NYDKC D23 October Newsletter

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October 2021

Volume 3

THE KEY TO DIVISION 23 The Official Newsletter for New York District Key Club Division 23

IN THIS ISSUE: LTG Greeting Page 2

Governors Greeting- Page 3 Empire Key Opportunities & The Editors Choice Award: Page 4 Service Spotlight & YOF Fund - Page 5 District Project & Service hour goal + Fundraising Goal Progress- Page 6 Trick- or- Treat for UNICEF & District Endorsed Project - Page 7 Member Dues & District Fall Conference- Page 8 Intro to New International board + Trustee & October Divisional Sign UpPage 9 Service Ideas- Page 10 Paperwork Tracker- Page 11 Contact Information- Page 12

Written by Dhaanya Ghanta, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

2. Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hi Division 23! Its officially spooky season! hope everyone has had a great first month back in school. As we get into the school year and recruiting members, dues are an important thing to get out of the way. Note on Member Dues: Key Club dues are available for payment. Early Bird Registration is December 1, Regular registration is January 1, and late registration is February 1. For more information on dues payments, read page 8. Presidents please make sure to fill out the Election Report Form as soon as possible after holding elections. This will allow the new officers to receive my updates rather than the previous officers. The link to the ERF can be found in my previous weekly updates and in the paperwork tracker below. The September MRF is Due October 10th ( Tomorrow) Among the 10 members on the NYDKCD23 group on Charity Miles, we were able to bike, run, and or walk 1,220+ miles since the end of June for the March of Dimes charity! Shoutout to Elena Fuentes, Mari Carmen, Qariza Rafa- Vidya and Nicolette Hagen for contributing 100+ miles. My next divisional will be this month on October 17th in collaboration with Seneca Division Circle K and will be joined by our friends from Division 25. Sign up HERE . More Information on page 9. District Editor Jerry released the second issue of the district newsletter- The Empire Key! Check it out HERE Feel free to contact me with any questions by email division23@nydkc.org and or phone (585)284 4020

Yours in Service, Dhaanya Ghanta, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

3. Governor's Greeting

4. The Empire Key Opportunities & Editors Choice Award Editors Choice Award: Being an editor is not just about writing and designing. It is also about thinking out of the box. The Editor’s Choice Award is given to key club members who have dedicated themselves to volunteering and writing about such captivating events. Any key clubber can submit an article and club editors are highly encouraged to participate as well. If selected, the awardee will get a certificate and a personal note from the Bulletin Editor and their photo will be posted on the NYDKC Instagram. All you have to do to apply is write a 150-300 words word article on a service event that you were a part of. You can also submit a few images of the event as well. Due Date: October 20th at 11:59 PM EST [Empire Key Issue 3] Submit articles HERE Empire Key Opportunities (Issue 3): Would you like to submit a service article (150-300 words) to be featured in the second issue of the Empire Key? Just write the article and submit it to the link above by the same date.

5. Service Spotlight Within the D23: Harley Key Clubbers kicked off the school year by gathering outside to hold a car wash and raised money to help fund future community service projects. students involved themselves by cleaning out dirty buckets, washing cars, and drying them. Many students worked together on different jobs which helped keep the event running smoothly as things got busy! - Written By Samantha C. - Harley Key Club Secretary

Featuring D14: Ticonderoga Sentinel’s Snack Shack helps feed hungry crowds at Friday night football games. Key Club members help design menus, prepare food, and offer friendly service to the community. Key Club members make sanitary service a first priority by wearing gloves, masks, and selling pre-packaged food only. By helping volunteer, you can not only enjoy a great view of the game, but participate in fulfilling community service and create friendships with others. A special thanks to Haley Sutphen, Sofie Hubbard, Audrey Cook, Irelan Porter, Eliza Strum, Chloe Baker, Trevor Blanchard, Derrick Oiser, Alyssa Mydlarz, Kim Wojick, and more for their help! - Written by Audrey Cook, Secretary, Ticonderoga High School

Youth Opportunities Fund Through the YOF grant, Key Club International is helping Key Clubs fund service projects and events to serve communities. $250 to $2,000 can be requested. The application opens on September 1st and closes on October 15th (This coming Friday). More information on how to apply can be found here

6. District Project Alex’s Lemonade Stand: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation joins the effort to fight childhood cancer by funding research, raising awareness, supporting families, and working to find a cure. ALSF has funded more than 1,000 research projects at nearly 150 Institutions in the U.S. and Canada. For this service year, Alex's Lemonade stand is our official district project

District Service Hour Goal & Fundraising Goal

Fundraising Goal: $150,000 Amount Raised so far: 28% or $42,000

Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours Hours so far: 53,562 hours or 54%

7. International Endorsed Project UNICEF TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF Haiti is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, plus the aftermath of a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in August. Without safe water, more children and families are at risk. Funds you raise will support Circle K International’s WASH( water, sanitation and hygiene) project, the five-year signature campaign that will help meet families’ emergency WASH needs. This year, Key Club International and the rest of the Kiwanis family are joining forces with Circle K International in this effort to make a bigger impact on the lives of children in Haiti. Once your club has registered, you’ll be able to ask friends and family to help you raise money for the WASH Project. Learn more and start you fundraiser HERE

District Endorsed Project Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation: Founded in 2000 by Kiwanis Gov. John Gridley, the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation was Established to assist families in paying medical bills related to treatment for the disease and to raise awareness of Pediatric Lyme Disease and its prevention. By 2014, the foundation was able to raise over $270,000

8. Member Dues Key Club member dues are now available for payment. Early Bird Registration is December 1st , Regular registration is January 1st, and late registration is February 1st. Dues Collection: • What is it? clubs need to pay dues for at least 11 members to be recognized. Each member is responsible for $13. $6 go to NYDKC and $7 go to Key Club international. • Struggling getting members to pay? I recommend that clubs either ask their sponsoring Kiwanis clubs for help paying dues or host a fundraiser. • How to pay: To pay dues you need to have contact information for at least 11 members (email addresses and graduation year), then log on to the Membership Update Center (MUC) and update officers and club membership. make sure to remove members who left the club and add ones who joined. Then submit payment online or print the invoice and pay by check. Online payment is usually filled by your club advisor so please to talk to them about this.

District Fall Conference Did you enjoy the workshops at LTC? Would you like to attend similar workshops? If so, you’re in luck! The district fall conference is right around the corner on November 20th. 19 workshops will be taking place and will cost $15 to attend. All proceeds will be going towards the district projectAlex's Lemonade Stand! Sign up and more information will be coming soon.

Introducing the new International Trustee & International Board International President: Salma Eldeeb, Florida District International Vice President: Melanie Kim, Georgia District International Trustees: Aliya Ali, Cali-Nev-Ha District Ava Chae, Kansas District Emily Leonard, Rocky Mountain District Anton McDonald, Bahamas District Ellie Nusbaum, Nebraska-Iowa District Lena Oswald, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Natasha Shrestha, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Cheyenne Stewart, Indiana District Subashree Venkatasubramanian, Pacific Northwest District Kathy Ye, Georgia District Sana Yooseph, Florida District


International Trustee Emily Leonard will be serving the New York District and the Pacific Northwest and Bahamas Districts! (Follow our sistrict @pacifahamork on Instagram!)

October Divisional My next divisional will be in collaboration with the Seneca division of Circle K and we will be joined by Division 25 for a co- divisional. Circle K members will be presenting on what circle K is and will be answering any questions regarding college and college applications. The date will be October 17th at 6-7pm on zoom. Sign up HERE

10. Service Ideas IN PERSON: Organize a supply drive for an animal shelter: Many animal shelters have it rough and suffer from a shortage of supplies. Get your school or community to donate items such as cleaning materials, pet food, bath items, etc. Park Clean Up: Gather a group of people and start a clean up effort at a park or school. Car Wash Fundraiser: Organize a fundraiser washing cars! Advertise it and pick a location.

VIRTUAL/ Individual: Free Rice: Go to the free rice website and answer a few questions to donate rice to families in need Wordsofthanks.online: Website where members can write cards for healthcare workers AtlasGo Charity:

App where members can workout to earn money for charities

11. Paperwork Chart

September MRF is due TOMORROW & The August MRF was due September 10th! Monthly Report Form (MRF): The MRF'S are filled by the Secretaries and they are important because it lets the district know of what we are doing and also to keep track of our hours. Submit here. Election Report Form (ERF): As clubs are starting to hold elections, presidents please make sure to fill out the election report form to update officer position holdings as soon as possible after elections. Submit the form here Fundraising Report Form (FRF): The FRF is a form filled by the treasurer within 2 days after a club holds a fundraiser. This form helps the district keep track of fundraising and to see where we stand on the fundraising goal. Fill out the form here.


Contact Information

LTG: Dhaanya Ghanta- division23@nydkc.org District Governor: Chloe Baker- governor@nydkc.org District Secretary: Jack Lehman secretary@nydkc.org District Treasurer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh- treasurer@nydkc.org District Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen- editor@nydkc.org District External Executive Assistant: Aaron Yu- yuaaron2004@gmail.com District Internal Executive Assistant: Gabriella Slootsky- gabriellaslootsky@gmail.com District Webmaster: Anna Belenko- webmaster@nydkc.org KCR: Andrea Doyle- andrea_Doyle@bcsd.org KCR: Betsy Vinton- bvinton@harleyschool.org District Administrator: John Goldstein - nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel - mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com Circle K Counterpart: Yangyi Fang- yangyi.feng@nycirclek.org Kiwanis Counterpart: Heather Henderson- heather35976@gmail.com

Social Media

Divison: @nydkcd23

District: @nydkc

International: @keyclubint District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

International: Key Club International District: NYDKC

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