Division 1S | Texas– Oklahoma District |Key Club International In this issue...
November 2014 Calendar
A message from your LTG
November Checklist
Build A Bear Social– Divisional Project
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
K-Family Relations
DCON Ad Sales
You can be here
Major Emphasis Program
Key Club Acronyms
Contact Info
SAVE THE DATE: January 10th & January 18th Volunteer opportunity at the Forth Worth Stock Show & Rodeo!!!
Volume 1 | Issue 7 | November 2014
November 2014 Sun
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November 13th– DCM @ Dixie House on Hulen: 6pm to eat, 7pm to meet November 24th– RSVP! Build A Bear Social @ Ridgemar mall, 4pm (Please bring $15)
A Message From Your LTG
Hey everybody, It’s Key Club Week!! I would like to thank all the Kiwanians, Key Club advisors, and all our members for the time and effort you put into this organization. Together, we have been able to make such a big difference for our community and we will continue doing so. I hope all of you are enjoying this sweater weather. It sure has been quite chilly lately, but this is the start of our holiday events. Thanksgiving is coming up, so be sure to look into opportunities to help out with your local food bank or shelter. They will be needing a lot of volunteers for the upcoming holidays. Also, I hope everyone had a super fun Halloween and successfully Trick-ortreated for Unicef. Keep up the good work! I am so proud of my clubs and so thankful for all that you do.
November Checklist
Collect and send in dues (Early Bird Dues ended Nov. 1st) RSVP and attend the divisional project (Build-ABear social) Send in reports and newsletters every 5th of the month!
Go enter updated club info on the Member Update Center
Update your Club Officer Contact Info if you have not yet done so. (This should have been completed last month.)
Have you ever been to the Stock Show and thought it was a amazing event? Well, this is a great opportunity for you to be a part of it! This year, The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is asking for Spanish/English speaking bilingual volunteers to help with the Best Of Mexico Celebration on January 18th. This day is also the 100th year anniversary of our K-Family, so it would be a wonderful event for all of us to join together and participate in it. We will be able to work with the community and learn about the Mexican culture, as well as enjoy the lively atmosphere of the rodeo. Here is all the information that I have gathered so far, and will be updating on: Best of Mexico Celebration Location: Will Rogers Memorial Center Time: 10am– 7:30pm (4-5 hour shifts) Date: January 18th Attire: Kiwanis/ Key Club shirt and closed toed shoes
Volunteer Process: Fill out an application and then a background check Attend the volunteer training and walking tour on January 10th (time TBA) Parking is a premium, so it is best to carpool or get dropped off Arrive on time for your shift on Janurary 18th About 50 volunteers needed max for the event 12 volunteers per shift. You all will be paired up with a partner. **Please contact me ASAP if your club is interested
Dues! Important Deadlines: -Before/On: November 1st (Early Bird) - Before/On: November 30th (Deadline) - On/After: December 1st (Late Deadline) -On/After: February 1st (Suspended)
•Texas- Oklahoma charges $6.00 for dues •Key Club International charges $7.00 for dues •Dues of any club may not exceed $19 -Active: The status given to a club who has paid dues before February 1st - Unpaid: The club has not yet paid their dues - Suspended: Any club that has not paid their dues by February 1st (Suspended clubs and their members may not receive Key Club scholarships, attend DCON or ICON, or have anyone from their club run for LTG or district staff positions until they have paid their dues) - Inactive: Clubs that have still not paid their dues by International Convention;
will be placed here the following September (must pay $100 reactivation fee to leave the inactive stage)
DCON Ad Sales WHO:
Ad sales can be sold to anyone on behalf of anyone. They can be sold to local businesses or your sponsoring Kiwanis Club. You can create an ad for businesses, faculty advisors, Kiwanis advisors, and special Key Club members.
These ads would be put in the convention booklet for 2000+ people from Texas and Oklahoma to see. If you choose to purchase the digital ad, it will run in a power point for all attendees to see during opening session.
All ad orders MUST be sent in by January 2nd. The ads are to be sent in to Jeff Moss at 7680 Red Clover Drive, Frisco, TX, 75033 This year’s Key Club District Convention will be at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas.
This is a great way to publicize your club. It is also an opportunity to show appreciation for those that have supported you throughout the year. Money from the sales help your LTG attend DCON, as well as covering all other costs to put on a great convention!
You Can Be Here
*Your club’s article+
Key Club Acronyms CKI– Circle K International (the K-Family service organization for college students) COCRF– Club Officer Certification Report Form (must be filled out 14 days after officer election) DEC– Divisional Election Conference (to elect a new LTG) DCM– Divisional Council Meeting (like a PCM, except it is held by and for Kiwanians) DCON– District Convention FTC– Fall Training Conference (to teach club officers their duties) ICON– International Convention KCI– Key Club International (the K-Family service organization for high school students) KI– Kiwanis International (the K-Family service organization for adults) LTG– Lieutenant Governor (head of division) MRF– Monthly Report Form PCM– Presidential Council Meeting (meetings hosted by LTG for club officers) T-O– Texas-Oklahoma District Unicef– One of KCI’s service partners
Contact Info District Governor: Kaitlyn Wilson Governor@tokeyclub.com 214-236-3271 District Editor: Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com 512-284-3234 District Secretary: Samuel Kinnin Secretary@tokeyclub.com 325-998-6240 District Treasurer: Colin Gonzalez Treasurer@tokeyclub.com 817-583-1171 Regional Advisor: Donna Newsham dnewsham@region7texokey.com 817-475-0870 District 1S LTG: An Bui ltg1south@gmail.com 817-823-9250