Division 1 South Volume 2 | Issue 4 | July 2015 Newsletter
Burleson Cleburne Crowley Everman Granbury Paschal Southwest
Burleson Cleburne Crowley Everman Granbury Paschal Southwest
Important Contact Information Vanessa Casta単eda Lieutenant Governor of Division 1 South ltg1S@tokeyclub.com Donna Newsham Rachel Iselin Crystal Loh Regional Advisor District Governor District Secretary reg7adv@gmail.com governor@tokeyclub.com secretary@tokeyclub.com Emily Zhao District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Matthew Riley District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Megan Reynosa Convention Liaison CL@tokeyclub.com
Brenden Nguyen Tech Producer Btnguyen.kc@gmail.com
In This Issue August Calendar.................... pg. 3 A Letter from your Lt.G........ pg. 4 Did you know?....................... pg. 5 The ELIMINATE Project..... pgs. 6-7 Camp David Social............... pgs. 8-9 Miracle Treat Day................. pg. 10 Mary Kay Party..................... pg. 11 Fall Rally............................... pgs. 12-13 Contact Information.............. pg. 14
August Calendar Sun
August 2015 Wed
August 2015 Calendar PDF. Courtesy of WinCalendar
Monthly Reportsand Newslettersdue
Kiwanis DCM* Eat @ 6 pm Meet @7 pm
August PCM Cookout/ Pool Party 3-7 pm
a’s s s e n a V day Birth
Sears Shopping Kiwanis Service Project 8 am Hulen Mall
More Blank Calendars: PDF Calendar, 2015 PDF Calendar, Word Calendar, Excel Calendar.
You can always send me any events your club is having that you would like to invite the division to and I will add them to the calendar in my future newsletters! *DCM’s are Divisional Council Meetings. DCM’s are Divisional meetings for Kiwanis Clubs. The Kiwanis members love to see Key Clubbers at these meetings! They’re a great way to find out what’s going on with the K-Family .
Hey family! I feel like I’ve been gone foreverrrrr even though it’s only been a month! Between visiting family, taking senior pictures, going to Pre-med camp, church camp, and Geology camp, trying to order t-shirts for you all, and working on planning the August PCM, this has been ONE BUSY MONTH for me, but it has been a pretty amazing one! I hope you’ve all had an amazing month as well! I hope you all had fun for me at the Camp David Social and the Miracle Treat Day Social! I hope you all know that I am SO proud of ALL of you! From having socials as a division, to having your own service projects and fundraisers this summer, you guys are just awesome! The fact that three of our very own are in Top 25 is just a testement so what a strong division we are building. It’s an honor to serve as your Lieutenant Governor this year, and I am so excited for the PCM this Saturday! I want you all to come ready to tell everyone about the great things your clubs have been doing this summer! I didn’t include many individual club events in this newsletter because I want you all to share about them at the PCM. So come ready to share and ready to listen! I can’t wait to see you all!
Vanessa Lynn
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
60,000 --- The number of mothers and babies whose lives are stolen each year because of MNT. 9 --- The number of minutes from now that a mother or child will die of MNT. 34 --- The number of countries still at high risk for MNT. $110 million --- The amount of money that we must raise to eliminate MNT. 2015 --- The year that we must raise this money by. $1.80 --- The amount it costs to vaccinate one mother and her future babies. 61 million --- The number of lives we will help save or protect if we meet our goal.
CAMP DAVID SOCIAL North Crowley Key Club hosted a "Camp David Social" to celebrate summer and service with other key clubs. The social consisted of a lunch, many team-building games such as "moon ball" & "multitask juggling", games, water balloon fights, food, a campfire, reflection, and quality time. Thank you so much to all the clubs that came to join us and support us-- we couldn't have done it without y’all!" Article submitted by Daisy Doan Photos submitted by Daisy Doan and Nithure Rema
Photos submitted by North Crowley and Granbury Key Clubs
Mary Kay Ash was an original. As an entrepreneur and a philanthropist, she started her business from a tiny store in Dallas, Texas, with 5 products and one big dream. That dream was to inspire women to transform their lives, and in doing so, help other women achieve success. Today, with 3.5 million Independent Beauty Consultants, Mary Kay offers more than 200 premium products in more than 35 countries around the world. For more than 50 years, Mary Kay has helped women discover products that they love, innovative skin care, irresistible makeup and unforgettable fragrances. On July 14th, the Everman High School Key Club held a Social at their advisor’s home. The Social took place after completing our club meeting. Once club business had been completed, the Social began. Members all brought their favorite foods and drinks and a good time was had by all. Mrs. Castañeda, our advisor’s wife and MK Independent Beauty Consultant, asked all the girls to follow her into another room. Mrs. Castañeda was going to teach the ladies the fundamentals of skin care. Translation: We were getting a free facial! Mrs. Castaneda had asked everyone fill out a questionnaire describing their skin type and daily cleansing routine when we had first arrived to the meeting. This would give her an idea as to what everyone needed. She explained step-by-step what she was doing to our faces, and everyone left with a greater understanding of their skin and how to better take care of it. I have included a testimonial form one of the students who received the free facial: “As we all know, teenagers love to have fresh and healthy skin! We all have something we don’t like about our face. It could be dry skin, and oily face, or blemishes. When we did our facials from Mary Kay, I realized we all have unique types of skin and that there are products that work with our skin! I also learned that we all need moisturizer to refresh our skin. I assumed it was just lotion that makes our skin oilier, but that wasn’t the case. It made my skin smooth and awoke it as well! Facials aren’t just for ladies, it’s for guys too. We all deserve radiant skin! I learned to always wipe my make-up off and never go to sleep with it on! We don’t want to age sooner than we have to! This experience was a great way to come together.” - Johana Rodriguez Article submitted by Everman Key Club
Help us get the word out!
Change your facebook cover photo and profile picture to let others know you’re going to Fall Rally!
Vanessa Casta単eda Lieutenant Governor Division 1 South ltg1S@tokeyclub.com
Donna Newsham Regional Advisor reg7adv@gmail.com
Rachel Iselin District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Crystal Loh District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Emily Zhao District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Matthew Riley District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Megan Reynosa Convention Liaison CL@tokeyclub.com
Brenden Nguyen Tech Producer Btnguyen.kc@gmail.com