Volume 1 | Issue 9 | January 2015
e h t n o g n i h t y r , “Eve e s o p r u p a s a h h t r a b E r e h n a e s a e s i d y r e v e y r e v e d n a , t i e r to cu ” . n o i s s i m a n o e pers v o D g n i n r u o M -‐
In This Issue…
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A Message From Your LTG Calendar/Events DCON 2015: Service Adventure Ads Fort Worth Stockshow & Rodeo Divisional Election Conference Club Elections Trustee Update Dues Key Club Acronyms District Contact Info
Calendar/ Events
January 12th: Stockshow volunteer training session January 18th: Fort Worth Stockshow and Rodeo’s Best of Mexico Celebration January 21st: 100th year anniversary for Kiwanis!!!! Happy Birthday!
A Message From Your LTG Happy New Year!!! Technically, I’m a few days late, but it’s the thought that counts. I am honestly so thrilled for 2015 and all the new opportunities that will present themselves this year. Nonetheless, I can speak for all of us when I say “2014 has definitely been a memorable and life changing year”. I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday with family and got a plentiful amount of rest. I want all the people that read this to look back at 2014 and reflect upon it. If you could change one thing that you did, what would it be? Maybe 2014 didn’t live up to your expectations, but the beginning of each year is an opportunity for new chances and accomplishments. Therefore, give yourself a break and come up with some goals and commit to achieving them. You can decide to spare more hours for extra community service, or even introduce a friend to the K-‐Family. Being a part of the Kiwanis Family will surely open up one’s mind and make a positive impact on more than just that individual. Speaking of which, 2015 is the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International!! To our Kiwanians, thank you so much for being a great role model to all the Key Clubs out there. We truly appreciate all the love and support we have received from you, and thank you for being a wonderful group of people.
District 1S LTG: An Bui ltg1south@gmail.com 817-‐823-‐9250
Volunteer Opportunity
This year, The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is asking for Spanish/English speaking bilingual volunteers to help with the Best Of Mexico Celebration on January 18th. This day is also the 100th year anniversary of our K-‐Family, so it would be a wonderful event for all of us to join together and participate in it. We will be able to work with the community and learn about the Mexican culture, as well as enjoy the lively atmosphere of the rodeo. Best of Mexico Celebration Location: Will Rogers Memorial Center Time: 9am-‐7pm (estimated 4-‐5 hour shifts) Date: January 18th Attire: Kiwanis/ Key Club shirt and closed toed shoes Volunteer Process: ·∙ _Fill out an application and then a background check ·∙ _Attend the volunteer training and walking tour on January 12th (4:30pm) ·∙ _Parking is a premium, so it is best to carpool or get dropped off ·∙ _Arrive on time for your shift on Janurary 18th About 50 volunteers needed max for the event 12 volunteers per shift. You all will be paired up with a partner. **Please contact me ASAP if your club is interested
Ad sales can be sold to anyone on behalf of anyone. They can be sold to local businesses or your sponsoring Kiwanis Club. You can create an ad for businesses, faculty advisors, Kiwanis advisors, and special Key Club members.
These ads would be put in the convention booklet for 2000+ people from Texas and Oklahoma to see. If you choose to purchase the digital ad, it will run in a power point for all attendees to see during opening session.
All ad orders MUST be sent in by February 1st.
The ads are to be sent in to Jeff Moss at 7680 Red Clover Drive, Frisco, TX, 75033 This year’s Key Club District Convention will be at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas.
This is a great way to publicize your club. It is also an opportunity to show appreciation for those that have supported you throughout the year. Money from the sales help your LTG attend DCON, as well as covering all other costs to put on a great convention!
District Convention (DCON), held April 9-12, 2015, is a fun, exciting weekend full of exhilarating activities, leadership development workshops, and other events that allow attendees to meet people from across our mighty district. Besides the countless Facebook friend requests you’ll receive after DCON, you’ll leave with a great feeling – a feeling that only a true servant leader can grasp: that you and your Key Club have made a real impact on both your local and global communities. Lasting four days and three nights in the Sheraton hotel in Dallas, Texas, DCON is a great place to learn about Key Club, as an organization, and yourself, as a leader. We offer leadership forums on officer training, communicating professionally, breaking the ice at meetings, hands-on projects, and many more fun topics!
For more info, please check out the District website as well as the DCON promo video. Hope to see you there!!!!! (P.S. RAWR means I love Key Club in dinosaur.)
International Trustee Update
March of Dimes
The Education and Development Committee has teamed up with March of Dimes to get Key Club members more involved in our preferred charity. We need your help to make this successful. Email or text me ways that you, your club, or district gets involved with March of Dimes through fundraisers or service projects. Every idea is helpful!
The Eliminate Project Update
As of December 21, 2014, Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs have raised US$3,503,371 in total funds. This is again an incredible increase of more than US$35,000 since the last week, which will save or protect more than 19,444 lives. Key Clubs have contributed an amazing US$30,635. Make certain you celebrate these accomplishments with the Key Clubs in your districts!
Texas-Oklahoma District Visit
This past weekend, I was in Dallas for the Texas-Oklahoma District Board Meeting. I had a wonderful time meeting and working with everyone. The board worked on committee directives and made final preparations for district convention. Around 1,100 Key Club members attend the T-O District Convention each year! This year's theme is "Service Adventure", which is inspired by Jurassic Park! Thank you to the T-O District Board for a fun weekend, and I look forward to DCON! -Bang Bang Barry Seng
Winter Board Frenzy
“Haha it’s obvious who’s adopted in the family. “ <3 -‐LTG of Division 2C/2S, Tien Huynh
Division Election Conference Are you considering the idea of serving Key Club at a higher level, such as through a District Staff or International position? Do you want to make a difference in your home, school, and community? Are you responsible? Do you care for others and have amazing time management skills? Then you should consider one of the following positions and fill out the form. This link will take you to all 3 forms: http://tokeyclub.com/district-‐staff-‐and-‐international-‐candidacy-‐ forms/ 2015-2016 Staff Candidacy Form 2015-2016 Governor Candidacy Form 2015-2016 TO District International Endorsement
Divisional Election Conference is coming up! If you are interested in becoming Lieutenant Governor of Division 1 South for the 2015-‐2016 Key Club year, please fill out the LTG candidate form attached. Location: Martin High School 4501 West Pleasant Ridge Road, Arlington, Tx 76016 Time: 8:30am-‐2:30pm Note: Each club can only have up to 4 voting delegates, but they can have as many volunteers present at the Kiwanis Governor’s visit. -‐Clubs are responsible for bringing snacks or water bottles for the Kiwanis attendees.
District Board Contact Info
District Governor: Kaitlyn Wilson Governor@tokeyclub.com 214-‐236-‐3271
District Editor: Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com 512-‐284-‐3234
District Secretary: Samuel Kinnin Secretary@tokeyclub.com 325-‐998-‐6240
District Treasurer: Colin Gonzalez Treasurer@tokeyclub.com 817-‐583-‐1171
Regional Advisor: Donna Newsham dnewsham@region7texokey.com 817-‐475-‐0870