D23 December Newsletter

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THE KEY TO DIVISION 23 The Official Newsletter for New York District Key Club Division 23

In this issue LTG Greeting- Page 2 Governor's Project and District Project- Page 3 District Endorsed ProjectsPage 4 International Partners- Page 5 District Fall Conference- Page 6 District Member of the Month, NYDKC Strategic Plan, and The Empire Key - Page 7 Dues - Page 8 Service Spotlights - Pages 9-12 Service Project Ideas and District Goals- Page 13 Member of the Month- Page 14 Paperwork Chart- Page 15 Upcoming Events and Contact Information- Page 16 Social Media- Page 17

Written by Charlotte Allen, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Dear Division 23, To start off my newsletter this month I wanted to congratulate you all. This past month I have seen the most service and the most engagement from our division during the 2020-21 service year. I am lucky enough to have service spotlights from 4 different clubs, some clubs with multiple service spotlights. The work you have been up to is tremendous and deserves recognition. So, congratulations division 23, I am incredibly proud of you all. Something I would like to remind you all about is the Strategic Plan. 2 IP LTGs and another current LTG and I are all working on creating this 3-year plan for the district. In order to create a plan we wanted to hear your input. If you could please take the time to fill out this google form, it would be incredibly appreciated. Continue to turn on you r paperwork on time and I am confident we will finiish this service year stronger than we started. Yours in Service and Caring, Charlotte Allen, NYDKC Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

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Governor's Project Canines for Disabled Kids

Canines for Disabled Kids aims to increase and insure independence for children with disabilities and their families through the use of service dogs, as well as understanding and awareness throughout the community. Canines for Disabled Kids offers free services to families to help connect children with the service dog that can best help them overcome restrictions caused by disabilities. The dogs help the kids increase their confidence! Please consider donating or focusing a service project around this wonderful cause!

District Project: Project Hope Project HOPE transforms the health of people and communities around the world. They work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partner with communities, health care workers and public health systems in order to ensure sustainable change. Project HOPE aims to place power in the hands of health care workers to save lives worldwide. This is a great project for this year because of COVID19. Project HOPE helps healthcare workers worldwide and this is exactly the kind of place we should be putting our resources so that we can overcome this pandemic.

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District Endorsed Projects Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation The Foundation started in 2000 when Kiwanis Gov. John Gridley wanted to helped you children with Lyme Disease. The Foundation helps pay for medical treatment since most insurance companies don't cover it, It is solely funded through donations and there are currently 27 active grants. You can help support by holding a fundraiser

Kamp Kiwanis

Kamp Kiwanis is a summer camp for special needs children and children with disabilities between the ages of 8 and 14 years old. Kamp us pay for through donations. This allows children the ability to go to a summer camp that is fun and affordable.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center KPTC "supports pediatric trauma efforts at the Cohen Children's Medical Center as well as programs throughout the area to protect the safely of children and improve the ability of local emergency services response teams". It provides funds and staff to care for suffering children. Page 4

International Partners Featuring: March of Dimes March of Dimes works with Moms and babies in an attempt to reduce infant mortality. Their mission is to "help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. From polio to prematurity the March of Dimes has focused on researching the problems that threaten our children and finding ways to prevent them"

Featuring: UNICEF The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is a KCI Partner and "United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide". They have many different projects some with Key Club such as the Eliminate Project and Trick or Treat for UNICEF.

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District Fall Conference The NYDKCFC took place on November 21-22 from 1-4:45. There were tons of workshops from different LTGs, a K-Fair, a service project, Keynote Sergio Arguenta, and a Key Notes from Governor's Project, Canines for Disabled Kids. If you weren't able to attend Fall Conference you can check out the Keynote recordings, workshop presentations, and service project on the NYDKC Website. My favorite part of the Fall Conference was presenting the Stop Doing Start Leading workshop. LTG Chloe Baker and I spent a lot of time perfect the workshop and we believe it went super smoothly and was a lot of fun to meet new people at!

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District Member of the Month Know someone that has been going above and beyond with their Key Club duties? Nominate them by filling out the form! Selected nominees will be featured in The Empire Key and/or NYDKC social media. This is for the district not the division! Use this link to nominate someone or yourself: https://forms.gle/zYihXS4qZyEZuJX1A

NYDKC Strategic Plan Max Coppola, Aurora Hom, Charlotte Allen, and Chloe Baker have been working on the creation of a 3-Year Strategic Plan for the District. In order to create the best product, we want the input from YOU. Fill out this google form to provide feedback for the district.

The Empire Key The Second Edition of the Empire Key is here! The Empire Key is the NYDKC Newsletter release quarterly! To check out the publication use this link! You can hear from the Executive Board, see service from our division, and learn about International!

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Dues 101 Clubs need to pay dues for 11 members. Each member should pay a total of $13, $6 go to the district and $7 go to international. Regular dues are due February 1st. If you are struggling to get members to pay, I recommend that clubs either ask their sponsoring Kiwanis clubs for help paying dues or host a fundraiser. Raising money can help offset the price or get rid of it completely. It can be hard to get members to pay dues so these ideas can help with payment.To pay dues you need to have contact information for at least 11 members (email addresses and graduation year), then log on to the Membership Update Center (MUC) and update officers and club membership (add new members, retain returning members, and remove members who have left). Then submit payment online, or print the invoice and pay by check. For more information check out the KCI Website. Page 8

Service Spotlights Featuring: The Harley School

Campus Trash Clean Up This fall, Harley students participated in a trash pick-up around the Harley campus. This idea was initiated by the Sustainability club at our school, but the Harley Key Club helped organize the event and gather members to volunteer. Originally we were just planning to pick up litter that was in Allen’s Creek, the creek that runs through the Harley campus, but the turnout was so successful that we finished cleaning the creek within the first thirty minutes. Overall this was a great event because we were able to volunteer, be outside, and remain socially distanced. Written by: Stella White, President

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Service Spotlights Featuring: The Harley School Can Drive for Open Door Mission The Harley School Key Club held a can drive in October for Open Door Mission. Over the three-week-long drive Harley’s parents, students, and faculty brought in canned goods and other nonperishable items. Every day the collection bins around the school had to get emptied, this was unbelievable how everyone in this community came together to help others that aren’t as fortunate. One family alone even donated 8 bags full of food from Trader Joe’s to the can drive. In the end, Key Club officers brought over 20 boxes of food to Open Door Mission. These donations will go to helping families in the Rochester area who would be unable to afford food without organizations such as Open Door Mission. Written by: Mari Rosenzweig, Webmaster

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Service Spotlights Featuring: Webster Thomas HS Cards for Soldiers As everyone knows this Covid-19 pandemic has affected many families across the world. The Webster Thomas Key Club gathered ideas to help those who might be struggling emotionally. Many families including some in Webster, have family members fighting for our country all across the world, but due to the pandemic and travel restrictions many families have been separated during this harsh time. To do our part as the Webster Thomas Key Club members, we thought it would be our duty to support those families by making and sending cards to soldiers across the world. We believed that making cards would show our support even if it wasn’t something extravagant, would help these soldiers or even put a smile on their faces during this world wide crisis. Written by: Gabby Pannone, Vice President

Fundraiser for Webster Kiwanis Our local Kiwanis Club of Webster has been deeply affected by this global pandemic. The Kiwanis club is a non-profit organization which helps our community with fundraisers as well as putting forth service to help those in need. Since this a non-profit organization their goal isn’t to “make” money, but in order to keep this club’s building up and running, they do need some money to do so. Due to Covid-19, the organization has had trouble paying their bills for the building, so as the members of the Webster Thomas Key Club we thought it would be best to raise money to give to this organization since the Kiwanis Club of Webster is our parent organization. We can created a can drive to gather donations, and our community came together to donate 100% of our funds. In total, we donated $119 to support our local Kiwanis Club of Webster. Written by: Gabby Pannone, Vice President

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Service Spotlights Featuring: Webster Schroeder HS Letters to Cherry Ridge This project was having each Key Club member be assigned to writing a resident at Cherry Ridge (which is a nursing home). We wouldn’t know who were writing to just in case they chose to not write back but we each wrote about ourselves and asked questions about them. If they choose to write back, our goal is to have each club member form a pen pal relationship with the residents at Cherry Ridge. We have spent 43 hours of service on this so far. Written by: Olivia Owens, Secretary

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Service Project Ideas District Webmaster, Kristen Lew, has created a list of ways to serve virtually. Here are some of the ideas from the list! You can find more ideas from Kristen's list on our Many Link! (many.link/nydkc23)

1. Write cards to frontline workers 2. Create paper and art crafts for children's hospitals 3. Record an audio for a book for children's hospitals 4. Tutor students in elementary and middle school 5. Host a virtual movie night fundraiser for an endorsed charity! 6. Colorasmile cards for veterans 7. Trash Clean Up

District Goals Service Goal: 90,000 hours 50% completed

Fundraising Goal: $120,000 46% Completed Page 13

Member of the Month Congratulations Stella on becoming the division 23 Member of the Month! You have done a great job serving your community and we can't wait to see what you do next!

To become the next Member of the Month or nominate someone, you can fill out the form on the Many Link ( https://many.link/nydkc23 )

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Paperwork Chart

Monthly Report Form (MRF) This is filled about by the club secretary. It is due by the 10th of the following month. This is important so that the district can see how clubs are doing and where clubs are at, as well as help keep track of how many hours we have served.

Fundraising Report Form (FRF) This is filled out by the club treasurer. Fill out a couple days after a fundraiser. It helps the district to keep track of how much money we have raised for other organizations.

Election Report Form (ERF) This is filled out by the club president. It is to be filled out ASAP after your club holds elections. It asks for contact information for club officers. This is important so we can keep in touch with everyone.

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Upcoming Events Regular Dues Deadline - February 1st

Contact Information LTG: Charlotte Allen - division23@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Yuan Shang - yuan.shang@nycirclek.org Rochester Kiwanis LTG: John Treahy treahy646@rochester.rr.com Genesee Kiwanis LTG: Heather Henderson heather35976@gmail.com KCR: Dr. Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org KCR: Andrea Doyle - andrea_doye@bcsd.org Governor: Mariam Makar - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Jason Xiong - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Winnie Huang - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Anthony Lim anthonylim.ea@nydkc.org Internal Executive Assistant: Tatiana Solodova tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org Bulletin Editor: Rachel Joh - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Kristin Lew - webmaster@nydkc.org District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com Page 16

Social Media International- @keyclubint and @kci1920 Sistrict- @spacifiny District- @nydkc Division- @nydkc23

International- @keyclub District- @nykeyclub

International- @keyclubintnl District- @nydkc

International- Key Club International District- NYDKC

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