June Newsletter

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T he Key Of 23





New York Key Club District | Division 23

June Issue

Note From Your Lt. Governor Hello everyone! June was a very busy month for everyone! I heard so many great things from officers, advisors and Kiwanis Clubs, alike, about what you have been up to. But that does not mean it should end when the school year ends. Key Club is a year round club; you should never stop giving back to the community during the break off. Also, please remember to keep filling out all paperwork during the summer! All Monthly Report Forms should be filled out by the 7th of the following month by your secretary! All Election Report Forms have been sent in as well, so congrats! Also, if you have not already, or know of some members or fellow officers who have yet to be added to the Facebook group, do so immediately! It will make it easier to contact people other than e-mail. I will be contacting some of you individually before the end of summer on some pieces about the upcoming school year. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Yours in friendship and Key Club, Josh Hill Lt. Governor Division 23 Kiwanis-Family Relations co-Chair

In this issue! Note from Josh ....... 1 Major Emphasis ....... 2 Upcoming Events ... 2 Senior's Farewell...... 2 Int'l Projects .............. 3 ICON ......................... 4 About Josh .............. 4 Service Spotlight ..... 5 Game ....................... 5 Game Answers ....... 6 Paperwork ............... 6 Contacts .................. 6 Important Info ......... 6

"Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker. or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need." - Gillian Anderson

Division 23 Clubs Bishop Kearney ∙ Brighton Canandaigua ∙ East High Penfield ∙ Victor ∙ Wayne Schroeder ∙ Thomas

Major Emphasis Project The Major Emphasis Program is the “program” or “initiative” that is chosen for Key Club International in which its members should carry out their hands-on service. This year the Major Emphasis Program is “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” Some possible ways you can serve the Major Emphasis Program is working with you local K-Kids on their service projects, donating used books or toys to a children’s hospital, or volunteering your time at an elementary school or at a kid’s camp. You may even want to raise funds as a club for after school programs, kid’s camps, children’s hospitals, children related charities or funds, or starting an awareness program at a local school.

A Senior's Farewell Dear great Key Clubbers of Division 23! These past few years in Key Club truly has been great and I am very sad to be leaving all of the amazing people I have met and served behind as I go off to college. This past year, I was graced with the honor of calling myself the President of the Webster-Schroeder Key Club! Both advisors, Mr. Barilla and Mr. Lambert, were wonderful and very supportive of everything the club wanted to do. My favorite service projects were those when we went to Cherry Ridge Nursing Home across the street from the school. We would play games, do crafts, make food, sing and dance with the residents. I have had so much fun in Key Club and I hope that all of you have just as much fun as I did helping others in the community!



caring character building Upcoming events! Officer meeting: TBD All officers are encouraged to attend. We will be talking about the upcoming service year as a whole.

"All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." -Brian Tracy

Never stop trying to make the world a better place for all! Yours in friendship and service, Emma Rogers Past President Webster-Schroeder

"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them." -John C. Maxwell

2012-2013 International Projects and Programs To all members of the mighty New York District Key Club: The International Projects Committee for the 2012 – 2013 service year is up and running. The three district projects for this year are March of Dimes, UNICEF, and The Children’s Miracle Network. This year the district is striving for bigger and better things, therefore each key clubber must put both feet forward in conducting as much service towards these charities as possible to not only meet, but to surpass the district goals. March of Dimes is an amazing organization that has a mission of preventing premature birth, birth defects, infant mortality and improving the overall health of all babies. Composed of many volunteers, researchers, educators, outreach workers, and advocates, they who work together to carry out their mission of March of Dimes through community services, education, advocacy, and research to save babies’ lives. The district goal for March of Dimes is $15,000 as well as 15,000 service hours. UNICEF is an international organization that is even mandated by the United Nations to advocate for the protection of Children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. This includes child survival and development, pro-viding basic education with gender equality, providing treatment to HIV/AIDS infected children, and to better a policy of advocacy and partnership. The entirety of this organization is based on good practices and developing a relationship not only with the people they are helping but also the volunteers and donors. The district goal for UNICEF is $50,000 as well as 25,000 service hours. The Children’s Miracle Network is a international organization with an outstanding mission. Their goal is to actively supply and improve the health care for millions of young individuals much like yourselves, all around the world. By generating funds and awareness, the Children’s Miracle Network is now in over 170 hospitals nationwide. In generating not only hours of service but also donations you are impacting young lives who are battling every type of childhood illness and injury by giving them health and happiness. The district goal for the Children’s Miracle Network is $15,000 as well as 10,000 service hours. For all three of the above charities it is up to the mighty key clubbers of the New York District to come forth and provide as much service as possible. The service ideas are endless! Some examples of Ideas are as follows…  Walk/Run  UNICEF Boxes  School wide Penny Wars - Possible include a battle against the classes for an added excitement  Bake Sales  BB Q’s/Parties  Amazing Race style Contest  Different challenges at different locations either in a central part of town or inside your school to have teams race to the finish line. - Get teachers involved - Talk to local businesses and ask them to set up days where some of their com missions go the your local key club - Other events such as… - Ice Skating, Bowling, Movie night, Game night Yours in Service, Alex Mandriota International Projects and Programs committee Chair

ICON 2012 Lt. Governor Josh Hill The 69th Annual Key Club International Convention will be held from July 4th-8th in Orlando, Florida! And I cannot be more excited! New York District Key Club will be going on a “tour� before this wonderful event around Disney; spending a few days in many of the parks in Disneyworld! I will be taking lots of pictures, attending workshops and meeting people from all over the world, sharing our Key Club experiences. Questions people have been asking for weeks: Who will be the new International President? Will this be the best ICON ever? What does the host District have in store for everyone? And many more will finally be answered. I will let all of you know how it went! I cannot wait and am very excited for it!

About Josh Well, first, my name is Josh Hill and I am currently going into my junior year at Webster-Schroeder High School. I am the oldest in my family; I have a mom and dad, a little sister and a dog named Scamp. During the summer, I work for the Webster Parks and Recreation Department at one of their summer camps. This is my second term as Lieutenant Governor of Division 23 and I love it! I became interested in the position after I heard Past Lt. Governor Anna speak at the State Road K-Kid's Pot Luck Dinner in my Freshman year. A few months later, I was at a Kiwanis One Day event, and Mrs. Murray asked if I was still interested. Two clubs were present and we called another to hold the vote and within minutes, I was elected at Lt. Governor! A week later I was in Albany getting inducted as Lt. Governor at the District Convention. I could not have asked for a better division. If you would like to know more about me, have any questions or just talk, feel free to contact me!

Service Spotlight: Webster-Thomas On June 2nd Webster Thomas participated in its town's Relay for Life. The club participates in this event every year since the event has been hosted on the Thomas track. Whether it be rain or shine (when it will most likely be raining at one point during the event) members of the community come together to help raise and support the awareness of cancer. The whole idea of the event is to create the idea that cancer never sleeps, therefore at least one member of your team should be walking around the track constantly. This year Webster Thomas raised well over $500 for the event. For the past few years it has become tradition for at least some of the members to attempt to walk a marathon. In 2011 four of the clubs members completed this tradition. This year more members participated but no one was able to complete the last two to six miles they had to go. This event also allows for members to bring awareness of the club to the school and the community in addition to support those who have been affected by cancer in any form. Many new members come from having their friend outside of the club join them during this event and see how much Key Club gives back and supports its local community. Whether the members walked for awareness or for a friend or loved one, they all had a great time and many memories to share.

Who Am I?

(answers on next page)



Michelle Cooman President Webster-Thomas 3

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -JWamilelsiam D is tr ic t B o a rd C o n ta c ts District Governor Daniel Lin

District Treasurer Annie Porfido



District Administrator Mr. Goldstein

District Webmaster Barry Lee



IP International Trustee Nick DePorzio

District Editor Holy Cheong



District Assistant Emily Gicewicz

LTG 23 Josh Hill


1380 Allen Rd., Penfield, NY 14526 joshhill.ltg@nydkc.org

District Assistant TIna Lee tinalee.ea@nydkc.org

KCR Mrs. Murray jmurr66@yahoo.com

District Secretary Amber Lee amberlee.sec@nydkc.org

Important Information: 



Send in your dues!

 

(if name in red)



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Division Facebook: http://on.fb.me/pemSem (please have all officers and members join!) Get all forms in and on time! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask Don't stop Key Clubbing and helping others to the best of your ability!

Bishop Kearney






International Website: http://www.keyclub.org/home



District Website: http://nydkc.org/



East High

Wayne Schroeder Thomas



X chart last updated 7/15/12


District Facebook Answers to Who Am I?: 1. Annie Lewandowski 2. Catt Lovins 3. Nick DePorzio

www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLI, IN 46268 ∙ 317.875.8755 ∙ US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

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