ER 2021
A Message
(the editor) from
Hellloo Mantas!! I am SO excited to be serving as your Division News Editor this term! I'm really looking forward to learn and grow with you all, so please stay tuned for some fun stuff in these upcoming issues! The school year is coming to an end, and it's AP testing season...Things can get pretty stressful, so please make sure to take care of yourselves. We're on the final stretch, so be sure to end this year strong! Summer is just around the corner, so keep your head up! There is so much to look forward to, so lets work towards it together :) We'd also like to introduce... the Manta Mixtape! The Manta Mixtape is the issues' monthly playlist! There will be a new playlist for each newsletter, so make sure to stay tuned!
featuring... feels like summer - childish gambino slide - calvin harris ft. frank ocean + migos summer plumage - se so neon mariposa - peach tree rascals the adults are talking - the strokes super rich kids - frank ocean, earl sweatshirt and more!!
contents ORDER #001 JUNE 20, 2021 6:00PM ------------------------------DNE MESSAGE...................1 LTG MESSAGE...................3 TERM GOALS....................4 CLUB UPDATES..................5 DIVISION UPDATES..............7 SURVEYS.......................9 IN THE NEXT ISSUE............11 CONTACTS.....................13 ------------------------------D15E.CHNKC.DNE -------------------------------
A Message
(the ltg) from
Happy almost end of the school year! I'm proud of all of you for getting through a year of online hybrid learning, since I understand how painful it must've been. We are strong human beings and can persevere through any obstacles that come our way! Keep that motivation up high, we're almost there! The month of April was filled with many fun activities: a newly appointed DLT, the first DCM, first service project, and first fundraiser. For May, some awesome new division systems our club reflection form, division spirit points were implemented and I am personally excited to host the first spirit week that leads up to the May MarioKart DCM! With summer around the corner, I am eager to announce summer projects and host summer events. Stay tuned! I also challenge you all to make summer goals that can be put into motion these next few months. Start working hard this summer, but don't forget to have fun! I wish you all the best, especially on your AP exams or finals, and just keep swimming!!
Term Goals
(looking forward)
service hours
$2,000+ for PTP
member increase
t e s a d c lu b up Let’s see what our fellow Mantas are up to! Make sure to send in your articles and visuals each month so that your club’s activities can be included in the newsletter!
martin luther king
By: Zack Altura
By: Jazmin Mina
Our club has formed a new, ( @ Hillcrestkey ), and is being maintained by our Social Media Editor, Maxine Presco. Our club also updated a new Instagram profile picture.
Our first officer board meeting was held this month! On Tuesday, April 27, from 5:30 to 6:40 all officers met together on Google Meets. The MLK officer board each shared their personal goals as well as set expectations for the upcoming term. Potential plans and future service ideas were also discussed. The participants of this meeting were the MLK officer board. The purpose of this meeting was to lay the groundwork in order to allow the club to run successfully and smoothly in the upcoming term. This event would not have been possible without the coordination of the officers or the MLK Key Club Advisor Ms. Cruz.
April’s main service project was the Rose River Memorial Service event. It was held on April 24th at the April DCM on Zoom. During the event, people from Division 15 East and Division 15 South split into breakout rooms and socialized while creating felt roses in memorial of those who passed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic The event was held in order to remember those who unfortunately passed due to the coronavirus. The participants were Key Club members from Division 15 East and Division 15 South. This event would not have happened if not for organization and hard work of our lieutenant governor Zoe Quitasol.
NOTRE DAME By: Calista Miramontes
In the month of April, Notre Dame Key Club started a service project called “Color-A-Smile” where members were able to let their creativity out! For this service project members were able to print out any page, on the website, of their choice. Next, there were able to color it however they like with any coloring materials. Afterwards, they were to mail their wonderful coloring pages to Color-A-Smile in New Jersey where they will distribute it to senior citizens, troops overseas, and anyone in need of a smile! Through this project, those who participated were able to spread smiles and positivity just by simply coloring!
s e t a d p
May 2021
n o i vi is
Applications Applications were held to join the Fundraising team, and Spirit Team. Stay tuned for out new members!
Fund Team
“The fundraising team will be able to participate in helping the fundraiser coordinator in conducting any fundraising ideas. For example, this year we are planning to host a flea market to raise money and the fundraising team will help coordinate that. It’s a lot of fun and helps enormously with leadership skills.”
Spirit Team
Head Spirit Coordinator, Joshua Neira, is in charge of “planning Fall Rally, preparing the cheers and getting everyone excited for it !” They also help make spirit gear and plan the spirit weeks. The Spirit Team are the CEO of Spirit’s right hand man and pretty much have similar responsibilities. They also hype up Fall Rally and bring the hype to the division.”
Reflection Forms May DCM
A reminder to club presidents to fill out your reflection forms! They are due at the end of each month, and helps to recognize areas of strength and improvement, which offers opportunity for proactive development in each club.
Division Points
On May 22 through Zoom, we hosted the first DCM of the new term! The theme was Mario Kart, and the festivities included a Nario Kart tournament, speed dating, and a wikipedia race. Additionally, we hosted a service project and got to meet our DLT members. Make sure to be active in our social media so you don’t miss any exciting events in the future!
Members will be awarded points for showing their Key Club Spirit! Different amounts of SP will be given depending on the reason. Our division EAs, Spirit Coordinator, and club presidents will be working together to reward these points ro our memberes. At the end of each month these rewards will be tallied up and the top 3 memberes with the greatest amount of points will earn a PRIZE!
member (feature)
We want to see your work! Any art, photography, articles, acomplishments, stories, etc. can be featured! Artwork by Annie Jin
We need YOUR help
Key Club wouldn’t be Key Club without it’s members. That’s why we want to hear from you! What would you like to see in these upcoming issues? Would you be interested in contests? quizes? articles? Let us know! By Visiting our link tree, you can find our intrest survey. Additionally, you can also fill out an interview form! If you want to be featured in the upcoming issues, I’d highly reccomend filling out a form. We want to get to know our mantas! > featured interview form > interest form > featured content intrest form
ORDER #002 JULY 20, 2021 6:00PM -----------------------Get to know the DLT! This month: EA Michelle Dihn Exclusive Manta Interviews! Stay tuned! D15E.CHNKC.DNE ------------------------
D L T C o n t a ct s lieutenant governor Zoe Quitasol (951) 367-9969 executive assistants Pia Prashanth Michelle Dinh Division Secretary Annie Jin (951) 316-7009 Division Historians Chloe Agas Noemi Vasquez Division Newsletter Editor Madelyn Worthington (951) 255-8453 Division Tech Editor Eshal Naqvi (951)315-2984 Bitium re nonseque re des ad maxim rescitate Fundraising Coordinator moluptatum as demquis Yeleana Romero int fugitassed eum (951) 367-9969 verum quia ant, int audi consecatque quodis res rem faccuptam aut latem hicil ipitibusam. Spirit Coordinator
Joshua Neira (951) 463-0744
President Contacts Hillcrest Annie Jin (951) 316-7009 John W. North Eshal Naqvi (951) 315-2984 La Sierra Julio Mata (951) 732 4598 Martin Luther King Michelle Dinh (951) 703-3050] Notre Dame Chloe Agas (347) 429-0941
thank you
for reading Make sure to follow our socials!
Division 15 East Key Club
Make sure to add our Remind so that you can always recieve updates!