Division 23 May Newsletter

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APRIL 2020


THE KEY TO DIVISION 23 The Official Newsletter for New York District Key Club Division 23

In this issue LTG Greeting - Page 2 Governor's Greeting Page 3 Governor and International Projects - Page 4 District Endorsed Projects - Page 5 District Goals and ICON - Page 6 Service Spotlights Page 7 and 8 May Divisional - Page 9 Virtual LTC and Upcoming Events Page 10 Paperwork Chart Page 11 Contact Information Page 12 Social Media - Page 13

Written by Charlotte Allen, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hi Division 23! I hope you are all staying safe during this scary and uncertain time. It is almost AP week so I bet you are all pretty busy. Remember to take care of yourself! I wanted to take the time to introduce myself, my name is Charlotte Allen, and I am a junior at The Harley School. I will be serving as the Key Club Lieutenant Governor for Division 23 in the 2020-21 service year! Outside of Key Club, I am on the Varsity Volleyball team at my school. I also dance year-round, co-lead Feminist Club, and am an active member of Yoga Club! Here is some information about Division 23 and my plans for this service year. Our division includes: Brockport, Brighton, Canandaigua, Keshequa, Mount Morris, Penfield, The Harley School, Victor, Webster Schroeder High, and Webster Thomas High. This upcoming year, I would like to increase club membership and interclub service activities. I also hope to establish better communication among my division but also with Kiwanis, Circle K, and Aktion Clubs in the Rochester area. I have already started to try and establish better communication by creating group chats for Presidents and Secretaries. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at divsion23@nydkc.org or with my number, (585)721-8606.

Yours in Service and Caring, Charlotte Allen, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

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Governor's Greeting Hey NYDKC! I hope all is well with everyone during these hard times! My name is Mariam Makar and I will be your 2020-2021 New York District Key Club Governor. Key Club has given me a second family and a love for serving others and I want to continue making Key Club grow and develop into higher and better things. My goals are to strengthen and promote NYDKC through Social Media Events andfind ways to show off our clubs, and bring more members to wantto join. I want to help clubs and divisions find different event ideas and show off our clubs and members and what was up too.I have met so many amazing, dedicated members this year that have shaped the way I view community service. I want to make sure that our members are our main priority. Let’s keep following our fourkey club core values, leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Let’s keep making Key Club great! You all have impacted our world in so many different ways. Let’s find ways to try and find ways to help benefit each other’s clubs. We all are a team, and can get through our challenges step by step. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have! I look forward to serving the district as amazing as possible and working with all of you amazing and dedicated members!

Yours in Caring & Service, Mariam Makar 2020-2021 District Governor

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Governor's Project Canines for Disabled Kids

Mission Statement: "Increasing independence for children with disabilities and their families by promoting service dog partnerships, understanding and awareness throughout the community.� CDK offers free services to families to helps connect children with the service dog that can best help them overcome restrictions caused by disabilities. The dogs help the kids increase their confidence.

International Projects Featuring: Thirst Project

Mission: "Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Waterborne diseases kill more children every year than HIV, Malaria, and violence combined. This is because children usually do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera and dysentery which puts them at much higher risk. This why Thirst Project hopes to supply clean water to areas in need. Right now they are currently working in India, Uganda, El Salvador, and Kenya.

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88% of disease rates can drop virtually overnight by providing free safe drinking water

District Endorsed Projects Featuring: Kamp Kiwanis Kamp Kiwanis is a New York District Endorsed Project. Kamp Kiwanis is a summer camp for special needs children and children with disabilities between the ages of 8-14 years old. Kamp is payed for through donations. This allows children the ability to go to a summer camp that is fun and affordable.

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District Goals Fundraising Goal: $120,000

Service Hour Goal: 90,000 hours

ICON 2020 The annual Key Club International Convention in San Francisco, CA has been unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic. ICON 2021 is still on and will take place in Orlando, Florida!

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Service Spotlights Harley Key Club Members of the Harley Key Club had been feeling a little sad that they haven't been able to participate in their typical service projects. So, some of their members decided to get to work. They pulled out their dusty old sewing machines and got sewing! Members used fabric, thread, and elastic to sew non-surgical face masks. It is so important that we all stay safe during this uncertain time. Wearing masks is an easy and quick way to help to stay safe. Everyone should be socially distancing, but in case you need to go to Wegmans or decide to go on a walk, these face masks are an easy way stay safe and healthy. Masks help prevent bacteria and germs from spreading. By sewing these masks, members feel thrilled to find a way to give back to the community that they love serving so much! Written by: Charlotte Allen

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Division 14 NACS delivers food to every student in the district each Monday. We asked members of Key Club and Builders Club to make signs and put them with the food collection bins at our homes as a way to thank the faculty and staff. We had quite a few students participate, photos were then sent in and have been uploaded to the schools’ Facebook page. Some students have continued to make new signs or used their existing ones for the past few weeks. Many other students in the district have begun making signs as well This week was Teacher Appreciation Week, and while we are not at school, we still wanted to show our appreciation. We supplied faculty and staff with drinks from our vending machine. Our advisor also asked each member of Key Club and Builders Club to send in pictures of them with their club shirts. Officers, seniors, and 8th graders made signs with one word on them. She then put all the photos together into a collage that read: “Thank you for all you do. We miss you! Key Club and Builders Club”. The collage was sent to every faculty and staff member and we received a ton of positive and thankful emails back! -Delaney Boulrice Northern Adirondack PresidentDivision 14

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May Divisional

This was D23's first divisional of the year and was held on Saturday, May 9th. It was hosted virtually on Zoom! We had 22 Key Clubbers attend and 5 clubs! Brighton, Penfield, Harley, Webster Thomas, and Victor clubs attended. That is 50% of the clubs in our division. I hope we can get even more attendance at the next one.The divisional was a great way to learn about the district and the division. If you attended make sure you share the information with your club!

What We Discussed: We started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Key Club Pledge, Introductions of the District Board, and LTG Introduction. We then moved on to new business where where we discussed paperwork (MRF, ERF, FRF), district projects (Project Hope, Shoes that Fit, Ronald McDonald Charities, and National Alliance to End Homelessness), Governor's Project (Canines for Disabled Kids), district goals, how to hold virtual elections, virtual service, ICON, and newsletter submissions. Page 9

Virtual LTC The Roaring 2020's

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, our annual Leadership Training Conference was cancelled. However, the IP District Board put together a wonderful website in hopes of recreating LTC for everyone. The website is: https://nydkc.org/virtual-ltc/ . I would also like to give special notice to all the clubs that won awards!

Automatic Entry Awards: Achieved Increased Membership Award: Brockport and Webster ThomasÂ

Perfect Paperwork : Brighton, Harley School, Victor, and Webster Thomas

Membership Retention: Canandaigua Academy

Early Bird Dues: Brighton Club Anniversaries: Canadaigua Academy (60th Anniversary)

Other Awards: Distinguished LTG: Tatiana Solodova Kiwanis Family Relations: Harley School (1st Place) Novice Club Award: Harley School

Upcoming Events

We have no upcoming events planned at this time due to the COVID19 Pandemic. However, this doesn't mean we have to stop serving! There are lots of virtual ways to serve and fundraise.

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Paperwork Chart

Note: If you filled out paperwork after May 9th at 11:40 AM, it is not noted on the paperwork tracker yet.

Monthly Report Form (MRF) This is filled about by secretary. It is due by the 10th of the following month. This is important so that the district can see how clubs are doing and where clubs are at as well as help keep track of how many hours we have served.

Fundraising Report Form (FRF) This is filled out by treasurer. Fill out a couple days after a fundraiser. Helps the district keep track of how much money we have raised for other organizations.

Election Report Form (ERF) This is filled out by president. It is to be filled out ASAP after your club holds elections. It asks for contact information for club officers. This is important so we can keep in touch with everyone.

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Contact Information LTG: Charlotte Allen - division23@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Yuan Shang - yuan.shang@nycirclek.org Kiwanis LTG: John Treahy - treahy646@rochester.rr.com Kiwanis LTG: Marie Schoenacker - marie0808@frontier.com KCR: Dr. Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org KCR: Andrea Doyle - andrea_doye@bcsd.org Governor: Mariam Makar - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Jason Xiong - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Winnie Huang - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Anthony Lim anthonylim.ea@nyrdc.org Internal Executive Assistant: Tatiana Solodova tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org Bulletin Editor: Rachel Joh - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Kristin Lew - webmaster@nydkc.org District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com

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Social Media International- @keyclubint and @kci1920 Sistrict- @thebestsistrict District- @nydkc Division- @nydkc23

International- @keyclub District- @nykeyclub

International- @keyclubintnl District- @nydkc

International- Key Club International District- NYDKC

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