Newsletter 2 June 2013

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June 2013 Volume 2 Issue 2

Division 5


In This Issue: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

A Message from your Lt. Governor PCM/ Social Invite for June 8th My Summer Goals for Division 5 All About Key Club Club Improvment Tips for June 2013 Monthly Checklist District Staff Contact Information K-Family after Graduation Spotlight Kiwanis Meeting Locations in Division 5 Updating Officer Contact Information ICON 2013 Monthly Reporting Information Staying Connected

Monthly Message from your Div. 5 Lt. Governor: Hope Carter

Hello Division 5! It’s me again :). Now that I have introduced myself in the last newsletter I will start giving a quick update here about what goes on in Key Club. First off, I want to let you know that Key Club is one of the best parts of my life and I am so blessed to be your Lt. Governor. I love helping you all in making your key clubs better! Additionally, if you have an event or meeting I would love to come so just let me know about it and I’ll be there. Besides helping your clubs I am a committee member on the Governor’s project in out T-O district. This year's governors project is to Stomp out bullying in Texas and Oklahoma and I am truly honored to be apart of this project. There will be more info. about this soon because I plan to make this my divisional project as well. So be aware of that upcoming info. Also, I know that everything won’t always be peachy so if you run into problems, want to talk about key club, or need anything at all I can be reached at any time at my phone (text/call 210-279-5444), email (, or through facebook (let me know if you are not on the division 5 Fb page). I am here for you all and I can’t wait to grow as a division and meet you all! Although this is a bit silly each month I will put some facts about me here so you all can get to know me. So here goes haha... -My favorite color is navy blue but lately I like burgundy a lot to. -I have an addiction to glitter, stickers, and sharpies. -My dog is my favorite animal.

1) Hold at least two interclub fundraisers to send Division 5 to DCON this upcoming April 2014. -I plan to complete this goal by the end of August and the fundraisers will either be garage sales or car washes that the clubs can work together on to raise the money. 2) Make sure that I have contacted every officer and collect the correct contact information from every officer. -I plan to do this by contacting officers on the weekends by means of communication that works for them and to emphasize the importance of checking emails. 3) Have at least one fun social between all the clubs in the division. -I plan to do this by contacting different venues and seeing which is best to have an awesome social with all the key clubbers in the division. 4) Attend a planning meeting with every club this summer so the school year runs smoothly. -I plan to carry this out by contacting each club and scheduling a meeting where plans will be made and officers will understand their responsibilities.

Key Club Acronyms

CKI- Circle K International (the K-Family service organization for college students) COCRF- Club Officer Certification Report Form (must be filled out 14 days after the election of new officers) DEC- Divisional Election Conference (to elect a new LTG) DCM- Divisional Council Meeting (like a PCM, except it is put on by and for Kiwanians) DCON- District Convention FTC- Fall Training Conference ICON- International Convention Interclub-when two or more clubs meet together for an event KCI- Key Club International (the K-Family service organization for high school students) KI- Kiwanis International (the K-Family service organization for adults) LTG- Lieutenant Governor MRF- Monthly Report Form

PCM- Presidential Council Meeting T-O- Texas-Oklahoma District UNICEF- One of KCI’s official service partners

Bored this summer? Visit your Kiwanis! -Our sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs have meetings just like key club does and it is important to try and go at least a couple of times so that you make a connection with the people who are here to help you. They love when you come so see my attached Kiwanis meeting days and try and go to a meeting. Also, if you are nervous to go by yourself I would love to come with you because I am familiar with them. Trouble with finding events during the year? Plan this summer!! -It is very important to meet with the officers in your club at least once or twice throughout the summer so that the school year runs smoothly and you know what direction your headed. You can hold a meeting at a local fast food restaurant or an officer’s house. Also, I would love to come to your planning meeting and help you plan your year!

What does my officer position do in a nutshell? -Prsident: delegate responsibilities and lead meetings -Vp: support president -Secretary: take minutes and send in monthly reports on the 5th of the month -Treasurer: keep track of dues and money -Editor: make a monthly newsletter and publisize your club -Class Rep.: Recruit members and communicate with your class about the happenings in key club Check out for more resources and information that can help you be successful!

 Check List for the Month Visit your Kiwanis Club Write an article for the Tex-O Key!

Update New Officer information on T-O District Website Plan your Summer Events

 They love when you visit! Check out their meeting dates and places below!  Every month our district editor posts Tex-O Key article assignments. Write an article and see if you get published!

 It is vital that your club updates their new officer information on the T-O Website as soon as the new officers are installed  Keep on giving! Plan service projects, meetings, and socials during the summer to keep members excited about Key Club!

T-O District Governor: Luke Broussard (325) 998 – 1384

T-O District Secreatry:

Usman Hyder (817) 715 - 5111

T-O District Treasurer:

Isaiah ValleQuinones (580) 458 - 1432

T-O District Editor:

Tashrima Hossain (713) 505 - 2252

T-O District Administrator & Region 11 Advisor: Walt Roetter (830) 733 – 0008

• Join the Key Club Alumni! • Find out if your college has a Circle K, the college version of Key Club and join! • Visit their website

Division 5 Spotlight! This month I atended a JECA Key club service event and the Clemens High School Key Club Banquet! It was so nice to get to know you more and hang out! -With the JECA Key Club I atended the Gathering of Angels dinner at Boysville where we served guests. It was an absoulutly amazing opportunity! -The Clemens award banquet was also tons of fun! We went as a club to Biff Buzby’s Burgers and celebrated the end of a successful year by recognizing members success and saying good-bye to Senior Key clubbers. Thank you Clemens for a wonderful night! f

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1) Go to this website… 2) Copy and past your school into the login and then plugin your provided password. If you have forgotten or did not receive a password, please contact Mr. Roetter ( immediately. 3) Procede to complete the officer information. Please let me know if you have any questions. It is crucial that this is completed. Thank You!

Thank you to… • JECA Key Club • Johnson HS Key Club • New Braunfels HS …for inputting your contact information!

What is ICON? ICON is Key Club International’s Convention where… • International business is conducted at the house of delegates • clubs are recgnized throughout Key Club International at the awards ceremony • International offficers are elected • key clubbers get to display their key club skills in several different contests • key clubbers have the time of their life and become enthusiastic about key club!

This years ICON is July 3-7, 2013. Registration is still open! Go to this website… If you can’t make it this year you can always come next year to ICON 2014! It will be in Anaheim, California. 



Download Key Club International Appď Š Available for iPhone and Android Users-

Finally, an app for the world's largest service organization for teens! Download the Key Club app and use it to increase the impact of your service, have fun with your club members and grow your club. * Invite friends to your club meeting with personalized invitations.

Join the Div. 5 Facebook Pageď Š Friend me on facebook or search T-O Key Club Division 5 and ask to join! I put tons of important information on this page so please join. Also, invite all your key club members to join!

Texas-Oklahoma Division 5 Key Club Bandera




Judson Early College Academy

New Braunfels

Samuel Clemens

Our Lady of the Hills

Center Point


Health Careers


May 2012 addition: Volume I, Issue 1

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