing and Certification Services Laboratory Unit, which was supported by the Science and Technology Park (LKST) IPB University and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (DIKTI). Biodiesel additives research from Lecturers of Department of Chemistry - IPB University named MIZUbiotreatment. The commercialization of MIZUbiotreatment products is explored through collaboration with PT Rianti Chemido Perkasa, an enterprises in the automotive chemical field. This B30 additive product formula was patented in 2020. The impact of this product increases the added value of Indonesian plantation products. MIZU-Biotreatment production is a long-term activity that support B30 implementation program and ensure energy security.

Research in Number SDGS 7

205 2.2%

publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-2020

2.5% source : scival

national contribution

Solar Energy-Based Drying Machines Agricultural products are typically dried or using a drying machine powered by fuel oil or agricultural waste. When it rains unexpectedly, and the drying temperature varies, drying has operational issues. At the same time, the dryer requires a sufficient amount of fuel or energy. Developing a solar energybased drying machine with the greenhouse effect (GHE) technique is one solution to overcome the obstacles in both drying techniques. A variety of industries has developed various types of GHE dryers. Several GHE dryers will be evaluated in 2020 to ensure their quality. The evaluation results show that the developed GHE drying machine can be used to dry agricultural commodities with good quality results and meets the quality requirements.

Rice Straw Biomass A letter of intention was signed by five parties involved in the FrenchIndonesian cooperation regarding the development of rice straw biomass production at the Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI). This innovation is in accordance with the principles of sustainable development which is closely related to reducing Indonesia's greenhouse gas emissions, by converting the 60 million tons of rice straw that is burned and wasted every year in Indonesia into biofuels. The Biomass project has a national dimension and is supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Research and Higher Education, and IFI.

Agregate Number related t0 SDGS 7 2020


energy sources

include solar, bio-diesel, mycro-hiydro, & electric


national & international publication


student final project

renewable energy conversion engineering laboratory

Campus Operation Furthermore, the smoke produced is classified as non-polluting smoke, making Green Energy IPB is committed to developing green it environmentally safe. IPB University oversees a collaborative program for the energy sources through various studies development of Kehati Park. This program conducted by its civitas. Green Energy is is one of the manifestations of IPB carried out by reducing the use of electrical University's Green Campus 2020 initiative, energy sourced from fossil fuels and which is dedicated to creating a culture of replacing it with solar cells, the possibility increasing energy efficiency and of making hydroelectric power plants conserving biological resources. Members (MHPP) and biogas and conducting of the academic community at IPB research developments for bio-energy. University Runo ffwater from the lake will Currently IPB has 4 renewable energy be gravity-fed to the water treatment sources used for activities, 1) solar cells for installation, reducing future electrical street lighting, 2) bio-diesel for energy and water purification costs. transportation, 3) electricity for Previously, water was obtained through an transportation, 4) microhydro pilot electrically powered pumping system. project. Electric car used in campus to reduce private transportation and Research Agenda on Renewable pollution. The Green transport program Energy itself currently manages 35 electric cars IPB University Research Master Plan operating in several corridors. There are (RIP IPB) 2016-2025 will be carried out by also 8 Bus Units that using bio-diesel as the IPB which are grouped into five strategic source of energy. fields, namely (1) food, (2) energy, (3) ecology, (4) poverty alleviation, and (5) biomedicine. In implementation, these Taman Keha IPB, Eco Incinerator to studies are grouped in two levels, namely process domes c waste (1) strategic research (leading research level institutions) and (2) competitive research (research at the level of lecturers in faculties and research centers).


IPB University used the Eco Incinerator to process domestic waste in 2020. Plastic and styrofoam, for example, are not easily decomposed by soil and microbes and thus require the use of an Eco Incinerator. This tool's operation is accomplished through the incineration process. Even though incinerated, this tool will not pollute the environment because it is equipped with a sprayer that can bind smoked carbon particles into small particles such as ash.

Student Activity

Action of Ecoranger (ACCER) Ecoranger (ACCER) action is a talk show with experts about the humannature relationship, such as air pollution and deforestation. BEM FEMA hosted ACCER on September 12, 2020. The academic community of FEMA IPB University was the leading participant in this event. These two programs are aimed at achieving clean energy.

Winner on Energy Competition Through a national essay competition held by Salam Prestasi, students from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) managed to win 1st Place with their unique ideas. The innovation is an energyindependent train by utilizing wind energy, where the availability of non-renewable energy sources is currently decreasing. The mechanism for utilizing wind energy is by installing wind turbines on the right and upper left sides of the train. The direction of the train's speed as if against the air will make the wind rotate the turbine which will then be converted into electrical energy from the motion of the turbine. Community Development

Bio-digester for community Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) students conducting the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN-T) in Rembang Regency, Central Java conducted the first biogas trial in the hamlet of Tegal Geneng. Tegal Geneng Hamlet is one of the hamlets in Sale Village which has the largest livestock area, especially cattle. Almost all residents in the village have cows as their livestock. This was then used by the students of KKN-T IPB Desa Sale as a potential use of renewable energy. The biogas digester was built on land owned by the Head of RT 04 Dusun Tegal Geneng. It is planned that the first biogas in Tegal Geneng Hamlet will be one of the biogas pilots for other residents. The residents who were present at the time of manufacture also seemed enthusiastic, they helped each other to help IPB KKN-T students in making biogas.


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Learning Program

Program and Course We established a series of study programs in the undergraduate and vocational school that object to enhance skills and competence in supporting decent work and economic growth. All of study program in faculty of economics and management addres decent work and economic grwoth. We have 8 study programs in the economics faculty, including the departments of economics, development economics, agricultural economics, marine economics, resource and environmental economics, management, agribusiness, and sharia economics. we also have vocational schools, business, and several courses targeting economic growth related to the agro-maritime sector (agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and marine, forestry, and biosciences)


IPB University’s staff on contracts of over 24 months (FTE - 2019)


number of students with work placement for more than a month (FTE - 2019)

Aggregate Number 2020 Career Expo in IPB University

Research, Innovation & Business

E-Summer Course on Business Innovation Management

Review on Law No. 11 2020 on Job Creation

School of Business held E-Summer Course on Business Innovation and Management (BIM). This program carry a topic "The New Dynamics of Business Innovation and Engineering: Creating and Protecting Value in Era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0". It is an initiation for creating a virtual platform and global network to facilitate cross-country students with knowledge enrichment and exploring international experiences. Hundred participants from 11 universities attended this event. This is a collaborative program between IPB University, University North Malaysia, Putra Business School, Malaysia, Hiroshima University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,and Kirirom Institute of Technology. The learning outcome of this course is to identify and recognize business opportunities, integrate information, theory, and best practices.

IPB University reviewed the Job Creation Act, officially Act Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation. Concerns have been raised about its potential impact on job creation. Since the bill has sparked discussion about lowering regulatory requirements for business permits and land acquisition processes to increase foreign results, the IPB University experts suggested that it is critical to developing new evidence-based strategies for ensuring decent jobs and inclusive growth for job seekers. The bill is already in place, and the government moves on to the subsequent regulation. The IPB University monitors derived regulation addressing both economic growth and poverty. The following research aided in the development and co-creation of strategies to promote more inclusive growth and decent jobs for all.


I-Regand : Economotrics Analysis on Android Mobile Currently the world is entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. In this era, the activities of human life have taken advantage of every existing development of information technology. The trade, finance, transportation and other sectors have taken advantage of digital technology to improve their performance. In responding to the challenges of today's digital economy, one of the lecturers of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB has developed i-Regand as the first android-based econometric software in Indonesia. Through this application data analysis can be done easily just by using a smartphone. Various econometric analysis tools such as regression, cointegration, vector autoregression (VAR), vector error correction model (VECM), threshold model, and qualitative choice models are available in this software.

Research in Number SDGS 8

231 4.4%

publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020


citation count 2016-20

7.3% source : scival

national contribution

Agregate Number related t0 SDGS 8 2020


national & international publication


student achievement


student final project

Campus Operation

Certified Internship

Graduate Employability Program

IPB has a vision to deliver the best

student character so that they have good IPB University has a Career educational provisions and soft skills so Development and Assessment (CDA) that they can compete in the face of the division that runs networking with industrial era 4.0. Therefore, we have an industries and increases graduate activity program that can accommodate employability programs. CDA IPB has 12 this chalenge. Certified internship which is a programs including information on job program for students and fresh graduates, vacancies, online applications at with the aim of forming students' soft skills cda.ipb.ac.id, job assessment tests, In so that they are more prepared to enter the campus recruitment, company world of work. introduction, career coaching and counseling, job fairs, entrepreneurial Student Activity training, corporate internships, career assessments, briefing graduates, career Business Class : ABEST enrichment, and HRD forum, Career preparation training is carried In response to decent jobs and job out routinely through an online application creation, the student organization ABEST of and also a live talk show with several people the School of Business organizes Business from the company's Human Resource Class activities for students who are still Development (HRD) through any social hesitant to start a business. This activity media. Career training is delivered by aims to broaden students' perspectives on career preparation trainer and by talk the business world, preparing them to be shows with some companies alternately dependable and innovative businessmen moderated by CDA IPB University staff. and consultants. Business Class is held twice online, once via Live IG @abestsb and once via Zoom. IPB University provides Jobfair for public and student

Community Development

Capacity Building for NGOs, Businesses, and Government

Sukagalih Village in Cipeuteuy Village, Kabandungan District, Sukabumi Regency, received ecotourism capacity building from P4W LPPM-IPB University. This activity IPB consistently assisst student object to maximize the potential of this entrepreneurial groups every year. In 2020, village to be developed as an ecotourism there were 46 groups of entrepreneurs village for job creation and a decent income. funded with a fund of IDR 368 million. Another activity in capacity-building is Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW) is working with Bank Indonesia on Food a program that aims to facilitate students who have an interest in entrepreneurship Supply Chain and MSMEs. In this activity, and start a business based on science and The School of Business, discusses the knowledge, technology and art in order to impact of the National Capital Movement and the strategic food supply chain in improve the community's economy. Balikpapan.

Student Entrepreneurship Program


partnership activities in 2020


community services activities in 2020

The discussion focuses on development of digital-based Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for job creation. Moreover, the School of Business alumni association created a capacity building with five topics (1) Economic Regulations; (2) MSME Opportunities, ; (3) Consumer Value; (4) Social Business; and (5) Business, Government, and Family.

IPB University is commited to economic growth, especially in agriculture and rural areas by providing decent jobs.

Agriculture and Rural as National Economic Locomotive The role of agriculture and rural areas in the national economy when pandemic has been proven very significant. Agriculture has an essential role to provide food and also raw materials for industries. During this period, agro-maritime sectors can survive and grow positively, while other sectors is decreasing. Keeping the agricultural productions during Covid-19 is a must, therefore much attention was drawn on preventing rural areas from the Covid-19 outbreak. Gradual improvement in agricultural logistics and transportation during the pandemic had positive impacts on the recovery in agriculture. It is the main message delivered by IPB University to the public and policymakers through a publication.


Build resilience infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation Learning Program

Program and Course All study programs in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology discuss industrialization, infrastructure, and innovation. We have 4 study programs at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, including majoring in Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, Agricultural Industrial Technology, Food Technology Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. Some of the courses at Faculty of Agricultural Technology include industrial machinery and equipment, Agro-industry product and business Innovation, Construction Engineering Drawings (CAD), construction engineering, infrastructure project management, Mechanical Engineering and Automation for Precision Agriculture, Optimization Methods in Engineering, Food canning technology, food quality assurance. Several study programs from other faculties also support SDGs 9 including Forest Products and Technology, Aquatic Products Technology, Livestock Logistics, Seed Industry Technology, etc.

Research in Number SDGS 9



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020


citation count 2016-2020

4.3% source : scival


national contribution

Agriculture Innovation Course As one of the best state universities in Indonesia, IPB University continues to strive to advance the nation's agriculture. Efforts taken include creating new curricula and courses that are adapted to current developments. IPB University released a new course, called Agriculture Innovation. This course is mandatory for all students in the first year of college. This is a new development course from the Introduction to Agricultural Science course. This course was designed in objet to make students have a view of agriculture in a broad sense and understand agriculture as a transdisciplinary science. Research, Innovation & Business

KATSINOV Workshop : Increasing Commercialisation Innovation Research at IPB University on average is inventive and only about 40 percent are innovative. So far, IPB University has been and continues to downstream inventions to industry. In the process, the readiness of the invention is measured using the Technology Readiness Level (TKT/TRL), but there are obstacles in calculating the business aspects. There are 124 assessment indicators of the seven key aspects of the KATSINOV-Meter. Namely technology, market, manufacturing, organization, partnership, investment and risk. KATSINOV-Meter is a measuring instrument designed to mitigate or encourage the readiness of inventions to the commercialization stage and reduce the risk of failure in the use of innovative products. In the future, KATSINOV can play an active role in efforts to commercialize the products we produce.


of 100 Indonesia Innovations come from IPB University Based on 2008-2020

Green Composite Helmets Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches (POEFB) is biomass whose amount continues to increase along with the increase in palm oil production in Indonesia and its utilization is still limited. Therefore, there is a need for a new breakthrough in POEFB processing technology, in composite material engineering. On the other hand, the number of traffic accidents in Indonesia about 87% occur in motorcycle riders and 67% suffer head injuries with a mortality rate of 94%. One of the reasons is that the helmet's quality is not optimal in absorbing impact shock energy to protect the head from the impact. Based on that fact, this innovation was aimed to improve the physical-mechanical quality of helmets by substituting POEFB fibre into Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) polymer to form a bio-composite (green composite) material. This material engineering resulted in a helmet that has high mechanical capabilities and is able to absorb impact energy and protect the head from impact injuries. This green composite (GC) helmet is an environmentally friendly product that converts POEFB into a product with an added value. The novelty of this innovation is in the helmet's shell that is made from ABS polymer and reinforced by POEFB fibre.

55 Activities related t0 SDGS 9 2020

research activities


national & international publication


student achievement


student final project

Campus Operation

Co-working Space & Cyber Center Faculty of Agricultural Technology has made a new breakthrough as a faculty at the forefront of engineering and technology. Responding to challenges in the internet and digital era, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology has transformed the library building into a Fateta Cyber Center (CCF) with a modern co-working space concept. This building was inaugurated by the Rector of IPB University and It is hoped that this building can become a comfortable place for work and collaboration for students.

Co-working spaces at IPB University

The change according to the needs and development of institutions in response to the demands of government and industry. In 2018, STP was formed under Vice-Chancellor IV for Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship (WRIBK). Furthermore, in January 2019, to make the tasks and functions effectively, under STP (WR IV) Center for Business Incubator and Entrepreneurship Development or IncuBie (under LPPM-IPB) were merged into the Directorate of Science Technology Park and Business Incubator (DKSTIB), which is also still under the coordination of the ViceChancellor IV for Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship based on MWA Regulation Number 1/IT3.MWA/OT/2019 dated January 25, 2019. Student Activity

Winner on Research Competition Science Techno Park The Institute for Science and Technology Areas (LKST) or Science and Technology Park (STP), was formed on July 28, 2020, based on IPB Board of Trustees Regulation No. 06/MWA-IPB/P/2020 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Bogor Agricultural Institute, which is a merger between the Directorate of Science Technology Region and Business Incubator (DKSTIB) with the Directorate of Innovation and Intellectual Property (DIK), each of which has a long history of development. DKSTIB started from the Incubator Center for Agribusiness and Agroindustry (PIAA-IPB), established in 1994, while DIK started from the Intellectual Property Rights Management Unit (HKI) the IPB HKI-LP Cluster, which was established in 1999.

IPB University students show their skills in the field of innovation. This time it was the invasion of Erbron-C which stands for Ergonomic Brondolan Collector or in Indonesian it is called palm loose fruit collector. The problem of quoting loose fruit from palm oil which is often scattered by workers in oil palm plantations is the background for the emergence of this Erbron-C innovation. The activity of picking up loose palm kernels was considered very difficult because it had to be done by squatting and bending in the garden. There were even a few issues of child labor that emerged in quoting the scattered palm kernels. The difficulty in collecting loose palm kernels is due to the limitations of tools that are able to relieve and help farmers and oil palm pickers. Therefore, Erbron-C comes with the concept of a mechanical device that considers ergonomics and efficiency aspects.

39 29 10

property right 2008-2020 copyright books based on 2020 software innovation 2008-2020


innovation 2008-2020 from 1,274 in indonesia


university spin-off based on 2020

Community Development

IPB Business Incubator trains Private University Lecturers A total of 42 lecturers from Private Universities (PTS) Regional III Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti) who are members of the Independent Entrepreneurial Movement Association (PWM) visited the Directorate of Science Technology Region and Business Incubator (DKSTIB) IPB University. The Directorate of KSTIB is under the coordination of the Deputy Chancellor 4 of IPB in Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship. The visit is intended for comparative studies and participating in workshops on the establishment and administration of a Business Incubator. In addition, this visit is one of the efforts to increase the number of students and graduates who are entrepreneurship through the technology business incubator program (IBT) as implied in the strategic policy of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, as well as improving the performance of Entrepreneurship Institutions in Higher Education.


Reduce inequality within and among countries Learning Program

Program and Course We have two study programs at the Faculty of Human Ecology, namely, Community Development Communication and Rural Sociology that offer courses on reduce social inequality. The courses include agricultural extension, community development, social anthropology, agrarian studies, participatory techniques, gender and development, and intercultural communication management.

Against Bullying and Discrimination Workshop The student character development training themed “Building An Effective Campaign Strategy in Bullying Prevention” was conducted by IPB University Business School (SB-IPB University) virtually. This activity invite Ulin Yusron, an anti-bullying and anti-discrimination activist and social media specialist. Bullying is a common occurrence in students' daily lives. Students will expect to abandon bullying behavior with the workshop, create a campus atmosphere conducive to selfdevelopment, and inspire students to create anti-bullying and antidiscrimination campaigns.

Research in Number SDGS 10



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020


citation count 2016 - 2020

1.5% source : scival


national contribution

Agrarian Sovereignity School The Center for Agrarian Studies (PSA) IPB again held the Agrarian Sovereignty School (SKA). This event is an effort to disseminate agrarian studies to academics, activists, and society in general. Agararian studies can be developed into a new idea in answering dynamic agrarian inequality problems in Indonesia and can be used as a basis for theoretical thinking or as a legitimacy for the activism that is being carried out, especially as an effort to encourage social change. PSA collaborated with the Sajogyo Institute, WALHI Indonesia, Agrarian Research Center (ARC), and the Nahdliyin Front to Sovereignty of Agrarian Resources (FNKSDA). This school runs online for 8 days, starting from 11-18 August 2020. There are 23 participants from various provinces in Indonesia, Papua, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, and Banten. In addition, participants also came from various professional and scientific backgrounds, such as academics, NGOs, and community movement organizations.

Furthermore, an in-depth study on each SDGs indicator was carried out using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method to find the sensitive variables of each indicator that determined the condition of the community. This variable is then compiled into the Village SDGs Index and then validated in the expert discussion. Then from the series of stages, an analysis of the conditions for achieving the Village SDGs can be carried out. This research aims to create an SPV used in rural Indonesia as a prototype of precision village data to create an smart village that will make easier data t compile Midd-Term Village Development Plan (RPJM Desa) based on precision data. In addition, the village that was used as the initial location is a village with an agricultural base and not include sdgs 14 in the national SDGs indicators. The output being developed is data collection related to economic and agricultural assets on a digital and spatial basis based on people to reduce inequality in rural areas.

One CEO One Village The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) appointed the Bogor Agricultural Institute Smart Precision Village (SPV) (IPB) to conduct research on programs to for Reducing Inequalities empower the practice of improving the village economy. The program is One Smart Precision Village (SPV) aims to accelerate rural and agricultural landscape Village One CEO who will shift the pattern of coaching to direct assistance by the CEO of development in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study uses Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes). The high rural poverty rate, which is three methods: Drone Participatory predicted to reach 10.3 percent, is the Mapping (DPM), Focus Group Discussion background for the joint program, One (FGD), and citizen participation. It begins village one CEO. As a solution to the with identifying the village's potential problem of poverty, by shifting the pattern through the Drone Participatory Mapping of coaching to mentoring which is directly (DPM) method and analyzing the existing carried out by the CEO of Bumdes. conditions of the community. Research, Innovation & Business

Agregate Number related t0 SDGS 10 2020



from development countries

Campus Operation

Student Activity

Anti-Discrimination Policy

Rangkul Desa (RASA)

IPB University has policies that guarantee open access without discrimination on ethnicity, religion, disability, and gender, as stated in Academic Senate Regulation no. 10/SAIPB/P/2016 concerning Academic Norms of IPB University. Article 4 (a) emphasizes that Academic Policy in IPB University must be inclusive and non-discriminatory. IPB University also has Rector Regulation No. 13/I3/KM/2015 concerning the Campus Life Rules of IPB University. Article 12 (g) emphasizes that all IPB University Community members are prohibited from "doing verbal violence (bullying/bullying), it intended hurt another person or group of people directly or indirectly through print or electronic media." IPB University Statute, in article 74 (3) also stated that : "every member be non-discriminatory in providing services."

Indonesia's economic growth spurred a rising inequality between urban and rural. Reducing inequality in rural areas is one of the main focuses of IPB University. In 2020, the Department of Social and Environment of BEM SB IPB University, in collaboration with ABEST SB IPB University (Association of Business and Entrepreneurship Students), has launched community service projects, namely Rangkul Desa (RASA). Rangkul Desa means embracing a village. RASA is a form of community service and an event to connect the feel with the village around the campus. This program involved 26 volunteer students across generations. The service was conducted in Babakan Village, which is located not far from the Campus of IPB University Business School. RASA program is expected to bring social, economic, cultural, and environmental impacts to the target village and be able to increase the sense of concern of SB IPB University academic community to the community around the campus.

Disability Facili es in IPB University

Bogor Disability Smile

Disability Facilities Every citizen has the same rights in enjoying public facilities. The city of Bogor has stated that it has developed a series of policies towards a disability-friendly city. IPB University welcomed this policy by building disability facilities on campus. Some of the facilities that have been built on campus include pedestrians with disabilities (guiding blocks), disabilities toilets, elevators, and special transportation.

Together with the Smile Disability Bogor community, the dreams, hopes and smiles of the spirit of people with disabilities are nurtured and shaped to become independent and confident individuals. Disability Smile is a community that embraces people with disabilities, trying to restore a smile on their faces through beneficial activities in providing lessons, motivation, etc. This community started as a movement initiated by 3 male students from IPB. They invite the public to know more about people with disabilities. The main goal of this community is to provide inclusive education to children with disabilities.

Community Development

Training for People with Disability to Dive On International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), IPB University celebrates inclusion within the community through training for driving instructors for people with disabilities. This program aims to empower and train people with disabilities to dive. The mental and physical benefits of diving are well documented, and these benefits can be particularly profound for disabled divers. The coordinator of this program, Dr. Beginer Subhan, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, said that IPB University became a pioneer that provides a capable diving instructor who can provide diving education for people with disabilities.

Strengthening Tribal Rights of Moy Tribal Community, Papua The customary lands of the Moy Indigenous People have been evicted, the sago plantations have melted away, and Papuan mothers are no longer able to harvest sago. Based on the Papuan Indigenous people (especially the Moy Tribe Customary Council), the Center for Agrarian Studies (PSA) is ready to accompany the struggle of the indigenous people. PSA IPB University collaborates with indigenous peoples. In this case, the local champion of the Moy Tribal Customary Council (DAS) became a facilitator and catalyst for the struggle to recognize indigenous peoples' customary rights. PSA first conducts participatory mapping training for the community and the advocacy process will involve multilevel dialogue at the state level, starting from the village (ondoafi), district/subdistrict, province to the national level.


Make cities inclusive, safe, and resilient and sustainable Learning Program

Program and Course We have a study programs at the faculty of human ecology, namely, community development communication and rural sociology. Some of the courses in the study program object to reduce social inequality. The courses include agricultural extension, community development, social anthropology, agrarian studies, participatory techniques, gender and development, and intercultural communication management.

International Symposium for Sustainable Landscape Development The 6th International Symposium for Sustainable Landscape Development (ISSLD) is a regular international scientific symposium activity. The role of landscape architecture in providing a sense of comfort in the world can be realized by contributing to the sustainable development of landscapes. A sustainable landscape is one that can provide various ecological functions such as removing solar radiation, and reducing air pollution. Furthermore, IPB University hosted the International Seminar on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISCEE) 2020: Robust Infrastructure Resilient to Natural Disasters for the first time in 2020.

Research in Number SDGS 11



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020

451 2.5% source : scival


citation count 2016 - 2020 national contribution

Research, Innovation & Business

SATREPS Flood Team : Measuring Impact This innovation is dedicated to environmental development in the context of sustainable cities and communities. IPB University created the UAV and Machine Learning (SATREPS) Flood Impact Measurement Method in 2020. The goal of this study is to create an integrated analysis unit based on satellite data for monitoring and UAV (drone) data to assess the impact of disasters. Bandung's Bojongsoang is one area of focus. In 2019, the research team developed a technique for extracting inundated areas with reasonable accuracy from the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 satellite. The experiment used RGB sensor UAV data as well as multispectral sensors, which were analyzed using a deep learning approach. The resulting convolutional neural networks model achieves near-perfect accuracy with a 95% accuracy rate.

Studies on Green Open Spaces Another research study conducted by PPLH-IPB University in collaboration with the Faculty of Forestry and Environment of IPB University, a study of changes in pollutant concentrations in the Greater Jakarta area (Metropolitan Jakar) was carried out in the Study of Changes in Air Quality Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the Effect of Green Open Space in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Cooperation with Kemenristekdikti) (RTH). The average value of vegetation canopy cover in the Jakarta metropolitan area is 14.48 percent, with a standard deviation of 12.78 percent, according to canopy density data extraction.

Vegetation canopy cover is relatively low in the Jakarta area, where the average cover value is around 3%. Several locations in Jakarta, however, have moderate vegetation canopy cover, particularly in green open space (RTH) areas such as city parks, playgrounds, and green lanes. They were gathering data on the distribution of air pollutants in the Jabodetabek (Metropolitan Jakarta) area based on the vulnerability and risk of COVID-19, as well as assessing the relationship between land cover and COVID-19 exposure and risk.

P4W : Preparation of Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS) Training for Government In order to increase knowledge for local government officials, consultants and environmental observers, the Center for Regional Planning and Development (P4W), IPB University held a Training for the Preparation of Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS). This activity was attended by 23 local government officials from various regions such as the Semarang, Pandeglang, Anambas Islands, Tebing Tinggi City, several consultants in the environmental field, as well as academics. KLHS is one of the supporting instruments for planning. Both the central government and local governments are required to prepare a KLHS to ensure that the principles of sustainable development have become the basis and are integrated in the development of a region and/or policies, plans, and/or programs. This training brings speakers from various parties who are competent in their fields, both from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Home Affairs and academia. The training materials cover theories/concepts related to sustainable development.

Activities related t0 SDGS 11 2020


partnership activites


community services activities


national & international publication


student final project

Campus Operation

Student Activity

Vehicles Limitation We commit to reduce the number of motorized vehicles that enter in the IPB University. One of the efforts made is to examine the perception of motorcycle users towards Green Transportation at IPB University. This perception is assessed from the expectations (interests) and satisfaction while using bus facilities, parking, and supporting facilities. Expectations or the level of importance and level of satisfaction affect the recommendations for improving the performance of these facilities. Analysis of consumer's is done using the contingent assessment method (CVM) with openended questions. As a result, the average value of motorcycle users' willingness to pay is higher than the current rate.

Electric Green Transporta on in IPB University

Green Transportation One of the programs to realize Darmaga IPB Campus as a Green Campus is to implement an environmentally friendly transportation system. Green Transportation is an environmentally friendly transportation system developed to reduce the environmental impact caused by the use of fossil fuels. In its implementation several things need to be considered: a. Re-encourage the culture of walking and cycling b. Providing electric car facilities with certain facilities c. Limiting the use of motorcycles d. Limiting the use of four-wheeled vehicles (cars)

Community Development

International Infographic Poster Competition Supporting SDG 11 IPB University students participated in a variety of activities to support SDG 11 activities during a pandemic, including the International Infographic Poster Competition 2020, which was organized as part of a series of International Summer Course activities by the IPB University Mathematics Department. The theme of this activity is "Managing Risk in Agriculture to Promote Sustainable Development Goals.

World Landscape Architecture Month World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM) is a month to commemorate and celebrate the profession of World Landscape Architecture. For a whole month, all Landscape Architects around the world celebrate it with various events related to Landscape Architecture, one of which is the viral “this is Landscape Architecture” greeting card. The Landscape Architecture Student Association of IPB participates in celebrating this month of Landscape Architecture every year.


bus transportation users based on 2020


bicycle provided in campus


bicycle shelter in campus


electric vehicles

Waste School Programs Waste school was held in Kebalen Village, Babelan District, Bekasi Regency, as part of PT Bumi Resources, Tbk corporate's social responsibility (CSR) program in collaboration with CARE LPPM IPB University. The implementation period will last three years, beginning in October 2019 and ending in October 2021. Waste School as a public education medium for environmental awareness Here are six (six) methods that were used, 1) Building capacity in waste processing and business, 2) Waste Technology Applications. 3) Establishment of Waste Management Organization, 4) Waste Utilization, 5) Green and Cleaning Contest Green, 6. Waste management assistance.

Assist Regional Government in Waste Management We assists the Government of Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi, in dealing with waste management as an effort to create a clean city. Waste management is part of the local government's effort to win the Adipura award. The government of Parigi Moutong continues to promote the Adipura program down to the village/kelurahan level to the community so that they work together to create a clean environment. Waste has a positive impact if its management carried out properly and correctly, such as recycled into organic fertilizer for agricultural needs. One of them is through the waste bank method as a container for sorting organic waste and plastic waste to be further decomposed and used as raw material for compost consisting of dry leaves, food waste and livestock manure.


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Learning Program

Program and Course Field of study program at IPB University consists of off-farm and on-farm agro-maritime. Several study programs are classified as on-farm agro-maritime such as agronomy and horticulture, livestock production science and technology, silviculture and forest management, and aquaculture. The fields of off-farm agricultural production include food science and technology, agricultural and biosystem engineering, agricultural industrial technology, aquatic product technology, and forest product technology. We also view the importance of responsible consumption of agricultural products in study program of family and consumer science, environmental resource economics, agricultural economics, and agribusiness.

Green Marketing and Consumption Lecture Along with the development of technology, consumers as part of society are obtaining access to available information on products they use. The people's attention for product consumption is directed at the price, packaging, and the products' background. It is related to the consumers' awareness of environmental damage caused by product consumption that they are part of it. Department of Agribusiness, IPB University, organized a general lecture on the “Green Marketing for Agribusiness: Theory of Reasoned Action”. Through this lecture, participants can learn the framework of a product sector and services that can contribute to a sustainable environment. As a speaker, A senior lecturer in Marketing at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, described some tips to strive for Go Green and innovate new eco products based.


Molecular Approach of Pathogen Detection Training Seafast Center LPPM IPB university held an online training with the topic "Molecular Approach of Pathogen Detection: “Enhancement of Food Safety Level". The resource persons in the training activities were Prof. Dr. Ratih Dewanti Hariyadi and Dr. Siti Nurjanah. The training material presented is a Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens” and "How to develop PCR Methods for Bacterial Pathogen Detection". Participants in this training came from various institutions of state and private higher education institutions (doesn and students), ministry and nonministerial research institutions as well as from industry. Research, Innovation & Business

Research on Rice Crop Resilience Rice is a vital crop in Indonesia. The Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for Asian and Pacifics collaborated with various ASEAN universities to conduct research on rice crop resilience. Crop resilience is critical, especially in light of the ecological definition of resilience as "the largest disturbance that a system can absorb before it loses its normal functioning." We can define crop resilience as "the largest departure from the optimal conditions that the crop production system, particularly rice, can absorb before it loses." IPB has a number of research consortiums related to responsible production and consumption. Some of the research consortiums are UKRI-CGRF Trade Hub, Voluntary Sustainability Standard (VSS4 F/W OOD), SPIN-ANGIN, RISTEK-DIKBUD MIRA, Food and Fertilizer Technology.

SEAFAST : HACCP Training The Seafast Center of LPPM IPB University was appointed by the Directorate of Vocational and Professional Higher Education of the Directorate General of National Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to organize "Training for Competency of Human Resources for Vocational and Professional Higher Education in the field of Food Safety competence". This Vocational and Professional Higher Education HR Competency Training was attended by 10 participants from the Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic and was held online via the Zoom application. The training materials that are prepared and provided can prepare participants to get 1 (one) type of competency certificate in the field of Food Quality and Safety from the Food Quality and Safety Assurance Certification Institute (LSP-JMKP). The type of competency that will be tested is HACCP System Document Preparation. The lecturers for this training activity are researchers at the Seafast Center.

Research in Number SDGS 12

288 5.1%

publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-2020

7.1% source : scival

national contribution

Activities related t0 SDGS 12 2020


student final project


national & international publication

492 student achievement activities

Plastic Limitation

Campus Operation

Food Safety and Drinking Water Stations The activities are associated with campus operations, particularly in pandemic situations when the campus is placed on lockdown. IPB University has continued to develop facilities for improved food safety and management in the campus canteen and surrounding areas. At the same time, the water flow and waste management systems are preserved. Additionally, drinking water stations have been established as endowment funds through various alumni donations. The drinking water stations are critical on campus because they provide students with better drinking water and help them improve their health status.

IPB University provides clean water and ready to drink at many loca on points

The plastic restriction movement began to be echoed on the IPB University Campus. In the 2019 IPB University Healthy Morning Walk (Japas) event, thousands of participants brought their own Tumblr to provide drinking water while following the healthy walk. This activity is carried out as a commitment of IPB University to realize a Green Campus, one of which is by reducing the use of plastic packaging. Student Activity

Fun Lifestyle Without Plastic The Industrial Technology Student Association (Himalogin) IPB conducted a socialization on reducing the use of plastic bottles. IPB students were moved because plastic is difficult to decompose, causing pollution problems in the environment. IPB students also made a social project with the theme "Fun without Plastic”.Fun without plastic campaign succeeded in collecting 10,000 plastic bottles which were carried out at Dramaga and Sempur, Bogor.


waste generated in 2019 (ton)


waste sent to landfill


waste recycle

in 2019 (ton)

in 2019 (ton)

Food Safety Practice In terms of student activities promoting responsible production and consumption, students at IPB University's Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences take an active role in engaging communities and assisting fisheries in managing and assessing food safety practices. This is to ensure that the finished product is safe and free of contamination that could result in foodborne illness. Additionally, consumer confidence may grow in the products. Community Development

Eco-Labelling Canteen

Green Socialisation

Product Development Assistance

Ecolabelling Canteen is the application of environmental label certification to canteens that care about the environment. Ecolabelling canteen demands that every merchandise in the canteen at IPB must be based on the preservation of natural resources and ecosystems. Ecolabelling canteen activities at IPB include checking the nutritional content, waste management, cleanliness, and sanitation of the canteens on the IPB Campus. Currently, there are six faculty canteens, seven supporting canteens and five corners (71 kiosks) located within the campus environment and 123 merchant outside the campus.

In accordance with the instructions of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) regarding the prohibition of the use of drinking water packaging made from single-use plastic and plastic bags, the Environmental Cadre of IPB University for the 2019-2020 period held a Green Campus socialization to new students of IPB University at the Dramaga Campus, Bogor. In this socialization, the Environmental Cadre distributed stainless straws and free stickers to students. The stickers that are distributed have three main contents, namely sorting waste, saving water, and saving energy

IPB University works in partnership with a variety of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) organizations to promote responsible production and consumption. Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Empowerment We initiated the organic garage in Pringkasep Village, Pabuaran District, Subang Regency, West Java. This program promotes organic practices and integrated livestock. Our Researchers also assisted the community in development in Palm Oil Solid Waste Processing into Diversified Products (Product Diversification). This program aims to improve the economy of Wirajaya Jasinga Village, Bogor Regency.


Take urgent ac on on ombat climate change and its impact Learning Program

Program Study Our university has long delivered learning programs related to climate change and its related impacts, adaptation, and mitigations. This program was held through regular teaching activities within various study programs and non-regular training involving research centres and faculties. Undergraduate and graduate (master and doctoral) study programs in Applied Meteorology and Climatology are the study programs that provide many learning programs related to weather and climate and its applications in many aspects of life. With more than 80 students enrolled every year, many of its students and alumni have participated in climaterelated activities, especially related to climate change issues at national and international levels.

Our expert, Dr Yonvitner deliever climate adapta on in coral triangle.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Carbon Sequestration

In 2020, through the summer course program with the topic "Reducing Carbon Footprints: from Individual to Global Actions". It was conducted online for 16 days, from November 20 - December 5, 2020. This activity is integrated with IPB University Courses claiming 90 learning hours equivalent to 3 credits. The course's main objective is to increase knowledge and expertise in measuring greenhouse gas emissions and planning efforts to reduce the emissions. There were 347 participants involved in the course, including 76 foreign participants (22%), who came from 19 countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Philippines, Russia, Tanzania, etc. 154 participants from internal IPB University; and the remaining 117 people from various universities (UI, ITB, UGM, Unibraw, UNS, Undip, USU, Unram, UPH and etc).

Reforestation efforts, especially for mangroves and other vegetation in the archipelago, are expected to contribute to the absorption of CO2 and the release of oxygen to the surrounding environment. Studies are needed to further determine the benefits of plants on air quality, especially on increasing oxygen content and absorption of carbon dioxide by vegetation. The case study of the measurements was carried out in the Kangean Island East Java Province.

Research, Innovation & Business

Reduce Climate Vulnerability Capacity Building Collaborations with various national and international entities have also been carried out related to capacity building in climate modelling, climate-related impact and disaster studies, development of adaptation strategies, and emission calculations in the context of climate change mitigation. Concerning increasing capacity in disaster risk reduction, IPB University collaborates with several universities in Europe and Asia in the University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction in Indian Ocean Rim (UN4DRR) consortium. Under this consortium, the learning program has been compiled for 6course syllabuses related to Disaster Risk and Management.


Management of Resource for Agroforestry Development in East Sumba (MARADA) is an activity in four villages in Kanatang Regency and Waingapu City Regency that focuses on forest conservation, burning methods, and alternative livelihoods for the savanna and forest landscape. MARADA aims to reduce vulnerability to climate change in the East Sumba region. The implementation of the project is carried out through a forest conservation approach and reducing the burning of the savanna. The Center for Disaster Studies of IPB University was instrumental in conducting the baseline study for the MARADA project.

Smart Invest Coastal areas and small islands in Indonesia have reliable investment feasibility potential. Small islands must be developed with assessment on ecosystem's carrying capacity, the environment, including disaster risk. Research on investment feasibility based on disaster risk is necessary to support small islands' investment plans and development. The research conducted in the Kepulauan Seribu and adopting digital technology to assess the eligibility criteria as the start of an investment step. The outputs of the research are (1) Investment feasibility; (2) Strengthening systems and institutions; (3) Smart system prototype.

Research in Number SDGS 13



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020

2,573 citation count 2016-2020

14.5% source : scival

national contribution

Activities related t0 SDGS 13 2020

91 national & international publication

Student Activity

Campus Operation

Green Campus Masterplan IPB compiles Masterplan on Green Campus Implementation Planning 20192023. The preparation of this draft was carried out to create a scientifically accountable manuscript regarding the Green Campus conception at IPB which contains the background, objectives of the preparation, the objectives to be realized and the scope, scope, object, or direction of regulation of the draft regulation, with a series of activities including background, purpose, objectives, scope, theoretical framework, environmental problems at the current IPB campus, general concepts and criteria, roadmap, and monitoring and evaluation system. This draft is an early stage and will soon be equipped with a database, the results of the Focus Discussion Group (FGD), workshops and other supporting activities.

Our student create a climate campaign on Earth Day.

Carbon Emissions Reduction Through the green campus program, IPB University also committed to reducing carbon emission by implementing green transportation and solar cells for electricity on Campus. The 2019 - Carbon footprint baseline on Campus has been completed, with a total of 4,632.16 CO2-e /year on Campus. This amount is equivalent to 0.15 ton CO2-e/year per capita, which is still far below the average of global per capita (4 ton CO2-e/year).

Indonesian Climate Student Forums (ICSF) Our students actively involved in providing climate learning and education, especially related to climate change education for children. Learning programs related to climate change must involve all people with various backgrounds and ages. Climate-related disaster preparedness attitudes should be introduced to young children. Hence, they are more concerned about the surrounding environment, understand the importance of climate in a simple scope, and apply them in their daily life. In addition, the attitude to care and love the environment is also essential to teach children and protect their environment for a better future. ICSF is an organization formed by students from the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology IPB University focusing on educating young children, especially about the importance of climate knowledge and love for the environment.

Climate Smart Actions: Saung Iklim Saung Iklim (literally: Climate Cabin) innovation provides a forum for developing (rice) farmers' competencies through webbased interactive media, specifically to improve their literacy on climatic change, and capability to make appropriate predictions of planting time by considering land, water availability, and general agricultural management according to specific climatic condition in their territory. The Climate Cabin's feature includes a learning/training package for farmers on extreme climate impacts to agricultural production that can be used in the field to analyze the regional rainfall information and estimate the crop production output.


total carbon footprint metric ton/person in 2019


average number of zero emission vehicles 2% ratio of campus population


total low carbon energy used (GJ) in 2019

Community Development

Climate Awareness and Community Participation Awareness of climate change issues should be widely disseminated to various levels of society. IPB University, through the Center for Disaster Studies in collaboration with Pi Area, raised the awareness through a guest lecture focusing on Climate Hazards, Land Management, and Community Participation. This webinar provided an understanding of concepts and good practices in responding to climate hazards concerning land functions and community participation.

Influencing Climate Policy Combating climate change is closely related to policy- and decision-making aspects. IPB University has been actively encouraging and assisting the Indonesian government, especially in providing policy inputs on climate change issues. As part of science to policy interfacing, there are various ways to provide inputs to policy and decision-makers for their policy and decision-making processes. IPB University has delivered its inputs through webinars, focus group discussions, and info- and policy-brief. On September 24, 2020, Low Carbon Development Indonesia (LCDI) collaborated with PPLH IPB held the LCDI Talkshow: Low Carbon-Based Technological Innovations in Agriculture.


Conserve and sustainability use the oceans, seas, and marine resources, for sustainable development Learning Program

Course and Subject Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. However, today we are seeing 30 percent of the world's fish stocks overexploited, reaching below the level at which they can produce sustainable yields. Oceans also absorb about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide produced by humans, and we see a 26 percent rise in ocean acidification since the beginning of the industrial revolution. IPB offers 370 subject courses ranging from aquaculture, resource management to marine science and technology. We have been consistently educating students and the wider community to achieve Sustainable Development Goals Life below the Water.

Marine and Fisheries Teaching Farm Fisheries Resources Utilization Deparment have marine field station located in Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi and Marine Science Laboratory located in Ancol, Jakarta for supporting research and demonstration activities of lecturers and students. Marine Field Station is equipped with lecture rooms, demonstration rooms, dormitories and guest houses. Marine Science Laboratory is equipped with classrooms, dry and wet laboratories with indoor and outdoor experimental tanks. Research activities with a focus on marine culture, shrimp and crab commodities carried out in this laboratory.

Course and Subject related to SDGS 2


Crab Apartemen at Marine and Fisheries Teaching Farm

course & subject Research, Innovation & Business Scien fic Diver assessing coral ecosystems.

Scientific Diving Training Fisheries Diving Club (FDC) IPB University is a diving organization for students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University. This organization was founded on October 6, 1987 and is under the organization of the Indonesian Diving Sports Association (POSSI). IPB University's FDC has successfully held 38 Skin Training Exams at the Mila Kencana Swimming Pool. FDC IPB were guided not only to just be able to dive, but to become a qualified scientific diver.


Ocean and Fisheries Innovation IPB has produced many innovations in the field of fisheries and marine affairs. Some of these innovations include:1) trekfish, an instrument tool for tracking fish, 2) Automatic coastal weather station, technology for early warning system in ocean, 3) Nusantara ARFI, AI for species identification and coral reef health indicators, 4) Underwater Televisual System, Application for monitoring and evaluation of aquatic ecosystem, 5) Smart FAD Portable, A tool for fishing ground detection with smartphone, 6) SMALPI, Smart pond for algae production, 7) Smart aquaculture in eel production, 8) Sea Farming, marine aquaculture empowerment and training.

Shrimp Sea Farming PKSPL-IPB, In carrying out sustainable white shrimp aquaculture business activities in the Kepulauan Seribu (sustainable), the application of responsible fish farming procedures must be in accordance with good aquaculture standards and procedures. PKSPL has issued Standard Operational and Procedures for White Shrimp Sea Farming (Litopenaeus vannamei) in the context of developing the Sea Farming Program in the Kepulauan Seribu.

Portable and Smart Aquaculture Lecturers and students conduct research and innovation in the marine sector, funded by the government grants and private sector collaboration schemes. The business community has adopted some marine innovations, such as portable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), seaweed products for beauty, and fish farming medicines. Research and innovation also targeted several strategic commodities such as lobster, seaweed, tuna, and shrimp. Furthermore, research on sustainability ecosystem conservation and ecotourism is being conducted in several locations in Indonesia.

Research in Number SDGS 14



publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016 - 2020

2,082 citation count 2016-20

15.3% source : scival

national contribution

Agregate Number related t0 SDGS 14 2020


student final project

350 national & international publication

Campus Operation

Efforts to Reduce Plastic Waste

Coral Reef Health Identification

We are committed to eliminating avoidable single-use plastic. Plastic waste is a problem in the Indonesian seas. In 2019, IPB University created a policy to reduce single-use plastic on campus. The Green Campus Committee is in charge of coordinating the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this program. Garbage sorting also strengthens IPB University's existing waste management system.

FDC collected data to create a Mandangin Island’s profile and investigate the relationship between crab fishing activities and the condition of coral reefs in the waters surrounding the island. Under the title "Spatial Distribution of Coral Reef Health as Crayfish Habitat in the Waters of Mandangin Island, East Java", FDC discovered that fishermen caught crabs in coral reef areas but had no effect on the condition of the coral reefs. All of the outcomes of these activities were compiled into a reference book titled "Mandangin Island and Fishermen's Rajungan,".

Campaign on Sustainable Fish Consumption IPB University has actively promoted fish-consumption activities over the last three years. It is done to raise awareness about the importance of responsible and sustainable consumption and use in ensuring the survival of marine ecosystems. Since 2015, there has been a push to encourage people to consume more fish. Every year, 550 participant and members of the general public take part in this activity. The committee also provided 1,150 kg of various types of fish for the participants to eat. Student Activity

Sark and Rays Conservation Conservation activities cannot be carried out by one party alone, but there must be collaboration in it, including the local community. Young people are good conservation agents because they still have a strong spirit and determination. The ITK Department of FPIK IPB University collaborates with HAITEK, HIMITEKA, CI Indonesia and Sawfish Project Indonesia to hold a collaboration on Research and Conservation of Sharks and Rays in Indonesia.

Integrated Coastal Area Management Plan Our faculty has delivered community development activities through training, mentoring, and direct action in the community. One of the activities is the development of a formula for calculating the amount of compensation for communities affected by the oil spill. In 2020, IPB University research centres and BAPPENAS will strengthen the system in implementing the RZWP3K in two Indonesian locations, namely West Papua and the Savu Sea. RZWP3K is an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan that determines the direction of resource use for each planning unit, as well as the structure and spatial pattern in the planning area, which includes activities that may or may not be carried out, as well as activities that can only be carried out after obtaining permits in coastal and small island areas.

Community Development at Fisherman Community

Community Development

Marine Vlog Competition In order to increase the awareness of the younger generation of the importance of the marine environment and protect it well for the future. The video blogging competition or VLOG held by the Department of Marine Science and Technology in 2020 which was participated by 6 countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, France, China and Poland. This event also invites NatGeo Contributor from New Zealand as assessment team. The theme of this competition is marine environmental issues.

Fish Disease Inspection

Fish Vaccine Efficacy Test

Disease inspection is a routine activity carried out by the Fish Health Laboratory of the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB. This fish disease inspection activity is a service provided by IPB to fish cultivators who experience disease problems. This inspection activity is under the coordination of Prof. Dr.Ir. Sukenda, MSc as head of laboratory. This disease inspection activity is carried out every working day.

The Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine IPB participated in the implementation of leading applied research (PTUPT) with the title of increasing the production of Cyprinus carpio koi fish using the Anti Koi Harpes Virus (KHV) DNA vaccine. This research was conducted at the Research and Development Center for Ornamental Fish Cultivation, Depok to test the efficacy of the KHV anti-virus vaccine.


Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

International Lecture : Soil Conservation

Learning Program

Program and Course IPB University offers various courses, programs, and initiatives to give our students the tools to explore the ideal relationship between the human species and their ecosystem. We have faculty of forestry and environment that explore sustainable forestry management. Faculty of forestry environment consist of 4 study program in undergraduate and postgraduate. The study programs include forestry management, forest product technology, silviculture, forest conservation and ecotourism. We also have programs related to terrestrial ecosystems, namely soil science and land resources, and watershed management science. Fahutan courses are directly related to SDGs 15, some of which are forest science and environmental ethics, natural resource conservation, forest ecology, soil science, forest protection, forest and land fire, remote sensing, wildlife ecology, environmental conservation policies, biodiversity conservation. , etc

Research in Number SDGS 15

578 14.2%

publication 2016 - 2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-2020

15.1% source : scival


national contribution

Development of Fire Danger Rating System for Peatland

Peatland fires significantly impact various aspects, including economic losses, decreased biodiversity, health problems, and increased greenhouse gases. Several mitigation efforts have been carried out to reduce or prevent peat fires, such as by developing a fire danger rating system (FDRS) as an early warning system for peat fires. Geophysics and Meteorology Department in collaboration with BRG, WRI, LAPAN, and BMKG, seeks to develop a peat FDRS based on mKBDI, which has been considered to have included peat hydrological parameters in calculating the Research, Innovation & fire hazard level. To obtain the spatial Business information, the input data used in the calculation is the output of the Weather Data Mining Utilization for Transboundary Haze Application Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The WRF model can provide spatial data, Smog pollution is one of the both on weather and soil moisture dangerous impacts of forest and land fires. required on mKBDI calculation. The It can be carried by the wind and cause analysis compared proportion level of peat transboundary haze pollution and produce fire danger classification with the number harmful air pollutants. Forest and land fires of hotspots with FDRS classification during in Sumatra and Kalimantan, especially on the same period. peatlands in 2015, were the worst event after fires in 1991, 1994, and 1997. The Combating Wildlife Trade Using adverse effects of peatland fires can be minimized by understanding and analyzing Artificial Intelligence (AI) the movement of smoke haze and the The illegal wildlife trade (IWT) reflects concentration of pollutants. complex sustainability issues, requiring The satellite images from MODIS and various sectors' innovation and solutions. VIIRS used to analyze hotspot data were One of the innovations designed by CTSS retrieved using the API from the LAPAN. IPB University and the Wildlife Cluster models were developed to classify Conservation Society (WCS) is artificial air pollutants using machine learning/data intelligence technology to combat IWT. The mining algorithms. Visualization of realdevelopment of AI technology is expected time smog trajectories and the results of to create predictive mapping software grouping concentrations of air pollutants capable of identifying high-risk trade areas were displayed on a web-based for now and in the future. This program is information system that can be accessed also a forum for implementing the IWT f r o m t h e f o l l o w i n g l i n k : expert forum and the IWT expert group. http://hazetraj.apps.cs.ipb.ac.id/. Lecturer from the Department of Soil Science and Land Management, Ms. Indri Hapsari Fitriyani, joined teaching mobility through Erasmus+ in Lithuania's Vytautas Magnus University-Agriculture Academy (VMU-AA). She taught and shared her expertise with the esteemed Lithuanian counterparts in total 2 (two) faculties, Faculty of Water and Land Management and Faculty of Agronomy. The main aim of the mobility program is to provide a course of lectures on agriculture, especially in soil science management and conservation.

Activities related t0 SDGS 15 2020


partnership activites


student final project


national & international publication


student achievement

Campus Operation

Student Activity

Green Campus

FMSC Forestry Visit 2020

IPB is one of the universities that has wildlife biodiversity such as mammalian 173 species, herpetofauna, birds and insects which are classified as high. Since 1991, IPB has started to focus on protecting the biodiversity in the campus. On April 2016, IPB University declared as biodiversity campus. IPB's seriousness can be seen from the preparation of the 2019-2023 green campus academic manuscript and master plan. The Green Campus program focuses on reducing waste, emissions, and maintaining the bio-cultural diversity that exists in the campus environment.

FMSC Forestry Visit (FFV) 2020 is a work program from the Division of Organizing and Networking of the FMSC. FFV 2020 consisted of 3 series of discussion activities with institutions or agencies engaged in the forestry sector. The FFV 2020 series was carried out synchronously through a zoom cloud meeting that active DMNH-IPB University students attended.

Our Biodiversity reptile

plant species

38 species


mammals species

38 species


bird species




amfibi species

Campus Forest Park 2020 The establishment of a Forest Park on the Dramaga Campus of IPB University was marked by issuing the Rector's (i.e., Chancellor Professor Aman Wirakartakusumah) Decree No. 086/Um/1995. It mandated its management to the Faculty of Forestry. The area designated by the decree is 12 hectares, and at that time, Mahogany (Swietenia sp) and Pinus (Pinus sp) were planted as currently seen in the Cikabayan block area. The master plan of the campus forest park development consists of three blocks: the education block, the ecotourism block, and the conservation gallery block.

Biodiversity Monitoring

Student Organizations collaborated to hold a Kambio Public Lecture. These organizations include the Student Executive Board (BEM-KM), the Forest Resource Conservation Student Association (Himakova), the Tree Grower Community (TGC), the Water Resource Management Student Association (Himasper), and the Biology Student Association (Himabio) of IPB University. Kambio's public lecture seeks to invite students and residents to learn and mantaining biodiversity on campus.

Uni Konservasi Fauna (UKF) The monitoring results of the Fauna Conservation Union (UKF) of IPB University show that there are several locations in IPB University that have been visited by migratory birds. Bamboo Arboretum and Tropical Forest, Biopharmaceutical and AlHurriyah Forest are the locations visited by these migrant animals. The animals in question include the Erasian Kangkok (Cuculus canorus), Malay Kowak (Gorsachius melanolophus), Dark Side Brush (Muscicapa sibirica), Golden Brush (Ficedula zanthopygia), White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), and Tunggir Starling. Red (Scissirostrum dubium).

Community Development

Forest and Land Fire Prevention In 2015, the total forest and land fires (karhutla) area reached 261,060.44 hectares, which was the worst forest fire incident from 2013 to 2018 (Kemenlhk 2018). The Government has issued Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2015 concerning Improvement of Forest and Land Fire Control. Our team has supported the Indonesian Government in implementing Its Forest and Land Fire Prevention Policies. Our researcher and student have identified the substantial potential danger if the forest fire management is not handled correctly. In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), they developed an Integrated Patrol Mobile Application to support forest and land fire prevention.

Tree Inspection Training The Arboriculture Research Cluster of through community service program of LPPM-IPB University held an online training on tree inspection techniques in the urban landscape recently. The training activity also received support from the Indonesian Arboriculture Society (MArI) and was attended by 36 participants who are tree lovers, managers of green open spaces, managers of property and industrial areas, and tree researchers. Similar activities have been carried out in previous years and are a form of University's services to the community, local governments, and property or industrial area managers who manage green open spaces. The training activity was held considering that currently the culture of planting trees in the urban landscape has developed.


Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Learning Program

Institutional Economics

Natural Resources, Justice and Peace This course was started by Assistant Professor M. Shohibuddin in the Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences. This course focused on the contribution of environmental issues to violent conflict and their potential as pathways for cooperation and the consolidation of peace. Environmental factors are rarely the sole cause of violent conflict. However, the exploitation of natural resources and related environmental stresses can be implicated in all phases of the conflict cycle, from contributing to the outbreak and perpetuation of violence to undermining prospects for peace. The course offers students a chance to address environmental and natural resource issues in peacebuilding interventions and conflict prevention. The course allows students to gain knowledge and understanding of natural resources for peace.

Research in Number SDGS 16



publication 2016-2020

of all Indonesian publication


citation impact 2016-2020


citation count 2016-2020

1.0% source : scival


national contribution

This course discusses the history of the development of economic thought, institutional definitions, the urgency of institutional economics. Also discussed are transaction costs, types of institutions (formal and informal), institutional enforcement; theory of institutional change and its impact on economic performance; institutional system and social order, property rights, property rights regime, contractual, collective action, and social capital; all in the context of natural resource and environmental management

Webinar :Social Forestry, Policy to Reduce Conflict Indonesia’s Social Forestry (SF) programme is promoted on the premise that it can give people land rights. This can make land owners and people who wish to use land attractive to those who want to claim legal rights over land access and resource use where they have carried out work or wish to manage. Conflicts over land can be eliminated or reduced by clarifying land tenure. Center for Alternative Dispute and Empowerment (CARE) IPB University held a webinar with the topic “Social Forestry Business Development: Opportunities and Challenges”. This webinar activity is a medium to share experiences between participants regarding the development of social forestry, especially the actors in the field. Therefore, CARE LPPM IPB invited assistants in the field of social forestry programs to share their field experiences. This webinar activity attended by more than 100 participants from various circles in various regions, including academics, practitioners, government, and also field assistants.

Research, Innovation & Business

Land Tenure Assistance Center for Agrarian Studies (PSA), in collaboration with Tani Center IPB University, provides technical assistance for forest land tenure problems in Kediri, Indonesia. This program consists of several stages. First, the discussion and identification of problems. Second, data collection related to the livelihoods and land of the Sempu community. Third, the presentation of the results of research and policy formulation to encourage the resolution of agrarian conflicts, and the last stage is advocacy to the government. The field study produced output in a Policy Recommendation on the Release of Forest Areas for Land for Agrarian Reform Objects (TORA).

International Workshop on Crop Peace (IWCP) IWCP is a forum for sharing experiences and best practices on how to build peace or resolve conflicts with agriculture-based solutions. . IWCP 2019 is one of Indonesia's activities in filling NonPermanent Membership in the UN Security Council for the period 2019 – 2020. This workshop is the result of a collaboration between the Government of Indonesia, Colombia, and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia. One of the speakers from Indonesia was CARE LPPM IPB, Dr. Dahri Tanjung presented a material entitled "Conflict Resolution Through an Agricultural-Based on Empowerment to Economic Development Approach at International Workshop on Crops for Peace (IWCP).

Agregate Number related t0 SDGS 16 2020


community services activities


national & international publication


student final project

Campus Operation

Academic Freedom policies that guarantee academic freedom, academic pulpit freedom, and scientific 173 autonomy, as stated in Senate Academic Regulation No. 28/SAIPB/P/2018. According to this regulation, Academic Freedom is the freedom of the academic community in Higher Education to explore and develop Science and Technology responsibly. An example of how academic freedom is manifested is through the facilitation of scholarly publication. IPB University publishes and funds more than 48 academic journals with a wide range of focus and field of study in the clusters of agriculture and forestry, medical and health sciences, science and technology, and social sciences and humanities. Our journal are nationally and internationally recognized.

IPB university builds peace and understanding between tribes with cultural fes als

Commitment on Anti-Corruption As a public university, IPB University has principles and commitments in eradicating corruption, bribery, and organized crime, which refers to Regulation of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry No. 57/2016 concerning Integrity Zone Development towards Corruption-free zone and Clean Bureaucracy Zone. In addition, we also followed the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of Republic of Indonesia No. 57 of 2016 on Instructions for The Implementation of Integrity Zone

Development towards A corruption-free Student Activity Area and A Clean and Service-Oriented Bureaucracy.IPB University believes that it Anti-Corruption Movement is vital to develop the character of all IPB In a disruption era and the global University academicians to have the same demand of the 4.0 industrial revolution, vision, which is to eradicate corruption in millennials must acquire strong character Indonesia. This character building is as leaders. Not only about innovation, essential because it turns out that success competency, consistency, impact, but also starts from honesty and high discipline. The integrity. Henceforth, millennials share inclusion of anti-corruption lessons in the significant contributions in eradicating curriculum is expected to nurture honesty corruption. Student Union from Faculty of in students and lecturers and prevent Economy and Management IPB University, corruptive behaviours. in collaboration with BAZNAS, organized an anti-corruption webinar. In this webinar, Sherly Annavita Rahmi, S.Sos, MSIph, was invited as a young influencer. Our students Sherly stated in her speech that build an corrup on movement commitment to eradicating corruption in student organizations must be maintained even after graduation.

Multi-Culture Program at PPKU Dormitory Student dormitories are not just a place to live, but more importantly are facilities for academic and multicultural development programs. This program is intended to make it easier for students to adapt to campus life, the student world and hone soft skills, such as communicating, organizing, and understanding pluralism. For that purpose, the Student Dormitory for the Joint Preparation Level is equipped with a coaching organization called the Academic, Multi-Cultural and Dormitory Program Management Agency of TPB-IPB, which includes the Head of the Dormitory, Unit Manager and Dormitory Brothers. Kakak Asrama are seniors who live in TPB Dormitory to help students deal with academic and non-academic problems.

Community Development

Expert Advice to All Levels of Government IPB University provides specific expert advice to all levels of government, local, regional, and national government. At the regional and national levels, IPB University lecturers are also invited as advisers to formulate the national policy, providing general education, upskilling, and capacity-building for internal and external stakeholders. These activities include general lectures for government and NGOs, focus group discussion, multistakeholder collaboration, etc.


Strengthening Implementation Tools and Revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Campus Operation

IPB SDGs Network

Only robust global partnerships and cooperation will make it possible to achieve the SDGs. SDG 17 focuses on partnerships, which is critical for achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Partnerships are critical for trade capacity development, technology transfer, development finance, and private sector engagement. Indeed, achieving the SDGs will require strong national ownership and alignment of inclusive and sustainable growth policies, public and private investments, and societal goals. Through this partnership, the international community will be able to provide highimpact services to nations as they work toward 2030. In 2020, IPB University established institutional collaboration with 511 partners, consisting of 157 government institutions (central and regional), 109 private enterprises/institution, 34 state enterprises,72universities,105 foundations/NGO/CSO, and 34 multiinstitutions. These partnerships are becoming more critical due to the interconnectedness of socioenvironmental issues, which will need cross-sector and transdisciplinary solutions.

Collaboration in Number




partnership in 2020


active MoU in 2020


research collaboration in 2020


international consortia in 2020

Concerning SDGs, CTSS with the Government of South Sumatera Province We considers the importance of has together worked to create green collaboration and partnership to achieve development through sustainable the Sustainable Development Goals. On landscape programs. This sustainable January 25, 2019, IPB established IPB SDGs landscape program is meant to support Network (ISN) to develop SDG programs SDGs based on the environment in South and activities. ISN is the hub of all SDG Sumatera. This partnership has also activities within IPB University, covering the created a policy draft on the landscape four main pillars of SDGs: economic, legal, index. environmental, and social.

IPB University is one of the main partners of the Ministry of Agriculture

International Partners : Join in UN-SDSN The Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Science (CTSS)- IPB University, has officially been approved as a member of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). CTSS joins the list of Indonesian institutions that are members of SDSN. Prof Damayanti Buchori, the Head of CTSS, conveyed that the research center is keen to solve problems from the local scale to the global scale, especially in creating sustainable science. In this global age, international partnerships are becoming more critical due to the interconnectedness of environmental issues, which will need cross-country solutions. Solutions for the climate change crisis, waste management, and forest fires need to be brainstormed together. Because of that, the involvement of CTSS in SDSN is a strategic entry point in the joint effort of learning together to create sustainable science with all stakeholders from national and international levels.

Dr Bayu Krisnamurti, Msi, our head SDGS Network attending UN-Sustainable Development Solution Network Forum

UN- SDGS Accord Rector of IPB University, Professor Arif Satria, has signed an accord committing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Accord calls upon universities and colleges to embed the SDGs into everything we do - our education, research, leadership, operations, administration, and activities. By signing the SDG Accord, we commits to involving students, academic, professional staff, local communities, and external stakeholders to help achieve the SDGs. It includes collaborating with other institutions and sharing our learning with local and global communities. By signing the Accord, IPB University also reports annually on how it contributes to the SDGs (https://www.sustainabilityexchange.ac.u k/sdg accord/).

Collaboration Profile (2020)





government collaboration

private enterprise collaboration


state enterprise collaboration

Collaboration with NGOs for Sustainability The issue regarding orangutans lately has been a spotlight. The emergence of various problems between humans and orangutans is one of the factors. Orangutans' deprived habitat, decreasing food source, and dwindling population each year are many problems in Indonesia. Indonesia has three endemic species of orangutans, which became the attention of the world. Two of them come from Sumatra and one from Borneo. According to the data, the population of orangutans in Borneo is 57,350 individuals. There has been a significant decrease from 2007, in which the population reaches 230,000 individuals. IPB University deeply cares about animal welfare issues, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with an orangutan rescue organization, Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF). This partnership is expected to bring many innovations regarding saving the habitat and genetics of hundreds of orangutans to be avoided from irresponsible hands, leading to extinction. The partnership encompasses education, research, community service, and orangutan conservation sectors.

University Partner around the World IPB University has numerous wellestablished links and collaboration with overseas partner institutions. IPB has developed active collaboration with more than 160 universites and institutions around the world. Various networking activities have been conducted such as Joint Degree Program, Double Degree Program, Students Exchange, Summer Course Program, Collaborative Research, Joint Publication, Joint Seminars, Joint Supervision, Training Projects, and other areas.

university collaboration

NGO/foundation collaboration


multi institution collaboration

List of our collaboration partners (university): 9 university from United States 7 university from Australia 4 university from Netherland 3 university from China 5 university from United Kingdom 4 university from Italia 10 university from Japan

Collaboration with Local Government The Center for Environmental Research, IPB University, has collaborated with DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to implement the Government Regulation No.82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control. At the end of 2020, this collaboration action began with a study of the water quality status of river and lake water in 2020-2021. The outcomes of this study are (i) the availability of water quality status of rivers and lakes/reservoirs in DKI Jakarta Province, (ii) the locations of rivers or lakes or reservoirs that need to be prioritized.

Research in Number SDGS 17

5,673 publication 2016-2020


of all Indonesian publication

21.6% 40.8% 36.1% 1.4%

international collaboration national collaboration institutional collaboration single authorship


Research Consortia We also works with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Bogor on research including resource sharing equipment. In addition, currently IPB University has 18 research consortiums in total. The consortium is KOICATALENTA, INTPREP Peat Restoration, AIC PAIR P a r t n ershipAustralia-IndonesIa Research, VSS4F/WOOD, CENTA, CRCRACE 2030, SPIN-ANGIN, Orang Utan R e s e a r c h , T I M T r a c e , R I S T E K-DIKBUDMIRA, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for Asian and Pacific R e g i o n , U K I C I S U K - I n d o n e s I a Consortium, NPUST IERC, Erasmus+ Spirits. Learning and Students

Transdisciplinary Student’s Final Project (Research in Group) IPB University has started to implement the 2020 IPB Curriculum. The curriculum is aligned in bringing universities towards a kampus merdeka. According to situation, currently IPB University has carried out various transformations in responding to VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In responding to change, the one who can survive is agile learners. Besides being strong with soft skills, we encourage to produce learning people. In this curriculum, thesis can be done in groups. The goal is to practice collaboration skills. For Example In conducting smart farming research, students need collaboration between agronomy and computer science students.

source : scival


Directorate of Scientific Publication (DPIS) - IPB University LSI Building 1st Floor - Kamper Street, IPB Campus Dramaga, Bogor - Indonesia 16680 Website : http://dpis.ipb.ac.id | email: dpis@apps.ipb.ac.id

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