Hey 3C Key Clubbers! I hope everyone has had a great start to the school year. Although the year is going to be tough because of school work, extracurricular activities, or college applications(woo seniors!) and we might get overwhelmed having to juggle all that with Key Club, let’s not forget the importance of volunteering and enjoying ourselves along the way. I have faith in all of us! Yours in Service, Rosa Lee
In the month of September, there will be a DCM at Hermann Park from 2-4 PM. Please come out whether your are a club officer or member because I will be sharing important information with you and I want to meet you guys in person! Also, October is the month of the Region 12 RTC. It will be on the 13th at Cy Falls High School. I know it is a little while from now, but this is a big and special event that takes a lot of part on the LTG’ s so start marking your calendars NOW! I wish you all the best this month.
Reminders Contact Information: Please update the Officer Contact Information spreadsheet I have sent out in my divisional updates! Treasures, update the MUC on the District Website.
Monthly Reports: Don’t forget monthly reports are due the 5th of every month, unless it falls on a Sunday - then they are due the next day. � If you have not turned in past reports, still turn them in. They can be blank or have very minimal activity. We just want to see that you are active!
SECRETARIES! Join the District Secretary Remind : Text @tokcsec to 81010
Newsletters and Articles: Newsletters/ articles are also due on the 5th with the same exceptions. ● Send out 5 (not 10 anymore!) articles with at least 400 words and a picture for each article. ● **Email to the District editor, governor, treasurer, and secretary. ● **Please also cc me, Ms. Judy Pomorski, Ms. Megan Iselin, and Mr. George Crowl. **All contacts can be found on page 14-15
Dues: Mark your calendars!!! Early Bird - November 1st On time - December 1st
Sa 1
3 Labor Day
5 Monthly Reports due
15 DCON Forum Applications Due
DCM** 30
** September DCM: at Hermann Park from 2-4 PM Come by for food, icebreakers, and important information!!
Membership Drives What do strong clubs do? ● ● ●
Reach out to a lot of charitable organizations and thus have diverse volunteer opportunities. Have consistent meeting schedules, and they are informal with ice-breakers but orderly to ensure members are engaged. Officers volunteer at a lot of the service events offered so they can get to know members.
How do other clubs have successful membership drives? ●
● ●
Educate on what Key Club is and how it is bigger than just the member. Emphasize the organization’s reach through pamphlets, flyers, school newspapers, social media. Have teachers leave them on students’ desks. Hold a big social in school’s main commons or PAC with food and games about Key Club to promote the club and ensure those interested know who officers are. Make a “commercial” for the school news or YouTube during the summer or beginning of the year.
What can you do to increase membership? ● ● ● ●
Have a well updated and maintained social media. Keeps people engaged in what we do, especially if pictures are active, candid and aesthetic Go to speak to 8th graders and so they look forward to joining when they reach high school. Create incentives to draw in new members. Use items on Key Club shop like graduation cords, pins, etc. Have a rewards programs for recommending Key club to new people ( most recommendations: privileges for banquet sign up, up front seats at meetings, cheaper DCON price by having club pay part of their fee)
What to do if membership is decreasing? ●
Target freshman because they often have the most time for clubs and look for ways to integrate
themselves into the school/ pad those resumes Make the club activities more fun/ rebrand. People often leave or don’t join because of what they associate a club with. Make it more fun and welcoming and change your image in the school.
How to keep members active throughout the middle of the year (Retainment)? ● ● ●
Create incentives like awards for most hours, food parties for grades with the most hours, and grad cords for when all hours have been completed Encourage pride in being a Top 25 club and educate on what that means. It can get everyone working on that goal, not just officers and generate more participation. Find volunteer opportunities that appeal to the demographics of your clubs, like animal shelters, school carnival, DIY drives
K-Family Review
Here's a short reminder of our 6 K-family organizations:
K-Kids - For children in elementary school.
Builder's Club - For Middle School (this is your best feeder into your Key Clubs!)
Key Club - That’s us! Circle K - For college students (Fun fact: T-O was the first District of CKI)
Aktion Club - For people with special needs
Kiwanis - Our parent organization of adults
YOF Grant
The YOF Grant or the Youth Opportunities Fund is essentially a scholarship for clubs or individuals. Clubs apply to YOF if they have a future service project they would like funds for. You can request from $100-$2,000 in your application. However, if you are interested in applying, make sure you start early because the application can be long and tedious. It is due 11:59 pm EST on October 15th and you can always ask District Treasurer Addie Flores to help review your application.
HALO Movement
You can also apply for the HALO Movement which is a grant given by Nickelodeon! Similar to YOF, you can receive up to $2,500 for a future or current service project. The application is due April 30th.
Kiwanis Gives Online
Kiwanis Gives Online is powered by Access Development, a team-friendly crowdfunding platform just for Key Club. It specializes in helping your club achieve its fundraising goals through a convenient turnkey, online fundraising service. Kiwanis Gives Online not only creates and manages your entire campaign(s), but also provides a reward to anyone making a donation.
Contact Information T-O Website: http://tokeyclub.com/
T-O District Governor: Addi Duerksen Email: governor@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Treasurer: Addie Flores Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Secretary: Bunsri Patel Email: secretary@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Editor: Kyra Burke Email: editor@tokeyclub.com
T-O Convention Liaison: Nadia Rodriguez Email: cl@tokeyclub.com
T-O Tech Producer: Aina Sebastian Email: techassistant@tokeyclub.com
Division 3C Lieutenant Governor: Rosa Lee Email: rosayeon2484@gmail.com
Contact Information Region 12 Advisor: Judy Pomorski Email: judypomorski@yahoo.com
Region 12 Assistant Advisor: Megan Iselin Email: region12assistant@tokeyclub@gma il.com
Cy-Fair Kiwanian: George Crowl Email: george.h.crowl@gmail.com
Greater North Houston Kiwanian: Steve Peters Email: stephen.peters@amegybank.com petershome1@comcast.net
T-O Kiwanis Division 3 Lieutenant Governor: Louis Iselin Email: louis@iselin.law Houston Kiwanian : Banita Ramirez Email: banita@houstonkiwanis.org