February Newsletter

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1. February 2022

Volume 10

THE KEY TO DIVISION 23 The Official Newsletter for New York District Key Club Division 23

IN THIS ISSUE: LTG Greeting- Page 2 Governors Greeting- Page 3 Our 22-23 LTG & LTC 2022- Page 4 KCI Key to College Night & Outside the D23 Service SpotlightPage 5 D23 Service spotlight & Hydrate for 28- Page 6 District Project & Service hour goal + Fundraising Goal ProgressPage 7 District Endorsed Projects- Page 8 Empire Key & Service Ideas- Page 9 Paperwork Tracker- Page 10 Contact Information- Page 11

Written by Dhaanya Ghanta, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

2. Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hi Division 23! We are almost at the end of the 2021-2022 service year! I am so proud of each and every one of you for all the service you have done this year. Our 2022-2023 D23 LTG: At the January division that was held on 1/30, D23 elected our Lieutenant Governor for the next service year. Our new LTG is Yanisa Chaisomboonpan- a Junior from Brighton Key Club. Yanisa will begin her term on April 1st after this year's Leadership Training Conference. The January MRF is Due February 10th Together we have ran, biked, and walked nearly 2,460 miles for the March of Dimes since June! Here is our top 5 on the leaderboard as it stands today. Thank you all for your contributions! 1. Dr. Vinton (682 Miles) 2. Elena Fuentes (487 Miles) 3. Mari Carmen ( 431 Miles) 4. Qariza Rafa-Vidya (164 Miles) 5. Nicolette Hagen (112 Miles) NYDKC'S Leadership Training Conference is this March and is scheduled to be in person at the Desmond Hotel in Albany from March 25-27th. The awards booklet has been sent out and I would love to see you apply for some. The awards booklet is attached to this email. The registration links to attend in person or virtually are below. In-Person: https://www.registermychapter.com/keyclub/ny Virtual: https://www.registermychapter.com/keyclub/ny-virtual

Let's Finish off this year strong D23 Bees! Yours in Service, Dhaanya Ghanta, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

3. Governor's Greeting

4. Our 2022-2023 Lieutenant Governor At the January divisional which was held on January 30th, clubs across division 23 sent member representatives to vote for our 20222023 service year Lieutenant Governor. The result was the election of Yanisa Chaisomboonpan as the next LTG. Yanisa is a Junior at Brighton High school and shows much passion for Key Club and our division. Yanisa will start her term on the first day of the 22-23 service year which is April first 2022. Congratulations Yanisa!

NYDKC'S Leadership Training Conference New York District's biggest event is just around the corner. LTC is a weekend full of workshops, service projects, awards, and endless fun. This year's theme is Key Club County Fair. Come celebrate the end of an awesome service year and the start of a new one from March 25-27 in person at the Desmond Hotel, Albany or virtually! Date: 25-27th March at the Desmond Hotel in Albany Registration: In-Person: https://www.registermychapter.com/keyclub/ny Virtual: https://www.registermychapter.com/keyclub/ny-virtual Theme: "Key Club County Fair: A Celebration of Service."

All in person attendees must be fully vaccinated and boosted. Masks are required

5. New York CKI Key to College Night New York District of Circle K International is hosting their second Key to College Night this service year. This event is organized for Key Clubbers who are graduating to learn about the next steps as they prepare for college. Key clubbers who are not seniors are also encouraged to attend and ask any college related questions. The event is on February 16th from 8-9:30 PM. This event will be held on zoom. Please sign up here if interested

Outside the D23 Service Spotlight Key Club is great in that there are so many acts of service to choose from, whether it's an in-person or virtual event. Through these events, key clubbers get to indulge in volunteering and meeting new people, making new memories along the way. One event that really stuck with me was volunteering at the Chinatown Community Fridge. The fridge and pantry are run by a team of youth and local volunteers who strive to support a food-insecure community through providing fresh produce, goods, and other necessities. The whole purpose behind this event is what got me really excited to volunteer! I loved walking along with the neighborhood with other volunteers as we gathered the necessities to stock up the fridge. As we filled the fridge, senior citizens and other locals started gathering around as they grabbed some of the produce. The smiles on their faces absolutely warmed my heart. I am so thankful for being able to help. Seeing everyone’s spirit really brightened up my day. Plus, the community there is so wholesome! I would definitely volunteer again and hope others can join in :) -Mashiyat Ahmed (NEST+M High School) Division 11

6. D23 Service Spotlight The Harley School Key Club partnered with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive on January 28, 2022. Key Club advertised the drive using posters, social media posts, and school-wide announcements. Key Club also helped to organize the logistics of the drive. During the drive, club members volunteered in a variety of ways. Some members helped guide donors through the school to the location of the drive, while others took temperatures and checked in donors. Key clubbers also handed out snacks to donors after they had finished giving blood. Donors came from both inside and outside the Harley community, with many faculty, staff, and students giving blood. Overall, the blood drive was a huge success. The Red Cross collected a total of 31 units of blood, surpassing its goal. The drive was especially important this year due to the national blood shortage, and the club is proud to have assisted the Red Cross during this crisis. Key Club intends to hold another blood drive on April 12, 2022.

- By Frances Dickinson, Harley Key Club

Thirst Project's Hydrate for 28 Thirst Project has teamed with Key Club for "Hydrate for 28". They are Challenging you to Drink 64 Ounces of water per day for 28 days. For everyday that you complete the challenge, have people donate $1 to you. Create a fundraising page and have people support your hydration journey here

7. District Project When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was 4, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. She set up many stands in the following years to help fund for other children's cancer treatment costs. After her passing, her parents started Alex's Lemonade Stand for Childhood Cancer which today supports thousands of cancer research projects

Alexandra Scott

Alex’s Lemonade Stand:

District Service Hour Goal & Fundraising Goal

Fundraising Goal: $150,000 Amount Raised so far: $156,000 or 104%

Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours Hours so far: 126,632 or 126%


District Endorsed Projects Kamp Kiwanis: Kamp Kiwanis is aimed at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play. The program at Kamp Kiwanis is designed to mainstream all children, including children with special needs. It is non-competitive with emphasis on group and team building. Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation: Founded in 2000 by Kiwanis Gov. John Gridley, the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation was Established to assist families in paying medical bills related to treatment for the disease and to raise awareness of Pediatric Lyme Disease and its prevention. By 2014, the foundation was able to raise over $270,000

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center: The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation is one of three KPTC programs operating in the New York District of Kiwanis. The foundation supports pediatric trauma efforts at the Cohen Children's Medical Center as well as programs throughout the area to protect the safety of children and to improve the ability of local emergency medical services

9. Empire Key Oppertunities

Would you like to have your club's service spotlighted in NYDKC's district newsletter? District Bulletin Editor Jerry is looking to publish one more issue of the Empire Key before the end of the service year. The Empire Key is New York District Key Club's district newsletter and Key Clubbers around the state have the opportunity to be spotlighted in each issue. To get a chance to be spotlighted, write a little description of a service event your club has had recently. Steps to submit articles: 1) Attach articles as a PDF and submit photos via this form. 2) Articles should be approximately 150-300 words long. 3) Email the articles to me (division23@nydkc.org)

Service Ideas Become a volunteer tutor with Rochester Peer Tutoring. Learn more @ rocpeertutor.weebly.com Host a clothing drive Host a book drive Write Valentine's day cards for school staff

Answer a few questions on freerice.com Make some dog toys with old T- shirts

10. Paperwork Chart

January MRF was due, February 10th Monthly Report Form (MRF): The MRF'S are filled by the Secretaries and they are important because it lets the district know of what we are doing and also to keep track of our hours. Submit here. Election Report Form (ERF): As clubs are starting to hold elections, presidents please make sure to fill out the election report form to update officer position holdings as soon as possible after elections. Submit the form here Fundraising Report Form (FRF): The FRF is a form filled by the treasurer within 2 days after a club holds a fundraiser. This form helps the district keep track of fundraising and to see where we stand on the fundraising goal. Fill out the form here.

11. Contact Information LTG: Dhaanya Ghanta- division23@nydkc.org District Governor: Chloe Baker- governor@nydkc.org District Secretary: Jack Lehman secretary@nydkc.org District Treasurer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh- treasurer@nydkc.org District Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen- editor@nydkc.org District External Executive Assistant: Aaron Yu- yuaaron2004@gmail.com District Internal Executive Assistant: Gabriella Slootsky- gabriellaslootsky@gmail.com District Webmaster: Anna Belenko- webmaster@nydkc.org KCR: Andrea Doyle- andrea_Doyle@bcsd.org KCR: Betsy Vinton- bvinton@harleyschool.org District Administrator: John Goldstein - nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel - mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com Circle K Counterpart: Yangyi Fang- yangyi.feng@nycirclek.org Kiwanis Counterpart: Heather Henderson- heather35976@gmail.com

Social Media Divison: @nydkcd23 District: @nydkc International: @keyclubint District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

International: Key Club International District: NYDKC

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