Division 23 July Newsletter

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JULY 2020


THE KEY TO DIVISION 23 The Official Newsletter for New York District Key Club Division 23

In this issue LTG Greeting- Page 2 Governor's Bulletin- Page 3 Governor's Project and International Elections- Page 4 District Endorsed Projects and District Project- Page 5 International Partners- Pages 6Â Service Spotlights- Pages 7 to 8 Thirst Project Legacy Summit- Page 9 Service Project Ideas and Upcoming Events- Page 10 Division 23 Fundraiser- Page 11 D23 Member of the MonthPage 12 Paperwork Chart- Page 13 Upcoming Events and Contact Information- Page 14 Social Media- Page 15

Written by Charlotte Allen, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Happy July Division 23! I hope everyone has been enjoying your summer so far! The weather is so nice, so make sure you get outside and track those miles for Charity Miles! Speaking of which, I am so proud of our division for succeeding in going above and beyond our goal of $100 for March of Dimes. This past month I have been preparing for elections in the fall and elections that have already occurred. I have done this by addding many resources to our division's Many Link (many.link/nydkc23). I am also very proud that we were able to start Member of the Month this month! With that said, congratulations to Maya Dickson for her amazing work despite the pandemic. I'm hoping I will be able to meet all curent and IP officers and members in the fall if it is safe for me to visit clubs.

Yours in Service and Caring, Charlotte Allen, NYDKC Division 23 Lieutenant Governor Page 2

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Governor's Project Canines for Disabled Kids

Canines for Disabled Kids' aims to increase and insure independence for children with disabilities and their families through the use of service dogs, as well as understanding and awareness throughout the community. Canines for Disabled Kids offers free services to families to help connect children with the service dog that can best help them overcome restrictions caused by disabilities. The dogs help the kids increase their confidence! Please consider donating or focusing a service project around this wonderful cause!

International Elections International Elections were held at the Summer Leadership Conference. Welcome and congratulations to International President, Alex Drahos and International Vice President, Caroline Bushnell. The newly elected trustees are Emma Brainard, Emma Chang, Marissa Ding, Salma Eldeeb, Glory Kalu, Melanie Kim, Lena Oswald, River Pease, Jordan R, Andrew W, and Eddie Wei. Page 4

District Endorsed Projects Featuring: Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center "supports pediatric trauma efforts at the Cohen Children's Medical Center as well as programs throughout the area to protect the safety of children and to improve the ability of local emergency medical services response teams." It provides duns and staff to care for suddering children.

District Project: Project Hope Project HOPE transforms the health of people and communities around the world. They work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partner with communities, health care workers and public health systems in order to ensure sustainable change. Project HOPE aims to place power in the hands of health care workers to save lives worldwide. This is a great project for this year because of COVID19. Project HOPE helps healthcare workers worldwide and this is exactly the kind of place we should be putting our resources so that we can overcome this pandemic.

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International Partners Featuring: Children's Miracle Network

Key Clubbers work together to sponsor fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Our local CMN hospital is Golisano Children's Hospital. Clubs can invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership. CMN helps provide children and their families wiht financial aid to help pay medical expenses.

Featuring: Nickelodeon "Nickelodeon currently presents two major campaigns each year that encourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families and teachers about what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways."

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Thirst Project Legacy Summit

Thirst Project is a Key Club International Partner, here is some more about it, "Thirst project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water." Waterborne diseases kill more children every year than HIV, Malaria, and violence combined. This is because children usually do not have strong enough immune systems to fight the diseases like cholera and dysentery which puts them at higher risk. This is why Thirst Project hopes to supply clean drinking water to areas in need. Righto now they are currently working in India, Uganda, El Salvador, and Kenya. Annually, Thirst Project hosts a Legacy Summit where they promote Thirst Project and educate others on the global water crisis. This year it is virtual and free! In the Summit, there will be world-class speakers, inspirational breakout sessions, and live performances! Don’t miss out on this amazing free opportunity to learn more about a great charity and a Key Club International partner.

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Service Spotlights Summer Leadership Conference Since Key Club International Convention in San Francisco, California was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, inperson workshops were moved online which opened them up to many other people that wouldn’t have otherwise been able to go, like me. I am the webmaster of The Harley School Key Club and attending the workshops was very helpful. At the webmaster workshop, I learned about which social media platforms work the best for reaching out to members. I plan on using some of the new ideas with my club this coming year. Along with learning about new platforms I learned some ways to use the ones we already have, such as Instagram and what Instagram has to offer. Indigo Parlin held a great workshop with even a fun quiz at the end, I am very glad I attended it because I learned new things and was able to learn how to better serve my club.

Written by: Mari Rosenzweig, Harley Key Club Webmaster Page 7

Service Spotlights Over the past few months, I have been a part of the NYDKC Division 23 Charity Miles team. I really enjoy going on walks in my free time in order to get some fresh air and take a break from whatever I am doing at home. Charity Miles is a great way to incorporate service into my everyday activities. I have already accumulated several miles, each of which has donated 10 cents to the March of Dimes charity. Additionally, beginning on June 15th, I have been volunteering at Foolink, Inc. for 3-5 days a week. Foodlink, Inc. is an organization that collects donated food and distributes it to people in need. During the course of this pandemic, Foodlink has helped and is still helping provide food to thousands of households in our region. Over the past few weeks, I have volunteered a total of 48 hours and my impact value is over $1,400. I have been a part of several projects, including sorting donated food by the type, providing quality control checks, and boxing food that is ready to be delivered. Recently, I helped put together backpacks containing food. These backpacks are delivered to kids who go to the Rochester City Schools. My favorite part of this experience is that I can use Charity Miles while volunteering! Each time I volunteer, I walk at least a mile and it's awesome that I get to benefit two organizations at once. I’ve really enjoyed spending my time helping my community in this way, and I plan to continue doing this throughout the rest of the summer.

Written by: Tatiana Solodova District Internal Executive Assistant Brighton High School

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Service Project Ideas District Webmaster, Kristen Lew, has created a list of ways to serve virtually. Here are some of the ideas from the list! You can find more ideas from Kristen's list on our Many Link! (many.link/nydkc23) -Online Tutoring (for younger students in your district) -Charity Miles (join division 23 for March of Dimes charity) -Free Rice game (answer trivia to donate rice for the World Food Program) -Atlas Go (workout to raise money) -Livestream a Fundraiser -Wordsofthanks.online (write cards for healthcare workers online) -BeanBeanBean (trivia questions that earn money for food banks) -Movie Nights (through Netflix Party or Youtube Party) -Make and donate fbaric face masks -Bedtime stories (record yourslef reading a bedtime sotry for children's hospitals -Donate baked goods (to shelters, food banks, etc) -Make paper cranes and donate them to children's hospitals or senior homes -Gorcery buying (buy groceries for people at high risk for COVID-19

District Goals Service Goal: 90,000 hours

10% (8740 Hours)

Fundraising Goal: $120,000 11.6% ($13,932.02)

Division 23 Fundraiser What? Who?

In an effort to increase inter-club activities, I decided to make a fundraiser for all members of Division 23 to participate in. We have all been going on tons of walks lately so I thought, why not raise money while we walk! This means that every member and officer in our division is welcome to join! What we are going to be doing is through an app called Charity Miles which is available to IOS and Andriod Devices and is FREE!


All you have to do is download the Charity Miles app which is FREE on Android and IOS devices! Once you download the app, select the March of Dimes Charity. March of Dimes is a Key Club endorsed charity and it is one of the options on the app Charity Miles. (You can learn more about March of Dimes on page 4) Then you can join our team (this will accumulate everyone’s miles so we can see how much we have walked/run and how much money we have raised together)!

Progress Update:

So far we have ran/walked/bike over 500 miles which means we have raised over 100 dollars. Our goal was to raise 100 dollars and we all came together to successfully smash that goal! Thank you to everyone who has been participating! When? We started this fundraiser in June. We will keep it going until August 15th

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Member of the Month Congratulations Maya on becoming the divison 23 Member of the Month! You have done a great job serving your community and we can't wait to see what you do next!

To become the next Member of the Month or nominate someone, you can fill out the form on the Many Link ( https://many.link/nydkc23 )

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Paperwork Chart

Links to individual club paperwork forms were shared with all club Presidents and Secretaries. If you think you do not have yours for your club, let me know and I will make sure you have access to it.

Monthly Report Form (MRF)

This is filled about by the club secretary. It is due by the 10th of the following month. This is important so that the district can see how clubs are doing and where clubs are at, as well as help keep track of how many hours we have served.

Fundraising Report Form (FRF) This is filled out by the club treasurer. Fill out a couple days after a fundraiser. It helps the district to keep track of how much money we have raised for other organizations.

Election Report Form (ERF) This is filled out by the club president. It is to be filled out ASAP after your club holds elections. It asks for contact information for club officers. This is important so we can keep in touch with everyone.

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Upcoming Events Thirst Project Legacy Summit - July 16th and 17th, 1:00-5:30 pm

D23 Summer Divisional - August 16th at 3pm D23 Back-to-School Divisional- October (Date and time TBD)

Contact Information LTG: Charlotte Allen - division23@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Yuan Shang - yuan.shang@nycirclek.org Kiwanis LTG: John Treahy - treahy646@rochester.rr.com Kiwanis LTG: Marie Schoenacker - marie0808@frontier.com KCR: Dr. Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org KCR: Andrea Doyle - andrea_doye@bcsd.org Governor: Mariam Makar - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Jason Xiong - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Winnie Huang - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Anthony Lim anthonylim.ea@nydkc.org Internal Executive Assistant: Tatiana Solodova tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org Bulletin Editor: Rachel Joh - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Kristin Lew - webmaster@nydkc.org District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com Page 14

Social Media International- @keyclubint and @kci1920 Sistrict- @thebestsistrict District- @nydkc Division- @nydkc23

International- @keyclub District- @nykeyclub

International- @keyclubintnl District- @nydkc

International- Key Club International District- NYDKC

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