Division 23 June Newsletter

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JUNE 2020


THE KEY TO DIVISION 23 The Official Newsletter for New York District Key Club Division 23

In this issue

LTG Greeting- Page 2 Governor's Bulletin- Page 3 Governor's Project and International Endorsed Projects- Page 4 District Endorsed Projects and District Project- Page 5 International Partners- Pages 67 Service Spotlights- Pages 8-9 Elimination Week and Key Club's Birthday- Page 10 Empire Key, Member of the Month, and Circle K- Page 11 Virtual Team Engagement Webinar- Page 12 Division 23 Fundriaser- Page 13 Key Club in Response to Recent News- Page 14 Service Project Ideas and District Goals- Page 15 Paperwork Chart and Information- Page 16 Upcoming Events and Contact Information- Page 17 Social Media- Page 18

Written by Charlotte Allen, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hi Division 23! It's Charlotte Allen, your Key Club Lieutenant Governor for Division 23 in the 2020-21 service year! I am a Junior at the Harley School. This upcoming year, I would like to increase club membership and inter-club service activities. I also hope to establish better communication among my division but also with Kiwanis, Circle K, and Aktion Clubs in the Rochester area. I have already started to try and establish better communication by creating group chats for all officer positions. In an effort to increase our inter-club activities, and to also to stay active and serve, I have decided to start a division-wide fundraiser! You can read more about this on page 13! I have also created a Many Link. Many Link is one link that will take you to a variety of links, that way everything is in one place. Every link you would need I have attached there, so please check it out. This is the link to the Many Link: many.link/nydkc23. Also, huge shout-out to Victor Key Club for serving during the Pandemic. They created a 5 week service project and have continued serving despite the challenges. I encourage you all to keep the effort up even as we enter into the summer. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at divsion23@nydkc.org or with my number, (585)721-8606.

Yours in Service and Caring, Charlotte Allen, NYDKC Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

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May Governor's Bulletin

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Governor's Project Canines for Disabled Kids Canines for Disabled Kids' mission is to " [Increase] independence for children with disabilities and their families by promoting service dog partnerships, understanding and awareness throughout the community.� Canines for Disabled Kids offers free services to families to help connect children with the service dog that can best help them overcome restrictions caused by disabilities. The dogs help the kids increase their confidence! Please consider donating or focusing a service project around this wonderful cause!

International Endorsed Projects Featuring: March of Dimes

March of Dimes helps provide healthcare to moms and babies. For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped millions of babies survive and are currently trying to help moms and babies regardless of their age, socioeconomic background, or demographics. March of Dimes advocates for policies that prioritize health for moms and babies. March of Dimes "pioneers research to find solutions to the biggest health threats to moms and babies."

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District Endorsed Projects Featuring: Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation The Foundation started in 2000 when Kiwanis New York District Gov. John Gridley vowed to help children diagnosed with this disease. The Lyme Disease Project helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, because most insurance companies do not pay for its expensive treatment. It is funded through donations from Kiwanis Clubs and individuals. They have 27 active grants for children with the disease. This project was created by Kiwanis but Key Club actively supports it! You can help by raising money for the organization or by raising awarenss about lyme disease.

District Project: Project Hope Project HOPE transforms the health of people and communities around the world. They work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partner with communities, health care workers and public health systems in order to ensure sustainable change. Project HOPE aims to place power in the hands of health care workers to save lives worldwide. This is a great project for this year because of COVID19. Project HOPE helps healthcare workers worldwide and this is exactly the kind of place we should be putting our resources so that we can overcome this pandemic.

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International Partners


Mission: To empower volunteers and under-resourced communities to resolve global health, education, and economic disparities and inspire all involved to collaboratively work towards an equal world. Vision: To improve equality of life by igniting the largest student-led social responsibility movement on the planet Values: Empowerment, Holistic Approach, Scalability, Sustainability, Financial Transparency, and Collaboration

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"Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners." The different squads are: Global Health, Global Education, Global STEM, and Global Business. The mission trips work in Costa Rica, Ghana, Greece Refugee Program, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama.

Featuring: Mission: UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. "UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. UNICEF fights for the rights of children that are seeking safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflicts, and equality."

Trick Or Treat with UNICEF Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began 70 years ago as a way to help kids that were affected by World War II. Every year, millions of children across the United States go door to door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes. They collect money instead of candy for UNICEF. The tradition has helped to raise more than $175 million since 1950. Key Club partners with them every year to raise money.

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Service Spotlights

From Victor:

Our service projects ended last week, same  with our distance learning school year! We did a total of 5 weeks worth of activities for our members to participate in. We primarily ran the information about the weekly themes through our Instagram page and website, as well and through the Remind platform. Our different themes included having members send it photos of them wearing/making homemade and store bought masks, photos of family meals and desserts around Mother’s Day that our members made for their families, a family game night, delivery men and women care packages and appreciation posters, and finally our final week was teacher appreciation notes through chalk or posters. All of the submitted pictures were posted to our Instagram. (@victorkeyclub)!! Overall the at-home service projects were majorly successful and was a really great example of how our community can come together even from a distance to show appreciation for the heroes in our community, teachers during distance learning and for our families at home!! Written by: Taylor Gravino, Victor Key Club President

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Service Spotlights From Penfield: We have been working on a small gift for our seniors. We are making a sign and some friendship bracelets. Written by: Tali Phillips, Pefield Key Club Secretary

From Division 8: The Eliminate Project helps save and protect women and their babies from tetanus, a life-threatening bacterial infection. Since 2010, Key Clubbers have teamed up with the Kiwanis family and UNICEF to create “eliminate week”. Each day of the week represents a different activity to partake in. From Make It Known Monday, ELemon-ate Wednesday and more, each bringing a great form of awareness to Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). Every 17 minutes a newborn baby dies from tetanus, but with the help of many people we are able to change that. By watching videos, and donating money, I realize that anything can make a difference. With the help of key clubbers and other people, we all contributed our efforts, knowing that something small can go a long way. Written by: Fenny Chen, Member of Bayside High School Key Club Page 9

Eliminate Week

The Eliminate Project is a project that works to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetnus (MNT). Since 2010, Key Clubs have worked with UNICEF and the entire Kiwanis family to help protect mothers and babies from MNT. So far we have eliminated MNT in 27 countries. Eliminate Week looked like this: Make it Known Monday, Toss it Out Tuesday, E-lemon-ate Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Fundraiser Friday.

Here is a picture of Charlotte Allen (D23 LTG and Harley Member) participating in E-lemon-ate Wednesday. Tatiana Solodova (IP D23 LTG, Internal EA, and Brighton Member) also particpated in E-lemon-ate Wednesday.

Key Club's 95th Birthday Key Club's 95th Birthday was May 7th, 2020. The first club began in Sacramento California and had 11 members. "Key Club was the idea of two Sacramento Kiwanis Club members, Albert C. Olney and Frank C. Vincent, who also were high school administrators. It would resemble Kiwanis, have its own classifications based on school interests and hold luncheon meetings. The club was comprised of the "key" boys in the school, willing to serve the school in any way possible and to create better school spirit."

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Empire Key Submissions The Empire Key is the NYDKC Newsletter. There are four publications throughout the year! It contains updates from the executive board, committee updates, district goal progress checks, international partners, district endorsed projects, and MANY sbervice spotlights! The Empire Key is a great way to feature your club and the service you all have been doing! I suggest each club submits at least one article for the Newsletter. The form to submit can be found in my weekly emails or the Many Link mentioned in the LTG Greeting and the Division 23 Instagram.

Member of the Month

We are starting our very own Member of the Month for Division 23. Nominate yourself or another member/officer for the potential to be recognized on our Instagram! I hope everyone uses this opportunity to help acknowledge and raise awareness of all our hard work and dedication to service! I ask that each President fills out this first Member of the Month. If you submit a Member of the Month during June you can still be eligible to win Member of the Month later on in the year. The form to submit can be found in my weekly emails or the Many Link mentioned in the LTG Greeting and the Division 23 Instagram.

Seniors and Circle K Circle K is the college version of Key Club. Circle K is a great way for Key Clubbers to continue their service even after they graduate. To find out if your college has a Circle K, you can fill out a short Google Form. The form can be found in my weekly emails or the Many Link mentioned in the LTG Greeting and the Division 23 Instagram.

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Virtual Team Engagement Webinar

In Collaboration with Pacific North West District (PNW) Hosted by: Tom Kreiglstein Tip 1: Break the ice without saying so -The word icebreaker has negative connotations -Other words: "an opportunity to" or "your challenge is" Tip 2: Use their music, not your music -Play music your audience will love and enjoy -Fill the space with music during quiet times -Raise the volume so everyone can hear Tip 3: Backgrounds -Messy backgrounds are distracting -Use virtual backgrounds if necessary Tip 4: Connect and Connections -Utilize break out groups! Tip 5: Engagement -Utilize the poll feature on Zoom -A scavenger hunt in your room

Over 300 attendees from PNW and NY Districts!

From an Attendee: Team engagement is the most important way to keep a community thriving. Key Club is an organization that encourages students to get involved and help their community through community service. Keeping students interested and willing to connect with others is essential to the club’s success, and it is important for the officers and members to learn how to make everyone feel welcome and included. In NYDKC’s webinar with Tom Krigelstein, officers participated in exercises that can be used to “break the ice” and learned about different advanced methods of engaging club members. To many, the exercises Krigelstein taught might come off as silly or unimportant, however, just getting to know someone through virtual polling, scavenger hunt, and dance session can make members feel comfortable within their community, and more willing to open up and bring new ideas to the table. One of the most inspiring moments of the webinar was when one member shared a framed quote that preached for self-acceptance. This taught me that being an open and willing participant in group activities, even if it’s just sharing something small, makes people feel like they’re not alone and that they’re part of something bigger than themselves. Strong team engagement can create a strong community that motivates members to commit to selfless moments of kindness and makes members will want to come back. Written by: Stella White, Harley Key Club Vice President

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Division 23 Fundraiser In an effort to increase inter-club activities, I decided to make a fundraiser for all members of Division 23 to participate in. We have all been going on tons of walks lately so I thought, why not raise money while we walk! This means that every member and officer in our division is welcome to join! What we are going to be doing is through an app called Charity Miles which is available to IOS and Andriod Devices and is FREE! All you have to do is download the app! Once you download the app, select the March of Dimes Charity. March of Dimes is a Key Club endorsed charity and it is one of the options on the app Charity Miles. (You can learn more about March of Dimes on page 4) Then you can join our team (this will accumulate everyone’s miles so we can see how much we have walked/run and how much money we have raised together)! Our team is called NYDKC Division 23. I really hope you all join so that we can raise money together! So far we have ran/walked/bike 94 miles which means we have raised 23.5 dollars. This may not seem like a lot but it is 23.5 more dollars than we would have been donating without the fundraiser. Our goal is to raise 100 dollars, so keep up the good work! We are about 25% of the way to our goal! Hopefully we can get more members to join so we can raise even more money for March of Dimes. Thank you to everyone who has been participating!

Top 3 on Leaderboard: Charlotte A.- 39 miles Stephanie G.- 27 miles Isabella W.- 18 miles

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Responses Regarding Recent Events Response from the New York Key Club District:

Response from Division 23 LTG: You can find ways to help on our division's Instagram (@nydkc23)

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Service Project Ideas From Our International Trustee, Irin Shim

1) Answer phones for a Suicide Prevention Hotline: Locate your local crisis center and help someone in need. You can also use this to spread awareness. 2) Become an online tutor with tutor.com: Use your experiences and knowledge to help other people and students. 3) Make a global difference with the United Nations: There are many opportunities for you to volunteer online. You can translate documents, design communication templates, or do research for Data Science for Development and Humanitarian Assistance 4) Provide support to Crisis Text Line: You can become a volunteer for a text line and help people dealing with depression, anxiety, or bullying. 5) Transcribe historical documents for the Smithsonian: You can become a Smithsonian Digital volunteer which helps make historical documents more accessible

From Circle K Seneca Division LTG, Yuan Shang

1) Make Cards for Children's Hospitals: Send to a local hospital 2) Make Dog Toys for local animal shelters 3)Food pantry volunteer in your local area. ex) Foodlink in Rochester 4)Clean local park/recreation area 5) Donate hygiene kits to local homeless shelters 6) Make bingo cards for local Senior living facility 7)Make sexual assault baggies (piece of jewelry and a word of encouragement in a nice baggie) 8) Bring bottled water to peaceful protesters or protest yourself 9) Gather and donate old books from your collection to your local library/prison 10)Make blankets for babies at local hospitals 11)Write cards to healthcare workers thanking them

District Goals

Service Hour Goal: 90,000 Hours 5% completed

Fundraising Goal: $120,000 10% completed

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Paperwork Chart

Links to paperwork forms can be found in my weekly emails or the Many Link mentioned in the LTG Greeting and on the Division 23 Instagram

Monthly Report Form (MRF)

This is filled about by the club secretary. It is due by the 10th of the following month. This is important so that the district can see how clubs are doing and where clubs are at, as well as help keep track of how many hours we have served.

Fundraising Report Form (FRF) This is filled out by the club treasurer. Fill out a couple days after a fundraiser. It helps the district to keep track of how much money we have raised for other organizations.

Election Report Form (ERF)

This is filled out by the club president. It is to be filled out ASAP after your club holds elections. It asks for contact information for club officers. This is important so we can keep in touch with everyone.

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Upcoming Events We currently have no upcoming events due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Many clubs are doing virtual service projects but there are no dates for any specific events. Members should know that I will be hosting a virtual summer divisional, date TBD.

Contact Information LTG: Charlotte Allen - division23@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Yuan Shang - yuan.shang@nycirclek.org Kiwanis LTG: John Treahy - treahy646@rochester.rr.com Kiwanis LTG: Marie Schoenacker - marie0808@frontier.com KCR: Dr. Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org KCR: Andrea Doyle - andrea_doye@bcsd.org Governor: Mariam Makar - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Jason Xiong - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Winnie Huang - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Anthony Lim anthonylim.ea@nydkc.org Internal Executive Assistant: Tatiana Solodova tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org Bulletin Editor: Rachel Joh - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Kristin Lew - webmaster@nydkc.org District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com Page 17

Social Media International- @keyclubint and @kci1920 Sistrict- @thebestsistrict District- @nydkc Division- @nydkc23

International- @keyclub District- @nykeyclub

International- @keyclubintnl District- @nydkc

International- Key Club International District- NYDKC

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