The Peoples Publication Issue 21

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Indy N Ink No Taboos • Be Proud Express Yourself Image by Maddyzangles Photography


Issue 21 Aug - Oct 2013



Publisher: Deborah Staff Advertising: Deborah Staff Distribution: Andrew Staff Design, Photography, Editorial Ian Pickles Contributors to this issue: Josie Gray, Assisi Hair & Beauty, North Lincs Art Society, Grimsby Central Hall, Pronuptia, Jayne Culver, NELC, Balfour Beatty, Andy Lister, Barton Ropery, Solid Entertainment, Larry Bignell

Contents 5 Assisi Hair & Beauty 6 In The Know 9 Wedding Fayres

Front Cover: Indy Nijjar and Jak Singh Nijjar, Photo by Maddyzangles Photography All rights reserved. Diva Publications have made every effort to ensure that the content of The People’s Publication is correct. However we cannot guarantee responsibility for any errors or omissions. Diva Publications do not accept any liability which may arise or result from any error in any advertisement or editorial, whether relating to wording, position, space or artwork. The Publishers cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright arising from any material supplied, including advertisement copy, editorial, design and images. No part of the People’s Publication may be reproduced, transmitted, (mechanical, electronic or photocopying) or stored in a retrieval system of any kind. Published by: Diva Publications Grimsby & Cleethorpes Tel/Fax: 01472 238140

10 Stallingborough 10 Back To School 13 Cycling 15 Gardens 16 Eating Out 18 Move Or Improve 23 In Business 27 Personal Finance 28 Motoring 30 The Literature Festival

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assisi Assisi Hair & Beauty

experts in hair and beauty Nothing creates glamour better than great hair but for some of us those fantastic looks we see in the magazines can only be achieved with a little bit of help from extensions and that’s when you really need to put yourself in the hands of an expert. When it comes to hair extensions there’s no one better to talk


of Sea View Street, Cleethorpes

Volume Deluxe Woven Extensions No bonding No heat Usual price - £280 Offer price - £180

to than Jade Smith at elegant stylists Assisi of Sea View Street. They offer first class service and great offers too - like fantastic Beauty Works deluxe woven extensions for as little as £180. With no bonding and no heat involved these extensions look


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and feel so much like your own hair you’ll forget you’re wearing them and they make you look and feel a million dollars. In the five years since she opened the salon Jade and her team have established a fine reputation for themselves - check the reviews on and Facebook or follow @AssisiJade on Twitter - and now that talented beautician Hannah Smith has set up her new beauty salon within Assisi they really are a one stop shop, not just for extensions, but for everything you could ever need to make you look great. So give them a ring on 01472 690555 - and get on the road to looking and feeling fabulous!

Like us on Facebook and add us on Twitter @assisijade See our reviews on

In The Know Your indispensable guide to what’s going on where you live Local Artists On Display At The Minster The North Lincs Art Society will be holding their 73rd Annual Art Exhibition at Grimsby Minster between October 12th and October 26th 2013. The exhibition is open to the Public from 10am – 4pm each day but closed on Sundays. There will also be a preview evening on Friday 11th October from 7pm till 9pm to which all are welcome for a glass of wine, nibbles and a chat with the artists The exhibition and preview are both free. The Society welcomes anyone with an interest in art, whatever their skill level or experience and they hold a number of workshops during the year at which they invite professional artists to give demonstrations of their varying techniques - a chance to have fun and learn at the same time - which is what it’s all about! The workshops cover many different media from watercolour, pastel and acrylics to mixed

media and painting with brushes and clothes - there’s always something new to learn! They also hold regular social painting days which are always great fun so if you’ve always thought about taking up the brushes and easel pop along to the exhibition and find out more you’ll be made very welcome!

A Great Night Of Show Tunes At The Central Hall There’s some great music on the way at the Central Hall, including Absolute Bowie on September 21st and an Abba & Bee Gees night on November 30th but the one that we’re really looking forward to is Broadway And Beyond on October 11th! It’s a celebration of the best of musical theatre featuring songs from classics like Oklahoma!, Kiss Me Kate and The Music Man and modern musicals like Miss Saigon, The Producers and Spamalot - performed by West End professionals with great music and a dazzling costumes. A performance to set your feet tapping, your heart singing and leave you wanting more -

In The Know

Above - Broadway & Beyond at The Central Hall

and tickets start from only £12! To book ring 01472 355025 or call in to The Central Hall in Duncombe Street between 10.30am and 2.30pm Tues - Sat. And while we’re on the subject Kimberley Spauls, Box Office Manager, is looking to recruit some shownight volunteers so if you’ve got an interest in the roar of the greasepaint and fancy helping out why not give her a ring on the number above, and we’ll see you there!

Serving the community since 1999 New portable scooters arriving shortly!

11-13 High St, Cleethorpes  01472 600055

In The Know As we move further in to the second decade of the 21st century one striking cultural trend is that people are moving away from defining themselves narrowly as part of a particular group and towards a more eclectic pick and mix approach – taking elements of fashion, music and identity from diverse sources according to what appeals - a cultural smorgasbord as some critics have called it. One industry which has been traditionally taboo is the Body Art Sector, in particular tattooing, but as cultural stereotypes are weakened so tattooing has become accepted and fashionable and more and more people are donning artwork that simply enhances their bodies, sometimes


Indy N Ink with specific personal meaning and sometimes just for pure aesthetics. One local business has taken this art form to a new audience, offering excellent customer service and artwork that makes the tattoo an individual and personal experience and leads away from the traditional back street tattoo shop. Indy N Ink of Freshney Place Shopping Mall in Grimsby first opened their doors in February 2010 and when you step inside you quickly realize how much the body art world has changed. It’s an upmarket boutique offering a first class service for those that wish to celebrate or commemorate an aspect of their life but with art work that could belong in a gallery as much as it does on the skin. Managing Director Indy Nijjar founded the business as a result of his own

experience of the prevailing standards in the industry. “Having visited many tattoo parlours I came to notice customer service was pretty much non existent. I wanted to change that” he explains. And so Indy N Ink was born and they have since performed over 6000 tattoos and have clients from all walks of life. Indy is also proud of the publicity the business gained through his appearance on TV favourite Come Dine With Me. So as attitudes change and we become more modern the question is - Would you consider a tattoo? For further information contact Indy N Ink at 1 Brewery Street in Freshney Place. Call 01472 230411, email or visit the website at

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In The Know


In The Know

Florachology Comes To Cabourne Parva

© Next

Fans of traditional and esoteric lore are in for a treat on September 14th when Cabourne Parva plays host to renowned Florachologist Colin Kingshott who will be presenting a workshop

entitled The Musicality of Nature. The workshop will focus on how plants can be used for health and wellbeing through plant sound and Colin will give an introduction to the musical composition of nature, nature’s intelligence and how nature co-creates with mankind. Also on the menu will be PhytoSonus - the study of plant sounds research into the sound signatures of plants and flora in general. In particular Colin will be looking at the ways in which plant sounds can be used to increase our health and well-being and how they can be incorporated into daily life. The workshop runs from 10am- 4pm and costs £65. For more information and to book your place please contact Jayne on 01472 851381. @freshney_place

In The Know

Aqua Natal And Gym at Grimsby Leisure Centre There are few times in a woman’s life when good health is as important as it is during pregnancy and with that in mind a new programme of events at Grimsby Leisure Centre looks to be just the ticket! The Healthy Weight Partnership and Lincs Inspire will be running activities to try during pregnancy from September. From Monday, September 23, Aqua-natal (Monday 12.15-1.00pm ) and gym sessions (Wednesday 7-8pm, Friday 1-2pm) will take place at Grimsby Leisure Centre. The sessions will be led by specialist fitness advisors qualified in antenatal and post-natal care. The more active and fit women are during pregnancy, the easier it is to adapt to their changing shape and weight gain. Exercise also helps to cope with labour and mothers find it much easier to get back into shape after the birth. Although there are lots of old wives tales about (aren’t there always), medical experts tell us that exercise is not dangerous for mothers to be or babies - in fact there is some evidence that active women are less likely to experience problems in later pregnancy and labour. Exercising can also boost energy and help when someone experiences difficulty in getting enough sleep! Prices for the new sessions at Grimsby Leisure Centre are: Aqua natal - 6 sessions for £6 (special introductory offer) or £3 if you pay as you go) and Gym - £2 a session and places are limited so best get on to the Leisure Centre as soon as possible and book your place!

Weddings The perfect dress? Check. Photographer? Check. Flowers? Cake decoration? Check. Juggler? Check. Close up magician? Burlesque dancers? Acrobats? Welcome to the wonderful world of ....

Wedding Fayres September marks the beginning of the Wedding Fayre season and we’ve got two very special events to tell you about - attendance is almost essential if you’re planning to get married in the near future. On September 8th it’s Cabourne Parva’s holistic wedding event and as you would expect from Jayne and her team it’s a wedding fayre unlike any other you’ve ever been to - a great fun day out as well as a chance to choose a photographer, with music, dancers, roving entertainers and

a falconry display. Meanwhile on September 15th it’s the turn of the Lincolnshire Wedding Exhibition the largest wedding event in this area, which offers a vast choice of services from proven specialists in their fields. Sponsored by Pronuptia and with over seventy stands the Exhibition aims to provide you with a wide choice from a vast array of top quality wedding services. Between these two you should find everything you need to make your big day a day to remember!

��SEPTEMBER� � 8th � � � �� � � �� � � � � � For an �� � inspirational & fun � � � � � � � �day with � �out,�� � � � a difference, visit... � � Cabourne Parva’s ���� � �� � ��� �� � � � � ��� ��� � � ��� �� � ��� �� � �� � � � ��� � � � �� �� �� �� �� �� � � ����� ����� ��� � �� �Fayre � � �� � �� � �� ���� �� ��� � Wedding �� ��� � � ������ � ��� � � ��� � ��� � ��� � �� �� � � ��� � � � ��� � �� � � ������� ����� �� � �� � �� � � �� ���� �� � �� � �

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A village of agriculture and industry -

Stallingborough If ever a place had one foot in the countryside and one in the world of industry that place is Stallingborough. Situated midway between Grimsby and immingham and surrounded by wide green fields, as you approach from the south you could be forgiven for thinking that you’re deep in rural England and the most modern thing you’re likely to see is an occasional tractor. But if you come from the other direction it’s a different story the skyline is dominated by the towers and chimneys of the Humber Bank and on either side of the road there are factories and industrial facilities.

The village of Stallingborough has a long history - it gets a mention in the Domesday Book - and it was granted permission to hold a fair by Henry III. It also has a fine and attractive Italianate

church which was built in 1780 and dedicated to St Peter and St Paul. It has given us more than it’s fair share of famous people too including St Erconwold (who was Bishop of London in 675) and Anne Askew, the earliest female English poet, who was also the only woman to be tortured at the Tower of London before being burned as a heretic in 1546. Nowadays Stallingborough is well known for the many important industries which are based on

Right - The church of St Peter and St Paul in Stallingborough

Has Your Child Got The Back To School Blues? Every parent knows the feeling. The start of the new school year comes round and your pride and joy who has always loved their teacher and their friends, always wanted to be first in through the gates in the morning and last out at night suddenly seems to be less than keen.

Back To School

It can be an upsetting time for you both and getting to the root of the problem can be tricky but in many cases it may be down to a straightforward loss of confidence and if that’s the case then Kumon may be able to help! Kumon is a structured and planned method of self-learning for children of all ages and abilities. Each child works at their own pace, and takes responsibility for their own learning with the help and guidance of their instructor. Students attend weekly sessions and complete daily worksheets in order to build confidence and move ahead at school. And once their confidence is back then they can start to enjoy school again, just like before. At Kumon, our aim is for each and every child to become an independent, advanced learner, with a positive attitude to study and by studying the maths and English programmes, our students develop increased self-confidence as they work out how to overcome challenges by themselves. Contact Sarah Prior at the Grimsby Study Centre for more details or visit the website

Stallingborough Left Stallingborough Grange Hotel


its industrial estates (including of course our old friends, trailer hire specialists GL Commercials and for the famous Stallingborough Grange Hotel which lies just outside the village on the A1173. The hotel has been making a name for itself over the past few years for the luxuriousness of its accommodation and the excellence of its restaurant menu which features seasonal and local ingredients cooked to perfection by chef Daniel Blow.

Stallingborough Grange Hotel If you’re love fine food and drink you’ll find a warm welcome at Stallingborough Grange. Not only does this fine historic building offer excellent accommodation in its 42 bedrooms, they also cater for functions of all kinds (they’re one of the most popular wedding venues in the area), and they boast a restaurant menu that’s second to none! Manager Heather Dutton and head chef Daniel Blow always ensure that their ingredients are locally sourced and the menu reflects the changing of the seasons. This month’s favourites are herb roasted supreme of chicken with chorizo and roasted red pepper coulis and slow cooked ham hock with spring onion pappardelle pasta with rocket & parmesan shavings. Sounds good but if you prefer something more traditional then they have superb beer battered Grimsby haddock with chips and mushy peas. In fact whatever your taste you’ll find something to delight you on the menu at Stallingborough Grange top quality dining at affordable prices!

Bookings now being taken for Christmas and party nights

10% discount on our a la carte and lunch menu if you bring this advertisement with you

Riby Road, Stallingborough DN41 8BU  01469 561302  01469 561338 

GL Commercials

Trailer Hire Specialists GL Commercials are known nationally for their high quality craftsmanship, service and professionalism. Their premises in Grimsby, are within easy reach of the M180 and M62, and can accommodate the largest of commercial vehicles. They offer a comprehensive mobile repair, servicing and MOT preparation service for single units or fleets. Commercial Trailer Hire Options Available Are: Flat Beds, Skeletal Trailers, and Taut Liners. Trailer Hire: Flat Beds/PSK/Skeletal Curtain Sliders Specialists. Whatever your needs large or small they can cover all eventualities, and can meet your individual requirements. For further information please contact Mr Graham Lockington on Tel 07711 496138


Cycling Not long to go now until the unveiling of the new

Top Town Cycle Hub Anybody who has strolled through Top Town in recent weeks will have noticed that the station concourse has been a hive of activity. The taxis which used to block the way have all been moved work is well on the way towards the completion of Grimsby’s impressive new cycle hub. The creation of the hub, which is sponsored by the Local Sustainable Transport Fund is a recognition of the importance of cycling to the local economy and to public health with increasing numbers of people choosing to cycle to work. The rise in the popularity of commuting by bicycle is driven in part by the many excellent Cycle To Work schemes which are available at local cycle dealers (such as our good friends at VeloSport below) which allow firms and their employees to work together to get on the road on two wheels at discounted prices.

Below - An artist’s impression of the new station approach


After all it’s good for the environment, good for easing traffic congestion and good for your health and for the employer it means that their workforce are both punctual and fit - can’t be bad! The top town hub will offer a wide range of facilities for cyclists including secure cycle parking from just £1 per day for indoor parking to free outdoor parking, showers for commuting cyclists to freshen up before work, lockers for safe storage of cycling gear, cycle repairs and maintenance, cycle hire for all including tandems and children’s accessories and advice on all aspects of cycling including groups and led rides and cycle route maps and information. It looks at present as though the grand opening will be in October so there’s not long to wait and we’ll keep you posted with developments.

Get Into Cycling with VeloSport of Cleethorpes High Street Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or an absolute beginner you’ll find everything that you need at VeloSport. They stock a fabulous range of bikes including road, hybrid & mountain bikes by top names like Specialized and Trek plus top quality helmets, clothing, footwear and everything else you could possibly need to get you out cycling. Modern cycling can often be a

confusing business but proprietor Graham Clark is always on hand to give advice on the merits of carbon fibre and aluminium frames, disc brakes and electric gear changes so you’ll be in good hands, plus they also participate in all of the main Cycle2Work schemes. So if you’re looking for a new bike take a look at VeloSport - the cycling experts.

21 High Street, Cleethorpes  01472 231444


from English country gardens

to rural Ugandan hospitals At GardenAid we offer a wide variety of gardening services tailored to meet all your garden requirements including landscaping, fencing, weed control, lawn care, general maintenance and all types of tree work. We have over 40 years of horticultural experience and we promise the highest standards of workmanship, integrity and reliability. We also promise to donate 10% of our profits to Age Care Development Uganda, a charity based in the Kyenjojo district of Western Uganda which takes care of elderly people and survivors of HIV/AIDS and of the civil wars which have ravaged East Africa in recent years. So when you use GardenAid not only does your garden look great but you really are helping to care for two communities.

Garden Aid Caring for two communities

07742 638423



a riot of colour wherever you turn you can’t help being charmed by

late summer garden glories

Once upon a time the summer meant June and July but with our modern Mediterranean climate summer extends all the way through to late September or even October - and gardeners need a second crop of flowers to keep things looking great. Late summer blooms are some of the brightest and most exciting of the year and of course there are also the ornamental grasses which come into their own at this time of year.

Dahlias, penstemons, sedums, crocosmia and phlox are all highlights for the late summer border and the contents of the vegetable and fruit garden play a part as well as they ripen ready for harvest. Of course we know that autumn and winter are just around the corner and soon we’ll have to start preparing for the cold but for now we can forget that and make the most of the glorious late summer colour.

Geoff’s Gardening Service  01469 569712 H 0790 4006635

Geoff ’s Gardening Services Keeping your garden looking great can be hard work - that’s where Geoff ’s Gardening Services can help. They don’t bother with gimmicks, they just provide excellent gardening services and let the work speak for itself. Geoff offers a wide range of work including lawn and hedge care, chainsaw work, garden clearances, fence & shed treatments and power washing. So if you find the garden just a bit too much to manage give him a ring. OAP Discounts. Trading Standards Registered.



Eating Out

An old friend and a new acquaintance - two of our favourite local restaurants There was a time when really excellent food was in short supply in Grimsby and Cleethorpes but in recent years the restaurant scene in our area has gone from strength to strength with a wide range of eateries opening and now with the arrival of the newly refurbished Cafe Blue (at Grimsby Garden Centre, formerly Alfords opposite Morrisons) there’s a new place for foodies to enjoy. Having been a lunchtime favourite for many years, famous for it’s carveries and excellent fish and chips Cafe Blue will be opening its doors in the evenings on

Fridays and Saturdays from September 27th and with a menu of regional classics all prepared with locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant has been given a make over with a beautiful new look and canopied entrance walkway and Dee and Peter Skiba promise a warm and inviting atmosphere, friendly staff, delicious food and great value. All in all it sounds like a winning combination! Bookings are being taken now on 01472 277715. From the newest venue in town to one of our established favourites. Oriental Express - the fabulous

First class service what’s the key to perfect customer care? An integral part of any restaurant is its customer service. It doesn’t matter how fabulous the restaurant décor is or how delicious the food is, if the service doesn’t meet customers’ expectations, there is a good chance they won’t come back. Everybody remembers their service nightmares rude waiters, spillages, food that arrives cold or is not what was ordered. Of course not everyone complains, but they don’t always come back either. The most important factor in restaurant service is the staff. Good front of house staff will keep customers happy and coming back for more - and not just anyone can wait tables or tend bar. Good waiting staff are talented people and we sometimes don’t value them highly enough. They are friendly, but not annoying. They can multitask, but still give customers their undivided attention. And they are honest, trustworthy and can work as a team. The next part of great customer service is how the restaurant handles customer complaints. No matter how they may try, things are bound to go wrong

Eating Out

value buffet restaurant by the boating lake - is celebrating its seventh year in business so we asked proprietor Chung what were his most popular dishes and his reply (which came as a surprise we can tell you, even though they’re our favourites) was John Turner’s Lincolnshire sausages first, with King Do Pork and Cantonese Curried Chicken second and third. And of course his legendary ice cream bar - complete with a range of delicious sauces - everybody loves that!

once in a while and how problems get dealt with is important. Sometimes food gets burned, orders get forgotten in the middle of a dinner rush, or new staff simply forget all their training. In the white heat of service tempers get frayed. We’ve all seen it on TV. No matter the reason for the complaint, the important thing is that the restaurant should try and please the customer. It’s old fashioned but true - the customer really is always right. Finally it’s important that the customer does not feel crowded or pressured. People do not want to be asked time and again if their meal is good - once is perfectly sufficient nor do they want to feel that they are being hovered over. If a restaurant can get these few things right the result can be sublime - few things are better than great food and great service.

Eating Out • • • •

Chinese and Indian Buffet Serving over 50 tasty dishes

Adult Lunch - £7.25 - Evening £8.25 Child Lunch - £3.95 - Evening £4.75 Seniors £4.95 Mon - Fri Before 5pm 1 Adult & 1 Child £9.25 Mon-Fri Before 5pm (Child Under 12 Years) Two Under 5’s Eat Free With One Paying Adult

Group Bookings For 7 Or More People And Bookings For Parties Available

Oriental Express Kings Rd, Cleethorpes 01472 694999


Join us on 27th September at the Opening Evening of our NEW Bistro ‘OUT OF THE BLUE’ situated at Cafe Blue in Grimsby Garden Centre

Eating Out



Move Or Improve

House prices are on the rise so should we be looking to trade up or improve our existing property?

Move or Improve? It’s a decision that most of us will face at some time in our lives - buy a new house with all the hassle and stress that moving can entail or improve the home we have already to make it fit our needs better? Home improvements can create more space - by extending or putting new rooms in an attic or cellar and they can add a lot of value to a home.

Those areas that increase the value the most are improvements which add to the overall space of a property. The average cost of a loft conversion is £11,500, but it can add 12.5% to the value of a house. A cellar conversion, with an average price tag of £20,000, increases it by 20%. A slightly cheaper option is to build a conservatory: for an average cost of £6,000 you could add 6.7% to the value of your home. Completely refitting kitchens and bathrooms can be a costly job. (But of course you should get quotations from out good friends Kitchen Discounts CA Norman and Ian Dalton plumbers before you make a decision). and by remodelling them you can still add value to a home and get the desired affect. Instead of a complete bathroom renovation which on average costs £3,000 why not give the room an uplift by regrouting and perhaps fitting a designer sink. The average cost of fitting a brand new kitchen is £6,300 but it can add £10,000 to the value of your property. (continued overleaf)

Kensway Classic Blinds

At Kensway we offer the best value in town, with prices to suit any budget. So whatever kind of blind you’ve got in mind give us a call and see what Kensway can do for you.

 01472 581418

Pasture Street, Grimsby Town Centre (opposite the Duke Of Wellington Pub)

Saxby Roofing


Saxby Roofing

• • • • •

free estimates re-roofing slating & tiling felting repairs & insurance work


 01472 267709 H 07980 962009

Move Or Improve

At Saxby Roofing we pride ourselves on offering the highest quality in roofing services. We understand that undertaking roof repairs can be a major investment and we commit ourselves to performing your work to the highest possible standards. We work on nearly all types of roofs, including slate and tile roofing and we offer competitive rates on guttering repairs and plastic fascias. We specialise in flat roofs and as experts, we always use the highest quality products to make sure that when your roof has been re-felted that it stays water tight for years to come. We are members of the Guild of Master Craftsmen and will undertake storm damage repairs and can also perform general building work if required.

Move Or Improve


Stephen’s Carpet Cleaning


• • • •

Wet & dry carpet cleaning Upholstery cleaning Rugs & leather Domestic and commercial

3 Mill Close, Marshchapel  01472 388125 H 07763 468487




Stephen’s Carpet Cleaning Services are experts in the cleaning and care of carpets and upholstery. They’re members of the National Carpet Cleaners Association (NCCA) and can clean carpets of all kinds including wool, cord and man made fibre. They offer both traditional wet cleaning, (for which carpets will require time to dry) and dry cleaning in which carpets are cleaned, softened and deodorised and can be used immediately. They also clean most types of upholstery including leather and they take a real pride in their work so you’ll always be 100% satisfied. So if your carpet is in need of some TLC ring Stephen on 01472 388125 or email


Kitchen Discount (Grimsby) Limited 49 Wood Street, Grimsby

A family business for over 40 years, proud of our reputation and attention to detail Open Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm LATE NIGHT THURSDAY - Open to 8.00pm CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY

 01472 351 989

C.A.Norman Plumbers & Heating Engineers C.A.Norman (Plumbing & Heating Ltd) is a family business with an outstanding reputation for service and integrity and their commitment to customer satisfaction is second to none. Father and son team Alan and Lee Norman are both time served tradesmen and they offer expertise in plumbing, boiler installation and maintenance and gas fitting. They also specialise in the installation of kitchens, bathrooms, central heating and underfloor heating, as well as solar heating systems and at a time when everyone is looking to cut their energy bills it’s good to know that C.A.Norman will give free advice on the most fuel economical solutions for your home.

C A Norman


Central Heating and Plumbing • Boiler Servicing, Repair and Replacement Gas Safe Registered Installers•Gas Appliances Servicing and Repair Underfloor Heating • Solar System Installation • Bathrooms and Kitchens Landlords’ Certificates • Free Quotations and Advice

 01472 329097 H 07887 802192 Lee H 07979 365622 Alan

They’re always happy to visit and give a free, no obligation quotation and for burst pipes and other emergencies they have a 24 hour call out service. So whether you’re thinking about investing in some home improvements or you’ve got a burst pipe in urgent need of attention give C.A.Norman a call and let them take care of the job!

Move Or Improve


Move Or Improve

STYLE Roofing

In association with J Roach Roofing Services • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Free quotes Over 20 years experience Commercial & domestic All repair work New roofs Storm damage Felt roofing Concrete gutter and valley linings Insurance work All roofing working undertaken Fascias, soffits and guttering Chimney work All work fully guaranteed

 01472 884041 H 07886 077940

Move or Improve (continued from page 18)

There are other simple and less costly improvements you can make that will still increase the value of a property. Just redecorating with a fresh coat of paint and some accessories or fitting new blinds or having your carpets and upholstery cleaned throughout can make a tired home feel like new - and you’ll add 2.6% to the value of a home for an average cost of £990 - that’s great value. Home owners can also make improvements that will save them money on their energy bills. Solar panels would cost on average £6,500 to install, but could help to cover a property’s energy bills. Double glazing is a popular option and for a cost of around £5,000, consumers could save £461 on their bills each year. By fitting water conservation devices, £200 a year could be saved as it will reduce your water consumption by a third. But of course people don’t just carry out home improvements for their cash value. They also do it to make themselves feel better, to get more enjoyment out of their homes. Research shows that having a new kitchen fitted to your home is at least as beneficial to your short term well being as having a holiday in the sun - and in the long term it’s much better for you!

DSB Damp Proofing


DSB are David Stiles and Steve Burrows - who offer a specialist damp proofing service including traditional and chemical systems. They’re happy to give free no obligation quotations and good honest advice and have built a reputation for carrying out work to the very highest standards at affordable prices. Their testimonials file is impressive, including one job where DSB stepped in to finish work left incomplete by another firm and Julie from Grimsby for whom DSB damproofed, reskimmed the walls and even helped source a new kitchen. For information call Dave on 0780 6881694 or Steve on 0790 5135856.

Ian J Dalton - Plumber

For all your plumbing needs look no further than Ian J Dalton Ltd. We have over 15 years of experience, our work is first rate and our prices are competitive - as our customers in Grimsby, Scunthorpe and Hull will testify. We also supply and fit heating systems to keep your home warm and comfortable and if you’re in the market for a bathroom refit you can count on us to meet all your needs. We can supply high quality tiling, bathroom furniture and fittings - all at excellent prices and with our 100% commitment to service guaranteed. For further information contact Ian on 01472 235096 or mobile 0772 1785130.

Move Or Improve

Move Or Improve


Transform your carpets into something special with quality wool or premier edging. We can cut and edge most types of carpet.

Grimsby Business Centre, King Edward St, DN31 3JH

 01472 362551 H 07508 591646


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Marble Graphics Limited Estate Rd 4, South Humberside Industrial Est, Grimsby, DN31 2TB Tel/Fax: 01472 341 420

Privacy & Security For Your Home With Privatect According to the police most thefts are carried out by opportunists. We’re all familiar with the standard precautions we can take but a new approach, devised by Privatect, of Wilton Road Cleethorpes, looks as though it might be a game changer. The Privatect system works by fitting security screens to your wrought iron gates and fences, depriving would be thieves of the chance to spy out the lie of land and keeping your possessions away from prying eyes. They look great too and they stop leaves and litter from blowing into your garden! Panels are available in Perspex or Polycarbonate and in a range of colours and opacities so you can

Right and below - gates and fences fitted with the Privatect system enhancing privacy and security.

customise your installation to meet your needs. They can even carry a printed design to enhance their appearance or even to advertise your business. Owing to their ingenious fastening system Privatect can fit panels to your gates without the need for any drilling or modification of the existing ironwork and the panels are extremely durable so they’ll good for years to come. So if you want to make your home more secure ring Privatect today - it’s a decision you won’t regret!

PRIVACY & SECURITY  01472 210222 H 07920 196895

Move Or Improve


Move Or Improve

Moving Home Who Gets Left Carrying The Boxes? We all know how stressful moving home can be. It’s a time when everyone in the family needs to pull together to make the job as easy as possible - that’s the theory - but some new research about the moving process and the decisions leading up to it has revealed some fascinating insights into how moving works in practice. Apparently the majority of UK couples make a joint decision to move and also consult each other when it comes to choosing the property they will be moving into. But although moving home is a joint decision when it comes to the physical task of relocating, women are left holding the boxes. More than half of women (54%) will be left in charge of the packing during a house move, compared with just 39% of men. However, the man of the house is more likely to organise the removal company to transport all the boxes that have been laboriously packed by their partner or spouse. While the gender gap may be small when deciding to move, when it comes to sorting out the finances for a new home, it’s men who take the lead (52%). In comparison, just 42% of women will take responsibility for managing the money for a move. The responsibilities appear to be more evenly split between couples when it comes to organising the bills for a new property, with 58% of men claiming to take on the task of informing the utility suppliers, closely followed by 52% of women. The research also reveals that the house moving period is one of the times in life

Move Or Improve

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01472 354 555 H07712 772 970 when couples are most likely to have arguments second only to Christmas in fact - with damage to fragile goods likely to be the major cause of disagreement.

Of course one way in which a lot of this upset could be avoided in the first place is by choosing to employ the services of a reliable removal firm - like our good friends Roy Laughton’s. They’ve been established over 45 years and they’re experts in everything that you need to make your removal as easy as possible, from packing to loading, storage to delivery. They’re fully insured and they’re always friendly and polite - put quite simply they take the strain out of your removal so if you’re thinking about a move give them a call.

In Business


in BUSINESS turning the spotlight on local enterprise “The problem that all mechanics face,” says Andy Lister, proprietor of Danmat Motors (the firm is named after his children, Daniel and Matthew) “is that customers are paying for work that they can’t see. It’s essential, but it’s invisible.” We’re sitting in his office in his garage on Pyewipe Road, looking out to where his colleague Matt is working on the underside of car raised on a hydraulic lift. I have no idea what part of the car he is fixing - if he told me I probably wouldn’t know what it does, so I can see Andy’s point. For some of us cars are a mystery and mechanics are the keepers of it’s secrets. “The way it works is that the customer brings the car in and we diagnose it and then give the customer a price. In most cases the customer won’t have a lot of knowledge of the workings of modern cars. All my customers rely on my judgement. In this business trust is everything. It takes a long time to build up a reputation for honesty and quality and it can be undone very quickly.” Andy has been in business for 14 years, more than 10 in his present premises. His reputation is second to none and it’s something he takes very seriously.

Above - Andy Lister of Danmat Motors


MOTORS LTD Tel: 01472 353777

11A Pyewipe Road, Grimsby DN31 2QL

“Matt had the business before me” he says and now he works with me. That means we’ve got 25 years of goodwill behind us - and for anyone in business that’s priceless, whatever line of work they’re in.” At Danmat Motors they deal with just about any problem that cars can suffer from - general repairs, brakes, bodywork, servicing, MOT preparation and repairs - so they need a wide range of skills and they’re usually much in demand. Andy shows me his diary - it’s full to bursting for the next week, but he doesn’t let himself get complacent. “Anyone whose been in business knows that things can change very quickly. You need to stay on top of your game to be a success. Every business has quiet periods - it’s how you plan for them and work through them that makes a difference. Once a month I go through last year’s diaries and ring round all our customers who have tests and services coming up. In almost every case they’re glad of the call - no one likes a repair bill but test dates are easy to forget about so it’s good to keep track of our regulars.” A large proportion of his work comes from repeat customers and from their families and friends. “Word of mouth is important to us - once people have found someone they can trust they tell others and word gets around. We have traditional values in a modern world - we’ll be going on Facebook in the near future and we’re setting up a website but mostly we stick to what we’re good at - which is mending cars.” “We open 9 till 5 weekdays and 9 till 12 Saturdays and we take our work seriously. After all when you fix someone’s brakes or steering, or just about any part of their car come to that, you’re taking responsibility for their safety, and the safety of their family and other road users. It’s not something to be dealt with lightly. You have to do the job properly.” What does he like best about the job? “Helping people. Doing a good, honest job and seeing them drive out knowing that their car is safe and reliable - that’s a good feeling.”

In Business

At John Turner’s Butchers we have a wide range of top quality meats, including prime cuts of Lincolnshire beef, pork and lamb, Norfolk chickens and of course our famous pies and sausages. Delicious!

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Highly Recommended

Highly Recommended Some people are just very good at what they do proper old fashioned experts. They’re always happy to give advice or a quotation and they always deliver the back up and support that makes them second to none. On this page we feature a few of our friends who we know and trust and who are therefore highly recommended.


If you’re looking for a new fireplace, fire or multi-fuel stove then we think that your first stop should be Inspirations - situated on the High Street, Cleethorpes. They’re really friendly - just drop in and have a coffee, discuss your requirements and then they’ll arrange to survey your property absolutely free. It’s part of their promise to give customers the best service around. Then you can choose your surround, fire or stove in the knowledge that it’s just right for your home. Fitting is by their experienced Hetas and Gas Safe registered installation team so you’re guaranteed no mess or problems. Inspirations always look to build on their already glowing reputation - they’ll make sure you’re 100% happy so you’ll spread the good word!

Looking to make your life more comfortable? A lift or stairlift can increase your freedom

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Serenity Memorials

Gillian and Steve of Serenity Memorials have more than 50 years experience in assisting the bereaved. They are both qualified funeral directors and take pride in providing top quality personal service. They can supply new memorials, add inscriptions to or clean and renovate existing headstones, undertake safety surveys and provide consultancy services. Serenity offer no obligation quotations with layout drawings so customers can see how the memorial will look before they commit to buying. Bespoke memorials are a speciality and nothing is too much trouble for the professional staff at Serenity. For information call 01472 269696, or email

Highly Recommended


In The Know

Garden Aid Seeks Help For Ugandan Mission

Pots And Paints And Rock And Roll At Barton Ropery

Mark Howarth of Garden Aid is seeking donations of cash, clothing, curtains and bedding to assist residents of Mukunyu Parish in Western Uganda with which he has close ties. Mark donates 10% of his profit to funding projects aimed at helping a community of elderly adults and children there, who are mostly survivors of civil war and HIV epidemics which took away many of the younger adults. Life in Mukunyu can be very hard - the diet of the locals is mostly posho which is a maize flour. Bread, meat or green vegetables are luxuries reserved for holidays and the nearest clean water supply is more than two miles away at a borehole in the forest floor. Even the most basic medicines like paracetemol are beyond the reach of most people in the community. Very few people can afford the fees required to attend school. Mark and Age Care Development are working to raise £10,000 for the building of a much needed hospital, workshop and residential centre and £2,000 for the installation of a fresh water pump. If you’d like to help Mark make life better for the residents of Mukunyu he’d love to hear from you. You can contact him on 07742 638423 or at or via

There’s a varied autumn programme up at the Ropewalk in Barton featuring among many others Derbyshire potter John Wheeldon - guest curator a ceramics exhibition which focuses on function. The pottery is all domestic ware made using traditional techniques for a modern market. For a complete change of pace also upcoming are Southend’s finest Eddie & The Hot Rods who visit on September 14th. They’ve been playing their own style of fast energetic Rock and Roll and R’n’B since 1976 and are still led by the “very Rock n Roll” Barrie Masters. The band have been playing all over the world recently including Japan and the USA and this show will represent a minor triumph since it has had to be cancelled twice in the past - let’s hope for third time lucky!

US Pop Punks Orange Headed For Cleethorpes There’ll be some Revolution in the air on October 22 when top US pop punk outfit Orange play at Pleasure Island with support from The Dead-Pools, Forge Wurld and Mummy’s Mistakes. Orange hail from Los Angeles and were signed to Hellcat/Epitaph Records way back in 2003. Since then they’ve paid their dues with some hard touring with many bands such as UK Subs, Rancid, Reel Big Fish and Bowling For Soup. In addition to their three albums they’re probably best known in the UK for the fact that their song “Revolution” is the theme song to Cartoon Network’s new show Generator Rex. Tickets are £5 and are available from Solid Entertainments in Wellowgate and on the web.

Top - Orange from Los Angeles Below right Eddie and The Hot Rods Below left Mukunyu Parish in Western Uganda

On September 27th it’s the one and only Snake Davis Band. Snake Davis is regarded as one of the most talented saxophonists in the music business today. Expect to hear anything from a jazz standard to a Michael Jackson or Prince hit and lots of tunes in between. Listening to Snake in concert is a moving, soulful experience – something for everyone, which explains why he’s constantly in demand to work on recordings by artists from all genres.

In The Know

Personal Finance

Financial Advisers

What do they do, do I need one and what does it all cost? Money Talk with Larry Bignell

In the wake of the mis-selling scandals most banks have given up offering financial advice through their branches, so customers need to look elsewhere for advice. Three main types of advisers are available. Firstly a distinction must be drawn between Independent and Restricted Advisers. An Independent Adviser will work on your behalf and offer advice on all retail financial products from the whole of the market but a Restricted Adviser may work for a company and only sell that company’s products or they may provide advice on a more comprehensive but still limited range of products. All advisers have the same minimum qualification level and a register of those qualified and authorised is held by the Financial Conduct Authority. Anyone can go online and view the register to check that a person or a firm is registered.

A Chartered Financial Planner is an Independent Adviser who has achieved higher qualifications and has demonstrated a track record of continuous professional development. Regardless of the type of advice given the basis of the costs are usually the same. Most advisers provide an initial meeting free of charge in order to discuss their services. If you decide to engage the adviser you will agree what they will do for you and how they will be paid - usually a fixed fee, an hourly rate or a percentage of the funds under advice. A good way to find an adviser is by recommendation from a family member or friend or look on for a profile of advisers in your area. Financial planning is a very personal matter and it’s important to feel comfortable with your adviser.

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They will ensure that you don’t become confused and will guide you in making the right decisions. But what areas will they cover? Well, over a lifetime you may need help with things like regular savings, family or business protection such as life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection plus retirement planning including reviews of pension scheme funds that you already have. The earlier you start with this the better. You may also need advice with lump sum investments including ISAs. Not just the initial investment but annual reviews of your funds to ensure your money is working properly for you. Inheritance tax planning can reduce the tax that is deducted on death and long term care costs which can rapidly erode your estate without advance planning. A pension fund is a long term savings plan with very good tax breaks set by the government. If you make a contribution then the Inland Revenue pays an additional contribution into your pension funds - £25 extra for every £100 for a basic rate tax payer with a higher rate tax payer getting an even larger rebate. The performance of your pension investments will affect your quality of life in retirement too so it’s essential to keep a close eye on your pension funds and review your plan on a regular basis. A Chartered Financial Planner will be able to review all of your existing plans to see if you would be better off by moving everything into one fund. Everybody has the right to move their pensions, and once they are in one place it may be much easier to establish if your plan is on target to achieve the lifestyle you desire in retirement. So think carefully when choosing a financial adviser - shop around and find someone you can get on with and who you trust. It could be one of the most important decisions you ever make in your life and one of the most profitable too!

Personal Finance



Get your car and yourself ready for Autumn! With autumn’s shorter days, cooler temperatures and inclement weather drawing closer, now is a good time to get both you and your car ready for the demands of the coming driving season. As we head into winter, the days will get shorter and many of us will start and end our commutes in total darkness. When you factor in an autumn rain, sleet or snow storm visibility can be very poor indeed. All of which means that autumn requires a change in your driving habits as well as some essential car maintenance. First up get your vehicle properly serviced by a mechanic who knows what they’re doing - (like our friends on these pages or Andy Lister of Danmat on the preceding page). For Autumn driving you need to be in the hands of someone you trust. Then make sure you take just a little bit more care when you drive. Schools have gone back - some kids never look for traffic and have a bad habit of

Right - Roads covered with leaves can be treacherous especially in bad weather.

bolting out from between parked cars. Keep your eyes peeled and slow down. Try to allow more travel time. You should always drive slower when it is dark and visibility is reduced, especially





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during bad weather. Leave a few minutes earlier in the morning and increase your following distance by about a second. Don’t trust the weather. Indian summers, clear skies and cooler weather may lull you into a false sense of security but autumn conditions can change abruptly. Thunder storms, sleet, hail and even snow are not that unusual. Roads covered with a summer’s worth of grease and then a layer of leaves become slick when wet or covered with early morning frost, so anticipate those conditions. Check the lights. Some countries have mandatory lights laws and, not coincidentally, a lower accident rate. Maybe we should have the same laws here. See and be seen. Drive with your head lamps on, even if it’s not dark. Give your car a good shine. A vehicle’s first line of defence against the elements is a good wash and wax job to protect the metal surfaces from pitting and corroding, and it keeps your car looking its best. Get rid of that summer grime and apply a thick coat of protective wax. And finally relax. This may seem like a lot to get done before the Monday morning commute, but it really adds up to just a few extra minutes and to make an appointment with your trusted mechanic. In general, simply begin your day 10 minutes earlier, have that second cup of coffee and start your commute in a relaxed a state as possible. That’s good advice at any time of year.


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Literature Festival 2013

Literature Festival 2013 Get those pencils sharpened and pens at the ready because October sees the return of the ever popular Literature Festival. There will be events throughout the month starting with a celebration of National Poetry Day on October 3rd and culminating in the Festival over the week beginning Monday 21st. Last year’s festival was a great success and the organisers Culture House are hoping to do even better this year with lots of events featuring local writers as well as authors from further afield. One highlight will be a four week writing course with writer and literary consultant Nick Triplow, author of Frank’s Wild Years. This year’s national poetry theme is ‘Water’ and there will be a poetry relay of probably the greatest maritime poem of all, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge beginning at



memories to conjure with... 14th September 2013 at

The Memorial Hall Cleethorpes doors open 11am - ENTRY FREE Tantalise your memories and imagination with wonderful displays of local heritage photos and information.

by Adrian Fuller WTalk - Psychic Medium by WMusic The Dixieland

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Jazz Band R IP Street Winter Gardens e entertainment Clee Park Public Hous tel Ho ys rle Da by The Earthbound Misfits

W Above - Ghosts Of Our Past - a Cleethorpes Heritage event Below right - Nick Triplow and his novel Frank’s Wild Years Left - Things begin to look bad for the albatross

Literature Festival 2013

The Dock Tower and ending in Freshney Place. The organisers are looking for around 100 volunteers to participate in the relay. For full details and to get involved email There will also be a Key Stage 2 children’s poetry competition. The theme for the competition is also Water and the poems must be no more than 8 lines long. The deadline for entries is Friday 27th September. There will be an exhibition of the entries in Freshney Place for National Poetry Day and the competition will be judged by a professional poet. Winning entries will be published in The People’s Publication and on the website For further details on how to enter or for any enquiries about the festival email jogray2@ntlworld. com

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