November Newsletter

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New York Key Club District | Division 23 November Issue

Note From Your Lt. Governor

In this issue! Note from Josh ............ 1 Governor's note .......... 2

Hey Division 23! I hope you all have been working hard, Key Clubbing these past few months! I have heard some great things about all of your clubs and have talked to many of the advisors from the Kiwanis clubs about the activities that each club has participated in!

Quotes .......................... 2 Secretary & Codes ..... 3 Treasurer ....................... 4 Committee Chairs ...4-7

So far, I have only heard back from a few of the advisors regarding the email that I sent out a few weeks back. If you have not responded to me, please do so as soon as possible. The email was packed with information, and there is still much information to come in the upcoming months! LTC is just around the corner and I would love to have some Key Clubbers from Division 23 represented at the meeting!

Service Spotlight ......... 8

Also, monthly report forms need to be fill out for each club, each month. This form can also be found at Please ask your club secretary to take a few minutes and fill out the form, it is very important that the form be filled out by the 7th of each month.

"Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker. or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need." - Gillian Anderson

Please see this newsletter as a major resource that you can use anytime you feel needed. Please ask questions when you do not understand something. All of us on the District Board would love to help you! Yours in friendship and Key Club, Josh Hill Lt. Governor Division 23

Paperwork.................... 8 Contacts ...................... 8 Extra .............................. 8

Division 23 Clubs Bishop Kearney ∙ Brighton Canandaigua ∙ East High Penfield ∙ Victor ∙ Wayne Schroeder ∙ Thomas

Governor's Greetings G Goovveerrnnoorr D Doom meenniicckk PPeessccee

leadership Hello Mighty New York District, I would like to welcome you all to the November Newsletters! The time has come during the service year that has us Key Clubbers extremely busy, as you all probably know. With the plethora of walks and fall service events, this time of year can get hectic. One event in particular to look forward to is our 2012 Leadership Training Conference! Like last year, LTC will be located at the Holiday Inn at Albany, New York. This year’s Superhero themed LTC will take place from March 30th to April 1st. I’m expecting to see of you Key Clubbers there! Join us on a weekend full with workshops, elections, dances, a talent show, entertainment, and great opportunities to meet and socialize with Key Club members from all over the state. I encourage you all be there to begin a new service year, as well as run for District or International office and even share a vote in determining the new District Board and International Nominees. Leadership Training Conference is a unforgettable chance to learn about Key Club and the Kiwanis Family, have fun, but most importantly, celebrate the values of service that we all aspire to!


caring character building Upcoming events! Division Elections January A new Lt. Governor must be elected! LTC in Albany 3/30-4/1/12 Annual Leadership Training Conference! Contact me if interested!!

If you would like information on things such as pricing, rooming, and accommodations please visit our website Official sign ups for LTC will be available very soon! In the meantime, be sure to apply to be on the Conference Committee. Applications are available on the NYDKC Facebook Group, from your respective Lt. Governors, and will be on the website soon! Finally, please stay in contact with the District by subscribing to our email list at, as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (, what are you waiting for? Go to the homepage and subscribe! Please invite your Key Club friends to the NYDKC Facebook Group, we need more members! Thank you all! Please begin to think about convention and be sure to sign up early. Domenick Pesce New York District Governor

"All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." -Brian Tracy "Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them." -John C. Maxwell

Secretary's Memo Season’s Greetings New York District! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Daniel Ivan Lin and I am your district secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. I hope all of you have transitioned smoothly from the first few months of school and that you are now comfortably settled. These past few months, I have had the pleasure at speaking at several divisional meetings and fall rallies; feeling the immense Key Club spirit from all across the state. And though it seems like it has only just started, we are already halfway through this service year. However, though that is true, it is still important to be as productive as possible. This past month, I have worked with Webmaster Oscar Tan in recreating report forms on the district website. These new report forms have a cleaner interface and also a much lower chance of not being received. Though some of you are still using the old online submission, it is highly suggested that you begin using the new one. In an effort to help club secretaries better understand the different tasks they have throughout the year, I have created The Secondary, an elaborate guide on the year-round responsibilities of a club secretary. Later this month, I will be providing a new resource, Secretarial Referencing, a resource that will contain sample pieces of paperwork to give secretaries a better sense of how paperwork should be filled out. Aside from publications, I have also updated my webpage for club secretaries, I will be releasing the third issue of The Empire Secretarial later this month in hopes to better inform you on what I have been doing and what I plan on doing for the next few months. Leadership Training Conference is quickly approaching and with that comes the electing of new district officers. Those being said, if any of you are interested in running for district secretary, please feel free to email me at I will be more than glad to answer any questions you may have about what the office entitles. Lastly, I hope that all of you continue to serve your homes, schools, and communities with the reminder to take a break from Key Club work when necessary. Take this time to embrace the holiday spirit and the atmosphere formed by it. Spread the love and care for others, because caring is our way of life! I wish you all the best and hope that you will all enjoy your soon to come, welldeserved break! Hope to see you all very soon! Happy Holidays! Please take care! Please join us on Facebook if you haven’t done so already: -District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin

N e w Co de s ! Hello all! Over the past few months, the District Board has been trying to make our District resources more modern, up-to-date, and more accessible for Key Clubbers. Many of the forms on the District website ( have been reformatted by our District Webmaster, Oscar Tan. Many people now have smart phones which allow someone to scan a bar code and go directly to whatever content the code has stored. Many iPhones and Android phones have this app; the program has even been utilized by national chains, such as Macy's Department store. The District has released its first two codes, check them out!

New York District Key Club Facebook Group

New York District Key Club Website



Treasurer's Check Hello Mighty New York District Key Clubbers! You’re either physic or have seen my plethora of emails and reminders in the past months because you know I am going to talk about dues. The seeming ad infinitum of my reminders is to emphasize the importance of dues. Without paying dues you can’t essentially be a Key Clubber. The date for dues submission has come and gone, but that doesn’t inhibit your ability to still send them in. The process is still the same and the PowerPoint I sent out can still help. All you need to do is update the Membership Update Center and send the check and roaster to International and the copies to District Administrator Mr. Goldstein. If you do not have your membership log in and/ or password, please have your club advisor contact Mr. Goldstein. As of right now your club is considered suspended by international, but use this as your motivation to get your dues in. When the dues are submitted you are considered in good standing again and that is where you want to stand! A reminder: if you do not pay your dues, you cannot attend the Leadership Training Conference nor apply for awards. As always, if you have any questions or ideas on how I can better serve you, please contact me. I wish you all the best in continuing to make the world a better place! Have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! Yours in service, Emily Gicewicz District Treasurer

Every day, the music and the arts play a crucial role in our daily lives. Whether it is the music coming from our headphones or a grand orchestral performance, the music and arts can touch us in the most subtle and powerful of ways. This service year, as appointed by District Governor Domenick Pesce, the Governor’s Project ("Music and Art, Within our Hearts") calls for all the New York District Key Clubs to step up and promote this special initiative. You may be wonderinghow exactly should I contribute to this cause? The answer is straightforward. Both fundraising and community service count. Along with the rest of the Governor’s Project Committee, I have compiled a comprehensive list of service project ideas and organizations specifically geared for this initiative. Perform holiday carols at your local senior center! Host a battle of the bands fundraiser at your school! You can even help out with simple projects like making holiday cards and decorations to donate to your local hospital. Over the next few months, to assist each and every club, the Governor’s Project Committee will be publishing an official packet of ideas and guidelines for distribution, as well as regularly providing updates on the website. At the conclusion of the service year, the Committee will specially host a video contest to specifically recognize clubs that have recorded their endeavors and critical contributions to the Governor’s Project. Keep an eye out for more details about the competition! If you have any questions regarding the project or contest, do not hesitate to contact me at Remember, without your efforts, Key Club would never be able to reach its ambitious goals and commitment to service! Emma Cheng Governor's Project Chair

Governor's Project: "Music and Art, Within our Hearts"

District Projects If you can believe it, the school year is almost halfway done. But, and possibly more importantly, the Key Club year ends in less than four months at the Leadership Training Conference. Even though to some it marks the beginning of a new term or the chance to see the new friends you made from the previous year, the Leadership Training Conference concludes the District’s chances to complete its goal of $200,000. With less than four months left to complete our goal, every club must make a conscience effort to fundraise for one of the ten charities listed on All ten of these charities help deserving people in need that could benefit from our efforts, especially during this time of year. Whether you aim to stop the spread of neo-natal and maternal tetanus through the Eliminate Project or want to help children living in poverty in the backcountry of the Appalachian Mountains through the Christian Appalachian Project, any and every effort will help. All this month the District Projects committee, including Lieutenant Governors Kelseyliz Habla, Josh Hill, and Stephanie Pena, will be posting advertisements for these charities on the District’s Facebook page so that you can get a better idea of what these charities do and the people they help in the process. Please take the time to look at the videos. You never know, you might get inspired to help one of them. I urge everyone to reflect on the current situation going on around the world. There are people that are less fortunate than us that need our help. Especially around the holiday season, it is important for people in need to understand that they have not been forgotten and there are people who want to help. Nick Viviano District Projects Chair

K-Family Relations: The Importance of Starting a K-Family Club. As Key Clubbers you have the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Kiwanis-Family. But what about those who don’t? The answer is simple: start a new K-Family club! One group of people who would benefit from this experience is the children in the elementary and middle schools. These kids do not have many chances to participate in community service activities. K-Kids and Builders Club are two fantastic clubs that allow elementary school and middle school kids help their community and learn leadership skills. Being a part of these clubs allows for these children to be a part of the K-Family in their youth, meaning they will continue on as they get older. There are a few things that you must keep in mind when starting a new K-Family club. To start you need the permission and a charter from your local Kiwanis. Next you need the school’s approval to start the club and that they are able to provide a responsible adult advisor. A perfect way to present your idea of chartering a new club to your Kiwanis and school principal is to create a powerpoint proposal. When everything is in order and your new KFamily club is started, plan an event to do with them and embrace the service that we can give to each other every moment of our lives. Ellen Dooley Kiwanis Family Chair

Happy Holidays, Mighty New York District! As the Holiday season is drawing near, it means two things: the first is that many people are in need of both support and just a friendly smile and the second: is that the year is starting to come to an end. The goals of the International Projects are currently far off. (Hopefully the totals will increase with the next MRF and FRF totals calculation) But because we are farther behind than expected for this time of the year that means that we must make a big push to reach our goals. For those of you who are uncertain of the goals there is a chart on the page with the totals and goals for each project. If you went Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF please make sure you fill out a Fundraising Report Form for the money you raised and your Monthly Report Form to report the amount of time you spent fundraising. November was Prematurity Awareness Month, which goes hand in hand with March of Dimes, another one of Key Club International’s Service Partners. The committee cannot wait to hear about the fun projects you did for that! Children’s Miracle Network is not known for this time of the year but that does not mean that your club cannot do anything for it. If you have a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in your area, we encourage you to do an arts and crafts project, cards, or even hold a fundraiser for Children’s Miracle Network. Please make sure you like the International Projects and Programs Facebook page! We only have a short amount of time to reach our goals! Sarah Brady International Projects Chair

International Projects and Programs

Hello New York District! My name is Daniel Ivan Lin and I am your district secretary and Public Relations Committee chair for the 2011-2012 service year! The Public Relations Committee of the New York District Board aims to help clubs across the district better understand and utilize communication in their Key Club endeavors. This past month, the public relations committee has been working hard on proofreading and making final edits to the winter edition poster packet, a publication yet to be released, that contains information and tips on how to become a more productive and successful club through better methods and utilization of communication; as well as several poster templates that can be used for club promotion. We have started on a Public Relations video and hope to have this finished as soon as possible. Thank you all so much! We hope you will enjoy the resources we have in store for you. Happy Holidays! Daniel Lin Public Relations Chair

Public Relations

Submitting the Distinguished Key Clubber Award

Howdy Mighty New York District! How do you feel?! As I know all of you guys have been working so diligently in your community service endeavors, it is important to still keep in mind that good work should never go unnoticed. Therefore, if you’ve all been keeping a record of your work, filling out and submitting the DKC award should be a piece of cake! In order to do this, you first must figure out which division you’re from. Contact your club president or your Lt. Governor to find out. Depending on which division you’re from, that will ultimately dictate where your application goes. Next, go to and click on the tab that says, “Paperwork/Resources” at the top of the page. After that, click on “Club Resources.” Finally, scroll down until you find the Distinguished Key Clubber Award (DKC) Application. If you click on it, the form will be a downloadable PDF file in which you are able to type in your answers! How perfect! There are two ways you can submit the DKC Application. The first and most convenient way is digital submission. This entails typing your responses directly onto the PDF file, saving that file onto your computer as “DKC App,” and e-mailing that file. If you are from Divisions 1 through 13, your e-mails should be going to me, Jay Wong, at If you are from Divisions 14 to 27, your emails should go to DKC Committee Co-Chairperson, Antonio Xu Liu, at The other way you can submit the DKC Application is by printing out the PDF file, filling it out by hand, and putting the entire application in a manila envelope and mailing it to us. If you’re from Divisions 1 to 13, mail your envelopes to: Lt. Governor Jay Wong DKC Committee Co-Chairperson 765 Hastings Street Baldwin, NY 11510 If you’re from Divisions 14 to 27, mail your applications to: Lt. Governor Antonio Xu Liu DKC Committee Co-Chairperson 63-11 Queens Blvd. Apt C8 Woodside, NY 11377 All DKC applications must be submitted to us no later than February 14th if submitting digitally. If you submit the application via regular mail, the applications must be postmarked by February 14th. Keep in mind that if you submit your application digitally, which is cheaper, faster, and easier, you will also get additional points added onto your application in the “additional criteria” section. That will bring you one step closer to getting your DKC award. Antonio and I can’t wait to read them! If you have any questions, feel free to contact either one of us at the emails listed above or at the following telephone numbers: (516) 507-8853 – Lt. Governor Jay Wong (917) 860-3793 – Lt. Governor Antonio Xu Liu Have fun filling out your applications, Key Clubbers! Jay Wong and Antonio Xu Liu Distinguished Key Clubber Co-Chairs

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -JWamilelsiam Service Spotlight: Webster Schroeder and Thomas

Important Information: 

O n November 22nd, both Webster Key Clubs joined up with many

 

other Webster clubs to put on a Thanksgiving dinner for senior citizens. Prior to the dinner, the seniors spent the day in the Schroeder auditorium, listening to the bands, orchestras, and choir groups of Webster. Many of the members of both Webster Key Clubs pitched in to serve the seniors turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green peas. The students went from being learners to servers. The event lasted dinner portion lasted about two hours filled with laughs and stories from both the students and senior citizens. Everyone left the cafeteria at the end of the day with a smile on their face!

Division website: Get all forms in and on time! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask Don't stop Key Clubbing and helping others to the best of your ability!

District Board Contacts District Governor Domenick Pesce

District Administrator Mr. Goldstein

Send in your dues!



(if name in red)

International Trustee Nick DePorzio

District Assistant Yasmin Soliman

District Secretary Daniel Lin



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Bishop Kearney













District Secretary Emily Gicewicz

District Editor Oscar Tan

District Editor Amber Lee

East High

LTG 23 Josh Hill




KCR Mrs. Murray

Wayne Schroeder Thomas




X X X X X X X chart last updated 12/17/11, some dues still may be in processing

**SEND IN THE ERF'S AND MRF'S!!** Josh Hill | (585) 957-4904 |

www. |

Division Board: Assistant Alli Martucci Board Member Dilara Calik

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