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Nov- Dec 2021
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Region 13 Float Decorating From gluing flowers on floats to helping our Kiwanians, Rose Float decorating is the service event of the year! Join the Region 13 Lionfish and sign up with the form above and contribute to the Kiwanis Float thats featured in the Rose Float Parade! (nationally televised!! wouldn’t it be crazy to see your work on TV?!) Earn LOTS of service hours by coming on multiple days and we will see you there Lionfish!
Last Spirit Prep Day
Happily Ever After RTC
Mission Inn Run
Our last and final prep day will be held this Friday!! It’s going to be held at Notre Dame High School. We will meet on the Football Field. Thank you so much for your spirit at these prep days and we can’t wait to see you at our last one just before FALL RALLY! LET’S GET HYPED!!
Once upon a time, there was a mystical, beautiful land called Region 13 From magical sheep, elephants, giraffe’s to miraculous sea creatures like blue & green turtles, mantas, seals and belugas. they have gathered together to embark on a NEW STORYBOOK JOURNEY. Region 13 Training Conference in Happily Ever After! From trainings, fun games, bonding & getting to know Region 13, join us for a day of unlocking your magical powers
Thank you to all the dedicated key clubbers who woke up before sunrise today to help in the annual Mission Inn Run! Your hard work and dedication to the club is honored😌 It was very early but also a lot of fun to cheer on the runners and keep them hydrated !! There will be many more community service events this year, so if you weren’t able to make it we hope to see you at the next ones!