April Newsletter

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T he Key Of 23

Ap r i l




New York Key Club District | Division 23

April Issue

Note From Your Lt. Governor Hello Division 23! Well, we start off another year together and it has been a quick start at that. Over the next year, I hope to better the communication and interaction within the Division. Please use this newsletter as a resource to keep updated on the activities within the Division and in the District. It is filled with good information that will help you and the members of your club upto-date on what’s happening. Although the end of the school year is fast approaching, don’t stop with your Key Clubbing activities! Don't forget about your paperwork duties over the next couple of months, as well. Also, please use the information you received in the your club's regular meetings; all of it will be very helpful as you try to grow your club and make it even stronger! Stay strong until the end and maybe have an event during the summer! More events will be planned as a Division over the next year and your participation and help will only make this year even better than years past! I know you all can do it! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns! Please look out for more updates in the upcoming weeks. All of us on the District Board would love to help you! Yours in friendship and Key Club, Josh Hill Lt. Governor Division 23 Kiwanis-Family Relations co-Chair

In this issue! Note from Josh ....... 1 Governor's note ...... 2 Upcoming Events ... 2 Secretary & ICON... 3 Treasurer & Editor ... 4 Webmaster .............. 5 Exec. Assistants .... 5-6 Gov. Project ............ 6 District Projects ..... 7-8 LTC............................. 9 LTC Pictures ........... 10 Service Spotlight ... 11 Fun facts................. 11 Paperwork ............. 12 Contacts ................ 12 Important Info ....... 12

"Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker. or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need." - Gillian Anderson

Division 23 Clubs Bishop Kearney ∙ Brighton Canandaigua ∙ East High Penfield ∙ Victor ∙ Wayne Schroeder ∙ Thomas

Governor's Greetings G Goovveerrnnoorr D Da anniieell LLiinn

leadership Hello New York District, My name is Daniel Ivan Lin and I am your newly elected District Governor for the 2012-2013 service year. With new leadership comes change and with change comes a new perspective. This leadership comes from caring, which I believe is the most important of the four Key Club core values. We are a family, not only because we care about our homes, schools, and communities, but because we care for each other; hence caring is our way of life. At this year’s Leadership Training Conference, I promised you that I would do whatever it takes to bring this district to greater heights. I told you that I was confident that I would be able to keep this promise, but the word I used the most was trust. Thank you for trusting me. As promised, I will make sure that our district becomes more efficient, productive, innovative, and communicative. And I hope you can see the work that has already been done to make sure that this promise will be kept. This epic year is off to a good start and I am extremely excited for what this new service year has to offer. I hope that you are excited too. Let us continue to serve those around us and together we will make Key Club a household name. Thank you all so much! Stay strong, Mighty New York District! Yours in the spirit of service, Daniel Ivan Lin New York District Governor daniellin.gov@nydkc.org


caring character building Upcoming events! May Divisional/DTC/“Fall” Rally 5/12/12 This serves as the gathering of all clubs in Division 23. Finger Lakes Kiwanis Dice Run 5/20/12 A very fun Kiwanis event that needs 4-6 Key Clubbers!

"All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." -Brian Tracy "Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them." -John C. Maxwell

Secretary's Memo Hey New York District Key Club, My name is Amber Lee, your newly elected New York District Key Club Secretary. Hopefully, you were able to attend last month’s Leadership Training Conference in Albany to hear about my goals and insights for this upcoming year. If not, that is still fine, because I look forward to enhancing our communication across the whole of New York greater this service year. I am currently working on releasing the board minutes in the form of a newsletter and video update. I will also be creating secretary newsletters on what I’ve been doing and video updates as well. I look very forward to hearing your comments and questions. Therefore, I will be creating a Google group for all secretaries very soon after I receive most of the election report forms. I am looking forward to working with all of you in this upcoming service year to both greatness and success. Back into business, I would like all club secretaries to send their updated election report form to me, your Lieutenant Governor, and District Administrator Mr. Goldstein. This should all be done by May 19th. Also, remember that monthly report forms are due on the 7th of each month. I’m sure the whole board would love to hear the service you have been conducting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through any means of communication listed below. Yours in the spirit of service, Amber Lee New York District Key Club Secretary amberlee.sec@nydkc.org

IC O N The Key Club International Convention is a much larger version of our LTC where Key Clubbers from all around the world come together. This year the Convention is being held in Orlando, Florida! And New York District Key Club will be traveling to the Sunshine State from July 1st-July 8th. The cost of this event is $1300, but unfortunately registration is now closed but fear not my fellow Key Clubbers! The opportunity will come again next year when ICON is in our nation’s capital: Washington, D.C.! ICON is an amazing experience! Please look out for more updates as information comes out. And wish Webster-Schroeder “good luck” as they compete this summer for the International Single Service Award! For more information please see the ICON webpage: http://bit.ly/aMc38A.

2011-2012 International Board

Annie Lewandowski International President

Catt Lovins Nick DePorzio International Vice President International Trustee

Treasurer's Check Hello Beautiful Key Clubbers! I am Annie Porfido and I am your District Treasurer for the 2012-2013 service year. I am extremely excited to be on the District Board and to be able to serve the New York District Key Club. I hope everyone is doing well and studying hard for their finals and AP exams. The school year is coming to an end but that does not mean Key Club is ending. There is always time to serve the community and hold more fundraising events! If you have difficulty thinking of fundraising ideas, refer to the district website or Key Club international website. Also on the district website is the fundraising report form (FRF) which must be filled out after every fundraising event and sent to me. I will then be able to add the fundraiser onto our District Totals and it will count towards the New York district. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns! I look forward to working with everyone. Yours in the spirit of service, Annie Porfido New York District Key Club Treasurer annieporfido.treasurer@nydkc.org

Hello New York District Key Clubs! I am Holy Cheong and I will be your editor for the 2012-2013 service year. Communication is key. Our district newsletter, The Empire Key, serves to relay important information and updates to clubs in the New York district. It is my job to compile all the information clubs need to have a successful service year. I plan to publish four newsletters, one for each season. But each newsletter cannot be complete without le Service Spotlights and contributions from clubs. What are Service Spotlights? They are articles submitted by a Key Club member describing a Key Club event they participated in. It can be an event that was inspirational or successful or just simply exciting. The significance of the Service Spotlight is so members can be recognized for their hard work, contribution, and activeness in Key Club. After every event, members are encouraged to write about it! These articles must be emailed to me along with pictures. On a side note, there is no argument that Key Club brings laughs and smiles. To honor the jokesters and the unamused in Key Club, I am introducing a joke section in the newsletter. However lame, corny, or actually funny the joke is, email it to me! Please keep it appropriate and nice. Yours in the spirit of service, Holy Jia-ai Cheong New York District Key Club Bulletin Editor holycheong.editor@nydkc.org

Editor's Post

Webmaster's Byte Hello New York District Key Club! I am your new District Webmaster, Barry Lee. For those who do not know me, I am a junior at the High School for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering at City College. I have been in Key Club for three years, this being my third service year. It is an honor for me to work for the best district in Key Club International. From what I have seen at the first District Board meeting, this will be another great service year. I was the immediate past webmaster of HSMSE Key Club and I am ready to apply my skills obtained as a club officer to the district level to serve you. From the time I was appointed as District Webmaster, I have created email forwarders for the entire board. As of right now, forms are currently being updated one by one so please check them out once they are uploaded. Also, active clubs under each division are updated as well. If you wish to learn more about each member of the District Board, their "About Me's" have been up-dated and I highly advise that you read them because they are quite interesting. In the near future, I will work on completely redesigning the whole NYDKC website. I am open to suggestions and statements of how things should be reorganized or reordered. I really look forward to hearing from everyone and working with you all! Good luck on AP exams and finals. Yours in the spirit of service, Barry Lee New York District Key Club Webmaster barrylee.webmaster@nydkc.org

Hello New York District! How do you feel? My name is Emily Gicewicz and I am one of your Executive Assistant for this service year. I am super excited for another successful service year being able to serve you! I have the honor of helping out our amazing board and being the chair of the Rules and Regulations Committee. I plan on aiding help your board to the best of my ability. I have many goals and ideas I want to implement during my term. None of which can be achieved without all you! I want to educate you on your District and International Bylaws. They are the foundation of our amazing organization and knowing them essential to the functioning of a successful club. If you have a moment in between school and being a good Samaritan, glance through them. Do not let the voluminous pages inhibit you! Here are the links to the District Bylaws http://bit.ly/Jvzwz7 and the International Bylaws http://bit.ly/JgxaCq. Keep your eyes open concerning a resource to aid you in learning the bylaws. As always if you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Keep doing all the amazing things you to do make our world a better place! Good luck on APs and finals. Yours in spirit of service, Emily Gicewicz New York District Key Club Executive Assistant emilygicewicz.ea@nydkc.org

Hello Mighty New York District! This is your Executive Assistant speaking, and I am so excited to work with all of you in the 2012-2013 service year! Let me begin by telling you a little bit about myself. I am currently a junior and I attend the High School for Math, Science, and Engineering at the City College of New York. Throughout my high school career, I was a member, Treasurer, and President of HSMSE's Key Club. As you can see, I have devoted myself to my home club ever since freshman year, and I couldn't be more ecstatic to move a step up and commit myself to the great New York District Key Club. Mother Teresa once said, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." I think that's kind of what Key Club's mission is. Spreading service everywhere we go. Letting no one ever come to us without leaving happier. It's funny, because most of the time, I'm the one leaving happier. Service is rewarding. It helps others as well as make you feel good. If Key Club stands for caring as a way of life, how could you NOT join it? This year, I plan on doing exactly what every other Key Clubber does: providing service. As one of the Executive Assistants, I will do my best to work diligently with Emily and Governor Daniel in hopes of making a smooth and successful Key Club year! Using my qualifications such as organization, communication, and creativity skills, I will serve as the District Governor's right hand and be always willing and enthusiastic in helping him with anything he needs. Yours in the spirit of service, Tina Lee New York District Key Club Executive Assistant tinalee.ea@nydkc.org Hello New York District, My name is Daniel Ivan Lin and I am your newly elected District Governor for the 2012-2013 service year. Each year, the District Governor designates what is known as the Governor’s Project, an area or category of service outreach that he or she chooses to focus on for the service year. This year’s Governor’s Project is called “Keys to Accessibility,” which aims to help the elderly and those with disabilities, two extremely important components of our society. The goal for this year’s Governor’s Project is 5,000 service hours and what better than to be able to celebrate this achievement than at the 65th Annual Leadership Training Conference in 2013. Work hard and be creative, but most importantly have fun. I look forward to hearing about your service projects throughout this year. For more information about “Keys to Accessibility,” please visit the district website at www.nydkc.org. Thank you so much! Yours in the spirit of service, Daniel Ivan Lin New York District Governor daniellin.gov@nydkc.org

Each year, the District Governor comes out with a project on a cause that he would like to have the Key Clubbers in their respective District put emphasis on over the service year. Governor Daniel this year has chosen the elderly and the disabled for his project: Keys to Accessibility. And he has set his challenge to the Division clubs for 5,000 service hours! Many of our communities have nursing homes and there are several hospitals other medical centers all around us! I am asking you all to go and help out those who may not be able to do the same activities that you may be able to do in your daily life! This is a very easy project to help out with and I know many of you already go to local nursing homes, so begin to record those hours and show your Key Club pride by helping out Governor Daniel in his goal in aiding the elderly and disabled.

2012-2013 District Projects

This year’s goal for fundraising for our District Projects is $200,000. Each month we will be assigning a new charity to be donated to this way all charities will get approximately the same amount of funding without one being an obvious favorite. Kamp Kiwanis - Kamp Kiwanis is a camp designed for kids and teens that come from all different backgrounds. The camp is focused on showing young people their potential through various character and team building activities. Kids partake in social events, bonding experiences and physical activities all designed to give them the time of their lives. The camp is currently located in Taberg, NY and has been operating for over 40 years under the New York District Kiwanis Foundation! http://www.kampkiwanis.org/ Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation - The Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation is focused on helping families pay for the treatments that their child received in response to his contraction of Lyme disease because it is not normally covered by insurance companies and it is very costly. It is usually contracted by a tick; the disease is most common in wooded areas, but is not limited to them. http://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/ Local Causes - Local Causes are the projects that you can do in your community! Whether it be collecting money and non-perishables for your local food cupboard, raising money to buy books for the library or cleaning up your town/cities parks; they are the projects that you want to do for your community. ELIMINATE - Kiwanis and UNICEF have made it their goal to eliminate a disease called maternal and neonatal tetanus which is a deadly disease that comes from the earth which mothers can contract while giving birth to her child and can affect both mother and child. Workers for UNI-CEF go to any length to go to the furthest parts of the world to help treat victims of the disease which is most prominent in third world nations. Since the start of the campaign, it has been eliminated in 25 countries, but remains in 34 around the world. By 2015, Kiwanis and UNICEF would like to see MNT completely eliminated from the world, but in order to do an estimated $110 million will be needed; we are part way there, but strides still need to be made! http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center - These are five children’s hospitals within larger general hospitals here in New York. The five locations are in North Shore, Albany and Buffalo and most recently in Rochester and Syracuse. These centers go to exceeding lengths to see that the children who come to them are treated with the greatest care and respect. www.kiwanis-ny.org/kptc.htm GOAL - GOAL focuses on helping those suffering and who are the poorest of the poor. They are a nondenominational, non-governmental, and non-political organization that strives to service the world through humanitarian efforts. They ensure that those who need the most have the fundamental needs (e.g. food, water, shelter, etc.) and that basic rights are met. http://www.goal.ie/

District Projects, cont. Doctors Without Borders - Doctors Without Borders works towards providing humanitarian activism and relief to countries who are need of assistance. Many of the workers and volunteers of this organization go to any length to see that people, who are in need of medical treatment, are tended to. Currently an international effort, lives are saved everyday because of the amazing medical professionals who go out of their way to help those in need. http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/ Alzheimer’s Association - The Alzheimer’s Association works towards finding new treatments and a cure for Alzheimer’s; in addition, it provides care and support for Alzheimer’s patients. The Association is currently the world’s largest private, non-profit funder of Alzheimer’s research. http://www.alz.org/ St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital provides care and treatment for children with cancer and other devastating diseases; as well as finding treatments and cures for such diseases. They believe that no child should be denied medical treatment and accept anyone who walks through their doors, no matter their background. While there, patients and their families are treated with loving care to make them as comfortable as possible. http://bit.ly/aQmgJb Front Row Foundation - The Front Row Foundation’s goal is to provide terminally ill patients with front row tickets to their favorite concert, play, or sporting event as a way to have one last happy memory with their friends and family. This experience allows patients to set aside any emotional and physical challenges and just enjoy life. http://www.frontrowfoundation.org/

My LTC Experience, 2012 Lt. Governor Josh Hill This year’s LTC was March 30-April 1 in Albany, NY and it was a blast! And the theme was superheroes! What better to represent your Key Club? There were enough Key Clubbers there to fill a hotel; and all of them were cheering and having fun the whole weekend. The theme this year was superheroes because, as Key Clubber, we all are superheroes in our own right. We go and help others through selfless acts of kindness. There were dances, dinners, social events and awards! It was a truly unforgettable experience and I hope that many of you can join me next year. I am happy to say that Webster-Schroeder brought home an award this year: the Single Service Award in the Bronze Division! The Single Service Award is awarded to the single best service project performed by a club during the indicated service year; Schroeder’s service project was the Kampout for Kenya back in September. Way to go Schroeder!!

Service Spotlight: Webster-Schroeder and -Thomas Webster Kiwanis hosted their annual Easter egg hunt on April 7 and both Webster Key Clubs were present at the event early in the morning. Earlier that week, Key Clubbers and Kiwanians got together to stuff the eggs with jellybeans. Close to 5,000 eggs were stuffed for the big event. Early Saturday morning, hundreds of kids took to Kent Park in Webster for their egg hunt. The Key Clubbers and Kiwanians started around 7:30 that morning, hiding the eggs, marking off the fields and bonding with one another. All the hard work was done in a matter of two minutes after the kids were told to go. It was a great time and everyone walked away that day with a smile on their face. No one can wait until next year's Easter egg hunt preparation begins!

Key Club Facts! - Key Club exists in 30 countries around the world! - There are ~260,000 Key Clubbers in the world! - The first Key Club started at Sacramento High School in 1925 - K-Kids is the elementary version of Kiwanis and Builder's Club the middle school version! - Currently, New York District Key Club has 28 Divisions! - New York's Sister Districts are New Jersey and Oho Districts - Around 12 million service hours are provided annually by Key Clubbers!

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -JWamilelsiam D is tr ic t B o a rd C o n ta c ts District Governor Daniel Lin

District Treasurer Annie Porfido



District Administrator Mr. Goldstein

District Webmaster Barry Lee



International Trustee Nick DePorzio

District Editor Holy Cheong



District Assistant Emily Gicewicz

LTG 23 Josh Hill


1380 Allen Rd., Penfield, NY 14526 joshhill.ltg@nydkc.org

District Assistant TIna Lee tinalee.ea@nydkc.org

KCR Mrs. Murray jmurr66@yahoo.com

District Secretary Amber Lee amberlee.sec@nydkc.org

Important Information: 



Send in your dues!

 

(if name in red)



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Bishop Kearney Brighton

Division Facebook: http://on.fb.me/pemSem (please have all officers and members join!) Get all forms in and on time! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask Don't stop Key Clubbing and helping others to the best of your ability!

International Website: http://www.keyclub.org/home

Canandaigua East High

District Website: http://nydkc.org/

Penfield X

Victor Wayne Schroeder Thomas



X chart last updated 5/17/12


District Facebook

www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLI, IN 46268 ∙ 317.875.8755 ∙ US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

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